• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 6, 2020

    Legal Advice - My city doesn't allow roosters, but my neighbor has one and it wakes me up at 6am every morning, crowing nonstop throughout the entire day. What should I do?

    Legal Advice - My city doesn't allow roosters, but my neighbor has one and it wakes me up at 6am every morning, crowing nonstop throughout the entire day. What should I do?

    My city doesn't allow roosters, but my neighbor has one and it wakes me up at 6am every morning, crowing nonstop throughout the entire day. What should I do?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    They are an older Hispanic couple and they don't speak English, so I can't talk to them. I don't care that they have chickens (I do too!), but the rooster is driving me crazy. I work nights, so I go to bed around 4am, and then I spend all but 2 of my sleeping hours trying to ignore this loud rooster. How do I go about getting the city's help to get rid of it?

    Edit: this is in North Carolina

    submitted by /u/blargnblah
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    NYC: Condo made a new rule (within the last two months) to charge a $500 FEE to use the elevator to move-out. Doorman will not let the movers in if the fee is not paid. Any advice?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    Live in New York City (NYC) in a condo in midtown Manhattan. I have my lease, and it specifically says there is a $500 move-out deposit which you get back if nothing is damaged, but nothing about a $500 fee. I found out this was a new rule instated in the last two months in the House Rules of the Condo. So now, they are charging $500 if you want to use the elevator to move out in addition to the deposit, which you will not get back. It is a FEE! Just crazy to me that they can do this... but I'm not sure I have a choice but to pay. I am on the 7th floor and its not feasible to use the stairs. Any advice? Kinda feel like I just have to pay... don't know what else to do.

    submitted by /u/Firstjg
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    A police officer erroneously issued me a ticket for a much more serious offense than what I'm actually guilty of, and I'm just now finding out two years later - WA

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    I'm a California resident but was briefly visiting Seattle two years ago when I rear-ended someone in my rental car. The person in the car in front of me called the cops, the cop comes by and I can't immediately find my valid CA license. Cop wasn't waiting even 5min to let me find it.

    He's like, whatever, here's a ticket for "Failure to Avoid a Collision" for rear-ending this dude, here's a ticket for "Expired or No License" because you couldn't find your license in time (by that point I had found my license and had it in hand).

    I'm annoyed, but whatever. I felt that didn't have any choice but to pay the ticket given that I was an out-of-towner, so I did.

    Two years later, I'm undergoing a driving background check to be able to drive the company car, and I failed. It's now come to my attention that "Expired or No License" doesn't actually mean that you couldn't present your license, but rather that you didn't have one at all, as in, you were cited for driving without a valid license. The ticket I should have received was "Failure to Display License", which is much less serious, and accurately reflects someone having a valid license but they can't find the license in time to show them.

    How can I resolve this issue after I've paid the ticket and after so much time has passed? I have my driving record which does not show my license as having been suspended at the time, surely they can look this up themselves as well?

    submitted by /u/March-Sufficient
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    My Father touches me whenever my Mother isn't around.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    I was told to post here so here goes.

    He started doing this when I was in grade 7 (11) and I am now 16. He still does it. He has made me uncomfortable multiple times and has been sometimes emotionally abusive. I have told my mother around 9th grade but she didn't believe me and proceeded to tell him about it which he obviously denied. The last time he visited, It felt weirder than usual. I was curious about his height (and had to make conversation to pass the time) so I asked how tall he was. He said "well let's find out stand up right now." So I complied. He was so close to me and I could feel his sinister smile while he measure himself. I tried to look away but this time it was different about him. I was more terrified than ever. After he left I never stopped thinking about the look on his face when he stared at me and now beyond terrified that he might do something more than just touching. I don't know what to do. I'm not financially stable so I can't run away or call anyone as they would not believe me. My mom and I rely on him for everything and his other family will somehow find me if I do run away.

    Edit: I live in the middle East (Saudi Arabia) where this does happen between Fathers and Daughters.

    submitted by /u/SimplyS3m
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    Given a fine for littering after helping at an accident scene [NC, USA]

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    I work at a large hospital and have to cross a very busy 6 lane road to get from where I park to the hospital. As I was waiting for the crosswalk signal to change another pedestrian on the opposite side walked into traffic and was struck by a vehicle. There was a police officer sitting at the red light and when this happened he pulled into the intersection and put his emergency lights on. Since this stopped traffic and I'm also an EMT, I ran into the intersection to help out. I rendered aid the to the person who was struck and when the officer finally got out of his vehicle I asked if he could use his radio to call for an ambulance.

