• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Legal Advice - (IL) My son committed suicide. Who covers cleanup?

    Legal Advice - (IL) My son committed suicide. Who covers cleanup?

    (IL) My son committed suicide. Who covers cleanup?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    It's been a rough year. I was laid off due to coronavirus and can't find a job. Last week my only child committed suicide inside a forest preserve. In addition to funeral costs, I was informed by the city that I will be responsible for body cleanup costs. I have homeowners insurance but no health insurance. He didn't go in a rough way. He just stopped breathing. I don't know if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/Acrobatic-Fun2782
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    How do I get my burden of a sister (20) out of my mother's house?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    My 20 year old younger sister really proved that she is a disappointment. She refuses to get a job or go back to school. She lays in the house all day doing absolutely nothing except sleep, eat and stay on her phone. She expects our mother to clean up after her. When our mom asks her to do the simplest chore, she goes into screaming and yelling. Cursing out our mom, locking herself in our mom's room, calling her friends and making herself into the victim.

    Recently both my mother and I were cleaning the apartment. My sister was layed up in our mother's bed with the AC on full blast just chilling on her phone. When my mom asked her to clean the bathroom she goes "why don't you tell OP to clean it". When I let her know that she needs to get off her ass and respect her mother, she goes off on me, slams the door shut then calls her friends to cry about how much we bully her. She'll leave piles of dirty dishes in the sink and will refuse to wash them until they attract roaches. She leaves/throws food wrappings behind beds, the TV on the floor, everywhere. She is the reason why we have rats and roaches. When she's putting on makeup she'll rub the excess mascara from her eyes onto the bathroom walls and all over the sink. She has a pile of filthy wet clothes just sitting on the bathroom floor that she refuses to take care of. She stays up in the middle of the night having the loudest most ignorant conversations which consist of laughing and cursing. When we ask her to quite down she screams to who ever is on the phone "OMG ARE YOU HEARING THIS?!?! I TOLD YOU THEY HATE ME, I CAN'T EVEN TALK TO Y'ALL WITHOUT THEM HATING ON ME... I KNOW RIGHT THEY'RE SO TOXIC!!!". She is extremely belligerent. She thinks that screaming the loudest and talking the fastest means you've won an argument. She even make fun of our mother accent. We are Nigerian and English is my mother's second language and she has a thick accent. The fool will actually make fun of the way our mom pronounces things, going as far as to make fun of our mother for being a home health aid.

    I am at my limit. This has been going on for years. She has physically fought our mother and I numerous times. Wished death on both of us, reduced our mother to tears and so much more. The police have done nothing. They say that we have to go through the courts if we what her removed from the apartment. Mind you she has never paid a bill and still except our mother to pay her cell phone bills. She runs the AC in my moms room on full blast all day, the current electric bill is $140. Due to Covid everything is at a stand still. The family courts encourage people not to come into the offices, and to just call, but know ever picks up those calls.

    I really need some advice. My mom cries everyday because my sister is a nightmare. We've already tried consulting, she just says the usual "my family hates me" thing. The best solution is that she is removed from our mom apartment. We live in NYC. Does anyone have any legal advice on how to remove her?

    EDIT: Thank you everyone for all the advice. I'm taking time to read through them with my mom. I'll update when we've found the best solution. PLEASE CONTINUE TO SEND ADVICE. ALL IS NEEDED AND APPRECIATED.

    submitted by /u/trictster
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    Neighbor was neglecting cat, gave my wife the cats paperwork, and now wants the cat back after 1 month (AR, US)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Lots of backstory and issues with this neighbor but relevant piece is surrounding a cat. We're in Arkansas, US.

    Our neighbors got 2 cats about 10 months ago and put them both outside around January. We have 3 cats (inside only) and when this cat (kitten, really, just a year old now) showed up outside in our backyard, we knew it was theirs and texted to make sure they weren't looking for it. Over the course of the next 6 months she ( the cat) would come over and hang out on our back porch with is and we'd feed it every now and then.

