• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - Neighbor has a garden hose going through our yard, can we disconnect it? They won’t have running water if we do. TEXAS

    Legal Advice - Neighbor has a garden hose going through our yard, can we disconnect it? They won’t have running water if we do. TEXAS

    Neighbor has a garden hose going through our yard, can we disconnect it? They won’t have running water if we do. TEXAS

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    My boyfriend, and the neighbors around him, are all on well water. The neighbors that live directly behind him do not have their own well and apparently have run a garden hose through my boyfriends property and to a well owned by someone else. The people who's well they have 'tapped into' were not asked before hand but do know what they are doing but have not done anything about it.

    The garden hose has been on my boyfriends land for 2 years and it interferes with us cutting the grass, we have to move it out of the way and make sure we don't hit it with the lawn mower or weed eater.

    And honestly he's fed up with the neighbors. They see his land as a dumping ground and we've witnessed them throwing stuff over the fence and into his yard and they routinely think it's a great idea to shoot guns at midnight during the week....I promise we all aren't redneck white trash down here.

    He's asked the people to move the hose many times. There is no way for them to move it without it still being on his land. Can he disconnect the hose and put it back on their land? In doing so they will not have water running to their house, they do have children.

    submitted by /u/SuperGurlToTheRescue
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    Landlord refuses to accept updated renter's insurance policy because of the provider. Recommends a much more expensive alternative. (Arkansas)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    When I first moved in to this apartment back in September of last year, I provided proof of renter's insurance through State Farm. They accepted it and I went on with my life. Today I went in to meet with my agent to make some changes to my policy to lower my premium. One of these changes affected my renter's insurance. I still have all of the minimum coverages required by my apartments, but when I turned in the updated policy, they refused to accept it stating that they don't take State Farm. They gave me a brochure for a provider they would accept but the difference in the premiums amounts to hundreds of dollars a year. Can they refuse a specific provider like that? If any, what is my recourse?

    Edit: After discovering there is no clause in my lease that forbids a specific provider I brought it to their attention and told them they must accept my policy. They responded by saying they needed me to sign an amended version of my lease with the added clause "State Farm is NOT a valid provider." I refused to sign and they accepted my policy. I doubt they will allow me to renew without that clause when the time comes.

    submitted by /u/YawningYosemite
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    Supervisor used my childhood sexual abuse to put me on informal suspension after a disagreement.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    I had informally shared with my supervisor that I was sexually abused as a child. Later that year my supervisor and I had a disagreement. That same day he approached me and said that he felt our disagreement was rooted in the fact that I never received therapuetic treatment for my sexual abuse. He then took away my job responsibilities for over a month until I sought treatment. Afterwards, he's used my treatment everytime a disagreement arises to say I'm too emotionally immature and disregard my perspective.

    Is that just shitty or is it illegal?

    I'm in the USA.

    submitted by /u/guitarscoffeebooks
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    Michigan restaurant withholding more in tips than tips collected.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Hi all. The restaurant where my friend works has payroll set up to tax employees on $250 a week in tips but he's not getting that much in tips. Is this illegal? (In Michigan).

    submitted by /u/marklog
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    Car dealership canceled a service contract we're still paying for without telling us.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Edited to remove business names because I didn't know that was against sub rules.

    We purchased a new car in California in November 2018 from a dealership, and bought an extended warranty/service contract to go with it for an additional $4k (which we had rolled to our monthly payment). In the time since then, it turned out not to be worth our money, so we decided to ask for a (prorated) refund on the remainder of the contract. But when we called the warranty/service provider (a separate division of the dealership, they're a large company) about it, we were told that the contract was cancelled three days after we purchased it. They said that the refund should have been given as a lump sum to the lienholder, The brand's Financial Services. That never happened. So we have been paying for nonexistent coverage for over a year.

