• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 5, 2020

    Legal Advice - My employer scheduled staff to get tested for covid19 with a private doctor (his) that gives results in 24hrs. They just sent a text saying all tests came back negative. Why didn't I receive my results personally? Why didn't I receive a copy stating my results? I called them and...

    Legal Advice - My employer scheduled staff to get tested for covid19 with a private doctor (his) that gives results in 24hrs. They just sent a text saying all tests came back negative. Why didn't I receive my results personally? Why didn't I receive a copy stating my results? I called them and...

    My employer scheduled staff to get tested for covid19 with a private doctor (his) that gives results in 24hrs. They just sent a text saying all tests came back negative. Why didn't I receive my results personally? Why didn't I receive a copy stating my results? I called them and...

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    I just called them and asked for a copy. And they were but we already told (boss last name) the results were all negative. And I said ok but I need proof of my "negative" results to send to other people I've been in contact with/working with. So they said "sure well send you the copy". They are taking an awful long time to send it to me. Also I find it extremely off that I'm NEGATIVE since I shared multiple joints with someone who tested positive (I just found out) and it's been a week since. Is it legal for the doctor to give my results first to my employer? (employer paid for the test)

    Edit: At this point I'm more concerned about fake testing and me spreading it while I continue to work at a restaurant. I'm not gonna take legal action, I dont hate my boss I'm grateful I'm secured a job and they are very nice folks. But I'm really concerned about the safety of my family and the people I have to serve food to.

    submitted by /u/unexpectedmachete
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    One night stand suing me for paternity 5 years later

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    I reside in Tennessee but am being relocated to California in about 5 months for work. Not sure if the move changes anything legally.

    Five years ago when I was going through a divorce I began seeing a coworker who was also going through a divorce. We had our divorces in common and began hanging out as friends. We had a one night stand one time but mutually decided after that we were better friends and not to continue sleeping together and remain friendly. She ended up going back to her husband and quit my company. I didn't hear from her for about 6 months or so, then she randomly text me and told me she was pregnant and it was mine. But that she and her husband worked things out and he was going to raise the baby as his. I was shocked and not sure what to do. My divorce was freshly final and I wasn't in the best head space to make big life decisions so I agreed that she and her husband would raise the baby and I wouldn't be involved. (Why she even told me is beyond me). Her husband signed the birth certificate and as far as I've heard from mutual friends they were happy and even have another child together after the one that's supposedly mine.

    I am now remarried and my wife is aware there is a possible child out there that is mine but knows the woman was married and didn't want me around.

    Well, this woman I had the child with apparently has now divorced her husband and wants me in the picture now. Truly I think she just knows I have a very good job and make quite a bit of money now (I didn't 5 years ago when I knew her). But regardless, she has reached out and said she wants me to take a paternity test to remove her husband as the father in the birth certificate and have me sign it and pay child support.

    I accepted that I wouldn't be part of this child's life a long time ago, I haven't always been okay with that decision but after 5 years and being remarried and starting a family with my now wife, I'm okay with my decision. At this point the child is over 4 years old and only knows the woman's husband as his father. This doesn't seem fair for the kid or for me.

    Is there anything legal I can do to protect myself? Do I have to submit to a paternity test? And what if the husband (her now ex husband) doesn't want to be removed as the father on the birth certificate?

    Obligatory: I'm aware I'm not the hero of this story and it paints me in a very bad light, I don't need comments on my character

    submitted by /u/anonymousemouse21
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    Neighbor Cut Down My Tree

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I will preface this with the state we live in is Florida.

    My wife and I were out of town recently and we came home to realize that a tree in our back yard had been cut down by our neighbor. The neighbor recently installed a privacy fence and this tree was near the fence line (not impeding upon the fence). The neighbor cut the tree about half way up the trunk (15 or so feet) and everything else was gone. The tree was pretty much straight up in the air. He told me that he cut it down because the branches were on his property. I understand the branches leaning over his property, okay, but is there any legal I can do so that he has to cut down the rest of the tree since I am stuck with a 15 ft tall stump essentially?

    Thanks for your help! I appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/rkeeeeem
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    Boyfriend is about to get fired due to my (his girlsfriend’s) negative COVID results! (TX)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I went to the local ER last week due to COVID symptoms. Was tested, test came back negative two days later.

