• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    Legal Advice - New neighbor will not stop harassing me for tanning on my personal property in a bikini

    Legal Advice - New neighbor will not stop harassing me for tanning on my personal property in a bikini

    New neighbor will not stop harassing me for tanning on my personal property in a bikini

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    We recently had a new neighbor move in next door to our home. This neighbor is not a fan of me tanning in my bikini on our deck that faces the neighbors property, but is still on our property. The neighbor has called the police alleging that me tanning on the deck is harming her son due to indecent exposure numerous times. Police have told her I'm not doing anything illegal (I have security cam footage to back it up). Today this neighbor threatened to call the police once again and proceeded to spray me with water over the fence from her hose. Is there any legal action I can take to stop this nonsense? I'm in Indiana

    submitted by /u/skygymnastxo
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    The guy we're living with threatens to kick my mom and I out of his apartment if she doesn't have sex with him. She and I are not on the lease, and we have little money and no where else to go. Can law enforcement help us?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    My mom and I have been living with a guy for a few years in Arizona. (Let's call him Bob.) We were in a tough spot when we moved in. During a date between him and my mom, my mom told him about how she's been looking for a place to live (since she was running out of money and couldn't continue to afford renting a house we've been staying in for a year). He offered for me and her to stay at his apartment.

    Bob used to be nice. He told my mom, "I know I'll be in a position of power, but I'll never abuse that." He let her recover from a car accident she was in, while I finished high school. He was letting us live there for free. (My mom bought our own groceries, though.)

    Eventually my mom started getting better and wasn't bedridden all the time. That meant she wasn't lying in Bob's room and being by his side 24/7. (He is very lazy.) He starts to get jealous when she's talking on the phone, and tells her to come into his room if she's out in the front room at night.

    Fast forward and I get a job to start paying Bob to live there. I pay about $100 every 2-3 weeks for electricity (We're in Arizona so we have SRP). Really cheap. However, my mom is unable to work because she's still trying to recover, so she can't pay anything. So what begins to happen is Bob saying we both owe him for allowing us to stay with him since he's letting us live with him for free. So instead of needing to pay him more money (I was only working $11.70/hr 32 hrs/week), he proposed to my mom (My mom told me about it since it was between him and her) that she have sex with him as an alternative form of payment.

    Fast forward and now it has become a rule, regardless if we pay him more money. If my mom doesn't give him what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, he yells at my mom all night and doesn't allow her to sleep. He does this everyday, every night. And he blames her for it and thinks he's in the right. He even blames her if he decides to drink.

    She's tried working, but since he keeps her up all night she can't go to work due to being extremely tired.

    My mom has plenty of recordings of him saying that he'll kick us out if he doesn't have sex with her, but what can we do since she and I don't have much money and nowhere to go? If he gets arrested, what does that mean for us? We're not on the lease, so it's not like we could continue living where we're at. And we can't go to a domestic abuse shelter because they're not accepting any more applicants because of COVID-19.

    I've been unemployed for a little over a month and am trying to get a job right now. I was social distancing since I was sick with what I'm very certain was COVID-19, but now I'm better and am trying to get a new job. But I just can't take this anymore. I don't know if law enforcement can make our situation better, considering what we have stacked against us.

    Edit: Thank you all for the replies. I just woke up to my post receiving a lot of attention, so it'll take a while for me to get around to everyone. I forgot to mention that my mom and I have two dogs, a freezer chest, furniture, and food of ours we need to get out as well, which makes getting out a bit more complicated for us.Also, another tidbit of information for anyone suggesting that we go to a shelter: I'm a male.

    Edit 2: I graduated high school in early 2018.

    submitted by /u/maowlrn
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    Can my neighbors force me to remove a wild honeybee hive from a tree on my property?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I've got a friend who has a large tree in the front yard that has a honeybee colony in it, and it has been there for many years, the bees are not aggressive in any way. Neighbor's driveway is 5 feet away from it, and is between the hive and her front yard, and neighbors house about 50 feet from it. The bee highway is in the opposite direction of her house, so it's not like they are flying around her. She insists on having it removed, which will be very complicated due to the way the tree hollow is.

