• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    Legal Advice - Update on “stolen lake house” !

    Legal Advice - Update on “stolen lake house” !

    Update on “stolen lake house” !

    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Indiana (because the bot yelled at me 😅) Not looking for advice so modmin team can lock. But wanted to update y'all.

    Here is the OP

    My mother got ahold of the bank today who said they had no record of the address in their system. However they did have a completely different lake house in their system. They said they had no financial interest in the house at all. They directed her to their real estate company in our county he said he hasn't had a house at the lake in many years. She then contacted the property preservation company that secured the house. The CSR got very frantic asking for the burglary report case number. And again told her someone would call her. She also stated our address was not in their system.

    She hired a lock smith at the direction of her attorney and we went out there and placed warnings and changed locks. The lock smith informed us they actually didn't have a key (as previously stated I was the only one with a key) and they credit carded the door and replaced the lock in the back and just said f*** it when it came to the front door. Neighbors took pictures of our license plates but didn't call the police so I'm in fear something bigger is going on. But now it's just up to the DA to find someone to press charges against and civil court for emotional damage and loss of truly invaluable things that they stole while renovating.

    Thank you all again!

    submitted by /u/XRainbowCupcakeX
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    My son’s stepmom wants visitation rights.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    We live in Illinois. My son is 2.5 years old and sees his dad every other weekend from 5 pm Friday to 5 pm Sunday and every Tuesday from 9-5. His dad has been with his wife for 1 year 8 months total. Married for about 6-7 months.

    The conflict is that his dad is deploying in mid-June and he'll be gone until about mid-May. He wants his wife to keep visitation with my son and I'm not comfortable with it. I don't know her very well, my son is not old enough to tell me if he wants to see her alone or if anything is wrong, and I have told them that whenever she wants to see him, she can. I would go there or she could come here.

    He just told me this morning that he's going to take me to court after he gets back from his deployment since I have said I'm uncomfortable with giving visitation at this time. I'm wondering if he has a leg to stand on and/or if I'm being unreasonable. Thank you in advance.

    Edit: Spaced out the wall of text.

    submitted by /u/penguinpaartyy
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    Police refuse to charge my neighbor despite there being undeniable proof (FL)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I live in a small gated community. I'm divorced with two kids 16M and 15F.

    Last week, I was awakened by a pounding at my door at 7 am. I opened the door to find my neighbor there red in the face screaming at me to get my kids up. I kept trying to tell him to calm down and that my kids weren't home. They were at their father's house, but that's none of his business so I didn't share that detail.

    He kept cursing, telling me I was a liar and to let him in the house. He was really scaring me, so I shut the door. He continued to pound on the door and I told him he had ten seconds to get off my property before I called the police. He told me to call them, but then left.

    About an hour later, there was another knock at my door. I opened it and found two uniformed police officers standing there. One asked my name, and then asked if they could speak to my daughter.

    I responded that she wasn't at home and asked what this was all about. Well apparently, my neighbor's car was vandalized overnight and for some reason he's convinced that my kids did it. He called the police and said I was hiding my kids and refusing to have them own up to what they did.

    I invited the officers in, showed them my childrens' unslept-in beds and, for good measure, pulled up location history on my son's cell phone which shows him at my ex-husband's house since 2 pm the day before.

    The police seemed satisfied, thanked me for my time, and told me they would inform my neighbor of what they had seen.

    On Friday morning, I came outside to find my car covered in eggs, all four tires punctured, and deep gashes carved into both sides of it. Believe it or not, my first thought was, "Shit! There must be someone doing this all over!"

    I have a Ring camera over my garage, looking right at my car, so I reviewed the footage. As you may have surmised from the title, it was not some rash of vandalism, but my neighbor. I have his face clearly on camera taking a screwdriver to my car and smashing eggs into it.

    I called him up and asked him what his problem was. He tried to play innocent at first, claiming that he hadn't even been home.

    I replied, "I have you clearly on camera. I am having this towed to a body shop and you are going to pay for every goddamn cent of repairs, or I will have you arrested for this!"

    He replied, "Now you know how it feels!" And hung up the phone.

    I called the police and they came out and made a report. I showed them the camera footage and they headed over to his house. They later came back and said that he claimed my children had caused damage to his car and I had refused to pay so he was making it even.

    I told them about the previous report and the evidence of my children not being home. The officer put his hand up and said, "Ma'am, it's a civil matter at this point. We don't get involved in civil disputes. You can take him to court but it looks like there's going to be equal fault here."

