• Breaking News

    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    Legal Advice - Update to neighbour purposely trying to catch covid 19. Ontario

    Legal Advice - Update to neighbour purposely trying to catch covid 19. Ontario

    Update to neighbour purposely trying to catch covid 19. Ontario

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    So I hadn't heard anything from the neighbour until this morning when her husband stuck something in my mailbox so I talked to him through the window.

    He told me that he was contacted about her behavior while he was quarantined somewhere else because he was exposed to the virus and he got the health unit to make an exception to the no symptoms no test rule in the interest of the health of his wife and kid. The test came back negative 2 days later so he went home to help her. She did have a mental breakdown, he didn't go into detail about it but apparently she hadn't been handling the pandemic well and him being quarantined somewhere else made it worse.

    He asked me to delete the video because she saw me take it and I did. I told him I understand that this has been very hard on people and I had no hard feelings. He said hes going to look into counselling for her and it turns out they go to the same clinic as me so I recommended the counsellor I use. Counselling is basically the same as therapy here.

    He had stuck an apology letter from her in the mailbox with a garden center gift card.

    I'm deleting this account so they're won't be any replies from me this time in BOLA.

    Stay safe everyone!

    submitted by /u/gardenguard
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    Neighbor Instructed their Loggers to Destroy my Yard

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    Last October my neighbor hired a logger to do work in their yard. Neighbor told loggers to come through our yard to access their yard without my permission and the logging truck destroyed my lawn.

    The loggers are a dead end and they are unlicensed. Want to take neighbors to small claims for damages instead.


    1: I am in New York State

    2: Not actually a logging company, they are operating unlicensed

    3: Various formatting and spelling. On mobile apologies

    4: Clarifications

    5: Wow this got a lot more traction than I would have expected! I am reading and considering everyone's replies, thank you to all for the robust discussion and considerations

    submitted by /u/Oogiville
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    My dad physically assaulted me and my older sister.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    This is the short story or the TLDR: my dad (around 200 pounds) had an argument with my older sister (28, 120 pounds) . I came out of my room to find my had smacking my sister in both sides of her face and the back of her head. She tried to leave and while going down the stairs my dad continued to smack her. She ended up leaving the house that night. My dad later came back up stairs and smacked me (17 yo male) in my face. He and my mom screamed profanities at me because I said that what they just did to my sister was completely wrong. This is not the first time my dad assaulted me like this. Some people would say whooping your kids with a belt is okay and I understand that but i was hit so hard I started bleeding. If I do call the cops I believe both my mom and dad will get arrested for child abuse. I want to call SPC but I'm scared that me and my younger siblings will get separated. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/somethingempty101
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    Boss forced me to go to the ER promising our company would pay my bills- they won't, and now I'm thousands in medical debt

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Hi, so I'm in FL, US. At the start of the year I got a new job. During this time, I was also really struggling with a chronic health condition/disability. I manage it pretty well now, but at times it flares up and can cause serious back pain and make it difficult to stand. But I have seen countless doctors and all of them say that I am fine and this condition is unfortunately just something I have to live with.

    A few weeks into working at my new job, I had a flare up and asked my then-manager if I could sit down for a minute. When I came back out, he told me he was going to call an ambulance. I tried to explain to him my condition and begged him not to do that, as I couldn't afford an ambulance. He told me that it wouldn't be an issue, and that he had called our GM who confirmed that the company would pay for my bills under workman's comp and I would be fine if I just told the people in the ER that it was a work related incident.

    He continued to blow things way out of proportion and I started to panic, he made me think I could be having appendicitis and that I needed urgent medical attention. I have high anxiety and truly believed him in the moment. The compromise was that I would leave work immediately and drive to the ER myself, so that he wouldn't call the ambulance. I did. I spent a few hours in the ER, they ran a bunch of tests and, of course, found nothing wrong.

