• Breaking News

    Monday, July 27, 2020

    Legal Advice - The courts granted a restraining order against my abuser and then accidentally sent my sealed address to him in the mail

    Legal Advice - The courts granted a restraining order against my abuser and then accidentally sent my sealed address to him in the mail

    The courts granted a restraining order against my abuser and then accidentally sent my sealed address to him in the mail

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    I went to court earlier this year to get a restraining order against the man who stalked, drugged, and raped me multiple times, when my husband was deployed. I bought my first house a year ago, meaning I can't up and move easily. I specifically had the courthouse seal my address so that he wouldn't find out where I live now. The court granted the restraining order due to the "severe mental and emotional pain he has caused me", in the judges ruling. He filed an appeal which he lost. The appeal judge ruled that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence against him. So when they sent out the appeal memorandum letting me and my abuser know he lost.. they, by mistake, sent him my address... I need advice.. I can't up and move, my husband is military and has to travel a lot.. I am disabled and scared. Is it possible to sue the court that gave him my address? If so, what kind of lawyer would I need to talk to? Just for reference, I live in New Mexico, in the US.

    submitted by /u/I_Can_C_Your_Pixels
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    Update: I pushed back and my HOA stopped harassing me about hosting support group meetings!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Update to my post from a few weeks ago.

    I wrote back to the HOA to dispute the fines and sent a polite but firm letter asking them to show me precisely which rule I'm supposed to be breaking, as I was advised by commenters in here. I also pretended that I feel insulted that they're calling me and the group members drug addicts (I felt bad doing so because I know that addiction is a disease and not a sin or whatever) and that I would raise hell because of this and call a lawyer.

    As a result the president of the HOA called me and basically confirmed that they haven't found a specific rule I would be breaking but it was more of a general feeling people had, that I was making them uncomfortable and that shouldn't go on. I asked why they were uncomfortable so he talked about the fact that they think that I'm letting drug addicts gather at my home and that would bring crime to the neighborhood. I explained again that the support group is not about addiction and the members are not drug addicts, and the president said he knew but some homeowners have trouble accepting it (he confirmed as I suspected that there are other things they have trouble accepting about me, and it's not about drugs). Then I tried my luck a little by pretending that what they are doing amounts to discrimination against people who need mental health support and they were infringing on my right to peacefully enjoy my property, and was adamant that I wouldn't pay a cent in fines. He said that I seemed passionate about the argument and he doesn't want to be involved in a legal dispute over this, so we came to an agreement that I would move as many meetings as possible online and only have people at my place when there was no other way, which makes sense with in covid times anyway. In return the HOA will drop their claim and leave me alone. I haven't heard about them again so I guess I'm fine, thanks for everyone's good advice.

    submitted by /u/imfedupwithmyhoa
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    My tenant is demanding that I put in a very expensive stair lift. Am I required to do this?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    McDonough, GA.

    I own a townhouse a few towns over. I used to live there until we bought a house to expand our family. It sat for a few months on the market until I just decided to rent it. A nice older guy came along. He had okay credit and enough income. He was recovering from a stroke and moving from a rehab facility. He needed a walker to move freely most of the time, but could walk without it. I reminded him that it's a townhouse and has stairs to reach bedrooms or the shower and he insisted it was fine. He requested a second handrail on the stairs, as there was only one before. I had my husband install it. It was in a stud in four places and secure.

    Within a month he complained it was flimsy and lose. I went over and used my full weight to try and shake it and it did not budge. When I asked him to show me his issue with it he said he had to leave to go somewhere. So I dropped it. A week after that he says he was pulling the string to lower the blinds and it fell and "attacked" him. I texted him back and told him all the blinds in the home were cordless and you just lift or pull down with your hand. He didn't respond.

    It is now quite a few weeks after the blind attack and he texted me and said "I'm reminding you for the second time that the handrail is inadequate. I will need a stair lift installed by the end of august. I've attached a link that will fit the staircase." I responded with "I inspected both handrails and they both did not shake or seem insecure. I can have a professional come inspect them. you chose a property with necessary stairs. I'll look into the issue further and let you know.".