    On my way to the hospital, my boyfriends sister calls his employer (aircraft manufacturing plant ~150 employees) to deliver an emergency message regarding me having to go to the hospital.

    They sent my boyfriend home from work immediately without pay, and said he couldn't return until MY results came back negative.

    We presented the HR lawyer with my negative lab results, and he said they were not sufficient, and I would need a letter stating I'm COVID free. So in desperation, I call the hospital where I was tested, and they said the negative results were sufficient, and no other paperwork was available.

    HR is not accepting the lab results, and wants further documentation on my health status (a non-employee).

    They are not allowing my boyfriend to return to work until they receive a document stating MY testing facility, lab, and other private health information.

    Shouldn't they be more concerned with his Covid status, since he's an employee? Is this a HIPAA violation? I don't feel as if I should have to disclose my health information to a non-employer, especially since my boyfriend and I don't even live together.

    submitted by /u/thirdcoastgirlll
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    Neighbor using my address for their benefits

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I live in Los Angeles, California and recently found out that one of my neighbors has been using my home address to get paperwork for their food stamps/ebt. I want to know if this will affect me for tax reason or if I can face some other legal repercussions.

    If I am affected, is there anything I can do. Have put my mail on hold with the post office until the end of the month.

    submitted by /u/kiddynomite87
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    Former Landlord wants $2,500 for cleaning my last apartment and is taking me to court over it (Part 2)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    For Part I, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/i0qvou/former_landlord_wants_2500_for_cleaning_my_last/

    So I took this subreddit's advice and also spoke to an attorney who advised the same, that a counterclaim is a might-as-well move and is the right path forward. We filed the counterclaim on Monday, 8/03, and mailed notice to the plaintiff yesterday, 8/04. They immediately called us today to request that we set up a settlement meeting. We spoke to them (via email at this point*) and stated that we wanted our security deposit and sewage fee back as well as monetary forfeiture or would be proceeding with the countersuit. (As a side note, I am really shocked how fast this is all happening.) I got a response within a half hour, asking to mutually drop both claims with no money exchanged.

    Now I have a decision to make and it pretty much pins on one gray area that I'm still uncertain about: Does my countersuit escalate this case to a civil suit, or would this still fall under small claims as it is only for $2,500? If I am going to end up hiring a lawyer I feel my best bet is to accept the offer to mutually drop the suits. However, if I do not need to lawyer up I do feel that my best option is to proceed as every bit of professional advice I have gotten has advised me that I have a strong case.

    Any knowledgeable input is kindly appreciated!

    Edit: I keep forgetting this bit, but I live in Wisconsin!

    Edit 2: I should have included initially, but here are scans of the walls. We were charged $1750 for three of the rooms, but $0 for the other three rooms. So confusing...


    submitted by /u/throwawaymessyapt
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    [MA] Is there anyway to stop a PI from "investigating" my sister's murder?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    My sister was murdered about sixteen years ago. We found her body, but there is not much else we know. There was no clear motive (no robbery or physical sexual assault) and it didn't match the imprint of any serial killers or other murders in our area. It has been the most painful thing in my life and I have finally begun to heal and make my life feel like it's worth living again (thanks to good therapists, meds, and support groups).

    When it first happened it attracted some local media, but not much because the case wasn't really all that 'sexy' or flashy or whatever. It was frustrating, but I came to accept it. More recently though a woman from our town (who was friends, but not at all close to my sister) hired a PI to reinvestigate her death. She is one of those true crime/murder-mystery obsessed people and I think she thinks she can crack this case or something. I do not want her to do this at all. The PI is unprofessional, and is going around trying to contact and interview our friends and family-- including my sister's now adult daughter.

    It is considered a cold case by police, and if they were to re-open it, I would be fine. I am not trying to hide anything. I want it to be solved, and I want justice for her, but I really want it to be done my the police or FBI, not some crackpot PI and a team of bored internet sleuths.

    This is causing emotional distress for me and a lot of other people. Do I have any legal way to stop this? Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/lgltwy
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    I think everyone except the boss is an intern

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    I was told to post this here after putting it up on r/careeradvice, so the next part is going to be copy + pasted from there:

    Throwaway account bc I think the boss uses Reddit.

