• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    Legal Advice - Girl lies her age on Dating site, "father" threatens to press charges( I think it might be a scam)

    Legal Advice - Girl lies her age on Dating site, "father" threatens to press charges( I think it might be a scam)

    Girl lies her age on Dating site, "father" threatens to press charges( I think it might be a scam)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Hi this is a throwaway account. So I'm going to use A as the name for the girl. So I'm using Hinge and swiping on girls when I came upon A. I like one of her photos and we eventually match. I'm 21 and her account claims she's 18. We chat, me just being casually friendly. A says she was going to take a bath and if I wanted to have her number so we could keep texting. So I just say "sure why not". A becomes quite provocative and so I go along with it. She then begins to send me nude photos, so I give flirty texts but never send her any photos back in return. It was late and I decided to head to bed for work. I found it strange how quickly she was willing to send nude photos so soon of meeting someone. Next day, her "father" texts me with her number calling me a sick pedo and saying I was sexting with a 15 year old. I instantly delete all the photos she sent and because I had no clue wth just happened. I then decided to go look on her account on Hinge to go report that A is underage but she so happened to unmatch me on Hinge. So i thought to myself this all seems like a coincidence. I received another text from the "father" saying I have no regard for anyone's life including my own and says he'll soon press charges against me. Am I in big trouble or is this a big scam.

    submitted by /u/FunkBoi22
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    Just saw a black male get pulled over by the cops, put his hands up, then get thrown to the ground and punched in the face. Then the cops DROVE his car off after arresting him. [NC]. I don’t think any of what I just witnessed was remotely legal and I don’t know what to do.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Hanging out a friends house and heard sirens. Stick my head out the window to see what was going on.

    State trooper pulled into the street from the north side cutting a car off. A black male exited the vehicle with his arms over his head, the primary officer who cut him off stayed in his vehicle for approx 30 seconds until more state troopers arrived from the other side of the road.

    The primary officer and the first on scene rushed the suspect, threw him to the ground, then one of the officers straight up punched the suspect right in the face while he was laying down being handcuffed by the other officer.

    They pulled him up, and moved him to the first officer on the scenes vehicle, then 30ish minutes later an officer actually entered the suspects vehicle and drove off with it. The other state troopers followed.

    I don't think any of what I just witnessed was legal but I could be wrong.

    EDIT/UPDATE: First off, some of y'all are toxic people. The fact that the suspect was black is unfortunately pertinent because of the racism that we have seen in police brutality cases in America.

    Second, I would be posting this same shit if it was a white male. It's almost as if I'm asking because I saw something wrong happen, not because I'm involving race.

    Third, they were legit officers, and a whole bunch of them. The suspect was fleeing from arrest. I found his police arrest record this morning and you can visibly see the bruise where he was hit.

    Fourth and unless I get any better information, I contacted the NC ACLU and sent them my description of the situation and a screenshot of the suspects arrest record so they have his case number and information.

    EDIT2: I don't mean I have his arrest record. I sent a screenshot of the county's inmate roster with his picture and information and the charge he was arrested on.

    submitted by /u/poopchuteluke
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    I bought a house, and there's a coin collection in the wall

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Found it when tearing out a fixture to renovate. It's old pennies and silver dollars, maybe worth a few thousand dollars. Do I own it? Can previous owners (probably was put there by some folks a few owners back in the house's history) claim it?

    submitted by /u/catorcegatos
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    Gonna report my parents to CPS, what should I know

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    CPS final draft https://imgur.com/a/UZgomb1 ^ This document details some detailsd examples of times my dad has abused me and my brother and after 16 years of fear and denial I've finally mustered up the courage to call CPS

    I am 16 and live in Kapolei, Hawaii and because I'm in quarantine and I can't call anyone without my parents hearing, I asked a friend of mine to anonymously call CPS and ask if my situation was reportable and after she did she told me they said my situation is 100% reportable, that if I call 911 and explain it to them they'll take me and my brother, remove us from our parents custody, temporarily put us in the foster system, and look for a family member who can take us in and adopt us.

    I'm so relieved but also terrified, I'm woefully unprepared and don't know where any of my legal documents are other than my student ID, if they don't believe me and return me home me and my brother are fucked, and I'm terrified of the foster system and don't know what to expect feel being a foster kid, I've heard horror stories.

