• Breaking News

    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Legal Advice - Was told by manager not to follow riot/unrest rules, followed them, now in trouble for doing so, im assuming I probably have no case but work environment is now hostile. Is this a safety violation?

    Legal Advice - Was told by manager not to follow riot/unrest rules, followed them, now in trouble for doing so, im assuming I probably have no case but work environment is now hostile. Is this a safety violation?

    Was told by manager not to follow riot/unrest rules, followed them, now in trouble for doing so, im assuming I probably have no case but work environment is now hostile. Is this a safety violation?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Im trying to not make this ridiculously long but its a weird situation.

    I am a female I and am a assistant manager for security for a major retail company

    As with the current climate this week, we have been handed down rules and what to do to follow if a riot protest occurs at our doors/area.

    this all occurred in past 3 days

    Was told by a worker who's husband works within 15 min, that his store was closing early that night due to potential protest. A shopper in my store also came to management and was asking "did you hear about potential protest tonight right around here".

    was told to monitor situation by management in the building. That was done by me and my uniformed security guy

    2 hrs later- had a small amount of protestors appear across the street, cops then sat in two patrol cars and waited there, protestors had a bullhorn we could hear them. Immediately it made the large amount of workers in my store upset. (long story short nothing went bad with protesters)

    Followed the handed down protocol of contacting district manager due to a protest at our location and the potential unrest. Was also told by other managers in the store at the time to call district manager NOW. Called left message no response. Get a text from my immediate new supervisor a few min later ( who is not a work that day) asking why am I calling district guy.

    explained what happened.

    Awaited his reponse. Managers are asking what is going on want a response. We waited

    try to call him, no response. Text him again he says he is relaying message to district. We are waiting. Managers ask me to email district manager immediately to get response. My immediate boss says NOT TO DO THAT. He now is only responding to me via text. I have people in the store getting upset and worried so I follow what managers there ask.

    Manager who is there asks if I and my uniformed security can stay later for the day we say of course.

    Boss says DO NOT STAY he could come in instead. I say ok but we are already here. ( he never comes in)

    an email comes through from district manager that explains nothing and is a generic hey if there is a hurricane/civil unrest/environmental issue you can evacuate the store and it completely contradicts what the new protocol states that came this week on what to do due to current protest climate. I am now unsure if my messages are correctly being relayed to district.

    Attempt call again nothing.

    So I am now told I CANNOT STAY PAST MY SHIFT, I text back why? the manager is nervous and asked us (My hours can easily be cut later in the week if he was worried about overtime). And he sends to my security guy and the closing manager protocol via text with how to close the store later tonight.

    I do not receive this text

    They come to me asking about this protocol and I had to frustrating say I was not informed and I had managers looking at me getting upset.

    I text boss since he won't respond to phone calls. this is it verbatim - Could you please include me in communication, I had Guy A and Guy B , asking me what to do and I had no knowledge of what they were talking about. It was getting everyone frustrated. It reflects badly on our communication in this situation.

    (if I worded that badly ok thats my fault, but I had to squash lots of people getting upset, multiple people were asking me why I wasn't included)

    I am then told I include you in what I deem necessary, youre not to stay, you better go home at your time

    Next day I am told by my coworkers and this is only hearsay that said immediate manager is going around saying

    "he is going to make me pay for what I did"

    "this isn't going to end"

    (again protocol listed to go OVER his head and contact district NOT HIM)

    I had a conversation with him next day, he writes me up and he said I was insubordinate, nasty, rude, and there will be consequences for not informing him first, and for me personally, and he was pointing his finger in my face etc. If he thinks I was rude fine, but I do not believe I was, our texts were essentially this many people outside, this is what signs say, no movement to get closer etc.

    Now he is a very large 6'5 guy and im 5'8 and can fight, but In the meeting I was starting to feel threatened and uncomfortable. But his passive threats went nothing more than that.

    I have a meeting with store manager today because I want to give my side of the story. But have now been told by my manager idiotic things like I need to stay away from him, dont be in the office, etc which I have all followed.

