• Breaking News

    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Legal Advice - Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    Legal Advice - Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    Just found out that a warehouse is being built on land that I own. I was never told about it and didn't sell my land to anyone.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    I own property in North Carolina. It's a piece land of on the outskirts of a town/small city that's slowly expanding. It used to be farmland, and there was an old house of little value. I live out of state and have not visited the place in 8 years. No one has been living in the house for the last 18 months. After all this time I just went to have a look at my property. I was in for a quite a shock as I arrived where my house used to be: the house has been torn down, and there is a construction crew working all over my lot. They said they're building a warehouse and offices. There's a huge hole in the ground. As I was there there were 2 excavators digging further into my land. A small hill that there was was flattened.

    I couldn't believe it because I've not been told about my land being used for construction, ever. I haven't sold my land or the house. I've never been called by anyone seeking to buy it. As I was driving there I noticed that the city has expanded and there are now buildings much closer to my land than ever before, but I had no idea that my own land was being used for development. This is so crazy. I can't believe I'm even typing this. I've paid the property tax on this lot every year. It's my name on the title. I'm livid, my land was taken from me without anyone telling me about it.

    I want to make the construction crew stop working on my property immediately. Then I want someone explain me how this could happen, and of course get appropriate compensation from whoever is responsible. Where do I start? How do I make them stop? I tried talking to the workers but they wouldn't listen.

    Edit: I get it, I'm getting a lawyer.

    Edit 2: and now the GIS website says it's no longer under my name. This is so f...ed up. I have no words. I've paid the taxes every year. How does this even happen? How do they send me taxes for property they don't think I own?

    submitted by /u/stop_construction
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    I used a family friend to purchase my new home and they insisted on giving the keys to my mom instead of me (not an owner of the home)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I'm in my early 20's and have just bought a comparably very expensive home. I was referred to a family friend, with the promise of a discount and the insistence that they would look out for me in the home buying process more than a realtor who didn't know me or my family.

    This was a mistake, as I was patronized in the entire closing process, basically treated like some child. I'm paying for the home with my own savings, salary, and good credit. Nobody else is buying the home for me or with me.

    I arrived at closing having been told at the walkthrough the previous night that I would be receiving the keys and proof of ownership at closing. Cool.

    I get to closing, signed my papers, I wired my money. Where are my keys?

    "Oh no, we're going to give these to -mom's name- later, you can't have these right now." Again, as if I'm some child instead their one and only paying customer in this deal. I get to arguing with the attorney. He doubles down. Realtor doubles down. The entire unspoken message is "Oh you silly girl, why would you think you're getting these keys?" I leave empty handed, humiliated, and crying, after arguing with them about how they owed me my keys and had no right to give them to anyone else.

    I ask my mother to head over to the settlement office immediately. They happily give her the keys and the title. To my home. That has my name on it. That I paid for myself. That she has no legal right to. She says she'll give it to me later, as if I need to wait for her convenience to have the keys to the home I spent my life's savings on and am responsible for paying off for the next 30yrs of my life.

    I still don't have all of my keys and ownership documents in my possession. The current status is that the Realtor doesn't even have the garage code/opener, and nobody knows what happened to that. It's a detached garage space, so I pretty much just don't have access to that. My mom also said she's keeping one of the zoned parking permits for herself.

    I'm so pissed, feel so disrespected and degraded. This is so blatantly negligent and ridiculous. I would love to sue for damages, loss of use of the space for the period between when I closed and when I'm actually able to take full possession of all my property, pain and suffering ideally. I just feel really helpless because I have no idea what recourse I actually have here and how to go about holding the realtor/settlement company accountable for this bullshit.

    I'm not a trust fund kid at all, my family is blue collar. I worked really, really hard to be able to buy this place. Like, I worked full time and went to college full time, graduated early at that. Kept pushing on with more school while also holding down a full time salaried managerial government job. Imagine working upwards of 80 hrs a week while also studying for the bar, it sucked so bad. I've literally slept in my office and/or my car a disgusting amount of times, hustling for promotions and side projects, and also trying to get my small business up and going. Working, working, working so that when I have a family someday, they don't have to ever sleep on the floor or bounce from rental to rental. I want my kids someday to have a better childhood than I did, and I always saw homeownership as the way of getting there. This house was literally my entire life's dream, like, since I was a child. I just wanted a forever home. It's so upsetting that this awesome accomplishment that I'm really proud of is being shit on like this. This gotten to be word salad and I'm sorry but I'm just so beside myself upset.

