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    Thursday, July 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - My ex husband died. We had 3 kids. Help?

    Legal Advice - My ex husband died. We had 3 kids. Help?

    My ex husband died. We had 3 kids. Help?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    NC - My [37f] ex-husband [49m] passed away recently. He was my abuser, so ex-MIL had not been speaking to me since I left her son. Now she's the executor of his estate and I'd like a "short list" of what I need to do to ensure my children don't lose more than they have to in this endeavor. He was a former Special Forces Marine, though I don't know many details of his service. I pushed the local PD for a well check when he didn't show up for custody exchange on Monday. Yesterday, they gained entry and discovered he'd died. They called me back to tell me this, but I never heard anything else on his death. Later in the day, my ex-SIL told me the cause was cancer (he'd had it multiple times). I can't trust to be kept in the loop by his family, so I'm hoping y'all could give me a short list of things to do to be sure my children are taken care of properly. I hope I provided enough details.

    submitted by /u/Milo_Moody
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    UPDATE: TN Now formal employer says I owe either $6,000 or 300 hours of labor

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Link to my original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/h79b9u/cross_post_ppp_legal_advice_boss_says_i_owe_300/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    I had my exit interview on Monday. It was very respectful and pleasant until the end when the other person attending the interview leaves the room and the owner/my boss says "so you have two options with where you stand on PPP with me. You can write me a check for $6,000 or work cleaning the office until you've worked 300 hours." (I'm was a project manager so this whole thing felt like a power move) I was stunned. I replied with "I am not able to answer that without at least speaking to my husband" and left.

    Turns out, she's had this same conversation with all the employees that have quit because they aren't getting PAID and can't make RENT or by groceries.

    I have been in touch with the SBA, TN department of labor and done initial interviews with attorneys.

    EDIT: I do not plan on pursuing this unless she comes for me. If she does choose to pursue this then I hope to have a my legal obligations clearly represented by a professional

    submitted by /u/22andangry
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    My Target has four confirmed COVID cases and told us not to say anything lest they pursue the whistleblower for a lawsuit. Am I protected if I report it to my city’s health department?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Management said not to say anything, otherwise corporate would come after us for "inciting a panic".

    I really don't have the money to take on Target corporate's legal department.

    What do I do?

    I mean, am I safe since it's a public health hazard not to say anything? Or would they have standing to sue me for reporting?

    Or should I even report?

    They also haven't informed us who they are, and Target legal has said we can't enforce the city's mandatory mask policy.

    submitted by /u/BS22775
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    Can I contact my half sibling now that they are an adult, despite me signing an agreement btw my parents as part of child support saying I wouldn't contact anyone from parent's family w/o their written consent? (usa)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    My parents finished child support when I was in uni, and as part of the final agreement for me to continue to receive health insurance through parent 2, I had to sign something as part of the legal agreement between parent 1 & 2 saying I wouldn't contact anyone from parent 2's family without parent 2's written consent.

    I have a half sibling that shares parent 2 with me. They have recently become an adult, and I would like to contact them, and see if they'd like to meet or get to know each other, however I am afraid that parent 2 will sue me or something.

    My question is since the sibling is now an adult, can parent 2 sue me if I reach out to sibling? It's not a restraining order, and it doesn't have an end date.

    I do not want to contact parent 2 and would not let me ever meet sibling when we did briefly have contact, and sibling was a child.


    submitted by /u/throwawayladv1234560
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    I’m an American citizen being held against my own will by homophobic parents outside the US

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I'm a 20 year old Jordanian American. I currently live with my parents for financial support, because I'm a 2nd year medical student. However most recently arguments and fights began to erupt when our religious beliefs began to collide. My parents are rather narrow minded and strict hence their extreme measures to control me. Living with them has become tough. At times they have reacted violently in an abusive manner to a simple text message, or an assumption they make.

    The story goes on and gets much more complicated and I've already reached out to you a non profit LGBT organization in the region, but I was placed on a wait list. However I personally wouldn't like to be a charity case and all I want is an opportunity at a normal life. To be able to find stability in my financial situation. To build myself up till I can afford to pursue a degree. To live free from the indignities I currently face. To be able to sleep peacefully without fear.

    More recently, my parents confiscated all my identification documents and kept me in against my own will. I'm worried about my safety and my future. I know quarantine makes it difficult to move around, but if I could just try to escape, I know I can find shelter else where. Yet "running away" doesn't sound smart or safe.