    When I came back to work the next day, my other manager told me that nope, the company would not be helping me whatsoever with the bills and I should never have been told that. She told me I'd be totally fine because hospitals don't bill you right away (as if I was a braindead moron who had never been to a hospital before, thanks for the heads up genius). The manager who caused all of this gave me a half-assed apology and quit the next day, because apparently corporate scolded him a little for the incident.

    Anyways, months later, I've just gotten back the bills. They are thousands of dollars. Is there anything I can do concerning corporate? I was told by my superior that they would cover my expenses, just to be told that was all a bunch of nonsense to force me to go to the hospital when it was completely unnecessary.

    submitted by /u/bagomarbles
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    How would I be able to get my house under my name

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I(21f) live in a house that is under my ex boyfriend's name.

    The other night I woke up to him sexually assaulting me and he was arrested. The issue is that I'm not sure how to legally get the place in my name. It will likely be years before my ex is released and I'm not sure how this affects me living here. How do I get it changed to my name

    submitted by /u/throwRAquitrecording
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    Company claims I am not a leaseholder, locked me out.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Canada. B.C. Company claims I am not a leaseholder, despite having made a lease agreement, and been paying rent for 17 months. They called the police, and asked for me to be removed from the property. When the police arrived, I presented my lease agreement, and they confirmed that I did have right to be there. Then, the property manager said that my lease agreement was "for bookkeeping purposes only" and invalid. I was shortly after removed from the property, and asked to leave all possessions behind, and recommended by the police to fight it in court.

    The property management company refuses to provide me with any information, and continues to insist that I am not a leaseholder.

    I have no access to my possessions, which are now in possession of the company.

    I want to milk this as hard as I can. I have receipts for payments and expenses, and photo evidence of all of my belongings on the property. What can I do to further pressure the company into providing me with proof or acknowledgement of my right to be there?

    submitted by /u/nullbear
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    Landlord giving "promotion" to next tenant taken from my security deposit- OH

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    I moved out of my apartment in Ohio on April 25, and provided 30 days written notice of my lease breaking. I asked for a month-to-month lease after two full years of living there, and their options were TRIPLE rent month-to-month, or to sign a new year-long lease, with the risk of paying rent if the apartment went unrented after I moved out. So, I found the landlord a new tenant who accepted the apartment as-is, with no breaks in occupancy. The landlord deducted over $400 from my $1000 security deposit for a "promotion" for the next tenant to rent the apartment. From what I have turned up, this is not legal.

    I have done all communication by email and the landlord has said, "Our current rental program includes a ½ month rent promotion that has to be given consistently to all new renters regardless of circumstances". This feels incredibly shady. He has offered me half of the $400 back, but I think I am owed the full deposit. Is it legal for the landlord to take a "promotion" for the next tenant out of my security deposit?

    submitted by /u/meowmeowmrowmeows
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    Dr performed wrong procedure on my 12 week old - Arizona

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Hi, today i took my 12 week in to have her lip tie clipped. The dr started to clamp the piece of tissue under her tongue and i quickly became worried. I said "i thought we were here to clip her lip tie." He just shook his head and continued with the procdure. This all happened so quickly probably one minute max. Afterward, I was attempting to calm my screaming baby down he realized that i was right and told me that his office said to him that he was reversing a tongue tie so that's what he did. he admired that he did not look in my daughters chart at his previous notes and took his offices word for it. He apologized and didn't charge me for the procedure. I am wondering if I have any legal right to sue for malpractice since he performed the wrong procedure and was negligent. I have been an emotional wreck all day and my daughter too. She's been so upset and i have been giving her tylenol to help. I would like to know if it would be worth it to talk to a lawyer and if I would get anything for emotional damages in this situation. The doctor owned up to his mistake and offered to perform the correct surgery but I was too upset and traumatized to make my daughter go through that pain again. This happened today in Arizona.

    submitted by /u/groovygay
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    Our landlord won't let us move in because he contracted COVID-19

    Posted: 27 May 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    obligatory long-time lurker, short-term poster.

