• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - a youtuber uses my picture in his pick up artist videos and implies i was his girlfriend. he also fabricates stuff about me (like i cheated on my boyfriends). he's 100 percent a stranger. i want it taken down but he blocked me and youtube ignored me, can i make a response video to expose him? [CA]

    Legal Advice - a youtuber uses my picture in his pick up artist videos and implies i was his girlfriend. he also fabricates stuff about me (like i cheated on my boyfriends). he's 100 percent a stranger. i want it taken down but he blocked me and youtube ignored me, can i make a response video to expose him? [CA]

    a youtuber uses my picture in his pick up artist videos and implies i was his girlfriend. he also fabricates stuff about me (like i cheated on my boyfriends). he's 100 percent a stranger. i want it taken down but he blocked me and youtube ignored me, can i make a response video to expose him? [CA]

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    there is a youtuber that calls himself a pick up artist and he has videos where he puts up a picture of me and him posing together. this is a random stranger that took a picture with me at a club years ago. long story short: he talks about his "ex" and he puts my picture up claims i dated him and that i'm a cheater. 1 million percent fabricated and really embarrassing to me for obvious reasons. i've written to youtube and youtube just ignores me. i've also debated getting a lawyer, but for one thing i'm broke. but also i don't know if that'd even be a legit case to take/a wsate of time. i've asked him about this multiple times but he monitors his comments and chats and just deletes my comments and now has blocked me.. i really want it taken down and ideally for him to clear the air and clear my name. also, could this be considered some form of stalking? he is 20 plus years older than me and insanely creepy and his channel is mostly about hating women. so....he's fucking creepy. when i commented on his most recent video it got deleted but the notification on my phone still let me read the first part of a reply chain where someone replied to tell me that there is another woman that made a video "exposing" him and she got sued (or something like that) for "copyright" and "slander" reasons and kicked off of youtube. that comment is now deleted, so i can't read the full thing or find her to ask more or anything. but NOW i'm thinking maybe that was just him all along (as in, on another account) trying to scare me away??? if i make a response video and call him out by name and show clips of his channel would that count as "slander" or a "copyright" problem in any way?? do i have to have receipts to prove that i dont know him??? so far all i have is screenshots of my comments on his videos that get deleted. does that count as enough evidence to protect me from "slander". i don't know how tf to proof that i don't know him other than just my words. all i really want is it taken down. i don't even want to make a video because it's embarrassing if it's going to put me in legal trouble then i'm not going to do it. but i feel like i'm out of options.

    tldr; can i get youtube videos taken down if the guy is using my picture? there is a strange ass random man using pictures of me and implying that i am his "ex". to me, this is slanderous and borderline stalking. youtube ignores me. if i make a response video to expose him do i need to protect myself first (get receipts/etc) or can i just talk? i don't know how to "prove" my side of the story. i just want it taken down

    submitted by /u/throwdotthrowaway
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    Physically Assaulted by a Customer Where I Work (Restaurant in CA, LA County) For Asking Them to Wear a Mask

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this over for me.

    Last night I (M/33) was working a serving shift at the restaurant where I've been employed for the past couple of years.

    Since dine-in service has resumed in our county, management has made it our (the staff's) responsibility to remind our guests to please wear their masks as they move about the restaurant.

    I witnessed a guest walking toward the restrooms and addressed him: "Sir, please wear a mask while you move through the restaurant," which garnered a loud and dismissive "No!" from the guest, who then continued on his way to the restrooms.

    I went back to working my section, taking care of tables near the entrance to the restrooms, when the same guest emerged. I looked at him and told him something like, "it's just so we don't get shut dow—" but before I could finish the sentence, the guest loudly told me to "go f*** myself!" and swung his arm at me, striking my chest and shoulder, causing me to stumble back. I was pretty shocked. I said, "don't touch me, if you touch me again you're going to jail" at which point this guest plunged his index finger into my shoulder, as if to call me on a bluff. Then the guest made his way back to his dining companions, at which point I notified management of what had taken place.

    A coworker saw the incident occur.

    The violent guest and his party were allowed to finish their meals and drinks before they casually left the building.

    I did not file a police report.

    An internal "Incident Report" has been filed by management.

    I'm not certain what I should do to ensure my place of business isn't somewhere my coworkers and I don't feel safe from violence.