    I have $4000 in a saving account should anything go wrong at the rental unit like AC, root, water heater, anything we can't fix. This lift would wipe out the entire fund. I'm only renting to him for $750 a month, that's five months rent just into a lift. He's been renting and living there for three months now.

    Am I required to install this?

    submitted by /u/getinloserssss
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    Employer firing anyone who has COVID-19

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    South Carolina.

    Working in a steel production plant.

    Our plant manager has made people with fevers drive around with the A/C on in their car before they can come in just so they pass the temperature test at the gate. He does not care.

    One man whose family recently returned from a trip to Rhode Island (IIRC)and his wife tested positive, as did his kids. He notified HR and they still forced him to come in because "you dont have any symptoms".

    He tested positive after working for a week and started showing symptoms. HR fired him because he was not told to get tested. He was in contact with every one in 2 departments on 1st and 2nd shift. (8 hours)

    We have had another case where the person who tested positive was written out of work by her doctor and filed for FMLA through our employer. She was supposed to return after a check up 2 weeks later. 4 days before that check up they fired her and no reason was given. She was a full time employee who has worked his for 15+ years.

    Everyone in that department has developed a cough and fever but are too scared to get tested or quarantine due to losing their jobs.

    We have called corporate but that was almost 2 weeks ago now and nothing has changed. I have a grandmother who I take care of before and after work and I'm scared of passing this onto her. My mother has said she would help until this outbreak was over but if I get it and pass it to my mother then my grandmother will still get it.

    What can I do here? Corporate seemingly has zero interest as my entire department has called this in, including myself.

    P.S. sorry if this is the wrong flair

    submitted by /u/Throwaway1888872
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    I’m being charged 1300 dollars for walking into the emergency room, hearing that they do not accept my insurance after entering my information and then leaving.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    In 2018 I had an infection on my face that had scared me enough to go into the emergency room. I walked right in and there wasn't a soul in the waiting room. I was taken to a side room almost immediately and sat in a chair and gave them my information. The employees were very nice and looked at my information and told me they did not accept my insurance and that this would be a very costly visit. They didn't actually examine my face but just stated from across the room that I obviously had an infection and that if the quick med clinic took my insurance it would be smarter to go there. I thanked them and they said, "We will just go ahead and delete your information from the system since no services were rendered and you won't be charged." I thanked them and went on my way to the clinic. Maybe a month later I get a phone call from billing asking about my ER visit where I explain what happened and I get an apology and that it will be taken care of.

    Here we are 2 years later and I go to pay a medical bill from somewhere else and I see that I have an outstanding bill of 1300 dollars from 2018. It's been sent to collections and I had no idea of its existence. I never received a bill even though my address had been changed and it would have been forwarded to my new address. After countless hours on the phone and this bill being sent back and forth between the collector and the hospital that has an outsourced billing. I've finally gotten ahold of someone from the actual hospital.

    I was told that it's a standard screening fee and that even though no services were rendered that I am being charged for going to the ER period. I was then informed that what I was told in the ER is not a normal thing and that apparently they are not allowed to say things like we will delete your name out of the computer. The administrators are going over this to decide the best course of action. Do I get a lawyer? I'm getting confused and frustrated. I just don't understand how I can be charged 1300 dollars for walking in and almost immediately leaving and receiving no medical care or advice. (Also this is in Florida)

    submitted by /u/Damnit_Harrison
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    Private boot on car parked on public street?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Background, I live in NYC. Recently removed my car from a private parking garage following a dispute over money, and subsequent harassment from garage attendants. They would lock my car inside whenever they decided there was a reason my wife or myself owed them money. Disagreeing with this, as well as disagreeing with their tactics, I opted to remove my car from the garage and park on the street. I just now found my car, parked in a public parking spot on the street, booted by the garage that I left. Is this legal? They refuse to remove the boot until I pay them what they claim I owe them. Mind you, this is not an NYC parking boot placed by the city. It's a private companies boot, that they did themselves with one of their garage attendants, on my car on a public street

