• Breaking News

    Monday, May 25, 2020

    Legal Advice - Wife’s girlfriend retracted my son’s foreskin and it got infected; my wife didn’t take him to the doctor and I found out only after witnessing his infection myself

    Legal Advice - Wife’s girlfriend retracted my son’s foreskin and it got infected; my wife didn’t take him to the doctor and I found out only after witnessing his infection myself

    Wife’s girlfriend retracted my son’s foreskin and it got infected; my wife didn’t take him to the doctor and I found out only after witnessing his infection myself

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    So my wife and I separated five months ago and she moved in with her girlfriend she was cheating on me with that led her to discover she wasn't straight but lesbian. I should start off by saying this woman always gave me bad vibes, mainly because she is ditsy and irresponsible and avoids taking responsibility.

    Anyhow. My wife has had our son the last few months during quarantine. Now that summer is coming and some states are starting to return to somewhat normal, I asked her to return him to me for some visitation. We are NOT divorced and as such we have no official custody agreement.

    Honestly my hope was that my wife would realize she missed me and our marriage and would come home but now I am preparing to finally let go.

    Anyways I went to pick up my son and took him home. I had to change his diaper and right away I noticed that his penis was very infected and swollen and abnormal looking.

    I immediately phoned my wife and asked her what happened to our son.

    She confessed that a few days earlier, her girlfriend volunteered to give him a bathe because my wife was really tired after a long day's work (she is a substitute teacher and works night shifts in a warehouse).

    Wife's girlfriend has never cared for a child before let alone a boy let alone an uncircumcised boy, so she had no idea what the protocol was.

    Apparently she googled how to clean under foreskin and stupidly read to pull it back and wash it with soap and water. Well that's what an adult might do, but baby boys have their foreskin attaches to the glans. During or after puberty, the boy should be the first one to pull it back as part of exploration.

    Anyway, she did pull it back and scrubbed it really hard because she thought it was so dirty it stuck together. Again this woman is an IDIOT.

    My wife since then has just been putting Vaseline and neosporin instead of taking him to a doctor!!

    I immediately took him to an urgent care center and they told me that he has an infectious growth there that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

    I am so angry that my wife let this happen. She basically agreed to let her circle fiend who has zero child care experience bathe my son which led to his current serious injury.

    What I'm wondering is would I be justified in keeping my son indefinitely while I begin working with my lawyer to draft a divorce agreement?

    I also don't want this woman (the girlfriend) ANYWHERE near my son whatsoever even if she gets partial custody. And would be I be a jerk if I used this incident as evidence of negligence? I recorded the whole conversation where she admitted to me what happened (and yes it's legal to do so where I live).

    Please help me think this through because I am incredibly frustrated!!! And angry! My poor son :(

    Location = Portland, OR

    submitted by /u/ThrowRA-RetractedFor
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    My mom kicked my 12 y/o sis0ter out because mom's boyfriend possibly has Covid-19

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    We're from the Dallas county. Also I wrote this originally very fast and didn't make much sense. I am also bitter with our mom for putting her and her boyfriend's happiness over the wellbeing of my sister and I when I use to live there hence why I moved out with my grandparents.

    My mom's boyfriend is currently quarantining in my mom's house (he doesn't pay for anything, Bill-wise) due to the fact he possibly has covid-19 and doesn't want his parents who he stays with to catch it. Our mom selfishly kicked out my sister to keep her boyfriend there instead of telling him to leave somewhere else so my sister (12) wouldn't be at risk of getting infected. Their house is now contaminated because her boyfriend roams everywhere inside with my mom still in their, but my mother seems to not be aware of the risk she put herself in.

    My sister is currently staying with me (19) and our grandparents at their house, we are able to house her for as long as needed. The problem is my sister does not want to go back home if our mom demands for her back due to the fact our mom choose her boyfriend over her and because we believe our mom going through a midlife crisis, she has neglected my sister to behave like an irresponsible teenager and overall be a toxic influence on my sister for months.

    I like to add I have gave my sister a debit card that has access to my bank account to provide for her like food or other necessary items. Our mom now has that card to quote "help pay bills" when my sister and I are not staying there.

    What could I or my grandparents do to keep my sister with us when our mother demands her to come home when I take back my card even though it not safe for my sister to be home anymore? How much would it cost to go to court about this?

    Happy to answer any questions if needed.

