• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    Legal Advice - Neighbour is purposely trying to catch covid from me by chasing me down every time I go in my yard. Ontario

    Legal Advice - Neighbour is purposely trying to catch covid from me by chasing me down every time I go in my yard. Ontario

    Neighbour is purposely trying to catch covid from me by chasing me down every time I go in my yard. Ontario

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    I was exposed to covid 19 a few days ago and have been self isolating since then. The health unit said I could still go in my yard to garden. A neighbour saw me outside and started talking from a distance, asking to borrow one of my gardening tools and I told her that it wasn't a good idea because I was exposed to covid and she started walking towards me saying she wants to catch it and get it over with so she'll be immune. I dropped everything and ran inside because I don't want to infect her, and watched from the window as she licked my tools. I'm not kidding. I sanitized them when I went to go get them.

    She's started running out toward me every time I try to go water my garden. It's happened 4 times now and I don't know if I'll be held responsible if she catches it. I also know she has a toddler and I think her parents come visit still sometimes.

    If it matters at all I don't actually know if I have it, they won't test me unless I have symptoms but I don't have symptoms, but my roommate had it and I have to self isolate 2 weeks from his last day of having it.

    Is there anything I can do about this? The only thing I can think of is have her trespassed but she obviously won't listen to it.

    submitted by /u/gardenguard
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    Employer wants us to email her a reason why we can’t work full time as a requirement for the small business loan however that will kick us all off unemployment despite us wanting to work full time and she doesn’t want to pay for everybody to be in the office.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I'll keep this as short as possible. This is for my wife. State is California.

    My wife works for an doctors office that decided to shut down in March. In may opened up to half the open hours with only one person out of three to be staffing the business. Yesterday they conference called and everyone voiced that would want to return full time again because then they lose unemployment. The owner says they have to open up at 75% staffing hours for a small business loan requirement.

    Today the owner decided to only staff one person for two days a week for 8 hours a piece. Owner is requesting that everyone email her why they cannot work full time. But when my wife questioned why she wanted us to lie and email her. And saying wouldn't this remove our eligibility for unemployment benefits.

    Owner responded saying yes and that she's had enough of my wife's bad attitude and questioning every decision she makes and if she decides to not show up she will take that as a resignation. My wife has asked several questions along the way asking about how insurance worked during quarantine, how to apply, how to document forced paid out vacation hours (owner said they had to cash out their vacation) on the UI website, etc etc. my wife is fearing backlash and a poor reference in the future.

    I'm 100% that what the owner is doing is illegal but alas. Here I am asking for assistance.

    submitted by /u/KingOfEMS
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    CA - Illicit videos/pictures were taken without consent of my sister being raped and is circling around.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Hi reddit,

    A friend recently informed us of graphic videos and pictures of my sister circling around the web and being shared. These pictures were taken at place where she rented a room a few years ago that was owned by a lady and her boyfriend. We were told by this friend that the boyfriend has TONS of pictures/videos of my sister and performing sexual acts towards her body.

    My sister had no knowledge or memory of having sex with this man or the pictures/videos being taken. She was in her early twenties at the time partying and coming back to the house heavily inebriated, and also mentioned she never noticed anything out of the norm during her stay there. The photos/videos coming out have been extremely shocking, and my sister feels extremely violated and upset.

    We're afraid of contacting them directly first in fear of it blowing up. My sister hasn't spoken to them in years, and we do not know what their intentions are. However, she wants every one those videos and pictures deleted immediately.

    We're going to call the police tomorrow but what are some legal actions we can take to ensure that these will be deleted, and what should we do if it continues to be shared?

    All help is deeply appreciated

    submitted by /u/inh534
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    Child Custody/ICWA - Can I prevent the adoption of my infant nephew and have him placed in my custody?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I would like to know if it would be possible to obtain custody of my deceased sister's infant child and prevent his adoption through the Indian Child Welfare Act? For clarification, my husband, family, and I are active members of the Kiowa tribe in Oklahoma and live within tribal jurisdiction. We regularly participate in events and have a member involved in government.

