• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 23, 2020

    Legal Advice - (OH) Rent increase because of baby?

    Legal Advice - (OH) Rent increase because of baby?

    (OH) Rent increase because of baby?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Our apartment complex manager says our monthly rent will increase or that we will be charged additionally once our baby is a year old. Is this legal in the state of Ohio?

    submitted by /u/Tambear
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    [UPDATE] I am pursuing charges of sexual assault against a former friend. Please help.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Original post here.

    Not the update I'm sure is interesting or cool, but I went through with it. This took place in Ontario, Canada.

    After the detective took mine and my (at the time) boyfriend's statement, my former friend was arrested and taken in for questioning. They released him on the condition that he have no contact with me whatsoever.

    There were a few court hearings that I did not have to go and the Crown prosecutor offered him a plea deal. This deal included a lightened conviction (simple assault instead of sexual assault) and he had to be on probation for two years.

    7 months after I went to the police, it was the sentencing hearing. At this hearing, I read a victim impact statement.

    That's all I really have for this update and I'm thankful for all of the support I've been shown for my original post.

    submitted by /u/ScreamingNed
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    Being sued by my parents.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Posting from mobile, throwaway account. So today i recieved a letter in the mail from a lawyer saying i am being sued by my parents for a rather large amount. The reasoning on the letter said it was because i have caused them considerable emotional trauma. I have not seen them since me and my partner moved from idaho (the state my parents live in and the state their lawyer is in) to Virginia 4 years ago. Do i need to get a lawyer in Idaho, or can i get one here in Virginia (As in do i need a lawyer trained for idaho law)? Also, do i need to be there myself, or can my lawyer be there instead of me as i am afraid of my parents?

    submitted by /u/Queenofthrowaway1994
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    [Florida] HOA and issued emergency vehicle (fire)

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Yes, yes, I know, HOAs suck. I work for a government agency fire department and due to the COVID situation, have been sent home with my work truck (think Chevy Trailblazer) instead of sitting in the communal office. This vehicle is clearly marked "FIRE" and has lights/sirens installed for emergency response.

    Well, of course someone in the HOA made a complaint that I have a "professional or commercial vehicle" in my driveway overnight. I figured with the whole COVID situation they'd be understanding but the fact remains that I from time to time will be required to have my vehicle at home to be available for emergency response. The vehicle does not reasonably fit in the garage (though I'd like to know what people consider 'reasonable'). The HOA documents state (paraphrasing):

    Vehicles used by residence or occupants for their own personal use (not for commercial or professional use) can be parked in the driveway.

    No vehicles which advertise or reference a business or professional service (unless they're there working) can be parked in the driveway at any time.

    I am familiar with the new law in Florida (SB 476) specifically stating that HOAs cannot ban police vehicles in the driveway.

    I am also familiar with AGO 2005-36 which also points to 320.01(25) F.S. that states a vehicle owned or operated by the government is not considered a "commercial motor vehicle"

    Do I have a leg to stand on to fight this? It seems to me that I could argue that my vehicle is not a commercial or professional vehicle and as such isn't prohibited.

    It could mean that I have to leave my job if I cannot perform my on-call duties properly and would definitely impact my response time if I don't have the vehicle.

    submitted by /u/OptimalPresent5
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    Dog attack and being bullied after assault

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Wife was walking dog, pit bull, in apartment complex. She moved over to let someone else with a 15-20lb dog pass. The other owner did a dog meet and great without saying anything. His dog bit my dog and my dog put her mouth over the other dogs mouth but left no marks. The other dog owner beat my dog and left it with a black eye and left bruises on my wife including breaking her iwatch. He took his dog to vet afterwards and they concluded his dog was not hurt.

    The apartment complex tried getting my wife to put our dog down, I refused and took it to the cops who seen the bruises on her and are making it an assault case. We let the apartment know this and they later emailed us with a 48 hour eviction notice for the dog. The apartment complex approved the dog originally knowing it's breed. The dog has been raised around multiple other dogs and very little kids until this point. The police state that they won't be able to investigate until Tuesday more than likely as they need the apartments cooperating for the guys name and address. What if any legal action do we have? As I know I can board him temporarily but if it still results in nothing then it's not a real solution.

