• Breaking News

    Friday, July 17, 2020

    Legal Advice - I am being accused of stealing packages off my own porch

    Legal Advice - I am being accused of stealing packages off my own porch

    I am being accused of stealing packages off my own porch

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Edit: Thank you guys so much! I really have been very worked up about this and not getting much sleep and worried and just upset in general. Thank you all for taking the time to share your experiences and to help me understand the legal stuff.

    I couldn't get to every comment before the thread was locked, but many of those removed for being off topic were incredibly kind and supportive. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


    The woman I bought my house from in 2013 has been harassing me and accusing me of theft. She and four other people (two of them my neighbors who she still socializes with, the other two are strangers to me but I think may be her sons) have been calling, texting, and knocking on my door every day this week.

    She claims she made some expensive online purchases and accidentally had them shipped to my address instead of hers. She says she has irrefutable proof from the carrier that it was delivered to my house. I have told her (and the one neighbor) that I haven't gotten anything and if I do, I'd be happy to leave it next door for her.

    She is now saying she plans to file a police report against me and suggested it would be in my own best interest to turn over any door cam footage (I don't have a door cam, but will probably be getting one after all this). How do I prove that I don't have something? One of the things is supposedly a high-end laptop. Wouldn't that have a tracker/locator of some kind?

    This whole thing has given me major anxiety and PTSD from when greedy relatives kept me tied up in court over my late mother's estate years ago. I would love nothing more than to put this behind me as quickly as possible, but she seems hell bent on holding me responsible for some reason. What, if any, defense do I have in this situation?

    Location is South Carolina

    Edit: Yes, 2013. Not a typo. I have lived here almost 7 years.

    In addition, I moved here from my childhood home which had been my address of record for 28+ years. I have not had any issues (that I'm aware of) related to my previous address, but the comments make it sound like it might be more common than I would have thought.

    Also, comments have reminded me

    (1) I diligently let her know about mail/packages/etc. for probably the first 1-2 years. She would ask that I either leave it in my mailbox or with a neighbor, which I always did. I'm not sure why she would think this would be any different

    (2) Looking back through my conversation with her, her last message to me (before this week) was in March of 2017 asking me to lookout for some important documents she was expecting. I don't remember the outcome of that.

    (3) Few years back a pizza guy showed up with a giant stack of like 5 pizzas. We were both hella confused. I think I've solved that mystery.

    (4) The company that holds the termite/pest contract on my house showed up a few weeks ago insisting that I had scheduled service and I had to convince him he was in the wrong place bc mine isn't due for several months. I'm guessing this is related.

    submitted by /u/Planet_Coco
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    New Jersey - My landlord sold his house with 10 month left on our lease, total mayhem and illegal activity pursued from the buyer.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    I moved into a beautiful condo townhouse with two other individuals on May 1st, 2020. The owner who showed us the property was a broker. He seemed to be in a hurry to rent it, but offered us a nice discount if we could move in just days after. We signed the lease and it went swimmingly. He did inform us he had recently listed the property for sale, and that our lease states we must allow showings with 48 hours notice. We were fine with this.

    Fast forward to Mid June. We had no showings up until this point. Our landlord informed us that a man was going to see the place and that he wanted to pay in cash to buy it for his grandfather. Our landlord requested two showings, one at 12pm and another at 3pm for the grandfather, and that it would be best if we were not there. Not ideal, but fine. We are assured by our landlord that the man wanted to continue our lease, which runs from May 2020-April 2021. (I did later discover our lease stated that showings could not occur until we had 3 months left on our yearly lease.) Our landlord then asked if the prospective buyer(s) could come back the next day. We allow it, on the basis of just trying to be good tenants. This happens. Then, our landlord tells us the man wants to come back the day after that---at this point we are annoyed at how often the prospective buyer(s) want to see our house---4 times in the 3 days--- but we allow it. A few days pass, and things return to normal. We are informed by our landlord that the closing was set to take place on the 2nd of July, and that we would be paying our normal rent of $2,000 to the new landlord. We say no problem.