    Im getting really uncomfortable now working. But I feel this was a major safety violation? and am now being written up for following protocol and being retaliated against. I dont know why i'm in trouble.

    I am in FL

    Location currently has no HR manager. Hence why I went to store manager.

    Yes. I have been desperately trying to find new work since this asshole showed up but have had zero luck.

    Update: he is now claiming he HAD NO IDEA of the updated protocol. And has to reevaluate the scenario. It's impossible he didn't see as it gets sent via alert, Microsoft teams, and to a website we all use to relay information.

    Update 2: We have also been told of another protest Wednesday in the area again...can't wait

    submitted by /u/throwawayadvie
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    Landlord opened my mail and cashed a check made out to me.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:05 AM PDT



    I live in a community where the mailboxes are all in one spot. I often get mail or packages for other residents and either drop it off aft their door or put it back in the outgoing mail slot. I also do not get my own mail or packages sometimes as other residents surely get it and toss it or keep it.

    I'm assuming what happened was, either another resident got my mail and gave it to the office, or it was mistakenly put in the office's mailbox.

    This was a check from the state of MI made out and addressed to me. The office manager opened the envelope that the check was in and sent the check to the bank on 5/27 and claims that the bank cashed it. I have this in an email from the office manager in response to my questioning a large credit on my rental account when I went to pay my rent online.

    I've asked the landlord to either contact the bank to retrieve the check or issue a check from the community made out to me in the amount that the check was for. After this request, the landlord stopped responding to my emails.

    What am I supposed to do now?

    Edit: Update:

    I contacted the police department. An officer called me back. I explained what happened. Apparently this office is on a first name basis with the office manager. He called him, got his side, and called me back to tell me that the office manager put in a request to the corporate office and should hear back within 24 hours on what to do next.

    The police officers said he would make a report, but did not give me a report number or anything. How do I go about continuing to press charges? Can I still press charges if the corporate office reimburses me?

    submitted by /u/NapalmSunshine
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    My company is not allowing the use of sick time in response to COVID-19

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I work in a retail store in California, and today a co-worker tested positive for COVID-19. We were previously told not to worry, and that if she tested positive, the store would close for a week, but after getting the results, we were told to continue business as usual, and that the store would not be shutting down. We then asked if we could use sick time, or PTO to self quarantine until we were able to get tested as well, but we were told that no time off would be approved, and that missing 3 days with no doctors note would result in termination. Is this legal? What can I do? Our store gets 5-6 thousand customers a month, and those are all people that we are potentially exposing to the virus. This feels incredibly wrong. Please let me know if you need any more information

    submitted by /u/ThePresident619
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    My landlord deducted $240 from my deposit for “covid sanitation”, is that legal?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I moved out of a rental house in Idaho on April 30th. Today, I received my itemized security deposit with a $240 deduction with the comment: "reduced from total bill due to owner paying covid sanitation portion". No where in my lease agreement is this sort of deduction justified and I cannot imagine this is protected by law. I plan to dispute it with him but wanted some other opinions. Is this legal?

    submitted by /u/gradlawr
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    Rental Scam... what can I do?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    So my friend is selling her house and recently had all her photos put on websites like Zillow and Redfin for potential buyers.

    Within 24 hours, people started showing up to her house when she wasn't home trying to look around the yard and through the windows. She caught it on her security cameras.

    We then found someone had made a post on facebook that they were the owner and having the house for rent using her photos.

    It gave a phone number and an email address. I pretended to be a perspective renter. The person on the other end was saying "I will only show you the house if I get a 950 dollar security deposit. If you do not like the house it is 100 percent refundable."

    They wanted me to quickpay or zelle them the money. I said no, and the person suggested I use Walmart2Walmart and gave me a name and an address of a Walmart that is in Tucson, AZ (the property is in a suburb of Chicago).

    How can we track this person and bring them up on charges? Or have any crimes actually been committed, as we have not sent them any money yet? I literally have texts from them telling me to go check out the house, when it isn't their house to begin with.

    submitted by /u/FluffyMastr
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    Is my giant snail illegal to own in the USA?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    I will have to move from my home in Europe to somewhere in the USA sometime in the next year for reasons out of my control. I will most likely have to move to Illinois, New York, or North Carolina but I will not know for sure for some time. This legal question is based on nationwide restrictions though.

