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    Thursday, August 20, 2020

    Legal Advice - [Florida] Cat shelter refuses to adopt to me due to my gender and marital status. Is there anything I can do?

    Legal Advice - [Florida] Cat shelter refuses to adopt to me due to my gender and marital status. Is there anything I can do?

    [Florida] Cat shelter refuses to adopt to me due to my gender and marital status. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Good morning r/legaladvice!

    I recently moved into my own place and have been looking to adopt a cat. The public shelter in my county in Florida has zero cats available, and while that's a good thing because it means there aren't any abandoned cats in the area, it also means I have to try private shelters as I don't want to buy from a breeder.

    So far, this has been challenging for many reasons. One shelter in particular, after filling out their application, e-mailed me to ask what my gender is and if I had a wife. I explained to them that I am male and single. They replied by informing me that they will not be accepting my application, and will be sharing my name with other shelters in the area to prevent me from adopting one.

    Is it legal for a private animal shelter that solicits donations and funding from the community to discriminate against who they will adopt out to because of gender and marital status if there is a woman in the home? There is, as far as I can tell, no other reason why my application was denied and I was only denied after they found out I am a single man.


    Thank you all for the help.

    I'm not looking to sue. I just want to adopt a cat. I will follow the advice below and file a complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations, as this does appear to be illegal discrimination. Not just gender, but Florida apparently does actually protect marital status as well.

    Many of you suggested that I check Craigslist, which I did about an hour ago. There are six posts today of people in my city desperate to get rid of healthy kittens because it was an unexpected litter. I've reached out to several of them and will wait for a response rather than continue to try and jump through hoops to please these private shelters. Shame about the cats stuck in them, but if they won't adopt them out, nothing I can do. I don't care what kind of cat I get, so picking up any regular kitten is fine with me.

    To those suggesting there was something else odd about my application or that I "left something out": I haven't. I filled out their application which does not ask for gender and I told the truth on all questions. Afterwards, they e-mailed me to check my gender, and after finding out I was male, then they denied me. If you don't see why that certainly comes across as discriminatory, I don't know what to tell you.

    Regardless, thanks all!

    EDIT 2:

    I have received over 15 PMs informing me that I should really adopt two kittens rather than one cat. If possible I will be doing that, but it really isn't up to me; it's whatever is available on Craigslist.

    submitted by /u/GuyThatWantsACat
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    Can I sue my doctor for waiting 6 months to tell me I had cancer because rescheduled an unrelated procedure several times?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    I have to go to a gastroenterologist regularly regarding an auto-immune disorder. He ordered an MRI in June 2019 when I had a colonoscopy. We also decided that I should have an endoscopy. There was nothing urgent about the endoscopy. I had to reschedule it a few times due to not having a ride home after the procedure. I finally had the endoscopy done in October 2019. I had a follow up appointment Dec. 9.

    As the PA (who I thought was a doctor) was scrolling my results he said, "Did anyone tell you you have a large mass on your right kidney?" I said no. He mentioned a referral and started to continue with the appointment and I stopped him. I asked what he meant by "large mass" and he said, "big, big mass!" I was still a bit stunned at the callousness with which he told me and his short responses.

    I asked him why no one had called me about this mass since the MRI was done 6 months prior. He said that I had rescheduled my follow up appointment. I told him I rescheduled the endoscopy, not the follow up appointment because they gave me my colonoscopy results immediately after the procedure. I asked if anyone even read the MRI report before that day. He didn't answer. I told him that their actions were unacceptable and they should have called and either told me or scheduled an urgent appointment. The only contact we had between the MRI/coloniscopy and the endoscopy were the letters about scheduling the endoscopy. I also asked him again if anyone read the reports when they came in or if they just filled them. He didn't answer. I told him that they are going to have a "big, big!" problem with me for their actions.

    He told me that the results were also sent to my primary care clinic. I said something to the receptionist and she commented that they had sent me 2 letters about a follow up appointment. I told her that those only addressed the endoscopy, not any other test results and that there was nothing to indicate that there was anything urgent.

