• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 1, 2020

    Legal Advice - Students monetizing our classes on YouTube without my knowledge or permission

    Legal Advice - Students monetizing our classes on YouTube without my knowledge or permission

    Students monetizing our classes on YouTube without my knowledge or permission

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    I've been tutoring English online for about a year with Cambly. Both me and the company are American, but I live in Germany. I've stayed with this company because it's been flexible supplementary income during my transition abroad to teach and COVID.

    Two days ago, a student asked if he could post recordings of our classes on YouTube and I explicitly denied permission. The platform allows students to download and post sessions but I changed my settings a long time ago to make sure my students are never prompted to do so. I don't even teach under my real name because the stranger danger is real.

    I did some digging and I've found six videos on YouTube so far. Three were uploaded by the same student I verbally stated did not have my permission - the first of which he posted over one month ago. It has 10,500 views and is monetized. Another video was uploaded by a student I spoke to in a one-off, incredibly uncomfortable class. It was posted September 19, 2019 and has over 500,000 views and multiple ads.

    Does anyone know what rights I have regarding the monetization of the videos? I've already reported all of the videos to YouTube for privacy infringement and submitted a complaint to the education platform with the students' user IDs. I definitely want the videos pulled but I'm also livid they've been making money off of me.

    If you're at all familiar with this, any information would be super appreciated. Thanks, y'all!!

    submitted by /u/lucidreincarnation
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    My child molesting father is giving music lessons to children

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    I recently learned my pedophile father is still giving music lessons to children. I'm reaching out here because my previous attempts to have him convicted have all resulted in nothing.

    My father sexually abused me from age 4 (earliest memory but could have been before that) until I was about 10. Both of my younger brothers check all the boxes for symptoms of childhood abuse, but neither have memory of it actually happening. They don't remember much from early childhood at all. Both homes we grew up in had/have a soundproof room for recording music. This is also where he gives the lessons. Growing up I've seen students as young as 5 come for lessons. He has been providing lessons at home, public schools, and churches for 30yrs.

    I've called CPS 4 times in the last 10yrs to report individual incidences when my youngest brother was still a minor and exhibiting clear signs of sexual abuse. Most recently - my other brother, my therapist, and myself made separate reports that led to CPS interviewing my parents and youngest brother who was 13 at the time. They found no reason to investigate further. I also filed a police report, but no action was taken and the report has been closed. There's no physical evidence of abuse that I know of.

    My main question is: would it be advisable for me to find previous students of his to come forward about being abused? I am considering posting to the city-specific subreddit to ask anyone that has received [instrument] lessons that was abused to come forward.

    My youngest brother still lives at home. I do not want to involve him, because he is basically emotionally trapped at the house. It's a disgusting situation.

    I am completely open to other / better suggestions. This is all in Texas.

    EDIT: Thank you all for the support and guidance! This was honestly more than I expected, and I appreciate all the thoughtful suggestions.

    Several people have suggested contacting the schools and organizations he's tied to to alert them, and I plan on starting here.

    To give a general response to some of the comments... I don't have access to his current students, which is why I wanted to try reaching out to past students. There is no need to go into detail about what happened to me or my siblings - it's just not necessary info for what I'm asking about.

    I'll update if anything comes of these efforts.

    submitted by /u/throwawaystopcycle
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    My wife’s employer is asking her to return to the office during the pandemic, she is pregnant.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    My wife have been working from home since March, and close to all of her work can be complete remotely. End of last week her employer asked her to return to the office as of July 1st, she attempted to extend her work from home but her employer was firm about her returning. Is there anything she can do? We are in Los Angeles CA. I read there is obligations to make "reasonable accommodations" for high risk groups( pregnant and elderly) in la county. She doesn't want to burn a bridge and want to leave the option open to return to her work once we have our first child. Want to see what our options are.

    Thank you all ahead of time and stay safe during the pandemic.

