• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 31, 2020

    Legal Advice - I saw some boys brutally torturing and killing wild turtles while fishing. How do I report this?

    Legal Advice - I saw some boys brutally torturing and killing wild turtles while fishing. How do I report this?

    I saw some boys brutally torturing and killing wild turtles while fishing. How do I report this?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    On a fishing trip I encountered some boys capturing turtles for the purpose of killing them in slow, sadistic ways. They were enjoying the torture and had no other reason to catch them.

    For the future, what would be the best way to report/stop this? Can I call 911, or is there a better hotline to dial? Animal cruelty makes me sick, and I would like to have legitimate, legal means to stop the torture should I encounter a similar situation again.

    Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: This happened in rural Oklahoma

    EDIT 2: Okay, I'm going to file a report after all. I was under the guise that there wasn't anything that I could do, but I see that isn't true. Hopefully I have enough info to get these punks tracked down. Thanks everyone for your help! I really appreciate it!

    UPDATE: I talked to an officer and he said that they didn't consider it animal abuse if it wasn't a domestic animal in question. He said the local lake patrol was unlikely to do much about it, but I could try to report it anyway.

    UPDATE 2: I have reported the incident and given my description of the boys. I've done all I can do; it's in their hands now. Thank you to everyone who gave advice! My question has been answered.

    submitted by /u/JadeGreenleaves
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    Neighbor kids keep coming to my home.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    My home is rural. My road is a single lane dirt road that ends in a dead end at my driveway. My nearest neighbor is about a 1/2 mile up the road. My driveway to my house is about 1/4 mile long. I have "no trespassing private property" signs posted on the perimeter of my 60 acres of property. I have two "no trespassing private drive" signs posted at the entrance to my property. The area is heavily wooded and hilly. I have trails in my woods for ATVs and hiking. I have a Rottweiler, a German Shepherd Dog, and a Cane Corso. All adults, all raised at my home, and all free to roam the property but spend most of their time sleeping in the living room. They are all highly trained and we participate in Schutzhund and personal protection competitions. They are very friendly; however, I can order them to attack on command. They have never attacked spontaneously but do bark, growl, and do not back down when a vehicle arrives at my home until I command them to.

    Two weeks ago I was mowing the yard and heard my dogs. I stopped the mower and called for them (they all came to me). Me and the dogs together then went around the house and found two neighbor girls on my front porch. They wanted to know if I had any chores for them to do for money. I said I didn't but if I thought of anything I would stop by their house and let them know. They asked to pet my dogs and left. They walked back down the drive way.

    Last week I saw what appeared to be four wheeler tracks on my trail that I didn't think were mine but I wasn't entirely sure.

    This evening 4 little girls came back to my home an hour after I returned from a weekend trip. They knocked and knocked and knocked, for at least 5 minutes. They went to all my doors (I have hand and forehead smears on my doors now). I thought they would get the point and go away on their own. My dogs were all inside which is why I didn't go down and answer the door. After it was quiet for a minute I looked outside and saw a 4 wheeler in my driveway but I didn't see them anywhere. I stepped out on my front 2nd floor deck and yelled "hello" and they came from around back. 4 little girls. One said, "Can we have a tour of your house?". I said, "No, now is not a good time. Good bye." I went back in and shut the door. All 4 left on the 4 wheeler. No helmets.

    I don't want them to be on my land. I don't want them to get hurt on my property. I don't want them to startle my dogs. I don't want them on my trails. They are a conservative family. The girls wear dresses, 9+/- kids (I have no idea how many but they have a lot), all are home schooled, simple type people. I've spoke in person to their dad twice and on the phone once in 4 yours of living here. Their dad and I have mutually purchased some equipment together to grade the dirt road but rarely ever speak. We keep the equipment next to his pole barn that is out by the road. I just text him a day or two before I want to use it to make sure he doesn't already have plans to. I've never spoken to the mom but I've seen her hanging laundry on the line one time.

    Would I be legally responsible if they got injured on my property even with the no trespassing signs?

    Should I call their dad and "report" that they have been to my house at least twice and that they can't come back here anymore? What if they do it again after I tell them not to?

    Should their parents know that they are asking complete strangers for tours of homes? I mean, if I had a kid I would be livid if I found out they trespassed at least twice and then asked to go in someones home. Someone's home that I didn't know to boot.