    I have an aunt who deals with special needs kids, has always wanted more than just one kid but can't conceive, and is pro LGBTQ which is super rare in my family so she seems perfect but there's no guarantee she'll take me in, I might end up with worse parents than my current ones.

    Is there anything I should know to make sure I don't seriously mess up and what should I expect from CPS/foster care? What legal documents should I bring and finally has anybody here experienced something similar? If anybody has an awnser to any of these questions a reply below would help out a ton.

    submitted by /u/Valentina_Sanchicha
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    My mom died.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    My mom died in January this year and my mom wrote in her will that all her belongings will go to her sister and that we would live with her sister (my aunt). My dad has just won custody of us and now he is trying to take all the belongings my mom gave to my aunt including the house. Can he really take all of that from my aunt? I don't think it's right if he does.

    submitted by /u/Luchie538
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    Apply for Canadian citizenship without letting my ex-Canadian father know? (Americans with 1 Canadian Parent)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Hey y'all. My brothers and I are Americans, born in 1990, 1992, and 1994. Our Mother is American and our father is a naturalized American, born in Canada to Canadian parents. Dad naturalized to the USA in 1991. While my father has "spiritually" renounced any ties to Canadaland, I don't believe any formal renunciation paperwork was ever filed. From what I was reading it looks like my brothers and I may have the legal right to Canadian Citizenship.

    Out of curiosity, I was looking at the applications, and the sticking point would be "proof of parent's citizenship". Our dad hates Canada, and to a lesser degree dislikes all three of his sons, so we can't just ask him for his Quebec Birth cert. (Born in Shawville, near Ottawa, in 1960)

    Is there any way we can obtain our citizenship without the direct help of our Canadian father? Recent instabilities in the USA are making us increasingly curious about having a "northern option". (also, growing up we spent a lot of time in the Ottawa area visiting family, so we do genuinely have an emotional connection to the country.)

    Edit: I already posted this to r/Legaladvicecanada , but since this main sub is more trafficked I wanted to post here for a second opinion.

    submitted by /u/suburiboy
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    If I write a book before my divorce is finalized, is my ex entitled to any of the profits? (Texas)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    I've been workshopping the idea for a book I want to write for the past few months but I've held off on beginning the writing process because I'm in the middle of an unpleasant divorce and I'm not sure what the legalities are. I know I won't be done writing before the divorce is finalized, but I'm concerned that if I start writing while we're still legally married, my ex will have some kind of claim of ownership in some way. Does this matter at all or has my ex made me so paranoid that I'm being really ridiculous here?

    Not sure if the subject matter of the book makes a difference but it would be a memoir, but I plan to change the names in the book and modify a couple of details slightly so it's not a direct autobiographical story.

    submitted by /u/disappointedindallas
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    My neighbors(renters) leave liter in my yard, scream obscenities at each other all day, let their kids(3,4,5) play in the road, and sell drugs out of their house.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Hello, most of the information is in the title, but I will expand on most of it.

    My neighbors have rented their home for 5 years now, I bought the house next door 3 years ago. They didn't seem this bad when I bought, so I didn't expect 90% of the shit I see on a day to day basis. To start off with the mom and dad(50,51) have three kids(16f, 17m, and 19f). Each of the kids have a child as well (3,4,5). The son constantly gets into fights with his mother screaming at each other and slamming doors. 30 minutes ago I heard the son scream "you are a drug selling c***, no one loves you" before getting in his car and speeding away.

    Beyond the screaming the do not pick up the trash in their yard which blows into mine and the man across the street, and recently I have been finding small broken chicken bones in my yard, which I believe is to kill my two dogs. They also have been using their condemned porch and shed.

    I am lost as I don't want to get police involved as I know in Ohio it is damn hard to remove tenants and I don't want me or my family in danger. What are my best options?

    submitted by /u/SirMemesAlot2019
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    Managers keep denying me breaks at my workplace for my 8.5hr shifts. What can I do without getting my manger in too much trouble?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I work for a large telecommunication company at one of their retail locations in California USA. People usually come in to upgrade phones, open accounts, trouble shoot their phones, bill questions, ect...

    This means that each customer is different and transaction times can vary from a few minutes to hour. This can be annoying when we get busy or are short staffed.

    When we get busy it becomes extremely easy to get side tracked and forget about taking breaks. It feels as if the managers takes advantage of this by not enforcing taking breaks, just lunches. Whenever it slows down I will usually ask if I can take the break I missed earlier. It usually goes like this:

    Me: "Hey boss can I take a break, I didn't take one earlier and it's almost lunch"

    Boss: "why didn't you take one earlier?"