    My next call was to my clinic about why they didn't read the report and call me. They told me they would look into it and call me back. Within 15 minutes, they called back and there were 5 people on the call. They were clearly worried about it. They said they reviewed what happened and have clarified their procedures and it would never happen again. They also set up a ultrasound appointment for that day and a referral appointment to a nephrologist.

    After being referred to USC and scheduling surgery, COVID happened. They cancelled my surgery scheduled for March. It was rescheduled for May. They couldn't save the kidney because the tumor was in the middle of the kidney leaving only the top and bottom portions that couldn't be saved. It was also starting to grow into the blood vessels which would render it useless. It turned out to be Stage 3 (one step before spreading to the body at Stage 4) with clear margins, which is good but not great. I now have to have screenings done every 6 months, but no chemo or other treatment. I'm not sure if they could have saved part of my kidney if the cancer hadn't been left to grow for almost a year before surgery. Also, it might not have reached stage 3 if I had found out earlier and, if course, COVID wouldn't have been an issue last year.

    I did talk to my insurance company about the gastroenterologist. They did an investigation and they removed the office from their plan (they served a lot of Medi-Cal patients, so this was pretty big office to drop.) This says to me that my situation was clearly handled incorrectly and they were clearly in the wrong.

    In addition, the day he gave me the news, the PA called in a prescription for a drug for my GI issues that my insurance didn't pay for. For 5 months, I called their office telling them I can't get the prescription unless they did a prior authorization. They never did.

    Do I have a malpractice case?

    submitted by /u/Sciencegirl117
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    [CA] Mom’s boyfriend wants to infect her with COVID-19, is there anything we can do?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    We live with him at a house we rent together (all three of our names on the lease) can't afford to move or get hotel room long term.

    Mom found out today that he is purposely going to the house of a woman with coronavirus and when mom freaked out he told her it was like chicken pox and she should just get it now to get it over. (He is a hardcore Trump fan and believes the disease is essentially a political thing).

    My mom is immune compromised and has an autoimmune disorder. She's actively taking steroids.

    We are terrified, is there anyway we can make him stop legally? Like making him quarantine somewhere else?

    submitted by /u/Botterpop
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    I think my previous employer is calling my salon and making fake appointments. Who do I contact?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    A little backstory me and my coworkers were employed at Regis corporation in a small city in Canada for years. Once they went bankrupt we switched to a salon down the street.

    The man who owns this salon has gone through over 300 employees in his career of 15 years of being an owner. He lied to us about pay, forced us to stay in his office late after work to chat and made lies about us to eachother the list goes on (forever).

    -There is still an active case with the labour board with him. He won one of the cases due to lack of evidence.

    -He does everything over phone conversations to avoid any paper trail.

    We all left and opened our own salon that is very successful in the same neighborhood we have been doing great but in the past few weeks we have had people book in for services (big ones) then no show .

    We do have a cancellation policy in effect but we can only charge them a fee when they show up to their next appointment (which they never do) and we only take deposits for services over $300 because it wouldn't be fair to the rest of our loyal clients depositing on haircuts and simple root touch ups.

    I KNOW for a fact it's him doing this because when we mention our cancellation policy the client ALWAYS says something along the lines of "you have lost me to ___(owners name) salon.

    I'm not sure what to do from here we can't prove its him getting other people to call in.

    More about him : I know for a fact he's laundering money for another company. I have no paper proof to prove this though. I also know he is known to be petty he's been married 3 times and on his last divorce battle he CUT THE WHOLE SALON in half (sinks, chairs, tools) .

    I don't know who to contact anymore and I don't have enough money to go in a legal battle with the people he launders for.

    Also he can't have any credit cards because he claimed bankruptcy but drives a CAMERO everywhere .

    Please help !

    submitted by /u/MakeEarthGreatAgain7
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    (OR) - Marshals and LEO keep coming to our door for past tenants. Year six.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Here we go again..