    I've called the police station asking to speak with someone, but I keep getting told that because of his claim, it's civil. Who do I need to take this to?

    I have no problem going after him civilly but the damage is over $3,000 to repair which I now have to pay out of pocket. I'm not 100% but I think my insurance only will pay if it's an unknown party. I know damn well who did it and I can't claim not to know if I'm filing a civil case naming him.

    What do I do at this point?

    Edit: Fixed some language

    submitted by /u/CrazyNeighborHelpMe
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    Dash cam caught ex girlfriend keying my car, CO

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Well, I was out of town last week, and I come back to find that my car was keyed all over and an auto body shop is quoting me $4k to fix it (I am a student in college, so this would almost deplete my savings). Fortunately, I drive a relatively nice WRX that I have put a lot of money into, and I installed a dash cam in case of an accident or situation like this one. On the camera I have footage of 3 girls (one of them being my ex) pulling into my driveway, getting out, and keying and kicking my car. All of my friends are able to recognize the faces, and there is a legible license plate on the footage too. Do I have any legal recourse in this situation?


    submitted by /u/samfrench_
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    HR came up to me and told me to stop claiming unemployment.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    She stated that she notified the government everyone at my company had stopped claiming unemployment and partial unemployment, and that i would have to pay huge sums back to the government if i continue to claim. However, i know of a few people within the company still claiming. I pay attention to my earnings to make sure I don't submit false information, and i only claim the weeks i don't make a full work week, which have been the last few because of COVID. What should i do here??

    EDIT: Sorry everybody! This is in Maine.

    submitted by /u/rugerdarotti
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    Seller lied about fixing foundation issues, inspector passed the house, and now we have a 37,000 foundation repair we can’t afford.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    We purchased our house in 2018. We noticed some cracks in the initial walk through and the realtor told me the seller had the house leveled, but since it was after drywall and Sheetrock they had to just patch the spots. As the purchase moved forward we realized this was the best house for our family. We got an inspection and it passed with the exception of a stair rail. So we signed our paperwork. The appraiser came back and told us it was worth more than we were paying, so heck yeah! Equity.

    Fast forward to a few months ago our doors start sticking and I'm noticing small cracks. We call out a foundation guy and get quoted 37,000. He also stated he couldn't believe the foundation passed inspection. Our inspector had a legal paper we signed saying he wasn't liable. We have two more foundation experts coming out to give us estimates. My question is, what can we do?

    This was an existing issue. I reached out to the seller to find out what company the seller used to level the house so I could have them back out and she dropped the bomb that they did it themselves. She explicitly told us they had someone out to level it. We're about to have to file bankruptcy because of issues that the inspector should've seen, the seller should've disclosed, and the realtor should have shared with us.

    Edit: we're in Mississippi

    submitted by /u/lizardmom0218
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    EMT overdosed me (not even the fun kind), I have lasting heart damage, they won’t do anything about it.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    (Hi Reddit!) In an ambulance on the way to the hospital for an allergic reaction, an EMT made a huge mistake and gave me about a 10x concentration of a drug I was supposed to get. I almost went into full on cardiac arrest and I am still having heart issues weeks later. (Am very young and healthy besides this). Ambulance refuses to pay for my followup care. Can I do anything about that? If so, how do I figure out what kind of damages to ask for? Located in DC. Thank you for any advice!

    TL;DR: ended up needing much more medical care because of the original "medical care" where they took my <3 and made it a </3

    submitted by /u/hummingbirdsqueak
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    IL - I was "written out" of a trust I didn't know existed by the trustee

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    My dad forwarded a racist email and I accidentally replied to all telling him to knock it off with the racism. I got an insane email from one of the cc's berating me and we had a brief email exchange where I made fun of him. He told me he is writing me out of a trust presumably set up by my great grandmother who died when I was 1 (a long time ago). I actually dont really care, I come from working class roots and I'm sure the trust, if it exists, is minuscule, and I dont need money anyway, but I'm genuinely curious - how are beneficiaries protected from the whims of trustees? Would I ever be notified on the distribution of the trust that I had been written out? Who determines if the trustee met his fiduciary duties if trust documents are private? Thanks. PS - I put IL as the state because my grandma lived there, it's not where I live.

    submitted by /u/newbie12345677
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    My mother who has passed was a fairly established children’s book author. I was contacted by a publishing house who wants to reprint one of her books. The illustrator has also passed. Who has the rights to this? I am happy to have it reprinted btw.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I only want to pay child support and they are forcing me to have a family