    Me: "I was busy with customers and whenever I was free their was someone else on break"

    Boss: shrugs "oh well too bad, just take the lunch"

    Than this will usually happen again after lunch and I want to take my second break...

    Missing breaks is considered pretty normal in my workplace. Half of my coworkers are also annoyed by this and the other half don't care. Their reasoning for not caring is:

    "it's like we're taking a break when it's slow and we are just on our phones, so I don't mind"

    Our work crew is pretty small and all of us are in our 20s (including managers), so we all get along well and hang out outside of work.

    This makes it tough to complain about breaks as it will usually be brushed off by a friendly tease like, "cmon you took a lunch stop being a cry baby" or "dang aren't you a team player?" Or "everybody else had to miss break too!"

    I don't want to call HR as the managers and I are pretty close but at the same time I want to make sure I get my breaks.

    Before COVID this wasn't a big deal honestly. Though now I really appreciate these 15 min breaks we are supposed to have. They really give me a breather from dealing with grumpy customers.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/DaKungFuPanda
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    Posted negative review on yelp and google, receive threat from business.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    My friend a horrible review on yelp and google about a business. A few days later, she receives a call and the person threatened to bash in the window of her car if she doesn't remove the review. Help!!! She's scared because she has kids and will remove both review. What should I do? Report to the cops?? If I do this may negatively impact her but I don't like how this person runs his business. I'm sure he's done this before.

    submitted by /u/lyd141984
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    Unhappy and miserable need legal advice.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Ive been married for 16 years but never happy. I tried my best but he tells me for years that his biggest dream is to be alone without me and without our 3 children. I am studying to became a Registered nurse and I just graduated as a License Practical nurse. He is abusive, takes my material stuff, such as cell phone and hides it. He also trow in my face that the food that I eat he is the one buying it. Once he lost his job then I worked overtime to pay for all the bill and I did this for 2 year while he was searching a job that made him happy. He never did, I actually ended up apllying for a position for him and he got hired where he still works until today. He is electronic engineer and works as technician because he says is too hard to find a engineer position. I am tired of his negativity and abuse. I just don't know how to start. We have 3 kids together and he says he only will give me the divorce after I finish RN school because he wanted to make sure he doesn't have to give me any child support. He does pays the bill, but I help with health and dental insurance, I do some groceries and I buy stuff for th ekids and pay my own bills. I never ask him for money. I wet trough school with scholarships and grants. I work full time, clean, cook and I am an excellent mom. All he wants is to be in the basement smoking pot and watching creepy movies. How do I get out of this hole?

    submitted by /u/lferrei3
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    One of my old students (19F) just informed me she was molested by her cousin 15 years ago when she was 5. Memories were repressed until recently. She lives in Iowa, but this happened in Florida. Her cousin was 18 at the time. He is in prison on unrelated charges in Florida.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    She is afraid of him getting out and doing it again. He's scheduled to be released in 5 years for an unrelated crime. She opened up to some family members, and it turns out he raped one of her female cousins around the same time. Family didn't press charges because that's the kind of family she's from. No one is on her side.

    Her memory of the molestation was repressed and she recently had a trigger that brought it back.

    This girl is no longer my student (she graduated 2 years ago). My instinct was to tell her to go to the police and report it, but I told her I'd check here to see if there was something else she should do. Is justice for her an option this far removed from when it happened? Can she do anything about it from another state? (She's loved in Iowa for many years now and finished school here).

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/BlameItOnTheStray
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    One of my roomates keeps renting out rooms like candy in our rental house and we are on a month to month. HOW DO I GET OUT?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    We started out as just 3. A couple m/f and myself. We've been month to month for over a year now after our lease. In the last few months, one of my roomates has been constantly renting out rooms in our house to the point where there have been 4-5 different roomates staying with us since the beginning of the year.

    There are now 6 of us in the house and I want OUT!

    Can I just make an agreement with my roomates and just move out? Do I have to notify the property manager first? Do I have to wait until the first of the month to give notice? Also, we rent in California

    If anybody can help I would be incredibly grateful.

    submitted by /u/SickofROOM8s
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    Indian girl with an abusive father. Need help!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I don't know if it belongs here so please mods, help me before deleting this.