    Does it have to be removed? Southern Oregon

    Edit: They don't want to remove the bees.

    Edit: Thanks for your help, it seems the neighbor was just afraid of them, the local beekeepers association came out and gave her some education. So the problem is fixed for now:)

    submitted by /u/Viper_king_F15
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    My grandmother and I made a small nature area on her property by transplanting many flowers and other plants and letting it grow. The neighbor decided he didn't like that and mowed it all down when she wasn't home, is there anything we can do about this?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Don’t know how to find my dad

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    so my dad was deported back to mexico a few years ago and has tried to come back multiple times, but he never succeeds. recently, he told me he was going to try again but i haven't heard from him since may 1st, and i'm getting a bit worried. i have no way of finding him, i tried calling him but a lady answered and said he left his phone at his job. i tried searching him up to see if he was being held in immigration jail but nothing pops up.

    i know he's probably not dead, but if he is, how will i know? i don't know where he is and i don't know if he's okay. help?

    submitted by /u/bubblyamyy
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    Being evicted because property management company didn't pay landlord!

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Hi and thanks for the help.

    I am a tenant under a company called Loftium. Loftium rents a home from a landlord and pays them a "guaranteed" rent every month. I live in the home for a discount in exchange for managing an attached Airbnb. Loftium profits on the margin between what they make in airbnb profits/my rent, and what they pay the landlord.

    I hope that made sense.

    They were behind 2 months on the payments to the landlord, so he no longer wants to renew the lease (coming up next month). We both love the idea of me staying in the home and continuing to manage the property but Loftium has put a non-compete clause in the contract so the landlord and I cannot enter into any rental contract for one year.

    My question is, did Loftium already breach the contract by not remitting payments on time thus making the NCC null and void...? The landlord is sketched out and doesn't want me to live here unless the company amends the NCC or I can prove the contract is already dead.

    Thank you! And time is of the essence here!

    submitted by /u/TheShittyVegetarian
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    [CA]Bank says I'm liable for payments to mortgage I cosigned even if house in question has been auctioned by the government.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I cosigned a mortgage for my son because he didn't have a good enough credit score to buy a house.

    In October 2018 he was attacked by two assailants outside a bar, which put him in a vegetative state, which he still is in. The case is still open, and we're in constant communication with the detective.

    He had a messy divorce a few months prior with his abusive ex-wife, anyway, she sued for custody of the children then sued for child support and lack of alimony payments, because of which the California Child Support Services took his house as lien and eventually auctioned it off.

    The bank was unable to get the full mortgage amount and they have set a collection agency to pursueme for the money, since I had cosigned. Are they legally allowed to do that or are they trying to push me into giving the money? I am aware that if I make a single payment I'll definitely be liable for the entire amount, since I would accepted the role of payer.

    submitted by /u/johndelaney71
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    Husband changed the locks

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    After a fight last night I left the house to let my husband calm down and when I checked our ring this morning I saw my husband changing the locks. I tried texting him calmly but it doesn't seem to be helping. He says I can't come get my things. We bought the house together. I don't want to cause any fights by showing up and trying to force my way in. What am I legally allowed to do. (I will be talking to a divorce lawyer tomorrow but I'm assuming that process moves slow) Eta I'm in California

    submitted by /u/Ybbil
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    A family friend who mom trusted with our storage lockers raided and abandoned them to be auctioned off. Can we legally go after him for this?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    When mom and I were moving out of the Florida house we inherited from her mother, a friend of hers helped us haul out all of our stuff (we'd moved to Florida from a two-story house into a one-story, so we had to removed a lot of it before we could even showcase the house) and move it into PODS. Since we couldn't bring any of it with us to Virginia until we even had a new house, which we couldn't get until the old one was sold and we had a budget, that stuff had to stay in the Florida storage units while we drove to Virginia. Because we can't be there four states away if anything went wrong, mom added the friend's name to the storage units so he could keep an eye on them until we were ready to have them delivered to our new house, and he even agreed to pay for their rental. He also accompanied us for the drive there until we were settled in a hotel, as mom can't drive for long periods of time without her back hurting and I didn't (and still don't) have a driver's license.