    EDIT/UPDATE: so as it turns out this has been a rogue garage managers personal vendetta against me (I have absolutely no idea why) Before slicing the boot off the car, I decided to give one last ditch effort in solving this in the most legal and easy way possible (thank you guys for that advice) and called his corporate office for the company that owns the garage. (Prior attempts to talk to them have been met with a voicemail and no call back, im assuming because it was during the height of the corona outbreak here) Corporate was pretty unhappy to hear about a manager illegally booting a car on public property, and immediately demanded it be taken off. I'm assuming they're trying to avoid some type of lawsuit here from how quickly they "fixed" the situation? They also went ahead and clarified that there are no records of these supposed charges that he was convinced I owed. Interestingly, earlier he demanded they were paid in cash only, which has me thinking this guy is running some kind of scheme. Idk. It's been a little crazy for a Monday, thank you reddit legal section. I appreciate you

    submitted by /u/xxCLAM
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    I (27 M) have been raising my son (8) since he was born. His mother who left before he was even 1 is now threatening me with attorneys and court, should I be extremely worried?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    This is a throwaway account and actually my first post on Reddit ever.

    So my story is a long and complicated one, but hey who's isn't. Here goes.

    I had my son at 19 years old and what a journey it has been. I have felt the highest joys and the deepest frustrations while growing side by side with my son. But I'd do it all again for him.

    His mother and I separated before he turned 1. She moved to NYC to "find" a better future for him. She said that the first few years of his life, "don't really matter because he won't remember them." And while that may be true in a way, she'll never remember his first steps, his first words, his first fears and how he conquered them, his first falls, his worries about the doctor's office and those ever painful shots, and all the small things in day to day life.

    My parents and extended family have helped me tremendously in so many ways. I have even tried my best to build and maintain a relationship with her side of the family while she threw them all to the wayside in her pursuit of her new life in the city. We have spent more holidays with them than she has. Her father has even multiple times told me he would be on our side if it ever came to a court.

    She has erased all traces of being a mom even on ALL social media platforms, so no one in her life in the city know that she is a mother.

    During the first 4 years of his life she would only see him for the "big" dates (holidays/birthday). The longest stretch of time she has spent with him in his 8 years of life is 6 days. I take him to school, pay for school, take him to the doctors, feed him, and take care of his every need financially, physically, emotionally and everything in between.

    Fast forward to when he is around 5 and a half. I fall in love for the first time in my entire life. My girlfriend (24F) and I become everything parents should be for a child. We build a home together and the love between the 3 of us has literally brought us to tears. This of course infuriates her since day 1.

    (The mother of my child on the other hand went right into a relationship less than a month after us separating, and many more relationships after that.)

    She never sends him anything. No clothes, no care packages, no visits. She bought him a "deluxe" iPad and Louis Vuitton pants when he was like 3. That iPad has been their only form of communication because she refuses to talk to me. She calls him maybe twice a month tops. Sends him cat videos occasionally. Never answers when my son tries to call her.

    Today is my son's 8th birthday and my son, my girlfriend, my son's godfather and I, all had the most fantastic day at a water park and riding boardwalk rides and eating yummy snacks the whole day through. But of course all good things must come to an end. We come home to see that I have literally 30 missed calls from 1:15 pm -1:30 pm. (She hasn't called me since last October when she decided she was leaving the entire financial responsibility of my sons school tuition on me after agreeing, like we always had, that we would split it.) ((She said I'm the main caretaker and I should be responsible for that, and that she doesn't need to pay if she doesn't want to.)) When I got home and called her back is when the most recent argument broke out....

    I have never slandered her name publicly or privately and have always tried to help encourage them to have a relationship. I used to even drive my son TO and FROM my home state to NYC so that they could see each other. Every child should have a mother in his life I truly believe that... But just because you gave birth doesn't mean you're a mother. My mom and my girlfriend have both been shining lights in his life... He has everything he needs. I try to do the best I can every single day that I walk this Earth with him.