    About middle of May, we noticed she was having tick problems, texted the owners and told them. They told us they would provide her treatment, and based on paperwork, they did not. Approximately one month later, the cat showed up sick (snot/sneezing/coughing/trouble breathing). We let this continue for about 5 days and then messaged the owners to have her taken to the vet. They stated they would do so. The morning of July 2nd, the cat came over as soon as we came outside with our morning coffee. She was clearly in respiratory distress, would not eat/drink, and was visibly smaller (skin around bones). My wife took the cat to the neighbors house and asked them to take her to the vet. The neighbor said they were just going to have her put down and asked my wife if she wanted her. My wife said yes and the neighbor provided my wife with all the paperwork for the cat, including adoption paperwork.

    We took the cat to our vet immediately and the vet was able to treat the illness (worms/respiratory inflection/malnourishment) and stated in no way was the cat to a point of needing to be put down. We have had the cat inside our home since July 2nd of this year, she is no longer ill and plays with our other cats.

    Yesterday, August 8th, a little girl came to our door asking for her cat back. We have video but no audio (stupid me had mike off, have since turned on). My wife told the little girl she needed to have her parents come talk to us and sent her in her way.

    We are now worried that we'll lose the cat or have fallen in to some sort of legal trouble. The adoption agency was up front with them (per paperwork) that the cat was indoor only and had an illness that would require above normal care for a cat (she has Feline Herpes although the neighbors state she has Cat Coronovirus), so they knew what they got and violated their agreement with the adoption agency, as well.

    What, if anything, do we need to do to insure we are able to keep the cat (she is a great indoor kitten and has attached to me as her person) and they cannot bother us. We do not have a good relationship with this neighbor, and honestly no desire to have one.

    Edit: they adopted two cats, by the time the cat in question got sick, they had already put the other cat down due illness and their stated inability to pay to resolve her illness.

    Tl;Dr: neighbor neglected cat and violated adoption agreement. We have the cat now (after vet treatment and recovery) but they asking for it back.

    submitted by /u/Logistics4you
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    My neighbor is building a permanent gazebo like structure overhanging the property line of two homes including my own

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    The individuals building it won't show us a contractors license or a permit for the structure. It is about 12 feet tall located about a foot from the top of a hill with loose dirt and in a high wind area. Are they allowed to build this structure if not what can I do to stop them?

    Location is California, US

    submitted by /u/walkerspider
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    [PA] Tenant is DESTROYING my house, what can I do to get them out emergently??

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is a bit incoherent, I am just distraught. Location is Pennsylvania, United states.

    Tenets were signed on shortly before the start of the covid pandemic, paid only a couple months of rent after the initial deposit and then stopped paying. This roughly coincided with the start of the eviction restrictions, so there was not much we could do at the time except wait it out.

    On Friday, a friend of mine messaged me to report that they drive by my old place and one of the windows was broken. No attempts at reaching the tenants either by phone or in person could be made, so I escalated the matter to the police, and they told me to file for eviction, gave me a number to call the county office but as this was late in the day they're closed until monday with a message saying they have limited staff and hours.

    The situation has now escalated severely over the weekend. The police have been out there 6 times but all they do it tell me this is a civil matter, they document the damage but cant get in touch with the tenants so just leave. Every time I or the police are there, there is no sign of anyone at the property, but every time I drive by there is more damage. The damage is very severe. By Saturday night, they had broken every exterior window in my house. Today they have spent the day gouging up the wood on the porch and have begun to pull off peices of the siding and downspouts.