    Edit: thank you all for the advice, not sure why the thread is locked couldn't reply. She does have an DR note already, she work at a small company the HR. Is pretty much the boss lady.

    submitted by /u/ffjoker
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    (MI) My child is going to testify about abuse from her father, but it will now be conducted via Zoom at her father's home.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Is there a way we can get this pushed back until after the lockdown? She is terrified to testify with him present. His lawyer won't agree to an adjournment, and were have no legal experience. I tried googling "michigan how to order to adjourn" and a few other's, but i am getting nothing.

    submitted by /u/tizowyrm
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    Identity Theft - Influencer

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    My wife is an influencer of sorts, about 200k followers, and she posts about beauty products, gives reviews etc... She receives lots of free products from companies for marketing purposes as a result.

    A few months ago the marketing director for one of these make-up companies emailed her saying he got a weird email from someone pretending to be her, trying see if they would send them some products. My wife was pretty discouraged at the time because she did not want someone posing as her to all these brands, and she wasn't sure how many other companies they had reached out too.

    Fast forward to today, she got an instagram message from another company asking how she liked the products they sent. My wife asked what they were talking about and the lady sent the email chain. The same person was posing as her asking for products to review. In the email she gives a blurb that she is my wife, about her followers and content, and then even made a little logo for the gmail with my wife's Instagram handle. The email chain also has the persons address, but still don't know their name.

    We have a call into the local police department, will anything come of this if we just have the email string and their address?

    Located in Washington, identity thief is in Texas

    submitted by /u/joeblowgottago
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    My ex accidentally deposited money into our joint account

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    When my ex (never married) and I broke up over a year ago, he had put us both into debt with our joint checking account (hundreds of dollars overdrawn plus fees) and our shared electric bill. I was unable to close the joint until it was no longer negative, and knew he would never contribute to fixing it.

    I put the account to the back of my mind and spent the last year raising our son(2y) alone in a different state. No custody order. No child support order. He's contributed maybe $300 total in the last year towards our kid, 20 bucks here, 30 bucks there. He has a good job but bad spending habits and.. other habits. It sucks but I deal with it and make it work, but I'll be filing for custody and CS in the next couple weeks cause I can't keep doing it.

    Several weeks ago, he had accidentally sent his tax return to our joint account. Not sure how, but he did. Not only did it bring our account out of the hole, but there was about $1400 leftover. So.. I withdrew all of it and closed the account. Spent it on stuff like shoes for my kid and a new AC for his room so I could put his old AC back in my room. I considered giving some of it to my ex, until he sent me an angry message about it, claiming he shouldn't have to provide a cent towards our kid for another few months. He probably wasn't going to anyway. It became a fight, he wanted some of the money, I told him no and now I'm worried he can, and will, seek legal action against me for it.

    My question now.. is what I did illegal? It was a joint checking account with both of our names on it. How much trouble could I be in for this?

    submitted by /u/throwaway021290
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    Can I ask a hotel to do a wellness check on a guest? Athens, Georgia, USA area

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    I'm concerned about someone's physical safety because they have a medical condition and I cannot reach them/their phone has been off for days. I don't know their location but have reason to believe they may be residing in a hotel in the area.

    I know the hotel wouldn't be able to tell me if they are there or not.

    My question is can I ask them to do a wellness check or is that not something that hotels do?

    We have already filed a missing person's report.

    Thank you

    • additional note - The goal of requesting a wellness check would be so that if there is a problem, the hotel staff could do something about it. If nothing was wrong and the guest is fine, even better. I don't need to know the result but I want to try to make sure I'm doing what I can for this person's safety. Also if anyone has insight on if this even a good idea, with this person's safety being my concern, let me know. Or any advice otherwise. Thanks again.
    submitted by /u/violetgoldpoppy
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    Bought a house and gave notice to our landlord 9 days less than his 58 day notice period. We're on the hook for the month of July's rent. I have some questions about that and our rights to the property while still paying rent.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    *Forgot to mention, this is in MN*

    I've been on a month to month lease for a couple months now after my year ended. We bought a house and gave notice 49 days prior to closing, but because it was less than the specified 58 day notice period, we were still on the hook for the month of July. We were frustrated by that, but couldn't complain too much since it was in the lease agreement. We'd just hoped he'd be more reasonable.