    We were told by the service provider to call the dealership about the issue, but we don't really know what to say to them that would be in our best interest. At minimum we want the full cost of the service contract returned to us since apparently we never had a contract after all, but this seems like fraudulent behavior and that we might be owed damages? Also, our monthly payment reflects the cost of the contract and getting compensated by the dealership wouldn't change the amount we pay financial services each month.

    What do we do? Call Financial Services? Call the dealership? We have already had bad experiences with the dealership unrelated to this situation so we don't feel comfortable talking to them without a plan.

    submitted by /u/buddhainabucket
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    [USA] Company is selling houses to itself?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question.

    I work in title prep for housing sales, sorta. One of our major clients handles thousands of sales a year where one LLC sells a property to another LLC, registered at the same address. I've seen upwards of 8 or 9 different LLCs, all at the same address, selling the same property over and over - some of them every 4-6 months.

    I'm sure whatever they're doing is profitable and legal, but I'm baffled as to why or what loophole/exploit they're using.

    Edit: To address a common question/uncertainty, these are residential properties, fully developed and previously (or often currently) occupied houses. Predominantly they are in Florida, but many are in AZ. Sometimes IN or NV.

    submitted by /u/Lukavian
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    Can my landlord make us pay $67 fee to pay rent online?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    California, Los Angeles area. We have lived in this apartment complex going on the 4th year, and it was recently sold to another company. We received a letter stating that we are to pay online from this month on, which is wonderful as it's way easier than dropping it off. However, that is the only way we are allowed to pay, and we are just now finding out that they're charging a $67 fee to do so. As you can imagine, rent is already astronomical. Is this legal? Can they actually force us to pay this way and pay online? Can we make them give us an address so we can mail it or drop it off? We've been trying to contact the management company for 3 days (first because the website doesn't even work and then because of the fee) and they're not answering. Anything we can do?

    Apologies if this is a stupid question 🙈 Thanks LA!!

    ***update - it's free if you're using your actual checking account, and not the card associated with the checking account. Thanks to u/en_punto - you saved us a grip of money! Thank you! 💜

    submitted by /u/LoIIip0p
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    Husband threw me out. Says I can't get the rest of my belongings (NV)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    I never thought I'd be in this situation. My husband threw me out last night. I barely had time to pack a suitcase with less than a weeks worth of clothing. He threw the suitcase outside before I could even close it. I forgot my dogs special food and medicine and he won't let me come get it.

    First, he said that if I want to come back to get my stuff, I would have to bring the police.

    Then he said he didn't want to make things difficult and if I could just tell him when I'd come, he'd make sure he wasn't home so we didn't have to talk or see each other.

    Then he switched back again to me needing to bring a police escort.

    This morning he told me not to bother coming back at all, because there's nothing left for me there.

    My concerns are as follows: since I left, am I screwed to any right of my possessions?

    If I bring a police escort, does he have to let me in to at least see what's left id he's started destroying/throwing out my things?

    If he has started destroying and throwing out my things is there anything I can do?

    My limited knowledge of family law always made me think that if you leave the house, you're screwed. I'm a paralegal and should have known better but I literally could not stay there and feel safe. Any guidance would be much appreciated.

    EDIT: thank you all so much for your assistance and guidance. I will be calling the nonemergency line to find out how to arrange for a police escort and hope for the best

    submitted by /u/idreaminwords
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    My wife was hired as a nanny, let go the day before she started because of the COVID19 stay at home order. She was approved by the state. Now the family and placement agency are threatening to sue.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Location: North Carolina

    My wife has been a professional nanny with a degree in child development for her entire life. She's never filed for unemployment in her life until now, even though she gets "laid off" because the families usually decide to put the child in daycare.

    She was due to start a new nanny position on March 16th. She was told the day before she was due to start that she wasn't needed because of the COVID19 stay at home order. We did not file for unemployment until April 22nd because she didn't believe she qualifies for unemployment as a nanny and there was no one to speak to at the state. A post on here included the advice to apply and let the state make the determination which I felt was sound advice.

