• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    Legal Advice - I'll keep it short. I reported a supervisor for sexual harassment. He got fired. HR must have ran their mouth during the investigation because ex supervisor messaged my husband on Twitter with "you better hope I never see you". What steps should I take now?

    Legal Advice - I'll keep it short. I reported a supervisor for sexual harassment. He got fired. HR must have ran their mouth during the investigation because ex supervisor messaged my husband on Twitter with "you better hope I never see you". What steps should I take now?

    I'll keep it short. I reported a supervisor for sexual harassment. He got fired. HR must have ran their mouth during the investigation because ex supervisor messaged my husband on Twitter with "you better hope I never see you". What steps should I take now?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Can I continue to text my ex wife even though she has told me to stop?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    My ex wife and I divorced last year and are supposed to share custody of our 15 year old son. We have a standard visitation schedule.

    For the last year I have rarely seen my son, when he's supposed to come over he will just decide not to come over. Sometimes he will text me before hand and sometimes he won't. My son has told me that his mother won't allow him to come over, along with telling me the only time he can call me is when his mother isn't home. He's told me his mother goes through his phone and gets upset when she sees he's called or texted me.

    I have spoken to a lawyer and as soon as I can afford to pay the retainer I will hire him, in the meantime I'm just trying the best I can to try to keep a relationship with him.

    The lawyer said that I need to start sending my ex wife a text as the designated time asking where my son is since in the divorce decree she is supposed to bring him to my home. The lawyer said to then send her another text about 30 minutes later stating the time and asking again where my son is. I've been doing that since March. That is the only texts I send her. I do not engage her at all either. I simply send those two texts.

    Sometimes she ignores my texts all together and sometimes she will answer and say something along the lines of he's not coming. Lately she texts things like quit harassing me or stop texting me he's not coming.

    Again the only texts I send her are "it's 6, where's (son's name) and then it's 6:30, where's (sons name)

    Yesterday she told me to quit texting her and if I don't she will file harassment charges against me. Is that consider harassing? Do I need to stop texting her?

    We are in Texas

    submitted by /u/anon1936547401
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    (North Carolina) off duty cop from another city forced my girlfriend to take a drug test, then refused to leave when I declined. Screamed outside of the apartment and hit door repeatedly. The cop is my girlfriends dad.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    This is kind of crazy. My (20f) sister died two weeks ago unexpectedly. My girlfriend (21) and I found her. My gf's father is a cop from another city (about 3 hours away) and offered to come see her ("as her father, not a cop") because he knows how traumatic it is to see a dead body and he wanted to comfort her.

    The following morning (less than 24 hrs after my sisters death) he shows up with 2 at home drug tests he got from cvs (we don't even have a cause of death at this time) to my girlfriends apartment. I was extremely offended and refused to take mine, as did my girlfriend. Then her dad refused to leave unless we took them. He started to yell at her (they were both outside of the apartment, I was inside locked in her bedroom) and forced her to take hers (which came back clean). I still refused to take mine, and he was refusing to leave unless I took it.

    At this point he was outside and my girlfriend and I were inside. I started screaming from inside my girlfriends apartment telling her that he needs to leave because I just need time to grieve and he's making my mental state much worse, and also that he was scaring me. Then he started screaming through the door for us to open it up, and he was hitting the door over and over (it sounded like he was goin to break it down). I was so scared that I locked myself in the bathroom and called my friend (we'll call her B) to pick me up. My girlfriend then went outside because he wouldn't stop screaming/hitting the door.

    For about 5 minutes my girlfriends father is standing out there screaming at her and B runs up to hug my girlfriend. When my girlfriend tried to hug B, her father physically pulled B off of my girlfriend (who, again, is a legal adult). B got me out of the apartment but my girlfriends father wouldn't let her leave. My girlfriend had to escape an hour later by running out of her apartment barefoot (into B's car) and he chased after her.