    Two years ago, my 14-year-old sister ran away from home, and earlier this month her boyfriend informed us that she had passed away from COVID-related pneumonia; he also told us that he was putting her 1-year-old baby boy up for adoption. From the way he referred to my nephew, it sounded as though he was not the biological father of the baby.

    My husband, our extended families, and I would like to raise our nephew within our culture after two centuries of our native children being stolen and sold to white families or put into foster care, and from what I understand, the Indian Child Welfare Act is supposed to protect our right to retain our children.

    However, we may not be able to afford a lawyer for a drawn-out custody battle, and I would like some opinions on whether it is likely we could win custody, if ICWA could help, and if certain information could push the odds in our favour.

    Thank you.

    Edit: Our tribe is federally recognized, and my nephew qualifies as a member since our parents are full native (1/4 blood quota).

    submitted by /u/GottaBumbleMyDude
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    Can people leave spike strips in their driveways?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I were driving up a mountain road in Madison County, NC, and pulled into someone's driveway to turn around. Right as we were turning I saw a sign that said "Private road no turn arounds" but by that point it was too late we had driven over huge spike strips played directly on their property line. By spike strips I mean HUGE spikes attached to a large chain disguised in their gravel. The chain and spikes wrapped around the inside of my front right tire and my right back tire and my right back tire had 2 of the large spikes sticking out, both were completely flat. We immediately felt uncomfortable because of the large no trespassing signs and all of the cameras so we called the sheriffs just incase the people came home and were mad about us being on their property while waiting for the tow truck. About 30 minutes later the owners came back they were some old country folk probably in their late 70s and were mad as hell! The sheriffs hadn't arrived yet and I was nervous so I immediately took complete responsibility and sincerely apologized but it didn't matter! They hopped out of their car with their old video camcorder recording hootin and hollering trying to pick a fight for their Facebook video. The video probably looks pretty stupid because the entire time I was killin them with kindness, which is just how my boyfriend and I are. Trying to deescalate the situation I said if they want we will roll my car off their property and wait for the cops there. They quickly snapped that if we leave with the spiked chain stuck around my tire or any other spikes stuck in my car they will have the cops arrest us for stolen property (eye roll). My boyfriend said "we don't want any hostility, we just want to leave" and he responded "you think this is hostility? you leave with my property I'll show you hostility" and went into his truck and grabbed his firearm. At that point our phones had died, no one knew where we were and I was scared for our lives, I was not about to die about a 15-second turnaround. I told my boyfriend to yank off that chain and take out those spikes and we rolled a half-mile down the mountain on my tire rims to the next house (where the owner was outside and said we could wait there) and flagged down the cops another 30 minutes later. The cops said this happens at least once a week and have had over 20 people call about it, including the Madison County district judge. Overall, it started at 10 am that morning and we finally got home from the tire shop at 6 pm, it cost over $300 and I had just got 2 new tires YESTERDAY. It wasted the entire day, a bunch of money, scratched and broke parts of my car, not to mention literally scared the living shit out of me all because I did a 15-second turnaround! The tow truck and tire shops and police officers in the small town said they were fed up with them doing this to people and it was really negatively impacting the community. My question is what can be done about this? Some people suggested suing them but my main concern is stopping this from happening to other people. The cops said there's nothing technically illegal about it because it's on their property but after further research it looks like there are laws against booby traps and putting stuff like that without a string gate or warning sign. Who can I contact and what can I do to stop this from happening to other people? Are they liable for damages? I don't really care to sue them over the loss of time and money but I will if its the only legal way to stick it to them and stop them from doing this to others.