    I started an unpaid internship a while ago, which is great since I need experience, but I'm starting to get weird vibes from the company.

    Basically, like I said in the title, I think everyone other than bossman (BM from now) may be an intern.

    Pretty much everyone except BM is working from home right now because of the pandemic, so I've only ever interacted with BM in person once. I wanted to network and connect with people though, so I reached out on LinkedIn to find other people who work there. But it looks like everybody is an intern except for BM. There were over a hundred past and present interns for a company, but only like 10 people who had titles other than "intern" (and I'm not entirely certain they weren't just interns under a different name).

    Tell me I'm not being weird by thinking that's weird.

    I heard from another intern (someone on LinkedIn) that she asked BM if she could organize an intern groupchat to trade resources, but BM said no and didn't really give a reason why.

    It really seems like BM is taking advantage of the interns. Like sure, interns get to put something on their resume, but he's getting a lot of free labor out of this. BM doesn't seem to provide feedback or teach skills, either, just assigns us work to do and expects us to do it.

    Should I be doing anything about this? Confront/report him? Quit? Unionize the interns behind his back?

    I'm fairly certain this is illegal under the Fair Labor Standards Act, but I don't want to inconvenience the other interns. And while I could easily quit, I feel like that's just avoiding the problem.

    I'd appreciate any advice at this point. Thanks for reading.

    People on r/careeradvice told me that yes, this is illegal, and I should report it. My family members are concerned that reporting it might make future employers look at me suspiciously.

    I guess I'm waffling because I'm scared of being a whistleblower, especially since it won't just be BM who's affected. One of the other interns basically said, "It's better than nothing," and I feel like it'd be shitty of me to take that away if I do end up reporting it.

    The workplace is in NYC, by the way.

    To some extent, I guess this is more of a moral dilemma than a legal one? But to make it more relevant to the sub:

    Does anybody know what would happen if I did report, and what process I need to go through to make sure this doesn't backfire? Or should I be trying to contact the other interns first (which might be hard, considering we don't have a groupchat/no formal way of contacting each other unless they're also on LinkedIn)?

    Thank you for reading up to here, and I hope you have a good day.

    submitted by /u/throwaway84537
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    Feel like rental agency misrepresented the townhome we agreed to rent. Master Bathroom is NOT what we were shown. Please help!!

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    My girlfriend and I signed a lease on a townhome in Athens, GA a few months ago. We were given a "virtual tour" of the model unit that consisted of a leasing associate for the rental agency showing us a video walkthrough of a model unit. We were not able to see the townhome in person due to the covid situation. After seeing the model unit we decided to sign a lease on a rental with the same layout of the model we were shown. Because we could not see the townhome in person, the rental agency made us sign a sight unseen agreement along with the lease.

    We received the keys yesterday and found out that the master bathroom in our unit does not have the same layout as what was shown to us in the model. The model shown to us has a double vanity, soaking tub, shower, and toilet. The unit we received has a single sink, shower and a toilet. This may seem somewhat trivial, but the master bathroom was a big reason why we chose (and paid more for) this townhome over other properties in our area. The leasing associate never disclosed this discrepancy to us before signing the lease, and when we requested a floor plan of the townhome after signing the lease she did not mention that some townhomes have different amenities.

    I spent the last day and a half going back and forth with the manager or the rental agency and they claim the sight unseen agreement covers them from any liability in this case. We feel that the rental agency misrepresented the townhome they rented to us and took advantage the covid situation to rent us a property that did not match their model unit. I have argued with the manager at length about this and he finally offered to credit back $300 ($25/month) to make this go away. I feel like that's an insult when we are paying $1450/month for the townhome. What I would like to know is whether or not we have any grounds for a legal suit that would result in either more compensation for the missing amenities or a break in the contract so that we can find another place to live. Any advice you can provide would be very helpful!

    I'll add the documentation we have below and my concerns about taking this to court.