    Anyways, I'd been hoping that he may find someone to move in sooner, perhaps if we're lucky, even by July 1st, so just in case I decided to have it all ready to be moved into by then. We moved out last week on the 26th, and I came back to clean the place on the 29th. Had the walk-through set up for the following day, the 30th. At the walk-through I gave him our keys; however he pointed out a couple things that I missed when cleaning. Since he was taking the keys back though, he told me I wouldn't be able to come back to clean. He would clean them for me when he does some touch up work there and bill me for the time spent cleaning.

    I walked away from the walk though a little bummed and kicking myself, but not too upset. Today though I realized... I'm paying for the month of July, I don't have access to the place I'm renting, and I'm being charged by him to clean it. That doesn't seem to add up... I feel that one of two things should happen.

    1. He reimburses us the July rent minus the cost for him to clean those 2 things.


    1. He gives us the keys back to the rental we're still paying for, we finish cleaning, and give him the keys back either the night before the new tenant takes over or at the end of the month, whichever comes first.

    Is someone in the wrong here? Do we deserve for one of those 2 scenarios to go down? Or are we SOL?

    submitted by /u/gt14199
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    What to do when both joint tenants die?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    My sister recently died from coronavirus. She had owned a house in California as a joint tenant with our mom. Mom and I owned a house jointly as well. Mom had died of cancer a few years ago and, while I filed the affidavit for a death of joint tenant, my sister never did. I know that in California, if they die simultaneously, the property is basically split between the estates. But this wasn't simultaneous, just paperwork that never got done, apparently.

    Do you just file the affidavit for a death of a joint tenant and then my sister's estate goes through probate? Mom's estate, other than this joint tenancy issue, is settled. Thank you for any guidance on this.

    submitted by /u/Wartodas1
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    My father (lived in Florida) died and he has no estate. As his adult child, can I be held responsible for medical debt?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    My dad lived in Florida and died recently. I'm his only child. He had some medical and credit card debt. He didn't leave any paperwork or passwords or anything, so I have no idea what any of his stuff says or even what bank he used. I'm not his power of attorney, not a cosigner on anything of his, not a joint account holder on anything of his, and live in a different state.

    He has a will and put me on it to inherit anything he has. But, he has nothing besides his house which was still mortgaged. That house is also worth less than the amount owed, so it's a bit of a wash. I don't want the house and assume the lenders of his debts will take it (that's fine, honestly).

    I just don't know what to expect.

    Will they just clean out his estate and then drop the rest? Can I be sued for the debts that the estate doesn't cover just because I'm his child?

    submitted by /u/sleepytimeghee
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    Forced to move out by my landlady who went bankrupt in another state

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    My landlady went bankrupt in a different state and came to New Jersey at the beginning of quarantine. Shes been trying to kick us our all quarantine and we are finally moving out today, but now she is going around the house looking at normal wear and tear like loose floorboards or weak doors and trying to force us to pay for it. I need to know what I can do against her legally for kicking us out of the house we've been in for 5 years just because she went bankrupt and during quarantine at that, and what rights I have against her in this situation.

    submitted by /u/BurnedSage
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    Husband (29m) refuses to divorce me (29f)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    My husband although we are separated for 2 years now refuses to divorce me. I'm not even in the same country as him anymore he is in the US and I'm in the UK and in a new relationship but he still has no means to want to divorce me. Idk what I can do about it honestly and we have a child together born in the US but lives here with me in the UK and im not sure how to make him a UK citizen.

    submitted by /u/TINY-phoenix
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    Just made a CPS report bc my 17 yr old showed up with a black eye last night

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    She told me she fell down the stairs. I didn't believe it and thought her boyfriend maybe hit her. She kept to her story though.
    But then tonight she was at her job to get her check & her friend asked what happened & she told her that her dad (my ex) got drunk and hit her. Someone called me bc they were scared for her.