    Dog has all shots and up to date including rabies. The eviction notice was served to us for removing the dog within 48 hours, which I figured would be followed by a possible notice to us. The dog did nothing as he was hit from the other owner.

    I live in Alabama as well.

    submitted by /u/hkdominos
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    Dropped off bike to get repaired.. Days later to find out it's been SOLD!

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    My boyfriend dropped off two bikes (his and his dad's) to get repaired and tuned-up at our local bike shop. They said they would call us once it was ready to get picked up. A couple days over the specified date go by so my bf calls and the person on the phone seemed to have lost the paperwork and would call us back when they find it.

    Next day the owner calls my bf. He said he was not there when the incident happened but a worker of his GAVE AWAY MY BF'S DAD'S BIKE in order to console an angry customer?!?! He said he would hope to work something out and be able to compensate by giving one of their own bikes.

    So he goes in super pissed and to no avail there are barely any "good" bikes on the shelf because they were expecting him to show up (but this is just an assumption). So he might go by again Tuesday but honestly is there something he can legally do? He wants to make a police report for his bike literally being stolen from him and given way. We have the paper work and receipt for the repair. Can we take them to a small claims court? What's the most practical and effecient way to be compensated for this?

    submitted by /u/jmoneyy21212
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    (WI) Late boyfriend's adult son wants the money he gave me back

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    Last year my boyfriend shockingly killed himself while dealing with medical problems. The day he died, he wrote a check of 12,000 to me. He signed MY name on the endorsement line and deposited it into my bank account at a branch. I never asked him to do anything.

    Off-and-on since then his son(usually when he's having money trouble) has been demanding the money. He's made threats about suing me, having me jailed etc. Is there anything he can do?

    submitted by /u/pineapplestorm
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    Landlord changed locks before move out date

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Location: Provo, Utah

    In April, my wife and I closed on a house. But our current lease runs until June 10. We were okay paying rent until the end of our lease even if we moved out.

    We contacted our landlord (it's a big property company). They said it's fine, gave us an Intent to Vacate form to fill out. I filled it out, set our move-out to May 30 to give us time to move and come back to clean.

    Today (May 23) we come back to clean and gather a few random items we left in the apartment. The locks are changed and we can't get in. We go to the leasing office. They tell us that someone has signed a contract on our apartment and is about to move in. They have cleaned the entire place and changed the locks for the new tenant. They had decided we had already moved so they showed the apt and rented it out.

    We already paid for the entire month of May for rent. Can we expect a (partial) refund if we couldn't even get in the apartment before our move date? I will not be willing to pay the pro-rated June rent, is that okay? And can I expect to get my full deposit back if I wasn't even given the opportunity to clean and fully move out?

    submitted by /u/dshum
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    Neighbor dumping fill dirt on another neighbors property

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT


    So my neighbor and myself have a shared gravel driveways which sits on easements crossing a 3rd parties property.

    A new development has built houses bordering my property and the new homeowners are personalizing their backyard... Which is fine.

    The problem is that this new neighbor in the subdivision has removed about 10-12 yards of clay, crossed my driveway easement, my buddies driveway easement and dropped the fill partially on our driveway and partially on our elderly neighbors property all without even trying to get permission. Basically, the 3 of us are kind of pissed at the arrogance and lack of respect by the new neighbor.

    I don't care to be petty, so how bad would it be if I drove my tractor down there, scooped up the clay then dumped it back in their yard? I wouldn't even have to put my tractor on their property... I can simply drive to my property line and dump the bucket...

    submitted by /u/JumpingJahosaphat
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    Sold house 2 months ago, purchaser has emailed saying his isn’t happy with 3 things

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    We didn't provide him with a back door key ( we stated this to him prior to sale) wants us to pay for a locksmith providing him with one

    Saying the house was an absolute pig sty (absolute lie we hired a cleaner for two days pre settlement)

    Saying that the front door doesn't lock and that it was like that when we sold it when we said it was in working order ( another absolute lie never ever had a problem with it in 7 years even the real estate agents locked and opened it for every inspection) wants us to pay for fixing it