    I don't want to come off rude but probably will. I wonder if they even know their kids come to my house.

    If it matters I am female and maybe about 5 to 10 years younger than the parents. I am 36. The kids I have seen on my property are 6 to 12 ish?


    submitted by /u/ffffish
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    Boyfriend arrested during riots for felony & need help!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm writing this on behalf of my sister whose boyfriend was arrested during riots last night in Des Moines, Iowa. He went outside his apartment and somehow got involved in a more serious part of the riots. He was arrested around 5am and police told him he was being charged with 2nd degree criminal mischief and rioting.

    He's currently in jail and we're waiting for bond to be set. Any advice on what to do or where to go from here?

    Update: he just called from jail. He was filming some of the protesting and a cop told him to move. He didn't move right away so he was restrained and then arrested.

    submitted by /u/studeraqui
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    My Father is Being Publicly Blamed for a Child’s Suicide

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    My father is a police officer in the city where we live. A few days ago, a high school aged kid took his own life. My father arrested this boy a few weeks prior. His mother is now launching a public smear campaign on him, because he just so happened to be a first responder to his suicide. She has been on Facebook Live everyday since, saying things like "Officer is the reason my son is dead, he practically killed him. My son said when he was arrested, he was told to kill himself." Of course none of this is true.

    Now the point. Could my father sue on grounds of slander? Since we live in the city he is seen every day by many people who will now believe he's a murderer.

    Edit: This is in Ohio, USA

    Edit 2: We have discussed a lawsuit, and he has determined that a suit would just worsen things, especially how things are in the U.S. right now. Thank you all for your input, all was appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BVitron137
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    Neighbor keeps taking out our garbage and doing "lawn maintenance"

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I'm in Washington and rent from a management company.

    Mostly an annoying situation, but our next door neighbor keeps feeling the need to take our garbage out to the curb and performing her own "lawn maintenance" on our yard. She is not friendly and does not talk to us.

    She started by taking our garbage and recycling to the curb on trash day before we wake up and then bringing it back in before we're home from work. At first I thought it was my husband because he used to leave for work and get home before me, but eventually I found out it wasn't him. That was 2 years ago, and she still does it sometimes.

    I've seen her spraying Roundup on our front yard on multiple occasions, as well as tilling up the soil and rocks for some reason (I have pictures/video). A few days ago, she was weed whacking our yard and ran away when we pulled up in our vehicle.

    Today we noticed that a clump of weeds (some ivy with purple flowers) that had popped up on our front porch has been trimmed and sprayed with weed killer. Two days ago, it was bright and flowering - today it is limp and brown with multiple trimmed stalks.

    I should add that while our yard DOES need mowed, it looks exactly the same as everyone else's on the block because it's been raining for weeks. My husband works 60+ hours per week and I'm honestly not even strong enough to start the lawnmower, let alone push it across our hole-filled yard. He mows it every Sunday as long as it's not raining.

    We haven't confronted her because she knows the people who own the house and we are afraid she could get us kicked out (month to month lease). She is also the head of city council in our very small town, so we're scared of what she could do.

    I'm not sure if we should even bother to try to contact management or just ignore her. It makes us really uncomfortable because we don't know what else she's doing.

    submitted by /u/Distend
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    [UT] Girlfriend's estranged husband is consistently violating No Contact Protective Order. Has threatened to kill both of us, kidnap her kids, and sexually assaulted her before she left him. Cops will not make arrest for violating order, even with felony rape charges pending.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    So this is a throwaway, but we're dealing with some really serious shit and her local police department has done nothing to help.

    Before we got together, my girlfriend and I were platonic friends, and for some reason this psycho thought we were having an affair. I live thousands of miles away, and at no point during their marriage did we get inappropriate, although I did help her contact the organizations she needed to in order to get out safely when she divulged the extent of his abuse over the years. She had told him she was leaving him months prior, but let him stay at the house due to COVID-19 and for the kids. One night, he assaulted her in her sleep, she left and the police took statements and put a detective on it but no charges have been filed in the past month. The cops were given text messages from multiple people in which he admitted to exactly what he had done and how.

    She did however, get a permanent protective order put into place that requires him to have no contact with her about anything but arranging pickup/dropoff for the kids for visitation until the divorce is finalized. He has violated this order multiple times, most egregiously breaking into her house (which she can't stay in out of fear) on her birthday and leaving a cake and balloons. He continues to harass her daily, and last night he texted her and said something to the effect of "10 years is a long time, but I'll always love you and I know you'll be remarried by then but I'll never give up".