    After the ambulance arrived and took over the officer asked me questions about what I saw and asked for my ID. I assumed this was for his accident report. As I was waiting for the crosswalk, I had been carrying an energy drink can and when I ran into the intersection and arrived at the victim, I apparently threw the can to the side and the officer has now decided to write me a citation for littering for $250. I asked what it was even for, because I had forgotten all about my energy drink at the time. When he told me, I said I'd gladly pick up the can now, I never meant to discard it, just set it aside while I helped the victim. He said I couldn't do that, as the can rolled into a storm drain. I told him I also had to jaywalk to help the guy out and asked if he as gonna cite me for that too, he said if I didn't check my attitude he would and find a few more things as well so I left and went to work at the point.

    So yeah, I get it, I'm guilty of what I've been fined for. But it seems to me that, due to the circumstances I don't deserve the fine. $250 seems like a lot, but it's certainly not worth getting a lawyer over or I'd end up spending more than I'd save I'm sure. So what's my best course of action for fighting this ticket? When I relayed this story to my boss at work, she already told me she'd give me all the time off work I need to fight it, haha. Any advice appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Level_Independence26
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    My work went to WFH, and has website activity monitoring that checks for activity every single minute. They expect us to clock 8 hours but do not account for any breaks or lunch. Is this legal?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Throwaway account just in case. I am from Oregon.

    My work transferred to WFH back in March and within the last few weeks, they integrated activity-based monitoring of their work site. It's not very intricate (to my understanding it simply detects clicks and scrolls on the site and makes sure there was something being done... ONCE PER MINUTE). The company seems keen on getting exact work time of their workers... down to the minute.

    This would be fairly okay if it weren't for two things:

    1. Workflow is task-based and has several bottlenecks where you have to wait for other people to review or finish their work (you won't clock ANY minutes while you wait, there's nothing else to do)
    2. They don't count a 30-minute lunch or two 15-minute breaks that are legally required. They just want to see 8 total hours of activity per day.

    Obviously there's a workaround to both of these... I've set up a randomized auto clicker that clicks once randomly between every 1000 and 25000 milliseconds. This is to make sure they don't suspect an auto clicker that consistently clicks at the same rate. I can go take my breaks as needed but what the hell do I do if they catch on somehow? Clicking the same menu item for 15-30 minutes at a time, regardless of the variance, is suspicious.

    If they confront me, what if they fire me for it? Would that be illegal? I don't know my rights in this situation, are WFH laws different than standard office expectations?

    It should also be noted that those of us on this time requirement don't have access to the graph that shows how much we have worked. We have to ask our manager to send us a screenshot of our progress whenever we wish to see. I don't understand why we don't have access to the graphs since it's also available natively through our work platform. It's also suspicious as they can just lie and say we aren't working as much and even fake the graph. I'm not even sure if the graphs are real...

    submitted by /u/Butterflychunks
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    Succulent Thief Caught on Camera

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, so basically my wife and I are in a bit of a pickle. Last night in San Jose, CA someone stole one of our succulents from our front yard. They yanked it right out of the ground. Sadly, this is not the first time it has happened (around 7 plants/succulents have been stolen). However, what made last night's case different is that we caught it on camera. Two people were involved: a middle-aged woman with a face mask (she was the one who did the actual action of stealing), and a large man who had a small, overweight dog with him. The video that was captured shows her entering our yard, bending down, and coming up with something in her arms while the man was a few feet away serving as lookout. Coincidently, we recognized them both (not on a name basis) and we know where they live. We are not quite sure how to proceed. My wife filed a police report this morning. She wants to leave a letter on their doorstep detailing that we know they are stealing our plants, and that if they don't stop AND return the ones they have stolen, then we will continue filing our police report and that we have video evidence. I wanted to confront them and tell them to stop and hand over our succulents. Legally speaking, we are not quite sure what the best course of action is. This may seem trivial, but having our plants constantly stolen from our property is a bit demoralizing. Any recommendations will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/rdn09
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    We're a Norwegian company that just found a US company stole our name/logo. Help.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Hei all,

    I think the title was self-explanatory. We are a small Norwegian company and while on LinkedIn today we noticed that there is a company with a very similar name, within our industry, and literally the same logo (down to the color and all). On their website they were copyrighted in 2020 and we have been around since 2017. Do we have any legal action? What are we supposed to do? Kind of a bummer since we are planning to internationalize this fall and now we have found issue.