    I'm not generally one to make big stinks out of things, but I'm absolutely unwilling to accept physical violence as just another "part of the job," a job that already involves risks associated with working around large groups of people indoors during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Anyway, I'm ok, unhurt. Thanks again for reading, and DON'T HIT YOUR SERVER!

    submitted by /u/mountainrion
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    Possible child grooming

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    Located in California

    Hi, so exactly what the title states, I think I've encountered a case of possible child grooming and I'm seeking advice.

    Backstory: My SO has a niece that just turned 13. She normally lives with her mother and step dad and has summer vacations and weekends with her bio dad. Recently a few of my SO's family members have noticed that social media pages have been popping up in nieces name. When she's questioned about the pages she says she doesn't run them. So I did a little digging and found more than one Instagram page with pictures that are sexualizing the niece. They were posted starting last year, when she was 12, with the most recent posts being a few days ago.

    Obviously I was VERY concerned when I saw the photos, they are extremely photoshopped and have the niece in very revealing clothing and a ton of makeup making her look well over 12/13. She is constantly in tube tops, very tight shirts, wigs, heels , and there are even photos of her in a "milk bath" with only a bra. The pages are "restricted" on Instagram and you have to indicate you're over the age of 13 before being able to see the pages, they also include cash app QR codes, and an email for "business inquiries".

    I saw niece today and delicately mentioned her profile popped up on my suggested pages. I mentioned my surprise since she is usually very reserved and hates pictures. She said that step dad takes the pictures, does her makeup, and runs the page completely. She has no access, now she sees nothing wrong with this since I'm assuming he has normalized this with her. She said the clothes are okay but she'd never dress like that willingly and that she dislikes all the posing. But overall she doesnt hate it. They give her a debit/credit card with money she "earns" from this instagram page and because they're her parents I feel like she doesn't question it.

    Another big concerning item are the hashtags that are posted along with the pictures. They are heavily catered to "mature" audiences.Due to this there are multiple inappropriate comments from older men asking niece to be their sugar baby and DM them.

    I believe step dad is purposefully using certain hashtags to lure the people he wants to see her page. I fear these men are paying for pictures or items and that step dad is purposefully looking for men to be sugar daddies.

    We plan to talk to bio dad about this as soon as we can but what action can I take to get this investigated? Is this legal? She's a minor and although she "consented" to the pictures being taken I don't think she knows how bad the page is. I am concerned for her and would really appreciate any advice for this situation.

    Side note: She has her own separate account that she's active on where she posts normal 13 year old stuff. And when I asked if she was interested in becoming a model she expressed no interest in it or fashion.

    Update: Niece is currently with bio dad and has been for the last month. I only found out about this less than 24 hours ago, I know she's safe with bio dad which is why i posted here last night/this morning. This is also why I thought about telling bio dad first since he's currently with her and he's going to be involved eventually. Thank you for all the comments and advice. I really appreciate all the links and info. I'm definitely going to seek out the websites you've all mentioned and report ASAP.

    submitted by /u/kitty-kitty-kitty
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    [TX] Female in a male only work environment. Can my boss mandate I wear a different uniform to 'boost team morales?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    Please ignore the username.

    I am 19 years old and recently was hired for 9-5 job in a medical supplies warehouse. I work with 10 other employees, all men. When I first began interviewing, I came in interviewing clothes (skirts, dresses, full face of makeup). However, the job requires loading and organizing stock, along with placing phone orders. We are never seen by customers and everyone wears scrubs or a t-shirt and jeans.

    I interviewed a second time in house last Monday and was set to begin work on Tuesday. I asked if it was alright if I went a day without wearing scrubs and my boss said it wouldn't be necessary 'for now' and specifically asked that I continue to dress in my business attire until further notice. I begin my second week of work tomorrow and have asked my boss for a third time when I should order scrubs. The work we do is physically challenging and I do not want to be lifting boxes or organizing wheelchairs in a button up, slacks, heels, and a full face of makeup (when I have to wear a mask anyway).

    He informed me that I would not be allowed to wear scrubs or jeans and a t-shirt as the other men do, because it is moral boosting for me to come dressed up and, should a customer ever stop by (not possible as we do not handle distributions, only orders and storage) I must 'look good for them.