    I had to pick up a 2nd job to make ends meet regarding his school tuition and all the other costs of living. Obviously next year he's not going back to that school. But working more means seeing him less and it breaks my heart but i know we'll figure things out like we always have....

    Now what I'm asking is should I be very worried if she keeps threatening me with attorneys and court? She has done it many times in the past and she knows that it hurts me. Losing my son would be earth shattering for me... What should I do? Should I be the one to take her to court first? She warns me that she is well connected with lawyers in NYC, does that change anything even though my son and I have been living in NJ our whole lives? I'm just feeling lousy and lost.

    I don't know how to end this, I don't know how to even write this. Please don't mind my grammar or how I structured this. And to the patient brave Souls who read this entire memoir, even if it's just 1 person, I appreciate you SO much and any insight you can share would mean the world to my little family.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/worriedfather23
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    GF receiving very little inheritance from father while her brothers get millions

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    My girlfriend's father has typically been a very misogynistic person, expressing extreme favoritism to his sons while he typically mocks and degrades all of my girlfriend's accomplishments (graduating from college with a master's degree, actually working, while her brothers just gamble all the money they get from their father). She's supposed to be getting around a quarter of a million, under the condition that she takes care of one of her younger brothers (from a separate mother), while the other brothers inherit millions of dollars. Clearly this is unfair, but I'm wondering what can be done about this? Would she really have to care for one of her younger brothers in order to receive the money if it's stated in the will? She lives in New York, is there anything that can be done about the will being blatantly unfair? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/skinnyweeb1325
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    Homeless man living in my shed (Apartment)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Ontario, Canada - We found a homeless man living in our back shed. Naturally we called our landlord, but he told us that he was alright with it, because his superintendent "Knew him, and had promised him the shed in exchange for free labour." Earning his trust immediately. (Note that my building has never been dirtier, so I'm not sure what extra labour he's been helping with.)

    Recently we've noticed him (Homeless guy) using our laundry, and both him and my superintendent going behind the shed for multiple minutes, then stumbling out clearly tweaking off something. More over, he's been stealing bikes and leaving the EVERYWHERE in our back yard, so nobody goes back there.

    So it's been about a week, and he's started opening up sheds belonging to other tentant (Mine is locked thank goodness), as well as "Fixing" all the stolen bikes he has, so the lawn is covered in oil, chains, and bike tires. I let the landlord know again.

    He said: "Noted. Will let other tentants know." Know what? That you're allowing a bum to live in their shed, or you'll let them know to lock everything that isn't bolted down? No reply.

    What should I do? Do I legally have any ground to stand on in getting my rent back this month or something? My girlfriend won't even leave the front door without me because tweaky Tom us always going through our trash, right there.

    submitted by /u/Cheals_Real
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    Ex (17M) recorded sex tape of me (15F) without consent and distributed

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Hello. I'm 15F, my ex boyfriend is 17M. We go to a high school in Miami. During our relationship he filmed us having sex without my knowledge or consent. He never deleted the tape.

    Recently, after our breakup, he sent the tape to two people (a girl, 17F, and a guy, 17M). One of them has a screenshot (it was sent a Snapchat attachment).

    The complications are that I feel like pursuing legal action would uncover other illegal activities like consumption of coke, weed, DMT, and LSD (all of which he got me hooked on). Additionally my parents are very traditional/strict and it would be really horrible if they found out I have had sex and done certain drugs.

    Any advice?

    Tl;dr: ex illegally recorded and distributed sex tape, scared to pursue action because of parents

    submitted by /u/ResponsibilityDue261
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    I was assaulted and robbed, resulting in permanent disfigurement and chronic pain. The police filed a report, have photos and witness interviews, but told me nothing will come of it.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    A little less than a year ago, an attacker smashed in the window of my car and grabbed me and some items I had. In the struggle, he stole over $1000 worth of property and broke a bone in my dominant hand. I was a student and full-time healthcare provider at the time, so this put me out of work for a very long time and I am now forced to change my line of work due to the permanent disfigurement and chronic pain resulting from the injury.

