• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - URGENT! My boss threatened to fire all staff for unionizing for wanting safer conditions and I think he's going to follow through later today. Can someone explain difference between non-recall and termination as it applies here? NY

    Legal Advice - URGENT! My boss threatened to fire all staff for unionizing for wanting safer conditions and I think he's going to follow through later today. Can someone explain difference between non-recall and termination as it applies here? NY

    URGENT! My boss threatened to fire all staff for unionizing for wanting safer conditions and I think he's going to follow through later today. Can someone explain difference between non-recall and termination as it applies here? NY

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Hello. I've been organizing my coworkers in union activity in an effort to get safer working conditions (and maybe higher pay) when we, a retail business, reopen after COVID-19. We don't feel like our safety concerns were taken seriously or that they were willing to budge on some important parts of our requests. This business is a small chain with a corporate structure above us. Our demands were sent to the higher ups after our boss freaked, and I don't think enough was done and neither do any of my coworkers who have participated. We were told that they "are aware of [our demands] and will address them when the time is right." After our demands they very suddenly decided that they are going to reopen this Saturday, the 30th. Without discussing doing more about worker safety concerns than the half assed nasty email that was sent. About half of the staff at this store has an underlying health condition, and imo, they have offered the bare minimum if that.

    I have educated myself and my coworkers about the National Labor Relations Act and that we should be protected should we unionize. That seems like the direction it's going. Shit is going to hit the fan TODAY. He privately emailed a coworker that if I (serious health condition) or another coworker (also with a serious health condition, but has another job and may just leave this one) didn't agree to work a specific shift he will have considered us all to quit and will replace all staff. We have been clear that we ARE willing to work, just with better conditions. We have been clear that we do not want to quit. I reference the NLRA a fair bit in the email and make reference to the ADA (he's not willing to make reasonable accommodations for those of us at higher risk). But the part about "considering us to have quit" is throwing me. Can someone explain non-recall and termination as it relates here? I have been referred to a local law service, but I do not know how long that will take. A similar organization (unrelated COVID crisis, yay me) referred me to a lawyer within the same organization who doesn't practice employment law so she was unable to answer some of my questions and I do not know how long it will take me to get put in touch with an employment lawyer, but I have to send this email TODAY.

    All help is appreciated, TIA!

    Location: NY, but not NYC.

    submitted by /u/mistressnadine
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    Boyfriend fired for asking for time off during baby’s delivery and hospital stay, boss now claiming he quit

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    Hi, we are in New Jersey. This situation has us stressed out and any help would be hugely appreciated.

    I gave birth on the 18th and my partner came with me to the ER. Due to Covid he could not leave once entering or would not be allowed to return. Baby had some complications and we had to stay longer than expected, 4 days total. My boyfriends employer was given 3 months notice that he would be present during delivery and would need time off to care for me during recovery, at minimum 1 week, maximum 2 weeks. Boyfriend accumulated sick days to cover this. Boss just told him to call when I went into labor, which he did.

    Due to the complications with baby and my recovery, boyfriend called his boss to let him know that he might have to stay with us longer and that he would be using his sick days. Boss said that he would not have a job when he returns.

    Boyfriend went in to old job to drop off keys today and request a written letter from boss stating his termination. Boss is now trying to say that he quit due to "personal reasons". Under no circumstances did he quit or allude to quitting in any way. Only that he needed time off and would be using his sick days to cover.

    What recourse do we have if any? Boyfriend has text communications between boss where he states multiple times that he is not quitting, yet when he asks if he still has a job, boss says no. He is already collecting partial unemployment due to hours being cut by covid. Does he need to refile?

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/origamibee
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    A surgeon has threatened to sue me over bad reviews. How can I protect myself?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Last year I had surgery which was botched. The issues were obvious to me early on in my recovery and I questioned my surgeon about why things were healing the way they were. He lied and told me everything was fine. After several months I pressed the issue further and he tried some anti-swelling agents that made little difference.