    I tried to notify the embassy in hopes of catching the attention of someone with authority, but I'm not deemed as a priority at the moment. All my emails received nothing but automated replies. I went as far as sneaking out during the day in hopes I could ask for help in person, but I was refused a consultation. The security guards who pitied me gave me a number to call and an email address to contact, but without a phone I couldn't use them. Although I tried to borrow a stranger's phone to at least try calling the number. The representative on the line offered her sympathy and nothing else. I was left with no choice, but to crawl back to my parent's house to face the consequences of my actions.

    The emails I've sent before were answered with "I'm sorry to hear that" and advice to seek help from local authorities. That is challenging, for two reasons. One, my parents have connections and will bribe anyone to get what they want. Two, as an LGBTQ person bias from local authorities may lead to discrimination and further harm.

    For the sake of emphasizing how difficult my predicament is, I've placed below a short history of the abuse I've endured from my family; •They once brought a religious figure to hold an exorcism for me •They sent me to conversion therapy that ended with me getting prescribed antidepressants that I have been using for two years and a half now •Multiple occurrences of physical assault that prove my mother and father have no interest in my wellbeing (Being choked, kicked on the head, dangerous objects thrown at me, etc.) •My father has threatened me countless times with death if I didn't conform to his will. My mother also threatens me, but with less detrimental things. However she has told me her intent on sending me to jail in Jordan for a crime she'll frame me for. •The tensions at home has made it difficult for me to study for college. I barley scraped by during my first year and now I have failed my second year. It's troubling because during my senior year in high school I was at the top of my grade with a GPA of 3.9 •My parents have limited my ability to leave home. Even when I do, they send someone to keep track of me. They cut off my contact with friends and family. By the time you read this email, I'd have gone silent online for three months.

    I fear my parents are waiting for me to take my own life. My father has encouraged me to do so before saying it would make his life easier. They place me under so much stress despite their knowledge of my anxiety disorder and PTSD. It's getting really hard for me. All I can think about is leaving.

    However I have one thing stopping me. Back in December of 2019, I was arrested by a bunch of brutal cops for "public indecency". They didn't see anything and originally accused me and the guy I was with of drug possession. Until one officer started asking if we were romantically involved. He told us if we agreed to whatever it is he said, we'd be free to go. I tried to object every occasion thrown at me, but the officer didn't like my attitude and threatened to physically assault me if I opened my mouth. He then fabricated an entire story before dragging us to the station where other officers hounded us ruthlessly.

    I spent two nights and two days in a cold jail cell. Of course at the station we were used as pawns for their entertainment. I was heckled and harassed for hours on end. I signed a bunch of papers I couldn't read. I couldn't even ask questions due to fear, because at least seven officers surrounded me. I was scared, humiliated, and powerless.

    Court wasn't any bette since it was hard telling the judge what actually happened the night of the arrest; so I continued with the trial silently. I pleaded guilty henceforth the verdict was a 3 year probation and 40+ hours of community service.

    I'm not sure if I'll be able to leave the country without finishing my community service hours. The restrictions that fall upon me during the probationary period were never stated to me, which is why fleeing Jordan to go back to the United States could be a big risk for me. I don't have anyone who can help me sort these things out.

    At this moment I'm desperate to escape. I want to go back to the states and find myself a new home among my friends, aunts, and cousins. I just want to put this nightmare in the past.

    submitted by /u/danni-3400
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    Husband refusing divorce papers, what can I do?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Hi! So I live in Texas and he lives with his parents in Alabama. I filed for a no children, uncontested divorce at the end of May. Neither one of us has any possessions from the marriage (and cannot afford a divorce attorney) so we are representing ourselves.

    I sent the papers off to his sheriff's office, and was told he is not answering the door, but the sheriff will continue trying for 30 days. I appreciate the sheriff trying, but I am concerned because I believe I only have 60 days from the court to show proof that he has been served. I don't want to refile because I run out of time to get him served, so any advice as to the next steps would be appreciated.

    Edit: Thank you all for the advice! Just paid for a process server and reached out to let him know of this change. Hopefully it works.

    submitted by /u/mathandcoffee93
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    Moving company holding my belongings hostage and very certainly broke the law. They want me to sign and NDA to get my items back and a refund, but then I can't sue? Help please.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I found a reputable (or so I thought) moving company online and made arrangements for them to move me out of my apartment on the last day of my lease. They showed up 6 hours late and told me that it would be "more" than the initial estimate but gave no updated estimate. AFTER they spent nearly 4 hours moving my things onto the truck, then they had me sign the paperwork BEFORE filling in the updated pricing. I signed and took photos (because I knew it was sketchy at this point) of the fact that the updated price and other information was not complete at that point. After I signed, they filled in the new final price which was over 250% more than was initially estimated. It was past midnight at this point and I had literally no other choice, so I complied with what they told me to do and signed and paid 50% of the total new estimate which was higher than the total estimate I was originally quoted. I intended to contact and contest this the next day.