    The placement company called her and upset her today. The told her they and the family that hired her will be suing her and that we are in big trouble with the state for lying to get unemployment. I want to be very concise and say that the placement company only does the placement. The family involved is the family that would be paying her if she actually started the job. For the employer on the last job in the claim, we included them with the start/end date of the day she was supposed to work and included that it was a layoff due to COVID19.

    We included all of the relevant details in the unemployment submission, including that she didn't start the job because of the COVID19 pandemic. About two weeks later we received a letter in the mail from the NC Dept of Commerce / Division of Employment Security that determined "Claimant is not disqualified for benefits." by an adjudicator and she began receiving unemployment benefits. The appeal period ends on June 5th, 2020. I also know that many people who wouldn't have qualified for unemployment before qualified for unemployment now because of the temporary changes. It's very complex for those of us new to navigating this system and the state doesn't have any help available, they hadn't even finalized the details or finished making the required changes to the system.

    I don't know where to go and I would be willing to pay ~$100 for a consult over the phone with a lawyer if we are at some legal risk. My gut reaction is to write off the placement company as being someone she should work with in the future and send letters to them and the family involved that she isn't to be contacted directly by them and all contact must be in writing from their attorney. Is that a good course of action? Do I need to reach out to anyone at the state? Are they breaking any employment regulations by threatening to sue over this?


    Thanks for your time and thoughts!

    Update After asking the babysitter/headhunter agency not to contact me or my wife, the owner called. She apologized for the phone call this morning and wanted to work things out. The family my wife was supposed to work for called the owner and was upset. The owner didn't understand unemployment at all, but we had a rational conversation and I sent her all the support information I could find from the NC DOC website and other federal unemployment changes. She was also under the impression that we hadn't talked to the family before we filed the claim, which wasn't true. I think she has everything I've covered here. My biggest concern is that they may have already appealed it and could have even said it wasn't due to COVID19. We have the evidence that it was and I hope that if it comes to the appeals process they don't lose any rights or tax breaks because it was related to COVID19. I also think we are OK for now and I won't need to seek any legal counsel and I wish things didn't get heated to start with. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and input.

    submitted by /u/RandomUser919
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    Sold my car, need legal advice after buyer wrecks it.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    So I sold my old car to a guy from another city last month. He has not gotten the title transferred partially due to the coronavirus lock downs. I just found out that he had an accident in the vehicle. He lost control and hit a parked car. On the police report they have him listed as the driver and they cited him for failure to control and suspension of license. So now I am pretty sure the car has been impounded. I have bills of sale from when he bought it. The Facebook post and some messages from him buying it. Plus pictures of signed title. Do I have anything to worry about here? Sorry forgot to say I was in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/Vulkanstorm
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    My Ex-Employer is lying to the government and counting me as an employee still [North Carolina] [usa]

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I received a letter last week from my ex-employer titled -RE: Request for Unpaid Leave-. I quit that job two weeks before receiving that letter because they wanted to move my telework job back into the office. I have asthma and my family member has an autoimmune disease so I ONLY requested to continue to work from home which was denied. My ex-employer also notified me several times before receiving this letter to not apply for unemployment.

    I applied from unemployment anyway because I quit due to Covid and they have no right to scare me away from it.

    Yesterday I contacted my ex-employer about the letter basically saying it was inaccurate and I haven't been an employee of theirs for 3 weeks. She responded with- All I know is you applied for unemployment, this is not my problem, you can take it up with HR.

    So I emailed HR and received the biggest bs response that they still count me as an employee and I have the option to come back in but I first need to ask if my position is still available through my ex-employer.

    I emailed them back clearly stating that I am not and have not been an employee of theirs since May 19th and my ex-employer knows I quit that day because we communicated through text.

    I have everything in writing none of these conversations were communicated in person or over the phone all through text or email.

    Basically my question is- Is this legal? Are they allowed to put words in my mouth? Do I just appeal this on the unemployment site or contact legal help?

    Also I can provide screenshots of the back and forth texts/emails if anyone wants to see that.

