• Breaking News

    Friday, May 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - Ordered delivery last night. Delivery boy stole a package on our porch which lead me to finding out they added a debit card tip without authorization, which lead to me finding out they've done it in the past as well. What do I do?

    Legal Advice - Ordered delivery last night. Delivery boy stole a package on our porch which lead me to finding out they added a debit card tip without authorization, which lead to me finding out they've done it in the past as well. What do I do?

    Ordered delivery last night. Delivery boy stole a package on our porch which lead me to finding out they added a debit card tip without authorization, which lead to me finding out they've done it in the past as well. What do I do?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Hi. Location is Massachusetts.

    My family frequents a local Wing franchise regularly. Last night I ordered delivery and when I opened the door I noticed an amazon package by the delivery boys foot. It was white with blue letters on it and a shipping label. This was 9pm so I made a strange face at the package, looked at it for a long moment, and as I looked at it the delivery boy did too. I have never seen this delivery boy before and he didn't say a word to me, just gave me my food without having me sign the receipt for it and I gave him his $5 cash tip. The entire interaction was odd.

    I went inside to set the food down before going back to open the door and retrieve the package.... but the package was gone. In the single minute I went to place my food in the house, the package disappeared. I live in a 3 family apartment, my aunt lives on first floor. I told my mom to text my sleeping aunt if she was expecting a package because I think someone just stole it.

    I ate my food and went to sleep. I have the delivery boys phone number. I went to check the online tracker to see if it had his name on it and imagine my shock when I see a debit card tip added to my bill there but not on any of my 3 receipts, after I already gave this punk a $5.

    This lead me to check my past delivery receipts on my email and compare them to my bank statements... only to find here and there that my total would be $14.28 on my receipt (because I had not authorized a tip) but my bank shows they actually took $17.28. I NEVER tip on a card, ever. Only cash.

    My mom called my aunt this morning while she was at work and asked if she was expecting a package. She said yes. My uncles amazon account said he got a delivery at 8pm last night but he couldn't find the package when he got home.

    Now I have no idea what to do but boy am I pissed. My uncle is friends with the bar right next to us so we are going to see if their cameras caught the boy or his car, but otherwise I don't know where to go with this. My uncle is still sleeping. When he wakes up I will have to see what he wants to do but I am livid they are sneakily upcharging me.

    I have these photos showing all three of my receipts saying my total is $18.02 but their website saying I added a $2.24 tip on a card when I didn't. http://imgur.com/gallery/orpo7ii

    I know its only a package and a couple of dollars here and there but this isn't ok. What do I do? All of this happened on a debit card not a credit card. Do I contact my bank, do I contact the store? Do me and my uncle file police reports? Sorry if this is stupid but I'm shaken up.. Any advice helps..

    I would like to post these photos of my reciept on Facebook maybe including the thief's phone number explaining what happened and telling everyone else to check their emailed receipts and bank statements too if they've ordered from here. Is that illegal?

    EDIT: Proof of another fraudulent tip in April http://imgur.com/a/gnnzC4L my blood is boiling

    submitted by /u/monkeybearUrie
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    [UPDATE] Delivery driver theft... It was handled profesionally

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I cannot believe how much that post blew up.. That was never my intention for it to get to the front page, or to negatively effect anybody but the thief. That thief doesn't represent the entire company, and has now been fired. My inbox has absolutely exploded and I will respond to everyone when I get the chance but this whole situation has made me feel really sick, anxious, and have a splitting headache.

    In the moment that I posted it, I was extremely angry and hurt. I work very very hard for my money and on Tuesday I will be paying $900+ for my senior cat to have a dental surgery. This guy taking money out of my pocket was taking food out of my cats mouth after I had already given him a 25%+ cash tip. And who knows how many people he's done this to? I couldn't, and still can't, believe someone would be stupid enough to steal from someone who knows their phone number, place of work, and knows what they look like... especially when I was already generous. It literally doesn't feel real. I don't know why this guy decided to make such a choice.

    The only reason I posted here was because I had no idea what to do or where to start. Thank you to everyone who offered me advice and insight.

    Anyways, I contacted corporate and then contacted the location themselves. The manager was very kind to me and he seemed understanding and more than reasonable. I am very thankful he was working there today and helped me out. Dude deserves a raise for handling this situation so well. Corporate expressed that they were horrifed and would make it right.

    Shortly after talking to them, the restaurant called me back to tell me the punk confessed to fraud and inputting his own tip. They now will be launching an investigation, and he was immediately fired. They offered me $100 credit and gave me refunds for the two meals that had fraudulent charges on them. I am happy with the way the company has handled this but definitely think they need to make some big changes as to their receipt layout etc, and hope they do.

    After that, the owner of the location contacted me and apologized. He even offered to compensate for the cost of the package which I would say is pretty above and beyond. As for the package, I do not know what my uncles plan is. It's his call.