    A few days later, let's call it June 20th, a man identifying himself as the new buyer contacts me via phone call. He says he wants to use the place as a vacation home for his grandfather, and that he would like to pay us to terminate our lease and move out by closing. Mind you, that is less than 2 weeks away from the phone call. He says he would like to offer us $2,000. I tell him that we are happy in our new home and that I would not consider his offer. He asked what I would consider, and after consulting with my two roommates, I tell him $10,000. He says he needs to get back to his partner. I say no problem.

    A few days pass, and I hear nothing from the new buyer. I decide to text him asking if he has made a decision. He calls me and says his offer is now $3,000 and to take it or leave it. Of course, I say no thank you. From that moment forward, the man identifying himself as the prospective buyer becomes angry and agitated. He informs me that he knows how to evict people, and that I must accept the offer because he would force us to leave anyways. He begins to call and text me every day, even calling me past midnight some nights. I was only able to record a few of his phone calls, but all the text messages are documented.

    Being in my early 20s, along with my two roommates, we were naive in believing his threats of eviction. Mind you, the house is still owned by our original landlord at this point, but now the closing is just a week away. No written or verbal agreement had been made with the man identifying himself as our new landlord, and my roommates and I decide to continue our lease despite the intimidation and eviction threats if we do not accept his offer of $3,000.

    After continuing pressure from the new buyer, my roommates and I decide we should consider a deal due to fear of what this individual was capable of and he was telling us would happen. I wait for one of his many daily phone calls, and tell him that we would accept $4,000, along with our security deposit of $3,000. He says wonderful, and that we must start moving out because the closing was in just days, and that we HAD to be out before that, or the deal was off. We tell him that this demand is impossible, and that we need approximately 2 weeks. He says that we could only have until the 7th, or that the deal is again off. I tell him that we need until the 15th, that we need upfront funds (at least partially), and that he must sign a legal contract stating he would honor his end of the deal.

    At this point, we hire an attorney. Our attorney writes up a contract for a July 15th moveout, but the buyer is not willing to sign it. Because the buyer was only willing to pay us once the keys were handed over, our attorney informed him that we request no rent payment be made. After all, we needed to relocate and that is not cheap, and since the buyer was not willing to partially pay upfront, we would use our rent money for this. The buyer still refuses to sign the agreement. We still have yet to come to deal, and the closing is in less than a week.

    July 2nd rolls around, and no agreement has been signed. The new buyer, who now claims to be the rightful owner and our new landlord, come to our house in hopes of entering. We refuse, citing no notice of entry had been given to us. He becomes angry. We inform that if he wants us to move out, he needed to sign the contract saying he would pay us the $4,000 + the $3,500 deposit on the 15th. He says fine, I will sign it. Our lawyer advised us to ask him for his ID before signing, so that we can be sure of his identity. Our yearly lease did state that we were legally entitled of a certified mail notice of a change in ownership, along with the information regarding where our deposit was to be held by the new owner. Because that had not happened yet, it was imperative to me to know who this person was. After all, I have no notice of him buying the place. He says he left his ID at home (he drove to our house) and now refuses to sign it once again, now becoming even more enraged. We ask him to leave our property, and we go back into our house.

    The man took the contract we presented to him and left. A few days pass and our lawyer receives a scan of the contract from the buyer, now digitally signed with what he claimed to be his legal name. He signs off as being the landlord. At this point, I am still very uneasy about everything that had transpired. However, I knew I was entitled to receive a certified notice of who our new landlord was at some point in the 5 days following the closing as per our lease. We begin moving out, as we had only 10 days until the agreed key exchange on the 15th. By the 12th or 13th of July, I still had not received any written notice whatsoever. By this point, the house is now basically vacated.

    I decide to spend hours and hours researching my rights as a tenant in NJ. I discover that all the things that the new owner has done were not only illegal, but known tactics in the form of landlord harassment. I find the property deed at the county clerks office, and see that the man claiming to be the owner and landlord was nowhere to be found on the deed. Instead, it was purchased by two other individuals who each had 50% undivided interest in the property. I look up these names and they are connected to a real estate company in a neighboring state. The individuals are brokers. It now occurs to me that they lied about their purpose of purchasing the property. I also reached out to my old landlord and asked if the man was actually the buyer. He said that at the very last second, the "buyer" pulled out of signing, instead opting for someone else to sign at the closing.