    This crime happened in the Bay Area in Northern California. At the time, police at the scene filed a report and interviewed witnesses, and told me to send the photos I took of the attacker's car during their escape, but said I definitely will not hear back from them.

    In case it helps, the paramedics on-site did not realize I had broken bones in my hand and so it was not part of the initial report and they released me on the spot. The hospital staff that treated me afterwards have everything documented and associated with the crime.

    I understand that the police there must be busy with the high crime rate, but is there anything at all that I can do now? The amount of damage this attacker caused me is immense, and it really rubs me the wrong way that he can continue on hurting other people this same way with absolutely no repercussion.

    I'm grateful for any and all advice!

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayFingerPain
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    Can I remove a makeshift fence my neighbors have "erected" on my property after warning them to take it down multiple times and being injured on it?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    shitty makeshift fence

    Location is AL.

    My neighbors are running a dog breeding operation that has started to blow up on them due to the size of it, the noise, and it being in a residential neighborhood. My husband and I have had the hardest time of all the neighbors because the lot on the other side of their house is empty, but we live right beside them. Their dog kennels starts about a foot on the other side of our fence and the noise from 14+ untrained large breed (and highly aggressive) dogs has been a nightmare for us for 2 years now. Currently we are pursuing all legal avenues with animal control, environmental police, city hall, etc.

    Our biggest question right now is about this disgusting makeshift fence they have erected. Here are a few facts: The chain link fence belongs to us and is located solely on our property. Our property line extends 6-7 inches past the chain link fence. While our house was vacant (before we bought it) the neighbors tied in their own chain link fence to ours and created their backyard breeding zone from that. They also removed a section of our fence and added a gate between our yards and had several of their dogs living on our property. We had no idea about any of this when we bought the house because the husband (neighbor) was in the hospital for a few weeks when we first viewed the house and signed on it, and their dogs were being boarded at the time. Once we started moving in and their dogs came home however, it was a nightmare from day one.

    They have no control of their dogs and their dogs have damaged our fence by jumping on it and over it for years (even prior to us moving here 2 years ago). All of the sagging and missing metal is from their dogs. By tying into our fence they also created an area near the tie in where their dogs try to attack us or our pets for being near our own property.

    They erected this junk pile because one of their dogs jumped into our yard and attacked our pets on two occasions. All the junk they piled up is actually on our property and resting on our fence as well. It's horrible to look at and we are too embarrassed to have company over because of how gross it looks (not that we could with their dogs constantly barking anyway). The tin is very sharp and jagged, and my husband actually cut his hand open on it while cutting back bushes a few weeks ago. They do have 55 panels of nice privacy fence sitting unused in their yard. We offered to pay for the labor if they'd use their materials to erect a proper fence on their side and did get a quote from a contractor. The neighbors said they were planning to use the panels for something else. That was a year ago and they are still sitting unused while this junk pile continues to grow on our fence.

    Two weeks ago they had a crew come out and build a brand new privacy fence on the other side of their house and they added more dogs. They didn't have a permit and the fence is actually in their front yard. A neighbor called the building inspector and he told them to take it down or cut it down to 3.5 feet to meet city code. Needless to say they are furious. They blame my husband and I for causing these problems and not just "dealing" with their hoard of dogs barking literally 24-7, and they have been very nasty to us since then. It all came to a head recently and we decided to stop playing passive neighbors. We demanded that they remove the tie in to our fence, which we never gave them permission to have in the first place. We said this verbally, in person, and our front cameras captured it. We also demanded that they remove the makeshift fence from our property as well. We text them all this same info, and we also typed up a letter and sent it certified mail stating the same things and giving them 10 days to remove the junk.