    Location - MD

    submitted by /u/SadHomeownerBlues
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    Neighbor (mistakenly) thought a wall was on his property and without telling my mother (property owner) hired a contractor to remove the wall. My mother confronted him to correct his error and now he expects my mother to pay for half of the wall.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    My mother owns a rental property that has a wall which is right on the border of the rental property and this gentleman's property. In error, he thought the wall was on his property and wanted to fix it. He permitted a contractor to park on our property and remove the wall.

    My mother only found out because a tenant called to ask what was going on and why the driveway was blocked. My mother arrived and the wall was demolished. The contractor did not have the proper permits to do this (which is the contractor applied for he would've realized who actually owned the wall).

    My mother was quite agitated and explained to the neighbor and contractor that they demolished a wall that was not theirs without permits. My mother obtained the proper permits because she obviously wants this fixed but now the neighbor is trying to shake my mother down for $2,200 to cover half the wall but my mother feels that since he destroyed the wall he should have to pay it.

    What advice do you guys have? I checked New Jersey's laws(where the property is located) and this doesn't appear to quite be criminal mischief as the gentleman didn't knowingly or maliciously destroy our property. I'm thinking perhaps my mother should advise the neighbor that she'll be seeking remedy in small claims court.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/nooobee
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    Reported a broken fire hydrant spewing water across from my street, today the local water authority left a notice saying we spent 38,000 gallons of water

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    I live in PA. Last week I looked outside the window around 11am and noticed the fire hydrant across the road, on the property of a schoolyard, spewing water out the side. It took me a while to find the right number, but I called the appropriate Water Authority to let them know, whom I gave my cell number to. I also gave them OUR address, as well as the address of the fire hydrant the water was spewing from (the address of the school). After the call, I snapped a pic of the fire hydrant spewing water (might have been a wise decision on our part)

    Today my Dad went out to get the mail and noticed a tag on our door from our local water authority. I left the house and returned just 45 min prior, and didn't notice any tag on the door, which means they left it while we were both home, and they didn't actually bother to communicate with the residents of the home before slapping the tag on the door.

    The tag said they sent an inspector to investigate our household water usage, which was reportedly up to 38,000 gallons. I don't know how much we normally use (the mom of the house who maintains these records is gone on a retreat so we can't ask her) but this seems quite convenient for them to accuse us of this water usage AFTER we, in good faith, reported a water main break issue.

    Idk what to do, are they going to come after us with charges for the fire hydrant that spewed water across the road? I talked to my neighbor, and he was out of water just like us when the hydrant was spewing.

    submitted by /u/WaterAuthThrowaway
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    My grandfather bought me a jeep, my mother wanted it in her name for "insurances purposes" and my mother and father have decided to take it away from me and sell it after 2 days of owning it. My grandfather is very upset. What are my options? Ny

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    The police basically told me it doesn't matter who bought it. Infact the police officer that spoke to me was very rude to my grandfather and I and even sided with my parents.

    My grandfather offered to show him proof that he bought the car and the police officer did not even want to see it. He did not care. Infact he said he wouldn't believe him either way.

    The police officer left after 45 minutes and there was never any resolution.

    What are my options?


    submitted by /u/joshreyolya
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    Went to ER with COVID symptoms and now I have an $1,100 bill because they won’t classify me as a COVID patient

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Hi guys. So for background I live in Houston AKA the epicenter of the COVID pandemic. Because it's so enormously widespread, you can do everything right and still catch it just because of the sheer number of people who have it.

    About two months ago I realized that my sense of taste and smell had completely disappeared. My girlfriend and I quarantined immediately and got tested on a Friday which was the earliest we could get a test. Results were expected within 3-5 days. As the weekend progressed, my symptoms worsened. I started coughing all night and couldn't sleep. It got so bad that I could feel my lungs flaming up and filling with fluid.