    I reach out to the "buyer" who had been harassing me for a month and who signed off on the cash for keys agreement as our new landlord, and ask to see any kind of documentation that he owned the place in any way. He says no, I will not provide that, and that his team of workers would be at the property on the morning of the 15th to change the locks and start re-doing the place. I tell him that nobody may enter unless they are the landlord, and that I am no longer accepting his offer if he cannot produce sufficient documentation of his ownership.

    July 15th arrives. The man comes to the property anyways, along with 4 other cars and trucks, and maybe 13-14 people in total. The cars and trucks block off my driveway. I text him that he may not enter, and if he cannot respect that request than I would call the police. I look out the window and see them eating Chinese food and having what appeared to be a party in my driveway. I use the intercom to say that I am requesting them to leave. They do not, and I eventually call the police. They leave, only to continue to drive around the block for hours. Meanwhile, the individual identifying himself as the landlord contacts one of my roommates, who at this point is terrified of him and just wants out, and tells her that she will be sued if we do not collectively accept the payment. She is in hysterics at this point, comes to the house, and begs me to leave. I stand my ground, citing that none of what has transpired has been in any way legal.

    From July 15th until now, July 17th, I have received threats from the man. He texts me saying he will spend 100s of thousands of dollars to fight me in court, that no matter where I go there will be liens against me, and that he will be making sure my future career is ruined.

    Here is important information that may not have been included:

    1) I have not had a lawyer, other than to write up a legally binding contract that was eventually signed by our " new landlord"---this is the man who was telling me in text message and on the phone that he is the owner even weeks before any closing occurred. I am currently in the process of hiring an attorney, albeit worried about the cost and time it will take to be represented.

    2) I do not believe our lease was legally transferred in any way. Our old landlord had told us that the "buyer" (who he was also dealing with and having many of his own problems with) had assured him that a deal had been made prior to closing between himself and us as the tenants to move out. This was a lie.

    3) I do not believe our rental had a certificate of occupancy from our move-in on May 1st to the end of June. We requested all fire alarms and smoke detectors be installed to our old landlord, but that was never done. Right before closing, however, we found our original landlord inside our house on three separate occasions fixing things without giving us any notice. We even woke up to two exterminators entering our bedroom one morning to check for bed bugs. Our old landlord had given them the garage code, yet failed to inform us of their visit. This angered us a great deal.

    4) When I look up the property on sites like Zillow, it lists the sale on July 2nd as a "Co Op non-member." I feel as if that is important somehow.

    5) I have requested the certificate of occupancy, the notice of change in ownership, and any proof that that the individual who identified himself as the owner and landlord ( the man who harassed me) was in some way granted the right to be our landlord by the rightful owners of the property.

    6) One of my two roommates is adamant on accepting the offer in fear of being sued, while myself and the other roommate want to hold the individual(s) responsible for their gross negligence and illegal behavior.

    7) I have found a number of laws that seem to heavily support my rights. NJ apparently is very tenant-friendly in these types of matters. The laws most applicable seem to be as followed, and are broken down in non-legal jargon for convenience.

    N.J.S.A 2A:18-61.64 A penalty may be assessed against the landlord in an amount equal to 6x monthly rent if certain landlord violations occur (I am certain they did).

    N.J.S.A 2A:18-61.9 Owner is liable in civil action for three times the amount of damages plus attorney's fees and costs for misleading the tenant in any way about the conversion to condo

    N.J.S.A 2A:18-61.66 Tenants are entitled to attorney costs and court fees from a landlord when both parties go to court and the landlord loses, as our lease states the opposite would occur if the landlord wins.

    N.J.S.A 46:19(c)(5) a new landlord must present the name and address of the bank where the deposit is now held, assuming it is transferred by the old landlord. *Our old landlord informed us the "buyer" asked him to knock the deposit off the sheets by crediting him $3500, therefore breaking the law by not following legal security deposit procedure.

    N.J.S.A 46:8-28-29 This is the landlord registration act, stating a new landlord must register with county clerk.