    My boyfriend (28M) and myself (26F) signed a lease for a 1 bed/1 bath apartment starting on June 1 in MA, back in late March. We signed a standard lease. I've moved 7 times in 7 years between undergrad/post-grad living so I'm reasonably familiar with tenant rights/laws and am usually the one on the lease that deals with the landlord, utilities, etc.

    We got a call this morning from the realtor that we won't be allowed inside the unit on June 1 because the owner contracted COVID-19 (positive test yesterday) and apparently decided to quarantine himself our unit, and he won't be ok until he tests negative twice for COVID-19.

    The unit is within a two-story house. We signed the lease for the bottom unit, and the owners currently live upstairs. After we signed the lease for the bottom unit, the broker let us know that the owners had bought a property elsewhere that they intended to move to and they sold the upstairs unit. The closing date for that unit is also June 1, so currently they cannot move out on June 1 bc the owner is sick with COVID-19, the folks that they sold it to can't move in because his wife and daughter are upstairs, and we can't move in.

    This is the only section of the lease that deals with delays:

    5. DELAYS: It is possible that the Landlord may not be able to let the Tenant move into the Apartment when scheduled. If this happens, and if the Landlord is not to blame, the Tenant will not owe any rent for the period up to the time when the Landlord lets the Tenant move in, and the Tenant will have no claim against the Landlord. If delay continues for more than thirty (30) days, either party may terminate the lease by notifying the other party seven (7) days in advance. If the reason for the delay is the fact that the Apartment is still occupied by someone else, the Landlord may try to evict the occupant on behalf of the Tenant.

    What are our legal options?

    submitted by /u/dancingelephants93
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    Internet provider cancellation fee

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Hi. I was told by the service rep that signed me up that I was not under contract. I decided to cancel early because the service kept getting disconnected. Before cancelling I chatted with a service representative and he confirmed in writing that I would not incur fees for cancelling early since I was not under contract.

    I have the email from the service rep and a copy of the chat transcript. Now that I cancelled Cox is saying that I owe an early termination fee. They said they apologize for the employees providing incorrect information. Wouldn't the employees be acting as agents on behalf of the company? This is in Nevada.

    Edit: Thank you everyone. They agreed to credit half of the fee. And I'll just pay the other half to not deal with them anymore.

    submitted by /u/Isostasty
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    Outdoor radiator fell out of the wall because it was very poorly screwed on - Landlord wants to evict me

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Hey, so this outdoor radiator unit is part of a heat pump system for the house. I live in the basement apartment. Earlier today, it just fell out of the wall. I'm not sure why, but the screws just finally gave out. Luckily, nothing was damaged except the wood- the unit itself and all the electrical components are fine and it's still working. But I've taken photos here to show just how poorly it was screwed in- you can see the screws weren't long enough to actually get into the wall much. They were maybe in the wall between a half inch to 1 inch. For screws that are supposed to be holding up a large, very heavy unit, this was clearly a shitty job. It also won't be that difficult a repair, seeing as it's just a matter of screwing it back into the wall properly.

    Anyway, my landlord is pissed and he says I'm responsible, and I might get evicted over this. It's true that I might be partially responsible- It was bearing a little bit of weight for a tarp I had over some bicycles to protect them from water, and during rain storms there'd be a bit of water pooling on top. But not much, maybe 5 or 10 pounds of water. This was back in April when it's super rainy all month, and the tarp hasn't been on in months. It just gave out and fell today.

    Now all that being said, they're trying to claim this is reckless neglegent damage to my unit. It was screwed into the wall so badly that any significant amount of weight would have ripped it right off the wall. So what should I try to argue to my local tenency board, here? If my landlord does seriously serve me an eviction notice, what should I try to do?

    I have photos linked so you can see what I"m talking about.


    EDIT POST: at the request of location bot I should mention I live in Halifax, Canada.

    submitted by /u/classy_barbarian
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    Work required me to quarantine, possibly because of the holiday weekend they are threatening to fire me.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    I live in indiana an at will state.

    So my girlfriend, who lives with me, workplace has pretty lenient rules about covid 19. Basically if you feel sick or are showing symptoms go home till you feel better. Because of this they have had a continuous rash of covid outbreaks at their facility.