    I called Teledoc for some advice on cough medicine and they said if I had trouble breathing then I needed to go to the hospital. At this point I still hadn't received my results but it was pretty fairly obvious I had COVID. So after two full nights of coughing, trouble breathing, and no sleep I went to the ER. At this point I was mostly just exhausted. The coughing fits were on/off. I knew other people had it WAY worse than me, but teledoc wouldn't prescribe me any strong cough medicine and the stuff they did prescribe was doing absolutely nothing so I didn't feel like I had a choice.

    I go to the ER which AFAIK should be covered as long as it's COVID related. That's what I was informed of when this thing started. I go to the ER and tell them my symptoms and they immediately send me to the COVID wing. There's like people dying in there. I wasn't expecting to get admitted, I just needed some cough medicine. So they did a chest x ray for pneumonia which came up negative.

    The doctor came in and said I was presumed positive but that the hospital only tests people who are being admitted and I didn't need to be admitted. That's fine, I've been tested already and I'm just waiting for results. I mean I obviously have it, and everyone here seems to agree. They wouldn't prescribe me stronger medicine because a lot of it might put me to sleep which could be dangerous if my lungs fill with fluid. Okay, I say that makes sense.

    I go home and eventually recover from symptoms. I get my positive test the next day which I expected completely.

    Two weeks later, I get hit with an $1,100 ER fee. My insurance should cover it because it's COVID related right? Wrong. The ER didn't classify me as a COVID patient, just an ER patient. I call and try to get it corrected. I mean, I was in the COVID wing with obvious COVID symptoms and received a positive result the next day.

    Because they did not personally test me, they are refusing to classify me as a COVID patient therefore my insurance will not cover the full amount. This of course was not communicated to me when I got to the ER, when I was assigned a room at the ER, OR when I agreed to a chest x-ray.

    There's absolutely no way I can afford to pay for this right now. My girlfriend was laid off so I'm the only person working and paying rent. Unemployment benefits have now ceased to exist. This is an absolute nightmare. Is there anything I can do about this?

    I'm really frustrated because I followed all of the experts advice from day one and am still absolutely screwed. Had I known it would threaten my financial well-being I would have taken my chances at home.

    Edit: sorry if I came off as rude to anyone. I know you're only trying to help me. This is incredibly frustrating and scary to me and I didn't mean to take it out on anyone.

    submitted by /u/myobviousthrowaway12
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    Vehicle lender repossessed my vehicle even though I've been paying it?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    In 2018 i got a 2015 dodge dart from one of those "500 down, buy here pay here" places and the vehicle was marked at 18,000. Ive been paying the 250 on the 10th and 25th of every month as per the contract i signed. When covid hit i had been let go from my job, i soonafter contacted the lender and let them know that i had been layed off and would not be able to afford my vehicle payment next month. They gave me some slack and gave me 3 months to get my finances together before making a payment, otherwise they would have to repossess the vehicle. Nearing the end of the 3 months i had contacted them to let them know i was going to pay the past due balance on the vehicle. Afterwords i payed the 1500 past due and an extra 250 to make sure i wouldnt be behind. After i made the phone call and finished the payments they sent somebody to repo my vehicle in the middle of the night. When i woke up and went to call them they had told me this exactly "We understand that you paid the outstanding balance but were are not sure if you are going to continue making payments given the current situation with the economy. We cant give you your vehicle unless you completely pay it off". Im not really sure what to do here because this was the first car i had gotten and i ended up having to buy a 2000 honda civic off a guy in order to get to and from work, the hinda is nice and it cost me 900.

    submitted by /u/SCP2662
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    [CA] My leg was severed in an accident a few weeks ago and I want my leg back. The hospital is refusing to release it to me. What can I do?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    So I was in an accident a few weeks ago where my leg was severed from the knee down. From day 1 when it was freshly severed I was saying I wanted my leg back . The plan for me was to articulate it at a taxidermist and that's how I wanted to grieve it. The hospital originally said they could release it to me, then the guy at the morgue said I have to talk to risk management. I called her, explained the situation and she said 100% yes I can have it. Next day she comes to the rehab I'm at and says that the legal team said I can't have it now because it's considered "biomedical waste" and now belongs to them and not me. What are my options here?