    I have ongoing issues with my surgery that require expensive revisions. My surgeon has offered to do them but disagrees with all the other doctors I've talked to about how to correct the problem. I don't trust my original doctor to do another surgery on me. I talked to a lawyer about filing a malpractice suit but they wouldn't take the case because they don't stand to make enough money from it.

    I've written online about my experience and warned others about what I went through. I don't want to doxx myself but the essence of the commentary was that I had a very negative experience.

    I was contacted my the doctor recently. He said if I don't take down what I wrote that he will sue me for defamation. I don't believe I wrote anything defaming but I agreed to take down my posts just to avoid an expensive legal battle.

    How can I further protect myself from this doctor? I'm the victim and now im being threatened for talking about what happened to me.

    submitted by /u/junkyjunkythrowaway
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    My lawyer died after I paid for representation. Now the law firm is claiming that they have no legal obligation to continue my case or refund my money. (Houston, Texas)

    Posted: 28 May 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    I got pulled over and issued a citation back in November (I ran a red light). Before my court date, I hired a lawyer here in the Houston area. He was a solo practitioner. Since the beginning there has been very little communication between the law office and me, no phone calls, emails or updates. In January, I appeared for my court date and no one from the law office showed up. My date was reset. I was upset because I had to take the day off work and was hoping I could resolve my ticket on this date. So, I called the office and they informed me that the lawyer had passed away and now they were handing off cases to temporary attorneys. Ok, no problem, it was unfortunate but I understood. However, there was NO communication after this, my phone calls and messages were ignored, emails never returned. When Covid-19 shut down the courts, the lawyers were tasked with resetting court dates after reopening. The law office did not do this, so I have been calling them every day because the deadline to reset is tomorrow, May 29. Today when I called the office for an update, the paralegal (?) told me that since I had paid money to the lawyer who had passed, his obligation to me and my case had ended. They would not be reimbursing me and they wanted me to stop calling. Is this legal?? It doesn't feel right. Especially since after he passed they told me they were handling open cases with temporary attorneys. It wasn't a lot of money, but still, it's the principal. What can I do? Please advise!

    submitted by /u/bananas-4-breakfast
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    [NY] Supervisor threatens to write me up if I continue to discuss wages with my coworkers

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    I've been working a minimum wage job at the 8th-largest retailer in the United States for a little over a year. I had my first review which went really well and ended with a .15 raise. I was really excited, so I started to tell my friends, but my supervisor some how found out I was telling coworkers. The next day she called me into her office and threatened to write me up if I continue to talk about wages. I asked HR, and they basically said, "Per the employee handbook you cannot discuss pay."

    Are employers allowed to dish out disciplinary action for discussing pay? Will I have any trouble if I continue to talk about it?

    submitted by /u/Skys0817
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    My company just "Put in My resignation for me" and made it look I quit. Even though I never did?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    This is in Illinois.

    Yesterday, My employer had recently told me that I have to let him know by Friday if I will be coming into the office or not, since lock down is opening up. I informed my manager, over the phone the same day, that as much as I did not comfortable as my family member is at high risk, however I still will come into the office.

    However Today (The day before I was supposed to let them know my decision).My manager called me and told me she put in my resignation for me, saying that "I told her I will be quitting". However I never gave her permission, let alone even talk about quitting to her. After all this I even received a message from my boss saying "Hey I heard you quit, Sorry our company wasn't a good fit." Even though, I had already sent an email out to my boss today letting him know I will be working on Monday!

    What should I do? I am worried about this and how it will affect my family. I already have a job lined up however it wont be until 2-3 weeks.

    A former employee there told me they put resignations in for people they want to fire so they can make sure that they don't have to pay out unemployment. They also hold on to peoples last paychecks and don't give them back as well. If I end up not getting the job, what should I do? I am extremely worried about my families financial stability since I am the main source of income ever since my wife lost her job to the pandemic.