    I thought I would never be able to eat from this place again which would've been pretty devastating. I didn't think this idiots actions could be excused.. But the company has been very reasonable and apologetic. They responded very swiftly and took this seriously, and I think that's worth everybody noting. It has been dealt with, so I don't feel as if I have to avoid them, and you shouldn't either. I don't feel like they have just blown this off. This could happen anywhere. Just make sure you hold people accountable.

    My advice to everyone else is: save your emails.. Compare your receipts to your bank statements every so often. And don't let anyone get away with screwing you over. $2.24 wasn't going to make or break me but it's $2.24 I worked for and am entitled to. $2.24 was powerful enough this guy was willing to lose his job and his girlfriend over. Know your worth, know your money's worth. And I sincerely hope this guy thinks about his actions and finds the right path for him soon.

    submitted by /u/monkeybearUrie
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    Condo board is telling me as of June 5th the parking spot i own, will be converted into a handicapped spot, but there are no other parking spots available. Is this legal?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    This started back in December, i own a parking spot that is right next to the 3 existing handicapped spots in my condo building. I have paperwork that says i am the owner of parking spot A5 (me and my wife inherited this condo from my mother).

    In December apparently a new tenant moved in, who requires a handicapped parking spot. However our building already does not have enough parking for everyone (for roughly a 100 units, we have maybe 50 spots tops).

    Back then i was asked by the condo board if i was willing to give up my spot for these people who need a handicapped spot. I was okay with it until they explained there are no other available spots, instead they wanted me to sign over my parking spot in exchange for nothing.

    Apparently in 2022 when the parking garage expansion will take place, i will be first on that list to receive one of the new spots. Until then apparently i am SOL, since this is downtown Toronto where parking is extremely limited. At that point both me and my wife refused to sign anything.

    In February the condo board yet tried to get me to sign paperwork again, and i refused. They offered to pay for a spot for me roughly 10 blocks away, at another building. I told the condo board yet again i am not interested.

    They have tried to guilt both me and my wife numerous times, about this. The tenant who needs the spot has approached me and my wife several times about how we are making her life a living hell.

    In April the condo board during the board meeting thing, put a vote asking for people to vote for the conversion of parking spots A5/A6/A7 to be converted into 2 handicapped parking spots. The motion passed, however neither me or the people in A6/A7 are budging so far.

    Today i received a letter stating that as of June 5th, 2020 i will no longer be the owner of parking spot A5. I didn't sign any paperwork and have told our condo board to piss off.

    My questions are:

    • Is this legal? Can the condo board take away our parking spot that we own?
    • Do we have any sort of legal alternatives?

    Just to clarify, i am not really trying to be a dick. However these new people who moved in bought the unit fully knowing they were not buying a parking spot. Instead from my understanding is they expect the apartment building is to provide them a handicapped spot free of charge.

    Location: Toronto, Ontario

    submitted by /u/ParkingSpotHelp1192
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    Multiple members of my family were violent murdered and a reporter from a Facebook page posted photos of their bodies

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    I am not sure what to do here, and my family is extremely upset. Four members of my family were murdered in their home yesterday and there is a Facebook page that took pictures of their bodies and uploaded them. I can understand images taken from the public street of the scene being allowed, but they were taken from inside the house (the living room) without permission from our family to enter the home, or take/post these photos. These photos were taken before any of my family was notified about the murders. I know this because one of the deceased is a teen girl that was sent to the hospital (she was barely alive when found) but they have pictures of her bloody body on the floor in the living room next to the other bodies. This had to have been taken before she was sent to the hospital and the fact that police would allow someone to take pictures of her laying there before getting her medical attention disgusts me. The facebook page has watermarked the photos as well so all the shares lead back to their page.

    I politely asked the page to remove the photos out of respect for the family and was left on read. I reported these photos to Facebook to try to get them removed, but their response was that they allow pictures like this to be uploaded as long as it has 'limited visibility to 18+'. My family wants these images taken down. I know that what is posted on the internet stays on the internet, but the majority of shares is of the photo posted on this page, and I do not want them getting anymore clicks from these photos.

    Location of incident is GTO, Mexico. I currently live in the US. I know mexico isn't the best place to take a legal stance on anything, but I am hoping I can do something to get facebook or the facebook page to take these photos down.

    Thank you

    Edit: a few words

    submitted by /u/serenitysanctum
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    My vacant lot's HOA sent a letter saying I owe big for a tree removed without my consent. Tree was cut to firewood and given to neighbor (WA)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    I live out of state, and a month ago I received a letter from the HOA saying they removed hazardous trees on my lot and I'll have to pay for it but with no additional info. It said they "did not have any other way to contact me sooner" (it was sent by certified mail to my mailing address and I received it 8 days after the tree was removed), despite having my email and phone number on the title record and from the accounting for dues payments. Since there was nobody on the lot to talk to they said it was their decision to remove the "hazardous" tree without my consent.