    I will copy and paste what the letter below:

    RE: Request for Unpaid Leave

    You have advised us that you are electing to stay out of work due to concerns regarding the coronavirus. As you know, we have taken all necessary and prudent measures as suggested by the CDC to provide a safe working environment here at the dealership. We have work available for you to perform.

    We have approved this requested leave at this time. However, we reserve the right to rescind this approval based upon changes in circumstances, including but not limited to business needs and the status of the coronavirus pandemic. If we rescind this approval and you do not return to work, your employment is subject to termination.

    Please be advised there are no paid leave options for this leave. You will be required to use any available earned vacation time. Since this is a voluntary decision by you to remain out of work, you may NOT be entitled to unemployment benefits through the State unemployment compensation program. If you file a claim for such benefits and the State requests confirmation from us as to the nature of the leave, we will advise the State that the leave is voluntary, and the dealership does have work for you to perform.

    If you have benefits through the Dealership (health insurance, dental and vision insurance, etc.) and you wish this those benefits to remain effect, you will be responsible for payment of the premiums for the applicable benefits during this time.

    submitted by /u/PiscesGirl97
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    Hi I’m 17 and doing a testimony today as a witness of my parents being abusive. I would like to ask some questions.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    (Oregon) I would like to ask what my limitations are if I would like to be as silent as possible. I don't want to be a reliable witness in these cases anymore and I could care less about the charges because my parents aren't effecting me and their addictions can go away with time or ruin their life. I just want to be an unreliable witness and make myself as short and quite as possible while following the rules.

    Edit: the reason why I'm testifying is because my siblings are in the process of whether they should go home to their mom or not. The siblings are not in a situation where they can be abused and I would step in if it came to the point where they are going home and justice isn't being upheld. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't take my word to create justice. They have plenty of witnesses

    submitted by /u/journal-entry
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    Can my work fire me for refusing to work 7 days a week?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    I'm salaried, for 40 hours. My schedule is Monday through Friday. My work issued a new policy saying it is a requirement for supervisors to work 7 days a week 50-60 hours with no day off in between. I work in Massachusetts but my work is based out of Florida. I did not work this Sunday and immediately got an email saying I was put on suspension. I called my director and was told until I comply with the required hours I will remain on suspension and if I do not comply I can quit or he will terminate me. What are my options?

    submitted by /u/Room_ate_throwaway
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    Grandson claims squatter rights after being asked to leave

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Squatter rights

    Hello everyone! So my grandmother is in her 90s Currently lives and owns a home in Chicago Illinois, and she has taken in her grandson(in his 30s), his girlfriend, and children as they had no place to live at the time. The children are enrolled in the school district now but are not going due to covid. They have been living there rent free for about 4-5 months now and have completely taken over the house. The grandson is a felon and has been to prison (not during the time of residence).

    My grandmother has requested that they leave the house, as she does not want them there anymore. They have taken advantage of her kindness and she wants them out. However the grandson is refusing to leave the house and is claiming to have squatter rights. Is there anyway that she can enforce his removal as they have been causing a lot of stress to her?

    She has lived in this home for 50+ years and now my grandmother feels as if she is a guest in her own home. If more information is needed, feel free to ask.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LazyCoffee
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    [USA] Friend helped make video game

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    I recently published a video game and started making money from it. I made an LLC prior to its publishing on the advice of other game devs online. I am the only person legally in my LLC.

    The snag I've run into is my friend helped make the music for my game. I want to pay him for the work he did, but he created it prior to me forming an LLC, so he doesn't have a contract or anything. What I want to know is, can I create a contract after the fact? Is there some way to pay him for his previous work legally?

    submitted by /u/redfiver12
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    Remote work: Job asking me to stay online w/o pay?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Hello all, I work for a decent sized company as a remote worker (even if Covid wasn't a thing.) Recently I ran into a systems issue, and have been following the procedure with IT. My problem is, my supervisor has told me that if I can't take phone calls (we also do chats.) that I would have to clock out until this is fixed. When I asked what would I do to know when this is fixed, stay at my work computer with it powered on? My supervisor said that or keep calling the tech support number. (this conversation was via our internal instant messaging system, which I'm sure is logged.)

