• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - I (31) M was recently arrested on a Class 3 Felony Warrant for a crime occuring in Early April/Late March of last year in (some backwoods hick county), Virginia. I was living in California at the time and hadn't been to the county in over 3 years.

    Legal Advice - I (31) M was recently arrested on a Class 3 Felony Warrant for a crime occuring in Early April/Late March of last year in (some backwoods hick county), Virginia. I was living in California at the time and hadn't been to the county in over 3 years.

    I (31) M was recently arrested on a Class 3 Felony Warrant for a crime occuring in Early April/Late March of last year in (some backwoods hick county), Virginia. I was living in California at the time and hadn't been to the county in over 3 years.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    EDIT: Thank you all so much for your support and advice! I have acquired funding for legal defense from my boss after talking to him (I happened to be living with his sister in California at the time of this crime, so he knows I'm innocent for a fact thankfully). The kinder words were able to spur me to action today and I called up multiple lawyers offices throughout Virginia, and even got some great recommendations via DMs. Hopefully I'll be able to get this cleared up, once I do I'll definitely post somewhere about additional details as I find them out. Who knows, maybe my judgement is totally off and my ex threw my name out there . I haven't talked to her since that post jail phone call where I was just trying to figure out basically why my name would have even come up, and I fully intend to continue that trend. I have all my evidence together, and intend to tackle this head on.

    Three weeks ago I was housesitting for a friend here in Colorado. A neighbor called the police thinking I may have been breaking in, and I went to the door and addressed the officer in a friendly manner, providing my ID and the homeowner's information. The officer informed me that there was a felony warrant out for me, and I proceeded to spend 5 incredibly traumatic days in jail during a pandemic (I struggle with my mental health anyways, and about 4 hours of sitting alone in a cell with no contact or information I was already wrapping a blanket around my neck, an action which landed me naked in a cell for 24 hours, a whole additional traumatic experience on top of everything else) . After getting out I found out that the officer apparently managed to bypass the prosecution, and there has been NO information provided to me by the local county Commonwealth Attorney's office, nor the local Sheriff's office, and they are telling me in order to take care of this I have to come all the way back to Virginia during a pandemic.

    I was VERY easily provably living in California at the time, my ex-wife (divorced amicably over 2 years, separated for over 4 years) is the only person I still know in Dinwiddie county, and after calling her the only conclusion I can come to is that apparently the officer may have seen some history between us in the distant past and assumed I was someone who possibly could have been with her. I didn't ask too many details about the actual crime, because I don't honestly care, I had nothing at all to do with it, I was on the other side of the country. I direly need help here, I have bank records, clock-in clock-outs from my job, multiple witnesses able to place me there, and even a plane ticket from LA to NYC to spend time with family in late April. I want some form of retribution or justice done, I don't understand how this could possibly happen. My ex-wife had the same charges bought against her, and apparently this lone officer decided to bypass the prosecution to go take out overcharging warrants, and figured he was Colombo when he saw our history together.

    PLEASE any help at all would be amazing, I feel like I'm losing my mind in a Kafka-esque nightmare, and I don't feel safe returning to Virginia with incompetent idiots there capable of doing things like this. If they are capable of doing this, I am terrified of what else they may do to cover their tracks, and I genuinely don't want to spend another minute inside of a jail cell I'm so scared. Please please please help, anyone, there has to be a way to clear this up and get some kind of justice I hope... God, please someone help me I can't understate how much I would appreciate it at this point. I'll provide any additional information I can without breaking the rules. I need help so badly.

    The charge is Class 3 Felony Malicious Wounding By Mob, and as I said, I have debit card records, plane tickets, and numerous witnesses capable of placing me on the opposite side of the country for months prior to this, well past the occurrence of this crime. The warrant had apparently been out on me for over a year and half, during which I've filed taxes, renewed my drivers license, etc. etc. without ever knowing about it.

    submitted by /u/Apparadical
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    [UPDATE] Neighbor likes to shoot guns. Bullets are hitting my mother's house. Police won't help because he's on his property when shooting.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Original post here.