    My job is a little more strict, if me or anyone around me has covid I must report it and then they quarantine me until I get a doctor's note that I am all clear.

    Friday my girlfriend's work called and told her many people at my her work that work in close proximity received positive tests as testing became more available. i told my employer what was going on and they sent me home and told me I could not come back till I received a negative test result.

    We went to the state fairgrounds and got tested. This place was disorganized as is and it took an hour just to figure out how to get inside. When we were finished they handed us a piece of paper that told us how we could get physical test results.

    Because the tests were done by the state I believe (hope) they are backed up on informing people of their results. as of today 5/27 we haven't received a call or email stating the results of her tests. I informed my hr yesterday what was going on and told them I would be reaching out today if we didnt receive any information (unfortunately the only way of contact we received was an email address) hr told me they wanted a copy of the email I sent them and that was that.

    Today I get a call and they tell me If i do not have an email by tomorrow I will be terminated. I did not self quarantine and my employment is at risk due to following orders given to my by my employer if I am fired do I have any legal recourse or am I just up shit creek?

    As a side note: I filed unemployment due to being quarantined for over a month previously, in this time my employers gave me no PTO nor did they use any vacation time to give me pay. before I filed(sunday is the begining of the work week) for partial coverage for last week I looked at the hours and put those hours in to the database there were no PTO hours assigned to my timesheet. However this morning (wednesday) when I look at my check they snuck in PTO to my paycheck without informing me. can this effect my ability to file future claims. Is this something I can report to protect myself if they do fire me and I need this resource?

    submitted by /u/SpecialistWhereas9
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    HOA Has Banned me from parking in our community for 30 days

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Hello all and thank you for your time.

    I live in a homeowners association community and I'm currently dealing with an interesting situation. Approximately four days ago I received a letter in the mail notifying me of a pending hearing I needed to attend with the board of directors of the HOA. The letter was dated May 6th but I received it on May 23rd. The hearing I was to attend was 3 days prior to my receipt of the letter. When I read the letter it discussed issues with parking and having trash in my truck bed.

    To give a little background, my condo is a corner unit that has an odd section of parking between a community lawn and my own garage and front door that is just large enough to fit two regular size parking spaces. Even though this space is within 4 ft of my front door It is deemed as public space and it has a 96 hour parking limit designated by a sign. My condo is unique in this aspect as no other units have a space like this in the entire community, I've looked. I have four vehicles, I rotate my vehicles within the 96-hour limit to ensure that I follow the rules but, for nearly a year, I have monopolized these spots. There is a security guard that comes by and chalks tires, I have occasionally slipped up and received a notice that I needed to move the vehicle or it would be towed in 24 hours. Never, have I had an issue with a tow truck showing up or threatening to two my vehicle.

    I previously requested that the HOA simply remove the 96-hour limit due to the proximity of the spaces to my house and the similarity of other properties having two spaces available in front of their garage, these spaces are positioned laterally from mine, unfortunately the HOA did not see things my way even though I received signed support from my neighbors agreeing that the spot should be mine. I was simply trying to avoid causing problems by monopolizing the spots and playing petty games by moving the cars every 96 hours. They did not want to play ball so here I am now.

    I received this letter today:

    Dear homeowner: on behalf of the board of directors this letter is the board's ruling regarding the hearing held on May 20 2020 he did not contact management prior to the hearing nor attend the hearing.

    The board's ruling is as follows

    -storing trash and other items in open truck bed is prohibited (trash bags, woods, water heater, plants, etc. In your open truck bed is prohibited)

    • parking in excess of the 96-hour allowance in common area without vehicles being moved is prohibited

    The board of directors has imposed a 30-day parking suspension of your vehicles beginning on June 1st 2020 through July 1st 2020 Your vehicles will not be allowed to be parked in common area during this time period period if vehicles are parked in common area during this period your vehicles will be towed at your expense.