    I included some pictures of the spike chains for reference


    submitted by /u/Shlumpedsyd
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    Ex-fiance wants his engagement ring back after four years; I've had the diamond reset and the gold is gone. (Florida)

    Posted: 21 May 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    It's been four years and seven months. I've never seen him again after the phone call breaking off our three-year long relationship. When he broke off the engagement, I specifically asked about the ring and he didn't answer, so I did try to give it back. But after two years, I thought it was safe to reconfigure the ring. Now if I can't return the ring, he's demanding $8000. Oh shit! What to do?

    submitted by /u/DaughterofOLAF
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    Landlord claims we didnt pay them $2700, only $900. We have receipts from bank account showing we sent $2700, what do we do.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Had a house fire, needed to find a place to stay. Someone from our insurance company found us a place, we were required to pay the damage deposit though not the insurance company. The Landlord has been trying to keep the full deposit, saying we did damage to the house that we didnt do. We have pictures and text evidence that we didnt do this damage. They put in crappy flooring in the house that was peeling and coming up before we moved in, they are trying to say we have to pay for the flooring. We told them we have proof that the flooring wasnt our fault, now they are trying to say we never sent them $2700 for the deposit only $900. We have proof through our bank account we sent them the $2700, they cant claim that $1800 was for rent because we only lived there four months and our insurance company has receipts of the money they sent each month for rent. I'm from Winnipeg Manitoba.

    submitted by /u/messwithintelligance
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    Employer is adjusting minute amounts of time on union employees time card to reduce incremental overtime and inserting lunches when they don’t take one— I need help!!

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Location: NV

    I'm actually a payroll person and the past 3 pay periods I've noticed that things I've approved have suddenly become unapproved.

    Upon looking at the audit record, I noticed that my boss had changed people's time card punches to reduce any incremental overtime they might have incurred. I.e I worked 8.09 hours but he's reduced it to just 8 hours. He did this on multiple employees. He has also inserted punches for employees lunch even if they say they never took a lunch. He wants to avoid being on the bad boy lists.

    The problem is that the employees don't keep their timecards and don't pay attention. But it feels so ethically wrong to me and I was worried I would be held accountable. I am not union. But I told the union what was going on because I don't want peoples checks to be shorted even if it's just a little bit. Now the union wants to quietly investigate and wants names...but technically I'm confidential and cannot give any names or timesheets. I really just shot myself in the foot and I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't and will more than likely lose my job for speaking up. I'm just having panic attacks over this whole situation. What do I do??

    Tl;dr— boss is changing small amounts on people's timecards to reduce their OT. I am non union but told the union about it because it feels very wrong. Now They want proof but I'm confidential and can't give it unless the employees request. Employees haven't paid attention and apparently I've shot myself in the foot for small amounts of pay.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway867530-9
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    A mechanic has had my van for almost 90 days. He keeps saying that he has a priority client that keeps giving him new jobs that have to go before mine, and other excuses. Has only communicated every few weeks despite frequent attempts. What can I do? GA, USA

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    It isn't put back together so I can't just go pick it up. He has it halfway done for almost a full season and I am wondering what I can do to speed this up. He just has a private business, doesn't work for a shop. He was recommended by a friend, and I am very much regretting that decision. Please help. Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/forgiving_constantly
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    Neighbours cat devaluing our house

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    I need some fucking help. The neighbours cat is not fixed and is pissing all over my house. On my BBQ, on my fence, my patio furniture, ON MY FREAKING WINDOW. Enough. We're trying to sell our place and we can't show our backyard if it reeks like tomcat piss (it's a next level stank). I can't even go outside on my deck without gagging.

    I've asked her to get that cat neutered. I'm thinking about trapping him and dropping him off at a no kill shelter. He's a nice enough cat and relatively friendly, he shouldn't have an issue getting adopted.