    Edit: in regards to the card. The card is not my main concern at the moment that it a temporary problem and easily controlled from my phone. My main concern is my sister, I don't want her to go back home (sister doesn't either) because of our mom's recent behavior of not being concern for my sister's health.

    Edit 2: Hi everyone, I hope quarantine is treating you well. I want to share more background information on the subject since I couldn't while at work. About the card, I have 2 cards connected to my college-type account (my main card and the backup) the card my mom has is used primarily on my sister and bills I used to pay when I lived there; also overseen by my mom on how much money is in it. I made the account when I had no problem with my mom with boundaries set between her, me, and the bank. My mom is not malicious enough to max it out or anything heinous some suggest, she doesn't even know I want it back. I won't be physically getting the card and will look into how to cancel it and making a new account without my mom on it.

    I just moved in with my grandparents (I'm not done packing so some of my stuff is still there yikes) over a fight way before this about her midlife crisis and how it's starting to effect my sister and I. My mom has checked out as a parent when I became old enough to drive and take care of my sister. It's been unfair to my sister to feel like our mom neglected her just to hang out with her boyfriend or friends, I'm lucky to have been there for my sister to make sure she feels loved and heard when our mom couldn't. My sister feels like she's been kicked out so that's how I phrased it, very sorry if it caused confusion with anyone. My sister wanted to live with our grandparents since she was little so she is away from our mom, but we don't know the legal standpoint on how to do that. Again I will try to answer any questions, but I hope this helps a little

    Edit 3: wowie wowie I am overwhelmed with the replies, but I want to put an end to the card issue. I was already planning to change my college-based account to a more independent account way before any of this, that plan was put on hold for a short while because my sister's wellbeing was my top priority. To put everyone at an ease state of mind, I am changing the entire account and transfer it all over. I posted this on r/legaladvise to see if it would be wise to attempt to get guardianship of my sister and how much it would cost in the dallas county to have this done.

    Thank you for your support and sound advise, I hope to get through this with my sanity and my sister's safety. My grandparents and I have made any possible arrangements to prevent us being a risk when my sister came here. She is safe and healthy as we can tell.

    submitted by /u/degeneratebleach
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    My neighbors do not send their first grade age son to school and he plays outside all day long. Is this legal?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    I have lived next to them for 2 years. The first year they sent their son to KG, however, they claim he was bullied and stated that they intended to home school him for first grade.

    Throughout the 2019-2020 school year, he was almost never inside the house and instead played outside from roughly 9:30 am until 8 pm. He just bounces around to different houses in the neighborhood that have young kids and invites himself to participate in their activities (no fault on the kid here, he gets no attention from his mom). I can not verify, but find it hard to believe he received an adequate education over the last year, and with another school year approaching I wonder what I can do to help the child.

    The child has below average communication skills, but above average motor skills. He is also much smaller than his peers. I did not personally call, but CPS has already been called to their house because they would leave their two year old daughter outside for extended periods of time with no prenatal supervision. This was not a wake up call to the family. The mother instead went around the neighborhood making accusations and confronting people she thought "called CPS on her".

    I don't think that they are bad people, I just think that they are uneducated and possibly in over their heads (4 kids, 1 special needs, and 2 not old enough for public school last year). I personally think denying a child an education is child abuse, but don't know if there is a legal precedent that supports my opinion.

    I cannot prove that they are not home schooling the child, but what options are available to have somebody verify the family is following homeschool guidelines and that their son isn't being denied an education (and hopefully insure the younger kids get an education too)?

    Is denying a child an education child abuse?

    edit - Louisiana, United States

    submitted by /u/LampinLeonBlack
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    A book I co-authored is due to be published, without my name on it...

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:09 AM PDT


    I wrote a book with another author, that will be published soon. I was paid to write my parts. I am no longer on the project (or in contact with the other author). My name was removed from the cover. I have no contract with the publisher. What can I do?


    I've intentionally kept this fairly brief, without specifics.

    I spent the last year or so writing a book for a company, who paid me for my work. Before the book was completely finished, the company and I had a disagreement over other work I was carrying out for them. The dispute was not related to the book. Following that dispute, the company severed ties with me. I have not attempted to contact them since.

    The book, which is available to pre-order on various sites, including Amazon, featured my name on the cover, alongside the other author's name. Following our dispute the cover was changed, and no longer features my name. I'm assuming that I'm not credited inside the book either.

