• Breaking News

    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Legal Advice - I'm an illustrator/designer who came up with a drawing app idea. An app developer contacted me saying he liked my idea and asked if I wanted to create it. We did just that, it's been out a few months. Then I get an email me to say I've been dropped and won't receive any money..

    Legal Advice - I'm an illustrator/designer who came up with a drawing app idea. An app developer contacted me saying he liked my idea and asked if I wanted to create it. We did just that, it's been out a few months. Then I get an email me to say I've been dropped and won't receive any money..

    I'm an illustrator/designer who came up with a drawing app idea. An app developer contacted me saying he liked my idea and asked if I wanted to create it. We did just that, it's been out a few months. Then I get an email me to say I've been dropped and won't receive any money..

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    I'm willing to accept that I didn't have a patent and therefore he was free to take my idea. But we had a contract that promised me a percentage of app sales based on completion of work. He had me doing a thousand things not in the contract which I did for the good of the app. The only thing he can say I didn't complete was some text (I was struggling with it due to some limitations with the app). I asked for help but he didn't give any. He gave no warning and just dropped me to hire someone else, ignoring all the work I'd done and the fact that the app was my idea. Seems he didn't give fair warning and that he just dropped me because he didn't want to pay me.. He's boss of a registered company, I'm a freelance illustrator. Do I stand a chance fighting him on this?

    *I'm near London btw. The app developer is in Paris

    submitted by /u/afox1984
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    (PA) My neighbors' son destroyed my bee house and killed my mason bees. Police were not helpful. Do I have any other options?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    This spring I decided to finally indulge my interest in bees. I bought bee houses so I could keep mason and leafcutter bees this spring and summer, as well as a stock of mason bees. My neighbor, who I'd always had a cordial relationship with prior to this, was mowing his lawn and asked me what I was doing while I was setting up the bee house, and I told him. He freaked out and said that the bees were going to sting his children. I explained to him that mason bees are super gentle, they aren't guarding honey or a hive so they have no need to be aggressive, that they only sting if squished or trapped, and their stings are relatively painless. He was still unhappy. My neighbors became very angry with me and his wife posted about how my bees were dangerous on social media.

    Yesterday morning I found that my bee house had been destroyed and the bees in it killed. My other neighbor has a camera in his backyard and it was able to see my neighbors' son and his friends destroying my bee house and spraying something on my bees that killed them. I work midnight shifts as an essential worker and wasn't home to hear the commotion.

    I called the police and the officer was very dismissive, saying "they were just bees" and "you really want a kid to go to jail over bees?" I got the impression nothing would be done. Even if they were "just bees" that kid still destroyed my property and I spent a good chunk of money on the bees and bee house. I have no idea what to do next.

    tl;dr: Got into a conflict with neighbors over keeping harmless mason bees. Neighbor's kid destroyed my bee house and killed my bees. Police basically laughed in my face.

    submitted by /u/EducationalWait9
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    (PA) Landlord keeping $2000 security deposit and demanding hundreds on top in two weeks time. Charging for painting entire house over patches after a multiyear lease.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:03 PM PDT


    I'll paint you a quick picture, and it might help you understand why I don't want to pay them and move on.

    This company was truly awful to deal with. We went months waiting on appliance repairs, weeks without a fridge, had regular flooding of multiple living spaces (split level house, no basement), and had to endure a constant mosquito infestation from an empty, disused pool in the backyard. I once counted over 40 bites in 10 minutes while I was assembling a new shop vac by the shed. They just had an old tarp with a bunch of holes in it on top, and they wouldn't even listen to my complaints let alone get the tarp fixed. Some of the rudest people to boot.


    We lived there for 2 years. The house was clearly not painted prior to us moving in. The house was full of small holes and some unpainted patches on the walls. We even painted one bedroom ourselves (neutral colors) because the previous tenant had let their teenage son paint the room, and it was pretty bad.


    The lease specifically states we would not get our security deposit back until

    "holes in walls, scratches in woodwork, holes or damage to flooring, have been repaired according to standard practices."

    I patched all holes in the walls, in the entire house, with spackle and sanding. These weren't large holes, just where paintings were hung and some small dings from moving furniture in/out. I did it all with a 1" putty knife, if that helps with the context. I didn't paint the patches. "Standard practices" is the term of interest, I suppose. The rest of the lease says nothing about paint or walls.

