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    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Legal Advice - Being sued by ex-girlfriends father

    Legal Advice - Being sued by ex-girlfriends father

    Being sued by ex-girlfriends father

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    I am being sued by my ex girlfriends father who is a lawyer. I lived with her at her parents house in CT for 5 years rent free because we intended on getting married. She eventually broke up with me and now he is suing me for Unjust Enrichment to the tune of $60,000. He says this is rent I owe him because I was only living there for free to save money to buy her a house one day. This is a lie and we never had any agreement, but he is a lawyer and doesn't mind bringing me to court. I am in a position where I don't know how strong his case is and don't know how much my defense might cost. I'm trying to determine if I need to settle this before I owe the claim and legal fees on top of it. I'm looking for advise or opinions on if his claim will hold water and what my options are.

    submitted by /u/frumpy_beans
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    I was fired because I was a whistleblower.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    Hello I was employed for 15 years at a small ecommerce company in Connecticut. I was 3rd in command and managed 22 people. I repeatedly complained to the owner of the company for his repeateded comments, actions. I did this not as a threat but to warn him that he is opening himself to potential issues. I have 4 specific examples and 3 of these can be corroborated by others. The dates range from Nov 2019 to Jan 2020

    On my 15 year review he let me go with no reason just simply "we have to let you go" I asked why he said "I don't want to get into it". I asked for my personnel file and nothing but positives in my file.

    I got no severance, and was not paid my unused vacation time.

    I filed a complaint with EEOC they have setup mediation between me and my former employee (company attorney) for July7th. My questions are Should I have an attorney? What is a reasonable resolution? What should I expect?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/scurrred1
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    Illegal transfer of house ownership???

    Posted: 22 May 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    I didn't know what to title this.. Indiana.

    So my mother has a house. Been in our family for almost 100 years now. NEVER had a mortgage. NEVER had home equity anything. Ever. Mom up to date on property taxes. No tax sale NOTHING.

    I went out to the lake house to get some of my stuff. While maintaining it year round grass weeds etc. it is a summer lake house. And we use it for storage. Etc When I entered the house it looked like someone had broke in. So I asked a neighbor. She said "the bank took it" and so here we are.

    I called and filed a police report of all stolen items (that I'm assuming the people the bank hired took.) and the police officer is to call my mom tomorrow after he figures out what he can.

    He informed my mom there is a law where if you care for a property for more than 30 days you can lay claim to the property. However my mom had hired a guy to take care of the property and the banks vendors TURNED HIM AWAY! My neighbor says they entered with a key and I can still get in with mine. I am the sole person with a key. My mom doesn't even have one. How is all the possible. The officer told us to be sure we aren't charged with trespassing to not come back. However he let me get all my stuff.

    My mom got no notice no legal teansfer no nothing.

    How is any of this legal. Can someone explain. Or what do we need to do?

    *edit another question.. my mom talked of changing the locks on them and was wondering how good/bad idea that would be.

    *edit 2 they also have a padlock on the back door but didn't change the front door locks.. which I don't get.

    *edit 3 to clarify there is a sign in sheet in the home that vendors are supposed to sign when they work on the home. With the name of the bank in the header. There is also a sticker on the front window with a number to a security company that is employed to secure homes for banks. The bank has winterized it and has already started replacing the roof and has done the gutters. Sorry. For those of you wondering if it is just neighborhood gossip.

    submitted by /u/XRainbowCupcakeX
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    A hotel put a homeless person in my room while I was still checked in.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Hey reddit I need your help in determining whether I have a case or not.

    Ok this one's gonna be a bit of a long story but worth the read.

    So I'm a paramedic in NYC deployed with FEMA. They set me up with a hotel room because I'm essentially working 18 hours a day 7 days a week for the duration of the critical period of the pandemic. I've been staying at a very well known hotel chain that I won't mention.

    I've been in the same room for over 2 weeks. On the 19th they let me know that my check out date is tomorrow morning the 20th at 11am. That's fine I was planning to finish packing my stuff after my shift and be out by then.

    Some back story: they had a huge influx of homeless people checking into the hotel and were essentially converting it into a make shift homeless shelter.