    submitted by /u/CrayonMan
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    Hospital used my medical file and insurance for a person that OD’d

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    I began receiving bills 3 days ago for a hospital 45 minutes away from my town in Ohio. I called the insurance company and was told I had been admitted to the ICU for 2 days after police had brought me to the ER. I had never been to this hospital and don't have any history of drugs. When I called the hospital they confirmed it was in my medical records. I went and picked up my records and informed them they had made a mistake. After reviewing what was in my record the person had my same first and last name, had been picked up by the cops burglarizing a home and swallowed a bunch of drugs to avoid getting caught with them. The cops put out a warrant on him and left him in ICU, he was discharged with all of my personal information. I kept the records and am not sure what I need to do with this, my fear is it will pop back up in the future. The insurance company said there will always be a trail showing this on my record.

    submitted by /u/569978
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    IL/Will County delivery driver just got hit by a guy I was delivering food to don't know how to proceed with charges..

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    Like the title says I've been delivering food this whole pandemic with the influx of take out and tonight went south. This has never happened to me nor have I ever had to go to court for anything minus paying a traffic ticket so I could use a run down of how these things proceed or what I should do going further from the police reports and booking.

    Incident: I was delivering food for two customers at a time off the Uber Eats app and got held up by my second order. Apparently another driver took off and cancelled on the customer and I had to wait for the order to be done over again. I contact the person I first picked up food for on the route and told them sorry for the wait but this place had a technical issue and they texted me back I'm sorry to hear my food is going to be cold. So I didn't say anything back to that; was just trying to be courteous for both parties and let the one guy know I'm getting held up on the second order whatever. So I get the second order and head over to the guy being a smartass over text and he's waiting for me at the door glaring. I glare back at him as I give him his food and he mutters, "I hope that other order was worth it." And I tell him as compassionately as I can, "hey man I'm sorry but I had to wait for their whole order to get redone because a previous driver ran off with their food." And he replies,"now my food is cold." And I said more coldy, "well hey you have a microwave right you have a pretty big house in this nice neighborhood." Obviously that angered him and he said, "Fuck you" I'm walking to my car at this point grabbing the handle to my door and told him "Why don't you check your privilege" and thats when he came at me with the bag of food hit me with it and then punched me with his other free hand in the mouth. Keep in mind my hand is on my door handle this whole time that happens. Wife comes out and pushes him off me yelling what are you doing they go inside and I call police. Told them everything I typed here and when they're taking his statement low and behold he's denying the punch but totally claiming he threw the bag of food at me. Even his wife is denying seeing him punch me when she was the one that literally came to pull him off me for that reason. He got booked and arrested on battery charges tonight and the cops said I'll be getting a court date of sorts for the whole thing.

    Do I need a lawyer? How should I prep and proceed with this court case because I definitely want compensation. Kind of shaken up but I took pictures of my cut lips already and even have a screenshot of the original exchange where I sent him the heads up text on the delay.

    submitted by /u/geo815
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    A bank forced me to engage in illegal overdraft practices, and fired me for it

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    This was in New Jersey.

    CNBC produced an article today titled "TD Bank agrees to pay $122 million to settle claims it employed illegal overdraft practices".

    The bank made their employees push debit card contracts onto customers that would charge them up to $350 per day for insufficient funds. I was one of those employees.

    I pushed back on these wrongful practices, so they harassed me for not doing so. I kept resisting until my manager devised a way to terminate me via a "violated performance plan" which I wasn't updated on nor even aware of. During my unemployed time gap, I applied for benefits and they denied it, even after I got a lawyer to appeal.

    So with light of the recent news, I'd like to know if I have any more options against my former employer.

    submitted by /u/DrainBammage_
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    (Louisiana) Bought a new car (MINI Cooper) Dealership quit selling/servicing MINIs a few months later. My car needs a repair but MINI refuses to honor the warranty unless I drive 400 miles out of state to the nearest "MINI-certified" mechanic. I don't want the car anymore. Is there any case here?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Or am I screwed? I just don't see how it can be legal to force someone to drive 400 miles out of state to service a car they bought 20 miles away. MINI refuses to let a 3rd party fix the car, and doing so anyways immediately voids the warranty. I am extremely frustrated and just need to know if there's any way out of this shitty deal.

    submitted by /u/allaj0ke
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    [California] Sister was burned at work using a machine minors aren't supposed to use, a misunderstanding may lead to the company suing her.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Hello, this just happened,if any details are needed let me know and any help is much appreciated.