    The company I was working for, but not an employee of, has in place a contract with the publisher (a big, well-known US publisher). I have never seen that contract. I do not have a contract with the publisher and, I have never had any form of contract with the company I was working for either, just a load of emails and verbal agreements.

    The problem

    I never expected to receive any royalties for my contributions to the book, since I was paid for the work upfront. What I do have an issue with, is the lack of attribution for my work. I never had a written agreement with the company I worked for, that said I would be credited, so I do not think I can claim a breach of contract; my own fault I guess.

    Copyright law (as I see it)

    I've done a little reading around US copyright law. As I understand it, I still own the copyright for written works I have produced, regardless of any contract in place between the company I worked for, and the publishing house. I'm not sure if I have to publish the writing though...

    I understand that copyright can be transferred in two different ways, but neither of these apply in my situation because 1) I was not an employee of the company and 2) I never signed an agreement/contract that transferred my copyright to anyone else.

    Next steps

    I intend on consulting a legal professional, but in the meantime, I'm hoping the good people of reddit can assist me with this debacle.

    • Should I contact either the company or the publisher, and if so, what do I say?
    • Should I publish (post to my own website) any of the work I produced myself?
    • Is it already too late to do anything!?
    • Realistically, even if the law is on my side, what chance do I have against a big company and a colossal publisher?

    This is my first post to reddit, but I'm a long-time reader of anything and everything reddit has to offer. I only hope the reddit gods will hear my prayer. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/ErjpmrG9w
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    Sold a motorcycle now buyer is threatening to take me to small claims court

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    So i sold my motorcycle yesterday to a guy for $4300 and he looked it over and test rode it said he wanted it and handed me the $4300 the next day (today) he messages me saying he wants his money back theres a crack in the radiator and a crack in the engine and he will be taking me to small claims court if i dont give him his money back. I never knew and am like 99% sure the bike never had a problem because i rode it and never had issues. I live in colorado and did some research and google says i am under no legal obligation to give him the money back. Colorado lemon law is for only new vehicles and excludes motorcycles. What do i do reddit?

    submitted by /u/Yaboyshane
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    House-Flipper's flawed attempt at addressing drainage fills my creek with hundreds of pounds of gravel and dirt. Negligent or downright illegal?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:14 AM PDT


    A house-flipper bought the foreclosed home next door to mine sometime ago. He has been trying to remedy the property's severe drainage issues for the majority of the time he's been renovating it, with the main issue being much of the backyard being perpetually waterlogged. There was an existing channel rain water took through the back of the property that fed into a small creek (approx 2' wide, 2' deep) I have on mine. The homeowner added cobble gravel (3 to 6in-ish sized) to this channel to reinforce it and added underground runoff collection to various areas of the property to feed into this channel, something I was wary about but didn't seem to have grounds to do anything about because it all took place well within his property, least that was what I was told by zoning. It should be noted that none of this yard work directly addressed the waterlogged low-point that encompassed much of their backyard. However, shortly before he had a buyer close on the property, my wife went into labor, leaving our home empty for nearly a week while we were in the hospital. I came back to find the contractor had completely re-hayed and reseeded much of the backyard for a second time, there appeared to have been a large amount of new dirt added to the area, and there now was a large amount of coarse gravel (1-2in) at the confluence of the channel and my creek right at the edge of the property (it kind of has a slight shelf, or did at least). I found it odd but the house had been closed on and I didn't have a good contact for the previous owner, so I decided I'd wait a day or two to hear from the new neighbors what all had been done.


    Well the night they moved in this weekend, a severe downpour came and I awoke to find nearly ALL the gravel, both cobble and course, is now in my creek. The ground surrounding the creek is visibly flooded from water flowing over the displaced gravel and my trees along the creek risk being undermined by abnormal water flow. Their property is gouged open and I can see exposed water collection piping (maybe a grid setup) feeding water to the edge of the property directly into mine, I guess as a temporary fix to get it through closing. It seems they tried to route the piping so it'd be under the existing channel, tying in right at my property line. I have included a link to a few pictures of the spot in question. Now, I was told that this specifically was not legal when I was looking into the work done in the channel; that directly piping water into my property was a big no no. I haven't yet began to address the situation and just wanted to get some opinions in the meantime.

    TLDR: Questionable actions taken to address rainwater drainage on poorly zoned property. Potentially(?) illegal actions taken while I was away further compromised the implemented solution resulting in the majority of the creek in my backyard being filled with gravel. Now facing flooding risks and my trees along the creek dying or being undermined.

