• Breaking News

    Friday, July 3, 2020

    Legal Advice - UK - I own a popular online clothing brand that is handmade to order by just me. A large online fashion retailer contacted me last year to work with them but I declined. They are now blatantly copying my pieces and selling them on their website - is there any steps I can take?

    Legal Advice - UK - I own a popular online clothing brand that is handmade to order by just me. A large online fashion retailer contacted me last year to work with them but I declined. They are now blatantly copying my pieces and selling them on their website - is there any steps I can take?

    UK - I own a popular online clothing brand that is handmade to order by just me. A large online fashion retailer contacted me last year to work with them but I declined. They are now blatantly copying my pieces and selling them on their website - is there any steps I can take?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    FLORIDA: My bosses boss just told us to accept all customers not wearing masks despite them being required by law in my city

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    There is a fine for the business as well as the person without the mask, he says he doesn't care about the fine but I don't want to be at risk of catching anything and also don't want to be required to break laws at my jpb

    submitted by /u/blackbirds1
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    24 Hour Fitness closed all Utah locations and transferred (sold) our membership information, billing information, etc. to another gym without consent. Isn’t that illegal?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Wondering if/ what can be done about the fact that when 24 hour fitness closed our gyms in utah they transferred our membership information (dob, address, email, phone, billing info and card numbers) to Vasa Fitness.

    I received no communication beforehand that would have allowed me to prevent this from happening, just that it was.

    This doesn't seem right or legal.

    Edit/Update: I think I mostly wrote this some initial frustration with my membership being transferred and essentially being forced into a contract with a different company. When I initially spoke with VASA about how I felt I was paying too much (paying $11 more for the same services as their original customers), they essentially told me "too bad". I've since spoken with some customer service who are getting me the lower price. Unfortunately this is the only real gym option in my area.

    Also: I appreciate those who have pointed out that this is very common, I was unaware and it was great to learn about it.

    submitted by /u/edesher45
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    The man who molested me as a child comes into my work place 2-3 times a week.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    I haven't seen my molester in 20 years. He was my step father. He molested me from age 6-8. After Covid hit hard I lost my job and had to really search hard for months to finally find a good job. So quitting isn't exactly an option. He comes to my work 2-3 times a week. The protective order expired when I turned 18. He is on the sex offended list till he dies. I guess what I'm asking is if there is anyway I can make it so he can't come near me. He hasn't tried to reach out to me yet but he has tried to do so with my other sisters. I however am the only one listed as his victim. Please help me.

    submitted by /u/iseewhatyoudidthereb
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    Welfare check at my house Washington DC ward 4

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Last night at midnight my house was visited by 4 police officers. I am out of town at my cabin, but the first officer arrived and used the ring doorbell which allowed me to talk with him via app.

    The officer demanded that I come to the door as they are performing a welfare check.

    No one is at the home, and I told them that everyone is ok. They insisted I come to the door, but I calmly explained thai I am the owner and out of town.

    Can I find out why they came to my house? Also, who may have initiated this?


    submitted by /u/skunkytuna
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    Landlord requesting us to move out if we want more children

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Hi all, my wife and I just had our first baby boy and are already madly in love with the little guy. We've been living for under a year in a rent controlled 2bd 1.5ba ground floor unit in San Francisco. The first floor unit has 3 roommates in their late 20s who we've been very friendly with ever since meeting them, while the top floor unit is where our landlord lives although she is out of the country for most of the year. We emailed her back in May to share that we were expecting and this was her response:

    "Congratulations... I've mentioned to my business partner that you are expecting a baby in June and I am to be blamed for not realizing a baby's on it's way when you've moved in....

    Said and done, we are not sure how the upper unit would handle the sounds of baby crying and extra foot traffic, as the wall has poor sound proof. Not to discourage you from having many more children in the future, but an advance notice, our Rental application & Lease Agreements are for two person- maximum. And we had wanted to keep it that way. So, down the line, please consider another place to rent if you do decide to raise 2nd child and more in our building, even though you are wonderful tenant. We need to keep everyone happy in our building."