    Documents we have: • Original video of the demo unit shown to us at virtual tour • Floor plans of the model we were supposed to have • email contact with rental associate requesting floor plans with no indication floor plans could be different • lease agreement • sight unseen agreement • images and video of unit we received as is

    My concerns: • The lease agreement makes no specific reference to floor plan, features, or amenities of unit being leased, only the unit number. • Will the sight unseen agreement make our case Dead on arrival? • How much of a risk we would be taking if we decided to take this to small claims court? There is a stipulation in the lease agreement that in the event of litigation the winning side pays the loser's lawyer fees (i imagine that would be costly)

    submitted by /u/jselano
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    (DE) State department of public health says that I need to quarantine, employer says that I do not need to quarantine

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    I am an occupational therapist who works in people's homes. A patient called me today to inform me that they tested positive for COVID-19. My employer's HR department determined that my PPE was adequate (surgical mask and face shield) so I was told to monitor for symptoms and continue working.

    Tonight I received a call from a contact tracer from the DE Department of Public Health who told me that I'd been exposed to someone with COVID, and that I need to quarantine for 14 days. I told them that my employer had told me to continue working an monitor symptoms, but the contact tracer stated that the local guidelines overrule my employer's guidelines.

    I am looking for guidance on the best course of action. I told my employer that morally and ethically I feel as though I should quarantine at least until I am able to be tested (I work with older adults, many who are immunocompromised). My concern is that there might also be legal repercussions. Would I be held liable for some kind of negligence if I were to violate the public health department's instruction to quarantine?

    submitted by /u/shortbursts
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    University lost part of husband's transcript and claims he has unpaid bills that were sent to collection.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    My husband received a collections letter claiming he owed money to the university he went to. They claim he did not pay the remainder of his balance from spring of 2016 and have no record of him enrolled in classes after that semester. He attended school from fall 2014 to summer of 2018. We live in Texas.

    He did not graduate from the school so he doesn't have proof of being enrolled with a diploma. We do not have proof he paid for classes because the credit card he used then was stolen and all electronic records on his end aren't available. We do however have proof he worked as a student assistant with our school's hospitality program until May of 2017. It is impossible to work as a student assistant without being a student. This proves he was a student after the date they claim he was no longer enrolled.

    Because of the debt going into collections, his credit score was negatively impacted.

    My question is what can we legally do if they refuse to fix the error? Can we legally be compensated for the financial hit we're taking?

    Sorry if I forgot to mention something. I'm new to reddit and am still getting used to how to post. Thank you for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Tereycakes
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    My apartment building was sold, new owner is asking me to sign a 2 year backdated lease

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    My housemate and I signed a lease for a 2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Santa Monica CA in September 2018. It was a 1 year lease, after which it became month-to-month which is what was stated on the original lease.

    The weird thing is that our unit used to be two separate units, one a studio (1 bath), one a 1 bedroom 1 bath with kitchen. There is a door once inside either unit that connects them now, and from what I understand it used to be a wall. There are two entrances though, one for apartment 7 (the one bedroom) and one for apartment B (the studio). My city's rent control board confirmed that they are two separate parcels.

    The new owner is saying that we need to sign two backdated leases, one for 7 and one for B, that have the same dates as our original lease (which said APT 7B, implying both are ours). The building has been sold and the new owner said we need to sign these backdated leases so that they can finance the purchasing of the building.

    I'm no legal expert but it seems fishy to me to be signing anything backdated two years. Are we required to sign the backdated leases? Or would we just be doing them a favor by doing that, so that they can get a better interest rate or something along those lines?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ftbt900
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    I was told I had parasitosis for over a year

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I started having feelings of crawling sensations in my genitals well over a year ago. I got tested for trich, it came back negative. I started having biting around my anus and any time I got an erection a parasite would make its way to the tip of my penis and supposedly lay its eggs. I went to several doctors and they all said there's really nothing they can do as far as testing. It got so bad that thousands of baby parasites were crawling all over me out of my ass and penis. I went to the emergency room and since they couldn't see anything, I must have parasitosis. And there's no real test for what I'm describing. They recommended otc treatment but it did nothing for me. By the time I realized what I have is most likely a simple case of pinworms or fluke worms, I felt a crawling sensation up my spine. Also, I had the baby parasites crawl into my eyes and nose, sinuses, I still feel them crawling around today. I went back to the hospital totally freaked out. They insisted, and eventually got frustrated with me, that its all delusional. I never saw any worms in my stool, I told them I saw what I thought could be eggs. They completely dismissed it. I had a bac done and they said it was normal, but they aren't that reliable for this condition anyways. I feel worms crawling under my skin, in my muscles, I eat like a body builder and pass stool maybe once a week. I tell the doctors all of this and they tell me it's simply impossible. I finally got the idea to see a gastro specialist a week ago. She gave me a kit to do some sampling. On the second test I passed a bunch of worms and I'm now freaked. My eyes hurt real bad 24/7, worse at night. I have frequent urinary infection, and hemorrhoids I have headaches 24/7 and I feel crawling on my lungs too. I'm just waiting for the doc to call me with a diagnosis, but testing takes time. I at least want to know if these ~10 visits I made to Healthcare professionals could be waived? As in the medical bills? I'm in deep with medical bills. What can I do? I'll answer any questions, I sort of typed this out in a jiffy so I might have forgot something. Thank you