    They sent a letter listing the following:

    Security Deposit Paid: 2000
    Paint All Rooms with Patches Around the House: (-2200.00)
    Cleaning: (-150.00)
    Total Security Returned: (-350.00)

    And they are demanding a certified check for 350.00 by 5/15/2020

    Oh dear.

    Can they actually do this? I was expecting them to try to keep the deposit from the get-go, given how they operated, but I didn't expect them to ask me for MORE money. If I'm objectively in the wrong here, I can accept that. However, my current understanding is that painting is a part of regular maintenance for rentals, especially on multi-year leases. They said I had to patch all holes in walls, which I did.

    Please, any advice you have would be wonderful. I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/tawaypaintdeposit
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    Adopted son's bio mother might still be receiving child support. Not sure what to do next.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I am the father of my adopted son who was in foster care for 9 years. I live in Indiana, USA. We received notice earlier this month from a superior court from the county where he was born. The event and comments from the filing say "Order Granting Motion to Increase Child Support". The other parties notified were his bio mom and bio dad and an attourney. He has been adopted since January and I was planning on claiming him in my taxes as a dependent since he has lived with us for all of 2019. By all appearances it looks like bio mom has been collecting child support but has had parental rights terminated for years now. Google talks a lot about people not paying child support but not about this.

    My questions follow. Do I need to do something about this to protect my son? Will this complicate my tax filing process? Who all needs to be notified of this? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/darkinvader1
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    Neighbor took my dog off her leash, kept her inside and blackmailed my brothers out of $100 due to minimal pear tree damage

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Title basically sums it up. I live in Wisconsin.

    While I was at work today, my two younger brothers (15yo George and 19yo Kyle) were home alone with my dog. She's a Shih-Poo, so she's a very small dog and very friendly.

    George put the dog out in our yard on a long leash, which is made of two leashes clipped together so she can have more space to walk around.

    When George went to bring her inside, he noticed my dog had managed to sneak under our neighbor's fence. He called out for her and pulled on the leash but our neighbor had unclipped one of the leashes and was holding our dog inside her home.

    My brothers both walked to her front door and asked for our dog back. It was a grumpy middle aged woman, who told them our dog had wrapped around one of her pear trees and damaged it and that the cops were on their way and they would be taking the dog to the pound.

    She lead them to the damaged trees in her backyard. According to Kyle, one tree had minimal markings on it, but it looked fine and he commented how it's still alive and our dog didn't kill it. Our neighbor scoffed and told him it was going to die due to the damage and it would cost $250 to buy a new pear tree of that size. She then told them that if they gave her $100, they could have the dog back and not deal with the cops.

    My brother told her she was holding our dog hostage and she scoffed again. They gave her the $100 to avoid talking to the cops. They were scared the cops would take our dog away. She gave the dog back after they handed the money over.

    She intimidated my little brothers and blackmailed them into giving her money. I don't believe she ever called the cops or she wouldn't have made a deal before they got there. We live very close to a police station.

    We've never had an issue with this woman before, or any neighbors at that. They put the fence up many years ago. The fence doesn't touch the floor along the middle so that's how my dog managed to squeeze under it.

    I know tree law can be serious and I understand my dog was on her property, but she should have went to the guardians of the household instead of holding the dog inside her home and blackmailed my younger brothers out of $100.

    I'd like to get the money back, as I don't believe the damage warrants that cost.

    submitted by /u/ButteredBurger
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    [US-GA] My (22 M) dad committed suicide yesterday. Do I have the "legal right" to his service/handling/ashes or his mom?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    in usa, Georgia. Not sure why automod flaggerbme
    . .Sorry for the long title. Long story short my grandmother is trying to overstep her bounds and sign the papers to get my dad's ashes and plan his service(s). Anyone who remotely knows my dad would know he WOULD NOT want that. Do I have a right legally to this, or my grandmother?

    As far as I know there was no will or anything of that nature.