    We completely ignored the email which was obviously out of line, harassing, and discriminating in our opinion. We are not confrontational so we decided to let it go and not even acknowledge it. We understand our rights under the Fair Housing Act and the city's tenancy law which does not consider children under the age of 6 as occupants, so she is really just trying to pressure us with no real basis.

    She just got back a couple of days ago and started being extremely rude, barely saying hi and hinting at the fact that our common area smelled like garbage because of us. Nothing too substantial yet but we're talking about a very entitled person who has been passive aggressive ever since we moved in. In addition, our main bathroom has a major plumbing issue which causes the tub and toilet to clog every couple of months. She has acknowledged the issue is from the poor piping, as repeatedly pointed out by the plumber. She has done nothing to fix this issue even though she promised to handle the situation months ago. Every time it happens she expects us to contact the plumber, negotiate the price, pay him, and deduct the amount from our monthly rent, which should not be our responsibility.

    We appreciate any advice on whether to take legal action if she were to continue to pressure us to move out or harass us. We have no intention of leaving for a while but also want to know what to do in case this escalates further.

    submitted by /u/landsendtrail
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    The tenants refuse to move her stuff out of a room and claim to sue if we try to move her stuff.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    About a year ago, we had a lady who rented a room and decided to leave and move to another state for work. She had left in November but agreed to keep paying the rent in order to keep her possessions in her room. In March, she decided to stop paying and refused to move her possession somewhere else and has shut down any attempts to solve the issue. We are now renovating the entire floor and we need her to move her stuff out as she has not been paying any rent. Furthermore, she has threatened us that if we move her stuff without consent she will attempt to sue us. Are we allowed to remove her stuff out of here without the possibility of any legal liabilities? This is in New York City.

    submitted by /u/culturednormie
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    I just discovered that a property I own is listed on Airbnb

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Located in USA. I just discovered my property on airbnb. I have a management company that rented it out to a woman we will call Sarah. This is my first time ever doing something like this and leased it out in april of this year. The property management company has been decent thus far and their office is only a couple blocks away. I am suspicious that they may be in on this as it says Sarah, the host, lives very close by and there was one time when I needed photos for insurance and there was quite the delay because supposedly Sarah was working nights.

    In either case, I am not okay with this and I don't think the insurance I have on the property covers this sort of thing. Has anyone dealt with anything similar or have any advice on how I should proceed here?

    submitted by /u/randomv3
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    Verizon Wireless is threatening to send me to collections... I am not their customer. I have t-mobile

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    I live in Utah.

    This began to happen a few months ago. I needed a new phone since mine had stopped charging. I also needed it quickly since I was leaving on a trip. I called up Verizon and ordered a new phone with priority shipping. When it didn't arrive the next day I called them up again. They apologized and promised to overnight it again. It didn't arrive and I was leaving so the customer service agent thought the only way I would get a phone in time was to cancel my current order and pick one up in stores. I didn't really want to do this because of the pandemic but it was the only way so I drove about 45 minutes to the store.

    When I got there they claimed that they could not give me a phone since I recently cancelled an order and there was nothing they could do to get me a phone. Frustrated I went to the t-mobile down the street, transferred my service and got my phone, hopefully to never have to deal with verizon again.

    Today I received a notice that they would be sending me to collections if I didn't settle the balance on my account. I called up the Verizon customer service number and they confirmed and subsequentlly threatened me with collections if I didn't settle my account. The price owed was that for the phone order that I cancelled. So $900. I don't have their phone (the order was cancelled), I am not their customer. I did however notice that the taxes+fees associated with purchasing the phone was never refunded to my card. So by my calculations they owe me just over $100 (not a big deal but somewhat funny).