    Once he left to fly back to Florida, he basically ghosted us. No calls or emails were answered. When mom tried to call the storage garage, she was informed her name had been taken off the storage units. This alone should have been a red flag, but this friend had been instrumental in helping us fix up the house to be sold, on his own dime (albeit with mom promising to reimburse him with some of the money from selling the house), so we didn't think he'd do anything dirty....

    ...Until about 10 days ago, where I received a call from a random guy saying his friend had bought a storage unit containing, among other things, some military memorabilia related to my grandfather (the husband of the grandmother who died and gave us her house) and several treasury bonds with my name on them; presumably he googled my name and got my cell number. I was skeptical of course, but he sent me photos of those plus some pictures I recognized as being of my mom and I when we were younger, as well as one of her and her then-husband (now ex). His assumption was that the storage unit belonged to my late grandmother, but when I showed the pictures to mom, she confirmed, with clear horror, that it was one of the storage units we'd packed. Fortunately, this guy was a total boss and agreed to swing by on his way to PA to drop off what he had (at the time of that conversation, his friend hadn't gone through everything yet). When he arrived that weekend, he did so with a big box with the war memorabilia, a ton of photos, and my bonds. Mom asked him about a couple of boxes that looked mundane but were hiding items of both monetary and sentimental value. He vouched for his friend's honesty that, in the timeframe between the initial conversation and that fateful meeting, his friend had found the boxes but found nothing of value in them.

    It finally sunk in what our so-called "friend" had done: Took mom's name off the units so she couldn't keep tabs on them, raided them for anything valuable, and abandoned the rest.

    The revelation left mom and I both devastated. Out of six storage units full of memories and valuables, we recovered one box.

    We know full well a cross-state lawsuit probably isn't gonna get our stuff back, but I'm not one to want to let someone who broke my mother's heart and mind like that (she was already an irrationally paranoid individual, and this just vindicated her) just get off scott free. She's pessimistic because his name was on the storage units, but it was still our stuff, not his. Can any action be taken against him?

    submitted by /u/treehugger0123
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    Deep South GA DUI Checkpoint

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Driving to visit my parents over the weekend, I pulled off the interstate to find a restaurant for dinner. The restaurants were closed (due to quarantine) so, I continued down the rural highway, hoping to find somewhere that was open. I mentioned this first, because this was the cause of the search of my vehicle by LEO.

    As I mentioned, I was driving down a rural highway, when I encountered a DUI checkpoint. No problem so far, I give them my driver's license. During their questioning, I told them I was on the way to my parents house (approx 45 mins south of the checkpoint). They asked why I was on the rural road instead of the interstate, and I explained the restaurant situation.

    For brevity, I will basically explain what happened next.. I will give any further info, if asked. Officer 1 asked if I had anything illegal, "No, sir". Would I mind if he searched through my vehicle? "I would prefer you did not".

    They told me they were calling "the drug dogs" because "your story doesn't add up" .."why would you be all the way out here looking for a restaurant?" Also, "you don't have enough change of clothes for a weekend trip to your parents' house" While waiting for the drug dogs, Officer 1 begins yelling at me about "why do you have to be like this? (declining the search, I guess?). Then accused me of having cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin, undeclared cash, etc. I believe he was trying to trigger an emotional outburst from me.