    Also how do I make sure this never happens to anyone else. I just want to ensure that everyone who is looking for a job is warned about these wolves in sheep clothing. I'm sick to my stomach thinking that a business could do this to someone, especially during a pandemic.

    TLDR; My manager at the company put in a resignation for me, and told me that "I quit", even though we were informed to come into the office on Monday 1st. Former employee said the company does this to make sure they don't have to pay for unemployment. Will I still qualify for unemployment in a case like this?

    submitted by /u/Vintagentrepreneur
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    My dad and stepmom set up a custodial account in my name and when I found out about it and the money in it, my stepmom freaked out and took out all the money. Is this legal?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    So I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but this has been bothering me for years.

    When I was 18 I was working two jobs and had a really crappy car. It kept breaking down all the time and I would have to call in to work because it just wasn't a reliable source of transportation. Anyways, I decided that I was going to take out a loan on a new car.

    I went to the bank determined to get a loan, and honestly I wasn't sure how the whole thing worked, I didn't realize people usually have a car in mind before getting the loan. As the guy at the bank pulled up my accounts he was surprised to find a large amount in savings connected to my account. He started joking and saying that of course i'll get a loan with that kind of money laying around. Of course I was very confused since the last I had checked I had next to nothing in my checking account (I worked 2 jobs but both were minimum wage which is only $7.25 where I live).

    This guy informed me that I had $16,000 just sitting in a savings account in my name! I was just shocked, I didn't know if what was going on so I just sort of thanked the guy and left. After talking to my mom about the situation and confirming that she didn't have anything to do with the money, I called the only person I knew who would have $16,000 just sitting around. My dad.

    Now honestly I don't really remember how the conversation went, it was very weird, and he sounded very freaked out telling me over and over to just stay home while he figured this out, and then hung up. A while later I got a call from my step mom and she told me that I had to go back to bank and sign this document to authorize the transfer of these funds. I asked her what this money was for and why it was in my name. She tried to just casually blow it off and said something like, "Oh I just accidentally put that money in that account. That's all."

    I responded, "Uh... What? You "accidentally" misplaced $16,000 in my name? how did you even have access to this account?" She Immediately got very defensive and told me that it was an account that they set up a long time ago for me, so I could have a bank account in my name.

    But... why?? I still just don't understand. Why would they make an account for me as a child that was supposed to be empty? How in the hell is that supposed to help me in anyway? I tried asking more questions but my stepmom told me I was being very disrespectful and that i needed to go to the bank right that moment and send them the money.

    Still very confused I went to my mom and told her the situation. My mom reminded me of a birthday present my dad and step mom gave me one year. They had asked my dads side of the family to donate money to an account that they were setting up in my name to help me build savings for the future. I remember that I was a little disappointed because I was young and all i wanted was toys. I also very vividly remember an uncle showing me a check and explaining to me that it would help me so much in the future.

    So I called my stepmom back and both my stepmom and my dad claimed to have no idea what I was talking about.... Well ok then. I called my Grandma (my dads mom) and she remembered exactly what I was talking about, and told me that many members of the family had contributed to this account as my birthday gift. I tried to talk to my dad and step mom about this but they told me that I had to go and get that money transfered NOW or I would be in trouble because it was not my money and they have already been in contact with the bank to inform them of that.

    I didn't really know what to do and honestly I was (and still am) pretty scared of my stepmom so I went to the bank and I transferred the money. After I got a bit mad and I started asking questions about it like, "Did you put this on your taxes? How in hell did you misplace $16,000? What happened to the money that everyone but you remembered giving to me?" My stepmom told me that I was way out of line, and that she couldn't believe I would accuse them of stealing, and that I was deeply hurting them by questioning them this way. Basically she ended it with telling me to never bring it up again and that I had no place asking them about their finances.

    So I still have no answers to anything, because if i try to bring it up to my dad he just plays aloof, and I don't dare ask my stepmom.