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/DeepDataDiver
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    My sister stole a lot of money from my father's estate and her lawyer is helping her get away with it. [IL]

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Long story short:

    • My sister is the independent administrator of my late father's estate.
    • She lived at the estate house rent free for 2 years after my dad passed away. The estate covered all of her living expenses. A friend lived with her for about a year, and I believe that she was pocketing her friend's rent.
    • She pocketed a lot of cash, including the money people gave us at the funeral (intended to help us pay for the funeral) and my father's savings.
    • She sold the house at a huge loss when she decided that she no longer wanted to deal with the house or the estate.
    • She took $70K for herself, and tried to give me and my brother $400 each. The will stated for the estate to be split evenly 3 ways between me, my sister and my brother.
    • My brother and I asked her for a full accounting, and she refused to comply. She distributed all the money before obtaining our approval. Now there's no money left in the estate account.
    • During all this, the probate attorney sat around with his thumb up his ass. I called his office to explain the situation and request a full accounting, and left a message with his secretary. He never called me back.
    • I hired a lawyer to sort out the situation. My lawyer spent 2 years trying to get a full accounting from the probate attorney. The probate attorney refused to cooperate with us.

    So now I just found out that the probate attorney is in the process of closing the estate. He did not even notify my lawyer. He's helping my sister get away with everything. My lawyer explicitly told him that my sister breached her fiduciary duties in so many different ways, she took more money than she was entitled to, and she was liable for rent. The probate attorney didn't even listen to my lawyer. He sent my lawyer an email a month ago and said something like "I don't see any issues with how [my sister] handled the estate, and there's no money left anyway." and then yesterday we found out that the court approved the final accounting and they're about to close the estate. There's one final hearing left before they officially close it. My lawyer said that he'll move to reopen the estate and try to settle with my sister in front of the judge.

    I know that I have a lawyer, but I'd like a second opinion. I'm afraid that my lawyer isn't doing what he's supposed to do and the estate will close without allowing me to present my case to the judge and fight for what I'm entitled to. Is this normal behavior from a probate attorney or did he mess up too? What should my next steps be? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/RudeSnoo
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    Commercial Landlord continues to use space after leasing

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    I have a friend who is starting an insurance company. Being a startup, money is tight. But they subleased some office space from a medical office. It's basically one large room with its own entrance within the large medical office. They just kept the door from their area closed from the rest of the medical office.

    It was a 6 month lease, to see how things went. My friend moved in, got set up, and got to work.

    Then, Covid-19. He and his partners stopped going into the office, because of the stay-at-home orders. (This is in North Carolina, by the way.)

    But the other day he dropped by the office to get something. He walks into his space, and it is full of people from the medical office. Who are now doing a brisk business testing patients for Covid-19.

    He didn't say anything that day, but just got what he came for and left. Then he got angry as he drove. He feels that they probably have been using his space for quite a while, since he hasn't been using it for around 3 months.

    But he has been paying his rent, on time every month. There are only two months left, and he wants out without paying those last two months. His rent is $1,000/month.

    I believe there are several factors in his favor:

    1) Their use of his space, for who knows how long or often, &

    2) Possible Covid-19 contamination, and re-contamination every time the medical personnel "reinvade". (My friend's wife had cancer, and the chemotherapy did a number on her immune system, so Covid-19 is a real worry for them.)

    He was angry enough to clear out all his stuff within days. He isn't going back, but doesn't know if he has a leg to stand on if he doesn't pay the last two months rent.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/BizGuy97531
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    North Carolina: Traffic ticket not wearing a seat belt

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I was making a right in an intersection to go onto the highway and across the intersection were two state troopers making a left hand turn. After I pulled onto the acceleration lane, the state trooper immediately turned his lights on and pulled me over. He stated that I was not wearing my seat belt. I was in fact wearing my seat belt the entire time. What are my options here? Any luck in fighting this in court? I want to fight this just because of the principle because I was actually wearing my seat belt.