    Time of Incident: Night of 5/23.

    Location: Frankfort, KY

    Images: https://imgur.com/a/qqUDrCk

    Aftermath: link in the imgur post.

    submitted by /u/Xeyon2015
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    Company asked for my username and password of my bank for “accounting” purposes. I don’t trust it.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    I'm in Houston, TX. I was interviewed via Google Hangout due to quarantine. The company is set in Australia, but has offices in the United States. It's a work-from-home position.

    They asked for my basic info like SSN, full name, address, etc. but when it came about direct deposit, they needed me to give them my username and password and I backed away. I never had a job ask for this.

    submitted by /u/throwawayprobably777
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    Neighbor has built a perch overlooking our yard and is harassing our dogs, kids, and making noise complaints. Today it got worse (AZ)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    We'be lived here for 7 years, they have lived behind us the entire time, having been here a year before us. We've had no issues until last year. He's had this fence up which is planks, nailed together and glued to concrete on either side. It's not great but it worked for his needs it's worn and leaning but it was up. A huge monsoon broke our tree and it fell on his fence. We offered to get insurance involved and repair the fence. His insurance and ours talked and did whatever they do and it led to it being his financial responsibility. We dropped it and moved on. He rigged the broken fence up and it is what it is. We installed a chain fence in our yard further away from his about 5 feet away into our yard from his fence.

    Now he's build this tall perch thing in a tree, and he is in it quite often. We have security cameras and I've caught my girls (7, 9) a few times at the fence talking to him. They tell me he's called them over to chat. He's also been teasing our dogs and blowing an air horn at them when they bark at him. He does this and then in turn files noise complaints with animal control which we've spoken to them about and so far no fines are charged. They know of the fence issue and that we've never had issues before etc.

    Today he was calling to the dogs and blowing the horn and I went out and yelled across the yard stop teasing the dogs. He blew up and called me lots of names stating my dogs bark 24/7 and he was calling the police. He never did and I yelled back that he needs to stop teasing them I have it con camera as well as calling my girls over to talk. He says that I'll be in jail over those accusations I quit the pointless back and forth and went inside awaiting a police arrival but it never came.

    What do I even do at this point? I'm concerned he's going to escalate and do something to hurt my dogs possibly my kids or damage our yard in some way. I have no idea what he would do. My cameras save 64g at a time I don't want to have to be scouting and storing my videos but I will until I feel safe. We got the cameras to ensure our dogs weren't in danger from wildlife, but now I'm glad we have them.

    I haven't spoken to animal control since the last call but I think I'll call them tomorrow to discuss what occurred today, any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

    TLDR neighbor teases dogs then complains about them likely due to being resentful his fence broke.

    submitted by /u/smapple
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    PI Lawyer didn't pay my medical bills. Now I can no longer get in touch with him

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Quick back story, so back in 2015 I got rear ended on the highway and had a bit of whiplash. Went to the hospital to get it checked out. Called a PI lawyer thats jingle was familiar in my head and started a case.

    So it took two years to get my settlement, which included his fees, doctor and hospital fees, etc. So that was around 2017. And I had to get the bar involved to get my settlement because I couldn't get in contact with his office.

    Fast forward to a few months ago and I have a collection on my credit report for the hospital that I went to after the accident. Tried to file a dispute through the credit reporting agency including my settlement breakdown showing where the attorney listed it as paid, but they said the debt stands. The lawyer I used apparently made the news for doing things like this and is currently being sued or investigated. I tried calling his cell and office, both seem to be disconnected. So my question is, whats my next step? Am I better off paying the debt which was $1500 or is there someway to put it back on him?

    submitted by /u/xXstangXaXrangXx
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    Can my friends employer make a Facebook post stating her covid-19 test was false positive even though it was clearly positive?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    My friend currently works at a small restaurant franchise (4 locations) and has recently contracted covid 19. She didn't feel well, so she went in and got tested from her doctor and got a positive result. When this was shared with her manager, a Facebook post was made about a week later from the restaurant's marketing team stating that one of their employees received a false positive, and that they are still making that employee self quarantine. The post also stated that they luckily were screening all their employees intensively to make sure they caught it, even though she went on her own will to get tested and they had zero screening done. She had been back working for almost 2 weeks after they reopened and no screening was done at all. Is this Facebook post legally ok?

    submitted by /u/TheGrizzIord
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    Mayor of the city is VP of the developer. Isn't this a conflict of interest?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    So as the title says, the mayor of the city is the VP of a developer for the neighborhood I built a house in, and maybe more. In the preliminary stages of researching.