    If you got this far, thank you. What is my best course of action? I am scared. Please help.

    submitted by /u/tentantlegalhelp
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    My ex husband stole my stimulus check after filing 2018 taxes as joint without my knowledge.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    TL:DR: my ex husband filed jointly without me knowing and then lied about getting my stimulus check. He won't send me the money now. Do I take him to small claims court? If I do will I need a lawyer?

    In 2019, my husband filed taxes as joint without telling me. I had filed mine(by mail, like a weirdo) and told him to file married filing separately. When we got a lot back he said it was because his work had taken more than they should have out of his paycheck. I believe him and move on. In September of 2019 we separated and are in the process of getting divorced and drafting a parenting plan with lawyers. He has derailed and been uncooperative throughout and it's dragging on. In April I still hadn't gotten my stimulus check so I asked him if he had gotten mine. He said no, that he got only $1200. A few weeks go by and still no check. My friend who is married and filed joint mentioned that the got one check for $2400. I fact checked it and texted my ex. Again, he said he didn't get it. I demanded to see the deposit. He final said he did get $2900($500 extra because of our daughter). I said, ok just give me my half and I'll let it go. He said he spent it all and he'd have to wait until he got his next unemployment check(he worked as a para at a local high school). A few days later he asked if he could pay in 4th. Ok, fine. On July 1st I asked if he got paid. He said no, he gets paid on the 15th. So I wait. The 15th comes and I politely ask him to let me know when to expect the first installment. No response. I wait another day. I tell him he needs to send it by the end of the day. It's the 17th and still nothing. No response. My question: should I take legal action(I've already reported the tax fraud to the IRS) and what does that look like? If I take him to small claims do I need a lawyer?

    submitted by /u/owthrayaway3
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    Connecticut - Won a Foreclosure Auction, Found out two days before closing it wasn't actually vacant

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    A couple months ago I won a foreclosure auction. On the auction, the property was listed as VACANT, in a big bold red box.

    My closing was supposed to be yesterday. On Tuesday of this past week, two months after the auction was won, we were informed the property is not actually vacant and has squatters. We were also informed the bank didn't know it wasn't vacant - however, court documents show the bank has been locked in an eviction case with these people since July of last year.

    We have spent a chunk of money doing all the due diligence, dealing with lawyers, and title searches for this place. Seeing how we purchased this place under the auspices that it was vacant, and we have constantly been lied to about the occupancy of the place, do we have recourse to recoup our losses?

    submitted by /u/TheAnt06
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    Rippingout a ceiling while making pizzas?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    I work in Ohio at a pizza place and they've decided its a good idea to completely take out the drop ceiling and re run hvac while we are open and making food, is this not some sort of health as safety violation?

    Update: I sent a message to my counties health and safety department and I also took video (not sure if necessary)

    submitted by /u/BoomShaka97
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    My father just died and his wife is only talking/communicating with my brother. What/is there legal action?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    I know this will be long winded and probably similar to many posts already; I'm sorry. Also necessary details included.

    My father died Monday when he and his wife were riding their motorcycle and hit a deer. She survived with a concussion and minor injuries.

    My parents divorced when I was around 11 (28 currently) and my brother was 13. We didn't ever live with my dad or have the usual divorced parents set up. We maybe ate dinner with him once a month. My mother remarried and I have such an incredible bond with my step dad who has been a father to us. My dad met his wife back then and only recently got married. I think I met her maybe 4 times. As I got older, my dad and I just stopped talking. I don't think I saw or spoke to him for 10 years. My parents divorce had a lot to do with it and he never put any effort into contacting me. He and my brother always spoke and they went a few years without talking too. We like to compare our relationship to a long lost uncle. Never talked about anything personal, just current events really.

    I saw him 3 years ago for the first time at my brothers graduation and we talked casually for a while. We started speaking very rarely through text too. I told him I was moving from FL to TX and that was about it and just saw him last year. We had been talking a lot recently about covid, because current events was always the topic.

    So my brother was the one to tell me Tuesday morning about what happened. My dads wife and I didn't have each other's numbers.