    So the next day they gave me the run around and disrespected me constantly. After much escalation they offered two options: $450 off the total moving price or a full refund plus a $300 check for the inconvenience and I get my stuff from their warehouse nearby.

    I mulled it over and chose the second option after securing help and a new truck/movers to help me. Called back and got the run around and had to wait another day to hear back from the person who made this offer to me over the phone. (In hindsight I wish I had asked for the offer in writing via email.)

    So now it's two days after the original move date and they have changed their story and changed when I can come get my stuff. I continued to get the run around and disrespected as I tried to call all day. Finally they tell me I can get my things Sunday (originally was supposed to be Friday because they said they were closed on the weekend), however they REFUSE to send me the warehouse address or refund until I sign an NDA saying I will not sue. They said they will send it via email tomorrow. And I'm stuck in limbo because I have no place to live in this state while I sort it out because my new place was out of state 22 hours from here....

    Thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: I'm pretty sure the movers who were sent to my place we contractors hired by the company, but they were wildly unprofessional and unable to explain any of the documentation I was signing. They just slid me paperwork on the counter and said "sign this here here and here." (They were also creepy toward me (small young female loving alone) and ripped the vinyl floor of my apartment which I was moving out of. I also did not consent to additional wrapping which they did without my approval after I said no I don't want that.)

    submitted by /u/Ponkee
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    (GA) SWAT at my doorstep

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Six SWAT officers showed up to my house this morning - 4 from the front and 2 from the backyard. At first, I thought someone may have complained about some of the material currently placed in my front yard (I'm having some work done in the back).

    When i answered the door I was immediately startled and a bit shook - specially when i noticed the two officers staring at me from my back yard sliding door. They said they were looking for someone that goes by my same name and looks similar to me, they showed me photos of the person as well as my photo from a booking i had over 10 years ago (driving without a license) and a very old social media photo. They noticed my arm and said that the person they were looking for had an arm tattoo and since i did not have one I was not who they were after. They apologized for interrupting my day and were quickly on their way. They left as quickly as they arrived and did not give me a chance to ask any questions.

    With all that's going on right now, I can't help but feel scared knowing that there is someone out there with my same name and same looks currently being wanted by SWAT police. How can i protect myself from this happening again?

    submitted by /u/PutridPsychology45
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    Movers left us with a 40+ boxes of someone else's stuff that and have been dodging us for almost a month now.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    I moved from CA to NY, i hired a company to move my stuff across the country. Due to COVID my delivery was delayed by almost 3+ months.

    I wasn't home when the delivery occurred so my fiance just accepted everything. I got all of my 15 or so boxes, and along with 40+ boxes/some furniture of someone else's stuff. We explained the situation to moving company after i noticed the mistake.

    Originally they told us they will come and get the boxes, but no one showed over and over again. One day they showed up really late out of the blue and both me and my fiance were out doing groceries. Since then they have been telling us basically it is not their problem anymore, and they are not going to waste their employees times since we don't show (they were supposed to show in the morning) not at 7pm. Instead they want us to drop it off at one of their facilities almost 3 hours away.

    I managed to figure out the original owner however they live all the way in Maine, and seem to be quite upset that i have their stuff. To the point where they are calling me and harassing me almost every single day about their things. Apparently the moving company is refusing to deal with them as they had movers insurance handle it.

    I don't know what to do anymore. I have 40+ boxes of someones stuff which is taking up an entire room. Since we live in apartment space is at a premium.

    Can anyone tell me what i am supposed to do?

    submitted by /u/MovingHelp292301
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    How can I make my sister my new guardian rather then my parents? (Florida)

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I'm currently 13 in Florida and I just want information on what the procedure would be to change guardians, So in this case away from my parents and into my sisters care. I'm specifically wondering what things my parents would have to sign / do and what things my sister and I would have to sign or do. (Just to clarify my sister is capable of taking care of me) Also If you could give me a website link or something for me to read up on the subject as well. Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Hyper_Unstable
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    Landlord is trying to charge me for property damage even though I haven't lived in the property for over 2 years. Any way I can avoid this?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but thought the members here could still give some advice. I apologize for the long post, I'm going to try my best to explain the situation.
    Background info: I rented a bedroom in a house in San Francisco, CA from June 2017 to May 2018. I had a one year lease, which I finished. I lived with 3 other people, though only two of them were on the lease with me (while the last person subleased from us).