    I have a pet giant west african snail, also known as the banana rasp snail or the archachatina marginata.

    I understand that the giant african land snail is illegal to own in the USA because people are afraid it could be an invasive species in Florida, but I can't find any information if the giant west african snail has the same restrictions. They are two completely different species despite the name similarity.

    Are giant west african snails illegal in the USA?

    Also, I will not be bringing my pet to the USA unless I can be sure that I won't risk harm to the environment. I am talking to an ecologist about that. I want to undestand separately what the legal situation is. I may have to find a new home for my pet, or even euthanise him if I can't find one. So I want to know everything about the situation and understand every option before I even consider doing that to a creature under my care.

    submitted by /u/snailboyUSA
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    Update to my soon to be ex and threatening me with tax fraud etc FLORIDA

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Original thread here- https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/gt54es/stbx_is_threatening_me_with_getting_sent_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    So today after a verbal confrontation in my jobs parking lot(my managers are going to have trespassing paperwork written up so he can not harass me or intimidate me. I love them) he called me saying that he "put off having me arrested last week. I went to the police with all of my evidence and you are looking at 4 felony counts(don't know what 4th one was?) and I told the police to hold off for your sake because I dont want you to be handcuffed and arrested and humiliated at work. The officer gave me a fist bump and told me I got you bro" I said I'm calling an attorney and hung up the phone.

    Spoke to my lawyer and he said(and a kind redditor has messaged me privately with this same phrase trying to help me) that he is just using emotional terrorism and I have to stop responding. He said there is no way the police are going to take tax fraud evidence from a citizen to go and arrest a person especially that the tax situation was fox and the IRS was paid back and the filing was already amended. So hopefully that is done. Thank you everyone who helped put my mind at ease. A lot of people don't understand how hard it is to let go of the fear grip that emotional abusers have on you and how much panic and anxiety it causes.

    submitted by /u/throwawaytaxes407
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    [PA] brother has returned from protests with cuffs stuck to him, what can we do

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    My brother and I have been (non-violently) joining the protests as a response to what happened to George Floyd and the heavy-handed police response and trying to help make sure people we know arent getting hurt, are getting water etc.

    I wasn't with him when it happened but he's come back home with cuffs on him and says that he got knocked over just for standing around and cuffed, but was able to break loose when they were trying to escort him and ran all the way home. He still has the cuffs on him as we don't have anything to get them off yet but if we got hold of some bolt cutters or something to cut them away, what happens to us legally? Where does he stand? As I said he wasn't doing anything wrong, he was literally (and his account is believable enough to me as that's all we've done) just stood there and openly questioning police aggression when they ran him down. They also maced and swung at his friends who weren't doing anything either.

    submitted by /u/RealInteraction1477
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    [TEXAS] Just signed my lease agreement for a townhome and noticed that the rent is $1000 cheaper than what was agreed on

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    My roommate and I are moving into a townhome soon. We used a real estate agent to find this place and she has been pretty much the middle-man of communication between us and the property owners.

    When we were talking about rent for the home, we agreed on a 1 year lease for $2500 a month. This was communicated through text message to our agent who communicated this to the landlords. We have not had any direct communication with them.

    When we got the lease we sort of glazed over it and everything looked fine and signed. The landlords have signed too. We just put in our security deposit of $2500 (security deposit is typically the same as a full month's rent). However, I was glazing over the lease again and noticed that the full month's rent was mistakenly set to $1500 for a full months rent by the landlords.

    So now my friend and I are not really sure what to do. We know we agreed on $2500/month indirectly through our agent, and we don't want to have a bad relationship with our landlord, but at the same time if we can get away with getting a $1000 discount on our rent, we're gonna try to take it.

    Once everything is signed, is the leasing agency legally obligated to take $1500 as a full month's rent?

    submitted by /u/moneymay195
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    I (29f) am scared for my son(6m) when he goes with his dad (32m).