    Any help is appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Maxhole
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    Roommate owes me several months rent but I have no way of contacting her. How would I go about an eviction?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Oklahoma - I am subleasing a room to a girl and she owes me several months back rent. She works 100% remotely and has been away on a wanderlust trip to a variety of places. I have tried contacting her but I get no response (her social media is still active so I know she hasn't disappeared entirely). To my knowledge without a proper address I can't send her an eviction notice. If I choose to simply end my lease (I'm month to month currently) her car as well as most of her belongings are still here and I'd have to do something about that as well. I am at a bit of an impasse. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/throwaway4891891
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    Letter sent to me for child support, I am certain it is mistaken identity. [TX]

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is a long post, I am just trying to be thorough because I want to be as well equipped as I can.

    I received a letter from the Texas OAG regarding a case being opened up against me for child support. I am 100% certain that this is a case of mistaken identity. The name of the Other Parent is a name I do not recognize at all, and I have had a limited amount of partners in my lifetime, no one night stands with random people ever.

    After reading the letter and nearly having a stroke I went online to the website they listed (texasattorneygeneral.gov/child-support). I did the chat option to get some further information. The person on the other end requested the case number, which I provided, as well as basic information such as my address and phone number. I informed the person on the other end (I didn't get a screen cap of the chat because once it was over it cleared the chat with no log saving capabilities) that I believe this is a mistake, they provided some basic information and then asked if the numbers "832xxx" meant anything. I told them it did not. I was directed to call the OAG and did call the number from the website. The first person had me update the contact information for 'my case'. I gave them the address, e-mail and phone number. They requested my authorization to change the phone number from an 832 area code (Houston) to mine (way the hell far away from Houston), since I need them to call me about this, I told them to do so.

    I got transferred to another person who provided limited information about the case. The child was born in 2002 putting him around 18 years old now, and at 18 (how old I was around that time) I had only been with one woman and it was literally in another country, with a woman who I still keep in contact with occasionally who does not have this name. Adding in the 9 months to carry the child to term, I would likely have been 17 when said intercourse happened, I was very literally a virgin.

    I was then transferred to someone who basically treated me as if I was trying to get out of paying the child support, which was infuriating at least. I was informed that there is a court date set for mid August, and that I would have to attend via Zoom since the courts are closed. I was also informed to send information either via fax or e-mail for mistaken identity. The number she gave me checked out, and the e-mail address is a for oag.texas.gov, so I am fairly sure it is legitimate and not a scam considering the website chat, phone calls and all. They want me to send in scans/pictures of my drivers license, birth certificate and social security card, I was informed this is to possibly defer any further action (such as the court date) if it is mistaken identity. I have all of this information ready to send but have not yet sent it due to me not knowing what the heck is going on.

    The best I can make from this is that someone with the same first and last name (they did not have my middle name anywhere in the letter) is likely the father, but considering this happened 18 years ago, the mother has limited information to find said father and had only a first and last name and maybe a phone number. I guess I got the short straw in me being chosen, possibly because of age or something else.

    I am trying to get this resolved before it goes to court because it is, short of a literal act of God, impossible I am the father.

    I am appreciative of any constructive advice any one has to offer.

    submitted by /u/mrraincoat
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    [SC] Just arrived to a beachfront hotel in Myrtle Beach and sat on a chair in my hotel room. A nail is sticking out under the cushion. I now have a gash on my rear. Manager says there is little recourse. Advice?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    I arrived at my hotel room that was gauged and charged over $300 for a single night. The moment I arrived I realized that the hotel was a crapshoot. The freezer does not even work, and I now have $50 in food that will go to waste unless I eat it tonight. Now, I just sat down on a chair in my own room and was greeted with a searing pain.

    My hotel chair has a noticeable nail sticking out of it.

    I have a gash on my left ass cheek now. I immediately call the front desk and some maintenance guy apologizes and takes the chair away. I waited for the manager to come up but apparently no one was even notified so I went down myself.

    When I speak to a manager, I am informed that there is little recourse I have. I was offered a breakfast comp for the rest of my stay.