    Thanks in advance for listening.

    Edit: really, thanks for all the advice. We have scheduled a consultation with a US based attorney tomorrow. We might also try to send a kindly worded letter asking them to change their logo. Will update :-)

    submitted by /u/littlevai
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    Warner Music Targeted a Copyright Infringement on MY OWN MUSIC

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Location: Texas

    I made a post about this on /r/instagram, but based on the comments; I feel that I may need to look into what legal recourse I have.

    Quick context:

    I make music and promote it with weird videos on Instagram.

    Five minutes after posting a song, Warner Music had my video taken down.

    Now I have to wait a week for them to review and approve my original work.

    Additional info:

    All of the writing, recording, and production was done by me exclusively.

    Any samples used in the tracks were my samples that I recorded with my cell phone and then processed in my DAW.

    Everything in the track is uniquely and exclusively mine, and yet WMG's algorithm flagged my song within five minutes of it being uploaded.

    There's no reason it should've triggered the algorithm unless the algorithm isn't actually set to catch copyrighted material.

    The fact that everything was recorded and produced by me, and every sample used is from a recording on my phone, shows that there's nothing identical to whatever their algorithm is set to detect.

    They're casting a wide net, and I believe it's an overaggressive way to kill competition.

    The only option presented to me was to click a button that says "submit dispute" on the Instagram app and then wait a week for WMG to review my song for copyright infringement. I'm looking into what other options I have because that's completely inappropriate as the only recompense for being unfairly and unjustly targeted.

    Something tells me this will continue to happen to me if I don't do something about it now.

    I'm not a big name in music and I'm not looking to get rich or famous from it. I make music because it's what I love to do and something infringing on my ability to do that and share it with others is incredibly disheartening.


    pic 1: https://imgur.com/a/cLHCT5D

    pic 2: https://imgur.com/a/zKWTAqg

    song that got flagged: https://imgur.com/a/HzgoUi7

    submitted by /u/vinnybag0donuts
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    How to get rid of wild Cannabis growing on my property without catching charges.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    I am located in Iowa. I have an unusual problem on my 7 acre city plot. My land sits back from the road and I do not have any neighbors that can see my land.

    However, I have dozens of wild cannabis plants sprouting up all over my property. When I catch them small, I will either mow or weed whack them. However, they gave gotten out of hand with several dozens of them over 7 feet tall now.

    My question, how do I dispose of them without opening myself up top legal trouble?

    submitted by /u/ReefsnChicks
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    President of an HOA my boss bid a job for asked him to charge more than usual and give him the extra money (around $1500).

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    He isn't going to do it, but we were just curious what the legal repercussions would be for the HOA guy. Embezzlement charges or something to that effect? I'm assuming this isn't the first time he's made this proposal to a contractor.

    submitted by /u/SuperKamiVegito
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    I have reason to believe my land ladies son attempted Identity theft by applying for a credit card with my social security card he stole. What recourse do I have?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    I tried contacting the credit card company (capital one) they said they don't have access to IP of whoever attempted to apply for a credit card. My birth certificate and SS card was stolen during messy move out. How do I find out the IP of whoever attempted? And if I find it and it comes from the land ladies house, what recourse do I have?

    submitted by /u/TradeU4Whopper
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    Landlord (NYC) has been completely unresponsive for over a year and our lease expired August 2019. Now that one roommate has to move out, can we stay and not pay the full rent?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Me and my two other roommates rent a 3-bedroom in NYC. We each pay different amounts due to the size difference of our rooms. We signed a lease for 1 year that expired in August of 2019. A few months before the lease expired, we attempted to contact our landlord directly and through 311 numerous times without success. However, in October of 2019, we left a message on our landlord's phone about our kitchen sink leaking (which we made sound very bad in emails and calls in attempt to get her attention) and next thing we knew someone was there at our door to fix it. We know that our landlord lives out of state and is still alive to our knowledge, and we have also been told through the digging of our neighbors that they are possibly in rehab somewhere for drug abuse. She never provided us with a new lease, but we have continued to pay the same rent.