    What action can we pursue? I want to report this to his branch and have him fired. If he's like this OUT of uniform, what does he act like while IN uniform? His name is also on my girlfriends lease, though, so we don't know if that changes anything.

    I'll clarify anything I need to. This is a crazy situation so I'm sorry if the story is hard to follow.

    EDIT: I was told it would be good to note that I offered to take the test the next day. I just wanted to grieve bc it hadn't even been a full day. Thank you to everyone for their kind words and advice.

    submitted by /u/katyatt
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    My husband wants to take the little life savings he left on our bank account to pay for webcam girls

    Posted: 30 May 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    I (26F) found out my husband (26M) has an addiction on webcam girls and spent our life savings ($50,000)

    A month ago I started to find out my husband has a webcam girl addiction. I decided I wanted to separe him. We had two bank accounts with both of our names in them. The account he uses he spent every cent, he only has $90 in that account. The one that I use and he never touches has $7,000 in it, he wanted me to give him $3,000 so he can spent it all in webcam girls. I said no and have a video of him telling me he wants the money, I ran away, he changed my gmail password without my permission so he can get the money out of it. He locked me out of my bank account, I am in now in a random bathroom typing this. What do I do now? He has tried to lock me in the rooms so I don't leave, my arms are bruised because he grabs me hard.

    I live in Texas.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAwayCrazyBeach
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    Trying to get out of my apartment but am being held “hostage” by landlord and roommates.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I am a renter in California and am having an issue with my living place. Luckily it started happening at the end of our lease which ends in July.

    So my two roommates are having bitter feud and won't talk to each other any more. Somehow I am the middle man and have to relay messages from one to the other and now they have turned on me for not taking sides. I want out of all of this and was told by land lord that we all have to put in our 30 days to move out and if we all can't agree on it we are stuck. Now my roommate has said he won't put in his notice to move out and is going to keep me "hostage" in my apartment once we hit month to month.

    What should I do to get out of my apartment and be done with this mess? If I put in my 30 days does it not matter unless we all do it? Or does the fact our lease ends mean I can leave without it effecting my credit?

    submitted by /u/TybotheRckstr
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    My “friend” misplaced more than 3/4’s of my bag of softballs that Ioned him for a week. Approx 60 balls valued at $8-12 a ball gone.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Long story short.

    I've (23M) been getting invited out to softball practices (social distancing of course) and one of the practices I had to leave early because my dog had an emergency and needed to go to the vet. I left my big massive bag of grey dot worth softballs ($8-12 per ball accumulated by me over 6 years of playing and purchasing new balls every year with my own money) behind with the guy organizing the practice. Let's call him Lenny (35M).

    Lenny promises to drop them off at my house after and I give him my address. Of course he forgets. "No worries just give them to me next time at practice" "try not to lose any please."

    Practice rolls around and Lenny shows up with my bag basically empty. It had 12 softballs in it total and of them only 4 were Grey Dots the rest were shitty water logged garbage balls.

    Lenny doesn't seem to think it's an issue that hundreds of dollars of balls are now missing in just over a weeks time. No apology. No remorse. "We hit them into the trees" was all he told me. I asked where he "hit them in the trees" and he told me that they went all over the place to multiple different cities with my balls.

    Naturally I packed up my things and left. Douchebag Lenny seeming to think I'm the one who wronged him decides to grab his balls and tell me to suck his cock as I walk away.

    This is where I stand. 6 years of purchases totalling to over $600 is now lost by some guy I just knew from playing ball a couple of times. I have plenty of people to back up my story and I have the messages on my phone to prove it. Do I have any legal standing here to demand compensation for this crime? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/EpicMaverick
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    Neighbor has my cat. Claims he has been given to them by a friend who "disappeared" 5 years ago.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    My cat has always been an indoor/outdoor cat. He goes outside to do his business, but comes back every time. Five years ago, when we moved to Brooklyn, NY, he started coming home less and less often. We thought he was just being a cat. Then, he started coming home even less often and then eventually he didn't come back. It has been months and we finally saw him through the neighbor's window and we asked them about it. They said they've been taking care of him for five years and would not let us take him back home. We asked him how they got the cat and they say that he was given by a friend. We asked about the friend and they said the friend disappeared. The cat is microchipped and I was not contacted about anyone having found the cat so I'm guessing they may have not taken him to the vet this whole time. I like to take the cat in once a year for a yearly check up and get medicine so he doesn't get fleas.