    How do I do this and I can promise you there will be no documentation this cat is hers. (ie microchip, I doubt he's even vaccinated) Also before I do that, is there any kind of effective legal route I could take?


    submitted by /u/pineapplebattle
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    My wife's boss is editing her hours after she has already received her underemployment check.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    We live in MI and my wife recently claimed 2 weeks where she worked 35 hours each week. They approved the underemployment and she recieved a check. Her boss has now gone back into ADP and retroactively made it so my wife used her PTO (without her permission) to make up for those hours. The hours will be added on to her next check so she cant refuse to cash it either. The reason her boss is doing this is so the government business loan can be a grant instead from what I understand but doing so puts us in a position where it appears my wife committed fraud when she gave the correct information last week and now because her boss is fudging the books it has become incorrect. Do we have any recourse? Will we have to pay the money back to the government or state? What can we do to protect ourselves? We are just so lost as to what to do.

    submitted by /u/KommanderKronk
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    Will my parent's bankruptcy follow me forever?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    I'm in Louisiana.

    in 2016, I purchased my first car with my Dad being the cosigner. I make all the payments and my Dad doesn't do anything with my car since cosigning. Last year (2019), my parents filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. My parent's bankruptcy lawyer promised that my car would not be included in the bankruptcy because it's under my name and not his.

    When I went to check on my credit score, it fell significantly and Capitol One has suspended my automatic payments. My parents asked their lawyer and he said that since my Dad's social security is listed on my car loan, my car loan is included in their bankruptcy.

    I'm currently married, with a stable job, and I want to refinance my car to get a lower interest rate as well as my husband and I buying a home hopefully next year. Has this screwed my credit and loan history? Will I be able to refinance my car soon, or do I have to wait until my parents are out of the bankruptcy? Should I go talk to Capitol One in person to see what I can do? Will this hinder my husband and I in the future of buying a home - and possibly a new car down the road?

    submitted by /u/greysmom2016
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    Court summons for putting up prohibited signs in a city I've never been to.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Yo ok so I got a court summons for Deer Park, Texas saying I have to go to court based on "Prohibited Signs" that were found on May 11th. I have never been to this city, I haven't even left the house in 2 months. I called the municipal court and asked what's going on, they referred me to the code enforcement people and all I'm being told is that the phone number on the signs led back to my previous house, which was sold in January, and that they called someone claiming to be my cousin (I have never heard this woman's name) who "confirmed" that I own the house and the business on the signs. I tried the police department too but they just said I gotta talk to the code enforcement people too.

    Seems like a shoddy investigation to me but whatever. They've given me no other information except the above and my name, but no DOB or anything else so I have no idea if it's me or someone with the same name or what. I don't even know what these signs look like. Should I be worried? I dunno what to do. I've never been inside a courthouse except for jury duty once, and I'm definitely not a sign bandit. Like should I keep calling or just go to court? Should I prepare in some way? This sucks. I don't do home repair and I definitely don't put up signs.

    Edit: Okay they told me what the signs say, and the phone number definitely isn't mine wtf. I also do not own a roof repair business.

    submitted by /u/SplendidCake
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    I bought a Peloton bike and make majority of the payments, but my sister has store receipt from Peloton and wants to keep bike as I’m moving out.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    My sister and I decided to sign a rental lease together after she had a baby. To take off the baby weight she wanted to purchase a Peloton bike but didn't have good enough credit to open an account with Affirm for financing. So I opened the account under my name and she was to give me payments for the bike. She made the first 3 payments before getting into financial troubles with her work. It's now been over a year and I've made every payment after her first 3. I have the loan ID in my name and credit, but she has store receipt and primary account still in her name.

    I tried contacting peloton to put my email address as primary account but can't because her name is on store purchase receipt. I also tried to connect my loan ID with Affirm to the product number of the bike and was unable PROVE that this is the exact bike that I'm paying for. My sister has the store receipt for a bike, shoes, heart monitor, & 2lb weights and I have a loan ID that's says I purchased a bike, shoes, heart monitor and 2lb weights.. but not those one specifically.