    Today we looked outside our windows (which is where we took this picture, we can't use our kitchen or sun room without getting a full view of this crap) and saw that they have put up even MORE crap on our fence. Our questions are: If they don't remove it, can we knock it back off of our fence? Would we be liable for any damage it might cause to whatever is on the other side even if we've told them several times to remove it? Are we obligated to just deal with it and try to sue them if they refuse to remove it? Thanks for any advice Reddit!

    submitted by /u/adollupofpettymayo
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    eBay sale of $29,000 item, buyer claims item arrived but was a completely different item worth $13,000. Ebay agent closes case with me having to accept return. After providing proof of correct item being shipped.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    I sell collectible cards, miniatures, etc on eBay ranging from anywhere between $3 - $40,000. I have over 20,000 individual sales on my eBay account alone. I've recently ran into a situation that I've never faced before. I have a buyer claiming that the item they received from me is different than expected and is worth roughly $16,000 less than the item they purchased and I sold to them. I've dealt with many scammers in the past and 99% of the time I'm able to fend them off with providing proof to the eBay agent handling the case. Any item I sell worth over $2,500 I ask my local postmaster to package with me and have the item packaged and shipped while filming the whole exchange ending with the postmaster accepting the package into their system. I do this to insure if any doubt came up I'd have physical proof of the exact item being purchased was put into the mailing system without me having a chance to tamper with it. However in this case, I had the case closed prematurely in my opinion, to the buyers favor. I sent off the footage, images, etc I had to eBay. And within 48 hours of me sending my evidence I already had the case being closed. I've contacted support multiple times since then and asked if they reviewed any of the information I sent in to support my case. Everyone I've talked to says they "couldn't find the attached information to my case, or they'd have to escalate it to another agent."

    Most of my items I sell aren't something I just happen to own, this individual sale itself I bought for 16% less than it's listed sale price. This will be completely devastating to me if I can't get this resolved properly.

    I live in Florida and buyer is in California.

    Edit: Should clarify I've already received the returned item and it's completely different than the item I shipped out.

    submitted by /u/draco131
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    [North Carolina] My father with Alzheimer's is not listed on my (age 28) birth certificate. No lawyer I've contacted wants to help with this issue.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    As the title states, I'm a 28 year old who would like to get my father, who as Alzheimer's, added to my birth certificate. My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in November 2019. When I tried to fill out his disability claim with social security, I was told I could not do it because he is not listed as my father. I got a copy of my birth certificate and the space for father is blank. This came as shock to me because my father had sole custody of me since I was about 9 years old. He also received child support payments from my mother (who had no custody or visitation rights) until I was 18. It's not clear to me how this happened without him being listed as my father on my birth certificate. Could it be because him and my mother were not married?

    I contacted a law office in North Carolina, and they immediately told me to handle the case in the state I currently live in, not NC. I was born in NC and my dad still lives there so I was surprised by this. The lawyer I talked to in the state I live said that I would have to handle the matter in NC since I was born there. The lawyer in my state said based on the circumstances, I may be able to get my father to sign an affidavit saying he is my father.

    After being passed off to multiple law firms, no one in NC wants to handle the case since I am the one requesting he be added and that he has Alzheimer's. I am his power of attorney but so is my uncle (his brother). We are listed as and/or, so my uncle can be the sole POA if needed. My father's Alzheimer's is relatively mild. His main issue is he has trouble with his speech.

    I would like him added to my birth certificate because he does not have a will. I'm not sure if given his present condition he could even have one made. Is there any way to get him added or am I out of luck at this point?

    submitted by /u/No_Maybe_Yes_32
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    My friend grandpa(79) ran away, he said he was gonna see him the other day but the house(grandpas) is empty, his front door is WIDE open his car in driveway, all his electronics and grandpa is gone. What does my friend need to do?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    His grandpa is healthy and acts young for his age so this is VERY unlike him. His grandpa only goes out for food and to his bingo classes on Thursday's. Other than that he pretty much stays home with his pet bird and watches the news and soap operas lol.

    This is not like him. I have only met his grandpa a handful of times but my friend told me he has never done ANYTHING like this before.