    My shift is 10am-4am. I get back to my hotel room at 430 incredibly tired and ready to get rest for my day tomorrow. My key card doesn't work. I go downstairs and get a new one. I open my door and right away am punched in the face by an intense smell of BO and urine. trash bags filled with clothes were in my closet. All my bags were moved not sure if they were opened or if I left them opened but they're definitely not where I left them. There was one of new homeless people sleeping on my bed. I had no idea what to do at this point so I just left and called my team leader at fema. His response was "damn go downstairs they'll get you a new room and we'll talk about it tomorrow"

    I was beyond livid at this point and just quickly put my stuff together and went to my coworkers room on a different floor to get some sleep because I was barely keeping my eyes open.

    I spoke to the management at my deployment and they said they can't really do anything since everyone that was in the hotel was moved to a different hotel so if I had an issue I have to take it up directly with the famous hotel chain.

    So I need some help deciding what to do and what my rights are in this situation.

    Some quick notes:

    -They put a female in my room even though I'm a Male. Doesn't really matter in this situation but if it was the other way around I can see how it can be problematic.

    -I wasn't rude or anything to the person in my room I just silently packed my bags and left.

    -I'm still on deployment with FEMA just in a different hotel room.

    -I have a recorded phone call where the manager of the hotel admits they put someone into my room while I was still checked in.

    -Nothing of mine was stolen or damaged just moved and gone through.

    -The person in my room was coughing consistently and blowing her nose. As a first responder that's constantly in contact with at risk individuals me getting sick will result in me losing out on work.


    they did ya boy dirty

    submitted by /u/roninworld
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    Boss threatened me at work

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    So today my boss called and asked me who parked in the parking lot (there are 4 spots) and I told him I parked in one of them, I have done this numerous amounts of times before and had 0 comments made about parking there. Today he screamed at me saying I should never be parking there , that spot is not for you I kindly asked him why are you yelling and told him I can just move my car, he pretty much said he was going to slash all my tires and told me to go home. I'm obviously never going to be going back to my job because of how nasty he got. But I wanted to know if I could file some sort of police report based off of this. This went from being in a professional medical facility to some gang slashing tires facility real fast.

    submitted by /u/DeMiDeViL1
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    Does my cousin (35) need to cut down her pecan tree for a little boy?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Hi there! So this is not happening to me at all. Instead, this is happening to my cousin. I only just now am hearing about it, though this started last year around October. My cousin (F35) lives in Texas, owns a home outside an HOA (meaning she just doesn't live in an area with an HOA) and has a pecan tree in her front yard. She likes to let people come up and get nuts as they want.

    At the end of September a new family moved in about two houses down from her. A mother and little boy now live in that home alone. The little boy has made quick friends with some other kids on the street and likes to play outside with them, even in the cold. He passed by her house and began to have a reaction. His mother had to come get him and help him. A little later that same day his mom came to confront my cousin, claiming she would have to remove her tree as it was a health hazard to her son.

    My cousin refused the mother, only to have the mom threaten legal action. My cousin has ignored her for many months. The boy tends to try and avoid my cousin's home, though every once in a while he still gets to close and has a reaction. I didn't even know a nut allergy could be so severe. The mother has continued threatening legal action, and my cousin is starting to worry that she might have real legal grounds for forcing the pecan tree to be cut down.

    Is there real legal grounds for having the tree removed? What can my cousin do?

    submitted by /u/FurrenParagon
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    Bank won't transfer title because they can't find it. Been 5 years.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    (WI) My dad passed five years ago. His brand new car, with a 20% interest rate (don't even tell me, I know) was now in my possession but the loan is under my mom's name. The title is still in my deceased father's name but the bank can't find it. I have paid $21,000 on a $14,000 loan so far and gave about 4k left to go. Trust me, I know, but I had no other way to get a car.

    The bank, Chase, has told us many times that the title is not in their possession. Our state required the company providing the loan keeps the title until it's paid off and then you can have your title. Well, because they lost it, they can't transfer it to my mom's name. I'm not able to register my car so it has been sitting for a few months now. (Before, the DMV let me register it because I explained the situation but now say I am not able to do it anymore). Chase said the complaint was escalated but they're pushing my mom around and not answering her on how we can get the title in her name. Do we legally owe on the loan? Can I get anything to help with the rest of the loan?