    Edit: I'm dumb forgot to add state of Virginia

    Also I'll add that the doctor's all were completely dismissing of every symptom I had for Bout the first year. Since day 1, these worms have been swimming in my scrotum, bladder, rectum, stomach, I feel I think ulcers? My right eye hurts more than the other, and it's blurry now. It's the fact that these Dr's completely ignored me for over a year before they did a blood count. They said it's impossible because we live in the western hemisphere.

    submitted by /u/ipukedmypants
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    My (F43) mother (F63) and I are in agreement to transfer custody of my niece (F14) to me and my partner (M52). My mother is sole managing conservator in the Parent-Child relationship and my sister (F36) and her bio dad (M?) are the Possessory Conservators. Can we file court documents on our own?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    My niece (F14) has asked to come live with my partner (M52) and me (F43). She currently lives with my mother (F63), who is deemed by court documents to be the Sole Managing Conservator since 2014. My mother is aging and has health problems and has agreed to the new custody arrangement. My niece's biological mother (my half-sister) and the biological father are listed as Possessory Conservators. My sister lives out-of-state and does not see or support my niece. The biological father is (and has been) MIA for years. We do not anticipate any push-back from my sister.

    We consulted with an attorney for free through an employment benefit I have. He said he could take care of the entire arrangement in about 3 months. However, it is expensive and more than we can comfortably afford.

    Given that no parties are expected to resisting this change, is there anything we can do ourselves to keep the costs down as opposed to a lawyer handling everything? If so, what would we be required to do to transfer sole managing conservatorship from my mother to us? Also, what considerations are required regarding my sister and the biological father?

    Additionally, because we expect everything to move forward, we would like to go ahead and enroll her in school before finalizing the custody agreement. Is this legally possible, and are there any things we should consider before doing this?

    - We live in Denton County, Texas USA (submitter and partner). My niece would reside with us in Denton County

    - My mother lives in Archer County, Texas USA

    - My sister is in Pueblo County, Colorado USA

    edited: Removed "we all live in Texas" and added context that my sister is out-of-state

    submitted by /u/championgoober
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    Cousin illegally subletting to me suddenly had a "Change of heart"

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    So I picked up my cousins lease at his old apartment so he could get the home of his dreams however instead of giving me the chance to put the apartment lease in my name he renewed it in his name??? Ever sinc then he's been harassing me about paying rent 7 days early and trying to "inspect" my place. I'll make it clear I've been paying full rent since he left it to me with my name on the credit card auto paying rent. I always pay on time and am never late however he was DESPERATE to get the apartment placed under my name I'm assuming for the massive amount of damage he'd done to it before I took it (As though he hoped me transfering it would mean me taking responsibility)

    Now things arent going as he had hoped and he's trying to "evict" me and give me a non-official 30 day notice. His apartment complex doesnt know I've been staying here so Im not sure how hes going to do that but I WILL be reporting that I was the only one staying there to them once the papers are served. My debit card has been on the rent payments the last 8 months and I've been receiving mail here for the same amount of time. He didnt let his landlord know he was leasing to me. Do I have any hope?

    submitted by /u/fox_ette
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    Neighbor wants us to pay for their foundation repair (TX)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Note: this is really for my parents, so when I say "our" I'm really referring to my parents. So it might take a while to answer if you need more specifics or clarifications.