    Is this legal? There is no dress code spelled out in the employee manual. I am the only person in business attire: even my boss wears jeans and a t-shirt.

    submitted by /u/hotbarbecuepapa
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    The owner of my restaurant asked me to lie about my Covid-19 test and is lying to every customer that walks through the door.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    First off I'll apologize in advance for the format of this. I'm on mobile and this is a bit of a rant.

    A coworker of mine tested positive for Covid on Monday and the restaurant was immediately shut down for cleaning and to give everyone time to get tested before we open again. We opened back up on Friday, however there were several coworkers (including myself) who had not yet received their test results and at least one who didn't get tested at all. Our owner, upon hearing that I was awaiting results, said something along the lines of "let's keep that between us. Just tell everyone that you got tested and you're okay". He's assuring every customer that walks through the door that our entire staff has tested negative which is a flat out lie. I don't have any symptoms but I feel extremely guilty about what's taking place and powerless to speak out against it.

    submitted by /u/icamefromtwitter
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    Can my stepmom become a legal guardian?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    I (15F) Have divorced parents. And my dad is currently dying of cancer. After he passes, I still want to go to both of my houses, and I get the feeling my mom will fight that. She hates my stepmom, but ideally I would have my mom and my stepmom.

    Is there any way for my stepmom to become my legal guardian in place of my dad after he passes? I know pretty much nothing about this. My dad and stepmom aren't legally married.

    I'm in Minnesota in the USA

    submitted by /u/phillyshelby2
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    Public works made a mistake that caused my basement to fill up with 2 feet of sewage (twice)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    So we live near a treatment facility in Illinois and yesterday we had our basement fill up with sewage. Public works calls and admits there was a glitch with the treatment facility and it won't happen again. So now I'm left with a fried furnace, water heater, all the random Holiday decorations and stuff that was down there that will be thrown out. Not to mention a basement that I can't let me two little kids play in anymore. They are very nonchalant with their responses when I talk to anybody acting like this isn't a big deal and I should just fix it and move on. Anytime I ask about payment to fix the broken stuff I just get shoulder shrugs. What should my next move be?

    submitted by /u/yamacat88
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    Did the seller of the condo I'm in escrow in misrepresent the unit as having parking when the spot is 15ft long? (SD, CA)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    I put in an offer and have been proceeding through escrow under the assumption that I had parking spot "A" deeded to me, which is 19ft long (thankfully confirmed in writing by the seller's agent). Now that we've gotten the preliminary title report, it turns out I would have spot "B", which is 15ft long.

    Obviously, I'm pissed. More than anything, I believe they misrepresented there being parking at all, because here in San Diego the minimum requirement for a compact car spot is 16ft long. That means the "parking spot" advertised isn't even a spot at all, right?

    I still have my contingencies, but now I have to consider that the unit may have been misrepresented to me. Would I have the grounds to my earnest money deposit being returned to me for a breach of contract?

    submitted by /u/scrubasorous
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    My college, which plans to reopen in the Fall, added this to their Housing Agreement. Can you help me decipher it?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Last spring during the unprecedented events spurred by COVID-19, my college (Ohio), like mot American colleges, closed their doors to all classes and told students to go home. Thankfully, students living on campus received a portion of their Room and Board fee and Dining Plan fee back, to compensate for not being on campus the whole 16 weeks of the semester.

    As of right now, they are planning on reopening in the Fall with nearly full residence hall (on campus) living and limited use of dining halls (carry out will be an option). While looking over the Housing Agreement, set forth each academic year by our Department of Residence Services, I noticed that they added this small section:

    A forfeiture schedule of 20 percent per week of the contracted room cost per semester will apply to students leaving the university and/or receiving a written release from their residence hall contract. Students will be charged a forfeiture rate for each week of occupancy whether they occupy the space or not. There are no room refunds after the fourth week of the semester. An outline of the housing forfeiture schedule is listed below: - Cancellation in week one (1) of the applicable semester: forfeit 20%; refund 80% - Cancellation in week two (2) of the applicable semester: forfeit 40%; refund 60% - Cancellation in week three (3) of the applicable semester: forfeit 60%; refund 40% - Cancellation in week four (4) of the applicable semester: forfeit 80%; refund 20% - Cancellation after week four (4) of the applicable semester: forfeit 100%; refund 0%

    Does this just mean we loose 20% of our payment every week starting the first week of the semester?

    submitted by /u/labrume
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    Had a videoed altercation go viral. News want to use it. Can I ask for them donate in return for licensing?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Hey all. I hope this is proper. I was doing a BLM demonstration and i was confronted by a local man and told to get out of his town and some other things. I recorded the confrontation and posted it to twitter. It's really taken off since yesterday and I have news agencies contacting me for permission to use it in stories. Would it be proper to ask them to donate to local orgs in return for licensing? Or can I ask for payment and then donate it myself? Whats the procedure for this? what are my rights?

    Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Location: Memphis, TN

    submitted by /u/eddiexmercury
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    I remade a fence on my property line that my neighbor built.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Fuck. I feel like shit.

    I moved in to my house about a year and a half ago and I love it. As a first time homeowner I'm really enjoying learning new stuff and fixing things. I like taking pride in it. I've made a lot of progress! (And really increased the property value.)

    This weekend we decided to tackle the fence in the back yard. It was a bit old and run down. Needed some paint and tlc. The biggest issue I had with it was that it was a "basket weave" style. I wasn't a big fan of it and the neighbor's backyard is not kept up. I've never seen them back there. The basket weave is pretty much see through and I wanted to close it up for more privacy.

    When I planned it for today I went over to the neighbor's behind us and knocked on the door. I talked to an older woman maybe in her 60s watching her grandkids. I let her know that we were planning on redoing our fence and I asked if it was ok if we went into the backyard to work on it. She said no problem just remind her when we were going in. I said thank you and made the plans for today.

    This morning I knocked on her door again and let her know we were redoing the fence and double checked if she was cool with us going back there and she said of course. I get to the back and we go to work on the project that took all day.

    As we were finishing it her nephew comes out and starts bitching at us for ruining HIS fence. He apparently built it when he was young and he worked really hard on it and was sad we didn't like the way it looked. So I felt bad that we insulted him for his work.

    The lady came out and yelled at me because she didn't know that I was going to do that. So that made me feel like shit. It seems like she was trying to paint it like I manipulated her because of her age. That was in no way the case. I was very sure to tell her that I was redoing the fence.

    Now this fence is 100% on my property. No two ways about it. From the posts to the cross cross weave to the part of the fence that does not touch their side. However, he apparently had built it and we used much of the old fence to build the new fence. So we did use his materials.

    Once again I just feel awful about the whole thing. He asked if he didn't like it the new way if he could face it the way he wanted and I said that would be fine. Because once agin I totally redid the fence. I don't want an issue.

    The long and the short of it I feel sick to my stomach. I really don't like confrontation. It was my understanding it was my fence because it was on my property. And now I have animosity built with my neighbors.

    It seems like we are handling it civilly, however is there anything I need to watch in terms of legal action? I don't think it will go there, but is there something I need to watch.

    Thank you for any advise.

    TLDR: Fence on my property built by my neighbor. I technically had permission to redo it.

    submitted by /u/attackedmoose
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    Employer is trying to back out of a signed agreement on wages [CO]

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Last year in August, my employer had everyone sign an agreement about a new rate of pay. Each agreement was specifically tailored to each employee, and was made to get rid of the need for yearly reviews. For me, it said I would be paid these amounts upon these dates:

    $13 from August 2019 $13.25 from December 6, 2019 $13.50 from June 6, 2020 $13.75 from June 6, 2021 $14.00 from June 6, 2022 ...and so on until $15.

    I asked if these increases would be automatic and the regional manager said yes. They would replace the need for reviews and would just roll over. So I signed it, they signed it, and that was that. Well, when COVID hit I was furloughed and found out they never started paying me the $13.25. I got called back and now, in addition to the wages they never paid, they said they were not going to honor the signed agreement. I asked to see the documents, and now they're telling me they don't keep personnel files on site??? Everything is fishy.