    I'm sure they'll both lie to the cps about it, but until I get my court date for contempt & modification against him.

    I'm just sick. Please pray for me and my kids.

    submitted by /u/akearsing
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    HOA being difficult because I host support group meetings in my own home. (MA)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    For the last 18 years I have been a member and an organizer of a support group for trauma survivors. The room we were using for our meetings in a nearby church was recently flooded and badly damaged, and I haven't been able to find another suitable room for our meetings due to the pandemic. Not wanting the group members to be deprived of an important resource I decided to host some meetings in my basement or in a secluded area of my garden with a reduced number of attendees. (We respect social distancing rules, wear masks, sanitize our hands and everything).

    This came to the knowledge of the HOA board. A few weeks ago some HOA board members knocked on my door and told me they weren't pleased with this at all. They told me that people in the neighborhood feel unsafe knowing that drug addicts gather at my house. I told them that our support group is not for people fighting addiction (or maybe some of them are but they don't tell me) but for trauma survivors, and that this would stop as soon as we could go back to the church. They weren't convinced and called me inconsiderate and asked me to stop. I didn't because I consider that I have a right to invite people at my house and talk to them.

    Yesterday I received a strongly worded letter from the HOA demanding that I stop inviting drug addicts to gather at my house because it puts everyone in danger and they're not the kind of people we want in the neighborhood. They said I had a chance to make things right but didn't, so they're fining me $500. They will fine me for every meeting I organize from now on and threaten me with a lien on my house if I don't pay the fines. The reason they invoke is that our meetings are "breaching the peace of the neighborhood" and making people unsafe. This is completely untrue. Our meetings are 6-7 people max, we don't make noise, we don't drink, people park on my driveway or on legal spots in the street. We cause absolutely no disturbance. I checked the HOA rules and I can't seem to find which one I would be breaking.

    Does the HOA have any right to stop me from organizing meetings at my house? I don't see how our support group is any different from having a few guests at my house. The HOA is run by people who don't seem to know what they're doing, and I think they'd stop harassing me if I had real legal arguments to oppose. Thank you for your advice.

    submitted by /u/imfedupwithmyhoa
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    My sister wrongfully signed my dogs away

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    North Carolina- Back in April I got arrested for a DUI. I was In jail for 4 days (waiting on bail). While incarcerated I asked my sister to care for my dogs as I had no other family or friends in the state. After 1 day she said it was too much for her to handle (kind of ridiculous..) so I told her to reach out to the rescue I got them from and ask if someone would do a temporary foster for them to help me out, as I did volunteer, foster, and do a lot with this rescue. I'm not sure exactly what happened but she wound up completely signing the dogs away to the rescue forging my signature. I didn't find this out until I was released and tried to get them back. At this point the rescue won't give them back because they have my name on paper work surrendering them, and they also claim the dog was neglected because she had AN EAR INFECTION. Now I'm a vet tech and know ear infections are not really preventable or always noticeable. The rescue even went through my vet records and they were perfect and she was always taken care of above and beyond but they still won't give her back. I even told the rescue she forged my signature but they didn't seem to care and blocked my number and won't respond to emails anymore. It's been almost 3 months now and I still miss them so much every single day and cry so many nights. Any legal advice how to help get my babies back? I tried going thru the police and all they wanted to do was arrest my sister for felony identity theft and forgery, not what I'm looking for I just want my dogs back.

    submitted by /u/memewatcher2323
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    Is this illegal? What can I do?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    So I work at a restaurant, there is one restroom in the back of the building. It is able to be locked from the inside as it can only fit one person at a time. However, we have more than fifteen employees at the work place. There are stalls in the front that customers are allowed to use but one of my manager will write people up and even suspend them if they use them. I looked up OSHA laws and pretty much, it turns out for every fifteen employees, they must have an additional restroom. I feel like what my manager is doing is highly illegal.

