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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - Mom getting sued for 20 grand over a dog bark

    Legal Advice - Mom getting sued for 20 grand over a dog bark

    Mom getting sued for 20 grand over a dog bark

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    In October 2019 my mom got a letter saying she was being sued for damages inflicted by a dog attack earlier that day. The way my mom tells the story is that she was walking our dog, on her leash, when a lady was jogging by. Our dog barked at the lady and she either pretended to fall or she actually slipped and fell. Her lawyer was across the street and immediately called an ambulance for the lady. My mom waited for the ambulance to come and then went home. The lawyer actually followed her to her apartment door so he knew exactly where she lived. She is now being sued for 20 grand and has 20 days for a defense. I believe they have 0 evidence that this actually happened, besides maybe a hospital bill that says she fell.

    In my opinion, this was a scam. But what can me or my mom do in this scenario? She doesn't have 20 grand, is it possible that they'll seize her apartment over a dog bark? Also, how do we avoid getting into the same thing in the future?

    submitted by /u/shabazzxx
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    Police used battering ram on our door. They had the wrong address. When I asked why, i was threatened with obstruction of justice.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    My wife 2 kids and I live in a big house. It has 2 units at one address and 2 completely separate in a unit beside ours. Both addresses are clearly marked and have large identifiable entrances. Cops showed up today, used ram on our shared entrance that locks. Then went to use their ram on our actual door into our apartment. Luckily our neighbour ran out yelling they're not in the right place.

    I went outside after we saw them pull out the correct person in handcuffs. Was ordered ioff property until I told who I was, then I was told to "fuck off inside" i said I had a right to know why they broke our door down. They said back up and then finally he told me there was a call to "unit 2" at this address. I later confirmed with staff sergeant that they did indeed have the correct address, they just bashed in the wrong building's door.

    Police officer then proceeded to tell me if I don't go inside that he'll arrest me for obstruction of justice. I live in Ontario canada. I pulled out my phone at that point and recorded asking for his badge number and name. He wouldnt give me his name but he said his badge number and another officer came over and started telling me I was lying about him threatening me.

    They didnt call landlord or tell anyone about damages. When I called i was told they didn't enter my unit so it isn't an issue. I insisted that she take down my landlady's name and number so she can contact her with info on how to get them to pau for the door.

    They all defended eachother. I was threatened. If my neighbor didn't stop them and I wasn't home, my wife would have been so scared. She deals with bipolar disorder and high stress situations can trigger manic episodes.

    submitted by /u/loitering_duck
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    My son was raped and I am desperate for help

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    In the fall of 2018 my son was forcibly sodomized by a classmate in our home (both age 11). I left them alone for 20 minutes to make cookie bars and during that time he raped my son twice. We learned the boy had been grooming him for over a year and had threatened my son's life so many times it took five weeks for my son to tell my husband and myself about the assaults. And then we did everything we were "supposed" to do. We reported to DHS, we called the school and reported it there, we involved the police, had our son interviewed at the Child Protection Center, and we got him in to see his therapist for anxiety immediately with follow-up appointments with a trauma therapist.

    However, school wasn't willing to be helpful in any way. They forced my son to remain in the same classroom as his rapist, even seating them at the same table. Their teacher went to the teacher's union and complained but they wouldn't intervene. They made my son go to the "No! Go! Tell!" presentation with his rapist. They made my son keep riding the bus with him. The rapist continued to make death threats at school daily and literally crawled under the seats in the bus to get at my children who were assigned seats at the front. I kept asking the school and administrators why there wasn't protocol for this, why they couldn't make a safety plan, why by son was being revictimized, and they had no answers. Finally, we had to move my son to a different elementary school because no one wanted to help him be safe. It didn't matter, the rapist sent death threats via their school email. Everything was documented; the rapist didn't get so much as a suspension.