    Anyway, to wrap this up, the drug dog alerted to my rear drivers' side door. They searched my vehicle, no contraband was found where the dog alerted, nor elsewhere. Officer 1 said Officer 2 would finish dealing with me. Officer 2 wrote citation for a crack in my brake light, making sure I noticed the big smile on his face while he did it.

    I am still upset about all this; I would like to do something about their behavior, but doubt I have any options. Thank you for reading.

    TLDR: my vehicle was searched after declining permission. The search was based on behavior that is not illegal (looking for a restaurant, and my change of clothes). I have never been arrested, have no criminal record, and was not doing anything illegal; this was proven after they searched my vehicle and found nothing. I was civil to all officers, and never raised my voice, nor was I disrespectful. I believe I have a good case for complaint against officers; unsure if I should bother at all.

    submitted by /u/BlueRidgy
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    My father died after telling the nurses in the rehabilitation center to get him on the hospital because he can't breathe but refuse to call an ambulance because they will have to pay for transportation and call us 1 hour and 30 mins later after his death and told us that EMS declare him dead.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. January 26 2020. The death of my father. My Father has Nasopharyngeal carcinoma no treatment has help chemo and radio therapy was not effective. the cancer metastasized to his spine and his kidney and ask right away the doctor of how much long he has. My Father was fighting through this disease for us. he was sent to a rehabilitation center because his walking ability was affected. He can't walk without a cane. one thing i saw about my father is that his muscles fade away especially in his legs. My father has above average muscles when he got this his legs were skinny as a malnourished teen. On June 25 2020 evening my father starts calling the people on the rehab that he can't breathe my mother starts to panic and immediately call the "nurses" in the rehab. they put this thing on his finger and read that his oxygen were normal but my father still can't breathe and started screaming to" get me to the hospital now!" but refuse to do so because "they have to pay for transportation which would cost us thousands" and they ask my mother if they will get him to the hospital we will have to pay the fee but my mom told them that they are the caretakers on the facility and should have the medical knowledge on what to do. Instead of getting him to the hospital they just gave him something strong to go to sleep before my mother left she told the take carers on duty to keep an watchful eye on my father . At 11:45pm he passed away on his sleep and the rehab called us at 12:45am in the morning. They told us that EMS declared him dead even though we called 911 and they said they don't have any records sending EMS to the rehab center. The worst part is that the DIRECTOR of the facility denies that she didn't hear joey lim screaming "get me to the hospital now!" even though we have one witness who stayed honest to us. When his doctors heard about his death they were in shock and confused since they didn't expect joey to pass away this early. Were trying to press charges for Wrongful death and Medical Negligence not malpractice. What can we do ? We can't get a permit to access my father's medical history since Circuit courts are closed because of the crisis today and even though we get a permit they will still win the case cause after all big companies win cases than the victim anyway. I wish i was there for my father on his last moment instead i was too focused on school to make him proud before he go instead being with him till the end of the line for him. My father last words directed to us (sons) will stick to my heart. and Entrusted me all his rifles(8). what can we do to get justice for my father's wrongful death ? we request record from DOH and we found out that were not the only one who lost a love one in that rehab and tons of complaints about the rehab about unhygienic and bad performance the rehab have. last request of my father is to be cremated which we fulfill as a family now. seeing my mother so heartbroken is just so sad and heartbreaking. To this day my mother is still affected. if you wish to know any additional info i would gladly send a msg to you

    submitted by /u/limjustine96
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    I (17) received a letter from collections for half of a medical bill my parents refuse to pay

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    My family and I live in Florida.

    I have had some persistent medical issues that required bloodwork a few months ago. My divorced parents have an agreement where they both pay half of any medical bills for me and my brother. My dad recently lost his job because of quarantine and there is a current renegotiation of the terms of this agreement. My dad is the one refusing to pay the other half and I think either my mom or the doctors office gave my name to collections.