    We get a knock on the door, city PD the guy says. Open the door and hes got a marshal badge on his belt, a folder, big gun and plainclothes. And it's the same thing every time the past 5+ years. "Is so-and-so here? Open the door so I can see you are or arent." and it's like dude I'm at the point of keeping ID handy.

    Or itll be a plain clothes guy trying to "find someone for his website" and produces a form that says admin@admin.admin on the email with a name of someone I've never heard of, whose returned mail I've never seen.

    We tell them, every time, hey, we have lived here 5-6 years and literally remember you asking before. We are well-groomed, clean, we keep a clean house. We dont party or cultivate/use illegal drugs. I smoke pot that I buy at the store across the street.

    We will think it's the last time and a few months go by and bang bang bang, city PD, with a plainclothes Marshal, looking for someone whose returned mail I've never seen and never heard of. (Edit: once it was city PD but they didnt announce).

    I grew up in law enforcement household so if it's a legit thing I wanna help if i can but I'm stumped. But what do we do? We have told them the same thing every time so it's not like our stories change or the people answering the door are different. Like do they think we just got 6 dudes we never heard of laying around somewhere?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/FlyingBlueSaucers
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    [Orlando, FL] told landlord about water damage and was brushed off. Today ceiling fell on us, injuring us and revealing a lot of black mold. What do we do now?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Hi! Some information:

    My sister and I live in Orlando, FL

    We signed our rental lease in March. It's for 1 year.

    Our rent is $1200/month

    We are $1900 behind in rent (about 2 months)

    Here is a gallery of the damage and mold. I can also include picture of our lease agreement if that would help.


    We told our landlord about the ceiling sort of "bubbling" back in June. We have text messages with him that have photos of the initial problem. He sent someone out to fix it in July and they weren't able to finish the project for reasons we aren't sure of (covid, rain, etc.)

    It's been raining a lot in FL and the ceiling has been getting worse until today when it finally collapsed revealing a LOT of mold. It landed on us and a friend. I have small (but visible and bloody) scratches on my back.

    The ceiling is visibly bubbling in many other parts of our unit, but today when the landlord came by to see the mess, he assured us it wasn't wet and that he didn't think there was any more mold.

    He has agreed to put us up in a hotel for 2 nights but is implying that we will be on our own after that because he says it is fine for us to stay in the home and "not that bad."

    I love our landlord and don't want to (probably can't afford to anyway) take legal action, but I'm not confident that he will fix our problems because he is very cheap and passive. I also want to continue living here because we cannot afford to move.

    I guess the questions I have are:

    Is it safe for us and our dog and cat to live here with this much mold and the threat of ceilings falling on top of us?

    Is our landlord responsible for finding us accommodations (hotel or otherwise) in the meantime?

    What are the steps we can take if he doesn't fix the problem in a timely manner?

    What are the legal ramifications he can face for this?

    What language and terminology can I use when speaking to him to know that I'm serious and well informed?

    Do we even have a leg to stand on being behind on rent (lol?)

    We're scared honestly and just want to cover our bases. Sorry if this post is long and/or stupid.

    ceiling gallery :(

    Thank you ❤️

    submitted by /u/shittypotatosalad
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    HR rep disclosed confidential info about a crime committed against me with a manager who had no business knowing, who then spread gossip about not believing it happened to me