    Despite all our efforts, documentation, and diligence, the system has failed my son over and again. The only small victory we've had was last spring when the court issued an Order of Protection (Sexual Abuse) for both my children; this spring I filed for and received an extension. Not that it matters. The school will comply in no way. Now the boys are ready to enter junior high and the administration intends to keep them at the same school again. For the first orientation meeting, they wanted my son to attend with his rapist and we refused to let him go.

    We retained attorneys 14 months ago and as far as I know they've only sent two letters to the school, both of which were answered with a, "Nuh uh." Then they had the audacity to send us a letter stating we hadn't made enough contact with them so they were going to assume we were dropping the case. I don't understand what more I could do. All I could glean from them was that the school violated my son's Title IX rights in horrific ways, but because of his age he probably doesn't really have any rights. The attorneys haven't even filed a Title IX complaint.

    I'm enraged, I'm exhausted, and I still haven't found any justice for my kid. I don't know where to turn. Does a Midwestern housewife really have to figure out a way to change legislation so no other family has to go through this hell? I cannot begin to articulate what this has done to our family.

    Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/titleIXhelp
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    Landlord sold the house halfway through our lease, new owner says our lease is terminated and being renewed with “minor changes”

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    For context, I live in Idaho US, I signed a 12 month lease in March 2020.

    This morning I found a note attached to my front door of my house claiming the house has been sold (it has been on the market, inspected by bank, etc. Property management told me the property wouldn't have new ownership until July 2021) claiming that the house is now under new ownership and that I should stop paying rent to my property manager, and instead forward all payments to this new owner. They also mention our lease is being terminated and "renewed" with a few minor changes to the lease. My question is, is this even legal? Is this a scam? What are my options here? I don't have the first clue of what to do. I sent an email to my property management explaining this and they have not yet responded. I don't want to be lied to anymore because frankly I don't know the first thing about property management/tenant laws in Idaho. Any help would be very much appreciated

    UPDATE: I'd like to thank everyone for contributing and giving me advice with this dilemma. I've gone over our original lease and it seems that the lease may be altered/terminated with the sale of the property, with a 30 day notice. I've also confirmed with the (now ex) property manager that this is legit. They told me that Im under no obligation to sign a new lease agreement, and that the new owner has assumed my lease. So it looks like I have 30 days to find a new place to live. Again, thank you all very much for taking time out of your day to advise me.

    submitted by /u/itshima
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    Sold home new owners found termites and now want to back out.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    We recently sold our home. The new owners left closing and went straight to the home to start some minor renovations before moving in.

    I received a phone call that afternoon from the buyers indicating they had found termites in the home. Now they want to "null and void" the sale because they say the termite policy was incorrect in stating that there was no active infestation. A few 🔑 points here.

    • The home was listed as-is and the contract clearly states they have inspected the home and are not relying on any warranties from the seller and they accept the property in its current condition.
    • We had an existing termite policy which we transferred to the buyer during closing.
    • That termite policy was/is a retreat only policy and the termite company will not repair damage but will treat the infestation. This is clearly stated on all the paperwork which was submitted to the lender during the sale.
    • The buyer did not do a home inspection prior to the purchase.

    What are my options here and what should or shouldn't I do or say during communication with the seller?

    Edit: we are located in Arkansas

    submitted by /u/fckdbyfamilyglitch
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    Advice on Teacher Resignation Options

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    Arizona teacher here. My school isn't doing much operationally for covid prep and I don't feel very safe, so I'm thinking about resigning. I've been at my school for a long time and I love it very much, but they've really dropped the ball with pandemic stuff unfortunately.

    So I have a question about resigning.

    A clause in my contract says I have to pay $3000 in liquidated damages if I resign "before or during the initial term". The initial term is defined in the contract as Aug 1 and the following 60 days.

    The contract date is from Aug 1 2020 - July 31 2021.