    End of letter

    To explain the water heater and trash statement, I periodically will leave a some trash bags in the back of my truck bed until I have an opportunity to drive over to the community dumpster and throw them all out at once. It is something I haven't done for a while because they had requested I stop, Last month however, my water heater broke and due to the COVID situation I didn't know where to take the water heater to be disposed of properly. While I figured out the solution to the issue, I stored the broken water heater in the back of my truck bed temporarily. I had already disposed of the water heater before I even received the letter.

    I am obviously upset and frustrated, I work as an EMT so I work 24-hour shifts and I'm now at the point where I am anxious to even leave my vehicles at my house. I have followed their rules but now they have arbitrarily decided that I am breaking them and provided me no proof that I am actually breaking the 96 hour parking period. I am constantly rotating the vehicles to make it clear and obvious that they move and I am obeying the rules but now I am at a loss.

    Information my questions are as follows:

    Can the HOA really tell me what I am allowed to store in my personal vehicle?

    Can the HOA ban me from parking in the community without proof of violation?

    How do I deal with people who obviously don't care to do the right thing and have power over me?

    How should I move forward with the HOA as they are no longer holding in person meetings due to COVID?

    A preemptive thank you to all of you that took the time to read this. I'm genuinely stressed out and anxious, I spent $250,000 on a home for my wife and I... I work 2, 3, and sometimes 4... 24 hour shifts (48 hr shifts too!)... I fear that they will tow my vehicles without just cause and I will be unable to pay my fees then lose my truck or car. I'm trying to keep a cool head and lead my family as the man of the house, but I'm worried that there is nothing I can do.

    I am an Army reservist and have JAG at my disposal if that changes anything.

    Thank you again. Sorry if I rambled or was unclear, I will clarify anything needed.

    Edit: Temecula, CA USA

    submitted by /u/SaltiePennies
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    Friend let someone live in her shed, now she can't get him out. How to evict? (Florida)

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    My 63-year-old friend has a 17-year-old daughter. The daughter has a 20-year-old boyfriend who was homeless, so she allowed him to move into the shed in her backyard on 2/1/2020. He has a burglary arrest on his record, and a restraining order from his grandmother (for domestic violence), who he used to live with. That's why he was homeless.

    The shed was not livable as there is no plumbing, electricity, or insulation. He put up some insulation and got a portable AC unit when he moved in. He ran extension cords to her house for power for everything. She initially allowed him to shower and use the bathroom in her house, but their relationship has deteriorated and the cops have been called many times for verbal altercations between the boyfriend and the woman who owns the house (my friend). Now she no longer lets him in the house, but he bangs on her door screaming to let him in. He broke sections of her back door trying to get in the house. Why she hasn't called the police on him about this, I don't know. I tell her to every time something like this happens but she has trouble doing anything for herself. She began to fear repercussions if she asked him to leave.

    He began leaving his trash all over the back yard and refusing to pick it up. There is a 99% chance that he smokes pot in the shed, but she doesn't have any proof. He started a couple bon fires in the back yard, and when my friend asked him to stop, he threatened her and told her to suck his d*ck. This has now been repeated to her countless times. During another verbal altercation, my friend told him wished he was dead, which he secretly recorded on his phone, called the cops, and my friend got a warning.

    The 17-year old daughter was even arrested because the boyfriend and her got into a physical fight.

    She told the boyfriend yesterday that he had to be out in two weeks but she does not believe that the guy will comply.

    She told me today that she did ask him to pay $150/month to live in the shed when he moved in. She has no proof of any of this, and he may or may not have recorded the conversation without her knowing. She says he has not paid any money. He did do a couple hours of yard work one day as a way of "payment".

    She does not use the internet, have a cell-phone, or anything like that, so I am trying to help her with eviction information. This is where I became confused.

    I researched eviction papers and unlawful detainer paperwork and can't figure out which one, if either, apply to her situation. Since no rent has been paid, I am leaning towards unlawful detainer, but there was a verbal agreement to pay rent (may be unprovable by both parties). The issue with eviction is, that I am reading horror stories about removing a tenant/squatter(?) when they lived in a dwelling without proper plumbing/electricity. It seems my friend may end up having to pay him damages for the time he lived there because he did not have a livable unit, and then allow him to continue living there.