    She thinks I hate her and hated my dad and she's running with it despite me saying our troubled relationship has nothing to do with her.

    She's flying my brother out there (he's in another state as well) to get our dads ashes. But her son is going too... but I'm not allowed to go, she didn't ask me. I feel like my brother and my step brother (whom I've never met) are being included and I'm being 100% left out.

    As far as everything else goes, do I just sit and wait? Should I contact an attorney in their state to see if there is a will? I understand I'm not going to get anything and that's fine, but shouldn't someone say "you don't get anything, your brother gets everything"? My brother wants to ask our dads truck, or take over the payments. But shouldn't that be a legal thing I am included in.. even if I don't want the truck?

    Or is it since she was married to him it's "hers" and she can decide what to do with it an legally she has no obligation to inform me of anything.

    I sent her flowers and texted her and have called to check on her and how she's feeling. At least I can May my head down at night knowing I tried.

    The whole situation sucks. Sorry for having word vomit.

    submitted by /u/Hollyfrank001
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    Landlord decided to shut off our WIFI from 10pm-7am

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Location: Oregon

    Hello, would be appreciative of some advice here.

    My gf and I live in an apartment above our landlord, who lives beneath us. It's their house that they split up into two units. A few days back I noticed at around 9:45pm the internet went out. Figured it was just an outage, and it worked again in the morning so didn't think much of it. But then the same thing happened the next night, and then last night as well.

    I texted my landlord asking if he had noticed that too and he responded that he had decided to turn off the internet between 10pm and 7am every night, offering no other explanation. Now that I'm writing this I'm remembering the first outage happening while we were watching TV so he probably literally shut it off to stop that noise. He has never previously communicated a complaint about late night noise. Keep in mind my gf and I are both in our late twenties and never watch TV past 1030 anyway as we both have to get up for work around 6am. And I guess we have to just cross our fingers and hope he wakes up by then in the morning otherwise no internet?

    Is this legal? We both need the wifi to work, neither of our offices is open due to COVID. The wifi is listed as a utility in the lease but we do not pay for it, it is free. Our lease is month to month. Any help would be appreciated. I'd reach out to a renter's rights organization or somewhere but I'm sure they have much more urgent problems to deal with right now.

    submitted by /u/sundaysundaysundaay
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    My manager is a pedophile and nothing is being done.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Throwaway, on mobile, etc.

    This all started back in March of 2020. My manager (30M, we'll call him John) added me (16F now, was 15 at the time) on facebook, and started messaging me.

    At first it was fine, then after a while he got really weird and started asking me very personal questions such as whether i masturbate, if i've ever had sex, etc. He sent me a picture of his penis, asked if i would marry him when i turned 16, told me i was gonna have his babies, video called me multiple times with his penis out, admitted to sending me pics of his penis, so on and so forth- there are literally so many gross things that he said and did that i cannot remember all of it off the top of my head. A few times while at work, he brushed his hand against my butt and acted like it was an accident, which I don't believe it was.

    I told my highest level manager (we'll call her Kayla) about what happened, and she said she hadn't heard about him doing that to anyone else, but she wrote it down in his file. I can name at least 5 people off the top of my head who have spoken about John's creepiness before while at work.

    Kayla switched my schedule so i'm on night shift in drive thru, and John is in day shift inside. However, that doesn't help because John waits outside in his car for hours after his shift ends and stares at me while i'm doing my job. At one point, John even walked to the drive thru from his car, talked to one of our coworkers, and stared directly at me while he was walking back to his car.

    I filed a police report against John about a month ago, it is still being processed or whatever. However, the police talked to John and they told me he literally said, in his own words, from his own mouth, that he sent me a picture of a penis.

    Nothing has been done. Kayla didn't ask me for any proof of anything that happened. John hasn't been fired or demoted or anything. I feel disgusted that he still works there.

    Are there any laws being broken by John not being fired? Is there anything I can do? My uncle has suggested suing them lol, not sure how that would hold up. Any help is very appreciated.