    My family nearby went to investigate: they had removed a 100-foot tall maple tree and a couple other small trees that were damaged, and the firewood was neatly cut and stacked on the neighbor's lot.

    I called the HOA and they sent me the info for the tree service, so I contacted them ... but it turns out they did not do the work. As I found out later, the HOA actually had told the neighbor to "Use whoever they'd like" and they would make sure the bill gets paid / or pay it themselves if they could not reach me (assuming they'd bill me for it later). So the neighbor called their regular tree guy who came and chopped the tree down and cleaned up.

    It turns out the neighbor has been worried about and trying to get this tree removed for 5 years. The tree had a split trunk and half of it DID fall down recently in a storm. He says this one was "leaning" and he was worried about it too so they removed it right then. All this seems to have happened within a few hours of reporting the tree. I have some pictures of the tree and I'm not an expert (I could call out an arborist now but not sure what good it would do) but it was not FALLING down. The trunk was very thick, roots look fine, and the stump is an indication of what a beastly tree this was, even if half had fallen or it was going to fall down in a couple years. IDK.

    When I talked to their tree guy who actually did the work, he sounded reasonable in explaining it, sent a few pics, then he sent me the bill for $4000 via email.

    I don't doubt this was a lot of work or that the tree was potentially even in danger of falling down. But I feel cheated that they did not try harder to notify me, via a faster mail method or checking their office records, which did not allow me to shop around for a better deal or get multiple bids, or have an arbor inspection, and I apparently I am expected to pay to have the wood chopped up and given to the neighbor whereas I would've happily let it sit on the lot as logs.

    The tree service's justification for cutting the firewood was this was cheaper than hauling all the wood away, and the neighbor let them use their driveway to cut the tree which saved me money. I'm afraid the HOA will put a lien on the lot or the tree service will attempt to sue me for not paying the bill. Guessing I should get a lawyer but I'm a young man and I've never had one before so I'm worried it'll cost more trouble than its worth and I'm about to write a check for this but thought I'd ask some opinions first.

    submitted by /u/Fairbankster
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    As an illegal immigrant, will protesting jeopardize my future in the US?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm a 17 year old illegal immigrant living in South Florida. Both my parents are illegal as well. I want to take part in a protest occurring on Sunday. It is a peaceful, nonviolent protest. If it gets violent, I intend to leave. However, I'm worried about, regardless if it's peaceful or not (because that's never stopped arrests before), what may happen if I am detained or if ID is asked of me. Could I be deported if I am detained/questioned by the police for protesting? Moreover, even if not deported, could being arrested or detained jeopardize my potential naturalization?

    For reference, I'm not a DACA recipient (I turned 15 days after it was repealed), have no criminal record and no conduct issues at school, and my family has no criminal record as well. Any advice you could offer is hugely appreciated!

    submitted by /u/bleachella
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    CA - Landlord texted me to notify me I have 30 days to vacate, after which he will he canceling garbage and recycling services. Reason given: place property for sale.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Needing some advice on how to proceed. I live in VERY northern CA. I live in a unit on a multifamily property, and have lived here for 2.5 years. On Wednesday May 27th my landlord sent me a text message which contained the following (there was no official paper document provided to me):

    "After talking with my real estate agent, I've decided to sell the house. I'm looking to sell as soon as possible, and the property will need to be vacated first. I'm sorry, but as a result I can only extend your tenancy by one additional month: you'll need to be moved out by June 30th. Since June 30th is a Tuesday, that will be the last day of trash pickup at this address; they will be collecting the bins later that same day, and the bins need to be empty. Finally, if you move out before the end of the month I will pro-rate your rent accordingly."

    I am aware that the California Tenant Protection Act of 2019 applies in my case and so I sent the below response via text, as well as providing a hand written copy which I left in his mailbox:

    "I am writing this letter to you in response to the text message you sent on May 27, 2020 at 10:48am, which stated "I've decided to sell the house. I'm looking to sell as soon as possible, and the property will need to be vacated first. I'm sorry, but as a result I can only extend your tenancy by one additional month: you'll need to be moved out by June 30th."

    It has come to my attention that the California Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (AB 1482) requires "just cause" for termination of my tenancy. Given that I have not been provided with a legal and valid cause for termination of my tenancy under California Civil Code Section 1946.2, respectfully, I cannot comply with this request.

    I understand your desire to sell the property quickly and I hope we can come to an agreeable resolution as I respect living here and have never been a problem."