    My friend doesn't have a lot of money for lawyers, but I am worried that this may be her only way out of this if I can't find the proper information specific to her situation. I have told her every step of the way how bad of an idea this was, but she no longer seems to be at 100% mental capacity. This is something that she won't be able to take care of herself, so that is why I am trying to help her.

    Can anyone help me, help her remove this person from her property? Is a lawyer unavoidable? She is willing to pay for the eviction or unlawful detainer fees. Is there a possibility that when this goes to a court, that this low-life kid could end up winning and being able to stay there, while she is made to pay to upgrade it to a liveable unit?


    -Woman lets her teenage daughters homeless felon boyfriend move into her unlivable shed+

    -Verbal agreement of $150/month to live in shed (chance that conversation was recorded by boyfriend)

    -No rent ever paid, did a couple hours of yard work at one time

    -Boyfriend trashes yard, threatens her, bangs on her door, damages door, starts bonfires

    -Boyfriend is no longer allowed in the main house to use bathroom/shower

    -Woman threatens boyfriend while she is unknowingly recorded, boyfriend calls police, woman is warned

    -Woman said he has to leave in two weeks but she does not think he will comply

    -Given the complicated situation, woman does not know how to evict him if he doesn't leave on his own (most likely he wont)

    submitted by /u/WalterW3828
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    Landlord posted huge political banner on our balcony without our permission

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    This is in South Carolina. We live on the second floor. Woke up this morning and saw a huge political banner hung on the outside portion of our balcony with our outdoor furniture moved around. The landlord climbed a ladder to get up there and hang the banner. My roommates and I are kind of weirded out that he did this, and we don't know if we have the legal right to take it down. Can any legal experts provide some info?

    submitted by /u/backbynewyears
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    Company Used my Photography in Promotional Material without Permission

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Around a month ago my neighbors had to cancel their wedding due to the pandemic, but still decided to have a small ceremony in their backyard. I do wedding photography and offered to shoot their tiny little back yard wedding.

    I'm not entirely sure how, but it appears that a jewellery company has gotten at least one of the photos from the event, and is using it as promotional material.

    I never charged my neighbors anything since it just seemed like a nice thing to do, and there was never any contract signed.

    I was wondering if there is any action I can take to be compensated for my work, I have no problem with my neighbors using my photo, and I'm sure they didn't have any bad intentions so I don't want to take any action against them. I would however be interested in taking action against the company for unlicensed use of my photo.

    I'm in Canada (Ontario), and the company is based in a different country, so I'm not sure how that may complicate things.

    Any and all help/advice is much appreciated

    submitted by /u/Calandracas666
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    How to deal with an imposter

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    So for about 3-maybe 4 years my girlfriend has had an Instagram imposter.

    Someone who catfishes as her but with a different last name on several accounts including a fake Facebook account, a fake Snapchat account, a couple fake Instagrams, and several fake tinders that my friends have discovered and relayed to us the past couple years. We report all of the accounts upon discovery but it seems that they just keep popping up.

    We were concerned but hadn't given it too much thought until one day when her and I were at a Rave and some guy tried getting her to go to him doing the "come here" finger gesture. She gave him a disgusted look and avoided him until he came up to us and said that they had been talking and flirting and showed her the messages with the fake account. She explained to him that she has an imposter and he seemed understanding to her situation and told us everything he knew about her until he started becoming weird and flirty and we eventually cut him off.

    She's barely legal and still lives with her father who is one of those traditional Mexican types who doesn't allow his daughter to have social media and keeps all of her accounts secret from him so he's of no help to us. Nearly a year ago she and her mother had spoken to the police who showed absolutely no interest in trying to help her at all and blew her off.

    I have posted this before at r/catfish and got some great suggestions but no real solutions and was told that I might get some help here.

    We are running out of ideas. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.