    Because of these medical issues I don't have a source of income. What are my options here? Is my credit score screwed? Is there anything I can do at all?

    submitted by /u/LAthrowaway37392
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    I moved out of my college apartment due to COVID but still had to pay rent. My roommate let his friend live in my room without my consent. What can I do?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    I had to move out of my college apartment with the pandemic going on, as is the situation with a lot of college students. My lease wasn't up until May 1st so I was still responsible for rent payments and utilities. I found out my roommate let his friend live in my room, without my consent or knowledge. Can I hold either of them legally responsible for reimbursing me some of the utilities or paying some of the rent since they lived there rent free for 2-3 months? I am in California.

    submitted by /u/cat3rpillar24
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    Apartment contract starts July 22 but Apartment tells me I can only move in Aug 14. Can they do that?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit, but I needed advice as to how to approach the situation since I feel like it is unfair (but this could be a normal thing).

    For context, I am in Georgia and this apartment lease is off-campus housing mainly for college students. I signed a lease there that goes from July 22, 2020 to July 26, 2021. However, I called the office to get information about move in, and they said, I would not be able to move in until August 14. I asked them about the why I couldn't move in from the contract start date and they said because I was not an already existing resident at the apartments, they could not do so. I am not sure if they can do that or not.

    Furthermore, I just feel it is unfair that I have to pay by the first of each month, starting in August, but they are telling me I can only move in halfway through the month on Aug 14. So I'm paying a full month's rent to live there for 2 weeks??! In addition, my friend who previously lived there has said that they also make you move out 2 weeks early (if you don't renew lease) even though you paid for the full month's rent. Is there any point of bringing this up? Can management do anything about it?

    My lease for my current apartment ends July 31 (this apt let's me stay the full term of my lease but was too expensive so I had to move). But since my other apartment starts Aug 14, I will need to find somewhere else to stay for 2 weeks and will need to move my stuff in a storage which is all extra money that I will spend.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CraveNBeBrave
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    [Tx] Mother accused of fraud because sister filed for unemployment?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    So my mother works as a secretary for a personal injury law firm and my sister also worked there almost a year ago. My sister has since been self employed and recently filed an unemployment claim (because the CARES act has expanded who qualifies for unemployment). My sister had to list her most recent employer on her claim and the law firm received some sort of notice/document about my sister's claim.

    An employee who retrieved the mail from the mail box opened the letter of my sister's unemployment claim and starting announcing it to the whole office. The HR took the letter from the employee and gave it to the boss but the employee was not punished for this action. Next my mother was pulled aside by her boss where he showed her the contents of the document and accused her of fraud. My mother had no idea my sister had filed for unemployment and left her work in tears. My mother and her boss are going to have a meeting about this in a few days.

    The expansion of who qualifies for unemployment because of Covid-19 is confusing but whether or not my sister qualifies, the legal issue at hand lies elsewhere. The Texas Workforce Commission's website says that claims of unemployment are confidential and that "We mail a notice of your claim to your last employer and may communicate with other former employers." The employee that was announcing my sister's unemployment to the whole office seems to be in the wrong and the company did nothing to punish that person.

    Additionally, I suspect they also broke the law in telling my mother. Although my mother is a family member of the claimant, she should not have been shown the claim right? My mother knew nothing about my sister's claim and the company has not even attempted to contact my sister before calling my mother a fraud.

    Is there anyway to pursue legal action against the firm? No monetary damages were caused by disclosing my sister's unemployment to the whole office and to my mother so a lawsuit is out of the question. But disclosing this information is illegal so they should get punished somehow... right?

    submitted by /u/UnbredEel0
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    Hello! So I just found out I have a nationwide arrest warrant, and a bench warrant where I am from.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    I was running with the wrong crowd, and was using drugs for a short period of my life. I've gotten sober, and have gotten my life together. I just found out about these warrant, and I need advice on what I should do. I'm in California. My nationwide warrant is based out of Colorado.

    submitted by /u/alliekaliii
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    Neighbour cut tree roots - tree fell to it's death

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    My neighbour cut some large roots that were growing under his fence. There were three or four roots cut, ranging from 4inches to 1foot diameter. The cut roots and property line were approximately 1 foot from the base of the tree. I'm not sure when he cut the roots, but the tree fell and now has to be removed.