    It's been 24 hours and I've not received a response back, but I'm wondering what next steps I should be taking to protect myself in this situation. I've never had to stand up to a landlord before and am navigating very unfamiliar waters.

    submitted by /u/Dead_in_the_BrainPan
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    Buying house and seller is trying to back out of contract ( AZ)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    I'm in contract to buy a house have all paperwork signed except for the final forms for title to be signed over. I'm one week from moving into said home and seller states that "unforseen family matter came up" and wants to back out of deal. As much as I emphasize with the situation if I were to agree to backing out it would cost me a lot of burden on my life as is, does the seller have any sort of recourse here? My realtor advised to send a 'cure' and an attorney document requesting seller to stand by contact or we will seek legal consultation and gives them 3 days to respond.

    I am a first time home buyer and have already restructured my life to this specific area and family as well as current living situation and I would need to get a hotel if the deal doesn't close.

    Not only am I losing out ( hypothetically) mentally but financially as I have a great loan rate and that can definitely change when I find a new home and that means thousands. Seller wants to buy me out of contract, is that reasonable or should I continue to strong arm and push legal if needed? This is what a contract is for right after all?

    submitted by /u/nynelivez
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    I believe my mother stole my student loan money and used my name illegally.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    When I graduated from college, I had to sign a document saying that I understood I had federal student loans and intended to pay them back in increments beginning 6 months after graduation.

    I knew this was incorrect, because I never took out any student loans in my name. My father insisted that he could borrow at a lower rate and I could pay him back upon completion, which I was grateful to do. However, my father received a very large inheritance during my college years and surprised me by paying my loans back in full.

    However four years of student loans sat before me in legal writing. Loans that I did not take out.

    My father was so disappointed. I'll never forget the look of disgust on his face. I tried to press the issue with him, but he refused to talk about it. I didn't understand, but I was happy to at least pay my part of the loans since I really truly seemed to owe them-- and it saved my dad some serious money.

    Years later I discovered that absolutely zero of the loan amount was applied to my college tuition at all. Zero. Instead, they were a "surplus" fund that was cut into a check and dispersed to students. I remembered getting my first check and being really excited to have money for textbooks, supplies, and food. My mom told me I had to send the money home. And so I mailed every single check home. I was pretty naive.

    Along with discovering that none of the checks were applied to my tuition, I learned that my mother was forging my name (I absolutely recognize her very distinct handwriting) and depositing them into an unknown account. I had been paying back these loans dutifully for years, but only ever able to chip away at the interest at most. I contacted my mom about this, and she blew up at me, accused me of "accusing my own mother", and told me I was insane. I don't have a great relationship with my mother.

    I have never seen a cent of this money anywhere in my life. I found out she told my dad I must have taken the loans out for "drugs", which surely damaged our relationship and his respect for me. My father is deceased now, and so I cannot clarify this situation with anyone besides my mother.

    When I pursued this some years ago, I found 7 copies of the total 8 checks that were recorded by Suntrust Bank. The copies are front and back images of the checks in low resolution black and white, which shows the timeline they were deposited and my mother's handwriting forging my name.

    The banks could not offer me any help in understanding what account the checks were deposited into.

    So I come to you, wise r/legaladvice. Is there anything that can be done? What avenues can I pursue to even begin to get to the bottom of this? I let the trail get cold several years ago because I was intimidated to stand up for myself, but now I think I have the balls to do it. My mom has continued to steal money from me over the years (petty money), and I now understand she has a problem. I no longer thing this is just some simple mistake, but instead see that it is my life being affected negatively and without reason.

    (If it helps, I graduated in 2015. First check was deposited in 2011. Location is Tennessee.)

    submitted by /u/JaneOnHerOwn
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    Insurance company is refusing to pay for my Covid-19 hospitalization without my signing an odd form from a legal firm.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I am an employee for a state (Nev.) entity and have elected a CDHP-PPO. I have two children who are also on my plan and I am on my wife's plan for vision only. In late March early April I was hospitalized for Covid-19. Probably tmi, I was was in an ICU for the majority of several weeks.

    Last week I received a call from the Hospital billing department indicating that my insurance was not paying, as my insurance company had supposedly contacted me about some paperwork I needed to fill out. I was curious as I had just recently sorted all my personal mail (I have been trying to get back on my feet for the last month) and had not seen any requests from my insurance. I was going to continue the conversation but the hospital asked me to verify my birth date. I declined to provide that information as they called me. They offered to send me a letter which seemed like a good idea.

    Tuesday this week I received the letter from the Hospital and it was directing me to contact a legal firm by calling or filling out an online subrogation form with the law firm. Stated in the Hospitals letter they said that if it didn't get it resolved I would be responsible for a sum around 6 figures (which I understand). Contacting the insurance company that same day they indicated that they do this as a matter of course for large claims. They also indicated that the form was recently sent (though I had not received it).

    Upon checking the mail today I received the form. It include a letter indicating that I have 15 days to sign off on an accident questionnaire and an acknowledgment/subrogation form. There was no accident unless the disease was caught at my place of work (not sure that would even matter). The letter was dated the 15th of May and postmarked the 20th. I read the form and basically it indicated they were entitled to any monies recovered relating to my illness, prior to my rights. I would agree if there were other insurances that paid me anything for medical that they would get that first, but it is written that any monies go to them first (beyond other insurances).