    Surely I don't have to action any of these things

    submitted by /u/millionyoungg
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    I am afraid my wife is setting me up to have me thrown out of our rented house.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    (Wisconsin) Lately she has been doing things to try and make me have an outburst. Like hiding my things around the house. I called an attorney and they told me it sounds like my title. Except she tells me she wants to move out at the end of the month. Now shes reneging on that and saying she needs a two more weeks. None of what she says makes sense and I'm starting to get nervous. Can she just flat out lie to get a restraining order? What are some ways I can protect myself from this happening?

    submitted by /u/dr_eviiiiiil
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    Unpermitted work Notice 30 days after moving into our new house. Can I sue the former owner?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Hi we just bought a new home in Ohio. We've been there for a little over 30 days and received a notice from the county stating for us to stop construction and to submit to a review process for permits. I called the office to let them know we are new home owners and they said to contact the old owners to see if they're willing to resolve it. If not we may have to resolve it. The county code office won't specify what items don't have a permit just that they found evidence of new construction.

    The county office said that so long as we keep communicating with them in good faith then they don't wish to pursue legal action at this time. Should I get a lawyer now and if so am I able to sue the former owners if they don't want to work with us?

    Any information is helpful because this is very confusing and stressful. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/opinionmachine42
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    My roommate filed a restraining order an domestic assault charges against me for a verbal argument

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Hi all I'm going to my best to keep this brief but descriptive enough. My ex-roommate and I lived together in Massachusetts for about 6 months before this happened. She was very controlling of me and I stood up for myself telling her to stop treating me like a child and to stay out of my business. This resulted in a solely verbal argument** I was standing over 6 ft away from her, just yelling, no threats were made on either side. Nothing outside of this argument was threatening. I work up the next day and found out she filed a temporary order of protection against me. I figured there's no way that could hold up because I didn't do anything wrong/threatening/illegal or abusive to her. I have not spoken or interacted with her since I found out I had the order of protection. The next day I heard the "cop knock" at our door. 2 officers informed me I had a warrant for domestic assault charges and ended up arresting me. I totally accepted being arrested, didn't discuss details with the officers or anyone else. After being booked I was taken to the courthouse. The judge informed me I had the order of protection that would be lasting until February 1st and on that date we would be back in court deciding whether that was to be extended along with dealing with the domestic assault accusations. I was released without bail, had another roommate grab my things from the apartment and stayed with a friend. This all took place in January 20th 2019.

    On January 25th 2019 a cop came to my friends place to serve me with an order of protection lasting for a year. I informed him that my next court date was February 1st. He told me I had the court date for the order of protection that morning and that since I wasn't there it was extended. I was never informed of this court date, not verbally and not on any of my paperwork. This effectively made me homeless. I rented out an AirBNB to stay local until February 1st.

    Now, during this time I was part of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families Voluntary Custody Program. This means upon leaving foster care when I was 18 I enrolled into the program and they helped with things like college, mental health services, and finances under the stipulations you don't use drugs or alcohol and you don't get arrested. The roommate who filed the order of protection knew this about me and knew those rules. I also had a public defender through DCF that I used for this incident and she was kinda horrible.

    My boyfriend and I each wrote our own statements to the judge (he was the only witness to the argument and we assumed that would be valuable information) we reviewed them with my Attorny and she ok-d them. We show up to court on time and wait in the court room as everyone else went through the other cases. My lawyer eventually pulls me out and tells me I have no chance in fighting this at all and that she would talk to the DA about a diversion program. My city has a diversion program for young offenders 18-22 in which they do community service and possibly drug/alcohol counseling if applicable. But if I was to be allowed into this I would have to say I was guilty even though I did not break the law.

    I was never allowed to speak to the judge about anything and I was made to sign papers saying I admit to what happened and put in the diversion program. I have since completed it and it has been expunged from my record. The order of protection remained in place for a year and I had to move home.

    I found out after this the roommate had opened my sealed mail from DCF and found my social workers phone number. She called and left her a message saying I was "beating her and using heroin" in a sick attempt to have me removed from the voluntary program which would result in a loss of income, health insurance and housing.

    I think it's important to mention this roommates father was a police officer in the town over from us.