    I'm moving out in less than 2 weeks and would like to take the bike with me. She wants to keep the bike (and have me keep making payments on it) because she has store receipt and primary email account. Can she legally do this? Are my payment receipts enough to prove I own this bike and it's accessories?


    submitted by /u/jabbercharj
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    Saw neighbor dogs attack neighbor kid, what do?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    At about 650 i heard screaming from behind my house. I ran outside and to the fence bordering my yard and my neighbors to the north, and i saw both of the rottweilers on top of the little girl, 7 years old about, and she was screaming the dogs name and begging them by name to stop and to let her go. They were biting her head and shoulders. I saw her long hair caught in one of the dogs teeth as he reared back to bite again, as if he were play wrestling. I started yelling at the dog, because he knows me, but he completely ignored me. I saw the young brother, maybe 4, standing in the doorway staring in shock, and so i yelled to him "Little boy! Go get a grown up! Go get help!" I continued to yell at the dog until the mother appeared, and the dogs got off the girl. I yelled to her, "They were attacking her!!" And she yelled back "I know!" The little girl got up and ran into the house, and the male dog followed her, trying to climb on her again as the mother yelled and hit the dog, telling him no. I assume the people made it inside, because a few minutes later the mother and father were out front with the other, older son, who was sitting in a kiddie pool on the driveway.

    So what are my options? Animal control has been called in the past because of barking, and also the dogs left out in extreme weather (blizzard, we are in Colorado) I'm afraid cps will get involved because we suspect the kids are beaten as well as the dogs. They are certainly verbally abused. We have children here, and unsure how to proceed.

    submitted by /u/BheanGorm
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    (Fl) a minor messaged me after I posted to an r4r subreddit

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    I recently made a post on another account on an r4r subreddit (one of the bdsm ones), and someone messaged me so I asked how old they were and where they're from. 13 year old near my city, I asked if it was a typo or something but they said that they're 13 and asked if there was something wrong with that. They tried the "I won't tell anyone" trick so I told them no and blocked them.

    In their post history there's a post along the lines of "18 year old looking for a hookup".

    Is there anything else I should do? I should add that I'm 19 and didn't say anything sexual to that person, I just don't know if I should take any other steps.

    submitted by /u/Notmygayaltaccount
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    Signed lease, found out housemate is immunocompromised

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    [CT, USA] I signed a lease to join a three bedroom house back in April set to start in June. I mentioned that I had an out of town BF who would be visiting me, and the existing housemates said they were okay with it. The lease had an extended stay clause with a limit of 20 days which was fine. I'm currently staying at my parents' house.

    A couple of days ago, I asked the housemates which weekend in June might cause the least disruption for my move-in and mentioned my boyfriend would be coming to help me move in. I said we would be quarantining in my room during his stay, and I'd be vigilantly wiping down all surfaces and wearing masks for going to the kitchen. At this moment, one housemate disclosed to me that she was immunocompromised and that it'd be best for my boyfriend to only stay a couple of days. I was so shocked that she wouldn't have told me in April during the pandemic that she was immunocompromised. I said my boyfriend can skip the move-in visit, obviously, and for the coming weeks. But even if case numbers went down over the next few months, I said there probably won't be a vaccine for the entire year of my lease so this was going to be a lasting issue.

    Her and the other housemate told me that their agreement was that any visitors for the rest of the year would stay in a hotel (not financially feasible for us). I didn't know upon signing a lease that I was not going to be able to have any visitors.

    The landlord suggested my boyfriend keep the first visit short (I said he wouldn't come at all in this case- I really don't want to get anyone sick!), then see where we were in July. This was totally not what the housemates' agreement was, and to me just not feasible. I have a family member who has an underlying condition, and she will be social distancing and remotely doing school/work until a vaccine is presented. Moving into this place just to have that factor be so up in the air and not up to me is scary.

    At this moment it's one week til move-in and the landlord told me I could try and see if I could find someone to take over my lease. She said when looking for someone, make sure to mention the situation because her new lease would include that no visitors would be allowed in the house for the foreseeable future. This upsets me because clearly she thinks it's an important clause to agree to, but I had no say in the matter! I've been trying to find someone, but it's pretty hard as it turns out to get people to agree to this! Also, the housemates are particular about wanting a female roommate.