    We also had a random man that apparently looks after the place for the landlord show up mid-month last month and claimed that he was the property manger. We had never met this man in our time in the apartment and he claimed that he would fix some broken things for us but never did. We were able to confirm that he knew our landlord, but he said that he/she was unavailable to talk at this time due to a "family situation." He assured us that he would take care of everything. Our upstairs neighbors moved last month due to COVID-19 and they were never able to get in contact with the landlord despite sending a notice via email, mail and phone.

    Fast-forward to today and now one of my roommates needs to move out because she can no longer afford rent. My other roommate and I don't have anyone who can move in with us at this time, and good roommates are hard to come by due to COVID. Our questions are as follows:

    1. How do we adequately notify our landlord that we are leaving if she doesn't respond? Is there anything we need to do to make sure we aren't tied into anything?

    2. What would happen if we stayed in the apartment and each of us paid just our own portion of the rent? Are there ramifications for not paying the full amount even if we aren't technically on a lease?

    3. Seeing as we don't anticipate getting back our security deposit, could we stay an additional month and not pay rent in exchange for allowing our landlord to keep our deposit?

    submitted by /u/holeinawallt
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    Co-worker took a picture of me showering at work and sent it to at least one other co worker. What can/should I do?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    A little background info, I'm a male, full time firefighter for a city in the US working with all males. The showers in our station are in no way private and I caught one of my co-workers taking a picture of me while I was showering and sent it to another co-worker. I obviously know this is not acceptable and I confronted him about it. I'm not a lawyer but I'm sure taking naked pictures of someone without their consent is highly illegal and the fact that it was on the job brings in a whole other aspect. Any advice would be great.

    submitted by /u/amishbolognaboy
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    Affidavit of small estate California.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    My spouse recently passed away. We had joined and separate accounts, he left no will as he was only 34 and his death was quite sudden. I learned through one of his bank account I would need to file an affidavit of small estate as his heir. I looked it over and filled it out as best as I could. Questions: 1) it ask for money value of accounts. Do I have to put the money amount in these accounts, I mean I don't know how much, is bank obligated to disclose info to me?

    2) there's a section about the creditors he owed money to. One bank said they would be using the estate to collect what he owed on the loan he had. Well IAM not sure how much he had in those other separate accounts and as far as property he had one car and his motorcycle to his name, they are both paid off. Will they come after them as collection for debt? Will I be made responsible for whatever amount they see still needs to be fulfilled? We didn't own any other property.

    3) can I file on the 40th day or do I have to wait until the day after the 40th day?

    Any advice will be helpful, IAM trying to do all of this while still trying to look after our three children left now without their father, ages 11, 5, 1. So it's kind of confusing trying to decode what they are asking and the banks aren't really helpful either.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/repete85
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    A large expensive product I didn't order was dropped at my jobsite. Distributor is ghosting me, manufacturer sending emails asking me to haul it to their carrier "as a favor."

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I'm doing a home remodel job in California, I'm self employed and the jobsite is a house behind a vacant house, accessible by a shared driveway. As a minor add-on, I ordered a toilet lid from a distributor. It's for an off-brand toilet, not from one of the big manufacturers. The distributor and I had multiple digital convos about it, including about the fact that delivery was to be to the back house, and the fact that it was weeks late, even after I paid for it, supposedly mostly due to manufacturing delays because of coronavirus. One day someone coming onto the jobsite informed me there was a large shipping carton on the front porch of the vacant house in front -- which turned out to be an entire toilet, addressed to me, made by the same manufacturer as the toilet part I'd ordered. That model is worth about a grand, so I moved the toilet inside the fence lines where it wouldn't get stolen, and that day I messaged the distributor that the wrong item was dropped, and at the wrong place too, and to please call me asap. He never answered, and hasn't been in contact since. But several days later the manufacturer emailed me directly, to inform me that "an item was delivered from their warehouse by mistake" and instructing me to give it to a carrier who would pick it up. The email didn't identify the item, didn't identify the carrier, and gave no day or time for the pick up. I replied that the front house was vacant, said I was working in the back, gave my cell phone number so they could pass it on to the carrier, and asked for a day and time I should expect pick up and who the carrier was, and that I'd do my best to accommodate. No reply. No phone contact from anyone.

    A week later my part finally shows up, also dropped onto the vacant house's front porch, and sent from the same warehouse address. There's a shipping label stuck in an envelope attached to the package, and that day I get another email from the manufacturer, saying they've sent me a shipping label for the toilet and asking me to do them "a favor" and haul their toilet to a shipper.