    There is no visibility into the windows as there are things put up against them on every side, so I can only fear what the inside now looks like. The police have been called each time to document new damage, but the report is the same each time, that I need to get an eviction order before they can do anything, and i have to wait until monday, and then 30 days. This I do not understand. How can a rental agreement give these people the legal right to destroy my property that belongs to me?? how can this not be a crime?? I would never have rented out my house if I had known it would not be a crime to completely destroy it

    I was informed shortly ago that I can enter with 24 hours notice, so have sent a friend to physically post and photograph this notice, so I should be able to (legally) enter I think early in the day on Tuesday but this may be to late and I dont think I will be able to as deadbolts have been installed in both doors (damaging both doors), that are not mine and I do not have keys. Even if I can get in, is there any thing this would do to help me? I have posted the notice as to expediate the process if I need it, but I dont know how I will get in or what I could try to do other than document more damage (and am assuming/hoping police can accompany me in this, as I do not know if it would be safe to enter alone?)

    I do not know what to do. By the time the eviction passes i fear there may be no house left to evict them from. I am going to lose my entire investment, I was depending on being able to move back to my home next year, but soon i will have nothing.

    What are my legal options? do i have any??

    EDIT: Thanks for all of the advice so far. I need to get to bed as it has been a long day and it seems i have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I will try to answer any comments when i am able, likely tomorrow morning or afternoon. Consensus so far does seem to be that i am SOL

    EDIT 2: Maybe this is a misconception of mine, but can anyone explain why it is wrong, why is it that destruction of property like this is not actually a crime? If I went into someone's house or a business and started smashing windows, I would be arrested and taken to jail for destroying property.. The tenants dont legally own the property, right, I am still the legal owner, they just have a not easily revokable right to live there, correct? So then why is it not a crime for them to be destroying my property, and what actually shields them from being arrested and taken to jail for this?

    submitted by /u/Extra-Signature2826
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    [IA] Neighboring house was purchased and partitioned into a rental with 7 units. Zoning restricts residential buildings in the area to a maximum of 2 dwellings.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    The house next to mine was purchased by a family with the intent to renovate and rent the house. We assumed initially that it was going to be rented to a family, but we learned recently that there are 7 rooms for rent and there will be 8 adults living in the one house.

    What can we do to reduce the number of people living in that house?

    submitted by /u/Valjean_The_Dark_One
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    Neighbors have put up a trail cam looking directly into my back yard. (Ohio)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Short backstory first- We live in a suburb of Columbus, OH. Our backyard is surrounded by a chainlink fence that is partially shared with neighbors behind us. Last week, my wife was spraying our yard to kill off some poison ivy. Neighbors had their dog in their yard, so my wife was not spraying the shared portion of the fence. As my wife was walking over to let neighbors know that she was going to spray the fence and that they should keep their dog away from that section, neighbor's wife started screaming about us trying to kill her dog and that if anything happened, they would sue us. After she stopped yelling, my wife was not so kind in telling them that we were going to spray the fence line because we don't our 7 year old daughter or any of her friends getting poison ivy while playing in our yard. I went out to mow today and as I was picking up sticks, I noticed that neighbors have now set up a trail cam pointing directly into our yard. Do I have any recourse to force them to take it down? I really don't want my daughter and her friends being recorded by these psychos.

    Edit to add a photo of the camera and how it's obviously just meant to look into our yard

    submitted by /u/AlmostCalvinKlein
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    The state has subpoenaed me as a witness, and I'm going to be subpoenaed again for another trial. Im now homeless waiting to be paid my unemployment. I'm going to need to leave the state and live with family. What can I do or what will happen if I cant attend court?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I think an out-of-state girl had my child, how do I get a paternity test?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I'll try to be brief: I lived in Las Vegas with a girl for a month (10/27/19 - 11/20/19) and we did not use condoms or pull out. We had a severe falling out that led to move moving back to Nebraska. Our last conversation was around January where i was fighting with her over her refusal to take a pregnancy test. Skip ahead, and I recently discovered she had a baby on July 18th of this year, so exactly 9 months after we were living together.

    She is not the most mature person and refuses to tell me if it's mine or not, and even if she said it isn't, the dates line up to perfectly for me to take her word for it.

    I would like to seek a paternity test but I don't know what's required as I am out of state and don't exactly have expendable financial resources.