    She called her local police department to report it this morning, and they refused to take a statement and told her "she was violating the PO too" because a couple days after it was filed she had brought him some of his things. I am obviously fucking furious. We have been trying to get help and gone down all the right avenues (e.g. domestic violence shelters, reporting all activity to police, blocking/ignoring him on social media, etc.) and no one will help. Like what the fuck needs to happen before they'll step in and do something?

    I know COVID-19 is making things difficult for everyone, but this is a dangerous situation and we feel helpless and like eventually this will come to violence one way or another. This guy has threatened to kill both of us, threatened to take her kids and flee the country, all of it. And let's not forget he already assaulted her. Recently this fucking psycho, who I blocked on Facebook immediately after the assault so as to not escalate, subscribed to my YouTube channel that only has videos of my daughter on it. The message there is loud and clear, and this is the first time in my life I've thought that I may have to leave my guns loaded at my house and legitimately have to kill a man. If he shows up in my state, he will not leave. I don't understand why we can't get any help from law enforcement to stop this before it continues escalating.

    Is there any way to elevate this above her local police department? Apparently every time she calls it's the same cop, and he refuses to do anything at all. He won't even take her statement about the PO violations. And by Utah law, they are REQUIRED to arrest him if he violates. What can be done to step over this asshole's head and get her talking to someone who will actually help?

    submitted by /u/beelzebublebutt
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    Dental surgeon didn't know what teeth to pull...asked my boyfriend.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Hi, this is a throwaway for various reasons. I'll keep this as short as possible and will answer questions if necessary. I also don't post to reddit normally, so I'm sorry if this isn't right or is formatted weirdly.

    I was referred to a dental surgeon by my dentist who I very recently began going to. The referral was originally for one tooth that needed to be removed and would eventually become an implant. X-rays were taken and sent to the surgeon. I called both offices to confirm. I went to a consultation, during which I explained to the surgeon that I woke up during other oral surgeries and that I do not react well to anesthesia. More X-rays were taken by the implant surgeon. While waiting for the removal appointment, I had a filling come out on the other side of my mouth and it ended up needing to also be an implant. Again, X-rays and updates were sent to the surgeon on March 1.

    The day before my procedure, I was given a prescription for something to "relax" me. I was sent a consent form with teeth #30 and #19 to be removed in order to take this prescription. I signed the consent and scanned it back to the office. I took the pill as prescribed and it did not have any effect on me that I could tell. I let them know I felt nothing when I arrived for the procedure. I felt rushed through the paperwork when I went inside and was told "we need to hurry we are behind" (it was 7:45 AM). I paid what I owed in cash, for both teeth. I was given nitrous through a mask and felt nothing. I began to cry (because I wasn't feeling safe) and try to speak to the nurse, but she continued to hook me up to monitors and talk to people outside of the room. I told them they would not be able to find a vein in my right arm, but they attempted anyway. The dental surgeon came in and found a vein in my left arm and started the anesthesia. Before I fell asleep, I heard the surgeon ask which two teeth to pull.

    When I woke up, they had pulled one tooth. I immediately asked what happened and they responded that they could not keep me asleep long enough to pull the second. I refused to leave without seeing the surgeon, but they called in my boyfriend (he had driven me) and I was walked to the car. When I was at home with my prescriptions, my boyfriend informed me that they had walked out to his truck and said: "she is finally asleep, do you know what teeth we are supposed to pull"? I was livid. I slept through the weekend and called them on Monday. At no point in the conversation did they tell me they had to ask him what teeth. They DID tell me that I TOLD THEM the wrong teeth numbers so they didn't know which ones. I asked if they had my records and my X-rays and they confirmed. I asked why they didn't consult the records and they said "you signed the consent for the wrong tooth". I hung up and contacted my dentist. She confirmed that my records were sent on March 1 again and seemed upset. Later, she called me back stating that I should trust the surgeon and schedule another appointment to have the other tooth removed. I called the surgeon and did just that. They informed me that I would have to pay again. I argued this. They stated I would need to pay for anesthesia, and because they couldn't keep me asleep, I would need to intubated, which would be more expensive. I stated that I already paid them in cash to remove two teeth. I asked them "did you not remove the second tooth because you didn't know which one or because you couldn't keep me asleep"? They refused to answer this question and transferred me to fiscal. They informed me that they "knocked $200" off the price and will be charging me $150 for the second procedure. They also informed me that they called after the procedure to check on me and spoke to my boyfriend because I was sleeping. This never happened.