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    My ex (22) is 4 months pregnant, it wasn't planned; we did talk about it that I didn't want to keep it but in the end she just decided to. Now she and her father is forcing me have a family with her in which I don't want but her father is threatening me with either slander or defamation, maybe worse. I said I am wiiling to pay child support and give parental support as I am still the father of the child. I just don't want to be forced on having a family which I don't want. I am from the Philippines in which is an asian country.

    submitted by /u/Christianopinaa
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    (CA, USA) Homeless Father Passed Away, What Am I In For?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I was notified by the City of LA that my estranged father passed away last week. He was homeless and in court-mandated rehab when he passed. We have had no contact for over 2 decades and he has been divorced from my mother for longer than that. I (legal adult) am the only relative that can be reliably found. His father is still living but has left the country and is not able to be located. I also, allegedly, have an adult half brother who is not able to be found. I have signed the necessary paperwork to allow the county to dispose of his remains as they see fit as there is no one to make any other arrangements on his behalf.

    Is there any other obligation that I would be under? Would there be any legal reason that I would need to pay for a copy of his death certificate? He had no assets that I have been made aware of (no property, no car, no employment) and any debt he had died with him. I do not imagine he has a will nor would he have had a bank account with any substantial sum in it (I am not aware if he was receiving any social services, and that's probably gone as soon as it was received anyhow) and may not have had an account at all.

    I want nothing further to do with him or his death (and honestly am already put out more than I care to be) However, I know these things never seem to end, and want to know if there's anything I need to be prepared for in the future. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Note: I am aware that this seems like I am callously throwing a human being away - but I assure you, he chose to do that with what remains of his family long ago. I am dealing with the death of a stranger I may be legally obligated to by virtue of parentage.

    submitted by /u/FancyPhilanges
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    Stolen motorcycle recovered, but being told I'm responsible for towing and storage.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    I reside in South Carolina, my motorcycle was stolen a few weeks ago. They recovered my bike and caught the person who stole it. When the authorities contacted me it had been at the tow site for a couple of days. They then told me I would be responsible for storage and towing fees. Is this correct? Times are a little rough right now and could be a high fee. Am I responsible or is there something I can do or someone I should call? I don't feel as though I should be punished for someone else's wrong doings. Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/JustNtimE843
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    My boss is requiring me to sign a petition and call elected officials, when does this become illegal?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    So I work at a school adjacent company that gets its funding through public school funding,our governor recently proposed budget cuts that would directly affect the company that I work for. because of this my boss is requiring us to sign up to call different elected officials and members of our state government in order to basically read a script that has been written for us to lodge our opposition to The proposal. There is also a petition. I don't know enough about the budget cuts in specific to know if I support them or not but I do feel uncomfortable with being required to support things because my boss says so. what is the law on this kind of thing? I'm in California.

    submitted by /u/moth_guts
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    On FMLA, undergoing treatment for cancer. Work threatening to fire me if I don't return to work within 30 days.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I'll make a long story short. I've been on FMLA since mid January from my job, a week after being diagnosed with Leukemia. They sent me a letter saying that my benefits were cut off until I come back to work a week ago (letter was dated 5/12, letter says benefits ended 4/30). Today I find a letter saying that if I do not return to work within 30 days that they would terminate my employment. I was given a number to call but got no answer. My DM says it could be a blanket letter and that if I explain my situation to them then it could lead to a resolution. If not however, I'm wondering if this is legal. A lot of people are suggesting I look into getting a lawyer and filing a lawsuit. I live in Indiana. Is there any legal recourse I can take if this doesn't get resolved?

    submitted by /u/adambueller
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    My name is under my dog’s adoption registration. My father refuses to give her back.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    I'm 19 and I am trying to get my dog back. As the title states, she is under my name and I'm trying to convince him that what he is doing is wrong/illegal.

    submitted by /u/katorbino
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    My husband was just diagnosed with a serious illness. I've realized I need to be his advocate and physically present on doctor visits with him. Can I get an exception to covid-19 visitor restrictions?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    Edit: I changed the flair based on the bot auto-reply I got. I'm sorry, I hope I picked the right flair this time.

    This past weekend, my husband was admitted to the hospital to be treated for acute liver failure. The hospital (understandably) would not let me in with him, so I communicated with my husband and his nurses over the phone all weekend.

    The whole weekend, I basically thought he had some permanent damage, but he would slowly recover after the hospital stabilized him. When he was discharged I found out that different doctors had told him he had either 30-90 days, 1-3 years, or up to 20 years to live. He didn't know whether he had cirrhosis or end-stage liver failure. He was too freaked out to give me clear information at the time. I know now that, while a good part of what caused his liver failure was an alcoholic relapse (that he hid very well from me), increased dosages of two of his medications happening at the same time as the relapse were part of the cause as well.