    If it's relevant, I would honnestly be pretty happy if he is my child and would want to be as helpful and involved as possible so I'm not trying to disprove my paternity. If she doesn't want me involved I want to know what my legal options are, and at the very least be prepared for how this could potentially affect my future.

    submitted by /u/TMO5565
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    Can the police hold my phone until I give them access to it? They do not have a warrant.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    This happened in Pennsylvania. It's kind of a long story as to how they got it, but tldr is I blacked out and woke up in a hospital with my phone missing, and they found it before I could. I am a minor, so the police are telling this stuff to my family, not me. According to my dad and grandmother the police will not give me my phone back until I give them my passcode. Is this legal? Or are they making this up?

    EDIT: the police did not take my phone while I was blacked out. I lost it while I was out and they found it a week later.

    submitted by /u/xBlaze121
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    I received a write up for a shortage in my till at work, but I'm not able to count my drawer at the beginning and end of my shift. Is this legal?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Without being too revealing, I work at a corporate store in Michigan. My store manager explained that my opening manager counts my drawer and establishes the beginning balance. My closing manager then finds the ending balance at the end of the night. If any money is missing, I get the write up. My till was $19.96 short on Thursday. So, $20 short + 4 pennies. I explained there might be a chance the money got sucked up inside the register, because I set it on the till after receiving it while still dealing with the customer. I count money back 2 times when adding and removing money from my till. I count change back. I have had a till at work for YEARS with very few issues. Now, I start this new job a month ago, and never have I ever not been able to count my own till before.

    Is this legal?? I feel like I'm being sabotaged and I have no way to double check my own till, yet I'm still being held responsible/accountable. Maybe it was just an accident.... but.... help??

    submitted by /u/msmystry
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    RI - money found in new house

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    I purchased a home a few months ago in Rhode Island. The house is about 70 years old and has had 4 owners before us. Doing renovations, I found a few envelopes filled with a significant amount of cash (over $8000). Two were hidden in the ceiling of the basement, and another was hidden in an air conditioning vent. One envelope has a date on it, so I know for sure it was the previous owners. But the other envelopes had no date, writing, etc.

    I would assume all the envelopes are from the previous owner given the discreet locations, but I have no way to know for sure. My wife and I decided we would keep the cash safe for a year or so to see if anyone claims it. I don't want to contact the previous owner - he might try to claim all the cash even if only some of it is his.

    Does the seller relinquish all personal property in the sale? Do we have any legal obligation to validate the source of the cash and give it back?

    submitted by /u/Hernamewasbrabra
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    [New York] my cousin (adult female) keeps leaving her child [2 yrs] at home without talking to me?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    I am a 25 year old male. My cousin has had a habit of leaving her 2 year old child at home without talking to me. I only find out once I encounter the child and the child tells me that their mom says I'm taking care of them that day. Is there any law in place that could prevent this situation? I have thought of calling CPS on her but it's very complicated because she is family. Do I have any protection if something happens to the child before I know he's home alone? I am not a bad person, so I don't want to just leave the child alone. But I don't know how to stop her from doing this.

    Edit: yes I am living with family (aunt and uncle, siblings, and the uncles daughter, my cousin, is the one who keeps leaving her child unattended)

    submitted by /u/NYLookingForHelp
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    A college I never attended sent a collection letter for $2000

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    A college I never attended sent a collection letter for $2000

    I am not sure what to do. I got an letter showing a list of classes I supposedly signed up for and they are charging me for it. They informed me in the letter they might assign it to a collection agency if not paid for by the end of the quarter.

    Here is what I think. Around a month ago I was looking for jobs on Indeed. I can across this apprenticeship program name AJAC. I applied thinking it may be something for me. Apparently they go through this college and they applied these classes at the college for me. After the first Zoom meeting, I decided it wasn't for me and I sent the person whom I contacted for the application, the instructor, and another person working at the school that I am dropping out. I do not have the money to pay for this. I am scared and do not know what to do. I have records of all the emails but that is it. Please help me.