    Can I get another manager's input and what I should do about it? I'm really tired of having usually 30-50 people share one restroom and always under the threat of losing my job for using the "customer's" restroom.

    submitted by /u/Marsalott
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    [NJ] Cops said I was a guest because I havent paid recently.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    UPDATE : Cops stopped by again this morning. It was the same cops actually and they had about 20 minutes till shift change so that made things a lot easier. He basically came right out and said that since I've been here for 3 years that I need to be evicted and he couldn't do anything. I didn't even need to mention a lease, previous rent payment, or any type of agreement. Police just do not deal with situations where the "guest" has proof of address and if the person has stayed at the property for some time. He did mention to my mom that if she wanted to skip the eviction process the only way was to file a abusive restraining order against me. Should we have to make stuff up at that point so I'm not sure if she will go that route. I'm looking for a place as we speak though. Do not want to be here any longer than I have too. Thanks for any help/comments.

    Original Post : Hello tonight the cops were called to my parents house over a verbal altercation. Everything ended calm and no one had any issues with me staying the night. The cop did ask me "Are you paying to stay here". I responded with "I have not been paying recently but have in the past". He then told me that I was a guest and had to leave whenever my parents wanted to.

    The thing is I have paid for rent in the past (April 2020 most recently). I have receipts. We also have a written agreement but my parents have the only copy so I'm not to hopeful on that. The written agreement was good until January 2021. I have tons of texts discussing payment, payments received, and signing and returning of the agreement. I didn't want to argue with the cop because I wasn't being removed then and there but once the cops left my parents said I must move out tomorrow.

    Basically If the cops come back to remove me or If I have to call because they lock me out what proof do I need to show the cops that I am a tenant and not a guest.


    submitted by /u/domsports
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    parents want me to pay their taxes through my bank account

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    i'm from new zealand and my parents are in some deep legal stuff regarding tax evasion.

    they're basically forcing this responsibility on me today and expect me to do all of their bills and taxes. both of their bank accounts have been closed due to this according to my dad and they need me to transfer money in and out through my bank account. they said I won't get in trouble but I'm not too sure.

    I don't know much about things like this because I've never had to deal with taxes since I've never worked yet. I don't know if this will screw me over in the long run but I thought this would be an appropriate place to post this since I have a bad feeling in my stomach.

    submitted by /u/Pisa_Risa
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    Not allowed in my own apartment because of covid (Update)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Location: West Chester PA

    Situation: I am a college student and I am living in an off campus apartment building. I started to develop symptoms for Covid on Saturday June 20th. I went back to my parents house after getting tested Sunday. I then rode out the illness quarantined in the upstairs of my parents house and that's where I still am right now. The CDC says "You can be with others after 3 days with no fever, Respiratory symptoms have improved (e.g. cough, shortness of breath), and 10 days since symptoms first appeared". This is taken directly from their website and I fit all three criteria. Anyways, I told my roommate that I will be coming back tomorrow because today is my 10th day since symptoms arrived, I am back to 100%, and haven't had a symptom in over 3 days. He asked that I don't come so soon so I said I would talk to my parents and see what I could do for him. Before I was able to even do so he called the management of my building and told me. I was then contacted by management and said I am not allowed back until I provide proof of a negative test. I decided to be kind and say I will not return until the weekend, but I do not feel like taking and waiting for another test. It can take up to a week to get results back and I have heard that many people test positive way past the point of being infectious because the test detects the virus, even when dead.

    Questions: I am curious if there is actually any real legality to them not allowing me back? What if this is someone's only place of residence? I feel like that is not allowed as I am paying my rent there. If someone could let me know the legality behind this, and what is the best response to the management that would be great!

    Update : They had a lawyer draw up a letter saying I cant come back until negative test, but refuse to say what part of the lease im breaking.

    submitted by /u/Snoo_96076
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    Friend needs his boyfriend who is not on the lease to move out; it's been months

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    I hope I set the right flair.