    Things are currently quite confusing. Starting off, I'd like to reiterate something I hedged my original request for help with:

    I really need to know what I can do on her behalf because if I tell [my mother] to do something it's probably not going to happen unless it's what she would have done anyway.

    After a few more conversations with her, I noticed my mother was being very inconsistent with details. Exactly how many bullets had hit her home, when this had happened, details from her conversation with the sheriff's deputy, exactly who had called the sheriff's office, etc. I decided I very much needed to not do anything on her behalf lest the information I give to law enforcement be not just second-hand but 50% inaccurate. We did talk more though and I passed on a lot of the information that was shared with us and she was very thankful, so that's nice.

    She called her county's game warden and was able to speak with him directly. He told her that the fact she actually had bullets changed everything! Unfortunately as far as I know she hasn't followed up with his office and that's where things with the game warden stopped.

    She also said that her neighbors escalated with the sheriff and two detectives came, took statements, collected evidence, and said that there was an open investigation but did say the evidence seemed pretty strong on the side of my mother and her neighbors. I'm not aware of any follow-up in regards to this nor do I know if they actually talked to my mother or took the bullet fragments that she'd collected.

    By the way, I'm positive that either someone will P/M me or post that I should be concerned with my mother's lucidity because she's so incredibly inconsistent with details. This is just how she is. She taught English and creative writing and tends to fill in details with guesses any time she talks about anything in narrative form. When she doesn't understand an important point she makes an explanation up that seems reasonable to her. I'm in my mid 30s and she's been like this my whole life. I have no doubt that the story she's told me is true- she's an honest person, really- but she's frequently an unreliable narrator. Luckily I know her well enough that I can generally figure out how true something she tells me is on an overall basis and which parts are likely specious.

    I've heard nothing else in several months, either investigative progress or new bullet fragments. C'est la vie. I am hopeful that there is progress I simply don't know about because it seems her neighbors with small children are much more on the up-and-up with checking in with and pressuring law enforcement to help.

    submitted by /u/hypnofedX
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    (Tx)My landlord cut off electricity and it is included in the rent.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    My landlord cut off electricity to our appartment. He declines that he did, but every other appartment has electricity and when someone let us run an extension cord to power a fan he told them to move out immediately. I just want the power back on. I dont care about suing him or anything. Is there anything I can do to make him turn it on immediately.

    submitted by /u/tryna_make_you_smile
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    [ME] Hookup has reported me to police, who have gone through my work

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    This is an ongoing issue. Last week I started talking to a person on a dating app. After a couple days we met up in person, which actually for a combination of nerves didnt really go far.

    After that there was more app messaging. They wanted to meet up again, but I wasnt sure and didnt have time. They responded angrily, called me some names, and said that "if we can't have sex now we're done". I responded that if that's the way you feel, that's the way you feel, but the behavior isn't ok.

    I've now been contacted by HR (my employer is one of the things they know about me) who say that they have been contacted by city police investigating gross sexual assault. I am reasonably certain that message logs will cover me legally, but I am not in a position to have this cost me my employment and need to get ahead of disputing this to a level that satisfies HR sooner rather than later.

    submitted by /u/garbagethrowaway207
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    Neighbors built home on business property. What can I do?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Delaware County, PA

    We have a family business in a residential area. We recently had a survey done because of our neighbors putting wood piles into our back yard. (Actually putting the wood on our side of the fence, while claiming it's their property)

    Turns out that our neighbors somehow were able to build their home 6 inches onto our property. Local regulations state that you cannot build a structure 6 feet from a property line (according to the representative who did the survey). So, essentially, the house is 6 feet and 6 inches too close. Also, every fence built by all of our surrounding neighbors are on our property as well.

    This is an area with little to no backyards, but our property is historical (circa 1890s) so we have a substantially larger lot than everyone else. The neighbors house that is on our property was relatively recently built (less than 10 years), but the encroaching fences have been up for quite some time.