    Edit: I am in Seattle, Washington

    submitted by /u/Jasonwj322a
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    My girlfriend's Uncle's house got broken into twice. Both times police were called and both times the police did nothing.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Tldr at the bottom

    My girlfriend's uncle's house was broken into. Before they broke in the first time they disconnected his power to turn of the cameras on his property. The people who came stole a few things such as a sewing machine and towels. It looked like they were going to take computers but saw his safe and took the whole thing. They also seemed to have raided the medicine cabinets.When he got to his house he called the police, and they took his statement but didn't do anything.

    A week or so later his house gets broken into again and this time they took all his computers (about 3-4) and a small trailer attachment that was outside. He called the police again and they took his statement, but again haven't followed up.

    He lives in Ontario, Canada in a rural area and the police in his city area seem to not be that interested in this case. My girlfriend is annoyed that her family seems to not want to do anything because they're afraid that if they push too hard they could get retaliation from the police in the area as her family is Black and feel like they're last on the totem pole. This is fueled by the fact that her uncle seems to have bumped heads with a former cop in that area who her family believes may be involved somehow.

    I'm seeking advice as to what my girlfriend's uncle can legally do to protect himself and get somewhere with the police so that they can actually investigate the break in and theft. Her family no longer feels safe there and the uncle is letting someone rent the house.

    tl;dr: Girlfriend's uncle's house was broken into twice, both times things were stolen and cops were called and both time the police did nothing. Looking for advice on what my girlfriend's uncle can legally do to get the police to investigate.

    submitted by /u/wopperchop
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    HOA wants me to move my fence, but I have county permits

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    I live in the central Florida area and I received a letter from my HOA recently stating that my fence reaches beyond the scope of my property. I bought the house 3 years ago but the fence was installed back in 2011. The fence passed inspection like everything else when purchasing and after reaching out to the contractor who originally installed it, he had to get county permits to install it. The HOA is threatening to fine over 15k.

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/yax-11
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    Police officers responding to my 911 call refused to take my statement and tried to but me in the hospital for mental health crisis.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Last night I was threatened by an older man who told his wife to grab his gun he was going to shoot me. I hid in a store while waiting for the police on the phone with dispatch and when they showed up they neither asked my name or for a statement. Instead one office asked me if I had any mental health issues while the other went outside to talk to the man that threatened me. I asked why that was relevant to being threatened by someone and he kept asking if I needed mental health help. I kept trying to talk to him about the man who threatened me, he was not interested. When his partner came back on a minute later he told me there was no gun I was lying and I needed to leave. I refused saying I did not feel safe and wanted to make a statement. The second police officer then started getting irrate. I reiterated I wouldn't leave till I felt safe and given a statement unless I was arrested. The officer said, fine let's do that. I said you can't arrest me without reason, what's the charge. He said I was trespassing in the store and approached the cashier and started yelling asking the cashier if he wanted me gone, if I was trespassing. the cashier refused to say I was trespassing. I waited a few more minutes to feel safe and left on my own and got the police officers names and badge numbers, but apparently my town does not actually have badge numbers. Afterwards I filed a compliant with the police department, but it was an "adminstrative compliant" only. They still wouldn't take a statement on the original issue of being threatened with a gun. I am planning on contacting a lawyer about everything. But does anyone know if the police are actually required to take a statement? Do I have any real recourse here, as I was threatened then treated like a crazy person for no reason. This happened in Fall River, MA.