    Edit: We are in far west Texas

    submitted by /u/Jaxaustin1200
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    My sister is beating me, what can my legal guardian do?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    I don't know if this is the right place to post so please forgive me. This is also a throwaway account because this is embarrassing.

    I am a minor, and my legal guardian often leaves for work for the entire day, leaving me alone with my sibling. My sibling will 'request' me to do things for her, getting her a bowl of chips, finding things she lost, giving her plates of food and drink. These are mundane tasks, but I am demanded them every day, (ever since she was 17 she begun requesting) yesterday I stupidly concluded that I was not her doll, and believed I had a right to say no. She would always tell me that it was O.K to decline her requests, and then I said no. Her reaction was fierce and aggressive, and she got impatient and kept repeating that I had to do this task. I firmly stated no, because I didn't want to do it anymore.

    She got out of her room where she stays all day, (she is 22 and is reasonably unemployed due to quarantine, however she has been for 5 years, only holding a job for two weeks, years ago.) and began to get really close to my face, telling me to do it now. I said no again and she darted to take my laptop (A gift from my beloved uncle). I love my laptop, as all teenagers do so I reached for my laptop and she knocked me over to the floor, where I hit my head on my chair. I got up and kept telling her to please return my laptop, she then says that this wouldn't have been happening if I had just listened to her. I told her that I wasn't her slave anymore and she laughed in my face and said I looked stupid.

    Now she has my laptop hostage, and is sitting on it on the bed so I cannot reach for it. I also refused to move, and we argued. She said that I was being disrespectful because I declined her demand, and reminded me that whenever my guardian was gone for work she would take my laptop and shut off the internet every day. I told her that she would not be doing that, and then she ran for her room to stash away my laptop. I rushed after her in which she shoved me, I would've fallen over on the floor if I didn't grab nearby curtains. I regained my balance and stood at the doorframe of my sisters room (and then she punched my arm) and I was sobbing and begging to "Please give it back, give it to me please." My legal guardian came home, and then my sibling threw the laptop on my bed and runs in her room (we live in a small apartment) My arm is all red, and I am shaking very much.

    My legal guardian is very angry, as my sister has been known to beat me before when I was younger. My legal guardian is the owner of the household, and had told me that she is not authorized to discipline me. Whenever my legal guardian is home my sister hides in her room because my LG is larger than her and can win against her in a fight if need be (I am not the same). She then loudly calls her friends online from her GTA club about how this 'little ass girl' has the audacity to talk back to her, and also insults my LG for protecting me.

    So, can my LG do anything? How can I be safe? I don't want to be hit again, or have my laptop taken again. My sibling claims that because she is living here she is a tenant and cannot be removed, she does not pay any bills or does chores, she lives in leftovers, used drinks, urine containers and the likes. She's also been taking my LG's laptop to stream her twitch, which she was not authorized to do either.

    I am on mobile so I am sorry if I got something wrong, please help and thank you for reading. (This is in NYC)

    submitted by /u/monday-female1000
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    VA paternity issue

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    It has recently come to my attention that I should get a paternity test in regards to a child I had with my ex-wife. My wife and I were visiting family and going through photo albums; the child doesn't look anything like me at all or my immediate family. No resemblance whatsoever.

    I've gotten a test done and it's on it's way to the lab. If it comes up as I'm not the father, what are my options? The child is 7. His mother absolutely refuses to coparent and only goes with the bare minimum on the order. I live 2 hours away and get to see him maybe 1/6th of the year and he calls her bf his other dad.

    Honestly, I'm emotionally torn with what to do. I love the kid, but I'm nearing the end of my financial and mental ropes fighting with his mother to spend time with him and try to build a relationship with a child that merely says he's just a visitor in our home. Advice?

    submitted by /u/Lykaon042
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    I feel l'm being targeted at work (as a federal contractor) due to my political beliefs [Virginia]

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    I started a job in January working as a federal contractor. Before this I spent a year at a contractor in a difference office in a different city and before that, I worked in politics (as a field organizer on election campaigns and at non profits, and I also worked for a state politician in the capitol as an aide). I still organize in my time not working. None of it interferes with work and I dont even bring it up in the office.