    They can't make me work for less than we agreed on, can they? If I refuse, will I lose my unemployment? I'm so mad and confused. They've pulled so much shady crap lately, like refusing to give us OSHA required gloves at the beginning of the pandemic and asking managers to come back as demoted roles so they can fire the subordinate person. What are my rights, here? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/OutrageousWeakness
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    No child support owed but I keep getting letters

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    So my son was adopted between a year and 2 years old by his mothers husband. I owed child support for the time prior to him being adopted and it was recently paid off by tax returns. A month or two before then I got some letters in the mail saying I owed $50 on arrears. I currently live with this child and his mother and have been providing for them for going on the last 3 years. When the arrears were paid off, with the child having been adopted and no new child support being due from me, I assumed the letters would stop, they did not. We each got letters saying we were due for a review. She eventually called and spoke to someone at the office and the response was oh that shouldn't be like that, we'll get that closed. Got a letter in the mail soon after saying it was closed. Now I'm back to getting letters in the mail saying I owe albeit the fact that I do not owe. This has been going on for a period and I want to know what I can do. The state has all the documentation necessary to know that I am no longer obligated to pay child support for this child and have sent documentation stating that yet they continue to send these letters

    submitted by /u/igivedown
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    Ex husband is getting on base housing and work under my name (FL and PA)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Hello! A few years back I moved onto a military base in Florida with my (now ex husband). His personality changed right away and he became abusive, started spreading rumors about me on base, and tried to get me committed so he could isolate me from the outside world. Needless to say, I lived at that base for about a month before we separated and divorced a few months after. We've been divorced legally for roughly a year now (no alimony or anything, I was glad to get out with my life tbh). So I just noticed that I'm getting email updates about "my lease" and housework that's been done under my name to my former home. The thing about in base housing is that you don't get it unless you are married and sign a housing lease ever year. So it's my impression (will confirm this tomorrow with the leasing office) that my ex husband and his gf are masquerading as me so that they can live on base for free (downloaded WhatsApp for work and email contacts imported in, I happened to notice how this woman was so similar that she even had the same haircut as me -- not surprising since he decided how I could wear my hair), get the extra marital paycheck from the military, and put all the work under my name. What should I do in this situation? I'm planning to see if I can get a copy of the original lease and the forged one. I'm not sure where else to go from here.

    submitted by /u/StarRevoir
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    Personal Assistants for Elderly paid below state minimum wage

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:39 PM PDT


    A company has required previous 1099 independent employees to switch to W2 or be terminated. Employees have agreed to this. Now they are W2 hourly workers, their hours depend on amount of hours the state has allocated to the clients (elderly) to be cared for. Employees who have 40 or less hours with clients received a pay decrease from 12.50 to 12.02 an hour. Employees who have more than 40 hours are being paid 9.50 an hour and receive the OT pay rate on 9.50. Is this legal or does this need to be reported to the Department of Labor in Maryland? I can provide any additional information required as long as it will not identify the employees or the employer.

    submitted by /u/barconiusjr
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    Is it ethical to work billable hours for something past the statute of limitations?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    A good friend of mine was rear ended on her scooter a little over three years ago. The statute of limitations for personal injury claims is unfortunately only three years here in Washington state. His insurance company USAA kept stalling and kept promising a check, but never did. By the time she realized they were lying, she had trouble finding a lawyer that would handle the case since it was so close to three years. Now, she's so upset she's paying hourly for something that is guaranteed to fail. Is it ethical for the lawyer to bill her? He flat out told her this will fail.

    submitted by /u/overworkedwaitress
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    Mom wont let me go back to dads house

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    So I've (16) only been at my moms for about 3 months, I lived with my dad for a year, then came to my moms for spring break. My mom has been treating me awful lately and I'm trying to go back to my dads, but my mom wont let me. She has residential custody of me but I havent lived with her in 8 years. Can she keep me here? And how can my dad get me back?

    submitted by /u/mememommyepic
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    Step son admitted to CPS worker that his mom abuses him. What are the next best steps?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    My step son lives in FL, we live in GA and have him for the summer. He's 4 years old and has really opened up to us about being abused. Lately he admitted to being hit by his mom with a large metal dump truck on the face (he came to us with a bruise under his eye). He says when he's abused, his mom tells him to keep it a secret. His mom lives with her family, where she's been known to fist fight her own mom. In December, she abused her ex boyfriend so badly that he was hospitalized. My step sons clothes are always two-three sizes too small. She's had a suspended license for over a year. My step son has stated he's seen his mom naked with her random boyfriends. The list can go on forever.

    We met with a CPS worker today and the facts she's collected based on what my step son told her are that he said, "Mommy thinks it's funny when I'm hurt," and "Mommy hit me with a metal dump truck".