    The letter the insurance company sent indicates my plan has a subrogation clause. Having looked at my plan before I never saw anything like that and do not understand as part of a insurance plan why I would need to sign anything else.

    Based on the letter from the hospital and the form, it feels like a kind of economic coercion for me to sign away any rights I have. I know there are no monies I will ever likely get, but I wish not to sign away any right should any windfall or any future legal claims be owed to me.

    Is this normal or am I over reacting?

    TL;DR : Was hospitalized for several weeks and insurance company is refusing paying hospital until I sign off a subrogation form.

    submitted by /u/covidsurvivorthrow
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    When can I determine a room as abandoned?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Hello, Washington state for my location. TL;DR at end.

    8 months ago my fiance and I offered a room to a friend of ours that was in need for $600/mo. This was convenient since we all worked in the same place and could carpool. I made the mistake of not having him sign a lease (I know, shame on me) which I believe according to WA law makes him a tenant-at-will. Fast forward to the Covid thing, we all lost our jobs at the end of March. I discussed finances with the roommate and he assured me he would have April's rent, and "most of May's".

    On April 27th he abruptly left. This isn't uncommon as he would drive to the other side of the state on weekends and visit friends. On May 1st I sent him a text reminding him rent was due, to which he responded saying he didn't have any of it because of an issue with unemployment. This was the last communication I have received from him, and he hasn't been back to our house since. My fiance and I have decided that we don't want him living here anymore, mostly due to issues that have been ongoing for the last few months.

    My question is, at what point can I consider the room abandoned? He still has some belongings here, but has no bills in his name delivered here, nor has any mail arrived for him for around 3 weeks. If the room can be considered legally abandoned, what is the process I need to do for informing him he needs to come pick up his stuff?

    TL;DR, had friend move in. Friend hasn't been to the house for over 30 days, at what point can the room be considered abandoned?

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/HappySalesman01
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    Booked a July flight through Delta Airlines, they changed the flight time so that I cannot make the time, but their phone lines hang up on you without letting you talk to a rep. How can I legally address this problem?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Booked a flight through Delta Airlines a couple of months ago. The flight is for mid-July. They sent me an email saying the flight time (same day but about 5 hours different) has changed. As this flight is for a wedding, I cannot make the new time. The offer a flight credit for a refund, but I believe that I deserve a full refund because I did not pay for this flight time.

    Unfortunately if you call their customer service a robot tells you that "high call volumes" mean your call cannot be answered, and the system hangs up on you. There is an online application for a refund, but I have no idea when that will be processed or if it will be accepted.

    I paid for the flight with my credit card, and I have a good credit score. Are there any legal ways I have to get a full refund when the customer service is completely inaccessible to me? Or am I stuck with an E-credit? I need to schedule another flight that meets my time but am not comfortable with doing so when I don't know if I can get a refund from Delta.

    submitted by /u/EternalWitness
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    Can I unsponser my ex immigrant husband

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I got married in 2011 and divorced in 2014. He got a green card and both my father and I signed a I-864 to sponsor him (was it even necessary for both of us to sponsor? I don't recall the reasons why) either way we got divorced and he started his own company which is doing extraordinarily well. I'm just afraid that if something happens down the road (he gets hurt etc) it'll fall back on me. Do I even have options? I live in Boston.

    submitted by /u/TaylorsArmy
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    Stbx is threatening me with getting sent to prison because I made a mistake on the taxes and may have stupidly/inadvertendly committed a crime. Florida

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Everytime I talk about leaving he things such as "he will crush every aspect of my life" or he will make sure "I cant be happy" he then will text a bunch of "can we stop fighting" texts later in the day. I feel insane so sorry if this is jumbled.

    In February we got our w2s and saw we were going to owe the irs money(first time in my life!) He then flips out says he will file for a Divorce because why is he going to pay to be married to me(he's a peach) . We ended up not filing right away since why should the IRS get our money sooner than necessary.

    Fast forward to the height of the pandemic. I work in a grocery store. My brain is fucking fried between people being ....terrible and this man blowing up my phone with his insane accusations everyday of me having an affair because were in a pandemic and my hours are longer as a grocery store employee. I go home look at taxes again on the online program we use and it now says we are getting a refund. I pick married filing jointly not thinking about it sign the electronic signatures(as he has in years past when he filed our taxes while i was at work) I also decide to set up a bank account in my name only for it to be deposited into as this man has 20k in a bank account that I didn't know about until after I signed a post nuptial and I have 0 in savings. He had also gotten a 50k settlement from a car accident which he put 100% down on a new , 2nd car for himself ) I just wanted this money for me, and i know it was shitty.