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    During a Telehealth therapy session yesterday my therapist told me I could sue my company for something that happened about two years ago and it left me wondering if that's true and if it would even be worth it to try. Two years ago I had a sexually violent crime committed against me and after showing up to work the following Monday I realized I couldn't be there and took the rest of the vacation time I had left (a week) to process and deal with what had happened. Of course I didn't feel much better a week later and when I returned I was a mess, having to go cry in the bathroom etc, just having a hard time not breaking down, but I managed through losing myself in conversations with coworkers (while working of course, I don't deal with customers so conversing is perfectly fine so long as you can continue at the same pace). I hadn't told a soul at work what had happened to me besides the HR rep, who contacted corporate HR to see if I could avoid getting disciplinary action for leaving work early. About two years later while a certain upper management employee (someone who manages the whole workplace) was under investigation for sexual harassment of two other employees, one of my work friends told me via social media that after I returned to work when I had been assaulted she overheard him telling another manager that I seemed in a pretty good mood and that he doubted I was even raped. At this point my friend didn't even know yet what had happened to me and this is how she found out. He was gossiping about a very confidential crime against me and not only outed me as a victim of assault but also was debating the validity of whether it had happened based on me dissociating by losing myself in conversation rather than stay in my head and thinking about what had happened. He was subsequently fired after this information was shared with corporate HR, but my therapist says that the HR rep at my workplace had no grounds to share what had happened to me with him in the first place and that that was supposed to stay confidential and they broke the law by telling him. Is this true? Is it still possible to pursue this? I felt humiliated and still don't know who all he shared his opinions on my sexual assault with (let alone shared that I was a victim). Is it even worth pursuing? It's a decently large company and idk how the HR rep thought it would be acceptable to share such private info when not at all necessary.

    Location: USA

    submitted by /u/throwawayweewooweewo
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    Using GPS to track my child during first-time custody visitation

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT


    I'm a California resident and the child's father is getting visitation alone for the first time. He has violent tendencies and has made threats towards the baby in the past, such as kidnapping, that I cannot prove. The court awarded him unsupervised visitation to my child who he has never met and is six months old. I want to use a GPS tracker to ensure that he does not try to flee with my child but I know it can be highly illegal to track a vehicle. Is it possible to place a hidden tracker on my child's car seat legally? Do I have any legal options at all?

    Thank you so much in advance

    submitted by /u/DeepStateKenyan
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    Texas abandonment question

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I have a tenant who trashed the house I own in Texas. They have stopped all communication but now I am wondering how long before I can consider the house abandoned. Any guidance would be helpful as this is a very stressful situation and their really hasn't been any relief for small landowners like me struggling to pay 2 mortgages. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/cadiuspan
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    A lab lost my date rape drug test - what can I do?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    I originally posted this to r/advice but they recommended that I come here as well

    I took a date rape drug test (not part of a rape kit) and the test was lost somewhere in transit between the medical office and the lab. They have offered to give me a second test, but it's been over 2 weeks now and I highly doubt the test will show any accurate results. I'm crushed now that I'll never have an answer to what happened to me. They say they don't give refunds but that's crap! The test was nearly $400 and I'm just supposed to get nothing from that?

    Does anybody have suggestions of what I could do to try to get that money back? Or suggestions to do anything further? This is so careless and so deeply hurtful. Even if it was an accident, I feel it's not an accident worthy of brushing off and letting them take my money with no consequences or even an apology. In an attempt to be brief, I've trimmed out the details but I can provide additional info if it's needed.

    Additional info for this sub: - I in am in Alabama - I purchased the test from the lab and scheduled an appointment at an Occupational Health facility that is local to me.

    submitted by /u/hello-it-me1293
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    School used child's picture on billboard without notice or permission

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    Last year my children attended a Catholic School. We pulled them out after the school year because of concerns about the education they were receiving. The school was given notice that the kids were not attending this year over the summer break.

    Today I saw a billboard for the school which is a picture of my child and her friend. My daughter had to have surgery to correct a medical issue last year and was in a wheel chair for the picture. Her best friend is African American. It's pretty obvious this is some sort of attempt to promote the school's diversity. I was given no notice nor asked permission. I did sign a photo form last year but that was only for that school year. Any advice on how to go about having it removed?

    Edit: Thanks to everyone who has offered advice. I believe those who said that the school basically has unlimited access to those pictures are probably correct and even though I don't want to, I'm going to let it go. I'm mostly upset because my daughter had a lot of change last year and had to go through many trials.