    My 16yo sister works at a fast food restaurant

    2 days ago from posting my sister got a 2nd degree burn at work while using a hot water dispenser (195° F). When I worked there 6ish months ago we were told that minors couldn't use this machine, however according to my sister she was never told she couldn't use this machine and was told to use it on several occasions by managers, including the GM.

    The incident that resulted in her burns:

    She had traded doing drive through for dishes with another employee and while using the hot water machine to help remove cooked on food she dropped the container on her foot which resulted in the burns. She had no idea she couldn't use the machine until after the GM was told who then said, "That's why you aren't supposed to use it."

    The current incident:

    My sister and I went into her workplace to get some lunch and the shift manager came to the window to talk to her and make sure she was doing okay. Here's the goof on our end, we told the manager that our parents initially freaked out and wanted to go to OSHA, the Labor Board, and whoever would do something about it basically, but we did tell them that we did talk our parents out if it, and told the manager that no legal action was being taken.

    My sister just received a call from the GM asking why we were threatening to sue, she said we weren't, and the GM said was telling the owners to contact their lawyer.

    Here's my questions:

    • Can they sue us for this?

    Nothing was posted online or talked about outside of the store or my immediate family, so I can't see them going for defamation, and nobody attempted blackmail.

    • Can they retaliate against her in the workplace over this?

    Nothing was reported to any agency so does she not have those protections against retaliation?

    • Do we have any legal action we can take now?

    I have been unable to determine if a minor isn't legally supposed to use that machine, is there a way to find that out? Seeing as she was told by management to use it, if she really shouldn't be using it I'd like to report it.

    Thanks in advance for any help, this came out of left field and is really stressing us out.

    submitted by /u/Swiggity369
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    [Maryland] My lease has ended and I want to move out of my apartment... but I can’t get in touch with my absentee landlord.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    I've been living in a rented condo since 2018 and my official lease ended on August 1st. The condo is privately owned (we have no contact with the owner) but managed by a property manager who's notoriously MIA. Sometimes it can take weeks to track this guy down and we haven't actually had any contact with him since maybe around Christmas? In that time, we've sent emails, left multiple voicemails and phone calls and never received a response.

    Back in early July, we gave him a call to discuss the end of the lease and our intention to move out. As per usual, he never answered or retuned our calls/voicemails.

    At the end of July, we still hadn't found a new place, so we paid for August and continued looking (in MD, once a lease ends, it transfers to a month-to-month agreement as long as you continue paying rent.)

    Now we've found a new place and want to vacate this one by the first week of September, but we still can't get ahold of this dude. At this point idk what to do. I don't want to pay for another month of rent here and we're not even under a lease anymore. Our county law says we have to give two months of notice before ending a month to month... which wouldn't have been a problem if we'd been able to get in contact in July.

    Anyone have any clue what my options are moving forward?

    submitted by /u/garbage-binz
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    My dentist pulled the wrong tooth.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I'm sorry if there's spelling or grammar errors, I'm writing this on my phone and very emotional writing this. I don't know where else to ask about this..

    So I've been ive been in terrible pain with a bad tooth for a while and I finally decided it needed to be pulled. After calling around all day I finally found a dentist to examine the tooth (tooth 29) and she agreed it either needed a root canale or to be pulled. But unfortunately she did not have the time to pull my tooth herself that day. And I don't have the money for a root canale and a crown. So I had to deal with it for another night of no sleep.

    Leading to today I was calling around again looking for an extraction I called an office that I had been to the year before but it isn't close to my home which is why it wasn't my first choice. The office was able to fit me in this afternoon so I was happy to get out of pain. They took x-ray's and we discussed the tooth and teeth surrounding it.