    I don't know if this matters but, once when I went to visit them I saw all these papers from that same bank, just laid out on my stepmoms desk. what caught my eye was the banks logo and that each paper had one of my half siblings name on it with a large amount of money, even though the youngest was pretty young at the time.

    I have many questions about what happened like: was this legal if it was in my name? Do I have any right to that money to help me in school? Did I sign away any right to that money? If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate what you think about this.

    Again I'm sorry if this isn't the right sub, i just don't know where else to ask about this, and this is my first time posting, so if I should post somewhere else just let me know. So sorry for the long post!

    Edit: I am in the US

    submitted by /u/ArsonAgent
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    I was sexually assaulted on Valentine’s Day and my detective is planning on filing my case to the state attorney. Do I need to watch how I act to be a credible and valid witness/victim in my case? I don’t want to get torn down by a defense attorney.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    I'll be completely honest and say that I was extremely active sexually. Before I was raped, I slept with 20+ guys in the span of under two months. However, those were all sober decisions, choices I made. I felt in control during all of those encounters with many guys asking for verbal consent.

    On Valentine's Day, I was particularly sad, drank a ton at the pregame, and went to the club. I willingly went home with the guy, got into his car, even with him telling me the situation surrounding the location we were going to. I was drunk enough that I took us to the bathroom thinking that was the exit at the club, but I still allowed him and walked to his car with him. When we got to his place, all the shots hit me and I threw up continuously throughout the night and just wanted to sleep. I said no repeatedly but never physically fault him off as he manipulated my body and penetrated me.

    After this encounter, I didn't stop sleeping with guys. I sought control and continued the streak of hookups. These once again we're all conscious, sober decisions, and with guys I met and spoke with before sleeping with them.

    Will a defense attorney rip into me for my sexual habits? I'm in the state of Florida btw.

    submitted by /u/softsculptore
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    Kids drinking on my property

    Posted: 28 May 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I have a 5 acre+ property

    Kids had an agreement with the last property owner that so long as they remained on the back half of the property they were fine to do whatever.

    I found out they were drinking, smoking weed, shooting animals with a pellet gun, and having bonfires.

    Warned their parents, next time it happened I called the cops and they were arrested.

    What my liability have been if I hadn't called and one of them got hurt ETC? What would my liability be if they do it again after I already called the cops and made an official report?

    Is there anything else I can do to protect myself from legal issues and being sued?

    Location: Texas USA

    submitted by /u/amsmjfksbak
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    [USA] Someone hacked my Snapchat account, sent my nudes to my contact list, and is now holding my account for ransom in exchange for me sending new nudes. Do I have any ground to stand on if I report this to the police?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    I am in the United States.

    I don't have any proof that he leaked anything more graphic than me in a bra but there are more graphic pictures than that on the account that he has surely seen. I'm terrified of these pictures being posted online as my face and full name are attached.

    I also don't have any info other than the guy's Snapchat username he made just to do this and 2 emails I got that included his IP address and locations but he obviously used a VPN.

    He also posed as me and got someone else to send me nudes which he also leaked after hacking into her account.

    He communicated with my friends and had me add him on a new account so he could talk to me and tell me I'd get my account back if I sent him nudes, which I obviously didn't do.

    As far as I know he didn't leak photos of me as a minor but those photos do exist on the account.

    I'm assuming there's nothing I can do here but I feel backed into a corner and violated so I just wanted to try.

    Update: he blocked me so now there's no way for me to reach him and I'm still locked out my account bc of 2 factor authentication. My therapist encouraged me to call the police but I'm not sure if I contact my town or my state and how to go about that.

    submitted by /u/thesunindrag
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    Ex-GF threatened you burn down my house and kill our dogs

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    I just broke up with my now ex-GF. Nerves are high, and she was shouting at me on the way out the door. There are two things that really concern me though. She intends to take both our dogs, who are registered and licensed in her name as she works as a vet tech. However she has nowhere to put them, and told me that she would put both of them down rather than leave them here. She also texted our roommate saying that she would burn the house down if I tried to fight her for them. I live in Massachusetts. Is there anything I can or should be doing?