    So, I'm being told I have to be off the clock (not getting paid) but they suggest I stay at my work PC with it powered up and on to wait for correspondence, and/or keep calling a number. If I'm in my work environment, at my work computer, logged into the work suite, shouldn't I be getting paid? Especially if they suggested that I do that?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway_thrownawy
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    My job sent me an email saying i was terminated but now is saying i have to come back to work.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    So my job (a restraunt in a winery) put me into a furlough when covid 19 first started and a later sent me an email saying i was terminated. Well today i got another email saying i was being recalled for work and was moving from furlough to working again. Theyre acting like i was never fired and said if i refuse to come back that it will be considered abandonment and they can take my edd payments away. I was fired and should t be forced to work for the same company if i dont want too. Theyre very corrupt and a shitty company and i dont want to work there but its hard to find a job that pays so well until more places start to open up. Can they legally take away my edd or is this just a big bluff? I called the hr and they said they fired me because they were not sure when we would reopen but now i have to come back. I dont want to go back if i dont have to but im afraid if i reject and they Retaliate i wont be able to pay rent.

    submitted by /u/sevenrico101
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    My ex abandoned his stuff at my house for over a year... randomly shows up try’s to get it back after no contact? Is that legal?? Need advice from Civil Lawyer!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    So my ex and I have been split up for over 2 years and it happened when he went to jail and me and my son left and moved by ourselves, he got out and I told him it was over, then he kept being a piece of shit and hanging out with druggies so I cut contact with him and told him we didn't need him in our lives because he was being a piece of shit. That was over a year or so ago. I am moving to the city in two weeks and my ex found out that I am moving so he asked for all this stuff back even though we haven't talked in how long, and I told him to talk to me about it through a lawyer. He randomly showed up the next day with 4 guys and a trailer and tried to get all this stuff back but he abandoned it with me and said we had a verbal agreement that I would give it back when he needed it?? Don't remember that.. We were in a relationship when we got the couch and TV but he paid for them and like I said before, we haven't talked in about a year, maybe a bit over, then he randomly shows up and demands this shit back. Can he do that? I felt really pressured to give it back but then his friends fought my now boyfriend and I feel like me and my son are being fucked over so I don't want to give it back anymore and just let lawyers decide if he wants to take it that far. I don't know what to say to him... that I really didn't want to give it back but I just felt pressured at the time in person and was too scared to say I wouldn't. What should I say to him now that I have changed my mind?? Am I even allowed to that?? I need advice! What legally am I allowed to do in this situation? Does anyone know.

    submitted by /u/CaptainPudd97
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    My roommate died am I allowed to pack her things into totes?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    So I know I'm not allowed to like do like anything with her stuff but I really need to like clean up the apartment and stuff. Can I pack her stuff up, organize it a bit and just put it in her old room? Also what counts as her stuff there was plenty of things we shared that we didn't really keep track on who bought what like towels and silverware.

    I'm in Kentucky.

    submitted by /u/thelastgrasshopper
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    Unmonitored children at an apartment complex, destruction of property, and dead birds.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    My friend has been having issues with unattended children and the apartment complex they live in. This has been going on for quite some time, they have tried to be nice and ask the children to play somewhere else or just not be so loud when they are right outside the windows. They work from home right now and realize a lot of people are out of work or possibly tired of their kids driving them nuts so they send them out into the world.

    They live on a bottom floor of a four story apartment building, they have had children climb into their balcony, steal items from their balcony and garden, trample their flower beds, and a throw dead bird on their patio furniture.

    There is a section in their leasing agreement that says children must be accompanied by an adult when outside if they are under 13, and that children and only play in designated playgrounds on the property.

    These children are under 13, and have also been destroying property around the complex. They have already spoke to the apartment managers about the issue, and they said they would be sending out citations for the violations, but it does not appear that it is really doing much.