    The tree was a willow, approx 60 feet high and approx 2.5 ft diameter at it's base. The tree had a slight lean directly opposite to where the roots were cut.

    He admitted to "trimming" the roots on his side - he did not use an arborist to do so. And it's quite visibly cut (in my laymans opinion) from the pictures.

    Do I have any legal recourse? How can I prove his cutting of the roots impacted an otherwise healthy tree? I've taken lots of pictures. Insurance won't even cover the cost of removal (capped at 1000 for tree removal). There was some other minor damage to a different neighbours shared fence (shared with me), damage to a wishing well, and damage to my shed. Asides from the tree the damage is relatively minor. I'm very upset about loosing such an old and beautiful tree.

    Any advise would be appreciated. This happened 1 week ago in Manitoba, Canada. I can post pictures if that would help.

    Edit - added location

    Edit 2 - Thanks everyone for the helpful comments. I've posted some pictures in case anyone is interested in providing more feedback. https://imgur.com/gallery/FlOoyx8

    submitted by /u/VinnyFTW
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    My adoptive mother doesn't let me have much of a social life and continuously threatens me.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    I am currently 14, This has been going on for around a year or two as of now.I used to have a phone, and after a while my adoptive mother, I'll just call her Susan, decided she didn't want me to have one. It just started out like that, of course I wasn't happy but I was able to manage. Soon, Susan began to stop letting me talk to people. I couldn't call any friends, I couldn't text, I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone through games either. It also got to the point where I couldn't even go hang out or visit with anyone. This all started happening for no reason ( as far as I know ) and I began to get extremely desperate. It was difficult and it got very lonely only being able to see people while I was in school. I should also mention that before a lot of this started happening, Susan was already extremely controlling and wanted to know every single thing I did. She had to listen to a lot of my phone calls or be in the room with me. Susan often told me that she wanted to hide cameras around the house, which obviously frightened me. As I said previously, I became desperate for some way to contact/interact with people. It started off with me sneaking out of the house around 1 AM to see friends of mine. Eventually, I stopped that and I was able to get a phone from one of those friends. I always had the phone hidden in my schoolbag, and I only used it at night once my Susan and my father thought I was asleep. I was somehow able to keep this up for a rather long time. One night, Susan caught me talking on the phone. I was able to leave the call and power off the phone so she couldn't get onto it. We had a major argument that night over me having a phone. The next day, she asked me for the password. I didn't give it to her, and she told me that she was going to go to my friend's home ( the one who gave me the phone ) and ask him for the password. Since I had mostly no way of contacting people, I had a close friend of mine text him and let him know that if Susan showed up to give her a random password. She ended up never going. A few days later, I began using Susan's phone or my father's phone during the night. Only around a week later I got caught. We had another intense argument, worse than before. However, after that day, she seemed to act like nothing really happened. For two nights after that I used an old tablet I used to have, she took that. Yet again, we had another argument. For a good while after that night, I talked to my friends through games. It was all going well. I never got caught, I just ended up stopping that. I began to take Susan's/my dad's phone during the night again. Just last night, I got caught by my dad with Susan's phone. He seemed calm, and I gave him the phone. That night, I called my boyfriend to talk about something that was bothering me a lot. After the phone was taken, I started talking to my dad and Susan about it. They were both supportive. Then, my dad told her I had her phone. Susan freaked out and we had around one of the worst arguments we've ever had in a long time. She wanted to know who I was talking to and I panicked and gave her one of my friend's numbers. I told her she could call it or do whatever she wanted with it and she responded with "I'll give it to the police". Then she began talking about FBI and how she would contact them. She also continued on to say that I'd be going to a juvenile detention center. She's been threatening me with this and RTFs ( Residential Treatment Facility for those who don't know ) for a while. I've already been to an RTF last year and it was horrible being away from home and everyone for so long. I'm worried as Hell about this FBI thing. I'm worried about my boyfriend and my friends. Of course I'm scared about leaving, but when it comes to the safety of my friends and my boyfriend, I could care less about leaving if it meant they were okay.