    What can I even do? What can she do? I'm so upset because I need to sell this car, I can't even use it and it's burning a hole in my pocket. I can't believe I was in this position. I feel so stupid for being in this position.

    submitted by /u/thiccthixx6
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    "Anonymous" survey not so anonymous

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I took a course to get certified for work at a for-profit college. It cost me $4,000. Due to COVID-19, most of the class was online, but I had to fly out to take a skills exam in-person.

    The last day of the course (but before my exam) the college sent a survey from SurveyMonkey. The survey said it was "anonymous." As I always do, I left detailed and honest feedback.

    The next day I got an angry email from my instructor, challenging me about my feedback from the survey. I called her boss (a chill dude, and the one who sent the survey), and asked how she knew it was me. He said that while the survey does not ask for your name, it does collect your IP address (see here from SurveyMonkey). Long story short, he sent her the spreadsheet with survey feedback, she did some online sleuthing, found out the general location of my IP address, and figured it was me because none of the other students live near me (crazy, I know. pray you never meet this woman. queen of karens).

    A few days later I had to fly out to take the skills exam. I was near the top of my class up to that point, but I was the only student that failed the skills exam.

    On my grading sheet, she marked me down for things that I had legitimately missed, but she was objectively WAY harsher on me than the other students. We took the test as a group (it's an EMT exam, pretty normal in this setting). We each got different scenarios and had to respond appropriately. When other students messed up, she would give them hints about what they did wrong and give them full points if they corrected it. Not for me. Some students forgot to do a whole section of the skills exam, but before they finished, she would ask them "what about X" and they would say "oh yeah," do X, and she would give them full points. Not for me. I am being completely objective here: my skills exam was in at least the top 5 of the class of 30, even without her "help". Again, I was the only person that failed.

    Long story short, do I have any cause of action because (1) they said my survey was "anonymous" but my instructor still used my IP address to figure out it was me, and/or (2) she apparently used that knowledge against me and failed me for the final exam?

    Thanks for any help. Please let me know if you require additional info.


    • I live in Oregon. The course was in Arizona.
    • If there is a reasonable cause of action, my plan is to hire an attorney to send them a letter, demanding reimbursement for the $4,000, or else threatening to sue. I am open to suggestions if there is a better course to take.
    submitted by /u/DataPrivacy_Advice
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    Mail containing extremely sensitive info arrived opened; not sure by whom and if anyone accessed the information inside. Not sure how to proceed.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I live in QC, Canada temporarily so sometimes I will have my mail delivered from my primary address in ON to where I am staying right now. Recently, I had a copy of my medical documents mailed to me and when it arrived it was opened on the one side. I have no idea who would have opened it because my security camera was malfunctioning apparently and my SIL confirmed that she sealed it and even taped shut any vulnerable areas. I called Canada Post and they created a ticket for the quality control team but the last time that I had a serious issue like this before, nothing came of it (it was a package valued at $3,000+ that had been stolen). I'm mostly concerned because this contains very private medical information that I now have no idea who had access to, copied, or distributed, etc. and it doesn't seem like CP will be doing anything beyond a basic "investigation".

    submitted by /u/longxboi
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    My mom [55 F] was recently diagnosed with depression and is isolating alone. She has met a man online who I [28 M] think is a con man or a dangerous predator. They met, became engaged and are now staying together within 3 weeks and his story does not add up

    Posted: 22 May 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    (Posting after being directed here when deleted by r/relationships.)

    I (UK) live far from my mom and have been stuck away from her during quarantine. She's an older lady who lives alone and is single. My mom has had a terrible time emotionally recently, having gone through a breakup and being diagnosed as depressed a few months ago. She rebounded quickly during lockdown by signing up to online dating websites (not Tinder, Bumble etc but traditional websites like eHarmony).

    She was adamant about not meeting anybody face to face especially as would have broken the strict quarantine rules that was enforced in my country. She is a germophobe and is absolutely frightened about catching any illnesses (she carries a hand sanitizer everywhere she goes).