    However, a coworkers with the opposite views as me found out through google and facebook, and has outed me as a socialist to my coworkers after I organized a COVID-19 Mutual Aid event handing out care packages in May. Since then, I've been investigated by our security folks, my boss re-interviewed me for my position, I was taken off my big projects and put on busy work. Nothing in anything I do or say on my social media accounts disparages my workplace, or advocates harm to anyone. I do not leak information or even share where I work with my friends. I am a Quaker and I believe in helping where I can.

    All of this I thought would die down, but last week my boss asked me to quit and got upset when I said no. I have been looking for work, just in case, but with COVID, nothing is really open right now. I'm halfway in my lease and it would cost me a lot of money to get out, so I am stuck here until December.

    I am not sure what to do here, but I feel like I'm being pressured to quit because they cant fire me and I fear they are going to make my work life so unmanageable that I either mess up and get fired or quit out of despair.

    Edit: I should add that I have communicated this with my contract site lead via email and in person. I'm trying to document any incidents as best I can.

    submitted by /u/AbatedGravy
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    What's quitting "WITH GOOD CAUSE"?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    In the state of California.

    My boss is recalling me start working next week (probably for the PPP loan) I want to quit, for good reasons. But are these reasons valid and "with good cause"?

    1. Not being informed of paid sick leave, overtime and benefits upon employment, or being able to get it (I took unpaid sick days)
    2. Altering wage report to EDD, W-2, and payroll system (as discussed in previous post)
    3. Unpaid wages for March 2020 because "out of cash flow"
    submitted by /u/drayni
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    Help, trying to get out of an automatically renewing lease. Can I terminate this month-to-month lease renewal if roommate doesn't want to terminate? Landlord says I can't

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    I rent a place in Maryland. I want to terminate the lease (i.e. I want to leave), but my roommate does not. We have not been on good terms, so asking my roommate to compromise or something is not an option.

    At this point, the lease is month-to-month, as the initial term has ended. According to the lease:

    "At the end of the one-year initial term of this lease agreement, a month-to-month, automatically renewable tenancy is created."

    I have notified the Landlord one month prior, as is specified in the lease:

    "Tenant may terminate this Lease by providing Landlord with at least one (1) full month's prior written notice to vacate--to run from the first of the month to the last day of the same month."

    However, they responded that both me and my roommate (i.e. both co-tenants) must agree to terminate the lease; otherwise, I have to continue paying rent (or at least, I'm still liable for rent, any damages, etc). My roommate refuses to agree to this until a replacement roommate can be found.

    As I understand it, there is no way to just terminate "my part" since we are co-tenants, and instead the entire lease would need to be terminated. My roommate would then need to sign a new lease with the landlord.

    Does this mean I'm legally locked into this automatically renewing lease until my roommate says I can leave? Will I be liable if I give written notice a month before and then just stop paying rent?

    Note: Security deposit is not an issue at this point. However, another wrinkle to this issue is that the co-signer at the moment is my family friend (and not my roommate's), so the co-signer would be off the lease, as well, if I leave. Thus, the landlord says I'd have to find a replacement tenant AND a replacement co-signer before I can leave.

    submitted by /u/Nblade66
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    Grandparent Visitation Rights

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    I (33F) have not had contact with my mother (54F) for a year. I chose to stop contact as my mother is mentally ill and extremely destructive and toxic. She has a dual diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. She is on permanent disability for these illnesses and has been under psychiatric care for two decades due to emotional instability. I have recently learned that before other members of my family cut contact with her, that she spoke of taking me to court, to force me to allow her visitation with my children (9M & 2M). I have not allowed contact between her and my children for many reasons which I can elaborate on if needed. Bottom line, I fear for the safety of my children if they were ever in her care alone, and feel that her presence in their life is not a positive thing. I live in Ontario, Canada and she lives in another province in Canada.

    Is this a thing that could happen? Should I retain local counsel "just in case"?

    submitted by /u/meg-kil
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