    Do you think it's a good idea for me to offer to take him to the vet to get him checked out and pay for it myself? If the cat is ours, we could pay a reward money to take him back. If not, then at the very least, they got a free checkup out of it. I definitely plan to give a reward if they let us take him back and plan to keep the cat indoors only from now on. I came from Florida where my cat didn't have to worry about much. He goes out into the backyard to poop/pee, comes back in, follows us on walks around the block after dinner and follows us back in to go to sleep. However, NYC is very different. I don't want any neighbors getting him confused for a stray again.

    I am grateful that the cat has not died and is safe in someone's home. I miss my cat a lot and I feel like the worst owner in the world and like a neglectful parent.

    submitted by /u/onlyachicken_
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    WA, Lady ran a red light, her insurance wants my boyfriend to take 45% of the blame

    Posted: 30 May 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Hi everybody. Need some advice here please on behalf of my boyfriend.

    A couple of weeks ago him and I were driving, as these things go, into an intersection, when our light turns yellow. Who knows why, but a lady to our left decides to run her red light, causing us to crash into her. My boyfriend's truck has since been totaled and I imagine her car has been as well.

    As it is currently, boyfriend's insurance has placed 10% blame on him because of his speed at the time (his airbags did not go off, if that makes a difference) but is saying that this will not be noted as an at-fault accident on his record. He has received a check of about $8500 from his own insurance, which of course is about half of what it would cost to replace the truck, but what can you do.

    So, here's where the fun starts. The lady's insurance is taking this into arbitration, wanting my boyfriend to take closer to 40-45% of the blame. Boyfriend's already made a recorded statement with his own insurance and wants to refuse a statement to the other party's insurance. (He can do that, right?) The entire incident is on video because he had a dashcam, so that helped us prove to the police on the scene that the lady was at fault, which the police report agrees with.

    Anybody have any insight on what's going to happen from here? I don't see how we would get this close to 50/50 blame when the other party clearly ran a blatant red and our light did not turn red until basically the moment we crashed. There is no injury involved (yet, I guess) thankfully, everyone is fine in that department.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/eilig
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    The other day a car dealership made a photocopy of my credit card. I suspect someone then used it to open a Netflix account. What can I do?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    This past week I had to make a payment at a dealership. Their internet was down at the time of payment so they made a photocopy of my card to charge it later. The charge went through later in the evening with no problems.

    I just noticed today that my card was charged the next day by Netflix. Strange, because I don't have Netflix and I've never had a card register with them. I've sorted this all out by canceling the credit card and calling Netflix to tell them it wasn't me.

    I don't have any proof that the dealership had any hand in this issue, but it is odd that the day after a photocopy of my card was made, someone who was not me used my card. FWIW, I had a bad time with the dealership and I wouldn't put it past them to do this.

    Is there anything I can do to pursue this? Netflix couldn't tell me the name on the account that was made with MY card, which is very infuriating. Thanks for reading, looking forward to any responses!

    Edit: I told the dealership about the coincidence when I stopped in today and they accused me of accusing them of stealing. I explained that I just thought it was quite a coincidence and maybe something they should look into.

    As a side note, I was supposed to pick up my new car today. This sketchy Netflix charge, in addition to other blatant mistakes they have made throughout the car buying process pushed me to walk away from the deal. I am now worried that they won't process my refund, I am supposed to go back on Monday to get my money back.

    submitted by /u/lexprop
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    Neighbors shack might be on my property. I don't really care but...