    It just comes off as scummy to use a picture that portrays someone as having a physical disability that does not. Especially when it's being blown up to billboard proportions. There were many other pictures that were taken throughout the school year where she was not using a wheelchair or walker that could have been used and while I wouldn't of been happy, I would not have been nearly as upset. Again, thank you everyone for taking the time to offer advice.

    submitted by /u/scarsofpity
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    16 year old runaway, can I get guardianship? Missouri

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    My teenage son has a friend, 16m, who recently moved into our area. He has been couch surfing around in some less than stellar homes. I was told he has run away from state custody after being taken from his mother for abuse in the home, and has been running for about a year. I would love to be able to let him stay with us and give him a safe place to live, but don't want to do so without obtaining legal custody for medical and education purposes. The child is afraid to be taken into legal custody, but I know that he was recently questioned by an officer and no information came up on his name. What is the best avenue to take, and is this worth pursuing? I have no idea where to even begin researching this situation, but school is starting soon and I'd like to get this resolved if there is a possibility. There is no way he will allow himself to be found if there is a chance of going into a juvenile detention center, I don't want to scare him into running again and possibly ending up in a worse situation.

    submitted by /u/Runguard
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    Letter from the IRS: We owe $5600 by September due to wrong information on 2018 tax return.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    By "we" I mean my gf's parents. They are immigrants that have only been in the US for less than 5 years so naturally they are clueless about how many things work in this country. In 2018, they went to a CPA to do their taxes and 2 years later, they are having problems with their taxes. First problem is, my gf's 2018 taxes were never submitted even though she was given a tax return form by the CPA. When she tried applying for financial aid for college, the irs had no information from her for the year 2018. She sent her documents given by the CPA and awaited their reply. Two months after sending her information, her parents get a letter stating that their taxes were done incorrectly and they now owe the irs over $8000 total but need to pay at least $5600 by September 16. The worst part is, the CPA that did their taxes has passed away in 2019. What can they do to fix this?

    submitted by /u/SmithRune735
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    Red flag laws

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    So I'm stationed in California currently and my wife, who I am now in the process of divorcing lives here as well. Recently she filed a petition to flag me as a form of revenge because she's upset about the prenup. Thank God for that. I learned that it was granted very very recently. So, I guess my question is, how do I fight this, and can I press charges against her? Also, I currently store my weapons on base in the armory, and can they seize them? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Throwaawaway133
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    Landlord abusing covid-19 to keep security deposit

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    So my friend who is in med school, just moved out of his apartment in Los Angelos, CA a few weeks ago, and his landlord informed him that not only will he not be receiving his security deposit back, but he also owes $200 dollars to him for damages to the apartment. He had requested a walkthrough of the apartment before he moved out (which the landlord is legally required to honor, no more than 3 weeks before the tenant moves out) but the landlord never scheduled one. Now the LL is saying that he didn't do one because of covid, giving my friend no time to repair any alleged problems (there were a few scuffs here and there, nothing wildly wrong with the place that would exceed typical wear and tear). It's not a huge amount of money but moreso the principle that the landlord is trying to abuse a pandemic to keep his security deposit that is keeping him from paying the $200 plus losing his $600 deposit. I can provide some more information if needed, any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/teddythepup
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    i found a security flaw and want to report it without getting sued.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I found a security flaw in my schools admin login page, which would allow a bad actor to take control over security cameras, install or run anthing on the school computers, and much more. I reported it in person to the school sysadmin but got yelled at. Now i'd like to report it to the company that makes the panel, but i dont want that company to sue me for "unauthorized computer access" is there a way i can word my report without revealing i accessed the panel without permission? (To be clear, i did something that is technically illegal in pursuit of doing the right thing) should i contact them at all?