    I am in Pennsylvania, Crawford County.

    I just really don't know what to do, any help or advice would be extremely appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Kapiio
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    Our venue has been approved for 50% capacity, but our DJ will not perform for more than 25 people, or give us a refund.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT


    So, we were originally supposed to get married April 25, 2020. Obviously, with COVID, we had to postpone. We changed it to June 7, 2020. With Phase 2 being active in our state last week, our coordinator reached out and said because they are a vineyard, they are allowed to be open to the public (so 50% capacity) and our guest list could consist of 50 people. Super! We had to cut about 40, but we were totally fine with it.

    After reaching out to our vendors, our DJ's wife (I believe his manager) argued under the "wedding" part of the new phase, it is only 10 inside, 25 outside. Our coordinator and venue owner argued that since they are a vineyard, they fall under the vineyard rules, which is 50% capacity.

    Our coordinator talked to the DJ's wife and was told "we will do it in July, or with 25 guests". They will not give us a refund if we decide to not use them or do more than 25. Our coordinator is setting up a conference call with everyone to explain why they are legally allowed to be at 50% capacity, or to at least give us a refund for not fulfilling their contract with us.

    Basically, we cut our current guest list in half, or lose $3k, and have to spend more money on a new DJ.

    Any advice??

    submitted by /u/mdgayns
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    Are restaurant owners legally able to collect server's tips to offset PPP loan wages?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    For instance, say an employer guarantees an employee 20 dollars an hour since that was their previous average hourly earnings prior to shutdown. Say that employee works 1 hour and is tipped 5 dollars. Can the employer take that 5 dollars since the wage they are paying includes roughly 15 dollars worth of "tips" that the server typically would have made? The restaurant my family member works for is going to take server's tips until the amount taken exceeds what the PPP loan is covering and only then can they collect their tips. To me it seems that a restaurant would be able to claim they are abiding by the rules of PPP loans going 85% to wages while collecting it back in tips and then using it however else they wish, essentially abusing a loophole. The restaurant is located in Des Moines, Iowa, United States.

    submitted by /u/Shootrmcgavn
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    Mother controlling trust and won't give information (Baltimore, Maryland)

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Posting for friend in Baltimore, Maryland

    My friend is trying to get access to their trust fund, but their mother won't give access or information.

    Trust fund is in California from 2011 and they do not know the bank or amount of money.

    The trust managers, their mother and half brother, lied for six years about the disability clause claiming they need a bachelors degree to receive control of trust.

    What routes can they take to get control of trust? Friend is 25 and fully independent.

    submitted by /u/cautionfreshpaint
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    My recently deceased uncle’s common law partner is trying to contest my grandmother’s will (ON, Canada)

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    This situation is kind of confusing so I hope I explain it well. I'll give a bit of backstory. My grandmother (still living) has three children, my mom, my aunt, and my recently deceased uncle. On her will she split the money evenly between my mom, my aunt and my uncle. However she specified that if my uncle passed away, rather than giving the money to his daughter (my cousin), the money would go to me and my brother. The reason why she did this is because my cousin has never treated my grandmother well, my mom's siblings (and therefore my cousins) are well off compared to my family, my brother and I have a great relationship with our grandmother, my mom has almost single handedly cared for my grandmother throughout the last 10 years, and it's an open secret in my family that my cousin is probably not even my uncle's biological daughter (his ex wife cheated) and therefore not my grandmother's biological granddaughter. My grandmother and my cousin have no relationship. She even skipped my cousin's second wedding. So it makes sense why she wouldn't want to give her money to my cousin.