    Fast forward, he logs into the tax software sees im getting a refund and flips when he sees that the money is going into a bank account he didnt know about. I offer to give him half once the money comes in to be fair. I thought I filed correctly but turns out , his income was missing. So I immediately correct the irs form and send the money back to the irs.

    Stbx is telling me know i committed tax fraud as he "has me on recording" through our home monitoring system that i offered to split the money with him attempting to make him an accessory. I offered to split the money with him before i realized I made a mistake filing. He also tells me i committed identity theft by signing his electronic signature(he has signed mine before when he files our taxes)and theft from trying to steal his tax money.

    I dont know what to do as he now lords the recording over my head and tells me he doesnt want our son to see me thrown in prison. He is using it as one of his many threats to force me to stay and work on the relationship instead of "abandoning my family"

    Sorry if this is jumbled im really tired. Fire away!

    submitted by /u/throwawaytaxes407
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    Brother wants me to give up guardianship

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    I live in California

    My (32f) brother (25m) was made my ward (well limited ward) when our parents died when I was 26. He has High functioning autism, I believe Level 1 is the severity of it, on the three level scale. He's very intelligent, went to college, you know he's mentally all there.

    I was given control over many aspects of his legal self. Due to his impulsiveness, gullibility, social difficulties, and such.

    Recently my brother has gotten mad over his lack of control of his life. So he asked me to relinquish guardianship entirely. The problem is he's still just as bad with money, he's still really bad with scheduling and stuff like that, and while he's made strides in social interactions he still clearly has deficits. I mean he thought he was going to get married to a boy he met just a week earlier at one point.

    So I told him no for his own good, now he's been really cold to me since than. I got him some makeup and a bunny rabbit as a gift and he's been distracted enough by it that I think he's forgotten for now. But that won't last for ever, what's a middle ground I can do ?

    submitted by /u/MehrunesDagon24
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    Homeland Security “stole” entire contents from my package and shipped an empty box to the recipient.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:22 PM PDT


    I sent a package last week to SF,CA from Mexico City that included snacks and a bunch of junk food. Everything was pre-packaged, store bought, had no unusual or illegal ingredients AT ALL and is allowed to enter the country, as I have shipped similar things to the US many times in my life.

    However I just got a message from the person telling me the entire contents of the box were gone, just one food item opened and half eaten inside and that the box was ripped and put together again with tape. It had a note inside saying that customs went through it but even though I have had many packages inspected, this had never happened to me before.

    I spent over 50 dollars on the contents of the box excluding shipping and I don't know how to proceed or if something can be done. Las time I checked shipping snacks wasn't forbidden and it's not like I shipped anything that wasn't allowed (literally just chocolate and Twinkie-like pastries that are store bought).

    I shipped through FedEx and didn't get insurance as it wasn't offered to me at the time of shipping.

    I hope someone can help me.

    submitted by /u/fkmlif
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    Car caught on fire in driveway

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping for some help regarding home owners/auto insurance as well as car manufacturer legal advice.

    Today, my (future) mother in law's car caught on fire in my driveway (I own the home). We're not sure what the cause of the fire was yet. Her and my fiancé went out for lunch, then came back to my house. On their way back, everything seemed normal - there were no sensors or alerts on the car's dashboard or any notice that this would happen. Not sure if this is necessary or not, but I do live in Las Vegas and I believe temperatures did reach about 100 degrees Fahrenheit today. They parked in the driveway and went inside. About 5-10 minutes later, my fiancé went back out to the car because he realized he forgot something inside of it. As soon as he came outside, he smelled smoke and sure enough, the entire part under the hood was on fire. The fire department was called and they thankfully extinguished the fire before it got to my house. However there is a lot of smoke damage on the exterior of my home as well as in my garage. She has reported a claim to her auto insurance and I've done the same for my home owners insurance. Her and my fiancé were outside while waiting for the firemen to arrive and they did inhale quite a bit of smoke, so they are going to urgent care to get properly assessed.

    This is my first home and I've never made an insurance claim so I'm a little unsure on how to proceed from here. We're concerned that her auto insurance and my home owners insurance are going to have a hard time deciding who's at fault and who will cover the damage done to my home. We're waiting for the reason the fire started to be determined, but we're wondering if it's necessary for my mother in law to seek legal help in this situation. There are no recalls for the year/make/model of the vehicle and she has serviced it as necessary.

    Thank you so much for reading as well as for any advice in advance. As this is my first post in this thread, please let me know if additional information is needed and I will update it accordingly.

    submitted by /u/ad5906
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    My car was towed by a private towing company while it was parked on a public street (near a private lot, but not in it). I retrieved my car from the impound lot and it was damaged. What can I do? HELP!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    I went outside this afternoon to see that my car was missing. Naturally, I called around and I found it had been towed by a private towing company that my apartment uses. I currently live in OH.