    I'm 14 and live in minnesota.

    submitted by /u/LegalAdvice7171
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    My son keeps promising he will buy a gun as soon as he turns 18.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is right forum. My son keeps promising he will buy a gun as soon as he turns 18. He also has bouts of mental health issues and often threatens to kill the rest of the family. He has been in most every kind of treatment program-regular therapy, in patient, residential, intensive outpatient, etc. He usually has therapy appointments twice per week. None of the many professionals who have seen him expect a miracle cure or change. We are hopeful he will figure out how to cope, and will never give up on seeking treatment, but we have to be realistic.

    Do you have any suggestions to keep him from getting a gun? I thought about going around to nearby gun ranges/dealers to show them his picture and tell my story, but aren't there endless options to purchase: gun shows, private sales, internet, etc. Do we talk to the police/sheriff? Our local law enforcement has a terrible record of dealing with people with mental health challenges, and when we have called the police in the past my son starts gathering anything he can to "defend" himself-sharp items, heavy items to throw, etc.

    Do we go to court? Court sounds terrible, as he will feel humiliated and be off the charts angry with us.

    If an application or background check asks about his history, he won't tell the truth. I'm fairly certain that none of his mental health records as a minor are reported to any government that could flag them or use them in a background check.

    Our state Minnesota does not have red flag laws, but I'm praying that changes after the next election.

    submitted by /u/Now-Worried-Parent
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    Landlord refuses to countersign lease until I pay first months rent and security deposit

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Moving to another city and went apartment hunting last weekend. I found a nice place, and submit an application along with a refundable application deposit. My application was accepted, and I was sent a lease by the landlord's representative.

    I signed the lease, emailed it to landlord, and asked for the countersigned lease to be emailed back to me. The landlord representative then stated the landlord would not countersign the lease until I sent my first months rent and security deposit.

    This seems potentially risky/fraudulent as I could be sending more money without getting the guarantee of receiving a countersigned lease or apartment. Do I have reason to be concerned or am I just being paranoid?

    submitted by /u/taranisstrand
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    The warehouse next to mine is building an expansion like structure. They screwed the metal supports onto my warehouse wall without my permission.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    I am in california. Basically what's in the title. This can't be legal, right? If anything happen to the structure, my wall will be damaged too. This is not the parking lot wall, it is the wall of my warehouse. The person renting my warehouse talked to them and ask them to stop, but they said they have a permit to build. Questions is what step should I take now? Lawyer first or complain to the city? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/lovecrazydecoy
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    Someone has taken all of my mother's possessions out of her safe in her bank

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    My mother and father has joint bank account, and they have a safe where my dad stored gold and money over the many years. The gold was primarily to help me getting married, according to my father.

    My father has dementia and he's not mobile anymore.

    Today (20th August) my mother went into the bank to check the safe and she found if be to absolutely empty! The last she went with my father was almost a month ago.

    She asked for the records, and the last time a person checked the safe was on the 4th of August and it wasn't my parents.

    What can we do regarding this?


    So I spoke to my dad today whether he went to the bank in the last two weeks and he said yes. I asked with who and he said my step brother-in-law. I recorded this conversation for proof, but with dad's illness, he can change his story any minute.

    What's really weird is that in the last two weeks, dad started accusing me and my mum of stealing all his gold, and what's even more weird, we can't find dad's passport - anywhere!

    We're going to go the bank tomorrow and get the police involved and have a look at the CCTV. If it was in fact my brother in law that went with my dad, then shits gonna get deep!

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/nav202002
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    Got a citation for drinking a beer on a reservoir beach that doesn't allow alcohol. Facing Class C misdemeanor, apparently (Utah)

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    This is a weird one, but according to the court clerk that I called upon coming home with my citation, these citations for having alcohol on the beach of this particular reservoir are a mandatory court appearance with a possibility for a Class C misdemeanor.

    We were celebrating some close friends' 8 year old son's bday, and took some beers with us to enjoy during our day at the beach. Having been to numerous other reservoirs and enjoyed alcohol on the beach, I assumed this would be the same.