    I feel trapped. Isn't this some form of material misrepresentation? I don't know what to do and have to pay rent on a place I have no intention on staying in.

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayAshdjdlzlsl
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    parents have my nudes saved

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    I am 20F in the Philippines.

    Last year, I had an attempt on my life which my parents blamed on my boyfriend now fiancé. I admit I'm not a perfect daughter especially with my parents' very conservative views.

    I do not know how they came ahold of my sensitive pictures (they took my phone as punishment for trying to kill myself and having a boyfriend) so they probably hacked it and went through my personal accounts and their messages. As I was just recovering, they used my nudes to shame me, my fiancé, and my relationship, to my fiancé's parents and others saying that they found it randomly open in a phone. (Private convos like that are not just randomly opened.) This was an attempt to make me break up with my boyfriend because they really didn't want me having a relationship and they blamed all my problems on him.

    Just the other day, I happened to come across my mother's phone to find my pictures and private conversations still saved in an album in her gallery. I wanted to delete them myself then and there but I would probably have gotten caught, so I just froze and am relapsing badly right now.

    I know it's a long shot, but I want to find out if there's anything I can legally do. I might have access to a trusted lawyer but what steps would I need to take?

    Talking to them civilly is not an option because I am convinced that if I say anything, they will probably threaten me with my private pictures and conversations again.

    submitted by /u/brogenfox
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    In-laws bought a car but dealer now says paperwork was wrong and it was optioned way better than what my in-laws paid for. They want in-laws to return that car and take home a different one. Kentucky.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    My in-laws live in Illinois but were driving back from Florida. They had a car accident and their car was totaled while driving through Kentucky. My father-in-law decided instead of renting a car he was going to buy a new one right then and there and drive it home. So, they took a cab to a dealership and bought one.

    They test drove two and bought the second one. Normally I'd be cringing at their choice but, interestingly, it worked out particularly well for them: When they got it home in Illinois in April we went to check it out and he showed me its giant engine for a 4-cyl. I looked and told him it was a V6, but he insisted that all his paperwork said it was a 4-cyl inline. I honestly just figured he was confused and didn't worry about it.

    This Monday the dealership contacted him and told him there was a mistake on the vehicle because of a paperwork error. They said he took home the wrong car. Wouldn't tell him details, just said they need him to come back and trade cars, or they offered to have someone drive it to him in Illinois, get the paperwork settled, and drive back the wrong car. He was upset by this, thought he was getting scammed and called us (good idea).

    He says when he was at the dealership they couldn't find the window price sheet for that car and thought someone must have taken it after test driving and the staff didn't notice. So they said they would print off a new sheet for him. What they printed on the computer and he took home in a folder of paperwork has base model info, just printed and stapled together, and someone hand wrote the VIN number at the top of it. But, we found the original window price sheet under the floor mat and it shows that it's a much higher optioned model and was priced 14k higher than what they charged him.

    The actual finance/purchase paperwork doesn't spell out options, just the VIN. We are thinking things took a wrong turn because the dealership was closing up shop when he and MIL arrived (they had shortened their hours due to COVID but not updated website) but a sales guy and a finance guy saw an easy sale an stayed late to make it happen thinking it was a sure sale. So the normal big wigs weren't around and we're suspecting that's how this happened without notice.

    Side note, he and MIL are now in an argument about this. She thinks they should take it back because she doesn't want the dealership to get in trouble, he thinks they made their bed and and he gets to lie in it.