    In my mind, this is the distributor's problem to work out. And, if it matters, it was the distributor who invoiced me, and who I paid for my part -- not the manufacturer. Normally if there's any issues on that end, the manufacturer ought to be dealing with the distributor on it. I don't mind people making mistakes, it happens a lot, and normally working things out isn't a problem. BUT, the distributor ghosting me, combined with the manufacturer blowing off my inquires, their incompetent and incomplete emails, and their not having any respect for the position they've put me in makes me want to be done with this.

    What are my legal responsibilities here? Should I send the manufacturer a legal abandonment notice that if they don't make arrangements (agreeable with me) to pick up this merchandise from where they delivered it, it will be considered abandoned and I'll dispose of it?

    If I decide this is too much of a headache, and do agree to drive their merch to a shipper, will I be responsible if something happens to it on the way? What if the contents are already damaged? What's my legal position then?

    After all this, I'm disinclined to do anything more than the barest minimum of what's legally required. So, what would that minimum be?

    submitted by /u/worksaday
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    My car was stolen. My insurance company is demanding months of cell phone and text message records.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    I understand they have to investigate, including considering that I might be perpetrating some fraud. I understand that I am obliged to cooperate with their investigation. But this is very intrusive. They have no particular reason to suspect any wrongdoing on my part, nor do they seek any specific information from my records. It seems like a pro forma rectal exam. Handing over records that would disclose which doctors I see, whom I buy things from, whom I'm sleeping with, and so on, does not seem reasonable. Will I forfeit the possibility of payment for my loss if I don't cooperate with whatever harebrained, overbroad, or irrelevant requests they make? Is there a way out of this?

    submitted by /u/ThirtyTwoTwentyWCF
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    [Arizona] Old apartment complex found bed bugs after my lease expired and is trying to charge me for damages.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    I moved out of the apartment on july 24th, the lease expired on July 31st. On august 3rd the apartment complex claims to have found bed bugs in my old apartment. Today(August 6th), I was notified of the bed bugs at my old apartment, and I had an exterminator inspect my furniture at my new house and found zero evidence of bed bugs. The apartment complex is trying to charge me for the bed bugs at the old apartment.

    I am already looking for a lawyer, is there anything else I should be doing at this time?

    submitted by /u/ii_BLACK_REAPER
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    Do I have any claim on house "given" to my husband and I before he died suddenly and his mother is now taking back? (UK)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Hi, to put a very long story short, in August 2016 my husband, 3 children and I moved into one of several properties his parents own, a gorgeous sprawling country house, my dream, our forever home. His parents gave it to us to live in forever and we had many plans drawn up to renovate over the years as it's pretty old and crumbling now. We were in constant discussion with his parents as they were helping us and would sign the estate over to my husband officially in September of 2018. Sadly my husband died of a sudden, massive heart attack in May 2018 and pretty much immediately his parents said the house was too big, too much for me and they would sell it and buy us something smaller. Sadly his father then passed away suddenly in December 2018 and since then his mother has said we just need to get out as she wants to convert it into apartments. She has mentioned helping with rent for 1 year, but when I find a house she rescinds this and claims I can't afford the bills!? (This is obvious as my husband was the main earner and I was just starting my own photography business, run from the house, after being a sahm) and says we just need to go to the council and claim to be homeless. With the current climate and pandemic and being high risk asthmatic, I am not making any money and have had to claim benefits. I don't like to go out as it is and the children are not in school, so moving and having a go and view houses is a huge stress in itself. Let alone having to go into temporary accommodation, for who knows how long, with 3 children. This all feels so wrong and I never wanted to go the legal route, but she has now involved solicitors and they are claiming if we don't leave the house by September 1st, they will start "criminal proceedings" against me. I have tried to contact the solicitor as I don't even understand what that means, but as a business owner, director and Mother, it scares me a lot, but she won't speak to me.

    I guess I'm basically asking if there's anything I can do house wise? or any other way wise....this all feels so wrong, that my husband's legacy in the family is being erased. His brother and sister have children and they will benefit from the family legacy, but my husband's children will be left to the council....

    Any advice is Hugely appreciated, thank you

    submitted by /u/rubybucutti
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    TikTok and Tencent Executive Order - Riot Games?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Earlier today Trump released an executive order aimed at Tencent with a mention of its Subsidiaries In an aim to prevent WeChat from doing business in the USA (as well as TikTok).

    Will this prevent its subsidiaries from operating in the USA? Like Riot Games?