    They are just frustrated with the situation and they aren't sure what else they can do to resolve the issues. This is in the Salt Lake County area in Utah.

    Are there any legal options they can take if the policies in the leasing agreement are not being followed?

    submitted by /u/BearonVonFingerbang
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    I’m being sexually harassed at work. What can I do?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Is this enough for a harassment case?

    I'm 17 and I work part-time at a restaurant. My manager is 25 and is always sexually harassing me. It first it was little comments about how we would be the perfect couple once I was 18. Asking if I've ever had sex(I have). Asking if I'm single(I am). Asking if I'm gay(I'm not)Trying to convince me to work the late night shift so that we could "be alone after hours". When I told my friends about this they said that I was insane. That they would love to be in shoes because they think my manager is "hot". But she's 100% not my type. I told her this. That I do not want her and she laughed and said that guys usually don't reject her so that just means I'm playing hard to get

    The other day she sent me a video of her masturbating and trying to convince me to meet her at her place.

    I've had enough. With the video, some text messages and eye witnesses. Is this enough to file harassment charges?

    Also she's old and I'm a kid. Can she get arrested for pedophilia?

    I turn 18 in August

    I told my dad. I thought he would laugh at me but he actually listened. He told me not to be ashamed. He started handling everything. I'm basically letting him take charge because I have no idea what to do.

    My older brother was teasing me calling me a loser but my dad yelled at him, it was glorious:

    My mom make me some cookies and told me she's sorry that I had to deal with that. She asked if I wanted to go to a psychologist to talk about things. I said no. I just wanted her to leave me alone.

    I'm upset that I might have to quit my job or I might get fired cause everyone likes this boss

    submitted by /u/throwawayforaquestn
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    My mother unexpectedly passed away with no will, not sure what to do with her accounts and other assets

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, first time poster here

    My (24M) mom (58F) passed away on May 24th now that the funeral and burial is done, me and my sister aren't quite sure what happens next. She had no will and we've been told by people that all of her assets come to us since we are next of kin, but here's what we are mainly needing help with.

    1. We don't know what to do with her bank accounts, she has a couple but we can't close them without a death certificate (which has been ordered)

    2. We don't know if she had life insurance, and if she did we don't know how to find out.

    3. She has home and vehicle insurance, should I keep paying for the home insurance until we sell the house?

    4. I plan on keeping her vehicle, it is paid off but I don't know how to put the title in my name

    5. Do we have to wait to have an estate sale until we get the death certificates?

    These are the main questions I can think of right now, I'm sure I'll think of more later, but if you have any other advice for this type of situation it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Edit: Location is Oklahoma

    submitted by /u/altforsomeone
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    [Maryland] Are employers required to pay employees for training?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    My employer has us take a sort of certification test after completing online training modules and it is typically expected that we complete all of these at home. I personally completed mine at work for pay, but now my employer is forbidding a coworker of mine from returning to work (after being absent due to covid) unless she completes this certification test at home first. Is this okay, or should my employer be required to pay her to take the certification test? The modules and test both take hours to complete and are directly related to training us to sell merchandise at the store.

    submitted by /u/whattheforkisup
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    Is it legal to post screenshots of people being racist?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    So here's the thing. I decided to do my part to help with current events, and created an instagram page that accepts submissions for hard evidence of people being racist. and posts those submissions so that people know who to avoid, possibly saving them from dangerous situations. I've since gotten death threats, threats of suing, etc. and lots of people saying "well what about their school/job?". my thoughts are that these people should face the consequences of their actions, especially since we only post submissions that have evidence that is confirmed to be legitimate. My only worries are that some of these suing threats may be valid, because of slander or something like that.

    submitted by /u/racistfinderthrwaway
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    Minimum Wage and Working From Home

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I live in Kansas City which is on the border of Missouri and Kansas. My employer is in Missouri and pays minimum wage, but now they have me working from home and are paying me Kansas minimum wage which is less. Is that legal?

    submitted by /u/adamr333
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