    Back when I still lived there, I asked my landlord for permission to drill holes into the walls to hang curtain rods over my two bedroom windows. This was our short email exchange:

    Me: "I wanted to ask if it would be alright to hang curtains in my room (the master bedroom). I wanted to hang curtains to block out sunlight in the mornings so I can sleep in better, but I would need to install curtain rods into the wall (just a few holes). Would this be alright with you? Please let me know, thanks!"

    Landlord: "Yes!! you can put curtain rods, it doesn't matter, but just let me know will you remove the blind or not."

    And that was that. So I drilled the holes, lived out the remainder of my lease, and then moved out of SF. Unfortunately, I didn't think to fill the holes back up when taking down my curtain rods because I figured I had gotten written permission to drill them in the first place. Not to mention, the landlord had always volunteered to fix other house damages for free. So I moved out and haven't lived there for over 2 years.

    Since moving, my other roommates have also moved out of the house with the exception of one, Kam. To avoid having to draw up a new lease for new tenants (and driving up the already expensive SF rent), Kam decided to be the sole master tenant on the existing lease and have all new tenants sublease rooms from her instead. But she has recently decided to move out and this is where I find myself in a sticky situation.

    Remember those holes I drilled and stupidly didn't patch up after moving out? Well turns out cracks started to form around one set of them. Pictures can be seen here and here. I guess my old landlord did a walkthrough of the house yesterday and was "shocked" by the size of the holes and the cracks. She said this is not something she can fix herself and that she will have to hire a contractor to fix it over the course of 3 days. She also said that she gave me permission to drill the holes thinking that i would "leave" the curtain rods installed after I moved out. But since I didn't do that and there are cracks now, she is charging me $300 to fix the damage. Her main reasoning is that while she gave me permission to drill normal "wear and tear" holes, she did not grant me permission to leave the holes or leave any extra damage.

    I don't think I should be held responsible for what may have happened in the time that I moved out. It's literally been over 2 years since I lived in that house. There have been 3 other tenants who have lived in my bedroom since. And so many other factors could have attributed to those cracks besides my drilling. After a quick Google search, it looks like these may be "stress cracks" that could have formed from a number of things-- fluctuations in temperature, humidity, old paint, and houses settling over time (which commonly results in hairline cracks near door frames and windowsills, like in my photos). The house was built in 1948, but remodeled in 2017. Not to mention the cracks are only on ONE set of holes, not the other set. If the cracks really were the result of my drilling, wouldn't the cracks have appeared on both windows? So honestly, I feel like this is a sticky situation with several possible causes. And from watching a few videos, it seems like this is a fairly easy fix with special drywall tape. Not to mention, I've had a previous roommate leave a much larger gash in our garage wall, but the landlord didn't even skip a beat and said she would fix it for free. So why is she charging me for smaller damages now, two years after the fact? It honestly feels like the landlord is trying to blame me to get some extra money in her pockets.

    I do own up to the fact that I was stupid to leave the holes in the first place, especially since the landlord's main argument is that the cracks wouldn't have formed in the first place had I patched up the holes myself. And to make matters worse, the landlord plans to deduct the $300 from Kam's security deposit when she moves out (and told me that I need to pay Kam directly for the damages). Kam is a very good friend of mine, so I don't want her taking the fall for my own mistakes. But if possible, I would like to try to negotiate the cost of the damage and try to drive it down a little. So that's where you come in, good people of Reddit. Do I have a fighting chance here? Do you think I can at least negotiate paying half of the costs?

    submitted by /u/foolwire
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    Neighbor has so far destroyed half of my mothers large maple tree and created massive brown patches in her lawn with overspray/dumping weed/grass killer.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Ohio. Last year he cut down a 150 year old maple tree, let it fall on the fence toward her large (80ft) maple tree- crushing her fence and taking out half of her tree. So far its surviving.

    This guy seems intent on killing every single thing on his property and the death quest is advancing into my mothers property. He has dumped weed/grass killer on her fence line- killing her 10yr old raspberry bushes (if any survive they will be inedible this year) and a small tree and creating large, (12ft or more) spreading dead patches in her yard. Besides that, my daughter is highly allergic to weed killers/pesticides etc., and there are 3 dogs and a cat trying to enjoy the yard who nibble on grass.

    Just this evening I noticed that the morning glories I planted at the base of her fence are all cut off at the root level- on our side of moms fence.