    We are reaching out to real estate lawyers, but is there anything we can do in the interim?

    submitted by /u/nando103
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    I purchased a home with a "potential" problem that wasn't disclosed. Do I have any recourse?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I just purchased a home (as in I got the keys 4 days ago) and when I came home during lunch yesterday there was a tree removal crew in my yard. They apologized for not getting in touch with me, but because none of my neighbors had my contact information they were unable to.

    Turns out the GIANT tree in the backyard (we're talking hundreds of years old with nearly a 6ft trunk) is heavily damaged and prone to falling at any time. The company let me know that they had quoted the previous home owner and warned her of the risk if she left it, but she knew she was selling the home and didn't want the expense. However, the neighbor hired them to remove the portion above his property, which is why they were there.

    With the branches removed from my neighbor's side, the tree will be extremely unbalanced and more prone to falling than before. I have to take it down. The damage to the tree (and the knowledge that it needed to be removed) was not disclosed in the property report. Do I have any recourse so that I don't have to pay for the full tree removal?

    UPDATED INFO: Met my neighbor that's doing the trimming. He said the split in the tree got worse several days before closing, but the seller probably didn't say anything because she didn't want to jeapordize the sale. So I'm not crazy, the tree wasn't that bad during inspection.

    submitted by /u/lyrynn
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    I was recently pulled over for having a burnt out brake light and was issued a ticket, but the ticket has someone else’s drivers license number, name, and address. I live in Minnesota.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Additionally, the officer told me my license was suspended and I had an outstanding reinstatement fee, but I've never had a ticket or moving offense before. I believe this license status is from the person who's license the officer pulled up, not mine.

    After making me call and get a ride from someone because my license was "suspended," the officer then followed me and my wife to a friends house where we stopped, and waited until we left. Upon leaving our friends house, the officer pulled us over again "just to make sure" I wasn't driving (I wasn't, because I was unaware of the real status of my license until I got home and checked the DMV website).

    I looked up the address on the ticket, and it's not even a real address. I found a similar MN address but the zip code and street name are slightly different.

    I'm left with a ticket that has someone else's information and an address that doesn't exist. What do I do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/ikeaj123
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    Apartment wants all people over 18 to have a job, even if they're not responsible for paying rent. Is this legal?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    My girlfriends has been in a health crisis for a little over a year. She had to quit her job, lost a ton of friends, etc...

    We're looking at rentals in an area I'm moving to for work. We well exceed their requirements, except for 1: all applicants over 18 must have a job. Is this a legal requirement?

    • We're in Oregon
    • She's not legally recognized has having a disability since there's a chance she can recover
    submitted by /u/BarkinBear
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    Is there a way to obtain medical documents as a minor?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Hello, I live in Bergen County NJ and I am 13 years old. For the past few years I've noticed my mom treating me as a danger, being in groups for parenting children with autism, and buying books on the subject. I once thought I saw something about being on the spectrum on my medical documents but when i asked my mom she told me not to look at them. Almost all of my direct relatives have been diagnosed with ADHD too. I've been wondering if there's a way to get my medical documents or see if I've been diagnosed with anything without my knowledge the next time I go for a checkup? (Preferably without my parents finding out) EDIT: spelling

    submitted by /u/ndmdh
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    Sellers Won't Move Out

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    My boyfriend and I purchased a house in Clinton Township, Michigan. The sellers signed and agreed to vacate 60 days from close. Day 60 is July 30th. Yesterday July 28th, the sellers contacted us and informed us they will not be out. They are playing the wait and see game with their new rental home. Our first mortgage payment is August 1st. So it is only right that we are living in the house we own and have to pay for not the seller. We are moving from out of state and movers have already been been here for pick up and scheduled for delivery August 1st. What recourse do we have?

    submitted by /u/JKaufmann8975
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    Can a minor legally consent to giving away a large amount of their inheritance? Was I taken advantage of?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 04:02 PM PDT