    Note that this is not strictly about money. I am at a loss of what to do now. Do I have a case? Why didn't they check my records? Why did they not consult with me before they put me to sleep? Why did they not look at the X-rays that THEY took? Am I basically losing here because I signed a consent for the wrong tooth? I didn't even know teeth were numbered until this point. I am afraid to go back to them. I'm sorry this wasn't more brief.

    Edit: I'm in Virginia

    submitted by /u/throwaway_2789_
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    Our neighbor called the police on us because she thought I was being abused(it was consensual) and the police lied to my husband about what I said

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    We recently moved into our apartment and were apparently a little too loud with our consensual bedroom time. A neighbor called the police about abuse, they took me outside and asked a bunch of questions about it.

    They let me go back in and took my husband outside, and wouldn't let me listen. When he came back in he told me they said that I said I was being abused, which is not what I told them. He denied it and then they let him go.

    Are they allowed to blatantly lie like this? And if not is there any recourse? Or do we just let it go because they're not doing anything?

    Edit: this is in the us, sorry

    submitted by /u/legaladvicethrow3929
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    Wedding venue won't refund or reschedule due to Covid.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    A friend of mine is out 10k because the wedding venue won't refund their deposit or let them reschedule their wedding, due to Covid. What legal recourse do we have?

    submitted by /u/Careful_Pudding
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    House we’re about to close on FLOODED. HELP!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:20 AM PDT


    I sincerely appreciate everyone's help and input. I've never bought a house before, so this flooding incident has stressed me out quite a lot. I found the clause in our contract that states that the house must remain in present condition (at the time of signing), so I feel confident that we could back out if necessary and retain our earnest money. Additionally, our realtor (after days of us asking) just now sent us the repair report from Stanley Steamer and it looks really good (it was about $2500 of repair and drying work done over three days) so we're NOW feeling confident that things were taken care of correctly and once we get new floors in, it will be ok. I truly appreciate everyone's help. Still hate our realtor.

    Hi, I need some advice here. My spouse and I are supposed to close on a house on Monday (Texas, USA), but now the house has flood damage because the seller hired incompetent people to move his washer/dryer, which caused a massive flood in the house. It damaged flooring in the laundry room, entry and living room. The seller ripped out the baseboards as they were also flood-damaged. I should mention that we got a text from our realtor that said "the seller wants to know if he can start taking out the flooring" to which we said NO, because we wanted the flooring company we would hire to do that. He did it anyway, and he damaged a tile on the fireplace in the process. Additionally, the seller had an estimate done for the new floors since the flood ruined them, and has only agreed to give us $4k, but the estimate is for over $5k.

    My spouse and I are feeling really stressed about all of this, and we think we should back out because this house is not the same one we put an offer on because of the flood damage. We never would have put an offer on this house in its current condition. Can we back out and still get our earnest money back?

    submitted by /u/AdviceNeeded911
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    [California - Los Angeles County] Built a 2 foot wall on my property to separate my property from my neighbors. He's letting his kids stand and play on it. Am I liable if they get injured?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    I built a 2 foot wall on my property to divide my property from my neighbors due to a dispute over property lines. I got a professional survey done, got a wall permit approved by the city and built the wall. I thought that was the end of that.

    Instead, my neighbor has been trying to spite me by letting his (~12 y/o?) kids play on it. In fact, he was letting his kids play on it WHILE the wall was still in progress - the wall caps were still wobbly and uncemented. I freaked out when I saw this happening and told them to not do that. His kids are mentally handicapped so I don't think it got through to them, but the father should understand how incredibly dangerous that is. This was a week ago.

    Fast forward to today, he has let his kids play on the wall AGAIN. Luckily this time, the wall has been complete so it is not wobbly anymore, but it is still a 2 foot wall and his kids are playing on it - they're walking on it, while distracted by an iPad. I would feel uncomfortable with this even if they weren't mentally handicapped, but they are. And it's not like they are unsupervised - the father is there watching and lets his kids do this, until I call him out on it.