    Who is in the wrong here? Should I have been given a chance to speak to the judge and try and prove my case? How is it possible that she had no evidence of anything happening yet I had to accept the charges for it? I would really like to hear anyone's opinion on this and if this was just.

    submitted by /u/syd12611
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    URGENT! PLEASE HELP! My dog just bit a stranger who put their hand very close to our fence to say "Hi" and is threatening legal action. What can I do?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Hi there, Reddit!

    I know what I should not rely solely on this Reddit page for legal action or advice, I'm just wanting some advice. :') This literally just happened in the same hour that I am posting this.

    My whole family (and everyone else in the state of Oregon) has been inside due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Today, my neighbor had a friend over, and they were talking loudly as they were leaving. My dog heard them and ran outside, and was barking at the stranger next door. We ran as fast as we could to go get her. The lady told me that my dog had bit her and showed the injury to me. No blood was drawn, there were just some teeth marks and some bruising, and some surface scratching, but again no blood was drawn. I apologized and asked why she would put her hand near a fence with an angry dog barking behind it, and she got very angry and told me that if there was a child present, they would not know that my dog was dangerous because it was barking. There were no young children present; she did have some teens with her but as soon as they saw conflict they ran back to the car. The lady made a big show about how she could absolutely take me to court for this and that she knew lawyers and would be in contact. About a few minutes ago, my neighbor just confirmed that her friend is going to sue us. We're going to go talk to my neighbor later tonight. I really love my dog, she is a very small Glen terrier, and has been through everything with me; stuck by my side through thick and thin. She definitely barks a lot and at everything and everyone, but has NEVER bitten. I'm honestly so scared that something could happen to her and get her taken away. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: I realize that I may not have been very clear: The lady put her hand almost right up to the fence so that my dog could sniff her while she was barking. That's where the bite happened. The fence is a metal chain link fence and my dog's snout is just small enough to fit through the diamond gaps.

    submitted by /u/Jurrasikai
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    Employer taking tips to pay back PPP

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    My former employer (see my previous post) is telling managers that employees tips are being taken and used to pay back the PPP paychecks they received. Employer said employees paychecks they received while the bar was closed was a loan and that they will repay it with the employees tips. This is Texas and I am pretty sure this is wage theft. It is really hard to use google-fu to find an answer about individuals employees requirement to pay back the loan. My friends still work there and I worry.

    submitted by /u/Demiscourge
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    I never signed a lease what is my obligation as a tenant notice wise to leave

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Hey everyone at the beginning of May 2020 I moved into my current house where I am subletting and planned to stay until September 2020 (this is in writing over text) I never signed a rental agreement when I moved in and found out two weeks into the month of May that my landlord, who lives in the house with me and who had the lease in their name was passing it on to somebody else. They then told me that I would have to leave at the latest July 1st. This was only communicated verbally not written.

    Well I managed to find a place for June 1st and informed my landlord that I would be leaving and I want my security deposit back. She refused and claimed that I needed to legally give her 30 days notice in accordance with our rental agreement. Thing is I actually never signed a rental agreement as there is no written agreement that was made up, just a verbal agreement.

    Am I still legally obligated to give them 30 days notice in order to get my security deposit back?

    How much notice is required on my landlord's end for having me leave?

    Edit: I edited some sentences to make the situation a bit more clear and added some details that may be important.

    Edit 2: Would also appreciate any input on how to confirm who my landlord legally is. The owner of the house or the person who lives onsite with me handling payments and rental postings?

    submitted by /u/LopesidedPlankton
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    Can my boss tell me not to go out of town on MY TIME? (Michigan)

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    So long story short I went out of state on Thursday after I got out of work and stayed friday (my day off) and came home Saturday and made it back in time for my scheduled shift. My boss had called on Friday and asked me to be there at 11 instead. I told her no can do I'll be there at 3 (my scheduled shift time). She called me again at 11:30 on Saturday to ask where I was. I told her the earliest I'll be there is 2. So I get this text tonight:

    In the mean time I need you to stay close by incase we need you. I dont want to call you for help and your not in town. Because we are very short on staff and we ganna need you to be close

    Is this even legal? Could she fire me if I did tell her no again?

    submitted by /u/little_girl_monster
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    Got a life threatening text. What should I do?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is the best sub to post this but thank yall in advance

    Background story is really embarrassing but I really need some advice.

    i got really bored and lonely during this quarantine so I reached out to a few escorts from those escort sites. In Washinton state if that's important. I never really invited anyone, I just called and texted a few people.