    Edit: I spoke to the police, they took my info and statement as well as her info, and will be reaching out to discuss with her.

    submitted by /u/demo01134
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    Apartment neighbors family drunkenly shot my apartment trying to hit raccoon on Memorial Day

    Posted: 28 May 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Hi there Michigan local here unsure of what to do and any advice would be amazing and very appreciated...

    So while my gf and I were out of town over the past week and while we were gone my downstairs neighbors (who I am not close with at all) were cooking out with friends and family on Memorial Day and one member of their family saw a raccoon and drunkenly tried to shoot it resulting in my apartment getting shot multiple times through my door and walls. They told my landlord that the family member had shot at my apartment trying to hit the raccoon but that they knew that I was out of town and no one was home because they hadn't heard or seen me in a few days. My landlord didn't tell me at all that there was a shooting in our downtown apartment and when I came home today I saw the holes in my walls and doors in my living room and my bedroom. I called my landlord and asked if there was a shooting on our street if she had heard of lately and she at first said "no" but then when I told her about the holes in my walls and my door and sent her pictures she said that actually my downstairs neighbors family had shot at a raccoon on Memorial Day and must have hit my apartment by accident and told me that they "knew I wasn't there".

    I no longer feel safe in this apartment knowing that there were people living under me that are so casual about shooting a gun in a public residential area at a house where other people live with just a guess that I wasn't there and that my gf wasn't there. If we were there there was a very good chance we could have been hit as it was right around where my couch is in the living room where we sit every day and also in my bedroom. My landlord said she isn't calling the police because she is banning gun ownership in the apt and called the neighbors and they said that they wouldn't invite them over again and they would pay for damages. She said if I want to call the police it's my decision too. I just don't know what to do especially since it happened a few days ago when I wasn't at home and because of the pandemic going on if it will be taken seriously.

    Thanks for any and all advice you all may have🙏🏾

    Sorry if it's hard to understand...first post on here

    submitted by /u/greatgander12
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    A band copyright claimed my friend's art

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Hi, so my friend from France posted a sticker on red bubble that they titled "midnight oil" and not long after it was copyright claimed by an Australian band by the same name, who my friend had never heard of. The image in no way relates to them, as it's just a melting candle with a face. Can they actually do this? The term "midnight oil" or "burning the midnight oil" (both of which she tried and they claimed) are common use terms and are in no way changed from their common spelling to make them unique.

    Location: France Origin of Copyright: Australia

    submitted by /u/ArtisticAnomaly1414
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    (VA) Sister is being harassed and stalked by an ex, and she’s being told there is nothing she can do about it for now.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I'll try to keep this brief and I don't want to add too much information because I don't know where this will lead.

    About a year and a half ago my sister started dating somebody. They only dated for a month or two and then they split. The problem is that this person WILL NOT leave my sister alone.

    The harassment and stalking started 7-9 months ago with text messages and phone calls. My sister blocked their phone number and blocked them on all social media accounts. She moved apartments after (due to unrelated reasons) and believed that this was the end of it. However, one morning about 3-4 months ago on her way to work she noticed a note on her car. It was from the ex, saying that they know where she lives now and where she works and they will not leave her alone.

    Recently it's been getting a lot worse, my sister began receiving text messages, emails, and phone calls almost daily from the ex. They're always from different phone numbers, and she blocks every one, but there are always new ones. In recent weeks the ex has begun showing up to her work place, since she works in sales, and only speaks to her coworkers, but they never buy anything. My sisters manager is aware but they say there's nothing they can really do. She's become fearful for her life, and she's always looking over her shoulder. Her recent relationship ended because they also started receiving messages from the ex and they feared for their safety.