    The sheriff approached in their boat while I was in the water facing the shore. My friends motioned to me to put my beer down while pointing behind me, and so I looked behind me and saw the sheriff, then pulled the beer into the water with me. They approached me and asked what was in my hand, I said it was a beer, and then he informed me that alcohol was actually forbidden on this reservoir unless you were on a boat. I said I was unaware of the rule, and I apologized.

    I then asked what the issue was if I was just responsibly enjoying it, and he said that it's just that alcohol has lead to disorderly conduct and other issues on the beach, so that's why it's banned. He then proceeded to pull out a notebook and write me a citation while asking me my personal info (didn't have my license on me, as I left it in my truck's glovebox at the parking lot above the beach). He reassured me that this wouldn't have any effect on my license, points, etc. and to just call the number for the courthouse specified in the citation. Okay, cool. Been here with traffic tickets before. To be clear, it just says "no alcohol on beach" on the citation. Not drunk in public, disorderly, open container, none of that.

    As I said in the beginning, upon calling I was given a court date and told that it can result in a Class C misdemeanor. Having never even stepped foot in a courtroom before, I'm unsure how to proceed as far as needing a lawyer or not. I would prefer not to have a misdemeanor as I work for the government in a position that requires a security clearance, and while this wouldn't put that at risk, I'd just rather not have to answer this question or deal with this for the next however many decades of my life. I have zero prior run-ins with the law on a criminal level, only a few speeding tickets.

    A local law firm quoted me $1000-$1500 to have it taken care of like it never happened, and while I can afford that route, I'd rather not if I can avoid it.

    A few other folks, including my boss, advised me to just show up by myself and just be honest. He thinks that having no record, being a veteran, having a clearance, etc. should result in them being lenient and just issuing a fine of some kind.

    So that brings me here, and I apologize for the wall of text. I figured I'd include as much as possible. Calling lawyers and asking if I'll need their help in exchange for a sum of money seems a bit like asking a car salesman if I should buy a car, so I'm just sort of at a crossroads right now as far as how to deal with this.

    Hopefully that's enough info, and thank you in advance for any advice. I've been a lurker for years, so now is my time to contribute I guess...

    submitted by /u/Skalariak
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    (MI) ex and her husband are nearing divorce, he is now threatening to "dump all her stuff" at my house.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    So the mother of my children and I are on good terms. She and her husband, not so much at this point. She called me this morning saying that he messaged her stating he will be getting a truck and dumping all of her, and her kids' belongings at my house. Background: her and I have two sons together, she has two daughters by other fathers but neither one her husband. I have custody of our sons, she has custody of her daughters.

    Her husband and I have never really gotten along, but we also have hardly ever spoken to each other (another story for another day perhaps).

    Obviously I don't want a bunch of stuff dumped at my house, and I'm trying to limit my involvement in their relationship as much as possible, to the extent I can without being ignorant of what is going on in order to shield my own kids from the drama/BS. I care for my ex, and am sympathetic to her situation, but not enough to want to disrupt my kids' lives and store her belongings for who knows how long.

    My question is, what legal standing do I have to stop him, or what would/should I report to the police if he actually follows through on his threats? Trespassing? Illegal dumping?

    Thanks in advance for any help/advice!

    submitted by /u/pie_onk
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    My wife passed and I want to move please help me get out of my lease (NV)

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    My wife passed away three weeks ago the day after our 43rd wedding anniversary. It has been very difficult for me I have never lived alone. I want to move to Montana to live near our son but I have nine months left on our apartment lease here in Reno.

    I asked the leasing office if I can break lease but the staff says though they are very sorry about my wife I am still responsible because we both signed the lease. They said they would try to find another tenant if I leave but they have a lot vacancies now because of COVID and they might not be able to rent it at all. They say if they can't find someone I'd owe for all nine months even if I don't live here anymore.

    I don't have money for a lawyer and I cannot pay two rents I live off social security and have not much savings. I don't know what to do how can I fight this I just want to leave but I feel stuck here.

    submitted by /u/Lost_Sheepherder1306
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