    I'm confused about the "before" part - seems to me like I would never be able to resign then? My contract from last year has the same language and it's pretty confusing - my understanding was that I can't quit DURING the initial term, which makes sense as this is when my contract starts. My new contract hasn't even started yet - it starts on Aug 1 2020.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this? I want to resign before Aug 1 - but want to know my options (legal or otherwise) if they try to take $3000 from me.

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: A little more detail for clarification..I signed this contract on April 3rd, 2020. Would it be typical for "before or during the initial term" to include all the time between signing the contract and the beginning of the term (Aug 1st)? If I quit on April 4th, for example, would I typically be penalized?

    submitted by /u/throwawaycontractAZ
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    [MI] Just bought a condo and found out my neighbors utilities all run through my basement ceiling. That can't be right?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I just closed on a condo that has one shared wall (two units), where the meters, etc, are on my side. It came up after closing that my neighbors utilities run from my outer wall through my basement ceiling and then into the shared wall (Specifically two comcast coaxial cables, what looks like an electrical cable, and a grounding wire).

    My HOA maintains everything outside the condo unit, while I'm responsible for the inside. The only mention of utilities in my bylaws are as expected and don't mention anything about the going through adjoining units.

    "Public Utilities. All public utilities such as water main, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, gas mains, electric and telephone local distribution lines, cable television lines, and all connections to same, either private or otherwise, shall be installed underground."

    Here's an example of some of the lines going through the shared wall. https://imgur.com/a/J0eNcnl

    I'm planning on finishing the basement and now I'm worried about legal complications if anything becomes damaged or breaks that goes to the adjoining unit. This information wasn't disclosed until I mentioned I was finishing the basement and the sellers said their neighbors comcast runs through the basement.

    submitted by /u/Thegreen16
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    Drug Smuggling by way of Human Trafficking - Yes, it's happening, and there is no to help.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    Hi. I've never done this before, posting on Reddit. I'm reluctant to share to much but at the same time, my family needs help. My dad was arrested in Maputo, Mozambique on July 24th 2019 for drug possession in what he thought was candy bars. The story goes back a decade, when he first started getting emails telling him he had an inheritance to claim that was my mother's. Look up confrimed email scams, the newest one listed (last time I looked) is on there because of my dad, and an 87 yr old man from CA, a 60+ gentleman from Canada and another from South America. We have paid 4 separate attorneys in Mozambique (thousands of dollars) to represent my dad only to have them take our money and do nothing to defend my dad nor represent him as a victim to a crime that targets elderly widowers. These people, including my dad, were being used as drug mules without them even knowing it. I've sent copies of the emails between my dad and the criminals proving he didnt know what he got himself into, yet he was sentenced 18 yrs. He's 76 years old! William, the man from CA, was sentenced 16 yrs, he's 86 yrs old! The Embassy is no help, I've written to Congress, United Nations, Human Rights organizations and Crimes Against Humanity groups. I've talked to the FBI, Homeland Security, the US Marshal and more. I feel completely defeated and defied by everyone. No one cares. No one will even offer an attorney or firm's name, from here in the US, not one. But I can't give up, my grandmother turned 98 yrs old this year. She had her first heart attack in June when she came to visit for my sons graduation and was able to talk w her son for the first time in 11 months. My father lived with my grandmother at our family farm - which has been in our family 150 years as of this last March, and is now having to be sold because we do not have the million dollars some of my great aunts and uncles want for it. If your lawyer reading this I assume you will connect the dots between the farm and this 'inheritance' my dad was desperately hoping to be real after denying it for so many years. I wrote this on a whim and I've shared the story hundreds of times so I apologize if it reads broken up or if details seem to be missing. I'm willing to share more, I just dont know what to share there is so much. If its allowed, feel free to ask me questions, I will post and respond as soon as I can. For anyone that is able to offer guidance, words cannot express my gratitude. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/nikkib80
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    I'm 17 and have been evicted from my home by my mother. What actions can I take to secure property I own within my house?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    I'm living in NSW (around Sydney) Australia, I'm 17 and a recent argument with my mum has resulted in me being kicked out on the street. My mum has been asking for me to continue paying rent despite this and I declined. I am worried that because of me declining, she will sell or damage items (my PC setup and VR gear is worth in excess of $2.5k) and I'd like to know what I can legally do to ensure that my property is not sold or damaged. I have been given an Apprehended Violence Order due to damage of the property but there is no distance attached to it meaning I could potentially return home, however due to how the situation panned out I'd like to avoid that at all costs.