    How do we stop this guys rampage of death from invading her space so that she can enjoy her yard and garden this year? Moms on a fixed income.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/TheKolbrin
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    Employer is getting rid of my job position. Offered new job that’s drastically different job duties and less benefits. Gave us 3 days to sign up for new job and didn’t have full details on new job and is now saying that I “voluntarily” quit since I refused to sign papers.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    Work in Los Angeles California. I currently am employed by a large beverage company and work as a sales rep. Current employer just announced they are changing my role to a new position and gave us 3 days to agree. I asked for more details about the new job and all they said was it would stay the same hourly rate and will be a much more physically demanding/merchandising type job. We current receive a monthly car allowance and mileage reimbursement. They announced that the car allowance is being taken away ($300 a month) and that we will be getting a flat IRS mileage reimbursement (a few hundred less a month then what I'm currently receiving). They did not disclose where our new sales routes would be located (could be much farther from my current route) or much more details of new job. I said I didn't feel comfortable signing the contract if I didn't know exactly what the changes would be and HR is now saying I am voluntarily quitting. How can I navigate this and get them to lay me off or fire me? In the case of having to file for unemployment, I don't want to be disqualified if I "quit".

    HR literally told me to sign the papers and quit on my own. I know they are trying to avoid unemployment and have a history of being shady/greedy and I've never dealt with anything like this before. Need any help or advice. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Award930
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    Mushrooms found growing in basement carpet. King county, WA state

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    My roommate found mushrooms growing in the basement carpet, specifically under the stairs by a storage closet. This part of the house is infrequently used. The carpet was found to be slightly damp where the flowering mushrooms were found and is against the foundation where the basement is below ground. I believe it's also important to note that the gutters above where this is happening have been missing for the better part of 6 months.

    We notified the landlord and I spoke with him about it over the phone and his response indicated it was our fault because his lease states the house needs to be professionally cleaned once a year. This has not happened in the 2 years I've lived here and I have never lived in a house that required professional cleaning to stave off fungal growth. I believe this is happening due to cracks in the foundation (it's an older house) and an blocked 20 year old french drain system that has allowed water to pool and seep through the foundation. I'm worried about my health living in a house in this condition and am not convinced the landlord will do enough to provide a habitable environment.

    Where do I even start with something like this? I'm unsure of what responsibility lies on me as the tenant and on the owner of the home. If additional information is needed I will be happy to provide.

    submitted by /u/lobanza
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    Really could use some help navigating how to work on getting less noise from my neighbors in Tacoma, WA.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    My husband and I own a town home that is located in pretty close proximity to others like it, we live in a kind of narrow corridor of homes so unfortunately sound travels really well were realizing. Recently we are having reoccurring noise issues coming from one of the units across from us that has a few people who are between 18 to early 20s and a mom who is mostly gone working Im assuming. We have tried to engage by asking them to take their large groups of guests inside their house, as there has frequently been large gatherings of people drinking and getting pretty rowdy outside. My husband is a fire fighter and I am a medical worker at a nearby hospital so we go to bed pretty early (about 8-9pm) and wake up very early (4-5am), and honestly because of this COVID stuff we've worked our asses off and been pretty mentally exhausted. We have tried to be friendly and ask things to move within their unit only because we can hear so much from our bedroom and been met with extreme hostility, racial remarks, and at one point was threatened with physical violence, been told to shut up, mind our own fucking buisness etc. I asked if we could please just talk calmly without any insults or getting angry as I truly dont want to argue. I have tried to even ask why they have to get so angry when I am being extremely calm and just trying to find a middle ground we can meet at. I have not recorded anything because am unsure of what the legalities are surrounding that but I would like to start creating some documentation, and proof that things are unable to be solved through civil conversations, at this point I'm assuming they are unwilling to work with us or even talk to us. I will be writing the landlord who the tenants of this town home are renting from but in the past when we interacted with him, he seems pretty uninvolved with his tenants so long as they don't damage his property. His first tenant used to park in front of our garage and cussed us out on the first day we tried to move in to our house because we were bothering her I guess. There's been a string of pretty hostile tenants. I am hoping to figure out what my rights are as a home owner in getting a little more peace, a little less noise (I know I cant expect perfect silence downtown in a city let alone in a town home complex), and hopefully a middle ground for my neighbors and I to agree on. I unfortunately am unable to move due to having a VA (vetrans affairs) home loan that requires us to live here for a minimum of 2 more years. The HOA is ran by homeowners who live out of state mostly and it really only handles things like landscaping. We also dont have or any sort of management company as these are private town homes. I have tried white noise machines, fans, music, ear plugs you name it! Unfortunately, the noise is still an issue. I haven't called the cops because I honestly am afraid of things escalating, retaliation, and sometimes its only like 9pm so I don't think I have a leg to stand on even if there's a bunch of people outside talking loud and stuff. Any resources/ideas of how I can resolve this noise issue will be extremely appreciated. Thank you ahead of time for reading.