    My parent died when I was 17, thus my eldest brother was named as my guardian and was to handle all affairs surrounding my inheritance and wellbeing. When my father's life insurance came through, it was revealed that I was the sole beneficiary. (The sum was just under $150K) however, my brother claimed that the paperwork had gotten messed up, and that originally the money was to be split 3 ways; between myself and the two grandchildren, which are his children. So he asked me "what will I do about the children" and I told him to just "give them what they were supposed to get." I didn't see anything odd about it at the time, because our dad was a very generous man and leaving his grandchildren a large sum of money is something that he would definitely do. So it made sense to me and I believed him, because he's my brother. My brother also had been filing my taxes up until last year. In 2017, I got a letter from the government stating that I owed them $1.4K in taxes, which confused me because I was a full time student and I only made $800 a month working part time; shouldn't I be getting a tax return, and not owe? I asked my brother why that happened and he told me "not to worry about it, just don't pay it" so I left it and forgot. In 2019, I moved out and filed my taxes on my own for the first time, and the accountant explained to me that I ended up owing in 2016 because "I" had filed $144 thousand dollars as my income for that year...which...was obviously the life insurance money. So I didn't get a return last year, because they kept it to pay for the 2016 sum. I lost out on $41K in taxes, and then afterwards my brother "split" the money, and I received around $45K (in an account I didn't have access to, only he did. I could see the amount, but I couldn't withdraw) Now that i'm a bit older, i'm starting to feel that I may have been taken advantage of? Can anyone confirm if any part of this was legal?

    submitted by /u/JeezlouisV
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    Neighbor routinely backs van out of their driveway, crossing the street and backs on to my property causing damage to the grass and trees. What are the options?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    I live in the state of Georgia, USA. My neighbor has a small business and a van. Occasionally over the years I've found evidence of the van backing into my yard via tire marks in the ground and in one instance hit a cherry tree leaving visible damage. I have also seen my neighbor back their van onto my property. I'm currently landscaping my yard. Yard debris is on my property by the road waiting for pickup, the debris is not in the road. The neighbor told me I am blocking them this morning

    Being that I'm about to have a freshly landscaped yard and my neighbor feels they have the right to back their van across the street into my yard, what actions should I take to ensure they don't damage my new landscaping?

    submitted by /u/bigkoi
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    [OR] Dad losing home due to owner vanishing and demanding payment

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    I just want to know if anything more can be done about my situation. Forgive my formatting, long time lurker first time posting. Throwaway account.

    My dad bought a home from a guy, it was a rent to own deal. 18k was paid in the course of 5 years. Both my dad and the guy "Don" got along great. Don is an older man who has a host of health problems. His son, relevant to the story, often steals from his dad taking his SSI card and vanishing.

    The issues started when my dad made his last payment for the house. Don said my dad owed nine hundred dollars still. Confused, my dad asked how he calculated every payment and that was supposed to be the last.

    Due to this, Don never handed over the title to the house, he quit paying the taxes, and when my dad refused/could not to pay, vanished for 4 years. He wanted 900 in full no more payments.

    My dad has spoken to two different lawyers, both were not helpful and told him to pay. Now, I discovered that the missing 900 came about cause Don's son collected the rent money. He came to my dads home twice and once at his dads house. Don has said he never received the rent cause his son took it. He now denies he ever said that.

    The issue now is my dad is losing his home due to unpaid taxes, he tried to pay but was told he could not cause he was not the owner of the house (holder of the title). When Don returned he said pay me the 900 plus 750 for taxes and he would turn over the title.

    Before we could get the funds together, the county took over the house and is kicking him out. He has no where to go, Covid saved him from having to move so far, but time is running out. My dad and I were told he doesn't have to leave cause the county said to, it is the commissioner job to do that. I'm unsure of that so I'm trying my hardest to find him a home. Is there any option for him?