    I am living in prayagraj and my dad is a criminal lawyer and an alcoholic, a huge one. He has always been physically abusing me and my family since I was a little child. Now the physical abuse is less but he has now filed cases lf fake allegations on all of us. Even I, a 17 year old, is accused of attempting to kill him!

    He has stacked cases on my mom too. Mom n dad had a divorce but he moved in with his bottles and now magically all the divorce papers have vanished. He won't leave and tortures us all. He always throws stuff, shouts at us, beats and swears at us. He has a job and earns a lot and my mom had a tiffin service to support us 4.

    I googled a lot but I don't know which ngo will help me with this situation. I'm not that poor (or maybe I am) and I don't live in a village. My brain doesn't work well.

    I don't know what to do, I'm losing my mind, I cry every night. Please kind souls, help me.

    submitted by /u/ladywithaproblem
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    I Rear Ended a Car and the Person does not want to contact Insurance

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    I was driving too closely and suddenly braked, and unfortunately rear ended another car. The person and I drove to a parking lot and shared contact information and did not contact the police. Luckily, no one got seriously hurt although he did say his neck was sore. We've been texting for the last few days, getting to know each other, he even asked me to go out for coffee and forgave me for the accident. He dropped off his car to the mechanic and the damages are about a $1000. He wants me to pay him in cash, and I was ready to do so, but my parents said that we must go through insurance or he can sue me for later damages (ex. he can't go back to work, medical expenses, etc because of the accident). He is completely adamant on not going through with filing a claim. He texted me stating exactly 'You're making it more complicated than it needs to be', 'Your insurance payments will go up', 'That's not what you promised', 'We already made an agreement' etc. and have called me three times. I don't know why he wants to avoid insurance so much, but I realized I never asked for his insurance, so maybe he doesn't have coverage? (Although I'm 100% at fault) What are my options here? I just want to make things right and protect myself! Any help is greatly appreciated Redditors :)

    submitted by /u/geotgata
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    [CA-USA] question regarding meal period penalty for non-exempt healthcare worker in hospital

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    I posted this before, but the answers I got from my HR were contradictory to the answers here so I want to clarify.

    I am a healthcare worker in a hospital. I am scheduled for 12.5 hours. I agreed to waive my second meal period. I know I still am required to take my first meal. My question is about when that first meal must be taken to avoid the meal penalty.

    My manager is saying that since I signed the meal waiver for my second lunch, I don't get the meal penalty unless my lunch is taken after my 10th hour.

    [According to the labor code](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=LAB&sectionNum=512.), if you waive the 2nd lunch then you must take your 1st lunch and it is my understanding that your 1st lunch must be taken before the 5th hour.

    According to my HR "Employees working more than 10 hours, who have waived one of their two meals, should be provided the opportunity to begin their meal period, to the extent practical, within the first five hours of work or near the middle of the shift but within the first 10 hours of work."

    This policy seems to conflict with the law based on how I am reading it, but can anyone else clarify? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/audma
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    Neighbor keyed my car, spy cam caught it

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    I live in a condo complex in Michigan with assigned parking. The passenger side of my car has been getting scratches and dents lately. I didn't know if it was kids riding bikes or the neighbors denting it opening their car. I put a spy camera with audio pointed at their car and that side of the car. It recorded the neighbor opening the door hard but then it ALSO looks like she's keying my car intentionally. It catches her looking at my car and you can hear some kind of scratching noise in the audio. You can't see the actual keying because of the angle. I looked at my car tonight and there is definitely a big scratch that I haven't seen before (the biggest one yet) on the passenger side rear door. I am furious right now but trying to stay calm. I'm confused and asking myself why. I've never even spoken to these neighbors and have nothing against them. What legal actions can I take against them? Should I call the cops? Small claims? Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/TripTens
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    Being evicted in 36 hours, desperate for advice (Va)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Ok so i'm posting this on behalf of my mom, but i can answer any questions that would help you better understand the case against her. Back in March, due to loss of wages from coronavirus, my mom was unable to continue paying rent. She lives in an apartment by herself and is 60 years old. After a little bit of time in the month of march without paying, she was given a court date. Because the courts closed, they pushed the court date back to April. The same situation happened again, and it was pushed back again to an unknown date. Well, three days ago on Wednesday my mom woke up to a police officer at her door telling her she has 72 hours to vacate (because of the weekend, its not until monday at 12pm). Come to find out, they set her court date on july 20th. The problem with this is that she was never actually served any papers or notified even in the slightest of when her court date was, and after calling the norfolk sheriffs office they said that supposedly the landlord was supposed to serve the papers. How is this even legal if it is, and what can my mom do about not being evicted on Monday. Governor Northam passed a new law extending the stopping of evictions, but the sheriffs office is saying that for whatever reason because the eviction process was already started, they are unable to stop it. Is this even true? My mom and i are desperate for answers and could use any help possible, we are trying to get a lawyer but with this being the weekend and the eviction set for 12pm Monday, im scared shes just going to be thrown out. We are trying to plan for the worst but any legal help would be amazing, thank you for even reading this.