    Edit: I'm hoping in one last attempt to resolve this, I was gonna knock on my neighbors door and invite her (the mom or the daughter who is usually the one making the noise with her friends) over for some tea or something, ask if we could please just talk as neighbors, with respect as I really just want to get along and try to just find a peaceful resolution, but I'm extremely afraid of confrontation and I have just been yelled at and dismissed the last few times so I don't think she'll take me up on the tea sesh

    submitted by /u/pnwmike
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    I bought a car from a dealership. After I bought it, they took 2 days to "detail it". It now has paint scratches and the bumpers are popped out on the edges...advice?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    So, the car was literally in perfect condition when I bought it. I then go to pick it up 2 days later after they would not return my calls. The owner himself then gave me the car. I drove it to the gas station across the street and realized there were paint scratches all over the bumpers. The edges of the bumpers also were popping out.

    Is there anything I can do about this? I'm guessing not because they can just say that I did it because I drove it off the lot. I realize that was probably stupid of me

    submitted by /u/RxWest
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    Sectioned roommate returns and blames us for what happened. We're told we have no way to get her out until she becomes violent. Just want to check if this is true.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Cross posting from r/badroommates because I want to see if we have any legal recourse. I've tried to shorten this to make it better suited for this subreddit.

    So far it feels like we don't but we're at a point of desperation. This is in Massachusetts. My original post on r/relationships provides some background. Link to the original post

    tl;dr: Roommate doesn't shower, leaves nail clippings out, was naked in the hallway, and hasn't moved in with any belongings for months. When we try to confront her she tries to leverage our friendship for basic cleanliness.

    At the time of my original post, we were considering calling family or contacting the landlord. We wanted to reach out to the father because she had said she didn't get along with her mom and sister. We had no luck finding the dad's phone number but I was able to find the sister on Facebook. We started at the beginning, saying that she hasn't showered since April, had no sheets, has been caught changing in the hallway, and that talking to her seems to have no effect.

    The sister got in touch with the family therapist who then made a call to the police to have her sectioned. We were informed by a care team that arrived and the family therapist that this roommate had a history of unprovoked violence and "causing significant physical damage" to both her parents, especially her mom, as well as holding her mom hostage in rooms. I also believe she has an open case for assault and battery. She had said the reason she couldn't return home was because of COVID. Apparently the real reason was that her mom had a restraining order out against her. The dad had spent thousands of dollars over years putting her up in airbnbs, hotels, and other short stays and had been denying to the therapist that she needed any help. He would maintain that she was clean, showered, and healthy. The therapist said after seeing the roommate once that she saw it was obviously not true.

    The family was profusely thankful. They asked us to pack up all her remaining things and picked up the half opened mattress and torn bags of clothes. We thought this was the end of the ordeal.

    Today we received a text from the therapy saying our roommate would be discharged and was probably heading home. We texted the mom, confused because she had even less there than before. We received no response. Later we heard a knock on the door. She had walked two miles from the hospital. She was there invoking her legal right to be let in to the apartment and yelling at us through the door.

    She came in saying we had ruined her relationship with her family and had no right to intervene and accusing everything that happened to her of being our fault. We texted the therapist and she advised us to call the police. I tried the mom and sister but no one picked up. Eventually the therapist called the police and clinical team. She advised us strongly to get a restraining order unless we wanted this to be our reality for another two months. We pressed that this seemed like a ton of effort on our part when we were both planning on moving cities soon but she said this was our main option and we were prepared to go through with it.

    What ensued were about 4 hours of the clinical team chatting with her as we waited outside anxiously. It was what we feared. She pulled herself together and they approached this as if it were a roommate mediation conflict.

    When we asked about the restraining order separately, the team told us it was highly unlikely that restraining orders would be given out at this time. As for the family, they've apparently cut her off completely, even the dad, hoping it would convince her to stay at the hospital and receive help. While I understand the sentiment, this has fully made her our problem. The dad is trying to break the lease and the landlord seems amenable, but with evictions on pause during COVID (usually a good policy), I'm not sure we can get her out.

    The family has just said that they have nowhere to put her and have stopped answering us. The therapist and police have just said to keep a "low threshold for violence" but otherwise all we can do is wait for an incident and live in fear.