    Posted: 30 May 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    In USA/Vermont. My neighbor build a nice little shack down by the river. It is right close to the property line, which runs between two pins in the ground neither of which you can see from each other or from the shack, and next to a river that moves around a little over time. Using online parcel data & GPS (which I know is not the same as an actual survey) everything is within the margin of error. Suffice it to say I am not sure if it encroaches.

    I also don't care. I like it. It's cute. Good neighbors. It's a quarter mile from the house. You can't see it. I hang out in it when I play in the river, it's a great spot for a beer... I'd rather it stayed there!

    Am I at any risk of losing any rights to my land via adverse possession or something?

    Is there something (cheap and easy?) I could do to protect those rights?


    submitted by /u/throwaway-145675676
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    My roommate and I put a deposit down on an apartment and signed a lease - the landlord then told us that we had to pay 1st months rent well before the start of our tenancy. We asked to have the deposit refunded (which was in our lease agreement) and have now been blocked. What should we do?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    We are two teenagers who just got scammed out of $1620 during a global pandemic and don't know what to do or who to contact.

    LOCATION OF APARTMENT: Montréal, QC, Canada LOCATION OF TENANTS: Kingston, ON, Canada and Arlington, MA, USA

    submitted by /u/kenzwillia
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    Owners of the restaurant I waitress for refused to use sanitizer on tables/chairs until I stood up to them about it, now all of my shifts have been taken away.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    My restaurant has granite tabletops and counters, and our owners are very strict that we use granite cleaner to polish tables between uses. I did a little research, and the alcohol content of the granite cleaner is not above 60 percent, which is necessary to kill bacteria and viruses.

    When I brought this up to my manager, she said that she'd been yelled at by our owners in the past about this issue, and that, therefore, I was not permitted to use sanitizer on our tables. I texted one of the restaurant's owners, who later gave me a twenty-minute speech about how COVID is a hoax, and that even if it is real, we should want to get it to "build up immunity." I told him that this wasn't about COVID, all restaurants are required to use approved sanitizers on their tables between uses. He said that I could use sanitizer if I really wanted to, but only if I was the one creating it from our dish sanitizer and diluting it myself. Then, he made it crystal clear that "I'm not letting you do this because I believe it will help anyone, but because legally I know I have to."

    Since this interaction, I have been taken off the schedule for two weekend shifts, and I'm expecting to be taken off the schedule for the rest of my shifts this week sometime. I believe that, once I'm gone, they will cease the use of sanitizer on their tables once again.

    I know this is direct retaliation against my attitude and stubbornness about using sanitizer on the tables. How do I respond? They aren't firing me, they're waiting for me to resign, so the only unemployment claim I could attempt would be to say that they aren't following OSHA health regulations during the pandemic. But couldn't they just set some sanitizer out and be safe from both OSHA and my attempt to collect unemployment?

    No one is hiring right now, and I'm afraid I've gotten myself into a huge mess, albeit over something I believe was wrongfully done.

    Some extra info: This is not a corporate restaurant. The restaurant has only been open for 1.5 years. We are in Texas.

    submitted by /u/Allie_turtle53
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    EX kidnapped kids during Covid epidemic

    Posted: 30 May 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    My (38m) Ex-wife (41f) took our daughters (7f and 11f) to another state to her parents house 6.5 hours away from NY (not NYC) where we both reside and have a legal custody agreement. They left just as the pandemic started for what I thought was going to be a long weekend. 3 months later she still refuses to return. In our court ordered divorce agreement I am supposed to get my daughters 2 evening visits per week and every other weekend. I have not had visitation since she left 3 months ago. First she told me " no where in our agreement does it say visitation has to take place in NY" and now she is saying she won't return because she has help from her parents at their house and none in NY. She has come up with excuse after excuse. She even accused me of oweing her money until I showed her I have a 2600$ overpayment. On top of that I have continued to pay for child care even though they are staying home.
    I never bring my daughters in to the "adult" communication but without solicitation my 11 year old asked me " how can mommy go for groceries if she has us with her. We'd have to wait in the cold car". What can I do to get them back and prevent this from happening in the future? I feel like I have no recourse; every time we are in court I feel like the judge favors the "mother". Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/lifesagrind6
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    Neighbors Drain Pipe goes into my pond. We want to to get it plugged as we don't think its just water being drained.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Location: Cloverdale, IN