    We are in Oregon. My dad has SSI which is why he could/would not initially pay the 900 off without risking food, electricity and water payment for a month. I currently live with him which is why I can't take him in. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs, two of which are seniors, so it is hard to find a place to rent.

    submitted by /u/Philosopher_Head
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    My dog is being accused of causing injuries to another dog at daycare, with no proof, and now the daycare wants me to pay for the vet bills.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:42 PM PDT


    I posted this in r/dog but I am hoping maybe I can also get help here as well. As the title says, I put my dog into a daycare that advertises that dogs are "always monitored" by a staff member, which is one of the reasons why I chose it. Like most dog daycares there's a small and big side, my dog is on the small end of medium but was placed on the small side because they are less rambunctious and she's painfully shy/skittish around other dogs (especially big ones). Up until last week, there would normally be a maximum of 5 dogs on the small side (including mine) and they just slept so it worked out well.

    She was going to this daycare with no problems until last week when they had maybe 10-15 dogs on the small side, a few of whom were her size and who were much more into roughhouse play. On the webcam, I witnessed earlier in the morning on their webcame that they had to break up those dogs because it was getting too aggressive.

    Fast forward to later in the day a fight broke out on the big side and the little dog side. By the daycare's own admission, no on was on the small dog side (because they went over to break up the big dog fight) and by the time they got back to the small dog side my dog was found cornering another dog. From the daycare's assessment the dog seemed fine, just shaken up and wasn't putting much weight on one leg so the owner picked up their dog and took them to the vet. X-rays were taken but nothing serious was found and they concluded the dog had just sprained their muscle; bill comes to a total of about $750 and the dog started putting weight on its leg the following day.

    The daycare says that I am responsible for the entirety of that bill even though they admitted they don't know how the small dog fight started, who did what, etc (they just came at the end when the dogs scattered). And I even told them about how I saw earlier there was an earlier "scuffle" with the other medium sized dog.

    I own up to the fact that my dog was found cornering another dog, but that isn't concrete proof that she actually started the fight, or even caused the injuries. I asked for recordings because they have a live web feed but they claim they don't have any recordings. The manager at the site doesn't seem to be too helpful (it seems like the owners are the ones deciding all of this) and it sucks even more because I just bought a package from them for ~$500 (for which I am trying to get a refund for).

    Does anyone have advice on how to proceed or if they can legally charge me without proof? The forms I signed did say I am liable for injuries my dog causes, but again I would pay no questions asked if they had concrete evidence that she did directly cause the injuries; this is too high of a price for a "this is what we think happened." Also this is in Los Angeles if that helps.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/wallflower_dog
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    [Kansas] Police took dog without warrant. Rescue rehomed despite court order

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    In February of this year my miniature pinscher (min pin) who I had for all of 2 weeks and was not chipped or taken to the vet yet, was taken by the police while he was with acquaintances who shoplifted. I produced a document showing my ownership of the min pin at the city shelter, paind the $55.00 and took him home.

    While at work 6 officers showed up and took the dog from me. They showed me no warrant or anything. Despite the courts being closed down I was able to get a judges order to have the dog returned to me. The animal rescue who had my dog refused. Eventually they neutered him and sold him to a family.

    I have been trying to have my dog returned to me. I was not involved whatsoever in the shoplifting that my acquaintances were involved with. They did not use my car. They merely had my puppy with them. I have tried to find a lawyer through Kansas Legal Services and also called local lawyers but no one is willing to take on my case. I'm perplexed because since February I have had serious mental stress over the situation. The police, I think, operated illegally by taking my dog and the rescue should never have sold my dog to another family.

    Maybe I am asking for legal assistance in the wrong way? I am not wealthy and pro bono services would be preferred or a payment plan setup. I have court next week. I have all my doscuments in order.