    Sorry if this is the wrong sub or isn't a legal matter. Tried googling but I'm struggling a lot, honestly this is a tough time for me. Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/JoeyBE98
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    Dealer service dept forgot to put oil in my car

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    Long story short

    I had taken my car for an oil change yesterday[4/29/2020] to a honda dealership.

    Got a call my oil change was completed and my car was ready for pickup. Paid for the service and they pulled my car up. Pretty routine right?

    As I drive away I notice something different right away. My car and engine sounded louder, the engine felt rough upon accelerating and I heard a kind of high pitched whirring sound.

    A few (about 10-15 minutes)minutes later I notice the oil lamp dummy light turn on. At this point I head back to the dealer service drive up and show then the problem.

    Then it freaking Dawn's on me. No oil pressure will illuminate the oil lamp light, no oil pressure means no damn oil. I panicked and popped the hood to check the oil as the service guy finds the service manager or what ever their title it.

    Aaaand guess what the dipstick showed!! Well nothing because it was bone dry.

    They wanted to drive the car to the service bay but I told them that's not a good idea and should push it.

    So they check the dipstick to confirm, admit they forgot to add oil after the drain, drain what little was left, show me a paper cone that they had drained the oil through to show no metal shavings were there, fill the car with the oil I had freaking paid for and send me on my way home.

    They told me to come back tomorrow to talk to the service rep since he had already done home for the day.

    What are my options and what kind of damage, if any, has this caused to my engine?? Running the car for about 15 min with no oil. I can go into more detail if you ask.

    TL:DR: dealership forgot to add oil to my car after an oil change, dipstick bone dry, drove car for a few minutes with about 15min operating time. Car is only 2 years old with 18,000 miles.

    Edit: the car has a 1.5L 4cyl turbo engine.

    Update(4/30/2020): went to the dealer and talked to the service director. It was the same guy who witnessed their attempt to complete my oil change.

    I told him there has to be damage done to the engine and turbo since the oil lamp was on, he said it was on do to oil pressure or the black of, I then told him "right that's why I then checked the oil at your service drive up and the dipstick was dry". He then tries to tell me that I barely drove the car and that there was a little oil in the sump and turbo lines so the engine should be fine.

    What are my legal options?

    submitted by /u/Kagemusha1337
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    [ILLINOIS] Hospital assigned late wife's medical bills to me

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    My wife passed away in October. She had no estate and was on social security when she passed. We never mingled finances. I paid for all living expenses (rent, bills, etc.). She had a small business and handled her own finances (two small credit cards less than $2k were her only debts). We filed taxes seperately.

    She was on my medical insurance. When she passed I mailed out all of her creditors the death certificate.

    One hospital took her remaining debt to them (about $8k in charges. She'd paid them about half a million over ten years via insurance payments and co-pays) and simply wrote my name on it and sent it to collections as overdue.

    I spoke to their billing dept as Illinois is not a community property state and my understanding is that what they're doing is illegal. They said it's their policy to assign patients' debts to anyone listed on the death certificate (parents, spouses, etc.).

    My question is, is that legal? Can they simply assign my name to a bill and destroy my credit? Seems like fraud and extortion.

    Does the fact that she was on my medical insurance (provided through my employer) make it my debt?

    No other company has attempted to collect against me for her debts. I never signed anything with the hospital.

    Any help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ssshield
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    Father was ordered by the court to pay outstanding child support but he still has not paid.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I live in Florida. My ex-husband was ordered by a judge to pay over $6000 in owed child support that he withheld for frivolous and unfounded reasons. He was given 30 days to pay, it's been 42 days. I am unable to afford an attorney and I really need this money to put towards my daughter's higher education. How can I make him pay without hiring an attorney and squandering all of my savings? Thank in advance for the help, y'all.


    submitted by /u/PuzzleheadTed
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    Wife resigned yesterday, employer backtracked the resignation to April 17th

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    So I live in Texas now due to my employment and my wife has been in NYC for the last few months due to her not being able to break the lease early without having to pay the entirety of the remaining rent. Her lease is now over on the last of this month and she's moving on May 2nd down here to Texas, so she submitted her resignation letter yesterday, and her employer, [retracted] in NYC located in Harlem, backtracked her employment to the 17th of last month (the last time she got paid, so we're assuming is so that they don't have to pay her tomorrow). One important thing to note is that she has not been working, but no one in her workplace is working either due to COVID-19, so I don't know if that makes a difference, but is that legal?