    Oh and his(19) grandpa(79) does NOT own a cell phone just a home phone so obviously we cannot do anything to try and call him. His grandpa does have a facebook my friend said he checked it earlier and said the fb account said "john(grandpas name) was online 12 hours ago." What could of happened?

    I went with my friend to file a missing persons report with cops but the cop said this was very strange as no crime scene nothing broken and his car still in the driveway. Another thing that is strange is his pet bird can talk as its like a parrot I believe? But a smaller bird I'm not familiar with bird species but when my friend and I and the cop were at his grandpas house today the bird kept saying "hello!" "Grandpa go" "grandpa run" "bird feeder" like those do not make sense I know obviously animals do not speak like us humans in full sentence but it made the cop wonder if his grandpa just up and left?

    It's weird all his money was in his wallet, his house and car keys both on the table, yet his front door is wide open and his car is there. The bird was in his cage.


    submitted by /u/grandparunaway
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    i am an exfelon. i cant seal my conviction for 3 more years. my company was bought, and now there doing background checks. would it be discrimination if they fired me over this now?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    from 2011-2016, (from 18yrs old to 23yrs old) i did 5 years for an armed robbery. only conviction i have. i havent been in anymore trouble since my release. i have to wait until 2023 to seal my record. 3 years ago i got a job and busted my ass. i have had 3 promotions in the past 3 years and doubled my income at my company. im a great worker, and get along with most people. well a few months ago my company was bought (my company has probably 300 employees) by some company in another state. everything has stayed the same pretty much, theres been a good amount of cash come in to buy new equipment and stuff but thats about it. even the previous owners are still working here, but now making a salary for managing things. so now out of no where some people have been having to fill out paper work for a background check. im worried that this new company will see i did 5 years in prison for a armed robbery and will let me go. my supervisor is telling me dont worry about it, he knows my past and he says that the office knows my past and there hasnt been a problem with me in 3 years but i honestly believe they cut corners and never pulled my record since i started as a really low level employee and low level employees are always coming and going, so i believe they were just trying to save some $. if this new company sees my record can i be fired over it? or is that discrimination? im in massachusetts

    submitted by /u/marvinthemartian1234
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    My friend got badly beat up by her moms bf. The police are not doing a thing.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    The charges were filed to the police two weeks ago and every time she contacts them, the department says that the officers who were supposed to handle the case haven't filed the charges yet. This is an extremely small town- there is not that much to do.

    She has contacted the DA in our state but what can she do other than that?

    Edit: This took place in Illinois

    submitted by /u/hellurrfromhere
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    Do I Have "Standing" to Sue FedEx in Small Claims?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Just trying to be proactive as things have not settled down yet but I'm preparing for the worst.

    A few weeks back, I ordered a custom guitar from a shop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am in Portland, Oregon, USA. It was supposed to ship via FedEx Express, and I paid several hundred dollars for this.

    The package was not only delayed by weeks, but at one point it was lost. During the time it was lost, FedEx had to remove the guitar from its package to identify it in the lost goods warehouse. When they re-packaged it and re-shipped it, they shipped it Economy Ground, causing another long delay. They offered to refund my shipping but as of now they have not done so. Additionally, they did not re-package it properly - they just threw it in a case and threw it on a truck - and the guitar sustained damage in shipping. I have been quoted $775 in repairs. So, all told, I'm out about $1,000 (shipping + repairs).

    I have filed an insurance claim - the shipment was insured for the full value of the guitar - but I am not optimistic that they will honor it and want to make sure I have my bases covered. Research online suggests that FedEx will routinely deny claims saying that it was "improperly packed" OR saying that because I signed for the delivery it's not their problem anymore.