    I was parked on a public street, which connects to a private lot for the apartment complex. I was fully on the public street and no part of my car was in the apartment's lot.

    When I went to retrieve my car, I noticed that the front bumper had been struck and damaged at some point in the last 24 hours (likely related to the towing or the events leading up to it).

    I got my car back and now I am not sure what to do. Can my apartment complex use a private towing company to tow my car from a public street? What should I do about the damage on my car? I am not sure who hit the car, but it is likely related to the towing.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/tameimpala25
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    Neighbor trying to get my dogs taken away/ have strangers call into my workplace

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Location : Florida (of course) I have lived here for two years and have never had any issues with our neighbors. They have an autistic son who is now 12. He frequently comes into our yard and has frequently taken deceptive items, or destroyed things (such as inflatable pools for my 3 year old).
    Recently due to covid, we have had to inform them that we are no longer going to allow hugs and have imposed social distancing.
    This sometimes causes him to act out.
    Last week we told his mother that we would like for her to do a better job of keeping him off of our property. That same day he was about to come into the yard and our dogs were outside and barked at them. She began to scream at my wife that the dogs attacked her. Later in the day her kid came into our yard and I started recording. She screamed at us and her husband came out and yelled at us and was going on about how we use fake human arms to train our dog to attack people. (I have a pic of my dog from Halloween as a puppy with a "zombie" arm.) She then made a post to Facebook that used that picture to make a post that said I train my dogs to attack children, my full name, and the place I work, with requests for people to call my boss and try to get me fired. (One of the videos of her in my yard you can hear her say "I'll get your job").
    The post thread was about how I abuse children, and how she should "get a gun for the man and a taser for the dogs" among other vague threats.
    I called the police. A sheriff deputy came out and spoke with us and her. She was asked to remove the post as it may be considered harassment. She removed the post however made a new one pretty much the same as the first and was specifically asking people to get retribution for her.
    The next morning she posted a YouTube video of her being questioned by the cop the previous day, she lies throughout it and then accuses me of abusing my dogs. Then she uses my full name. (I reported the video to YouTube).
    I have installed a tether in the backyard so the dogs are now restrained, and we are working on getting an invisible fence.
    She is claiming that the dogs have now attacked her 3 times, (there has been 0 attacks, my dogs are babies and love people.) yet she has no evidence, video or marks from these "attacks".
    I know that the kid will continue to come in our yard, and even with the dogs restrained in compliance with city regulations, she will still try to claim the dogs are attacking her and that I am training them to do it. (She told the cop that her proof was that while walking the dog past her house, she was outside and the dog "looked" at her).
    Yesterday when i tried to report that she was still posting my name, workplace, and location (not physical address, but her repeatedly saying MY NEIGHBOR, makes my location pretty easy to find.
    The swine deputy's response was that her kid has autism and it's tough for her so we need to cut her some slack. I said I'm calling about the doxxing, he said he had never heard that term and didn't think there was an issue for her to post this info. I have sent an email to the sheriff asking how these actions are not covered by the statutes and am awaiting a response.

    I am installing cameras tomorrow as well.
    What can I do to protect my dogs and myself from this crazy lady?

    submitted by /u/Helpmydogs
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    Is it legal for my business to purchase iPhones if they are financed?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    I have a local buy-and-sell electronics business. I have a customer who mails me iphones once or twice a week. We check the IMEI numbers and they are always legitimate phones, icloud unlocked, not lost or stolen in any database. However, they are still under financial contract (also known as having a Bad or Unclean ESN).

    I always pay a fair market price for the phones, the same you'd get from a big online buy-my-iphone website. I label the phones as financed when I sell them.

    We always provide a receipt to the customer. Is that everything I need to do on my end to cover myself? My business partner was worried that there was a problem with purchasing so many financed phones.

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

    submitted by /u/RMMby
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    Employer received PPP loan and is only paying himself, co-owner, and their spouses NY

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Hi all I've never posted to this subreddit and I'm not sure if this is the place to post something like this but just let me know.

    As a result of the global situation everyone at my place of work has been furloughed. We are a small local music business that sells instruments and also teaches lessons weekly to students. I am a teacher there. We do not get a weekly "salary" but instead get paid based on how many lessons we teach during the week. They have separate staff that works behind the counter for sales. Note that we are all W-2 employees.

    I heard through the grapevine that the business has received a PPP loan for a large sum of money. This business is a co-ownership and they are just paying themselves a weekly stipend as well as their spouses. No other employees are being paid. There are easily 15 or so teachers total and they are not being paid at all. The business is still functioning as a musical instrument distributor and not as a lesson place for obvious reasons. After hearing about the PPP loan on this and other subreddits I was wondering if it is legal for them to hoard the money for themselves. If it is not, is there anything I could do? I don't want to sever the tie that I have with my place of work because I was looking forward to working there after all this is done, but right now I feel cheated. Thank you for your help and I'll be happy to provide any information I can that is not incriminating.

    submitted by /u/chartre15
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    Nightmare Employer - Part 2: My employer who put in my resignation in for me. Is now telling me I have to return Company property that I don't have

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Background: Check my last post. Yesterday, my employer filed my resignation for me and said that "I told the manager that I quit". However I never did. They have been doing this in attempt to fire me and avoid Unemployment liability. Found out that 3 other former employees recently went through similar situations with them.