    She recommended us to file for emergency custody in the state of FL. Would this much evidence be enough to file for emergency custody? I really want him out of that life and to help him realize what's normal.

    submitted by /u/tacolover000
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    HOA gave my parking spot to another owner, having trouble getting it back [CA]

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    I recently purchased a condo in a new construction complex located in Berkeley, CA. Our parking garage has one of those underground lift systems, where each spot gets a key fob and a gate remote. You pull up to your spot, use your remote to open the gate, and the system brings up your parking spot.

    When I picked up my keys from the seller's agent, he also gave me the garage opener and walked me through the garage. He wanted to also show me which spot was mine, and when we walked by we noticed another tenant was parked in my parking spot - which is only possible if the HOA gave another tenant my keys. He stated the HOA must have read the parking map wrong, as each spot has a number that corresponds to the Condo Parking Plan and a separate number that corresponds to the parking lift system. I checked my purchase agreement, and it indeed states that I have spot #22 according to the Condo Parking Plan, which is spot #32 in the parking lift system. The number on the gate door reads #32, and reviewing the Condo Parking Plan it is indeed spot #22.

    I spent a week or so trying to contact the HOA, which is temporarily being taken care of by a property management company while we wait for the condo to sell through and elect a board, with no response. Finally, the HOA manager showed up for a separate appointment and I asked her to clarify the parking situation. She pulled up the documentation and confirmed the other tenant has spot #32 on the Condo Parking Plan, but was given the keys to #32 on the parking lift system. She stated she would email me and the other tenant that date and resolve the swap. In the meantime, she gave me the keys to the spot that tenant was supposed to receive.

    That was weeks ago - and despite multiple emails asking about the status of the parking situation the HOA has been completely unresponsive. They will not reply to my e-mails asking about the parking swap, and instead will start a new e-mail thread and address other issues but ignore the parking situation. Last week was the first time I got her to mention the "parking situation" on another e-mail thread, simply stating "I will also have your parking sorted out shortly."

    Fed up with how unresponsive and generally unhelpful the HOA has been, I figured I would just attempt to contact the other tenant, explain the situation, and hopefully swap keys without issue. I left a note on the parking gate of #32 that stated I believed there was a mix up with the parking, and asked them to e-mail me.

    This afternoon, I got a polite e-mail from them saying hello and they were sorry for the confusion but "we also have space 32 assigned to us in our Purchase Agreement" and that they had "told this to the building managers a couple weeks ago". I responded within 15 minutes asking if they could clarify what their purchase agreement stated in regards to both the Condo Parking Plan and the parking lift system, but they have not e-mailed me back.

    I am worried the other tenants are not going to give up the spot willingly, as it seems they may not be responding to me or the HOA which could be the reason the HOA is not getting back to me quickly.

    So my question is - what are my options here? I've never been a homeowner before, and never had to hire a lawyer for property disputes.

    How are these disputes typically settled? Do I need to go through a lawyer? Will they be able to force the tenant to exchange keys with me? What kind of lawyer would I need? How do I find one? How much would something like this cost me?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ihavnoideawatsgoinon
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    I filed for a name change and now I feel like I want to change the original petition.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Okay so, I filed for a name and gender marker change in Indiana. Got my court date, and now realize I want my name to be different than what I filed for. Can I submit an amendment? Can I request an amendment in court? Any advice greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MagicMimi97
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    Is my relationship illegal?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    So here is the deal. I (18M) have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (17F) for just about a year. And I just turned 18. On my birthday I heard a couple of comments in passing about how my relationship with my girlfriend is now illegal cause I'm an adult and she is a minor. I love my GF and I really want to stay with her. But I would not want to go to jail and get her in trouble because of being in a relationship with me. So I wanna know if either my girlfriend or I will get in trouble from the relationship.

    Some helpful information probably is I am in Utah, USA. So I guess my question boils down to is there a law keeping me from my relationship?

    submitted by /u/MasterCarpenter2
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    Born with 2 identities. Should I be worried about getting in trouble in the USA?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I was not sure in which subreddit post my story, if someone has a better guess let me know...