    She then starts speaking to a man from one of the websites and then very soon after they meet up. He says he is an infantry combat veteran who served in the military a very serious and scarily long time. However he also makes up completely insane grandiose stories about knowing famous figures and influential powerful people, saying that he is rich and powerful, received high status medals and awards that are rarely bestowed and easily traceable online - I cannot find a record of any of this. This seems to be total BS. He also is sending very strange and creepy texts to me, calling me by a childhood pet name only my mother would use exclusively between us as an opener. I have not replied. He also tried calling too which I didn't answer. My mother is acting completely out of character.

    Within only days he is now staying at her house, they are talking about being engaged (more grandiose stories about how powerful figures will be invited to the wedding), looking to buy a house together, and not apart. I have yet to meet this man or even see a photo of him, I know very little about him. Also his phone number shows a different name on Whatsapp than the name he gave my mother.

    So we suspect this man is at least some kind of con man, if not dangerous and unstable. However no crime has been committed, and my mom seems content when I talk to her on the phone, even extremely defensive over this extreme and sudden shift in personality. So what can we do?

    TLDR; my mom has rushed into a very strange relationship with a creepy and brazen ex soldier she met online and is now staying with him all weekend, but seems in denial and I don't know what to do.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/walkwalkwalkwalk
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    Protections Order Against me by someone I do not know

    Posted: 22 May 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    I have someone, no idea who they are, filing a restraining order/stalking case against me.

    All of the information has been sent to my mothers address, which I have not lived there in over a year. So I formally have not received anything. I am only hearing of this they her.

    Do I have to show up since I do not know who they are? What do I do?

    I will answer any questions needed!

    I really have no idea how to read the case. I am willing to give the case number if you would like to examine it.

    submitted by /u/alvnta
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    Boss fired me and now the workers comp board sent me a letter (NY)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    My boss decided I was not allowed back at my place of work about a week ago. He said he would pay me for the rest of the pay period and then I'm removed from the store. I still dont know why I was fired and plan on filing for unemployment on Monday.

    Today, I recieved a letter from the NY workers compensation board from an injury I got last year. In the findings, they believe it is possible I will have a permanent disability from the injury I received at work.

    I'm really confused as to why they sent me this letter. My injured appendage does still hurt after prolonged use, but I didn't have the time to go to physical therapy. I havent called the doctor about it in months.

    I told one of my friends, and they immediately told me he fired me to avoid having to pay for my disability. I'm not sure how any of this works. This is the first (and hopefully last) time I have dealt with anything like this.

    I guess my main questions are: Should I still file for unemployment? Do I need a lawyer? Did my boss fire me in order to not have to pay me if I am disabled? Is that even possible?

    submitted by /u/friedtacos37828
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    My girlfriend, a minor, is being blackmailed with her nudes, what can we do?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Someone has found a couple pictures of her and contacted her on snap chat to demand she either send more, or will face "consequences". I told her just to ignore them and that there's really nothing to worry about because while she thinks that these can ruin her life, I'm sure this happens too often for it to really matter and also she's the victim. We are in the US and know they aren't, is there some way we can contact Snapchat with evidence and maybe help in this persons arrest?

    She doesn't want to go to local authorities because she doesn't think they can help her much given that the blackmailer is located outside the US.

    What are our options here? We both know that this doesn't really matter and won't affect her future, but there are other victims out there that will get exploited because they think they have to give into the demands. So to help with bringing down balckmailing pedophile criminal would be great.

    Any advice on the best coarse of action is welcomed, and I can answer any questions you may have.

    submitted by /u/throwaway1005600700
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    I've been using the wrong SSN for more than half a decade, how do I fix it without causing legal troubles?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    So, I'm a forgetful person.... When I was 18-19, I lost my copy of my SSC and applied for a new one down at the SSA office. Me, being forgetful, gave them the wrong SSN, a 5 instead of a 2 in the last four digits. There was some confusion about whether or not it was the right number, but ultimately the clerk put in the order with the incorrect number I gave her. 6-8 weeks later I have a new SSC with an incorrect SSN that I've been using ever since. One of the only things in my original SSN is a credit card and that's it I think. I discovered a few years ago that I've been using the wrong number when my mom discovered my original SSC. I didn't change anything because... I didn't. My fiance and I just applied for an FHA loan and my SSN discrepancy came up on a search they did and they had me sign a document saying my SSN is the wrong one, and idk who my original number belongs to. This has really lit a fire under my feet and has me wanting to clear all this up ASAP before any issues come of this. I'm planning on saying that I just found out it was wrong when the original was found recently, but I'm worried I'm in too deep now. Is this gonna mess up my loan application not credit score if it's been associated with the wrong SSN? Or is this actually not that big of a deal and I just need to replace the card with the correct SSN and contact all my financial institutions, etc. to have them put the correct SSN in?