    I doubt the neighbor will stop. He has a long history of doing stuff like this to spite me and other neighbors. I'm pretty sure he is undiagnosed mentally ill too. I don't think telling him to stop will do anything.

    If his kids do fall and injure themselves playing on this wall, am I liable? This wall is on my property, a few inches from the property line. THere's nothing "malicious" about this wall - it's just a standard concrete wall. It's not slippery, it's not waxy, it's not unstable, etc. I have a camera pointed at the wall, that prove his kids are playing on it. Do i want another camera to show that the father is letting his kids do this? He's usually in his front yard watching.\

    This is in California, Los Angeles county.

    EDIT: It's actually 2.5 feet high, and if you fall, you will fall directly onto our concrete driveway. It doesn't sound that high, but I feel like it would seriously injure a 12 y/o child who might unsuspectingly walk off of it (because like I said, they're mentally handicapped and are often distracted by their iPad)

    submitted by /u/wallthrowaway3857
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    Landlord has clause saying I can’t take legal action against them. Is this legal? (Fl)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    For more context I live in the capitol of Florida if that helps with any other local ordinances.

    My potential future landlord has a clause in their legal agreement Im supposed to sign that says basically I think that I can't sue them under any circumstances, I can only go through mediation at their office or mediation at my lawyers office otherwise if I try to sue I automatically have to pay their legal fees no question. This is the exact wording.

    " Attorneys fees

    1. Lessee agreed that under no circumstances or for any reason will lessee take legal action against lessor other than mediation at Lessor's office or Lessee's attorney's office. Lessee agrees to pay Lessor's reasonable attorney's fees and costs in the event legal action is taken to enforce any provision of this agreement. If the lessor is forced to use a collection agency to gather funds on a negligent balance, the lessee agrees to pay any fees that would incur. Lessee agrees to pay any eviction costs that were spent by lessor to enforce this lease. In the event lessor and lessee (s) are unable for resolve their differences at mediation, each party will be free to pursue all available remedies at law or equity. In any such action the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover their costs and attorneys fees including those incurred in appeal.
    2. If lessor has to use a process server during any duration of this lease, the lessee assumes full responsibility to pay a minimum service charge $25.00 per service call to LPI. This amount will be due immediately upon notification.


    That's the exact wording so what I'm gathering is I waive my right to immediately sue, I must first go through mediation and if that fails I then can take any legal action. It seems weird to me that I waive my right to sue immediately and I feel like this is a red flag and I shouldn't sign the lease. Am I reading this right or am I crazy lol. Thanks in advance for any advise I literally know nothing about law but I have a weird feeling about this.

    Edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/Cantsuethrowaway
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    Neighbor with a shared fence watches us work every day, and told us to take down our divider that we put up.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    We are in Tacoma, Washington.

    We have a neighbor that we share a backyard fence with, a shitty chain link one. They are a 'halfway house 'of like 5 or 6 recovering guys, who frequently sit out on their porch. We just got our house and do yard work all the time in the back, and they just stare and stare and stare. We have 3 teenage children and it scares us sometimes. We haven't addressed that it creeps us out, mostly because we'd rather just stay quiet and keep our neighborhood relationships neutral.

    So our solution was to put up this divider designed for chain link fence privacy, and grow some rhododendrons, and it blocks mostly everything, it's great.

    Today, one of the men told us very defiantly to take that thing off of his fence. We told him all about how it was for privacy and everything, but he was not having it, claiming that it was his fence and we can't do that, nor can we have our rhododendrons there because they are going to grow to his side.

    So, is there any way to know if it is his fence? Or if we are allowed to do what ever we want anyways, because it's on my side? Can we ask him to prove that the fence belongs to him? I really can't stand the idea of those guys looking at us any more.

    submitted by /u/Rotterato
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    Dad’s Roommate Gave Away Little Sister’s Cat

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Okay, a little backstory: My parents are recently divorced and my dad moved out and got a roommate. My dad got my little sister a cat (from the Humane Society and it is registered in his name/my older sister's name). My little sister has not been able to see the cat/dad for two months due to a pending court issue.

    She went back last weekend and the roommate gave away her cat (allegedly to an older couple). My dad was staying with his fiancé so we aren't sure how long the roommate gave away the cat. Side note: My dad was paying the roommate's daughter to care for the cat and was also visiting to care for the cat. The roommate is refusing to tell the couple the full situation and the couple said they most likely won't give the cat back. Is there anyone to get my little sister's cat back?