    There is a lot of misinformation from builders to buyers about the neighborhood we are building in potentially becoming section 8. While I don't personally have an issue with people renting full price or at a discount with government assistance I don't want my property value to take a major hit due to Section 8 housing.

    My question is does this not create a conflict of interest? The developer would stand to make substantial guaranteed money if they sell blocks of houses to investors for a guaranteed government check each month. North Texas is where this is taking place.

    submitted by /u/Butt3rinmyv3ins
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    My family and I are suspicious of a woman staying in my great grandmother's house stealing and selling her property

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Back in December a woman approached my great grandmother and asked her for a place to stay. My great grandma, being the sweetheart she is, decided to let her stay with her. The woman seems to have some sort of mental disability: she gets up around 5:00-6:00 am every morning to do dishes, which she does for 2-3 hours. She also talks to herself and screams profanity quite often. She also goes into the basement for about 3 hours to "do her laundry" but the basement has been looking more and more empty and things have been moved around. The biggest factor that caused me to write this post is the fact that my great grandmother's stimulus check went missing. It was sitting on her table with her papers and one day it just disappeared. The woman also goes out to town to go to her storage units and to do business. I can give more information if asked. Please help me Reddit. (She lives in NY State)

    submitted by /u/Scat9000
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    [Ca] Guy was sent to my house to 'intimidate me' - and made 'implied threats'

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    Long story short, I dated a woman with a crazy ex-husband (and child) for a while. They were going through a divorce, and he was doing everything he could to get her back. When he learned about me, he interrogated his child to figure out where I lived.

    Turns out he paid and actor (I would come to learn) to come to my house and say some intimidating messages.

    The guy was very sloppy in his work. He brought a minor with him to record the whole thing. He tried to cover up his license plate, which the paper fell off. (lol) - He then approached me identifying himself as a "private investigator" - and was bringing a message on "behalf of his client."

    It was a very big dude covered with tattoos. He started off by slandering the woman, and saying "She's back with her husband" - and "She sleeps around."

    He also tried to tell me a story about how he was cheated on by his wife, and he decided not to 'break their fucking necks' because he would 'blame her' - He then told me, his "client" was asking me to "politely walk away." (I pointed out to him the client is obviously her husband, and he wouldn't admit it.)

    After he gave his spiel, I told him I'm getting a picture of his license plate.

    His response was- 'If you come after me, then we will have a problem'

    That following month, I would go on to do some investigating along with the help of a bail bonds agent. I myself did a lot of online background checking; and learned everything about this individual. Turns out, he's just an actor. He has been in some music videos and high profile movies. Even found his IMDB credentials.

    He basically has no criminal record, no felonies, except for some evictions and speeding tickets. He also is a licensed armed security guard. (They don't give people with felonies weapons permits)

    I got most of the interaction on video, most of what he said. I have gone to the police and called several police departments and they basically said there was nothing they could do because no crime was committed, and no threat was made. He was very careful in choosing his wording.

    My question is, do I have some kind of case of 'civil harassment' or 'intimidation' I can pursue against this individual? I was assuming that, it doesn't make sense anyone can just go to someones house and just start making "implied threats" or "threatening conversation." -

    Would I have more luck persuing this in a civil court? I'm not scared of the guy. I think he's a joke, more so because I pretty much know everything about him now, and I do want to press charges of any type of civil harassment or intimidation (I have video proof) - if possible.

    It's hard to say if I do, since the police won't do anything about it.

    submitted by /u/TheDude78x
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    Our neighbor is making our house unsellable and we don't know what to do. All of the water from their house is going onto our property. Please help, we don't know what to do.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:49 PM PDT


    My parents are first-gen and we aren't really sure how this would work. We are trying to sell our old house because we moved three years ago. However, right after we moved out, our neighbor's sump pump broke and instead of replacing it, they decided to let it go into their backyard. This would be fine normally, but the water is draining into our yard and killing our grass. When we have tried to sell the house, the majority of reasons why we could not is because of the grass that is dead there. Since the water is still going, the area has become a swamp-like area and so we aren't able to sell the house.