    She has attempted to file police reports, but the officers she has spoken to tell her that there is nothing they can do as none of these messages or emails are actually threatening her. The police officers even say that's it's like this person knows how to get around the law since the ex never directly threatens anybody. The messages and emails always ask for her address, outline a non threatening attempt to find her address (knocking on neighboring apartments and asking), and they say that they'll never leave her alone.

    A police officer that she spoke to told her that she can file for a protective order at the magistrates office, and if she is granted one it can be upgraded to a restraining order pending a review from a judge. However, when she attempted to file for one, they gave her the same run around. They just say that since there were no threats to her physical well being she couldn't file for it.

    My sister is terrified because she knows what her ex can do. The ex has made verbal threats to harm her while they were in a relationship but she never recorded it and doesn't have any proof. This is one of the reasons their relationship was so brief. The ex is also an avid drug user who has anger issues.

    I am asking for advice because I'd like to know if there are any roads she hasn't taken yet. She still has several months left on her apartments lease and she can't afford to break it. She feels incredibly uneasy knowing that any day this person could attempt to confront her in the parking lot of her own home, or even attack her at her place of work.

    submitted by /u/confidentialduck
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    Work Truck Does Not Have AC

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    I'll preface this by saying I work a very manual labor intensive job at a feed store in Southern California and have been employed here for three years. We have a total of 4 delivery trucks and one truck has had a broken air conditioner since I have been employed there. Today I was told to do a delivery in the truck during the hottest part of the day and I'm pretty sure I got some sort of heat stroke. For the rest of the day I was dizzy and exhausted. Can an employer legally force their employees to work in these conditions? If not how would you recommend I approach my boss about the issue and prevent any unwanted attention?

    Since I'm here I also have a related question about my rights as an employee. At my job we work 8 and a half hours a day with one 30 minute unpaid lunch. However, since this is a small business we are usually understaffed and I am not forced but, strongly encouraged to eat in the store and help customers as they come in. Does my employer have the right to not pay me even though my lunch is constantly being interrupted and I have to stop to help customers?

    Sorry for the bad formatting or any grammar mistakes I still feel out of it from earlier today. Pale skin and red hair does not mix well in the California desert.

    submitted by /u/illimitable_demigod
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    Best buy took weeks to respond to my emails asking for a return, now they're saying it's past the deadline

    Posted: 28 May 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    This is in Canada by the way. About a month ago I ordered an electronic product that became defective after just a week so I tried to email best buy to get a return. Even though I must have sent 10 emails over the course of 2 weeks they still didn't respond to any of them until a few days ago saying they can't return it because it's past the deadline. I called them, saying how it wasn't my fault they took so long to respond but they are still refusing to make an exception. Am I shit out of luck or is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/supersulu
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    Do I have to return to work if I was officially terminated ?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Hi, I live in Oregon and was fired due to covid-19. My question is do I have to return to work if they call me. Here are the facts.

    March 22 this year I was terminated from my restaurant management job in Oregon.

    It was a termination of employment, not a layoff. I received a letter of termination and also received a letter explaining that if this all blows over and If I wanted to work there I'd have to reapply and undergo 3 months of training... training I've completed prior.

    I am disheartened that my restaurant stayed open throughout this entire time doing take out, but didn't see me as essential enough to keep me. I was the head chef. For this reason I'd like to not go back there if I can manage it without loosing my unemployment insurance. My former GM called me today, but I missed the call.

    Also I have a well documented autoimmune disease.

    If anyone has any information pertaining to my situation I'd really appreciate it. I haven't been able to find anything online baring temporary layoff information.

    submitted by /u/Howbout500
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    my fiancée was assaulted at her waitress job & the customer walked out on their tab & her managers threatened her job if she didn’t cover the tab.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    we are in houston texas.

    she worked a 10 hour shift today her first day back from this pandemic, & they gave her no break, no lunch break, & after serving her customer.