    However, now that my uncle has passed, his common-law partner of 26 years has been harassing my mom saying that she's going to take her to court over my grandmothers will. She wants to change the will so that the money that was supposed to go to me and my brother goes to my uncle's daughter. She claims that my mom manipulated my grandmother into changing the will in her favour. In reality both of my parents advised my grandmother not to do this because they knew it would cause trouble.

    She has money and my family doesn't have the resources to fight her in court. The easy solution I guess would be to change the will to give the money that was supposed to go to my brother and I to my cousin. I have no problems with this. She can take the money for all I care but the issue is my grandmother is in the early stages of developing dementia and probably can't demonstrate the necessary capacity to change the will.

    So what is the path we can take that results in the least amount of headache, that doesn't bankrupt my family with legal bills, and that ensures that this woman is never seen in our lives again?

    Some (maybe) useful info is that my uncle's partner is an alcoholic and she can barely string a sentence together by noon (no judgment against people who struggle with alcoholism, just wondering if this can be used against her). Also my cousin despises this woman even though she's fighting to get my cousin's name on my grandmother's will (although we don't know if my cousin knows this). Also my grandmother doesn't even have much money so I don't even know what the hell she's fighting for. I think she's just vindictive and cruel. My uncle hasn't even been gone for a week and she's already talking about suing my family over my grandmother's will.

    Sorry if I included unnecessary info or if I left out key details. If I missed anything please ask!

    submitted by /u/rufookinjookin
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    Landlord is trying to charge an extra "security deposit" per month.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Tl;dr -- My landlord is charging an extra $1k a month he would keep if he gets complaints about our house from neighbors, otherwise he would return it.

    So my frat has been living in the same house for the past 8 years (not a real frat house, just a place in California we have been renting together as a house), and we're in the process of negotiating a new lease for the upcoming school year. Usually, we just agree on an overall monthly price for rent and sign new tenants onto the lease and everything works out. However, due to COVID-19 and the fact that we're all students who aren't sure whether or not school will be in person next year, we have been proposing a month-to-month lease instead of the usual yearly lease. The landlord finally agreed to that, but he now is adding on a new item to the lease that I'm not sure is even legal.

    Our landlord is trying to charge a $1000 security deposit per month as an essential "good behavior fee". The $1000 would be charged every month in addition to our total monthly rent, and if he gets complaints from our neighbors, he gets to keep the $1000 for the month. If he gets no complaints form neighbors about us, he returns the $1000 at the end of the month, and then the cycle begins the next month. To be fair, we do have occasional complaints from the neighbors, but they are usually along the lines of forgetting to bring trashcans back in or noise complaints. And we have a person that neighbors can contact to resolve these issues instead of getting the landlord involved so it doesn't escalate unnecessarily.

    We want to keep fighting against this extra charge, but the lease starts in June and we need to sign the it soon so we don't get kicked out of the house and others have to look for more housing. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/unclejoej
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    In Escrow on a house. Someone is possibly living in the house at night. What can I do?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    EDIT: I live in California. Los Angeles County to be more specific.


    I'm currently in escrow on a house. The house has been unoccupied since January. Late last week we went to check on the house as we were having an inspection this weekend. We found that the front door was open and there were signs of someone being in the house. They also broke the sliding glass door that leads from the backyard into the house. It seems like someone came in the night and slept in the house, I'm guessing a homeless person. We locked the front and back door with keys we knew were on the property in a combo box and didn't clear anything (food trash and other items in the bathroom). We came back the next morning and again the front door was open and the back door was unlocked. Nothing inside had really changed so we relocked the doors and left. We came back again this morning and the door was open. Its pretty obvious someone is coming in at night and staying in the house. I know we aren't the owners yet of the house but is there anything we can do? Just FYI we are doing an FHA loan and the seller is a bank, the house is in a trust. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/KayOh19
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