    submitted by /u/NuggetCavalry
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    Postmates has sent out a new fleet agreement. In section 11B subparagraph ix, they state you cannot opt out of the arbitration provision, which is included again in the current agreement, if you didn't previously opt out already. Is that legally binding?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    My mom tried getting a motel room, but when they looked at her ID and saw where she was from, they denied her and said they wont rent her a room to her because of the town she's from

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    So we live in SoCal (San Bernardino County) and when my mom tried getting a room at a motel, they looked at her ID and said that they will not give her a room because she was from a certain town. Is that legal?

    submitted by /u/dominthecruc
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    Can't call about my dying mom. Her husband removed my name. Please help.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    I've never used reddit before, so I'm sorry if this post is in the wrong place.

    My mom is in critical condition in the hospital due to a brain aneurysm and stroke. I was on the hospital list to be able to call about her for a little over a month. Her vindictive husband had my name removed from the list, and the hospital will no longer speak with me. Her husband is not someone who can be reasoned with, he's very unstable and she wanted to divorce him before all this happened, but never did. He's just a horrible person who has caused so much drama and heart ache in this family. I only mention that because he can't reasoned with. I've tried to get back on the list, but have had no luck. My moms all I have besides my son. We have no one else, and unfortunately I don't have the funds for a lawyer. I'm hoping someone out there has some useful information for me. I don't even know if she's alive and it's killing me and my son. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/curiousindividual111
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    A rapper used one of my instrumentals off youtube, released it on streaming without ever contacting me and is now copyright claiming my video.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    hey guys,

    I am a producer from Canada

    i'm not very law savvy, but I uploaded a beat on youtube a while ago, and now I found out i have a copyright claim on it from some record label, which used my beat without ever contacting me. It even got D smoke on the song, I'm wondering what I should do, since i didn't get any production credits on the song or anything. In the bio I clearly indicate to contact me for the use of the beat. I didn't put any tags on it or anything (kinda ruins a lot of beats but i might start to now).

    This is my most popular beat to date, I can't even monenatize on youtube yet but i dont want to have copyright claims on my beats and I find it whack someone would use it without even contacting me. What do you guys think I should do? He also put the song out on streaming services without ever contacting me, which is super fucking whack

    submitted by /u/tiddyboi96
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    GF and I signed a year lease, and now she tried to OD

    Posted: 22 May 2020 04:25 PM PDT


    This has been something that has been weighing on my mind for a little while now and with this most recent development I have to come to the conclusion that this is a toxic relationship and I cannot stay in this any longer for my emotional and Mental Health.

    So to start off we've been dating for 9 months and just recently had signed a year lease at an apartment. we had gotten into an argument last night that had persisted into this morning, Now this isn't the first argument that we've had, but it's been the same argument for the past week and I was growing weary of the situation and just wanted to be done with the entire relationship. She had other ideas, after suggesting that we break up she had left the room that we were in and I hear her pill bottles. After I hear that I get up and ask how many pills she took, She responded with " since you don't care about me it really shouldn't matter." I kept persisting and finally she relented and told me she had taken 15 pills, 9 of which were Tramadol, 1 Hydrocodone, and 5 other pills that I don't remember the name too.

    After she told me this I told her to throw them up, in which she did after I threatened to call the cops. she puked up some of them but me being on the side of caution called the police anyway. the paramedics came and assessed her and said she was OK, when the paramedics asked how many pills she took she changed her number from 15 to like 6. The paramedics had her sign this document stating that they weren't going to take her to the hospital and then left the scene. The cops then came and asked questions regarding what happened and each time the number of pills had changed. eventually the cops left and said to keep an eye out on her and if anything changed I was to call them again so they could reevaluate her.