    (Washington USA) https://twitter.com/andrewfeinberg/status/1291545381453602821?s=21

    submitted by /u/Artistiqueflower
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    I may inherit my late-widowed Fathers burdensome Timeshare; Help!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    My widowed-father purchased a Timeshare in the Bahamas before I was even born and I am his only heir (its initial principal is most likely paid off; the only remaining debt is the monthly maintenance fees from now until the end of time). My father and I are both NJ-USA born citizens. He used the timeshare a lot, however he unfortunately recently passed away. He made a will and I am the only beneficiary in the will as well as the executor. When he died, he owned a house, a small $5K checking account and this Timeshare. I have no other information about this timeshare (no paperwork etc). I called the resort in the Bahamas and they told me they would email me the Deed/contract/whatever-he-signed-45-years-ago (that was 2 weeks ago; Idk if they even know what they are doing). I am selling all the assets in the estate and keeping the cash, however I don't want this timeshare and I personally think they are money-drain scams. I never signed anything for it, how can I make sure I don't get stuck with the timeshare and its burdensome maintenance fees that I cannot afford. I read about "disclaiming the assets", however, I read that doing that makes it pass to the next in line beneficiary; I am a father to my two toddlers that I don't want it to pass to them as well. Is there anything I can do? Can me and my children all disclaim the timeshare and have it go away?

    It seems silly to me that, in theory, if my father happened to hate me, he could decide to buy 900 timeshares that cost $80,000 per year in maintenance fees, then die and all these timeshares would pass on to me and ruin my life/credit/home etc.

    Does anyone have an advise/similar stories, please help?

    submitted by /u/ekigvom
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    I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Dental office told me it would cost $2000, and insurance would cover $1500. I got a statement from insurance company, and it lists the total cost as $5500 and that I am to pay $4000. Is this insurance fraud? Or did the dental office give me the wrong price initially?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I went to a dentist and got my wisdom teeth pulled. They said it would cost $2000, with $1500 covered by the insurance company. So I paid $500 and got the procedure.

    A few weeks later, I get a check from my insurance company for $1500, which I thought was going straight to the dental office, but it came to me instead. I called my insurance and said that the dental office is not in the network so it sent me the check to me instead.

    What I found strange was this: I looked at the summary of payment and saw that the dental office had listed the total procedure cost as $5500, with $1500 to be covered by the insurance and $4000 by me.

    I can think of two scenarios:

    1. The dental office over-listed the procedure price when they filed a claim with my insurance to get the maximum amount out of the insurance company, while charging me only $500.
    2. The dental office mistakenly thought that it belonged in my insurance's network so they gave me a wrong quote initially, but the procedure actually does cost $5500 for someone out of the network.

    My questions are: Which scenario is more likely? What should I do? Is there a chance that I might have to pay the higher price ($4000) if it turns out that they gave me a wrong quote initially? I signed papers, but I never received any copies.

    I'm in Nevada.

    submitted by /u/feelosophy13
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    Opening a business bank account for a third party (MN, USA)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Background: my fiancée (SO) is an American citizen that was raised in Mexico. Her younger brother (YB) was born in Mexico and was brought to the US at a young age. He utilizes an ITIN- currently expired- and like many other non-citizens, has had to work using others SSNs.

    YB has been working for a small landscaping company for approximately 6 months and last week he informed us that his employer is helping him open a company in his name, essentially to be treated as a subsidiary. Today, SO received a call from YB asking if she could open a business account in her name for his company's use. He assures her that it will only be temporary and that he will open a new account once his ITIN is renewed. He also told her that he has a meeting set up with his employer and a lawyer tomorrow to move forward with opening a business account.

    My question is what are the potential complications if SO goes through with this and is this even legal?

    EDIT: It's obvious to me that this is a bad idea, but SO bends over backwards to help YB. What I need is worst case scenarios- things that I can tell her to make sure she doesn't go through with it.

    submitted by /u/throwawayhelpmn
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    Can't get ahold of my teenagers deadbeat mom to tell her we're moving

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    Just got a life changed offer 90 miles away, kids are with me and haven't seen or heard from her for almost 2 months. Its a text back saying she's busy, she'll call me later and nothing.

    It won't be till the end of the yr and dont have an address there yet, should I just send certified letter and go? Case is out of state, we both own homes within 15 min of each other now for the past 4 yrs. Tia!

    submitted by /u/wanderexplore
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