    Admittedly my teeth are not in great shape from going most of my life with out dental care. The tooth that has been bothering me has a large hole and the root is almost exposed. The tooth in front of it also had a smaller hole but was not bothering me unless he hit it with the back of the metal mirror. I told the dentist I wanted the tooth with the large hole removed. Thats the one bothering me! The dentist said okay and then started to numb my mouth. And eventually pulled a tooth. It was hard to tell what tooth he was pulling because I was very numb. And once the gauze was in and I sat up the gauze felt like it was way to far forward in my mouth, I felt like the blood left my body and I was shaking the dentist had already left the room so I turned to the nurse and said which tooth did he pull otut?? She grabbed a mirror and showed me the hole in my mouth. It was the tooth directly behind my lower k9 tooth (tooth 28) the nurse assured me it was the right tooth and proceeded to payment which was done in the dental room per their COVID policy.

    But it just didn't feel right.. i knew it was the other tooth but I was so shaky and out of it, worrying, knowing I needed to go pick my kids up from my brother, I paid and left. But as I drove home I started becoming less numb and more awake to what had just happend. I picked up my kids and when I got home I looked at the paperwork from my dentist the day before and there it was tooth 29 in need of extraction. The dentist pulled 28. I'm in so much pain right now between having just had a tooth pulled and still having the bad tooth. I'm devastated to have another tooth gone.

    Their after hours dental tech just called me and I explained what had happened and she told me that after reviewing the dentist notes and having spoken to the dentist they had pulled the correct tooth and that I'm just having usual pain associated with having an extraction. They also noted that I pointed to the tooth that they pulled on an x-ray. I did point to a tooth, the tooth with a gaping hole (tooth 29). They also mentioned that I would have signed a consent form confirming the tooth they were going to pull. I signed a form before I spoke with the dentist and a form after the tooth was pulled. So there was nothing that said the tooth on it.. and even if there was I'm not a dentist I would out right know the number of the tooth with out looking at a chart like the one that was from my dentist the day before. The person from the after hours call was very short with me and only offered to have me speak with the dentist who pulled my tooth on Monday. I'm scared by her tone I know they are going to fight me on this. I'm not knowledgeable in dealing with situations like this. I don't even know where to start. I don't have dental insurance and had to pay out of pocket. I have no money left to pay for another extraction. This one cost me $525 dollars.

    Do I have a leg to stand on in this? Is there anything I can do to at least have them pull the original tooth I need pulled? Is there anything I should be saying on Monday to actually be heard by this dentist?

    submitted by /u/SpiffyCrustacean
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    [WV] I just paid off my house, but of course nothing is ever that simple.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    So, 10ish years ago, my landlord decided he didn't want to landlord anymore and we were great tenets so he offered us the house on a land contract (This was all done by my parents) Where we kept paying the same we were paying for rent for 10 years and the house is ours.

    I've reviewed the contract and it seems like your basic land contract, in the contract it states that the deed is to be put in trust of the law firm that did the contract and to be delivered when paid in full.

    The problem.

    We made the last payment last month and have tried several times to contact the landlord/seller and have been unable to contact them. We reached out to the law firm and spoke to the attorney who did the contract, he has confirmed that they have the deed and just need to confirm it has been paid off.

    They can't get ahold of landlord/seller.

    My mother is a document hoarder. She has every bank statement for the last 20+ years including check images, the firm says that is good, but it's not proof. My mom did not have her own lawyer helping her with this (dumb on her part IMO), so we figure we need to hire a lawyer. Would this be a real estate attorney? Contract attorney? Should be a simple case or am I in for an uphill battle?

    I am extremely vested in this as I also have a contract with them. My family loves to fight over dead peoples things, so I made a deal with them so no one fights over the house where I helped pay for a remodel and once they pay off the house it is mine, so I am helping them with this (as in I am lawyering up for them, they aren't well off financially)

    submitted by /u/Doty152
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    My friend sold his car and the buyer got into an accident and used my friends information.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    F = Friend B = Douchebag Buyer

    At the time of the accident (F) had already signed the title over to (B).

    (F) recently got a letter in the mail saying that his license had been suspended and that he failed to appear in court. They put a warrant out for his arrest.

    (F) went to the court house and talked to a few police officers who then pulled up dash cam footage of the incident. (B) is shown clearly in the video as around 5'4" and like 140 lbs. (F) is 6'+ and 200+ lbs. Judge threw out the case and realized it was a mistake instantly.