    I have accommodation in the meantime for anyone who is worried.

    submitted by /u/KirantaTheLynx
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    Can this tow company take my vehicle?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    So, I bought a Skoolie to convert and signed a contract with a tow company to have it moved from one state to another.

    I signed paperwork stating that COD or Cashier's check were the methods of payment, and have a series of text messages with the owner confirming the driver would be given cash.

    The bus arrived, cash was given, a release form was signed by myself and the driver, and the keys were handed to me.

    Now it is two weeks later and the owner is sending me text messages claiming I did not pay, that they don't even accept cash payments, and that they are going to "repo" my vehicle.

    I sent him my contract highlighting the area where it details that COD is the method of payment, our text confirmations of COD, my bank statement detailing the cash withdrawal, and questioned why he would make these baseless accusations when the bus would not even be released to me if payment was not made.

    He just kept repeating that I was lying, personally insulting me, and restating that I would pay (again) or he would send a truck to reposess my vehicle.

    I am likely going to get flak for accepting a cash transaction at all, but I am sincerely unfamiliar with this process and did not anticipating this sort of unethical practice. Lesson learned.

    Now I am just trying to find out my protections.

    My bus is currently parked on my lawn (disregard my rednecking, as my carport is too low for the skoolie). Please correct me if I am wrong, but under the advice of others, I am under the impression that they cannot take my vehicle from my private property and that since they do not have a lien on the vehicle, they are not able to "repo" it and any attempts to take it away would be an illegal tow / I would be able to take them to court on good grounds. Their only recourse if they choose to pursue these false accusations should be sending this to a collections agency or taking me to court where it would be their rhetoric vs my paper trail. This is just what I've gathered and could be misinformed, however.

    Any advice on this would be much appreciated as I am sincerely taken aback and not eager throw another $975 at this towing company that was already given to them before the release of the vehicle.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/beardead
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    My Lesbian friend wants my sperm.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:29 PM PDT


    My lesbian friend and her girlfriend want my sperm to conceive a child. A quick Google search has revealed that in some of these cases the donor still has to pay child support. I don't know my friend's girlfriend very well at all and am unsure I want to bring a child into the world with her.

    I live in CA and they live in WI, USA

    If i decide to do this, how can i protect myself from financial responsibility?

    submitted by /u/Knotts_Berry_Farm
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    Sold someone shoes..

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    So like the title says, I sold someone shoes. I posted the ad on facebook marketplace, the next day i met with this guy in person. I hand him the shoes, he looks at them, then buys them from me for 280$. i get a text later that night saying they are fake, which i had no clue, and that he demanded a refund even thought i spent the money he gave me. He's now threatening to call the police on me and file a report, but isn't it his responsibility if he saw them in person and everything?

    Edit: Im from Canada

    submitted by /u/Rare_Cryptographer95
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    17F, Rapist uncle keeps peeking at me in the shower and in my sleep, grandmother calls me slutty

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    ***OP is posting for a friend***

    17F, America, currently living in my aunt's house with her mother (my grandmother) and her toddler son. I came to the US two years ago, and my parents are in another country. My aunt is divorced, but her ex-husband often comes over to the house in the name of visiting his son. Supposedly, he is to live in the house for a week and leave, but his stay often extends over a month (my aunt doesn't trust him taking the son with him). He is unemployed and has had a rape conviction.

    I have caught him peeking at me in the shower, walking naked around me, and opening my bedroom door when I'm asleep at night. Although he has never physically assaulted me, I am on the verge of insanity.