    Sorry for the bad formatting, I don't know how to format on reddit, and if I'm missing any information you guys need to know, just ask and I'll try to provide it.

    Thanks in advance.

    Attached are the pictures of the emails they sent: https://imgur.com/HDUl65k https://imgur.com/z8nZPvo

    submitted by /u/patsmokeswii
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    Was scammed $1500 from a big named athlete, what do I do to get my money back? Legal options?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    Two weeks ago, I bought a pair of shoes off a big named athlete in the NCAA. The day after, I contacted him regarding the shoes authenticity after I double checked with some people they were deemed replica shoes. The individual told me last week that he would be back in town this week (BC Canada) to refund me and that he would send me some money in a couple days. In the days leading after he told me he only has $500 and cannot send me anything. Today I messaged him if we can meet up, and he says he has yet to book his flight. After all this evidence, he has been messing around with me and playing with my time. I payed him through bank transfer, as I thought he would be reputable. He is currently still in the US and I have his phone number, email, school email, mom's phone number and he can be easily traced. What are the steps in getting my money back? I've been thinking of filing a police report, but I heard the police may not do anything. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/trxxmk
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    (Upstate NY) Employer expects me to work while furloughed and on unemployment.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    I am an IT professional, but the company I work for is in the entertainment field, so we are as far from essential as it gets. We were shut down due to coronavirus on March 15th.

    The company continued to pay us up until April 16th, but on the 17th I was furloughed and told to apply for unemployment.

    Now my bosses are sending me constant emails expecting me to work on projects from home while they do not pay me and I collect unemployment. From what I've seen on the NYS labor website, this constitutes unemployment fraud.

    The company has been fairly good to me and I don't want to see them fail, but I'm also not comfortable committing fraud on their behalf. Am I in the right here, or have I misunderstood something?

    submitted by /u/17760704
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    Old tenants came to our rental property, posed as neighbors, and took pictures inside of our property without the consent of our new tenants/us. Is this legal?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I own a property in the South and one of our tenants severely damaged our rental property (holes in the wall, bad paint jobs, broken doors, etc.). We withdrew $700 from their security deposit for repairs and now they are suing us on the grounds that their damage is "normal wear and tear". I recently found out that the evidential photographs that they took occurred when they lied and told our new tenants that they were neighbors (note: this is after the damaging tenants moved out), and came into our rental property and took pictures of the walls/bathrooms without the consent of the new tenants and did not stop taking pictures after asked not to. Is this legal? If not, what would the specific law that they are breaking be?

    submitted by /u/CScopeSh
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    Does paying for a building give you claim to the land it’s built on?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    This is in Oklahoma.

    Ten years ago, my stepfather spent a lot of money to build a garage on my mother's property.

    The land is only in my mom's name. They don't live on the land anymore and my mom wants to sell it, but my stepdad is demanding half of the money. Does he have any legal claim to that money or the land after paying for the garage?

    I can answer any necessary questions or add extra details if needed.

    submitted by /u/X-Maelstrom-X
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    Rent higher to renew than for new tenants, showings with WFH

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone,

    I have a few questions regarding the end of our lease, nothing here is major but I just want to make sure I fully understand our rights, especially in these current times. We live in MN, USA.

    so our lease is coming to an end where we have to renew or move out end of June. Our lease does specify that if we do not renew we automatically go to Month to Month with either side able to end it with 60 days notice. We did ask previously about Month to Month but the Landlord rejected that. we were then told our rent would raise by $95 per month if we wanted to sign an extension, given that we feel we are already over paying we declined to resign.

    I asked the landlord how showing would work with the stay at home orders. health and safety aside we are working from home and our jobs require us to have sensitive data at hand. the landlord told us that he still needs to show the place and would prefer we weren't here at the time but can't make us leave. he said we would be given 12 hours notice of any showing. we pointed out to him that showings or visits by him required a minimum of 24 hours notice as stated in the lease but he never responded.