    Before we do anything else I want to figure out what legal implications come with this if he insists on not giving it back. They believed they were selling him a base model car, and as for him, I don't even think he knew WHAT he was buying in terms of options, just that it had lots of neat things like heated seats for my MIL and bluetooth for him to brag about but never use. My wife and I aren't sure he will willingly give it back so if this will give him legal issues we'd like to get in front of them.

    submitted by /u/luckyintucky25
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    Freeloader claiming squatting rights

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    So this is an insane story so ill try and stick to the bullet points. My brother was dating a girl. He moved said girl and her two kids AND one of the kids fathers into my mother's home. She turned my mother's once beautiful yard into a literal junk yard. You can't even walk in the yard anymore. They broke up. She moved out. 3 DAYS LATER!!! She begs my brother to beg my mother to not kick her out because she has no where to live. My mom caves because her heart is too big and let's her stay. THEN she moves back in.......WITH HER NEW BOYFRIEND!!!! My mom wants them out like yesterday. NOW she is claiming squatters rights because her mail goes to the house. My question is, if i go do what I've wanted to do for 2 years and kick her out myself cause my mom asked me for help finally, are there any legal loopholes she can use against my mom or does she have any legal leg to stand on?

    submitted by /u/RelevantCandidate7
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    NY- Is it legal to boat with alcohol?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I am going boating in a few weeks with some friends and was curious if we are allowed to have alcohol aboard. We are in the Finger lakes (Keuka Lake) with a 19 foot, 8 passenger boat. I have read that it is in fact illegal to boat while intoxicated, but I can't seem to find an answer about passengers. Are my passengers allowed to drink/have open containers on the water?

    submitted by /u/mariodejaniero
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    Since COVID, downstairs neighbor complaint walking multiple times and conspired with Concerige

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Location: New Jersey. Ever since COVID, my downstairs neighbor complained about our "stomping" around 5:30pm-8:30pm multiple times.

    We own our apartment and we have no guests over, my boyfriend is a bit big so he might walk with weight, but we are pretty quite, only thing we do is work and cook, we took the exercises outside too.

    Today, my Concerige people knocked at my door saying my downstairs neighbor but not direct ( right downstairs neighbor) complained that we were stomping at the times when we literally went out to have Ben and Jerry and sat outside for 1.5 hours (5-6:30pm).

    I have asked the Concerige person how that "downstairs" neighbor knows it's me since we don't live directly above her. And why it is okay for them to complain at the time where everyone is running around doing house chores. That specific Concerige person had a beef with me out of nowhere, she just stopped talking to me all of a sudden. Other Concerige people at different shifts are perfectly fine. The Concerige person knocked on our door and said that the right downstairs neighbor thought it's us so she come up and investigate. And no she did not knock on other people's doors, only us.

    First of all we're not even at home when they said we have noise, second of all, even if we do, like the usual complaints when we were cooking and eating, I am not convinced at all that that the right downstairs neighbor did hear us because unless they are on the same floor, they cannot locate the noise. It's the direct downstairs neighbor led them do it because we told them if that downstairs neighbor kept complaint to us for regular noise at normal hours, we'll file harassment lawsuit. I also think she is looking for a collective case against me to make it seems like we are walking and everyone heard us.

    We have carpets on, and wear slippers, but we cannot stop walking in our apartment especially at times we need to eat, relax and cook.

    I have asked the downstairs neighbor about their working times, same as ours, regular 9-5 but working from home now. So it is not that they need to work at those time of complaint.

    I heard my upstairs neighbor too when she walks or do things, but I am fine with it because that's just apartment living.

    I don't know how to stop the complaint as it is an HOA Condo so you cannot evict a person from harassment (maybe yes?) and I am very furious. Is there a way to get back to them and leave us alone?

    submitted by /u/danabbbb
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    my dad is spying on my neighbors

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    (michigan). I just found out that my father has tons of pictures of my neighbors on his camera (mostly females). I made another post about how my dad has been acting really creepy. For example, he also has notes of neighbors *private* conversations/ arguments. I don't think this is illegal but is there something I can do? I want to act on this before something happens. Please help.

    submitted by /u/myhomeisjuststicks
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