    Edit: Located in North Carolina, USA

    submitted by /u/bossisapedo1921
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    My cousin (12F) was overdosed in an ambulance and had to be administered narcan

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Tile says it all I think. My cousin (12F) was hit in the neck by a ball at her softball game, and was having trouble breathing. Her mom called an ambulance, and on the way to the hospital she was given too much fentanyl by paramedics and overdosed. They administered narcan after, and tried to tell her mother that it was no big deal and must be related to her injury. She doesn't know if hiring a lawyer would even be worth it, she is in no way well off and doesn't want to end up losing money.

    Should she take this to court? Is it really malpractice or something common like they said?

    submitted by /u/vaingloriousbitch
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    Can I adopt my autistic brother when he turns 18?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    My mother is psycho. Like, p s y c h o. My brother (15) has Autism, Mental Retardation, and Epilepsy. But besides all that he functions really well for someone with multiple mental disabilities. He makes his own food, does his chores without being asked, puts himself to bed at a very reasonable hour... he handles really well. My mother was talking about adopting him when he turns 18 so she still has guardianship over him (which I know is legal when it comes to people on the spectrum). But she helicopters him. She's under the impression he'll never do anything in life and she's gonna take care of him and do everything for him forever. And she's a horrible person. We've had CPS involved like 3 times now, and don't even get me started on the amount of times the police were called on her. I turn 18 next June. Is there any way I could adopt him instead of her? Would I be able to take her to court for that or something? I've done some research but nothing fits my specific scenario so I haven't found an answer. My boyfriend and I are more than willing to have him live with us, I could help him manage money and a job, assist him with whatever he needs while also giving him his own space to be an adult. I'm genuinely worried about him. I'd rather die than have him live with her and her alcoholic felon fiancée for the rest of his life.

    ETA- We live in Ohio

    submitted by /u/ChrisHansensleftnut
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    Moped/scooter got towed because someone moved it

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Edit: Florida

    A towing company towed my gf's scooter because someone moved her scooter from street parking to a parking lot. Apparently this happened on the 6th and we just now got the letter today (july 17th). They're saying she owes them $900 (basically the cost of the scoot) due to the storage costs per day. If it goes to auction she still has to pay $450.

    What. The. Actual. Fuck.

    We're looking into getting security footage from nearby businesses but we're not sure how easy/feasible that will be...

    Any advice would be appreciated... this has been an exhausting night

    submitted by /u/Dylanm97
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    Friend picked up by supposed federal agents, how long can they hold him (Portland, OR)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Hi, I live in Portland, Oregon and a friend at one of the protests was picked up by people wearing military camo and body armor and taken into an unmarked vehicle. They did not identify themselves to us and I have not seen or heard from my friend since. How long are they allowed to keep him detained and was this a legal arrest?

    submitted by /u/geoscow
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    Neighbor's tree cloning in my yard

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    I live in CO. I recently bought a house. My nextdoor neighbors have an aspen tree that has created a bunch of clones on my property. At the time of purchase they were already about 3 feet tall, so far too big to just pull out or mow down. I don't mind the ones along the very edge of my property too much, but there are a few closer to my house that I'm kind of nervous about. I dont want them to cause damage to the house/plumbing as they grow.

    I would like to call out some tree removal folks to get rid of them, but my understanding is that these aspen trees are all connected with one root system. So I'm wondering if my tree removal efforts would harm the neighbor's tree and if I would be liable for that?

    submitted by /u/GrotiusandPufendorf
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    Ex lied about marital status on taxes, making me ineligible for stimulus package. Need advice on how to proceed.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Tucson, AZ USA

    I am a non tax filer (I have been a stay at home parent for the last 6 years) and my ex always claimed me as a dependent up until 2 years ago when we split and I requested that he not do that any more, even after we got back together. Well, he didn't! He decided to claim us as married instead (without my knowledge). So when talk of the stimulus came, he assured me that he made too much money to be eligible and that we would get nothing. We separated mid April and I applied for the stimulus package and got a notification that I was not eligible due to the fact I was listed as married on his taxes.