    If I take it to Small Claims, I'm fairly confident I have a winning case as I have photographic evidence of how the guitar was packed when it was shipped (from the builder), a saved voice mail of a FedEx employee telling me that, as of the time it was unpacked in the lost goods warehouse, it was in "perfect condition" and "didn't even have a fingerprint on it," also saying that FedEx will "re-package" it* screenshots of shipping manifests suggesting that much of the packing material was removed from the case (the package weighed significantly less after FedEx "re-packaged" it), and photos of the damage that were taken the day it was delivered (I did not notice the damage to the guitar until later in the day, only to the case, which I complained about to customer service immediately).

    My question is, do I have standing? I ask because for the purposes of refunds and insurance claims, at least, the FedEx seems to consider the shipper the "customer" rather than the buyer of the goods being shipped. My thought is that since I am the owner of the goods that were damaged and would otherwise be on the hook for the repairs, and because my money was given to FedEx for shipping, I would have standing in court. Does anyone have any experience with this? I have far more time, energy, and spite that I can devote to dicking around with small claims court than a nice man running a busy guitar workshop in Malaysia, so I am hoping that I can handle this and let him get on with building his guitars IF they deny the insurance claim.

    Thank you!

    *I do not believe that this would be "hearsay" as it was a FedEx Employee speaking in his official capacity as such, but please let me know if this is correct.

    submitted by /u/Afro-Pope
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    [OK] UPDATE- Landlord now refusing to resolve major plumbing issue until I can prove I test negative for COVID.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    An update to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/hyjltk/ok_im_at_a_complete_loss_this_is_one_of_the_first/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    I have read my city ordinances as well as Oklahoma 41 O.S. § 118-121 and cannot find the answer to this question: Am I, as the tenant, responsible for cleaning up the sewage myself? Family members, coworkers, and even my doctor told me to leave it alone, it needs to be cleaned by a professional because of the health hazards that raw sewage contains. Here is a photo of the yard: https://imgur.com/gallery/eZHY3BN

    I do not want to be held responsible for the additional damages that will happen due to the landlord refusing to repair it in a timely manner.

    submitted by /u/taintblister
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    Email from Google saying NJ police wants my info

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    "Dear Google user, Google has received legal process issued by the Roselle Park Police Department (NJ) compelling the release of information related to your Google account. The agency reference number or case number on the legal process is 20-0001; RP-20-1398. Unless we promptly receive a copy of a filed motion to quash that is file-stamped by a court of competent jurisdiction, Google may provide responsive documents pursuant to applicable law, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. See 18 U.S.C. § 2701 et seq. In most cases, the file-stamped objection must be received by Google within 7 days of the date of this notification. "

    I've never been to New Jersey so I'm really concerned now has my identity been stolen??

    submitted by /u/All2Eazy
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    Guy damaged my car, and after saying he was going to pay for the damages out of pocket, now he’s only going to pay for the deductible

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    A dude caused over $4000 worth of damages to my car and the agreement was that he was going to pay for the damages out of pocket. Because of that agreement I already started the repairs at a body shop. Now he's saying that he's only going to pay for the deductible.

    What can I do? Can I still get insurance involved even though the repair is almost done? Can I get his insurance involved? I can not afford the repairs without it.

    submitted by /u/SMVilaisack
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    What can be done about loud neighbors?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    I have neighbors across the street from me that are constantly making noise from about 7am to 2am every day. They will sit outside in a group ranging from 4 to 20 people. Throughout the day they'll play stereos, argue and fight. I've seen the police show up several times, but the situation is the same every day. Is there legal action that can be taken aside from noise complaints? Location: United States

    submitted by /u/Torger
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    No safety training led to a crushed hand

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    A friend of mine started a job at a rail road tie factory. Training consisted of watching some guys work and them saying "jump in when you're comfortable". No videos, no training, no osha stuff, just that. Well, first day by himself he gets his hand caught between two ties and crushes three fingers. Workman's comp has covered medical so far but his hand is still not better. He's been on "light" duty but they've run out of work for him and now he's being let go. Can they do this? He can't work because of an accident at their facility due to lack of training. He's also now limited in the jobs he can do because of his hand. Location is Alabama.

    submitted by /u/gnomeydontplaythat
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