    HOw can I obtain legal help for this matter?

    submitted by /u/StaleCornflake
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    How to collect a judgment against airline

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I won a judgment in small claims against a top 3 airline. The period after which they can appeal has passed. They are giving me the run around on collecting though. Any advice for how to collect? Most of what I've read is applicable to individuals and small businesses, not large corporations.

    submitted by /u/tamomaha
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    [NY]I am getting married next year and my fiancee is concerned about how to change her last name to what she would like as a hyphenated last name. Maybe someone here could explain how it works in New york?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Hi! Like the title says, next July I am marrying the most amazing woman ever and she wants to do a hyphenated last name using her maiden name and my last name. Normally that wouldn't be an issue but this is actually both of our second marriages, she was married young and it lasted about a year, and i was married for almost 7 years before my marriage fell apart.

    Anyway onto the problem at hand. She still has her ex husands last name and never changed it back in the 10 years since they have been divorced. She has a child, who is from a different relationship than that, who's father isnt in the picture at all due to drug abuse. My fiancee's daughter has her maiden name(IE, Smith) while she has her married name(IE, John), last names are not real.

    My fiancee wants to have her new married name be her old maiden name and my last name hyphenated together(IE, Smith-Jones) but if i am reading the laws of New York correctly she would have to go keep John, or hyphenate John-Jones, or go straight Jones.

    She wants to ensure that her daughter always has a part of her name with her, even if i adopt her in the future, so she really has her heart set on the combined name.

    Is this my understanding of the law correct and it will be difficult to get the last name she wants, or did i misinterpret what i was reading and we wont have any issues when it comes time to change it?

    submitted by /u/StockDoc1990
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    I (17 F) am scared of breaking up with my boyfriend (18 M.) When should I contact the police?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I live in Idaho, U.S. (in separate households.) I asked for advice on the relationship advice subreddit recently but regrettably didn't follow their advice. After going on a date, it turns out my boyfriend is both schizophrenic and has homicidal thoughts. (No, I don't blame his problems completely on schizophrenia. I have a schizophrenic mom who is the most lovely woman you would ever meet.)

    He told me that he wants to slit the throats of people who make him angry (which is apparently almost everyone) and that he's going to be a serial killer. He worded it something like, "I'm a serial killer" and then corrected himself saying "I'm going to be a serial killer." That part really scared me. Over half of our conversations involved him talking about murder. From wanting to shoot police to wanting to slit the throats of those who piss him off, he was very disturbed.

    For obvious reasons, I don't want to date him anymore. At the same time, though, I'm scared that he'll hurt me or my family. When should I contact the police? Contacting the police is the last thing I want to do. Especially because snitching is considered bad where I live. Is there any way I can break up with him without worrying about the safety of me and my family?


    submitted by /u/SuicideSBWolfe
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    New and first time homeowners facing bankruptcy inducing repairs.. any leverage to recoup from sellers?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster, but wish it was under better circumstances.. I'd appreciate any wisdom and advice as we're at quite a loss of what to do and feeling pretty hopeless..

    Long story short(ish)- My husband and I just purchased a house in Washington, DC. We closed about a month ago, and moved in two weeks ago. Right off the bat we were faced with plumbing problems. A week after moving in, we noticed water backing up from the lower level bathtub and sink whenever we showered upstairs or ran the laundry. We assumed there was a blockage somewhere and hired a plumber to come take a look. Before the day the plumber was scheduled, the shit, quite literally, hit the fan. While the previous concern was a bit of water coming up into the shower, it had now escalated to the toilet completely overflowing with sewage and waste all over the floor at an alarming pace. We now had to call an emergency plumber to come help us with our shit storm. The plumber snaked the mainline, cleared a minor clog which we attributed the geyser to, and offered to follow up with a camera snake the following day to ensure the small blockage was the culprit. Today, the camera snake unfortunately discovered this was not the case at all, and it was unfortunately much more of a severe problem than we anticipated. Basically, when the contractors installed the plumping for the house, they didn't install the pipes at the proper grading, and as a result any sewage and waste doesn't flow away from the house to the public sewer line, and instead sits latent in a trapped pocket on our property. This means, that eventually, the toilet geyser will return and it's a perpetual problem that can only be permanently fixed by replacing the entire water line from the main line to the property limit at the correct grading to allow for water flow and waste disposal out of the house. The plumber quoted us at $18,000 to complete the 3 day job, and basically said if we don't, we'll never have fully functioning appliances and indoor plumbing.