    This in King County, WA

    submitted by /u/Badorkadork99
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    Neighbor selling house, wants us to sign boundary line agreement

    Posted: 31 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Looking for advice here. We like our neighbor and want to help solve this amicably but also not interested in getting taken advantage of.

    Details: We have a shared fence that was constructed before either parties owned the houses. A recent survey showed that the fence is off, in my neighbors favor, resulting in ~715sqft that she is encroaching in. The encroachment contains a portion of her sport court and it comes very close to her out building. The fence would not be easily moved due to these existing structures.

    My wife and I would like explore how we legally sell this property to her and fix the lines legally. The real estate agent wants to move fast and is asking that we sign a boundary line agreement that basically states that the fence isn't on the line and we agree to always keep it that way.

    What seems unfair is that we pay taxes on this land and can't use it. I don't like that. So I'd like to make it right. Property Taxes are high in our area - Seattle.

    Questions: Are we being silly? What type of lawyer should I consult if we want to explore options? Any ideas on how to solve this quickly?

    submitted by /u/manthor10
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    May lose home because renter on strike

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    I have a renter (single mom) who has not paid rent since March.

    I am retired and live on a fixes income. I use the rent money to help cover my mortgage. We live in a high rent/cost city. Her rent is $900/mo which is below the area average ($1100) for her space.

    She is not working, but said she was offered some hours by her employer which she declined.

    She says she has not gotten unemployment because she is separated going through divorce and unemployment office wanted unspecified documentation regarding her name. Everyone else we know in this area got unemployment within a week of applying.

    She claims she did not get her stimulus money bc of previous debts with her spouse. Same for her tax refund.

    We shared with her a local agency that helps low income renters in need. She claims they only gave her $300 which she did give us in April.

    We also gave her info on a local fund that had been set up specifically for local restaurant workers who were unemployed to help pay bills. She says they declined her request.

    We cannot ask overly intrusive questions but feel she is not being forthright. She bought lumber for a raised garden, and drives a Subaru daily so she has gas money but is not going to work so far as we know.

    Herr lease ends at the end of July. She indicates she will not be moving out. We had lined up another renter for when her lease ended but are now trapped not getting rent from her and having to potentially cancel a lease with a renter that will pay.

    We do not have a HUD, fanniemay or any type of federal loan. We want to help her but need her out because I am going into retirement savings to cover her rent.

    How can we legally get her out by the end of her lease or earlier? Do we need to begin eviction proceedings (file in court) to cover ourselves legally?

    How does this work in the state of Virginia?

    We are not mean or hateful but we are on a fixed income basically paying someone else's rent out of retirement savings.

    Tl;DR. Living on fixed income trying to make house payments by renting out basement apartment. Young renter on strike, has hard luck stories, forcing me to use limited retirement savings. Can't get them out.

    submitted by /u/stargirlmom
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    Neighbor's refuse to be quiet, southern Ohio

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    So I live in the country and have a neighbor directly across the street from me. Every night his son rides his dirt bike up and down their property, about 10 feet off the road. It's been modified to be extremely loud. To make matters worse, they have four dogs chained up in their yard that bark the entire time he's riding. If this were a once or twice a week thing, I could suck it up. But it's every night from about 7 pm until 9 pm. We can't enjoy being outside on our own property and there are days when it wakes up our two year old. We've talked to him about it but he doesn't think it's an issue. Is there anything I can do about this?

    submitted by /u/GuyoFromOhio
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    My disabled cousin's caregivers won't let her leave her house

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    My cousin, who is mentally and physically disabled, lives in an apartment with her roommate, also mentally disabled. The lease is in Cousin and Roommate's names. My cousin is a client of a company that supplies caregivers to Cousin and Roommate 24/7. I am not 100% on the logistics of how all of this works, but I do know that my cousin and her roommate rent the apartment, not the company. Anyway, the company (which calls itself an "assisted living" company) will not let either of the girls leave the apartment due to COVID. My aunt, grandmother, and mother have all tried to take her somewhere and they will not let us. Now, physically they cannot stop her from leaving, but they tell us if she leaves they will force her to stay quarantined in her bedroom for FOURTEEN DAYS. We are in Indiana, and most of the COVID restrictions have been lifted, so we would not be breaking the law. The company told us she could leave in June. Now tomorrow is June 1st and they are saying she still cannot leave. Now they are also now saying that if she leaves she will not be allowed to come back for 14 days. TO HER OWN APARTMENT. I understand that they want to keep her roommate and the caregivers safe, but the caregivers are telling us about how they're going to parties after work! My cousin's 30th birthday is in a few days and she hasn't left her apartment in MONTHS. I know my cousin has rights, and I know there are laws put in place to protect disabled people. I am not my cousin's legal guardian (my aunt is, but she won't do anything), but I want to call the company and let them know that we know she has rights and that if they keep infringing those rights, someone will be taking legal action. What should I say ?? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ealckor
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    Roomate will not leave and end lease