    Yesterday I got this text message threatening my life for not makin an appointment with the girls? It has my full name and exact address. I have never ever said any thing about where I live let alone my name. How the hell did they even find that out?

    Any advice on what I should do next? I own a gun and stuff but still they are in the dark. this is really going to be a nightmare for me.

    submitted by /u/chris_marvin1989
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    Can my brother take a life insurance policy on my mom without her knowing, even though she has her own policy?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    My family is in Pennsylvania. My mom has a life insurance policy. She's not in the best health and has seizures. She put me (her daughter and youngest child) in charge for when that horrible day comes.

    She also has a will for how everything is going to be divided between my two older brothers and myself. Ok, whatever she wants done, I'll make it happen. Everything was legalized and that was it.

    My mom and I were talking about her funeral arrangements recently, and she explained she was following her lawyer's advice by picking her most responsible child. That's fine. She told me she didn't want to put too much burden on me and she didn't want (middle child) angry. Then she told me that (middle child) took out a life policy on her. She had no idea.

    Here's my questions: It legal for my brother to take out a life insurance policy on my mother without her consent? Will it effect my mom's own policy? If so, how?

    submitted by /u/noTime4ThisBullSh1t
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    Haven’t been getting mailed delivered to my new home.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I've moved to a new condo about a month ago and I haven't been getting mail in the cluster mailbox. I'm one of the only people that lives in the new set of condos they build so everybody else is getting mail in the other set of mailboxes on the other side of the parking lot. I went to my local post office and asked them why they haven't delivered anything to me since I keep having to go to the post office to get my mail. They said the builder didn't put the mailboxes in the right spot so they won't deliver it. Then I talked to the builder and told him that they won't deliver any mail because the mailbox is in the wrong spot. The builder told me that they put it exactly were they marked on the construction plans so they can't do anything about. So I told the post office and they still can't do anything about it and I'm basically in a position where I don't know what to do. Who's technically right and are they legally obligated to deliver mail. Or does the builder need to move it. It's kind of annoying because the post office closes at 4:30 so I don't always have time to go right after work to get my mail. Also live in TN

    submitted by /u/Bry1997
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    My medical provider for a very important medication has gone MIA, and I’m pretty certain it’s illegal.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    I've been seeing a nurse practitioner in Sacramento for the anti opioid abuse drug Suboxone for 3 years. I have to drive 100 miles to see her every other month, but she was the best option at the time. In March she sent a text to her patients stating that (due to covid) she would be calling in one month worth of our prescriptions to pharmacies and postponing our in-person appointments. Well, my prescription was never called in and she went MIA for over a month. After calling and texting numerous times, she finally got back to me and said, "your card info didn't go through, but I thought you had tapered off already". Well, I haven't, and we discussed clearly in our last visit that I wasn't yet. I checked and realized that yes, I forgot to give her my new card info after my old one was compromised, so I sent her the new info. She said she would call it in after that. That was a week ago and she still hasn't done it (I called again and no response). I'm currently out of my meds and dealing with cold turkey withdrawals because this med requires a slow taper to get off of. This isn't the first time she's messed up or simply disappeared, one time she mistakenly called in a double dosage of the meds, which is pretty serious considering it's an opioid. She also once went on a honeymoon without telling her patients, and I was left again without them. And she berated me for trying to contact her during that time, basically saying "I'll get to it when I can". This is the worst medical "professional" I've ever dealt with, and I want to know if I can report her or take legal action, but I'm not sure who to contact about it. Perhaps I'm in the wrong subreddit for this, so a referral would be appreciated as well. It just blows my mind how someone can be so haphazard with people that come to her, trying to save their lives by staying off of dangerous drugs. And this is a lifesaving medication for getting off opioids. Any input is appreciate, thank you.

    submitted by /u/FedupnotFedex
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    Blood and urine in the halls, fire hazards, flooded stairwells, leasing managers screening and ignoring phone calls