    We're completely nauseous and sick to our stomachs over this. We feel like we got swindled and now will end up going bankrupt before we even had the opportunity to be homeowners, which was a hard enough financial achievement as it was. We've been living paycheck to paycheck as it is to manage buying a house, and we can't afford this massive repair, but we also don't have any other options, otherwise we cannot use our indoor plumbing without facing overflowing sewage into our home every month or so once the backup inevitably builds up again. It makes us so angry that we were able to be sold this house and inherit a plumbing system that doesn't even complete its main function and purpose. We did all of the pre-purchase due diligence and I have no idea how else this would have been caught otherwise, unless the seller disclosed the issue.

    Background- The house is older, from the 1940s, but was a total renovation and completely updated. We had an inspection done before closing, but he did not note this issue and probably wouldn't have with the topical plumbing assessment he completes. The seller signed disclosures attesting to the condition of the plumbing system, which noted they 'had no actual knowledge of any defects with the plumbing system.' The seller is an individual, not an LLC. The seller purchased the home to flip it, and never lived at the address.

    Question- Do we have any leverage here to go after the sellers to recoup the costs of the repairs, along with the associated legal expenses to do so?

    We can barely afford a retainer right now, let alone the actual repairs that need to occur. The listing, inspection, nor appraisal spoke specifically to the condition of the plumbing system, but did advertise the property as being a total remodel and renovation. The plumber basically stated that there's no way neither a contractor or individual who flips homes for a living would be unaware of the circumstances of the plumbing system, despite the signed disclaimer. The seller did install new plumbing and also owned the home long enough to inevitably observe the same issues we discovered. Also, even though the listing didn't explicitly state the plumbing was new, I think it's completely reasonable to assume that it is at least functioning, and regurgitated sewage in the shower and onto the floors is hardly functioning or livable.

    We know there's a large burden of proof for any fraud claims, but we definitely think there's weight and merit to claiming negligence with the non-disclosure or breach of contract, and also pursuing the protections under DC's Consumer Protection Procedures Act, which would also help us recoup the associated legal costs to get this problem rightfully fixed by the sellers. Does this seem reasonable and supported? The other risk obviously is scraping up enough to pay for a lawyer, losing the case, and ending up drowning in debt from both the lawyer and the original repair.

    We feel absolutely swindled but also outraged that sellers and shoddy contractors are able to do this to people. Do we have a semblance of a case here? Any guidance, advice, or wisdom would be greatly appreciated, as we feel lost and desperate 🙏

    submitted by /u/ancrisco
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    Person keeps giving our phone number, being spam called. Is there anything I can legally do?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    So, my partner got a new phone number last year. Since then it's been non stop calls for this person, let's call him Alan.

    They aren't just people who have his old number though, we've gotten calls from his kids school and debt collectors claiming he's still giving this number out (as of last month). Each time we ask to be removed from their calling list and explain it's not him nor do we know him. We get calls from employers angry that he can't be reached or people who've bought things and been ripped off by him. The debt collectors in particular is a bad one, he has this number legit linked to a bunch of accounts.

    It's getting really annoying, especially because he appears to actively still be giving out the number.

    Is there anything that could be done or just have to ignore it? We have his full name and location.

    submitted by /u/cutielocks
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    About to move into Colorado but my roommate is an exconvict. Should I take my legally owned gun to the apartment?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    About to move in there and the local police told me it's tricky because he's not suppose to be around firearms. I understand I can get in trouble if he gets it but I what about if I have safe?

    submitted by /u/SP7775
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    Cruise canceled and they charged me for it

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Carnival cruises informed me and my fiancé this week that they will be canceling our cruise in 2021 due to COVID-19 and said we will receive a refund however we are being charged a $100 cancelation fee is this legal? I would understand if we canceled but they canceled the cruise not us shouldn't we be able to receive all our money back?

    submitted by /u/Brax667
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