    submitted by /u/nihilismisthekey
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    I was misdiagnosed with 2 LIFE THREATENING illnesses by my OBGYN

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I (19f) in Houston Texas, went to the gyno for a pain i've had for a while and as were doing the exam he pulls out a Q-tip and tells me that I am I'm probably miscarrying because "he's seen that placental tissue before" and also pressed my lower abdomen and tells me that I have appendicitis.

    Im waiting for the receptionist to schedule my ultrasound and I hear him talking about the 19-year-old that had a miscarriage. Both are life-threatening medical emergencies but he decided to schedule me an appointment three days later for a ultrasound. I also get a text a couple hours later from CVS saying that I had anabiotic's that no one told me about.

    I was given the wrong address to the imaging place so I was late to my imaging appointment. I get to the right imaging place and they tell me he scheduled the wrong screening for me, refuse service and told me to go to the ER. I go to the ER and they told me that I don't have appendicitis and I'm not miscarrying I only had an ovarian cyst..... so for two days I was mourning the loss of a child that I didn't even have. I feel like if he really thought I was having a miscarriage or if i had appendicitis he shouldn't of said anything unless he was 100% certain.

    This has just been a very traumatizing experience because it's my first gyno visit and I suffer from really bad anxiety and depression so that whole time i was worried my appendix would explode and that i did something wrong that made me lose my child.

    Is there anything i can do about this besides find a new OBGYN ? (sorry about format, this is my first post)

    submitted by /u/BigPappiiShrimp
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    Mom's work place taking hours off her paycheck given to her when her employer got the PPP gov. assistance

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    (California) My mom's employer got the Paycheck Protection Loan and paid my mom 40hrs every pay period for a couple of months while she only worked 8hrs a week. Now they are paying her for the actual hours worked but are deducting some hours off her paucheck now for "hours owed" that they payed her because of the PPP untill those hours are payed off. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/atwintoitself
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    I wanna help my little brother

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Well, never thought i do this but here i go.

    Mom passed away. She had a son, he 16 now. He lives with his very alcoholic dad. When he drinks he is another person. And always gets physical. Long story short. My brother just call me. Doesnt wanna call the police on his dad cuz he knows he is sick. Not like he beat him up, but its not the ideal place for him. But my brother as adhd and other stuff. Its not like he can b declared an adult by the courts.

    Im in florida. How can i take costudy of my brother?? I look into adopting and it takes at least 2 yrs. And they require u to be making a certain amount of money. I dont have a lot, but my brother would b in a much better place. I also know that his dad would b more than happy to sign him over, but its not the type of person who would give any type of child support, even if declared by court. Its not fair for me to take him, having to cover everything, and he even gets the taxes for a dependant. At this point im looking to get him to jail, but my brother has gonne through so much that this would put one more scar on him. I dont want that. I want to protect him, no make it worst.

    Anybody with some good advise ??

    submitted by /u/Nica1986
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    Need help fixing a birth certificate

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    I have a bit of a complicated problem.

    Ok, so my Mom died when I was only 4.

    My Dad quickly remarried to an abusive, controlling woman.

    Sometime when my siblings and I were very young she legally adopted us.

    I vaguely remember being asked if this was what I wanted but I was 5 and scared of her.

    My Dad divorced her and we moved away. I never gave my adoption or her any thought.

    Then almost 30 years later, I was able to go on a cruise and needed a passport.

    I showed my birth certificate and I got a call that it was wrong. They asked me my Mom's name. I said her name.

    They told me that was wrong. That there was another name. So I said my ex-stepmother's name and they said that was correct.

    My question is how do I get my birth certificate fixed? She's not my Mom, we aren't related and she didn't give birth to me.

    Is there any way to fix it? I still have my other, correct birth certificate.

    submitted by /u/StapleEm43
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    Dealership is overcharging clients and cut employees pay without us knowing. I feel the amount of illegal business practices going on here could take months to get through...