    My neighbors have a drainage pipe running into our property and then into our pond that we catch and eat fish out of. We moved in last August and asked the previous owner how long the pipe had been there. He believes its been about 12 years but is not a hundred percent positive. Home is in Cloverdale, IN.

    There were no written agreements or easements established when the pipe was built. It was just a conversation where the previous owner gave them permission. I do not want to just cover it encase it damages anything but how can we go about them moving it or plugging it? Or can I legally cover it and fill it in with cement?

    We have noticed what appears to be oil draining into our pond on a couple of different occasions and as we catch and eat fish out of our pond, we would prefer this pipe be plugged or removed.

    We have tried talking to our neighbors before and it does not go well.

    submitted by /u/Brown0ut
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    I got a fine of $75 for cutting my lawn too short

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    We have lived in this trailer park for 18 years, we own the trailer but rent out the plot of land it sits on. We cut our front lawn yesterday and today we got a fine of $75 for cutting it 'too short.' he said it was in violation of the park rules and underneath that he gave a list of all of the rules but it said nothing about cutting your lawn too short and receiving a fine. I only earn $11/hour and am the only one working in a house of five people, I don't have this type of money to spend. He's always trying to find ways to suck money out of us. There is a program he runs where we can pay him 20 extra dollars a month the cut our lawn. he has now fined us for not cutting our lawn short enough and for cutting our lawn too short I think he is just trying to coerce us and joining this program but again I don't have 20 extra dollars to spend every month. I want to take him up on it but I'm scared he might try and kick us out and if he tries to take us to small claims court over it I don't think we would be able to afford the costs. Is this fair? Is there anything I could do to avoid paying this?

    submitted by /u/OneBoredToad
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    [CT] Sober House is asking tenant to move out because of "safety concerns and stress" caused by her limited mobility. Is this a disability discrimation issue? What can we do?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    I'm righting this on behalf of a friend that I'm trying to help. Sorry for the wall of text.

    Living situation:

    She has been living in the same sober house for about three months and hasn't had any issues with sobriety. She moved in right before the lockdown and has passed every screening test they required of her (9 months sober). Her rent and other expenses for the house are paid for without question, issue or delay. She hasn't broken any of the house rules in her contract that would normally be required to kick someone out.


    Due to her previous substance abuse, she is waiting on bilateral hip replacements (might be one at a time though). Her mobility is heavily limited but she can get around enough to go shopping, do minor chores, use the bathroom, shower, etc. However, she is a fall risk and does require some special accommodations. This includes a first floor room, rides for certain things (1 a week at most required), and house chores limited to less strenuous tasks. She has already signed waivers so that the sober home can access her medical records if needed. She has also signed liability waivers stating that she knows she's a fall risk and won't sue the sober house if she gets injured. However, she has not yet been legally declared disabled (she's working to get that designation now).

    She had previously had her surgery scheduled in April but with Covid all surgeries other than emergencies were cancelled. She is expecting to have the surgery within 2-3 months and her rent would continue being paid even while she is recovery away from the house.

    Recent Incident:

    Last night she fell in the bathroom tripping over the edge of a carpet. She was in a lot of pain so an ambulance was called. She received x-rays and was told there was no further damage and was sent home. She is close to her regular mobility again today so it wasn't anything serious.


    The sober house owner came to her this morning and told her she has to find a new place to live. She framed it as a safety concern for my friend AND the other residents. Also said that she think whats best for all residents from a stress and recovery perspective. My friend has already talked with other residents and nobody has express any stress about her situation. They all seem to be super understanding.