    My aunt has previously called cops and took him away, but this just keeps repeating. Whenever my aunt or grandmother is away, he would revert back to being a creep. My conservative grandmother has scolded him, but she has also accused me of being slutty. I never feel safe with him in that house.

    This morning I cooked breakfast for myself and my grandmother, but I turn around and he starts eating everything. I was angered, and he says "You know I like you?" Disgusting.

    Is there anything I can do on my own? My grandmother just wants things to die down. My aunt can't stop letting his son from seeing his father (he doesn't know about the divorce). And I cannot offend anyone, because they provide me all of my food and shelter, and I don't have the best relationship with any of them in the first place.

    submitted by /u/CharonOfPluto
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    [CA] Tenants built an unpermitted room. What can I do?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    I've got some nightmare tenants who owe nearly $30k in back rent since 2018. I'm currently in the process of evicting as they informed me they have no intent on paying anymore and aren't going to leave until a court forces them out. My idiot brother rented to them (shared interest) without performing a background check that would have revealed 13 unlawful detainer actions against them since 2013, but that's another story...

    Anyway, the tenants have built an unpermitted locked room in the garage without my permission. I am extremely concerned about the fire risk. I am also suspicious they are using the room to grow weed. I've told them the room needs to come out, but they refuse.

    What are my options other than waiting endlessly for the court to grant the writ of possession? If I were to enter and tear out the room, would I be liable for damages even though it's unpermitted, an extreme risk, and built without authorization?

    Edit- This is unrelated to my question but I also want to add that I do feel awful in general about the idea of evicting. I don't want to hurt anyone struggling. I even offered to forgive their entire past due balance and waive future rent (so they could save up for a new place) if they would simply move out in 45 days and they refused. History shows they're serial rent scammers :(

    submitted by /u/throwawaypropm
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    Living a Nightmare - Neighbor threatened to kill 4 year old

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I am living a real life nightmare. Moved in our dream home/ neighborhood November 2019. Recently my mentally ill neighbor threatened my 4 year old son and told him he was going to, "cut out his tounge and kill his entire family". I got a temporary restraining order granted. Need advice on what path to pursue.

    A little more backstory: This guy has several incidents with the police, he was arrested twice this year, got his license taken away, habitually threatens women and child, and one woman down the street also has a restraining order against him because he said he would, "cut her head off". His threats are intense and women and children don't want to walk on the street or play outside for fear of this man. I found out he broke his restraining last week and went to the woman's place of business.

    His landlord is fully informed on his tenant yet has done nothing about it. He is collecting rent every month and does not think there is a real threat from this man. This behavior continues and no one seems to be able to stop it... I need to protect my children and my family and I want this nightmare to stop. No disclosure of this man was made to us when purchasing our home, it seems impossible the owners did not know anything about this man.. but how would I prove that?

    Do I go after the landlord in court or sue this mentally ill man for damages? This is the only thing I can think of to get this to stop. No other action has worked up until this point. And quite frankly, I want them to pay for our damages and their actions. I will pursue this without an attorney, so I need the path forward that will have the highest chance of success. I understand I can sue on the grounds he is a private/ public nuisance. But who would I sue, landlord or mentally ill neighbor? Should I do this as a civil suit and include my neighbors?

    What would you do?

    submitted by /u/LaceyR12345
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    (Canada) I own the property beyond my neighbors fence, but fence was grandfathered - what can i do?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    My wife and I moved into a new house in March. We live in Ontario, Canada. As we were moving in we were warned by various neighbors about our one particular next door neighbor. She calls by-law on everyone - over 200 times in the last year. We didn't think much of it and tried to even be nice by inviting them over for dinner (when COVID was over obviously). About a month ago my father in law was parked in front of our house for a short period of time, and got a ticket. He was in the wrong, we get that. But the way we found out was our neighbor screeching through the fence about how she's going to kill by-law and who ever called my father in law in. She was drunk, clearly called on us, and then went on the offensive to make it seem like it wasn't her. We don't care either way, we were at fault - its $25, not the end of the world. She also uttered death threats about how it was likely other neighbors. Anyways, we and other neighbors have now decided to call by-law on her every chance we get. She is like 70+. We called one day and her daughter got upset, came onto my property and tried to bait my wife into a fight. Our neighbor called my wife a bitch. We have this all on video. It's not something I'm okay with.