    Lastly we just saw the new listing for the place and they are offering to rent it for less than what we we offered. Granted the difference is only $45/month and they now specified no pets where we were allowed to have ours. This just seemed rather shady so I was wondering if they're allowed to ask us to pay more than what they'd try to get new tenants for? Being fully transparent here we most likely would not have signed again anyway as the landlord is sort of a major prick who always makes comments during "inspections" of his.

    The other concern I have is what should we do about the showings, I understand the need to show the place but we also do need to work and live here. due to the nature of our jobs we could be on the phone discussing highly sensitive information when a showing arrives. And if they only give 12 hours notice what do we do? deny them entry? let them in and complain later? We aren't expecting a showing for at least a week but I just want to be prepared and know what our rights are. thanks for any advice, Cheers!

    submitted by /u/SG-015
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    (Sioux City, Ia) How do I got about asking the city to clean up the vacant lot nextdoor?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I'm proud to say I bought my first house almost 3 years ago now, at age 28. Just a small one bedroom, but on a double lot. It's on a very steep hill, I own 2 lots and the lot above me is empty. I love the privacy, but the upper lot is overgrown with weeds and trees which blocks valuable light for my gardens and attracts chiggers, mosquitoes and trashy people who dump their fucking trash all over the damn place (old tires, appliances, ect.). Last year the city sent me a bill/fine for mowing and trimming vacant lot by mistake. After clearing that up with the city, I looked into the owner of the property. As it turns out, he had passed away the year before. If I had the money, I'd buy it and clean it up myself. It didn't bother me much when I moved in, but I take alot of pride in my yard now (I turned into my parents, just like that stupid commercial) and I hate looking at that eyesore everyday. How would I go about getting that mess cleaned up?

    submitted by /u/Akurth89
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    Tax Evasion. Scammed? Trapped? My Mom is not the Brightest Star in the Sky! PLEASE HELP!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    My matter is quite complicated. My mom has been working for the same company for years. She's had this job since immigrating from to the states 25 years ago. She started off working as a waitress and slowly worked her way to a manager position. I, her child, am in my mid 20s and a recent college graduate. I moved back home several months ago to find out there was a lawsuit that involved my mom. I noticed there was a summons for her to appear in court. When I inquired why, my mom explained that the lawsuit was regarding the noodle company with which she was employed under. I asked if the lawsuit was being taken care of. She explained that the company owner was handling the liability of the lawsuit. I didn't ask for anymore specifics. Two weeks later, I see a paper that she signed for verification of electronic signature. My mom is computer illiterate. Her English is extremely limited. I questioned what and why she had signed the document. Her reply was that her boss had ask her to sign these documents for company purposes, but she didn't know the exact reason.

    I was beginning to get suspicious. My mom may lack English skills & computer skills, but I didn't'. So, I began to investigate. That document was to allow a co-signee of a Joint bank account to sign/ approve documents in place of the primary authorized account holder. First, my mom has a joint bank account with the owner, in which she deposits earnings. She is as a manager. When I went to the bank, I was dumbfounded to realize to find the co-signee (the Boss's daughter) had misused my mom's employee information to take out a loan in her name. The sum of the loan had just arrived on that day, so I had asked my mom to kick the Boss's daughter out of the account. The banker looked at my mom dazed and confused and tried to hinder any changes on the account. I requested to speak to a manager who heeded my request. When I requested documents regarding the account, the banker reluctantly showed me that the business my mom was managing was actually under her name. She was the CEO of the corporation with 100% shares. I was extremely concerned. My mom has a series of mental health issues and she's worked from 9am - 2am. She only takes home an a wage of $3000.00 a month. Yet, there are paperwork clearly showing her responsibilities as a CEO, when she doesn't know the first thing about running a business.

    After digging deeper, I realized that the business license of the restaurant was under my mom's name and all the tax documents were under my mom's name for the business. It's like the owner of the actual restaurant does not exist. My mom has been ridiculously negligent in signing those documents whether it be tax or bank papers. Now I've realized there's a restaurant under her name that she has never managed. There's a lawsuit in her name to a restaurant she manages. And there's a black hand- Business owner using my mom as collateral to running his business. The moment this owner doesn't file taxes, doesn't pay attorney fees for the existing case, or bear any responsibility; my family and I can lose everything we own. To be specific our only asset is a $350,000 that my parents spent their life saving up for. We still have mortgage payments. This "Invisible" business owner liquidated both him and his daughters asset to take care of themselves in regard to the lawsuit. The owner's daughter nets all the profit.