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Hi All

    Thanks for any advice in advance!

    I hope you are well!

    I work for a dealership in Illinois. This dealer did take a PPE loan from the federal government. This dealer is seeming to be doing a lot of illegal things. However, the biggest ones are these two:

    Furlough and Pay Plan Changed:

    I am in sales at the dealership I work for. We sell new and used cars. When COVID popped up, we were all furloughed. At furlough, they erased all our time off, and did not pay us the paid time off they took away. A month later they called us sales people and asked us to come back the following week. When we returned everything seemed the same, however, when we started making sales, we were informed we were no longer commission and we were now salary. This salary was less than what we were making before, and about equivalent to the un-employment we were receiving from the state. So they held off telling us as they assumed most of us would not risk COVID for the same pay we were getting on unemployment. Then to earn more, we had to volunteer our time at food banks (once a worksheet they gave us to proof we volunteered was signed off on, we earned a $250 bonus.) We had to get client reviews to earn another bonus, and a few other un-orthodox ways for us to get paid. Those bonuses I mentioned just now, changed every week. Sometimes we did not know what the next weeks bonus pay would be based off until the Wednesday of that pay period (paid weekly). This left us a half of a week to earn that extra money. I feel we should have had a lot better communication of what we needed to do to earn a bonus that week much sooner. This went on for a couple months, and during this time, our pay was being messed up quite a bit.

    Then, this week, they rolled out a new pay plan. This one is here to stay they tell us, and we are now paid bi-weekly. The pay plan requires us to do 2x the amount we have ever done before to get paid 70% of what we used to get paid. We have to earn 30 points in the first two weeks of every month to get a $2000 dollar bonus on top of the $1200 weekly salary. The second to weeks are the same, so 60 points total for a month, when our best selling sales guys are lucky to sell 30-35 cars in a month. To earn 30 points, a car is worth a single point, a warranty is another single point. A review is a point, and there are a couple more ways we can earn a point. However, the point of the story is, I was their top performer until this rolled out, and I never even came close to hitting the goals they have set for us, even when times were good.

    Another concern of mine, is now, if we take a vacation, or get sick, we practically forfeit a good salary that month, as catching up would be very, very hard. We also ran out of cars at the same time we got handed this new pay plan. Due to COVID, we are down to 10-15 new cars in stock. So I have nothing to sell to earn points for a bonus, where before, if we were on commission, I could make a few sales, and have a few warranties, and that was enough to pay me about the same as hitting 30 points for 2 weeks.

    Fast forward to today, I check my bank account to find I never got any bonus for July. I am not alone either. I hit a $1500 dollar bonus and I am still waiting on that, also, a few of my co-workers are in the same position. We all feel they are trying to not pay us, and are hoping we dont catch these short comings regarding pay. They require us to track every sale we make, and fill out a pay request sheet based off what we sold, however, they never give us a report of what they feel we earned, so changes are made and we only find out once we are paid/not paid whether they agreed with the points I put on the pay request sheet they require us to fill out. Usually employers would do our pay for the salesman, and send out a report telling me what I earned, I dont feel the salesperson should be responsible for figuring out what we should get paid. I also feel I remember that if an employer took the PPE loan, that they needed to pay their employees similar to what they made in the past. I can show you I am almost 10k shy of where I was last year at this time. I am at $39k YTD when last year I was at $50K YTD.

    Overcharging Clients:

    I have been in the car industry 10 years now, working for the dealership we are talking about for the past 3 years. When I moved here, I noticed a $1300 fee amongst the closing costs, I had never seen at other dealers I had worked for. Management told us to tell clients it was a dealership fee / Wheel locks and door edge guards / Preperation fee / Advertising fee...what ever works. If the client never asks, we would just add the $1300 to the sale price of the car on one sheet and one sheet only and that is the buyers order, and we just add it to the top line, the sales price of the car. However, if you look at any of the documents before the buyers order, it is separated and listed among taxes and closing costs. Is this illegal? I feel I should not be asking my clients for this. I know this dealer did get in trouble for it once in the past, as the BBB got involved. What seemed to have happened, is the dealer changed the amount extra they were charging after the heat from the BBB died down. They also changed the name of the fee so that it might not be as easily spotted.

    What should I do besides find a new place to work?

    submitted by /u/WTFisHappening776
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