    My question is, should (F) try and sue this guy? I feel like this would be an easy win for identity theft and defamation of character, possibly even other things added on. Would it be worth pursuing?

    submitted by /u/Veraciouz
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    HOA walked into my house unannounced.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    I bought a condo last year in Florida to rent out on air b&b. Since the corona virus hit, I left my home in in NY and have been staying at the condo working from home. When I bought the condo, they told me the office needed a key for emergencies. No problem I gave the key. Now yesterday 8 am i hear a bang on my door, I'm still sleeping. It was loud and hard like police. I jump out of bed start to put my pants on and yell coming. Before I could get my pants on I hear the door slam open like it was being kicked in. At this point I said fuck the pants and grabbed my pistol from the dresser draw. I ran out and had the 2 men held at gun point, who couldn't really speak English, all of us shitting ourselves. I'm yelling get down in English they're yelling in Russian, finally I hear HOA as he's pointing to his key. I told them get out because the situation was tense and I don't know if they're lying or what. I went to the desk after I cooled off and woke up. Ask the guy why the HOA was entering my condo. They claimed it was a safety check (sprinklers, fire extinguisher, ect) and they only have to knock twice before entering.

    So I have a 2 part question. Can the HOA enter my condo like this and would I be in the wrong legally if I had shot them. For anyone coming in with anti gun stuff, just leave it. I own it legally, Kissimmee isn't the greatest area, and its there for exactly this kind of situation.

    P.s the HOA has been giving me shit since this happened. I've gotten 2 violation notices for my patio furniture and a bike I keep on the patio (been there since i bought it a year ago. I was told I have too many pets and 1 will have to go (apparently 2 is the limit i have 3) and now they tell me I have to switch my ID and regester as a resident with the office and they won't accept my NY ID. It feels like they know they're wrong and reminding me how difficult they can make my life.

    submitted by /u/FightMilkv2
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    Landlord had our windows sealed shut, roommate got cut trying to open it, and more (WA)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Warning, this is quite long, multiple compounding issues here.

    So several roommates and I are on a lease for a house together that ends at the end of this month. We've had several issues recently with the property management company, first one concerns the windows.

    Beginning of July, maintenance workers show up unannounced, when we ask why they're here, they inform us that they will be painting the house (outside). We told them that we hadn't received notice that they would be here, asked them to leave and return after we were notified. They ignored us and proceed to paint the house over several days. We called the main office and told them they have to give us notice before sending maintenance over, they said they didn't, and also claimed they didn't know why the house was being painted. The maintenance guys removed all the window screens, closed our windows and taped them over with plastic for painting. They also needed access to the inside of the house to plug in their power tools.

    Once the house was painted, we discovered that the windows don't open anymore. The house is a late 1800s construction, and has single pane windows that have to be pushed up to open. They were difficult to open before the painting, but afterwards they don't open at all. One roommate tried to open the window in his bedroom, and the glass shattered and he got cut and was bleeding. Our lease says we are responsible for "all new glass breakage." Roommate emailed the office, asked them to repair the window and unseal all the windows. Office replied and said they would send over a guy the next day. That never happened. Other roommate called a dozen times, no results. Windows are still sealed, there is no ventilation in the house and it's over 90 degrees F inside. It's impossible to physically be inside the house for very long with that temperature. We've been staying at others' places and sitting in the backyard.

    Roommate finally filed a complaint with our city's housing inspector, who came out and agreed that this is a huge safety violation (fire). We also had him look at the holes in the roof that had allowed squirrels to move in and wreck the attic for months. Inspector wrote a letter to the owner stating they have 30 days to fix the violations or deal with the police department. So far, it's been a week and nothing has happened. We think the property management company is waiting until our lease is up (before the 30 days is up) so they don't have to fix it.