    I have video evidence of her saying she had taken 15 pills and this is not the first time that she had tried to manipulate me. she constantly will try to emotionally abuse me so that she could get her way and not my way.

    I'm so done with this relationship and want to know if there is anyway that I could get out of a lease in the state of Texas. I will do what I have to so that I don't have to suffer anymore emotional or mental abuse. If there is any loophole out of this situation I would gladly like to know.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway555help
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    Can our wedding venue keep our 25k deposit? Need help to decipher clause 17 of contract.

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    I read the contract over and over. The only thing relating to COVID19 would be the following:

    1. Proprietor shall have no responsibility or liability for failure to supply in service or two otherwise comply with this contract, when prevented from so doing by strikes, fire , accidents or any cause beyond proprietors reasonable control or by orders of regulations of any governmental authority or failure of coal or other fuel supply, water, gas, electricity air-conditioning or any other facility.

    -Any help is appreciated.

    I called in March secretary said a month before our wedding we'll have the option to post pone or cancel.

    So I emailed the venue and instead of responding in an email they called and didn't confirm what she said.

    The banquet manager simply told us in lieu of the situation we would not be penalized for meeting our minimum of 250 guest. So if it's 100 people we'll only be charge for 100?

    But we already put 25k down. Would we get the difference back? What if it's only 15 people ?

    Should I ask for their statement in writing ? Our wedding is in September btw.

    submitted by /u/santarellinda
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    Advisor stole our business, we want to get him back by not letting him trademark the name

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Short Backstory: We're a couple of recent college graduates in the US and we got our business idea stolen by two of our advisors. Advisor 1 was around since nearly the beginning and we believed his role would be to help us get funding and help us get connected to people while we developed the idea. He connected us to Advisor 2 who we believed would be around maybe once a month or so to give advice to us in his field of expertise. Before it was stolen Advisor 2 gifted us a new name and logo after we met with him the first or second time. (At least that's how we perceived it and how it was presented to us by Advisor 1, we thought he was helping us out). After this Advisor 1 went behind our backs and asked Advisor 2 to partner with him on the idea and basically cut us out. We've spoken to a lawyer and there's nothing we can do about that, but we know how to protect ourselves in the future.

    Current Situation: What I'm curious about is now Advisor 2 wants us to sign a document stating that the name is his.I believe he's trying to trademark it and he can't because we've been using the name while developing the idea over the last two or so months. I found this on uspto.gov "Nor is every mark legally protectable, that is, some marks may not be capable of serving as the basis for a legal claim by the owner seeking to stop others from using a similar mark on related goods or services. "

    We bought a domain referencing the name before he did (proven by whois lookup), we have it on our pitch deck, we have GitHub commits for the MVP dated to before he bought the domain as well (i.e. took action on the name), and above all we believed it to be a gift from him since he was advising us on how we could do things better. We think this is enough to show that he is trying to trademark it to stop us from using it for a similar good or service. (the USPTO quoted text above).

    Questions: Why could he want us to sign the document?
    Given my assumption for why he wants us to sign is correct, is what I laid out enough to prevent him from using the name as long as we don't sign the document?

    submitted by /u/trademarkquestionn
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    I’m not trying to die over craft supplies!

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I work at a small chain craft store in Oregon. When I was initially employed, I worked with a team of about 3-5 people per shift. We have a lot of sketchy people who come into our store and give us a hard time. We have "regular" shoplifters that take our blades and scissors. Luckily with a team, we can effectively deescalate situations, but have had to threaten to call the police many times.

    Because of COVID-19 our stores shut and all employees were furloughed.

    Our state is allowing retail stores to reopen with social distancing and sanitation. Because I am a key holder and I have management training, they want to bring me back, but I would be working alone.

    Crime in the area has gone up in recent weeks. Several stores in the area have been broken into. A friend of mine who works just a block away was threatened with broken glass. Luckily she was not working alone. I (23 year old female) do not feel comfortable working in the store alone. Especially knowing the regular shoplifters and other sketchy individuals will be back once we open. We do not have security cameras, a panic button or any other safety infrastructure.

    I have voiced these concerns to my supervisor and to HR, but it seems I may be fired if I don't return. Is there anything I can do? Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/hashmajarm
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