    Which is why I'm posting here. I own about a foot onto her property. I knew this when buying the place. She has this fence that was grandfathered in. Its ugly and I hate it. I've actually asked to replace the entire thing for free, to which she replies "never". Two Questions:
    1. Do I own what's on the other side of her fence? I own about 5 inches after the fence, she has shrubs within that 5 inches, do I have control of what she does with those shrubs?
    2. Does anyone know a means of getting that fence removed based on it being a safety hazard? Its warped in numerous areas and just looks old.

    At the end of the day, I also don't feel safe around this woman and her family. I've installed more cameras and want her to understand her behavior is not okay.

    submitted by /u/bl4ng
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    So my landlord posted a notice on our door stating that we cannot flush toilet paper.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    I'm in the state of Nevada and I'll be attaching the notice below. Essentially stated that we are subject to fine ect for using toilet paper, please tell me they have no legal ground to stand on with this.


    submitted by /u/KVVVNJ4MZ
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    Cousin called Child Protective Services on us out of spite. She is bipolar and may do it again. How do we stop her? What are our options?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    We got a visit from Child Protective Services today. Apparently we had a complaint on us about excessive disciplining and abuse.They did an interview and home walk through and it was very cordial. I asked them at the end if they had any concerns and she said no pending looking at our criminal history (none) and talking to our pediatrician. It was just a shock to me and my wife. Just to clarify, we don't hit or abuse or yell excessively.

    I am 100% sure it was done by my cousin based on what information I got from the CPS agent. So my first cousin is bi-polar and is in a manic state right now. There have been some not so nice emails in the last 2 weeks where she asked me why we fed our daughter formula. And she made a Facebook post telling us how she will kill our kids in front of our eyes. The kicker is she doesn't remember my kid's name and gave the wrong name to CPS, the same wrong name she mentions in the Facebook post.

    She pulled this shit a few years ago as well and that's when I cut off all contact. So we are not on talking terms. The revenge part is that she has been asking me for money lately and I won't even respond.

    I am worried she will keep reporting us and will make our life hell. I am also worried she will escalate it to sexual abuse. I was told each report will invite a visit, founded or not and I don't want to subject my daughter to probing questions. We live in Illinois. What are our options to stop her? She lives in NYC but actually fled to Mexico when she was was in this manic state a few weeks ago.

    submitted by /u/let-me-find-out
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    Kicking out my roommate's mom

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Moving this from r/relationship_advice

    Thank you all in advance!

    I'll try to keep this as concise as possible.

    My(25F) fiance (24M) and I live with another guy (22M) in a 4 bedroom apartment. Our other 2 roommates moved out when our first lease ended in May, and since then, the 3 of us have re signed for another year.

    My roommate "Joe" has had issues with his mother (55F) ("Laura") for over a year now, and last summer, he asked if she could stay with us for a few weeks, as she'd become homeless. We didn't know her, and figured we could help her out, so we said yes.

    It turns out she's in desperate need of medical attention and psychiatric help, and is an alcoholic as well. Within a few days of her living with us, she stole entire bottles of our roommates' liquor, and ended up starting a fight with our then-roommate's girlfriend. We asked her to leave, but a few weeks later she was homeless again, and asked to move back in. She has heart problems and is on several medications, and mentally is about as mature as a 14-15 year old, so she will often make rude comments solely to try and start fights with us.

    We said yes again, with the agreement that she'd be out in a few weeks after getting her finances sorted out. That was 6 months ago.