    The doctors didn't look at the effects his medications had on his liver for two days, so he was still taking them in the hospital. I suspect that they wrote him off as an alcoholic right from the start and didn't think about anything else. They didn't do a biopsy, which we're being told by others who have dealt with this is something that the hospital should have done in order to diagnose cirrhosis. But I wasn't there. I have no idea what was said or how it was said compared to what my husband understood through the alcohol withdrawal, the anxiety of thinking he was going to die, and the overwhelming shame about his relapse. The nurses confirmed the details of his treatment that he told me, but I didn't know any other questions to ask. The information packet they gave him when he was discharged said nothing definite (aside from a generic "liver failure"), just information about liver-failure-related-stuff. All of the definitive information I need was given to him verbally by doctors.

    I'm my husband's caretaker right now. It's clear to me that I need to be there with my husband to get all the right information. He's got follow-up appointments with specialists. He'll have to have more tests, maybe different prescriptions. He's in a vulnerable state of mind. He may appear cognizant and capable of managing his own care, but he can't do it right now. If we weren't going through a global pandemic then I wouldn't be having this problem. I need to know what I can do to ensure I can be at appointments with him.

    I'm in Oregon.

    submitted by /u/secret_marshmallow
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    County Code Enforcement said we have too many non-related people living in the house

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    So for some background, we are 6 college students (all guys) renting a house in a neighborhood with an HOA in Orlando, FL. We rent from a management company. The house is a 6/4 so everyone has their own room. When we signed our lease, all 6 names went on the lease. In our lease agreement, there was a section stating that if there was an hoa over our rental, the management company would send a copy of the lease to the hoa.

    We have been living in the house for 3 months now, no issues other than forgetting to cut our grass (has since been resolved). Today a lady came from the county code enforcement and asked if we had more than 4 unrelated residents living in the house. We said yes, and she told us it was against county ordinance to do so. She said to contact our management company for the next steps to take and gave us her business card.

    She did not hand us a copy of the ordinance we were violating, and gave us very little in terms of what would happen or how to resolve the issue, other than "contact your management company." After finding our hoa's cc&r's, there's a section that says rentals may only be used for single-family home purposes. So that makes it sound like we are in violation of the hoa. But we could not find anything regarding the county ordinance after spending several hours searching through the county ordinances.

    So we are trying to figure out our options. Did the management company screw us? They let us sign the lease, knowing there were 6 of us, and knowing we were not related. Is it their responsibility for their tenants to not be in violation of things like that? They said we were fine.

    submitted by /u/DJDiabetes26
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    Chunks of Human Hair Came Out of My New Chair

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Something incredibly disturbing happened with a new chair I ordered from a major online furniture store. When I received the chair, I assembled it no problem and have used it for about a month now. It's an office chair with an adjustable handle. Today, when I was adjusting this chair, I felt something in the mechanism. I pulled on it and it was a bunch of human hair. I pulled and more and more human hair kept coming out of the greased lifting mechanism. All in all about 6 bundles of hair came out of the mechanism. It is dark black hair, some with the follicle still attached. I have pictures of the hair we saved (as horrifying and disgusting as that sounds). It cannot be my hair or my husband's, as my hair is dyed pink and his hair is cut short. I'm not even sure what to do here, but when this event occurred I was physically sick. I'm deeply concerned at the implications of a chair like this having human hair with follicles still attached. I sent an email to the company and haven't heard back.

    I have no idea what to do. I should mention we live in Colorado. Should I call the police? Should I make plans to sue? What in the world do I do?

    submitted by /u/Yesacme
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    I gave my dog to my ex because I was moving. We had agreed that she was still my dog and I could have her back when I moved into a new house that could house her. My ex won’t even let me see her anymore. What can I do?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    I have the receipts of when I adopted her and I don't think she has texts of me saying she could have her? Could I just say she stole my dog because that's basically what she's done. I'm in NY state.

    submitted by /u/theiwsyy88
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    Landlord asking us to move out due to COVID. Is it legal? Massachusetts

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    In the state of Massachusetts, I live in an a co-living unit via PlaceMe Living who just sent a notice that due do COVID they will no longer be operating the property that I am living in. By 6/15/2020 we have to vacate the premises, but my lease term is until 8/2020. They have offered to transfer our lease to another property for the remainder of the term and have offered some packing supplies and unspecified "assistance" moving to the new place.