    My friend ended a bad relationship (it was like this prior to the pandemic and lockdowns), and now his ex won't move out. His ex-boyfriend is not on the lease and has not been financially contributing to rent or helping out around the apartment. They are in New Jersey. They broke up months ago and his ex still won't move out. It isn't an abusive situation right now, but the ex is making life miserable and is arguing with him constantly, refusing to move out. My friend told his ex to move out when they broke up and didn't want to or know how to move forward legally. He hoped the ex would leave since living together post-break up would obviously suck, but to our surprise his ex has stayed for months. And the pandemic obviously complicates this. What are his options?

    submitted by /u/whirlingteal
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    Helping family take care of legal "stuff" after death

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    [US, Arizona]

    My grandmother passed away and the responsibility for a lot of things falls on my dad as the next of kin, since he is the oldest of her surviving sons.

    My dad lives out of state, as does my uncle whom she had elected to be executor of a will that we cannot find. I have uncle that lives locally, but has a drug problem and cannot be relied upon. My dad and other uncle have asked me to help with things (I took care of her in my home from the time she started hospice until she passed), but because I'm the granddaughter I don't really have a lot of legal power to take care of things.

    My dad asked if there's something like a power of attorney which would grant me the ability to help handle her affairs on his behalf since I am local. Is there such a thing? If so, what is it called?

    Thank you, in advance, for your help.

    submitted by /u/mrsarv
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    My brother was murdered and we can’t get into his phone

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this, and I'm on mobile, so sorry for formatting, but like the title says, my brother was murdered and the police can't get into his phone, we don't know the passcode to unlock the phone.

    Getting into his phone will help the investigation tremendously since he was texting minutes before he was killed. We all share a phone plan and I am the account holder. I'm not sure if I should try contacting Apple or T-mobile or if they can even help. I know his iCloud username and password but I cant download the messages on my MacBook. I am trying everything to help the police try to find the guy who killed my brother so senselessly. Any advice helps

    I'm in Illinois and he was killed in Illinois, but I got my phone plan in Wisconsin. My brother had an iPhone 8 Plus. I'm not sure if you need that information. Thank you all so much.

    submitted by /u/catlover1598
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    I paid $ 2100 for nothing

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    Hi, I have a problem, maybe someone can help me with some advice. I have a 2005 Acura TSX that broke down just before the pandemic. The transmission fell. I went to a shop where I paid $ 2100 to fix it. Because it was a pandemic, I didn't drive much. Now when I started driving again I realized that my car has the same problem. I have a guarantee from the shop where I 'fix' it, only that now there is no one at that shop. No one works there anymore and no one answers the phones either. I don't know how I can get them to fix my car. I paid $ 2100 for nothing. Can anyone help me with some advice? What to do? Thank you


    submitted by /u/AndreiDiaconuC
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    HOA made out of nowhere?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    So we bought our house in september 2019, but it was built about 16 years ago. We specifically bought a house with no hoa. It is not mentioned in any documents. We even called our realtor who says we are listed as having no hoa and our bank said it isn't mentioned anywhere in the agreement. Today we received a "final notice" that we owe 126 to the hoa and we have 10 days to pay it as of 6/26.

    We have not heard about them before this.

    So I went to a few of our neighbors to ask if they have heard about/paid/voted on one. One said they have only been living here 1 1/2 years and were asked to pay a little bit ago the same amount. They paid it. Another house said they had been there for 11 years and this was the first they heard about one. There is some new construction expanding the neighborhood and that's when they began to receive notices. The meeting was supposed to be held in March but got cancelled due to the pandemic. I think they paid, but I'm not positive.

    Then I went around our block (a lot of people rent or didn't answer) and the guy who answered said he had been there for 19 years, and he knew a few other people in the neighborhood that have been here for almost as long. He said they started to get notices in December and have been getting told they have to do things like not have a shed in a particular area, move a camper, etc. All things that have been that way just fine for years. They have called bull and are saying they wont pay anything until there is a meeting. He then told me that they actually had a vote for an HOA quite a few years back and voted it out. Nobody wanted one. Safe to say he was pissed, as are we because today is the first we have heard about owing money.

    They are saying they will send it to collections and potentially sue in small claims on the letter. So is this how things work? Anybody with any experience in this?

    submitted by /u/Zafronia
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