    I have mailed the tax fraud papers to the IRS but will I ever be eligible for the stimulus? Is this something I can sue my ex for? Also, he was very much eligible for the stimulus and if he got it, would have been for himself, myself and our son... Which I never got to see a penny of. He kept it all so I would likely sue to get that money. I believe another stimulus round will be coming soon but I need to know if there is a way to fix this NOW so he doesn't get more money and I can get what I am owed. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Loud-Tank
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    Habitual theft from a public school.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    I work at a public school in Mississippi. We have a gas pump for school vehicles or personal vehicles used for school purposes. For many months I have noticed edited numbers in our self recorded gas log. 16 gallons would have a 2 drawn over the 1. 25 gallons would get a 3 drawn over the 2. It's just a simple paper log filled out by hand by the person who got gas. We finally got a camera setup and now have video proof of the guy not recording his gas numbers and also filling up multiple times in a single week, way more than should be possible with his school duties. Over the last several months I've brought this to the attention of the superintendent multiple times and have also very recently gotten the SRO involved, but the superintendent does not seem interested at all in resolving the issue. His answer is always, "I'll talk with him," but then nothing changes.

    What are the legal implications here. The estimated value of the gas is most likely in the thousands of dollars over the many months this has happened. Is this grand larceny? Embezzlement? As a state funded public organization do we have a legal obligation to report any of this? Can the superintendent just refuse to prosecute or act?

    submitted by /u/bluenovajinx
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    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    Hi, my parents are getting evicted and I would like to see if someone can just give some advice in regards to it. State is Illinois

    I am going to give the whole backstory so please stay with me.

    My parents have lived at the current property for about 9 years. Overall there have been multiple problems with the home such as a ton of mold, water leaks causing the flooring upstairs to break apart along with the ceiling downstairs, mice in the walls, etc. He hires the cheapest workers to "fix" it but the problems always come back and he just stopped taking care of it altogether for the last few years.

    Now my parents divorced in the summer, my dad had to leave as she wanted to keep living there. He left the end of November '19. My dad texted the landlord, since that is their preferred way of contact, and let him know about the divorce/making sure he is no longer financially responsible from that point on.

    It is a verbal month to month (never signed a new lease). My parents (both of them) still owe the landlord three months of rent from before the divorce, the landlord knew about it and was aware the payments would be late, but never acknowledged the text messages. From November until now, my mom has decided to not pay any form of rent even after receiving a big chunk of money from my fathers retirement/etc, is not working and they have three kids. Obviously now they are being evicted.

    My questions are, when the landlord was informed about my dad having to move out he ignored him. He told my mom that my dad is not going to be removed from the lease, so my dad is being evicted as well but does not live there, nor has he recieved anything in regards to the eviction besides what he hears from his ex wife. Can he be held liable for the months he did not live there? The landlord hasn't bothered to talk to my dad for quite a while now, he never brought up the eviction or about them needing to leave.

    And yes, I understand everyone sucks here. Just want to find out what my dad should do as he works fulltime & overtime. My mom recieves over half of his net income, so paying the last three months of rent they owed, before he moved out, is impossible at this time since he cannot even afford a place to live.

    ** Not sure if it matters but forgot to add that the landlord is also claiming that there were more than three months missed, even with proof. Should he have all rent checks prepared for this?

    submitted by /u/MildlyConfusedHuman
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    (Georgia USA) Tenant committed suicide - who do I return security deposit to?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I rent out a condo in Atlanta, and in late May my tenant killed himself in the unit. He had already paid June's rent. His mom emailed shortly afterwards and said I needed to refund her June's rent (pro-rated against the days she was in the unit cleaning up), and return to her the security deposit ($1,600). I told her I can't refund the rent since it's paid in advance, but I can return the security deposit.

    After thinking about it for a while though, I'm not sure she's even his mom, or has any power over his estate. I don't want to give $1,600 away, and then later someone else come along saying they are the executor of his estate and they need $1,600, too. So, I haven't transferred any money yet, but she called saying she will "take action" if I don't give her the money.

    Should I just transfer it to her? Who would I normally return the security deposit to? Whoever has control over his estate?

    submitted by /u/daxspark
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    [GA] I was offered a salary position starting at $68K during my second interview. Received on boarding paperwork, noticed compensation was changed to $55K.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    After reading through the contract I emailed the manager and stated the compensation isn't what we discussed. Manager replies and said it was an accident and that he told HR I was offered $68K as what's was stated during the interview. Said new paperwork would be sent. That was Wednesday....