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    My partner and I moved into an apartment complex in February 2020. Since moving in we have found blood and urine in the stairwells, a blood soaked maxi pad sat in the hallway for over a week with a very foul, pungent odor, carpet padding sat in a stairwell before it was removed 5 days after being reported, a leasing manager sent out a noise violation to every tenant in the building, we have filed several noise complaints against neighbours playing music loud enough to shake our apartment, a neighbour sets garbage in the hallway and fills the hall with a foul stench, the stairwells are cleaned by dumping buckets of water and letting it all sit in big puddles for days on end where it evaporates creating a very humid environment that has little to no air circulation and the floor does not have any drains, the cement and metal stairs do not have and slip resistant tape or texture and I have slipped on them when they were soaked with water, these stairwells are fire escapes/ emergency exits/ means for emergency services to enter the building.

    We have sent multiple emails during our time here to the leasing office and escalated to their manager when they did not take care of anything, but he has refused to answer any questions we have and lately ignored our emails until we reached out to cooperate and his boss, and we have hammering pipes in our apartment that keep us up at night and we submitted a maintenance request on May 5th to have it fixed, but then we received an email saying it was suspended until June 30th without citing a reason and the leasing office refuses to tell is why or answer any questions we ask them.

    The leasing office has claimed that they walk through the building everyday as well as the cleaning crew, but the blood drenched maxi pad sat out in the open in the hall for a week, and the blood and urine weren't cleaned up until after they sat for a few days and were reported. By cleaned up I mean the stairwells were flooded with water that was allowed to sit for days.

    We have tried to communicate and work with the leasing staff, but they ignore phone calls and emails. After we told them we are terminating our lease early they started screening our calls and refusing to talk to us. I had to go downstairs and stand outside of their office and call them while they watched in order to get them to answer, and even then when one of them tried to get another one to join the call she looked at the phone, said no verbally and by making a gesture with her hand and walked away. We were told despite documentation and photos of the issues we have encountered that we have to pay the full early termination fee, which they miscalculated and tried to overcharge us for. Then the regional manager, he is the manager for those in the leasing office and refuses to answer our emails, responded to an email I forwarded to corporate about the issues saying as a courtesy he would lower our termination fee, but the leasing office is still overcharging us for the termination fee. The fee is supposed to be 2 full months rent, but we submitted the early termination on May 19th so 60 days would be July 19th, therefore not full 2 months. We had to email them to explain that and they fixed it, but then tried to charge is for 2 full months when we were given the "courtesy" of a reduced fee. We view the "courtesy" as a bribe to get us to rescind our complaint to the state.

    We have filed a complaint with consumer protection under the office of the attorney general in the state of Maryland. What should we do, and what can we do? We do not feel safe whatsoever at this apartment complex. We think they are committing constructive eviction by ignoring our maintenance requests, calls, emails, not taking care of the noise complaints, and they stopped cleaning our section of the hallway.

    Again, what should we do, and what can we do? We just want to gtfo of this place and hopefully not have to pay the early termination fee at all. I plan on filing a complaint with the better business bureau.

    I appreciate any and all advice that you guys and gals can give me. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/ihavenopantson
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    [DE] Does a landlord have to repair a subfloor that cannot bear weight properly?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:39 PM PDT


    I plan to request repairs but I'd like to make sure they are valid requests first.

    The kitchen floor has always been soft underfoot, I thought it was some sort of underlayment used but 6 months after signing the lease, the refrigerator has sunken a good half inch into the floor. There are also other spots that have become indented over time.

    I informed the landlord but didn't exactly request repairs. I mainly wanted to document that I had made him aware of the issue. He hasn't come to look at it or anything.

    Today I decided to check it out myself from the basement. There is a massive wet spot that explains everything but the fridge, and the beams are soaked through.

    My SO pulled the fridge out today also and found that it is leaking. That explains the fridge sinking. The fridge came with rental.

    This is not an issue now but it sure seems like a hazard. I tried to understand the International Residential Code but I'm still unsure if this is an issue that warrants landlord repair.

    Lastly, does he have to repair or replace the fridge?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Topplinstroller
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