    She doesn't have enough money to live on her own. She has no furniture and her credit likely won't allow her to sign a lease. She is currently being financially supported by family but cannot live with any of them due to their medical/living situations. She also doesn't want to leave the area and have to restart the process to get surgery.

    Legal questions:

    1. Do you think this would fall under housing discrimination against a disabled person? I found a website for fair housing practices in the state ( https://www.ctfairhousing.org/ ) but obviously they aren't open on weekends.
    2. Does a sober house owner count as a landlord? If they're a landlord, I would think it's more likely that people living there are protected by tenants rights.
    3. What are her options? Can she just refuse to move out and keep paying rent? Can they actually physically kick her out and call the cops if she refuses to leave? Are there lawyers for this type of thing?

    Again I'm sorry for so much text. It's a bit of a complicated situation. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Just trying to help her survive in a safe environment until surgery allows her to work and take care of herself again. Thank you!!!!

    submitted by /u/CTSoberLivingRights
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    Partner spying on me through my cable provider and suggests he may have cameras in my place

    Posted: 30 May 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    I'm in the state of Texas. My question is do I have any legal claims against my fiance who I discovered is monitoring who is on my wifi in my apartment through my spectrum cable account.

    Quick summary. We live together but bounce back and forth between HIS apartment (where he put my name as a child on the lease because the management forced a background check) but I am not on the lease as a lease holder. I requested it and he made them re-write the lease to make sure I am not on his lease and in his words "i have no control and can't FU*K his life". He has changed the locks on the apartment to be code only and he has given me the code. (what a gift! Eyeroll).

    He refused to be on my lease on my apartment because he said he also wants no legal ties to me until we are married and he refuses to set a date now days. (He has but finds a way to get out of the them).

    So, I pay my own bills. Everything is in my name. However he was trying to hook up the cable in my (our) new apartment and he is more technical than I am. He asked for the account info. I finally discovered he was receiving account info and bill info and I wasn't. He kept saying "you can't even keep your cable paid" I said I don't have a bill! He said yes you know. I realized THEN that he had taken over access to my account.

    The last few days I have realized that he is monitoring who is coming in and out of my (our apartment). he questioned when my son's wifi wasn't hooked up if he was there with me. He said he can monitor everything and see who logs on and off and when. I told him that wasn't fair and he said if I have nothing to hide - then I shouldn't worry.

    So I haven't taken him off yet -- but the relationship is going south in a big way and last night I asked him to let me have the same rights on his cable account, if he choses to do this. He said no. He said absolutely not. (I have no need or ever dreamed of asking for this -- but I thought it would be interesting to see if he would allow the same from me.) he won't.

    I have been told when I leave him to be very careful and consider a protective order. I don't think protective orders are easy to get especially right now and -- I want to start documenting everything that he is doing NOW -- so I have evidence.

    He also suggested he "might" have a camera in my apartment and be watching.

    What could I do to document and what would be necessary from a legal standpoint. I don't want to lose my chance. I can record some of these conversations where he obviously has no problem admitting to this.

    submitted by /u/faucilover22
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    Am I crazy for thinking the cops are investigating me?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    So this is gonna be a timeline of all the encounters I've had with police in my area. September 2019-December 2019(pulled over at least 10 timers) Got pulled over at least 6 times in December alone. First time was because my car wasn't registered or inspected(my fault) got tickets for both and paid them in time. The other times I got pulled over was either for no reason if I was in my car and the cops would just act snoopy, the other times, was when my girlfriend was driving her car(everything was all good and legal)

    January 2020-tonight (pulled over 4 times) Cops would just give me warnings over petty shit like going 7 over. Until I got pulled over in may. So I got pulled over in the town I live and the cop gave me a warning and didn't tell me anything was wrong. The next night on my way home I get pulled over driving home from work and get arrested for driving with a suspended license and registration. (Found out the dmv messed up and put one of the two tickets I got in winter of 2019 into the system twice. So on their records I had one ticket twice in the system, one said it was paid and the other said it was unpaid FOR THE SAME TICKET. Got that all straightened out.