    the customers managed to get alcohol from the bartenders without having to give them a card on file, & the bartenders put everything on my fiancées table, then the guys piss drunk shoved eachother & my fiancée in the face & she went to tell management, management refused to throw out the customers or even cut them off. they then allowed them to walk out on their tab, while my fiancée was trying to chase them down to close out their tab. at the end of her ten hour shift she was told it was a 98 dollar tab & that it was her responsibility to pay this, i confronted the managers on why she had too if it is against the law they stated it is in her contract yet refused to show me her contract. she not only worked 10hrs during a pandemic, but she basically paid her restaurant to work, as she had made -70 dollars on the day. i wanted to know if there is anything we could do as i feel like this is highly unethical.

    i'm sorry if this is formatted poorly i'm on mobile & extremely upset as i have to see my future wife crying her eyes out because she was basically assaulted & robbed at her work place, while also being starved & worked to exhaustion as they refuse to give them any sort of breaks.

    submitted by /u/iknowwhatimtalmbout
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    Can a “church” charge for services then mark all fees a a donation

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    FL- in November I was going to attend this "soul church" I like holistic new age type of stuff so I was going to do their retreat for a couple days. At check out they ask for a donation that goes to keeping up church grounds. I donated five dollars. Paid half of the services fee which was over $400 dollars. After reading more about the place I discover they give you DMT which is a class 1 scheduled controlled substance. Felt a bit cult-ish to me. The problem is they kind of hide the drug part from the main description that sells you. They do say no refunds but I figured I'd give them a call. I told them I didn't realize substance abuse was involved and asked if they would issue a refund. They had no problem doing so, or so they said. I understand there is not much I can do for my money which I really don't care. I'd rather loose out on hundreds of dollars then potentially loose my life or freedom. I understand what is the obvious law when it comes to them just saying they will refund me and me checking the I understand there are no refunds box. Anyways, after they didn't refund me I just figured I'd dispute it with my bank. I told my bank they hide the fact that drugs are involved and that was reason enough for them to be ok with a dispute. The issue was that the "church" marked the entire 400 and whatever dollars as a donation and you can't dispute money you donated. What I'm wondering is can a church charge for services or events? Not only that but charge then input the entire thing as donation after asking for donations separately? I mean it's obviously a way to get around taxes but I feel like they are slipping up. No?

    submitted by /u/BuffSnowflake
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    Elderly Uncle in hawaii has named my father the executor of his will, but has verbally told him to “take care of his roommate” after he dies.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I'm posting this for my dad who is feeling overwhelmed with his situation.

    My elderly uncle lives in hawaii with a housemate, we'll call him Bill. My father is the executor of his will, and my uncle has left everything to myself and my sister. Everything being his property in hawaii, which is probably worth about 50-150k. My uncle has lived with Bill for at least five years. i don't know if he pays rent. he is either an alcoholic, mentally unstable, or both. i have received drunken rambling calls from him, as have my dad and sister. he'll also get on the phone when we're talking to our uncle and interrupt and not get off the phone. He sounds either manic or on speed at times. My uncle won't say exactly what's going on but alludes to "problems" and "hard times". Bill seems nice enough when he's not intoxicated. Needless to say, I am not a fan of this man and wish he did not live there. I'm also concerned he is encouraging my uncle to drink too much. My uncle has told both myself and my father that he wants to make sure Bill is taken care of when he's gone. basically saying to my dad that he wants bill to be able to live there. I guess our question is, what should we do? Could we offer Bill money to leave? Are we legally obligated to respect our uncle's verbal requests if they are not in the will? If we do let him live there would he be able to claim ownership after some amount of time? Looking for advice. Thank you so much for your time!