    Tl;dr: I was born in USA and got all the proper documentation but my mexican mother bring me to Mexico weeks later after I was born and registered me as I was born there with a different name... She didnt told me anything of my real name or that I'm American till I was 21so I tried to legally fix it, but there is no use. I am afraid to get in trouble someday.

    Soo my Mexican mother met my American father in her mid 20s, yara yara she got pregnant... They marry and live in USA for a year or so, then she "escapes" from my father weeks after I was born and she go back to Mexico with me and start raising me on her own.

    I grew up in a very lonley environment but I never lacked of anything, some TV, some books, some PS1 games and later the internet do the trick to grow as a normal kid from the 90s.

    My relationship with her wasn't normal as she worked her ass off all the time so I didn't see her or talk to her a lot. She never spoke about her past, our family, my father or his family... It was somekind of tabu to even think to ask about something related.

    When I was 18yo a letter from an attorney came to me letting me know my father died of a stroke, so I showed it to my mother and she seemed OK with it, she didnt cared and it was clear there was no heritage of any kind, so I didnt cared also.

    When I was 21yo in mid collage I applied for an abroad semester in Europe and won the place to take part in the program... I needed my first passport to leave the country for the first time in my life. Thought that it was gonna be simple and I told my mother about how I was gonna go away for a semester, just to let her know as we didn't chat that much to each other even then.

    But in that moment she came clean and told me a little of her story and after that she told me that I had to make a decision with my life. Without much detail in her story she told me almost the same Im letting you guys know and I came to realize that I have 2 different names in 2 different countries with 2 different lifes... For the sake of the program and reach the times to get a passport and a visa I used my USA identity for the first time to travel to Europe. The program in Europe was awesome, after that semester I came back to Mexico and tried to fix this problem my mother got me in (not mad at her at all).

    I was 22yo at the time I started different things like becoming a person with dual nationality, but Mexico doesn't have a efficient or proper way to handle strange cases like mine...

    Today Im 25yo I have a mexican degree with my mexican name and I earn in a mexican bank account and pay mexican taxes... but I have been ignoring some USA "responsibilities" as I wasn't raised there, English is not my first language, I don't really know the anthem or the full history of the country, I don't have any bank account, or the feeling of what is normal over there...

    The only proof Im still alive as a US citizen is that I have a passport and a birth certificate... to stop the mess I havent get a mexican passport and I stopped travleing abroad as this is not a normal situation I haven't found a lot of help in public offices, attorneys or internet forums...

    my mother passed away in 2019 before the covid stuff, we never talked anymore about her past, I'm single, living on my own and Im still trying to fix this where my mexican identity is the one with all my life achievements but is not the "official" identity, so to speak. And my american identity doesn't even have elementary school...

    Hope you enjoyed it. Cheers

    submitted by /u/jachreiks
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    Unemployment Overpayment (North Carolina)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I just received a notification that I am no longer considered eligible for unemployment benefits, after receiving them for 3 months. The reason is because I entered that I left my last job due to "personal reasons not related to work." I selected this because I was moving home to help take care of a sick family member and my own chronic condition was acting up. I guess I technically quit- but I didn't realize I would get payments if anything was wrong or needed to be looked into. I have to call in to address the adjudication... Any advice? Will they count this as fraud on my end no matter what? Is there any way I can avoid paying it all back? Be nice please I'm freaking out :(

    submitted by /u/museumofdiscodreams
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    Tenants using ESA loophole to have multiple pets.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    My mother rents out our home in Virginia through a property management company since we all live in Florida now. She's had these tenants for less than a year and they have been constantly causing issues. Most recently, one of them asked if she could adopt a dog. The two other tenants already have "emotional support animals", with qualifying paperwork (according to the property manager), so because of this and the no pet policy for the rental - my mother said no. The tenant then turns around and suddenly has anxiety and a lengthy letter from her certified counselor.

    There isn't much time left on their lease, and she won't be renewing it for them, but I'm just curious if there is any way she can deny this. The other service animals are clearly just pets that they're using as ESAs to get around the no pet policy. I read that if she's a landlord with less than 4 properties she can deny it, but I didn't know if that was certain states or if that even counts since she uses a property manager.

    I know it's not my place to determine someone else's mental stability - but I also had a "ESA" at one point to get around a no pet policy, and since then I've realized what a dick move that is and haven't used it to my advantage since.

    submitted by /u/walkawalkawalkaa
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