    Given the current COVID environment is this even legal given such a short notice?

    submitted by /u/SpaceTime5
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    My landlord is finally offering to give me my security deposit back but it is way past 20 days and I already have attorneys fees I intended to sue for. Do I need to accept his offer for the deposit back or can I continue my case for double the amount and attorneys fees? (RI)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    So the first attorney I hired was... not good... I terminated him after the first consult and said I would find another attorney who was more specialized in landlord/tenant AND international civil law because he didn't seem to understand how to sue someone out of the country. So please don't say "ask your lawyer." Should've known an attorney working a holiday weekend for a flat rate was a little too desperate for business.

    I moved out in October 2019. Never saw my deposit back.

    I was in the process of filing a claim against my old landlord but it was complicated due to courts just barely reopening and him being out of the country. Hence why I got an attorney involved. However now landlord has seen the light and agreed to give my deposit back as he seems to realize paying me double the amount plus attorneys fees was not an expense the treasury could bear.

    Can I still pursue my case or is him offering the original deposit amount considered good enough where I just need to suck it up? Am I "made whole" if I accept and will it look like bad faith to the judge if I say "no you had your chance, you owe me double and attorneys fees?"

    Edit to give a small update. I will just take the money as recovering a judgement internationally would be more trouble than it's worth. Turkey is apparently very unfriendly to US judgements. I did consult briefly with a (much better) lawyer and was told I would spend way more money getting the judgment than I could ever hope to recover.

    submitted by /u/dm-me-ur-dm-tips
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    Employer has retroactively increased commission targets and capped commission payouts on paychecks to avoid paying out on over-achieved commission.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    I'm really hoping somebody has some insight into this, because I'm being made to feel by management as though I'm upset over nothing. Recently, I was checking my commission calculator at work and noticed that my performance metrics had been adjusted retroactively for the months of March and April. Location: California

    In order to maintain anonymity, let's say one of my key performance metrics is "number of new weasels per month." Due to some unprecedented activity because of Covid-19, there was a substantial increase in new weasels during the months of March and April. As a result, I exceeded my performance metrics, earning 200+% of my commission in both of those months.

    The other day I was checking my bank statement and reviewing my paycheck deposits. Imagine my surprise when I expected to see much bigger paychecks for March and April, and instead, I observe paychecks that are only moderately bigger than normal. I go to double check my metrics, and notice that management has retroactively increased the number of new weasels required to earn 100% of my commission for March and April to a much higher number than was agreed upon when our commission targets were set in Q1. As a result, I only earned 115% of my commission for March and April instead of 200+%.

    The same adjustments were made to every other member of my team that shares the same commission structure and exceeded their targets in March and April. This change was not communicated to us and was stumbled upon only as a result of my investigations into my paychecks. My team approached the Finance department about it and we were told that the company has also recently initiated a new policy as follows: Employees can only receive 110% of their commission (if they go over targets) per paycheck in Q1 of the fiscal year. This is bumped up to 120% in Q2, 130% in Q3, 140% in Q4, and is finally uncapped in December when employees will receive all of the "over-achieved" commission that they "banked" throughout the year.

    This seems crazy to me. This policy was also not communicated to the company verbally or in any written documentation. And our most recent company handbook explicitly says: "All paychecks will include earnings for work performed during the current payroll period." Shouldn't this mean that commission must be paid in full during the same paycheck cycle in which it is earned, and not "banked" until the end of the calendar year? What is the legality of changing commission structure after commission has been earned due to "unprecedented activity." Management is saying that the increase in weasels cannot be attributed to the efforts of the team and is purely circumstantial so they had to adjust targets accordingly.

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/pure-h8b8
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    Martial Arts Gym Closed Permanently due to COVID. I had paid a $1,000 membership for the year in February of 2020. The gym closed in March so I really only got 1 month. I reached out to the gym buy have not heard back. I paid with a credit card, should I dispute the charge?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Plate + face

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Hello, My name is Stephen I am 15 live in Ghent Belgium and my dad has thrown a plate at my face yesterday. He has been agressive before but has never caused a bruise like this. So my dad was setting up the table for dinner and told me to watch the food. And the potatoes started over cooking which angered him and he threw the plate he had in his hand straight at my face and hit me just above my eye shattering the plate and causing me to pass out I later woke up on my bed with a massive headache and a very swollen eye.

    I know this probably belongs on relationship advice but I just wanted to know if there is anything I can do. I don't want my dad to go to jail but I think he needs help. I will post an image to my profile if you want to see the results.

    submitted by /u/Mashed_Potato2
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