    **Update I have footage from the parking lot showing the man pull his car right up to mine and then almost hitting me while I tried walking across the parking lot to get into the store. And it shows him pull his car over the line of two different parking spots to put his car directly in front of me. But when I tried to make a statement at the police station this morning, they said they reviewed the footage and said I was the one who approached his vehicle. The footage CLEARLY shows the man pulling up on me multiple times. I only ever approached his vehicle was when I was attempting to get his license plate and when I passed his vehicle to advise another person the man threatened to pull a weapon on me.

    submitted by /u/Scifynerd
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    May have been a Victim of a Auto Repair Shop Scam. - Need Advice

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:01 PM PDT


    I was involved in an accident very recently. As I was taking photos of the accident, a gentleman in a AAA truck stopped, checked out cars and told us that we should move the car off of the freeway. He told me that he works with BMW, and that BMW Roadside provides free towing for this scenario. I currently am covered under BMW Roadside, and seeing that he was from AAA, I thought that maybe BMW in the area was contracted with AAA. My adrenaline was through the roof at this time.

    We exited the freeway, and as soon as we exited, he inspected out cars and advised us against driving and said that the tow trucks were on their way to take out cars to a shop. They take my car to the shop, and a representative comes out and said Hi my name is ____, I work with ___ bmw dealership. I was super shaken by the accident still, and I knew that many BMW dealerships in the area actually partner with collision centers in the area. He said everything will be ok, tells me to call insurance and says we'll leave the car here and that they would get an estimate next week after we deal with insurance. They have yet to do anything to my car at this point. Before I leave, he says that no work will be done till next week and that they will let me know what's wrong with my car next week, hands me a contract to sign, so I sign it (Stupid I know, but I had just been in an accident 40 mins prior)

    I go home, and after calming down for a while, I call BMW Roadside and explained the situation. They tell me they are not connected with AAA in any way, and they always tow cars to a BMW collision center. They offered to tow my car out of the shop and to a legitimate collision center. I call up another representative and am informed that the auto body shop does not work with the bmw dealership, rather, they only purchase parts from them.

    I got super worried, and I go look at the contract I signed. On the contract it says towing was 600$, storage was 200 a day and a 500$ authorization to tear down, along with other expenses totaling almost 2000$. I never called them to tow me (they showed up said they were from bmw) , and they have yet to tear down/inspect my vehicle

    I am going in tomorrow to ask them to not touch my vehicle and to give it back, but I have no idea what to expect and what to do. Is this something i can get the police involved with? What if they refuse to give my vehicle until I pay them for towing (600$) for maybe 2 miles and storage fees of 200$ a day. What kind of attorney should i seek out? All I want is to have my car back.

    submitted by /u/pleasegivemeschoolll
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    My college has announced that students may not be given housing refunds in the event of us being sent home due to COVID.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    (US - Illinois) According to a COVID health worker that I know, she's estimating that the school will only last around 2 weeks to a month until we're sent home. In that case, we would be paying for a full semester of housing for just a month's worth of actually living there. For my specific dorm, it's approximately $6,000.

    Is the school allowed to do this or are students legally subject to a refund?

    Edit: According to the housing contract, it states:

    "Should (my school) need to close its campus or otherwise assign, reassign and/or consolidate accommodations due to an emergency (related to emergency, act of God, force majeure, pandemic or epidemic disease, or other exigency), refund of housing and/or meal plan will be made at the sole discretion of the College."

    submitted by /u/Under_TheBed
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    I believe my father may have dementia...

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Hey there. I need advice on what to do my dad is in his late 70s and he's exhibiting signs of dementia. He's very forgetful and VERY aggressive. My family has a history of dementia but he will not go to the doctor. What can I do? Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/unidentifiedfemale27
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    My friend is forcing her oldest son [M11] to babysit his two younger brothers [M4 and M2] for over 12 hours overnight for 5 days a week. How can I interfere?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Would it count as child abuse? and to a certain extent, would it allow her ex-husband to get the kids back if she continued doing this? She says the son is "very mature for his age" so he can handle it. The hours of when he babysits his two younger brothers are around 5:30 PM to 5:30 AM at earliest, although my friend comes home around 7:00 AM

    (change flair if needed)