    Another issue is the holes in the roof that allowed a family of squirrels to inhabit the attic for months. They were established before we moved in. We sent multiple emails and letters over the course of 7 months asking for them to have the squirrels removed. The last emails said we would use the "repair and deduct" remedy if they wouldn't do it. They ignored them all, and responded to the emails with random sentences such as "I emailed him yet call him and tell him to come get his little friend". We finally hired a squirrel trapper ourselves, who removed 4 squirrels in a few days. We paid him, and emailed our property management company asking for reimbursement. They ignored us, even though we said we would deduct the cost from our rent. We proceeded to deduct the cost of squirrel removal from our next rent, and heard nothing from the office. Now, we're on our last month here, and they emailed us saying we owe a bunch of money. Turns out, one roommate who had moved out a few months ago and never found a replacement, stopped paying. We paid that chunk, and the squirrel chunk, and they still claim we owe money. Today, (presumably) they texted from a random number and claimed we owe money. They also sent maintenance guys over and mowed our lawn without telling us, we discovered it after getting home that day. We're expecting them to tack lawncare fees on when we try to move out.

    So, the legal questions are: Can we sue them for the money we paid to have the squirrels removed? Can they hold us liable for breaking the window, even though they admitted to sealing them and didn't fix it? Can we sue the roommate that ditched us for the rent and fees we paid on her behalf?

    Thanks for reading this long post.

    submitted by /u/lakewaysuxmonkeybutt
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    Fence Built On My Property

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    My neighbor was in the process of building a fence near our lot line and I asked them to stop until we had it marked out by a surveyor. They weren't very receptive to this idea (even after I showed them my mortgage inspection plan) and they built the fence when I was at work. I had a surveyor come and it turns out the fence is 6' over the lot line onto my property. I've been talking with an attorney and he said will cost $10 - $20K for a lawsuit which seems like a lot of money. Not sure what to do because reduces the value of my property, but spending that much money to go back to what I already had seems crazy. Any advice would be helpful - thanks!

    Edit: I live in MA.

    submitted by /u/Koolkat110
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    NJ: Living trust house being held ransom by a buyer

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    A family member (the dad of an in-law, so not my immediate family) has been battling multiple medical issues requiring round-the-clock care, and as a result, he willingly moved to an assisted living facility and gave his adult children his blessings to sell his house (which was held in a living trust) to pay for his care until Medicare (or Medicaid?) kicks in. So, on their father's behalf, they listed the house for sale.

    They got a buyer pretty quickly, and everything was moving along pretty normally until closing approached. The buyer postponed the original closing date because they said the lender wasn't ready. It was rescheduled for a week later, but the buyer never showed up and suddenly became unreachable. For 2 weeks, there was complete silence despite multiple attempts to reach them.

    Seller's attorney advised that the owner could re-list the house, which they did. They immediately got two bids, leading to a bidding war. One of the offers was verbally accepted - nothing in writing.

    Original buyer was informed via email and voice mail about the situation, and suddenly, they weren't radio silent anymore. Buyer's attorney responded saying they will sue for violating the contract and said the delays were "because COVID is slowing everything down". They rescheduled closing again for today (21 Aug). Keep in mind that the owner's living situation is tied to the proceeds. (Incidentally, he has actually had COVID.) Seller canceled the agreement with the new bidders, who are now pissed.

    Well, the original buyers didn't show up again today (3rd time they missed closing) and aren't answering phone calls or emails. It's now a full month since the original closing date. How long can the buyer metaphorically hold this house hostage? If they do actually sue, will it hold up the sale? Is there any recourse? It's affecting the ability to pay for assisted living. Thank you for any advice.

    submitted by /u/On_Tippytoes
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    [California] How long am I obligated to hold onto non-delivered orders from non-responsive customers?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm using a throwaway account right now.
    I am a new manager of a webstore that sells high value collectible items.
    I inherited an issue where there are returned/non-deliverable packages accumulated from over 10 years.

    We try to contact the customers on the invoice every year, but so far we have never received any responses nor have we been contacted.
    Due to the age of some of these orders, I'm not sure if I would still be able to refund them. (Ex: Credit Cards originally used to purchase are probably expired at this point, they may have moved so money orders and checks might be risky)
    It's taking a considerable amount of space in our warehouse, and I wasn't sure if I was within my right to consider these as abandoned property and dispose of it.

    Tldr: I have a lot of returned orders from over 10 years and can't reach the customer. Can I get rid of it?

    submitted by /u/AggressivelyTroubled
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