    Many of the houses on our street have had foundation problems and ours is no exception. We hired a company to fix our foundation. They told us that they needed access to our neighbor's yard because they needed to dig some sort of drainage hole as part of the process. They asked us to ask our neighbor so we did. We told our neighbor that the foundation repair company needed access to their yard to dig the drainage hole. Neighbor said sure. It turns out the foundation repair company didn't disclose to us nor to the neighbor that this hole would be like 6x6 and more than 3 ft deep. Now our neighbor is trying to say that the hole caused damage to their foundation and are trying to get us to pay for it.

    In our contract with the foundation company, it says that we are responsible for any damage that occurs. Does that include major damage that they possibly caused to property that is not our own? We're worried that the company will just try to hide behind the waiver and pin the blame on us. I figured that those kinds of liability waivers were just for smaller things that are unavoidable. Also, like I mentioned before, all the houses on my street experience problems as a result of shifting soils. For example, all the driveways are uneven. We think it's a possibility that our neighbor already had some foundation problems and is just trying to take advantage of the situation. Is there something that could be done to legally prove if this was in fact the case?

    submitted by /u/t_awayAdvicePls
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    (Minnesota) Telecom can't access area in their easement because electric company installed boxes that block access, they want me to take out my fence

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    I own two properties side by side in a rural area (county territory, outside city). On the right side of my property two separate entities have easements 10 feet wide, up to the property line. One is a telecom company and the other is an electric company.

    Two feet over from the easement I have a fence. I spent a pretty penny having a pro come out and mark all property lines and the exact locations of easements before putting the fence in as I wanted to be completely sure I wouldn't ever waste money on landscaping in that area.

    The electric company installed a variety of what I only know enough to call "various electrical boxes." There is a big-ish one with lots of warnings, and several smaller ones. They are spaced a couple feet apart. They are fairly close to the road.

    Recently I overheard people arguing outside my house and went to find two guys from a telecom company. They informed me that my fence needs to come out for them to access the easement area. I said no, your easement goes to these pins here (and showed them the metal stakes that mark the easement location). They did agree that that is correct, but said they can't GET to that area with their trucks and equipment because the various electrical boxes block it.

    They then told me that there are two ways to do this: either I can have the fence removed myself, which is preferable to me because if I'm paying a company to do it I can make sure they do it carefully, and it can be reinstalled afterward. They said if their guys take out the fence, it will basically be ripped out in whatever condition and will cost me more to fix. They were very clear in that they will not restore anything afterward.

    I said no, if the electric company is preventing access to their easement then they need to take it up with the electric company, and they laughed and said no, it's my responsibility as the property owner to entitle them to the easement, so if they can't access it from the front, they will access it from the side, using my yard. They mentioned that they have no easement at all on the neighbor's property (the one who shares the property line) so they have no way to compel him to help, so basically their take is that my fence is coming out one way or another.

    I'm looking for any advice on the validity of this. The lawyer who helped when I bought my house seemed very confident that I could safely install a fence and landscaping without concerns as long as I didn't go into the easement (and he is the one who recommended I get it all marked out). However, he is no longer practicing. I'm not sure if this is worth getting a new lawyer over, if there's anything I can do, or if I'm just SOL.


    Edit: I also asked why, if the problem is just that they can't drive the heavy equipment into the easement, they can't use smaller equipment/do the job by hand. They said it would cost "twenty times" as much and is not reasonable.

    submitted by /u/doornextmil
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    Emergency guardianship for cousin whose parents aren't in the country.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Hello! I (F27) have taken custody of my cousin (M17). His dad (my uncle) was deported and his mom lives in Mexico. I am unable to get in contact with either of them to sign and have notarized parent consent to legal temporary guardianship. I am stuck on what I can do. I need to sign him up for school. He is almost an adult and I am wondering if he is better off getting emancipated. My grandma was taking care of him but she is disable and unable to care for him. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

    Edit: Nevada

    submitted by /u/fl0rita
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    [CA] I was the victim of felony assault 2 months ago and today I got a bill from the Fire Department for "Assessment at Scene" for $283. What can I do about this?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    On June 24th I was riding my motorcycle and a homeless guy on a bicycle threw a brick at me. He hit me knee, I went down at 2-3mph, and he at the pavement face-first at 15ish mph with no helmet. He was unconscious for the entire hour of police reports and investigations etc. A witness to the accident called 911 and the police, fire department, and 2 ambulances showed up. I was on the ground for about 10 minutes, but eventually got up, walked myself off the road, and rejected medical care. The guy was taken in on felony assault but I didn't press charges.