    It seems we're really going to have to vacate our own home. We don't have the money to be paying two rents so we're considering asking the landlord to break the lease. Even if he allows that we'll have to spend more money on a couple weeks at an Airbnb than we would have on a month of living at home and pack up all of our things a month before we would have. We're concerned about our security deposit as well and not sure how to approach things with him.

    tl;dr: Sectioned roommate returned. Legally she's allowed to be here and they're telling us to essentially wait it out until it escalates to violence. The family has cut her off and we're told we have no options.

    submitted by /u/Strawberry_Curious
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    Am I liable if "trespasser" gets hurt?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    I recognize I probably need to relax a little here, but there are some neighborhood kids that see my empty driveway as a skatepark/scooter ramp.

    We have asked them to leave multiple times, always polite but firm, but it's not working.

    My main concern is that if they get hurt while technically trespassing, I don't want to be liable for their injuries.

    Our next step is to involve the parents but as far as neighborhood politics go, I don't want to be the guy who complains about some kids riding their scooters (especially when they are super bored during quarantine).

    Should I be worried here? Nothing is documented as far as me asking them to stay out of the driveway, should I be?

    Location: Oregon

    submitted by /u/sitesurfer253
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    My ex attempted suicide

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    My ex attempted suicide while my daughter was in her care. It's been over 3 months and I am not comfortable having my daughter stay there. I'm starting the process for temporary custody until she is able to work out her mental health but I know my ex is going to fight it. For the last 3 months my daughter has stayed with me and in that timeframe her mother hasn't been in the best frame of mind and is making very poor decisions. I am not sure if I'm doing the right thing or if I'll even get this temp custody granted to me but I know she isn't getting any form of help and don't know what else to do.

    Any suggestions on what I should be requesting for custody? Is this a normal circumstance for at least temporary custody? Is that even an option?

    I know that my daughter will need her mother but I believe she needs a healthy mother who she can depend on.

    Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. (NB Canada)

    submitted by /u/boomerboomer2580
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    Bosses threatened legal action if I left my no-contract apprenticeship.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    This is in Texas. I am an apprentice and my partner works in the shop too but I am not their apprentice. I do not earn money and I answer phones and clean up around the shop. My partner has had a disagreement with the owners and during one of the meetings, they said that if they left or if I tried to leave they would get lawyers involved. This disagreement did not involve me. This was very brief and I'm not sure if they meant that they would write something up and have me sign it for my apprenticeship, or if they would sue me. I am not under contract and I have no intention of leaving. The spoken agrement was along the lines of I work in the shop and help out in exhange for being apprenticed and it's been implied that I will work in the shop when i've finished my apprenticeship.

    This really rubbed me the wrong way. I hate that I even have to look at my apptenticeship this way now but I feel like I have to protect myself. I understand that the right thing to do in an apprenticeship is to "repay" the favor of teaching you by working for the shop and I don't want to screw them over because it is a great opportunity and I am grateful. I understand that i'm an investment that they don't want to lose after they've taught me. They mentioned the repayment of teaching when they mentioned legal action. I'm just trying to get some guidance about what is and isn't possible. Can I be sued? I hope this isn't a dumb question, but thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/OPIsAnAgate
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    I'm 17 years old, my father who owned our home died in 2011. While I am technically the owner, I only fully 'control' the home when I'm 25, and until then my mother is the administrator. Am I able to get it earlier?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Hello. I'm 17 years old living in Pennsylvania. From the time that I was 3 to about 8 my father was in jail, and due to their ignorance of treating his arising medical issues, he was able to sue and pay off a house for me, my mom, my sister's, and himself. He died in 2011 due to cancer, and he had I believe 9 or 13 siblings, and no children except me (my sisters are really my half sisters on my mom's side). My mom and him also weren't married, and he never left a will. From what I know, because I was his only surviving heir, I'm supposed to inherit the house. My mom has told me though that, for some reason, this will only happen at 25, and until then my mom is the administrator.

    Due to familial issues, I would very much so like to have administrative powers of the house earlier, even if that means just a few years earlier. Is there any way I could go about doing this? I'm not too keen on all of the legal terms regarding the situation (and I could be forgetting something, so ask me anything that might be important and I can hopefully answer), but I thought that generally I would inherit such things at 18 or even 21/22, I'm not sure where the 25 comes from.

    submitted by /u/ComfortableIsopod7
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    15F New Jersey- last year i found out my crappy dad isn't my father. I met my real one and want to live with him, mom won't let me because she won't get welfare anymore. I think she's also jealous cuz he has a lot of money and doesn't like her. And lying and blackmail.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I'm in Jersey don't know what the laws or anything are. People told me to post here so I appreciate any help.