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    I got divorced in 2015. Uncontested, to save money for lawyers. My ex-husband (32m) is a giant mess. Per our divorce decree, our custody is split 50/50 so that neither of us had to pay child support. I did this to help his dad out, and keep my son in a great school district, but ended up screwing myself in the end. We did 50/50 to keep my boy in his dad's life too. I don't want him to be without his dad, because my son loves him.

    My son's father lost his job shortly after the divorce (failure to pass a drug test) then lost his house, then lost his car, then lost his girlfriend's car, then lost the apartment they got together after the house was taken back by the bank... He hasn't had a steady job since 2016 and has been unemployed and living with his grandma for about a year now. He gets money from VA Disability, as he is a Purple Heart Veteran with a traumatic brain injury amongst other issues. (I will point out that I never had to work during the marriage because he made a very decent amount off of disability. That always covered our bills and then some. He lost his house and car because he bought drugs and alcohol and partied constantly.)

    I filed for divorce because he refused to go to rehab for a prescription drug addiction.

    He also has police reports filed because he stalked a boyfriend I had after we divorced, and showed up one day on drugs to try and take my son before our judgement was finalized. He also has multiple active warrants out for his arrest due to unpaid court fines and failure to appear. Also caught with drugs during a traffic stop. He's also driving his car without a license, in an unlicensed vehicle, with switched tags, that expired in 2018.

    I could go on and on.

    I have no legal way to keep my son from going with his dad. Our legal document says 50/50 custody, so when he shows up to take my son, I legally cannot stop him.

    I am physically scared for my son's safety when he goes with his dad. They went to the lake last weekend, and my son can't swim. I specially told his dad that he will be unable to go in the water without a life jacket, so he should pick one up somewhere. My son comes home to tell me that his cousin pushed him in the lake while no one was watching and his 10 year old cousin had to jump in and save him. His dad was back at the camp site..

    His dad also brought him home that day with his tennis shoes in hand, telling me they needed to be washed "because he had an accident." My son has never, and I mean never, peed his pants. Come to find out, he left my son in his car and my son couldn't get the door open and peed right there in the front seat out of fear. I don't know how long he was in there, or where his dad was. (My son is very intelligent. His dad has a ratty junk jeep and I don't think the passenger side door has a door handle, or they're just too difficult to open. He very much knows how to open and lock/unlock a door.)

    Tonight his dad showed up to get my son with a black eye, making me out to be the bad guy because I confronted him about the lake incident, and begged him not to let my boy go to the lake without a life jacket.

    I would really appreciate advice on how to file for full custody of my son. I have him 90% of the time, he's registered in my school district and just finished kindergarten at the school with me. His dad went 20 days without so much as a phone call in March, and that's a pretty common thing. He's seen him more in the last two weeks than he has in four months (and he's seen him 5 days over the last two weeks.)

    I just renewed my lease at a nice, safe apartment. I have a newer car, paid for on my own. I work a good, full-time job, and have been consistently employed since we got divorced. I cannot afford a good lawyer, but I am genuinely trying to prepare myself for my son to not come home to me, and that is NOT fucking okay. So, at this point, I think any lawyer is better than none.

    Any advice is so appreciated.

    TLDR; 50/50 custody of my son with his father who has no regard for my son's safety. Need advice for custody battle.

    submitted by /u/amiisbadforyou
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    Sold car to scrap yard, they sold to someone else who crashed it into someone else now I’m being held responsible for $9000+ of damage.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    So my brakes and rotors went out on my old 1999 Mitsubishi Mirage last year and it wasn't worth getting them replaced so I sold it to a scrap yard who came and picked it up and gave me $100 cash if I remember right. I remember signing something that I think was a proof of sale but I don't remember forsure and have since lost it. I just got a call today saying someone was driving it last year and got in a crash and now I'm being held responsible for the $9000+ in damage. I don't remember what scrapyard I sold it too and there are hundreds around Minneapolis where I sold it. If I can't find the place I sold it to find a proof of sale, do I have any options or am I just gonna have to try to find a way to pay it?

    submitted by /u/triebs33
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    Neighbor's addict son moved into trailer 6 foot space between our garages. Need help. (MN)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    Four days ago, my neighbor's son (33) and his girlfriend got evicted from the duplex where they were living across the street. They were legally kicked out with about 6 sheriffs and state police present. They immediately moved all of their stuff over to his mom's yard (she's our direct next door neighbor).