    Tonight on my drive home from work, I get pulled over and the cops inform me my lisense got suspended and that they were going to give me a warning. Am I crazy for thinking the dmv is working with the police in some sort of investigation?

    TLDR:cops have been excessively pulling me over even though I'm not an asshole to them

    submitted by /u/kittyman123456
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    Dad using money for dates during divorce from mom

    Posted: 30 May 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Hi all, My parents' divorce was kicked off by my dad a month ago (slowly, due to coronavirus and many assets to split) in Florida. Both parents have lawyers. My mom found two charges (each charge over $100) on one of her credit cards for "dating/escort service." Looks like my dad is being a total cad and spending their money on dates and/or escorts while they are in the process of getting a divorce. Is there anything we can do to stop him until the divorce is settled?

    submitted by /u/missredactedresacted
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    Wrongfully accused of shoplifting. I'm 16. (PA)

    Posted: 30 May 2020 10:31 AM PDT


    This is a throwaway account as I have friends and family on Reddit. I stopped by Walmart this morning and was stopped by security as I was walking out. They thought I stole some lip gloss and lip stick (I didn't, I put it back on the shelf.).

    There were two female security guards who pushed me up against a wall, placed me in plastic handcuffs, and then dragged me in to the office where they questioned me for a little over an hour. I told them to look at the video footage because I did not have any merchandise on me. They didn't.

    The cops came, and they too questioned me for about 30 minutes, patted me down, and then had access to the footage which clearly showed I put the makeup back. I was still banned from the store and din't get an apology. The cops, however, did apologize and told me to tell my parents, but my parents are out of town.

    I haven't told my parents yet as they are out of town. Can I file a report with the police? Or I'm guessing they would have a report already because they were there?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Your_dog_is_AWESOME
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    Stepmom sold our house, she bought it for us as the lender. Is this legal?

    Posted: 30 May 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    My husband and i along with our kids were approached by my stepmom in 2013 to help us buy a house. We were not in financial shape for it. We had an apartment for 425 a month that worked for the time being. 2014 we finally agreed. She paid cash for the house and we have numerous emails and a signed document saying she was merely the lender. Payments would be set at 325 till it was paid as this was to help us. In 2016 she had financial difficulties and informed us either we get our own mortgage or the payment will balloon every month. Due to financial issues, we have since been paying the ballooned payment. This week, she sent us a letter saying she sold the house. We have multiple emails and documentation as to what this was. We pay the property taxes and all insurance. Can she legally sell the house? https://imgur.com/a/VGCxM1Q We are in TN and she lives in Florida

    submitted by /u/Bombie81
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    (NC) I turned someone in for sexual harassment. They told him who did it. Now I can't get a job in my field.

    Posted: 30 May 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Basically the title. I worked as a doctor in a niche medical field at a university. At my exit interview from a one year internship, I turned my good old boy boss in for being a disgusting human being. Basically males could do know wrong, females were treated like dog shit (I've been the recipient of such gems as "your lady bits are full of cobwebs" and "never get involved with patients, you can't fuck my cash register" among others. They told him what I said and now I can't get a job. I should have kept my stupid mouth shut and bent over and taken the abuse because now I'm blacklisted as a "troublemaking pot stirrer." He ended up having a hearing and talking them into me being a hysterical woman. I'm an excellent doctor and very level headed. I take wonderful care of my patients. I hold myself to a high standard of care and follow all ethical rules religiously. There's probably nothing I can do as the niche area is quite small and anyone who interviews me will ask him about me, but here I am. I'm thinking about moving out of the country due to this as I'm currently making half of what I should be.

    submitted by /u/wtfwheresmyjob
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