    My parents went to the city (we are in Illinois) and they said that they couldn't do anything about it because the pipe that is coming out of our neighbor's house is 6 feet from our property. We also tried to reroute the water back onto the neighbor's property but since the way we would do so would put the water directly onto their property, they called the police on us (which was very surprising because in our case we wrote them a note before). We have asked them multiple times not to do this because we are paying a lot in taxes and can't really sell the house.

    Is there anything we can do? Thank you for all of your help!

    submitted by /u/belindakoboi
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    Someone bought the URL of my name and redirected it to their site, which is a rival product in precisely the same space. We are in a niche field where I have some recognition. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Landlord threw out all my stuff without contacting me, is he liable?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    So here's the story. I was renting an off campus apartment while I attended college in upstate New York. Due to Corona I moved back home to MA but left some of my stuff in the apartment partly because my car couldn't fit everything and partly so I could visit friends occasionally who still lived in the area. A about two weeks ago one of my room mates who had moved out texted me to ask if I was still living there because the landlord wanted to know. Note: the landlord never once reached out to me or ever attempted to contact me regarding the matter. Fast forward to two days ago and the landlord finally contacts me and I explain my situation and that I was planning on getting my stuff in the near future before the end of the lease. He gave a vague response about how some stuff in the apartment looked "discarded". I didn't really think much of that reply because there was a pile of stuff I'd prepared to take to the dump when I came back with a suitable truck. Today I showed up to get my belongings only to discover that the front door was unlocked, my unit door was wide open, and that almost every single thing in the apartment had been removed including several items of relatively large monetary value. There were a few things left, such as my camping equipment but most were placed in trash bags and left in the parking lot. I was able to locate some items in the pile of trash but many others are simply gone. I estimate the total value of missing items at approximately $3,000 if I were to replace them with items of similar quality. Can I sue my landlord for anything and what circumstances would invalidate any claims?

    submitted by /u/JohnConnor27
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    My car lease was accidentally terminated

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    I lease a Mazda for my husband's work. The payment auto debits from our account and has since the first payment. We are 24 months into the 36 month lease. Last month, the money didn't leave our account and I logged into be Chase and it said I have no active accounts with them. After a call that lasted over 3 hours, where they bounced me back and forth between Chase and Mazda, they sorta figure out what has happened. Mazda says my car was turned into a Honolulu dealership on April 6th and that my account was closed at that point. My address is now shown to be some random place in Washington state. They both insisted they received everything needed to close out the account. The catch? I live in Ohio, I've lived here since before leasing the car and I've never been to Hawaii. We also have identity protection from USAA and they've had no pings on our socials. A car fax my sister (who works at a dealership) ran still has us with the car's title. The car is also... Still on my garage.

    Next, Chase says the lease has been terminated and they will be sending us a bill for the remaining lease payments. Mazda says the lease is closed out and we aren't currently a customer. We finally convince them we still have their car but now they say they will just reinstate the lease but, somehow, our payments will increase 25 dollars a month because our last permanent address is Washington and we owe unpaid property taxes. Again, we have never lived in Washington. Chase keep making it sound like they're doing us a favor by setting us up with a special 12 month lease to replace the one that "ended." They keep saying the lease previously was closed out and this is essentially a new lease.

    They can't make me pay a higher monthly payment, can they? That wasn't in our original lease contract. Also, can they even just set us up with a "new" lease without any signatures from us? Do we have the option of just walking away from this new lease?

    tl;dr We didn't end our car lease, the bank did by mistake, but now they want to create a new lease that doesn't match our old one just to fix their mistake. Can they do that?

    submitted by /u/firesnaps
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    Recorded without consent in my own home (CA)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    I am currently attempting to move out of my apartment. When I went there with my partner to move out a couch I was verbally assaulted by my house mates for not informing them that my partner was coming with me. They proceeded to record us moving out the couch and other items. My partner specifically said to stop recording but they said they needed the video as proof of me breaking the house rules of having someone else in the house.

    Our county, San Francisco, is still in shelter in place. However my understanding is that moving is considered an essential function and should be allowed. One of the house rules is that I can't have guests over without the consent of the whole house, and the lease says that I have to follow the house rules. However, the housemates have been continually aggressive towards me, and I know they would just tell me I can't have help moving. I'm disabled and need to have help with large and heavy items.