    (Back story, last year they lived in the tent in her backyard for a couple of months...right when we were trying to sell our house. They would get into constant fights (physical and verbal) in the middle of the night and constantly had people over at all times of day and night. We called the cops regularly, but they always just talked to them and then left.)

    Two days ago, they moved a camper in between the two garages. Our garage is a little bigger, so most of the space is probably hers (with maybe a foot or two as our land.) There is a walkway between the houses that we both use (not sure where the actual property line is.) Our houses are old and VERY close together (about 4 feet).

    Since they've been in back, there have been about 10 people in and out through the shared walkway every day. he There is a clear No Trespassing sign (put up by the neighbor), and I know she doesn't like it and has told him not to have people coming over. We've also talked to her, and she's not happy about it, but doesn't seem willing to stand up to her son.

    We've already called the cops yesterday because her son broke a window in the duplex and today because some woman in the duplex threw a rock at our neighbor's car. The cops always come and talk to them for about five minutes, and then leave.

    My husband and I are both unemployed right now because of Covid, so we REALLY can't afford a lawyer. We've been sticking up to the neighbors (next door and duplex), but nothing is being done. I want to be compassionate. I know addiction sucks. I also want to be able to go into my backyard and not have to run into a bunch of unstable junkies. What can we do?

    submitted by /u/freezeduluth
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    Neighbour repeatedly uses my property for his overflow parking. Can I call the cops for trespassing to have him towed?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Hi, As the title states. I live on a small cul de sac with several other houses. My neighbour's visitors will repeatedly use the paved area in my side yard for overflow parking. I've spoken to my neighbour several times and I've also left polite notes on the cars asking them to use road side parking.

    Can I call my local PD to report the issue? I'm pretty sure at the very least, that this counts as trespassing. Or should I just call a towing company?


    submitted by /u/w0ng3r
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    My school's about to fuck me over if I don't hand over $500 and I don't know what to do.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    So recently I just switched highschools and at my old highschool, I didn't have to take PE or Health class due to me doing marching band after school. It counted me exempt from taking those classes. I've just recently moved across the country to Georgia and I'm now a senior in highschool. At this school we have 6 periods in the school day rather than the usual 7. This school is telling me that I need to take PE AND Health to graduate and if I don't I can't graduate. The problem is, my schedule is already filled with classes that I am required to take to graduate. Their solution was to place me in an online course that I could take during this summer, HOWEVER, they're charging me $500. I have to pay this $500 or I can't take the courses and I can't graduate high school. Because of the whole COVID-19 Situation, things haven't been so well due to furloughs and salary cuts. I don't know how im going to raise the money and school doesn't have any scholarship opportunities or other ways to reduce the cost. What can I do? Please I need your help. This can't be legal.

    submitted by /u/21chadar
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    My business received a letter about my website “not being ADA compliment”

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    I received a letter from an attorney that my website was not accessible for the deaf and blind. I added widgets so that it would be in compliance. The paralegal from this attorney office said, over the phone, that I needed to pay $1200 in legal fees to them. I emailed them and offered to pay $500 ($1200) seemed excessive to me. I have not heard back from their office and that was 2 weeks ago. Should I forget about this? Is the ball in their court? They never sent me any official letters asking for money. The law office and demand letter seem legit and I don't think it's a scam, or at least an illegitimate scam.

    Edit: I'm in Florida, thank you for all the replies. I think this law firm is looking for a quick payout and doesn't actually want to go to court. I'll be filing a complaint with the Florida Bar.

    submitted by /u/ziggymoondust2
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    OSHA related question, employer not allowing drinking water?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Sorry I don't know if this is the right sub for this. The actual OSHA sub is just photos of unsafe stuff.