    Today, I got a letter stating that I owe the city fire department $283 for "Assessment at Scene", which also claims that I'm now more than 30 days past due on the payment. I never even received the first letter.

    What can I do about this? I'm sure as shit not paying for unnecessary and un-requested services as the victim of a felony. Is it even legal for them to do so? I'm a broke-ass college student and $283 is a huge amount of money for me.

    submitted by /u/I_Am_Roto
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    Help with illegal camps by my house.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I live in Oregon. There are many illegal camps in central Oregon and they are causing problems in our communities. They have been cutting down trees, making new roads, blocking local trails, illegally dumping trash and human waste that's making it to our local river and many many more problems. They have not moved for months and have even threatened me. I have gotten the Sheriff and Forest Law Enforcement involved but all they said was tough luck and hopefully it'll be better by the winter. Even though they have issued citations, they refuse to remove the camps. The law says 14 days and then you must vacate. They are refusing to implement the law and I feel powerless.

    Please help.

    submitted by /u/mugsfam
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    Boyfriend and I bought a car in my name. His license is revoked. Can he try to sue me for the vehicle?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    I didn't know his license was revoked until after we bought it and it was too late to return it. Insurance called me and said his license was invalid and revoked and he got kicked off of it. He said he'd take care of it, he didn't

    Car is entirely in my name, payments are through my account. He's always paid half, and paid for it to be lifted and has taken it in for maintenance. We both put money down for the down payment

    I believe he cannot insure a car at all since his license is revoked. Does he have a legal basis to sue me for anything regarding the car even though it's mine?

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA_SockItToMe
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    (Arizona) I recently switched jobs and my employer won't fill out required paperwork for my ahcccs (Medicaid) and foodstamps.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    I recently switched jobs and am required to report changes. My employer must fill out some paperwork by August 10 regarding my pay, proof, etc. I stressed that I need it done and my manager has still yet to do it and probably hasn't even looked at it.

    I sent her a text stressing this again and received no reply. I brought this up with a co-worker and she said she has had to reapply for ahcccs 3 times and still has never received the paperwork. I am extremely worried at this point because I have some health problems and my income counts for my mom's insurance as well.

    Does anyone have ANY advice? Please help.

    submitted by /u/berryloved
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    Friend wants me to get them pregnant.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    I (26M) have a friend (29F) who is looking to have a baby. She is in a long term relationship with her girlfriend. They have been dating for 5 years and plan to get married after Covid-19 is over. They want to have a baby that is biologically theirs, but don't want the hassle or costs associated with artificial insemenation. She says she would be willing to sign a contract assuming all parental rights and obligations and put her gf on the birth certificate. I'm willing to do it. I've known her since highschool, and trust her. I'm not sure about the legality though. The is in Georgia, USA btw

    submitted by /u/DirtyBaNZa
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    Human Resources called the emergency room to ask if I was there?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    I was in the emergency room a few weeks ago and I provided a doctor's note per usual. I was told I needed to stay home from work for a few days and my boss texted me saying that Human Resources called the emergency room.

    Text verbatim:"HR is wanting me to follow up with you about your ER visit. HR called to verify the note and they stated that you weren't seen. HR is now needing you to provide a new note."

    I thought this was pretty bizarre, because I definitely wasn't lying. I called the ER and asked if I could receive another doctor's note and I went and picked it up. I brought it into work and today I was pulled aside by my boss and another superior and they told me HR had denied my doctor's note. I was so frustrated that I took out my phone and called the emergency room in front of them and verified that I was there, and the nurse even verified the day I came in to get a brand new note. But something that I thought was strange is that the nurse also mentioned that they wouldn't have given this information out to my work anyways. So why is the Human Resources department claiming they called and were told I wasn't here, but the nurse told me they wouldn't be allowed to give out that information? Is this a HIPAA violation? I just don't want to get in trouble for missing a day of work. (Iowa)

    submitted by /u/throwaway4343434344
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