    Can someone help advise on the recording and maybe the rest of this nonsense?

    submitted by /u/smurf02113
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    Creating an llc to pay less child support

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    I currently receive $500 a month in child support for the child my ex and I have together. He was livid when I took him to court. He was ordered to pay $900 a month plus $100 a month until his back child support was paid off. We settled for $500 and month plus the $100 a month for back child support bc I'm a pushover.

    I was told today that he makes approx $8,500 a month. This next part I don't really understand: he will be creating an llc to make it look like he makes less than what he does. The he plans to take me back to court to get the child support lowered. That sounds kind of illegal and I'm not sure what this even means or how he can do this.. does anyone know anything about this?

    I do want to say, that although I make NOWHERE near the amount he does, we live frugally and I am not dependent on this support for my child. I typically do not even touch this support money except for school shopping and I use it to pay for the horse camp my daughter attends every summer. The rest is saved.

    submitted by /u/eewwedavid
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    Accused os stealing a crazy woman’s dog.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    So this just happened today. Also I'm in Illinois.

    Some crazy lady saw a post with my dog in the background on Facebook and showed up at my house with two other people while I was working from home demanding to see my dog. I am a mental health therapist and was conducting therapy at the time. I told them that several times but evidently that was not a good enough reason to walk away from them.

    She posted about this on her Facebook wall with pictures of my dog, pictures of my business Facebook page and somebody posted my address in the accusation that I stole her dog. She also posted this in a Facebook group with the accusation that I stole her dog and a link to my professional Facebook page.

    I have tons of proof that it's my dog because I've had her for many years. I even have AKC papers on her. I have video of them showing up at my house unfortunately no sound. I have screenshots of everything that was said about me. I could not post to the group so I could not respond although several people pointed out that there are a lot of pictures of my dog that are several years old. The Facebook group post has been deleted the posts on her wall with my address have not.

    I am getting lots of people saying I should sue her for defamation of character. I have not spoken to the crazy lady directly.

    Do I have a case? I don't know that I want to pursue, probably not. Unless she continues in which case I will. I will document anything and everything that happens other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/throwaway675329
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    (TX) Help getting in contact with parents who wrecked my car.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Notice : Title error. I mean to say the parents of a teenager who wrecked my car.

    I have been struggling largely with dealing with the problem which was that a 16-year-old teenager destroyed my car some time ago while very likely drinking and driving. And I need to get in contact with the parents to seek out compensation for the damages, due to the fact that their insurance has refused to pay. (Kid did not even have a license or permission to drive the car apparently.)

    However, I was not afforded the identity of the child's parents due to laws here preventing police from directly allowing me to be told who they are. I only have acquired the address by acquiring the police report. Is there any way I can figure out who the parents are so I can confront them on the subject, if able?

    submitted by /u/Yukimare
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    Does divorce judgement in one state overrule a child custody plenary hearing result from another? (MI / NJ)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    To summarize, one party absconded with children from NJ, resulting in the filing of a custody motion to return children. That motion led to an order in which NJ asserted jurisdiction over children's custody, personal jurisdiction over absconding party, identified NJ as "home state," and scheduled a plenary hearing which presumably will result in the return of children to "home state" of NJ.

    Several months later, while still awaiting plenary hearing which was delayed due to COVID, absconding party filed for divorce in MI. My question is, when the divorce is finalized in MI, could there be a judgement which overrules the results of the NJ plenary hearing? In other words, if NJ judge says children must come back to NJ, can a MI judge issue a divorce judgement which supersedes that?

    I have received legal advice that indicates the custody matter will remain in NJ and the remainder of the divorce will be handled in MI; I have also received reliable advice that family court rarely bifurcates divorce proceedings that divorce judgements overrule plenary hearing results.

    submitted by /u/Defender1001
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    Civil No Fault Trial against me for a debt, never served and I have no idea what is going on.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    I was playing around with the New York Courts website for fun to see if any of my family members had cases. Turns out I have an active case against me as of 2019: I was even assigned a lawyer, and I was never notified of any of this.

    Not a letter in the mail, not a phone call, nothing. My location is New York City if that matters.

    In 2018 I went to an Urgent Care clinic in New York City for a simple STD checkup, I was effectively uninsured. I could have just gone to a free clinic but I am a firm believer that you 'Get What You Pay For', and for this I saw no reason to cheap out for my peace of mind. If you're interested I haven't done the hokey pokey since 2011 but I wanted to be rest assured that I wasn't carrying some venereal disease I could pass on to a potential future partner or a brain eating one.