    My employer recently reopened and is taking serious precautions to limit c0r0n@ spread.

    One of these rules bans drinking water and any liquid in the office. Employees are now only allowed to consume water during their break (in which the employee must leave and go sit in their car to eat, drink, etc.)

    Eating wise I'm okay with this. You shouldn't be eating at your desk anyway. But water? We answer phones all day long, we get dry mouth and thirsty.

    Is this legal? I know OSHA laws state the employer must provide access to water and allow employers to drink it. But is my employer technically in the clear because they allow it during break?

    Tl;dr: Employer banned drinking water in the office and we are getting very thirsty during shifts. Is this legal?

    EDIT: I should've pointed out I work in a medical office and that might change things

    submitted by /u/iwnnaaskaquestion
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    Landlord is attempting to evict me after she hiked my rent yesterday for today with no notice and I declined. Help much appreciated.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    I'm in New York State if that matters. Basically I've been in conflict with my landlord for a while now. I was ready to move and sign a new lease when lockdown happened and suddenly I was both A) Out on a lot of money from no longer having access to most of my work so I couldn't afford the new place any longer and B) unable to find new housing while everyone was locking themselves up tight. The landlord was mostly understanding at the moment, which was a rare moment of humanity out of her, she's been completely unmovable in the past even over the smallest dumbest thing. She's the type to send me a lengthy email because I left a single plate in the sink? Also the apartment isn't even legal, if that matters! Anyway, yesterday she informs me that my new rent will be ~$150 higher than it was previously starting the following day (today). When I informed her that yes the lease is month to month but even still law says that since I've lived here for over a year I'm entitled to 60 day notice of an increase in rent she responded with a threat of her only requiring a 30 day notice to vacate so I can just think about that instead. When I told her to do it (because I was under the impression that it was also 60 days to evict as well in addition to a moratorium on all evictions in NY until August) she went ahead and printed a notice to vacate within 30 days. I'm pretty sure I'm in the right and I'm taking steps to get out of dodge but as someone who doesn't want any more hassle out of this what do I need to know? Does she have a leg to stand on? Is it even legal for her to imply that I only have 30 days?

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayTenant999
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    DoorDash customer walker up to me with a gun on his property

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Backstory: I DoorDash during nights in Nebraska. I stay out in our suburban area, so we have not been effected by the protests taking place 15 miles away downtown. I was doing a stacked delivery, and picked customer A's order up, and then proceeded to the second restaurant which was maybe 700 feet away to pick up the second order for customer b. The second restaurant closed early due to curfew so I had to contact support to cancel the order. I was in the parking lot for no less than 3 minutes when customer a texted me saying that I could've already been to his house and back instead of sitting in the parking lot. I responded by saying I apologize, due to the given circumstances we are busier than normal. He responds by saying bullshit. Foods going to be called I tip well so this shit doesn't happen. I don't respond and I head to his home for drop off which was five minutes away.

    I arrive at his home and he is watching me walk up with my DoorDash hot bag. He turns around walks to the back of his garage and grabs his AR-15, and then proceeds to walk towards me with the weapon in his hand (not pointing at me). He then gets about 5 feet away from me when he sets it down on the trash can next to me and begins to berate me for taking so long. I've filed a complaint through DoorDash so hopefully he is kicked off the platform. I did not call the police as he was on his property and didn't think it was illegal. Now I'm thinking I should have.

    Is there anything I can do legally?

    submitted by /u/babygiraffe9
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    I’m going to die , can I leave the money of a legal case which is under process to my best friend?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    I am an adult and was diagnosed with a deadly disease I don't want to disclose anything else about that. I still live with my parents but we have a very toxic relationship.

    Our family is undergoing this battle in court against a very large company in our country and if we win (according to our lawyer we have a very good chance of winning as all the evidence is in our favor) all of our family members will get huge amounts of money.