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    Hello everyone I have an annoying Roomate situation to deal with. In late March our landlord gave us 60 day notice that he will not be renewing the lease. I have six Roomates total and everyone but one Roomate made plans to leave at the end of the lease. This one Roomate has decided to stay and also to move new people in, in spite of the landlords decision to not renew the lease. I live in an area that can only evict someone based on just cause. Because of the pandemic and also because he doesn't have just cause the landlord cannot evict this Roomate. The landlord is now saying that because we are not turning over the property we cannot get our security deposits and we would still be liable for the lease after the expiration date ( lease ends on June 1st and after that it becomes a month to month. This remaining Roomate is not able to make June rent on time and now I'll have to be liable for this unpaid rent. Is there any legal action I can take against either the Roomate or the landlord?

    Also for context I am already completely moved out of the property.

    I'm also in CA btw

    submitted by /u/ohimnewhere777
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    Ex keeps on violating the custody agreement. What can I do?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Ex and I are going through a divorce. We have an interim custody agreement that permits him 2 and a half hours two days of the weeks. He keeps on going over his time limit, saying that kid is asleep. My son is a toddler, and he could be asleep. But knowing my ex, he could be easily lying. We have a court date set, and I was wondering what can be done about his violations. Does the kid being asleep give him permission to keep him longer than scheduled? There's certainly nothing of that sort in the agreement.

    Before anyone says let him keep him till he's awake, my ex is sociopath who is physically abusive.

    Location: Michigan, USA.

    submitted by /u/rentalthrowawayquest
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    Roommate Committed Fraud. What can I do?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I'm from Ontario, Canada, posting this on behalf of a friend.

    My four roommates and I are leasing a five bedroom house (3 on the second floor, 2 in the basement) in our University town. Because of COVID, classes are fully online, so we're all trying to sublet our rooms. One of my roommates, let's call him Jeremy, signed with two subtenants who would be living in his room and my room on the second floor. Today, we notified these two subtenants that another person would be moving into the basement tomorrow. Unfortunately, they revealed to us that Jeremy not only promised them that the rest of the rooms would remain vacant (they didn't want additional roommates), but also that the subletters are paying more than what he informed me they would be paying, and has been keeping the difference to himself. Unbeknownst to us, he also made up utility costs that do not exist and has been keeping those. The subletters have sent us screenshots and the contract they signed, so we have proof of everything. I looked at the contract he signed with the subtenants, it makes no mention of the vacancy of the house. Furthermore, he and the subtenant signed for his room and my room under the pretenses of the contract and what he promised them in his messages, but I did not see this contract, my name is not on it, and I did not sign it.

    What laws did he break and is there any worthwhile legal action that we can take against him?

    submitted by /u/chattyycathyy
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    Hit car in parking garage. What should I do?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I feel that I should preface this by saying that I feel like shit.

    So after a long 12 hour shift at work for which I was called in, I scraped the side of the car I was parked next to pretty bad as I was pulling out. I mean it definitely left a noticeable mark on both vehicles. I ended up just driving home as I was almost totally out of energy after having gotten maybe 5 hours of sleep the night before. I'm not really sure how much the damages would cost but it's no minor scratch.

    I think this is technically a hit and run, and I want to avoid jail and/or having anything on my permanent record at all costs. I'm really not sure if the parking garage has security cameras, but they have security (there's a guy sitting in a SUV that literally has SECURITY painted on the side.) Mind you, this is where I work and I have to keep parking in the same general area. This is also a place that has its own police department. So should I go talk to security and give them my insurance info? Should I go to the on campus police and tell them what happened?

    Please help. Please only serious replies.

    submitted by /u/throwawayhitandrun1
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