    Obviously, with everything going on, we didn't want to make her homeless yet again, but now Joe is moving out and breaking the lease early. His mother is not on the lease but has been paying his rent for a few months now, since he was laid off due to Covid. Joe wants us to continue to let her live with us after he moves out, and Laura feels that because she paid his rent, she is now entitled to the master bedroom in the house (again, she will make things like this up all the time, to start drama).

    Even when he was on the lease, Joe was only home 1-2 nights a week, and left us to deal with Laura the rest of the time. Her medical issues cause her to faint pretty frequently, and my fiance and I have had to take care of her after some pretty serious falls as well. Laura also goes without eating pretty frequently if people don't remind her. Joe does not currently have a working cell phone, either, so getting ahold of him when he isn't here is almost impossible.

    Laura also continues to steal any type of booze in the house, and has become more and more controlling of my fiance and I. We now lock any bottles we have in our room, and try to speak with Laura as little as possible. She's recently taken to making me "to do lists," constantly talking down to me and treating me like a child, and will follow me out the door anytime I leave the house to demand to know where I'm going and why.

    A few weeks ago, I woke up to find a middle aged man in our now spare bedroom. He didn't speak English so I asked Laura who he was. Apparently, her ex boyfriend had become homeless, so without asking anyone, she moved him in.

    My fiance thankfully kicked him out immediately, but the fact that she behaves this way at all makes me want her out of my house NOW. She's still bitter that we didn't let her move him in, and will be aggressive and rude to anyone we bring over now. Joe ignores any texts we send him and now seems to be avoiding us until he moves, so I'm not sure how to have a conversation with him, especially since it'll be his mother's word against ours.

    I really like Joe as a person, but I'm really feeling screwed over and taken advantage of, and I'm not sure what my options are now.

    Since moving in, Laura has brought a ton of furniture over from a storage unit, and has been paying a share of the bills for a few months, so even though she isn't on the lease, I don't know if we could legally kick her out.

    Please help??

    submitted by /u/Strawberry_Core
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    (PHX, AZ, USA) I am the witness of a crime, police want to speak to me, what to do?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys, first time posting here. As the title says, this past Saturday afternoon, I was a witness of a crime. I and my mom were the only witnesses, and witnessed a serious armed assault in our neighborhood.

    The police were called, and were there for hours in what felt like a stake out for over 4 hours. I obviously gave my story and everything I seen, along with my mom. They let us know that if they have more questions they would get in contact with me.

    Well, this afternoon a PD detective left his business card in my mailbox, which I guess he came here to try to speak to me while I was out.

    My question is, what happens now? This is the first time I've ever been a witness in a crime. Do I HAVE to recount my story and comply with the detectives investigation? What's this process like? Do I need a lawyer? Will we go to trial? Sorry, have never been in this situation. Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/cheddarbob01
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    A-hole neighbor marking section of paved neighborhood trail "private property" - WA

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I am in Washington and have an asshole neighbor problem. Please help me knock their shit off so my neighbors and I can enjoy our trails again.

    I live near a subdivision next to a public park. The park has extensive unpaved trails that link up with the neighborhood's paved trail system. The neighborhood trail system runs alongside the neighborhood and is largely on land owned by the real estate developer, who is also the HOA. It also runs across private property in a few short areas but is a continuous, paved trail built by and maintained wholly by the HOA.

    99% of park trails are continuous within the park trail system, but a tiny 1% connects into and then shortly out of neighborhood's trail system. Of course, this maybe, maybe 30 foot stretch, probably 20 feet, is also on the corner of a neighbor's property. Even more inconveniently, this is the trail "linchpin" that connects one side of the trail system to the other.

    I'm walking the other day, enjoying nature, to find this short stretch festooned with "Private Property - No Trespassing!" signs. This neighbor has only been there for two years, the trail far predates their ownership of the home. I did my due diligence and checked the county's ArcGIS. Sure enough, it just barely crosses the corner of their property.