    It is my last wish for those money to go to my best friend but I don't want my family to have this information, they're abusive and very greedy. According to our lawyer this case will take about 2 years to end but I will have passed long before that. Is there a way I can leave on my will something I don't have yet? Im sorry if this is a stupid question and I'm sorry if the wording is hard to understand, english is not my first language and I'm struggling to express my thoughts right now.

    submitted by /u/alarmm
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    My friend just got the sketchiest job - I’m trying to find out if they’re doing anything illegal?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    My friend just got a job at a local credit union as a phone rep. They actively hide their identity when calling people (*67), record conversations even when their customers ask them not to and they lie and say they aren't, and give her access to SSNs without her having signed any kind of confidentiality or privacy agreement. Like essentially free access to all of this information. I've advised her to look for something else IMMEDIATELY, but I wanted to check if they are technically breaking any laws, or if she is by being complicit with these acts?

    submitted by /u/gabatme
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    My mom's new accountant in Canada is asking for power of attorney for filing her income tax. Is this strange?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    My mom is concerned that her accountant might be trying to defraud her. Her accountant wants power of attorney to file her income tax Is this reasonable?

    submitted by /u/Crazed_waffle_party
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    [NC] Guy is offering to pay me to drop charges after I made a police report about him

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Over New Years a complete stranger stole my phone and used it send himself $400 on venmo. He stole it from me on the sidewalk outside of a bar. He must have just tossed it after sending himself money because somebody found it on the street and was able to contact me and return it to me the next day.

    Anyways, because he sent himself money on venmo he had his name linked to his account so I was able to find him on twitter and facebook, his profile pictures looked like the guy who stole it from me too. I gave all the information about the accounts and the fraudulent transaction and how he stole it to the police. I also tried to contact him on twitter and facebook but no reply. Until now...

    I'm guessing the police finally got him and he's awaiting trial on bail right now, and he messaged me on twitter. He still claims he wasn't the one who stole my phone but asked how much money I lost and said he would double it if I dropped the charges. (Don't remember the exact charges they ended up giving him, I could look it up, but they are felonies with prison time on the line)

    So I'm wondering if this would be a good move or if it's even possible to drop the charges at this point because I could really use $800. My initial guess would be that it's not possible because it's criminal court not civil court, but I'm not legal expert. Any answers would be great.

    Might be relevant information: Bank did reimburse me after showing them a valid police report.

    submitted by /u/jbutens
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    I got stuck in an elevator twice in 3 days

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Throwaway, because the odds of this are insane. -Minnesota.

    I want to understand if, being uninjured, I have any decent ground to stand-on with a civil lawsuit against my property management for negligence.

    Rode the elevator in my apartment Saturday morning. The elevator suddenly falls and the emergency brake system engages between floors, causing me to be stuck. The call button doesn't work so I pound on the walls until someone hears me and calls the fire department. I'm stuck for 30 minutes until they can pry the door open to remove me. They didn't ask for any information from me and promptly left. there was no one on-site to talk to me about what happened, that was that.

    Rode the elevator again today, and the exact same thing happened. There were no signs, there were no notifications saying the elevator was in disrepair or down for maintenance. I got stuck for another 30 minutes and the elevator repairmen had to remove me. They happened to be on-premises to do it, and the building manager was not there. They said they had been working on it all day, but there were no indications of that on the upper floors where I lived. The door opened, and I got on assuming I was safe to do so.

    I'm super pissed-off, obviously, although un-injured. Most lawyers I've found are personal injury lawyers, and won't take anything like this. Does that mean there's not enough here to make it worth a suit?

    EDIT: refined/re-worded my question a bit per the rules to be a little more specific.

    submitted by /u/ha8elevators
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    Being title jumped by a car I sold months ago

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Sold a project car a few months back, just happened to come across it on Facebook marketplace. I had a buddy run the VIN and the car is still under my name. I sent them a message reminding them that title jumping is a felony in the state of Texas but they left the message on read and kept the post up.

    I thought I had witnessed them sign their section of the title, but as this was in the midst of COVID we kept our distance. Made the mistake of not verifying the title.

    Whats the best approach to getting my name disassociated with the car? I don't want the next owner to also title jump me and perpetually be responsible for a vehicle I sold months ago.

    submitted by /u/am3sser
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