    So there's my mom, I'll call my real father dad, and John is the guy who my mom thought was my dad. I don't get any time with my mom or John. They buy groceries and stuff I need then stay at their friend's house or go to the bar or go on trips or whatever. She's home occasionally to sleep or watch tv. BI see John more than I see my mom cuz he is home at the end of the month working at home. Don't talk to him much when I do he's emotionally abusive criticizing everything being sarcastic about everything complains when I leave my room etc.

    Maybe a year ago i found out he isn't my dad...they started fighting and she wanted to separate and kept bringing up child support. John wanted paternity test and said test was negative. My mom had an affair for money before she got pregnant and a while after the test she tracked down the guy who is my real dad. For whatever reason I think to get him to do child support. They started fighting and he didn't even know about me until then and he wanted to meet me and idk how it happened but my mom agreed. My dad and I went to a restaurant and went to his office building and kinda caught up. I met his side of the family and we have a lot in common. Stayed with my dad's mom with the family a couple times, stayed at his house at least 3 times a month since October. 4 times this month and he wants to take me out of town for my birthday but is scared of my mom.

    He works a lot and likes to go out sometimes doing questionable stuff just cuz he had the money to do it he keeps me away from it and has time for me and supports me and helps me with school and I wish I could stay there and get more time with him. I mean I'm not like heartbroken or anything if I don't cuz I'm fine at my mom's like idk any different but really like my dad. He avoids my mom cuz she screams at him over the phone and spam's his Facebook. He says he won't do child support cuz back before I was born she made him buy her drinks and give her money and she only got with him for a place to stay and whatever. She also likes him cuz he's pretty popular with everyone and he hates when she smothers. Cuz he won't be with her she hates him and when she is home all she does is complain about him. After they had sex she bragged about being with him and he said to stop and she started lying trying to say it was drunk rape.. which doesn't make sense to me cuz she lies about everything thing to sue people or get revenge. She lies about stuff my dad sends her in Facebook but I got in her computer for school and her Facebook was open so I looked and there was nothing bad from my dad unless she deleted it for whatever reason. (I've also used my dad's Facebook to message her when my phone was off and yeah a lot of spam.) She lets me visit him thinking she'll get something out of it maybe and sometimes she doesn't know that I'm visiting. She don't want me getting a room there and talks about all the stuff I'm going to have and mocks everything we do together and mocks the stuff he has bought me even stuff like my new computer for school. one time when she was drunk she kept talking about how if I live with himor stay with him a lot we won't get welfare she won't be able to afford much food anymore might not have a place to live stuff like that and I might not get my check that I use for my phone an internet and clothes and stuff.

    Me and my dad talked, actually he talked to me, and he loves having me around but says he doesn't want any problems and it shouldn't be at an expense. I'm allowed to visit or stay whenever but recently my mom's been fighting and trying to ground me over it.

    She's gone to get me sometimes. The last time she did this was last month. my dad took me shopping for shoes and stuff cuz I can't go out to the park with holes in my socks and shoes. My mom and some random dude pulled up in the parking lot with a really expensive car and I think expensive clothes and my mom was trying to get me to come home and called me thirsty gold digger and that I was so thirsty she went ahead and found me a better daddy and it was time to come home. I bought shoes quick and went ahead with my mom and when we got home she fought with this dude a bit then they left until the morning and were super drunk. Wanted to go back to my dad's but didn't want any trouble for me or him.

    Btw my shoes sometimes get holes and I have to wait until my mom lends my money back. usually aren't this bad it's just Corona keeping me from getting anything.

    My mom is also trying to blackmail John into Myalking my dad and harassing him is there a way I can help or stay out of it?I hear them talking about it and she threatens to report him for shooting a guy at their party a few years ago and making it a cold case by abandoning him then calling an ambulance. The case did happen I heard about it but idk if it's true that it was him. And other stuff like that mostly hitting me or insulting me.

    TL DR: met my real dad and I really like him, want to live with him but my mom hates him and doesn't want to lose welfare and lies a lot

    submitted by /u/SnooBeans7606
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    [CA] My landlord has double-charged me for rent 3 times and won’t refund me the money

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    I'm not sure what to do. There was an issue with the online payment system, and they revoked my privilege to use it, so I had to pay by check (their words). I've been paying rent by check and I didn't realize until my check bounced that I had actually been getting charged twice every month, once by the check and once by the online system which they told me I couldn't use anymore. I asked them to refund me the money and they said there is nothing they can do. What can I do to get my money back??

    submitted by /u/Superb_Professional1
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