    I feel like it's a joke. There are so many other issues with the room, it's exhausting to list them all. And I am 100% not a Karen looking for anything wrong with my room. But considering I just spent $300 for a single night at a run-down hotel, I feel I'm reasonably upset.

    Any recourse?

    submitted by /u/SwissCheeser3
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    Texas: Is there a way to make a case for more custody of my kids if I'm having more time with them?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I have 3 kids and we have a standard custody agreement that is 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends. I pay quite a bit of child support as well. Since Covid started I've pretty much had my kids 50% of the time due to lack of daycare and helping their mother out while she works. With that being said, is there any legal argument I could make or take to a judge to get legal 50/50 custody based on all this, or even child support amount lowered?

    submitted by /u/dkeeper09
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    In my late 20s. Loaned $30,000 to my dad so he can pay off his mortgage. Now he refuses to pay me back.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    I live in Colorado. I am in my late 20s. Used to have a 6 figure job (not any more). So I had $30,000 in savings, and more.

    Me and my dad struck a deal 4 years ago that I would loan him $30,000 so he could pay off his mortgage early. He had a balance of $80,000; had $50,000 himself; and needed $30,000. I agreed.

    The rationale behind the deal was, I had money in my checking not really earning interest; and he was paying over 4% interest on his mortgage. So he offered to take a $30,000 loan from me at 2% interest and pay it off within 10 years with $276.04 monthly payments. It was an official loan, with a loan document, containing both of our full information including SSNs, notarized by a lawyer.

    Fast forward to now. Me and my dad had major and terrible conflicts about 1 year ago. I hate him more than anything, he is like Satan to me. And he doesn't like me either. Well after a particularly bad fight he told me he's "cutting me off" and stopping the payments.

    Only it's not "cutting me off", it's refusing to pay an official loan. I tried reasoning with him but he flat out refuses to pay.

    He owes a balance of $22,338. He's not broke, he has an income, he has money, he has a job, he's nowhere near bankruptcy, but he refuses to pay the loan.

    What are the options?

    submitted by /u/Traditional_Art3523
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    I want to surprise my “dad”

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    The man that I call my dad has filled the position since I was a boy. I am not his blood, and I've always known that. He has, however, raised me like his own and given me a life that I never would've had with my birth father.

    For father's day and his birthday, I want to surprise him by asking him to adopt me. I have called this man my dad since before I can remember, and my mom obviously fully supports me.

    This is where you guys (hopefully, please...) come in. I can not find information on how to do this, as I am 25 years old and everything I find is for babies or foster children on google. I am in California, my main question is how do I even start? Do I need some sort of lawyer? Any and all advice is appreciated. Help me make my dad feel as loved as he has made me feel.

    Thanks a lot for reading ❤️

    submitted by /u/Anonymousky1
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    I work at a small, family-owned business and I was wondering if we still have the right to refuse customers service if they aren’t wearing a mask after the new mask policy that Governor Wolf implemented.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I'll mark this as consumer law because I'm not quite whether it's other civil issues, consumer, or disability. Also, to clarify, my business is located in PA.

    I'm aware that businesses have the right to refuse service so long as they aren't discriminating against the protected classes. To my knowledge, that includes persons with disabilities.

    Previously, Governor Wolf passed what I believe was an executive order giving businesses the right to deny service to anyone not wearing a mask.

    Recently, he released an executive order (not quite sure if that's the proper term) that made masks wearing mandatory. Included in this order were exceptions, among which was one for people with disabilities. This exception for people who have medical disabilities is further clarified that such persons are not required to show documentation of their disabilities.

    So it's my question, given those exceptions, should someone come into my store without a mask and claim that exception, do I still have the right to refuse them without it being considered discrimination?

    submitted by /u/throwaway03-27-20
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    (CA) Landlord Sent picture of lease, penis is visible in photograph

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Asking on behalf of someone else. My friend we'll call Jenny was trying to add her girlfriend to her lease agreement. The landlord sent her a picture of the paperwork and his flaccid penis is clearly visible in the photograph. We're all confused, grossed out and unsure what to do next. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/NuclearWednesday
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    I was in an accident with a decision from USAA that is extremely unethical. They based their decision on a verbal statement vs. actual evidence. My insurance is working with their legal dept. but small claims was mentioned? How/would this work? [NV]

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I was in an accident on 5/20/2020. I can go further into details if necessary.