    submitted by /u/kkkkat
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    Will I get in legal trouble if I help my little sister?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    So my little sister who lives in El Paso with my Mom and Dad just confessed to me that our father molested her when she was 9. And he's also always making inappropriate comments to her. He's busted on her when she's showering pretending the door is not locked when it is. He's very verbally abusive to her and my Mom. My mom just turns a blind eye to it but my little sister is tired of it she wants to leave home. She is 18 but she's still a junior in HS. I offered to help her since I live in Austin and I went trough the same thing that she going trough with my Dad. Expect the molesting part but he was verbally and physically abusive towards me all my childhood and teens. My sister does have a history of depression and anxiety she did try once to commit suicide and was hospitalized for a few days in a mental hospital. My sister says my Dad has warned her not to say anything about the verbal abuse. When she tried to tell my Mom that she was leaving my mother tried to scare her and basically told her I will go to a judge and make you give up your rights to me. So she's asking for my help to run away and come and live with me with her boyfriend who is also 18 but is a junior as well in HS. I am willing to help my sister in any way I can. But I don't want any legal problems with my parents or her boyfriends parents. Would I be in legal trouble if I would buy her and her bf a bus ticket to help her run away from an abusive home? I just want her to be safe I don't want her staying in a home where she doesn't feel safe anymore. My father does have a history of domestic violence.

    submitted by /u/maryloubs
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    Employer accusing me of hacking and non compete violation

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    My previous employer is suing me for hacking and breach of contract for violating a non compete.

    The non compete did not have all the boxes checked as to what I could and couldn't do.

    I adhered to the non compete as I didn't want a lawsuit. 3 days later my previous employer sent a mass email announcing my departure to all my old clients.

    Once again. I didn't solicit anyone. After this announcement my phone starts blowing up with old clients wanting to work with me.

    That same night I get a text from my old boss saying I had "broken" the agreement.

    It felt like they were trying to engineer something to make it look like I'm soliciting old clients.

    Also I did not receive any valuable consideration for my departure. It was basically "fuck you and don't work for this industry for 2 years"

    The lawsuit also says I "hacked" their system in an effort to leak all the information surrounding their company. I feel this is also a setup because they didn't even get the date correct when I left the company.

    I still had access cause I was still employed and was requested to submit all my client information to the G M.

    Also also my previous employer before I left was under investigation for illegal activity.

    This is in NEVADA, USA

    submitted by /u/prz1294
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    Husband forced to work overtime without pay or time off. Is there anything we can do?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    My husband works for a small cabinet company based in HTX. They get their wares from Vietnam & the CEO's first business is in China.

    My husband works there for $3,000 per month before tax as the Shipping & Receiving Manager (but technically he is the Warehouse Manager but the CEO doesn't want to give him the title b/c his son is using it currently).

    He works from 8:30AM to 6-7PM, Mon-Fri & 8:30AM to 3-4PM on Sat (store is open from 8-5, Mon-Fri & 9-2 on Sat although no one gets there until after 8:30 & noon). He doesn't get a long break because his boss has everyone taking their breaks in turns but the warehouse workers ignore that rule & all go out for lunch at the same time so my husband has to stay behind until they come back to get his own lunch. Even then he only has around 15mins to get food until someone calls him to come back to work. He doesn't come back until 6, 7, sometimes even 8PM completely wiped & burnt out.

    His work belittles him, forces him to do things that are not in his job description, & he has gotten hurt at work more times than I can count without any worker's compensation. He has twisted an ankle, sprained a wrist, almost threw out his whole back because his boss wouldn't let him use a forklift for a few minutes to get a heavy container for a customer that was waiting for a long time & even said "I'll let you use the forklift, if you help me with these other boxes". All of this & his work still expects him to come to work the next day & do the same thing over & over again.

    The accountant lady has connections with the CEO & uses my husband as a mental punching bag whenever she is angry about something & says that he will do whatever the CEO needs in their group chat before my husband has a chance to say anything. He wasn't even able to have Christmas Eve, New Years, Martin Luthier King Day, or even Memorial Day off because his boss told the CEO "no one in America takes those days off". They also kept their workers working throughout the quarantine when they clearly knew the health risks & about the shut down.

    I just want to know if there is anything I can do to support my husband & help him. He is a smart & strong worker with a healthy workers ethic. Yes, we need the money but not at the cost of my husbands health & sanity.

    submitted by /u/mintyteacakes
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