    The price, they assured me, was all inclusive and was around $340 for everything. I asked at least three times if I would be billed externally anything additional. They assured me they had their own labs where they did the tests. I asked one last time before swiping my credit card. For the price, I figured it was OK. If they had told me it'd be nearly $500 I would have refused.

    I asked multiple times for the test results and at first they couldn't even find any record that I had been there. Needless to say, despite multiple requesting it multiple times I never received the results.

    I am assuming they would have had to notify me if anything was positive, but I have doubts the proper tests were even ordered seeing as how the entire visit lasted 10 minutes or less and consisted of barely any real communication or asking about what my sexual life was like.

    Months later I started receiving debt collection notices for something between $140 and $180 despite being told explicitly in plain language that there would be no other fees; and so I spoke to the clinic on the phone and explained the situation and as far as I remember they said they would take care of it, and I asked for my test results again which again was never sent.

    Eventually I received a call from the company claiming the debt, I explained to them I spoke to the clinic and they would clear up the confusion. That was the end of it, so I thought.

    I continued to receive notices in the mail from various bulk junk debt purchasers under rotating names, many of whom called me from call centers in India, one of comically cursed me out. Then finally it stopped and I figured it was either finally resolved or like all other junk debt notices it was finally given up on like the overdue membership fees from the Prospect Park Alligator Petting Zoo or the library book I returned late.

    Now I have a pending case against me from a medical diagnostic firm created in 2017 located in a building of 50 other businesses whose lawyers are personal injury car-crash specialists and I am apparently being defended by the "Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation". The kicker is the medical diagnostic firm specializes only in physiological tests (EEGs , EKGs, x-rays, etc.)

    This is my question - What in the seven hells is going on? Did I drive a car into the clinic and forget about it afterwards? Why was I never served? Why am I being sued by personal injury lawyers and why am I being defended by specialists in motor accident laws? Was I in an accident and this is all a brain damaged hallucination?

    It would have been really lovely if someone, literally anybody involved in this, told me about any of this before assigning me a lawyer from The Incredible Crash Dummies.

    What should I do? https://imgur.com/a/DoyN56G has screenshots of what I found.

    submitted by /u/Bosphoramus
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    [California] I haven't been paid in 2 months, despite continuing to work.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    I work at a small private college. Normally we are paid on the 5th and 20th. However, the last time I received a paycheck was March 23rd. We delayed the start of our next quarter, and then began classes again. In addition to that we have had several meetings. When it was coming up on the 20th of May, a few of the instructors inquired about our paychecks. None of our messages were responded to. Today, myself and two other instructors informed management that we would not be in class tomorrow or attending any further meetings until we were paid. We also told them that we would be filing wage claims if we did not get paid by the 30th. The actual boss didn't respond but some of the other admin did and they were not happy about that. I have screenshots of the conversations and can post them if you want (with names redacted of course).

    Are we taking the right course of action? We are trying to be professional about it but we are getting very frustrated. The students have paid their tuition. Money should not be an issue, and even if money is an issue they could at least be communicating with us. I guess I don't have a specific question other than if there is anything else I should do. Thanks for any help.

    Edit: I don't know how significant this is, but we formally requesting information on our paychecks on the 17, 18, and 19th of May. No answers.

    submitted by /u/SenseiKramer
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    [WI] I'm at a residential trauma treatment facility. One of the residents has been sexually harassing other residents including myself. It is having a significant impact on my treatment.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    I'm spending 6-8 weeks at an adult residential trauma treatment facility in Wisconsin.

    There's 8-10 other residents. One of them has been sexually harassing us since they arrived (also racism and constant self-harm/suicidal threats).

    Patients in this environment are dealing with severe trauma and the harassment has everyone on edge. It is affecting all of our treatment. No one is doing ok right now.

    We have reported it to staff. The staff says that since no staff member has directly witnessed it that management will not discharge them. The low-level staff is furious, but has no say in the matter.

    I cannot seek privacy in room during the day because the hospital is short staffed. My choices are the community room (where that person is) or a meeting room (which has a window to the community room). Half of the residents do have access to their rooms at all times.

    The program has, up until this past week, been really great and I've been happy with the progress I've been making.

    Lack of privacy is the primary issue here. If I could go to my room when I needed to, this situation would not be nearly as bad.

    What recourse I do in this situation to end our suffering?

    submitted by /u/AliceIo
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