    I start this Thursday and haven't received any new paperwork regarding a change in salary. Despite the text message saying what was discussed, if they play ignorant, I'm shit out of luck, huh?

    submitted by /u/JadedGoal
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    [Still needing help] My brother is dying of cancer and his wife is selling his meds

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    My post:


    Hi all,

    A lot has gone down since that post. My sister is very scared and I'm hoping for some advice.

    We picked my brother up from the trailer and transported him to the care of my grandmother.

    The trailer I mentioned in the last post is owned by my grandma. She doesn't live there, she lives in New Orleans East. She was letting my brother and his wife stay there rent free. It is in her name completely and paid off.

    Here's where I'm worried. On this property they had about 6 stray dogs. These dogs were not taken to vet or anything like that, imagine stray dogs staying around because you feed them. My brother's wife claims these were her dogs.

    Since my grandma owns the trailer, she gave my sister permission to enter and gather my brother's stuff. My sister called the ASPCA on the dogs to get them homes. The dogs were in awful shape. One of them is so bad with mange. We felt we did the right thing.

    As my sister was taking the animals, my brother's wife shows up. She had been missing with the kids but just shows up. She shows up with three junkies. She's angry. She's taking photos. She said she is going to prosecute my sister for trespassing on her property and taking the dogs. My grandma owns this property. This is my grandma's land.

    She texted my sister "I have photos of you trespassing on my property and stealing my dogs. I will go to court unless you return them." She also said we were on her property getting my brother's things and we had no right.

    Also she knows we called CPS. She said "I talked to CPS and they are on the same page as me". I know she is lying.

    My sister called me scared, saying she is worried. Can she be prosecuted for this? I know there are weird rules about people living on property for a certain amount of time so I'm worried.

    Since the property is owned by my grandma, my brother's wife is talking shit right? I doubt she has legal standing but I want to make sure because my sister is anxious.

    submitted by /u/vector78
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    Ex friend trying to put a stalking/no contact order

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    This girl and I have known each other for 18 years. She's been known to pull this before. She called me Monday and accused me of making a fake Facebook and pretending to be her sisyer in law.. This was after i told her on Friday I was done with her and wished her and her family nothing but the best. My family and I left for vacation on Tuesday. Today on our way home, I saw a sheriff show up at our front door to.serve me papers. This was his first attempt and I was in Colorado. I have proof that I was there. I still have yet to be served so I am completely at a loss for what she would have written to get this emergency stalking order approved. The court date is August 3, i would love to go in and be as prepared as possible. I was hoping I could get some advice on how to handle this situation. Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/Stephanie_Schroeder
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    Being slandered over physical abuse allegation / CO

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Someone made a wordpress webpage that takes any submissions from anyone as being a "beware" and I was put on there as an abuser with my picture, as well with about 100 other people.

    I know the incident that's being talked about and I literally have a bunch of eyewitnesses who were there who said it didn't happened and she had been mixing phycadellic drugs, alcohol, and was on a a hand full of mood stabilizer.

    Is there anyway I can file something to have word press take it down?

    submitted by /u/ConstantineXV
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    I think we need to fire our lawyer (any words of wisdom?)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    [background: I'm a former widow in Illinois with a young special-needs child from that marriage, now remarried (new husband adopted my child). I am being sued by my controlling former in-laws for grandparent visitation on their terms. Long story].

    Soo.. we are concerned about our attorney's poor communication. He doesn't always answer emails (and when he does, it is usually poorly written as if it was un-edited voice recognition). After not getting an update in 1.5 months, I check public records. I see that a GAL was appointed a month ago, and we have a hearing in THREE DAYS and he hasn't told us about any of this.

    Is it a terrible idea to fire an attorney in the middle of a case? How do you do it? I really wanted to be represented by his partner (who is extremely highly regarded, but was too busy last spring when we asked about her). Is bad form to switch within a practice? We also have a retainer-- will we get that refunded or transferred over if we get to hire his partner?

    submitted by /u/meandervida
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