    I believe we have an easement based on two factors:

    1. The trail, maintained by the HOA, is clearly for public use
    2. The trail systems predate not only the owner's occupancy but the existence of the neighborhood itself.

    Any opinions? Maybe suggestions of what information I should gather to support my case? I hate, hate, HATE this kind of shit, please help me put the smack down on these mofos.

    submitted by /u/Beneficial_Platypus
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    Possible sexual harassment by GF’s Doctor.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Sorry, I know the flair is probably wrong, but there was no other option category for my question.

    Basically, my question is regarding if an incident after a doctors visit by my GF would qualify as Sexual Harassment...

    She had gone into a clinic/hospital ER for see what exactly was wrong with her vagina as she was having some severe pain while we were being "adults". So this doctor had gone in and did a check up and all of that. And by "gone in" I mean had to manually insert his fingers inside my Gf's vagina, which is all fine and dandy, since that's what doctors have to do. Anyway, she sorta got a weird vibe from this guy and left as nothing was wrong. Medically...

    A day or so later, this doctor somehow gets her number, I'm assuming that's not hard for a doctor to do and starting mentioning how good she looks and was asking her what's she's doing and if she'd like to come over to his pool...

    That's definitely a breach of some kind right?! Ever since the texts my GF has been extremely weird out...

    Was just curious if this would count on some level as sexual harassment and if she should get a lawyer?


    submitted by /u/Usagii_YO
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    Victim died in Yukon, but from Manitoba?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    So my mother died a month ago up north , while visiting for a Family Emergency.

    She had gotten into an accident, and died.

    We are now back in MANITOBA (Winnipeg, Canada) trying to figure out costs and everything for her sudden death and funeral.

    Everything was great up until earlier today when EIA, which she was on for reasons, refuse to pay a cent toward it.

    But they are still paying for her roommate (whom caused the crash) and of whom was listed under her name as a dependent.

    They're reasoning is because he is "alive and in manitoba"- while my mom "died out of Provence".

    Is there anything I can legally do to make them pay? Why would it matter if she was out of Provence for an emergency? Is this legal? Legit?

    Or are they just being... frustrating. Because they think we (and by we I mean myself) won't fight them on this and will just accept this?

    submitted by /u/Aria-Lynne
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    My friend needs legal advice

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    So my friend left a 1 Star review on an Etsy shop after the item was wrong and the owner rude to her when she contacted him about it. He went and wrote a rude reply back but that's whatever. He then went on to create a vile Instagram account using her photos from her Instagram calling her all sorts of disgusting names, threatened to send her something to her address, gave out her address, and sent her Instagram photos to a porn site. All because of a bad review. Is there anything she can do? She is in Florida. She has screen shots of everything.

    submitted by /u/blawndosaursrex
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    Car accident and people lying about injuries?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    The other day I was trying to pull out from a public parking lot and the end of a car was behind me but I didn't notice because it was too low to see and there was two cars on both sides of me, and obviously I did not pay attention and this was my fault even if it was hard to see. But I didn't pull out fast or anything I just gave this car a tap and there was scrapes on both of our cars but no dent. The driver and her bf were both in the car at the time, I was alone. The driver jumped out of the car and I pulled up and got out of my vehicle. She immediately seemed very angry and was yelling at me. I apologized and she apologized for yelling at me. I have her my insurance. I assumed she was fine because it was not a big enough injury to cause bodily harm and I hit the very end side of her car. I also assumed this because her very obnoxious reaction. But now I get a call telling me that both her and her passenger are trying to claim medical Injuries. I know they are lying and my insurance is requiring an inspection on her car to prove it but they have attorneys. I'm very young and this is my first accident and I'm very scared about how much money this will cost if they get away with lying. This happened in front of a convenient store so I was thinking of asking them for the footage just in case. What's most likely gonna happen and what should I do?

    submitted by /u/oyveyfuck
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