    My friend and I live in US Oregon (Portland if that matters). I recently learned that she fired her babysitter around April when we were talking about kids, so I asked who's taking care of them now. She told me that her oldest son [M11] was taking care of them, and I immediately was shocked

    I don't think it's appropriate for her son to babysit, and their father can't do much since my friend works 5 days a week, and they're divorced. She works 60-70 hours per week, although she's taking this current Wednesday off so that her son can rest since he "won't stop complaining about the babysitting". This has been happening for 4 months of her oldest son babysitting. (April to August and hopefully not onward)

    She get's her car ride home from a co-worker, which is for the time period during after she gets off, but where she isn't home yet. She told him to not tell his father, and how this is suppose to be a secret since she knows that she'll get in trouble. She also has a record of calling her oldest son "stupid" and "dumb", and previously hitting them. Although she has said that she's gotten better at not hitting them. (Slapping them on the legs, arms, top of the head, and punching the legs and arms out of anger)

    I ask you guys this so that she'll stop forcing her older son babysitting and maybe win over custody since the divorce is still in process, I don't know if this piece of information helps but: All three of the children moved in with her during January a bit before her oldest son's birthday. [Jan 29]

    submitted by /u/TA-forlegaldvice098
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    legal landscape when neighbor activity impacting my housing

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    if a neighbor contracts work that impacts my ability to reside in my home. who is responsible for the loss? for example if the need to turn off a utility for the time it takes to do work, 2 days or even 2 weeks if something goes wrong, would they have to get my agreement or at least reimburse me? or can they just provide legal notice in advance that its happening and i need to make arrangements?

    location pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/dafukusayin
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    My VERY recent ex-boss is holding my property hostage and not responding to my texts while simultaneously posting selfies on facebook.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:26 PM PDT


    I quit my job (over the phone, at my house), but left some expensive materials at my place of work. My boss told me to text him on the morning after I quit so he could let me know when to come in to get my stuff.

    I texted him, called him multiple times across multiple social media platforms and his actual phone number, all to the same response: silence.

    Now, this wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't plastering his same social media walls that I am contacting him from, with selfies and information about his shop, on the same day he TOLD ME to text him, in the same hour that I am texting him.

    I called my coworker later that day to see what was going on, but was left with him covering for my boss and returning vague answers or dismissing calls.

    Texted him again saying that I just wanted my stuff before I went to sleep, and woke up today to still no answer, but a plethora of new social media posts.

    After seeing those, I called him again multiple times thru facebook messenger and his phone. no response.

    I texted his girlfriend asking if she had heard from my boss recently, trying not to air it all out, but when she asked me what happened and why I was looking, I told her that I just wanted my stuff and that everyone from work was ignoring me.

    She replied, and I quote, "The last he told me was that he wasn't going to give you any thing and that he wanted you to come up there to talk", followed by "If you do go up there, don't go alone".

    My BF isn't here at the moment or I would, but that honestly sounds fucking ominous and I'm kind of ??? scared? Went to work all by myself for 6 months, suddenly I need someone? To what? Watch my back?

    So. Here I am, ~72 hours after I quit. Please help me, I have no idea what to do.

    My boss is literally holding my property hostage.


    He responded to my texts after I threatened police escort and made a public facebook post about him and tagged him in it. He told me he didn't have time to respond to my texts, said he wasn't going to talk to me at all anymore, that instead my coworker was going to "deal" with me.

    He then called me "such a fucking idiot."

    and then blocked me.

    Please help. Do I really have to call the police on my boss?

    submitted by /u/nolightallnight
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    My boss sexually harassed my coworkers. Now he’s demanding every employee to sign a waiver not to sue him. Can he do this?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    I'm in California. I work at a small company (~20 employees). My boss has sexually harassed my female coworkers and has been generally abusive to everyone. He did not sexually harass me though. Now he is saying that he needs everyone to agree not to sue him after employees complained. I don't understand why he can do this? Can he make every single employee sign something?

    submitted by /u/waiverthrowaway
    [link] [comments]

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