    After going back and forth with my employer about this absurdity. I had the manager call me from a different number and tell me I am going to regret trying to fight this and that they will make sure that any future employers who call in to verify, will be told "how poor my performance was"

    Right after the disturbing call, I got an email saying I need to return company property. However all I have received is a Uniform. In fact they are now saying I borrowed multiple gadgets and they need them back asap. BUT I NEVER RECEIVED SAID ITEMS

    I asked them if they have any proof, such as an agreement showing that I took said items. They told me they have multiple witnesses, from the office, who saw me take these things. They told me if I were to not return them, I would be taken to court as well as have my last paycheck withheld to cover the loss.

    I have absolutely no Idea what to do. They are asking for roughly $1000 worth of equipment that I never had. I am confused on what I should do, I am already stressed about them faking my resignation to deny any unemployment liability. Now I have to deal with this to. What should I do?

    TLDR; Employer from Hell put in a "resignation on my behalf" to avoid unemployment liability. After trying to fight this and document it. They are now retaliating saying they will tell future employers that I have "terrible work ethic" and that I have to return company property, that I never received. They stated they have multiple witnesses as well. If I don't return said items,I will be taken to court. What can I do? This employer is out to get me.

    [this is in Illinois]

    submitted by /u/Vintagentrepreneur
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    Dentist applied for loan on my dad's behalf, seemingly unbeknownst to him. He meant to ask for payment terms for normal billing and what they heard was, "I can't pay it all now", so they asked him for his SSN and now he has a loan with serious interest. Can he get out of it? Tennessee, USA

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    UPDATE: I understand that I need to check out the paperwork that was signed to get an exact understanding of what he didn't read. Can anyone speak to how the Truth in Lending act may or may not apply?

    My dad had some problems with a dental bridge and needed to have some work done that the dentist said would be about $3200. While still in the chair, debating whether he would proceed with the procedure (literally: walk around with missing teeth or have it done), he asked if he would have to pay for it all that day. From what he told me, they said no. They ran off, came back, asked for his SSN and credit card and told him today's payment would be around $800.

    Thinking the SSN was weird, he just went through with it. My dad's very cheap, easily confused, and not great at adulting.. he relied on my mom to do most of the hard stuff for 30 years and then they divorced. He COULD pay in full the day of the first half of the procedure - he just wanted to know how long he had to pay it. You know the, "better in my hands than yours" money argument. (-_-)

    Now he is being hounded by a company called "Denefits" to start his payments. $500/mo for 6 months, in addition to the $800 he already paid. He has no T&C's from them, no loan paperwork, and only a payment schedule that he received after it was all completed.

    He did sign some papers that he said he was while still in the dentist's chair, while they were starting to prep him for the procedure (numbing his mouth), since he decided to proceed.

    He admits he didn't read it carefully, but it doesn't sound like normal loan paperwork or process. He says no one walked him through the terms, interest, or other details of the loan. If they had told him the interest was going to be over $300, he would have shut that down. Again, he's a total cheapskate on a lot of things. They also charged him a $30 loan fee as part of the initial $800, that he says he wasn't made aware of until after the payment was taken from his credit card.

    From the online T&C's from Denefits, it looks like the dentist has full control. They can reduce the principal to zero, issue refunds, and even cancel the account. The dentist, however, is "seeing what they can do" and has taken days to get back to my dad, saying they need to contact Denefits.

    Does he really have a "contract" with Denefits? He only had half of the procedure performed at this time. Should he wait until this is worked out to have the other half? Aren't there institutions that govern how short term loans and financing are handled - and are there steps he didn't go through that he should have?

    TL;DR Cheapsake, boomer dad ask if he has to pay total bill the same day as a procedure, and the dentist applies for loan for him. He says he had no understanding of said loan until after it was already done. Doesn't feel like a legit contract based on his side of the story. Is it? How can he not have an understanding if they followed regulated loan practices?

    submitted by /u/alliterativehyjinks
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    Boss holding my tip

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Location: Georgia, USA

    Short and sweet, a regular customer came in and gave my boss 100 dollars for each of his employees as a tip for all the time he has been coming here. My boss hasn't given me my 100 dollars yet and its been weeks. I asked him about it and he said that "gifts come at the right time" I want my tip, I don't want to wait until he finally decides to give it to me.

    submitted by /u/nroguyman6969
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