    But essentially I was rear ended when at a stop while trying to get out of a speeding driver's way in a residential area. I used my turn signal to indicate I would be pulling to the side of the road and left it on for 30 seconds before and kept it on until I was at a complete stop. I was stopped for less than 10 seconds when I was rear ended but the other driver. There was space for at least 4 cars in this area with no cars on either side. The damage to my vehicle clearly indicates I was at a stop when she hit me due to the sheer amount of damage her small car was able to do to my Subaru (it's a sturdy lady). She actually lived two houses down from where the accident occurred.

    I did not call the police initially because it seemed obvious that she was at fault (I'm an idiot, I know). But she ended up telling her insurance that I was not leaving the roadway, rather ENTERING it. Which does not make sense with where the damage is on my car nor where the debris on the street is. I am now in physical pain on a daily basis due to this (I'm 27, I feel like I'm 80 now with how stiff my neck/back is atm).

    Her insurance (USAA) took about two weeks to even contact us with a decision after giving us a date we would receive a response by and ignoring our calls for 4 days. We ended up having to reach out to USAA on Twitter to even get a response and filing an executive complaint. We finally received a response not 24 hours later stating that I was at fault because it is my job to check traffic before entering the roadway. We contested this and had them review it again only to receive the same decision.

    USAA refused to answer any questions on our end when given the decision. They also stated they were going purely off their client's verbal statement as they did not send them any pictures (I have her husband IN one of my pictures taking a picture of her car).

    My insurance(State Farm) upon hearing their decision immediately turned it over to their legal dept. as they saw the decision as being flawed as well. It was also mentioned that we might be able to take the other driver to small claims court. The lady that rear ended me works for the state and imo anyone willing to lie like that should not be working with sensitive information.

    My question is, if I take this to small claims, who would I need to contact to get this started and would the outcome do anything for me? I was without a car for 25 days and as I said am now in constant pain with a fear of other cars (I know it's silly, but on residential streets when cars come up behind me I get EXTREMELY nervous and am afraid to get out of their way lest someone hit me again then lie about it).

    Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/abyssinianking
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    (F35) Help my husband (M36) posted nudes and videos of me for friends and family to see bc we are going through a divorce

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    My husband, hopefully ex husband is fighting me on getting a divorce and is a violent alcoholic. He is threatening to kill himself and drive to see me ( we live a few states away from each other)

    He is refusing to sign the divorce paperwork and flipped when I changed my Facebook name to my maiden name. He ends up posting nude pics and videos of me for friends and family to see.

    It is very mortifying and I can't believe he did that. What can I do from here and what charges can I press against him and keep him away from me. Please help me.

    submitted by /u/Ishballa
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    Having trouble getting ahold of my gap insurance information (AZ)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Last week, someone hit my car and the insurance company deemed my car a total loss. They're covering what it's worth, about $5K. My payoff on it is $7K.

    I originally purchased gap insurance through the dealership. However, the dealership that I got it through seems to be going under and is not getting back to me about which company my gap insurance is through.

    I've called them and they said someone would look it up and get back to me. Two days later I asked again and they said that my file is old (2 years) and is off site so they would get back to me the next day. I called two days after and the phones kept ringing so I resorted to Facebook messenger. Yesterday I finally just asked them to send me the gap insurance companies they work with so that I can call around and find out but they just left me on read.

    All I have is the contract showing that I purchased it but no where does it state the company. In the contract, it also says that I cannot sue them but that arbitrators are okay. Is there anything I can do? Did I just get scammed? Any information is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/wheresthehotsauce
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