    I'm dumbfounded by my mom's stupidity. I'm also frustrated that someone has abused my mom's dedication to her job and is using her livelihood as collateral for a business front. The owner consolidated previous legal cases along with my mom's employment case and then had the audacity to transfer everything over to a foreign country in order to avoid paying the settlement. The owner, is clearly trying to evade taxes. FYI the restaurant is "cash only". My mom is a like a marionette, all her strings are being pulled. She has no money or knowledge to take care of the restaurant. If we were to close the restaurant, the invisible owner would threaten us with the burden of the lawsuit. If we declare bankruptcy we can't verify the income of the business, because we don't have any knowledge of the tax information regarding the restaurant. Also, we can't justify the income because we've never seen a dime of it.

    All I'm trying to do is to figure out a way to protect our house. My sisters ( 3 of us in college) are still living in this house with my Dad. It's our home. It sucks to see that we might lose it at the expense of my mom's $12/an hour job due to her incompetency and someone trying to take advantage of her. My mom has an extremely good heart and trust extremely easy. She's been manipulated by this boss for over 13 years. I need help trying to figure out how to cut ties with this business in a way that will help us protect a Lien from being placed on the house.

    I'm at my wits end. Every-time I try to find out what else is under my mom's care, I get hindered. Whether it's by the banker or the accountant. My mom has been in a state of depression and is coming to terms accepting that she's been used. I have yet to find any attorney's that's told me anything helpful nor can I afford one. I was original going to have my mom close the restaurant down and declare bankruptcy. But the 2019 income tax for the business has yet to be filed. So, we're trying to string the owner along, by getting him to pay off the taxes first. But, as of right now there's a lawsuit filed against the company/business (under my mom's name), as well as my mom as an individual. My mom has an individual doesn't own anything, other than joint ownership of the home we all live in. However, I'm worried about trying to relinquish ownership/ responsibility of this company especially with taxes being due, and a lawsuit under our name.

    Fyi. I racked up $500 in attorney consultation from a crappy attorney that told me: Don't file for bankruptcy for the company. File Bankruptcy as an individual. She told me our house could still be taken away. If that's the case. Her advice protects absolutely Nothing. I really can't afford to going to a handful of attorneys asking for advice that might or might not help.

    SOMEONE PLEASE ADVISE. If someone has the authority to give me advice and require a more in-depth detail i'm happy to provide it. Thank you community.

    submitted by /u/mercedez741
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    Employer keeps changing my schedule

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    This is my first post. My boss keeps changing my schedule without any notice or communication with me. I am looking for advice on how to approach this respectfully and calmly. I want to keep this civil and not involve lawyers if at all possible. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for any information. Ps I live in California

    submitted by /u/mobmoraqua22
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    My 16 year old niece (USA) is having an online relationship with a “25” year old man (Turkey)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    I have recently made contact with my niece whom I haven't spoken to since she was a baby. However she and I live on opposite sides of the country. She told me she is dating an older man and said he is 25. They met online when she was 14 and kept contact for the last two years, she showed me his fb and he looks at least mid 30's. He lives in Turkey and she lives in the USA. I asked if her mom knew and she said yes, when I spoke to her mom she confirmed that she knew and is fine with it because he makes her feel loved. I've tried speaking to my niece myself about how dangerous this could turn out and she should date someone her own age, but she refuses to recognize this isn't normal. Is this legal? Could this be considered child neglect?

    submitted by /u/okidokismokee
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    Offer rescinded after company left me in a really bad position - VA

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Back on March 4th, I had an onsite interview with a large consulting firm for a senior engineering position. A few days later, I had a verbal offer. My recruiter has me cancel and turn down other offers in order to go through with this offer.

    The firm ends up keeping me in limbo for a bit over a month, blaming covid for paperwork and logistical delays, until finally giving me my official offer on April 9th. I submit my two week notice to my current job, and fill out all of the necessary onboarding information needed for my new firm. My start date is set to be April 27th.

    On April 20th, my recruiter reached out to me telling me that my start date needed to be pushed back from April 27th to May 4th. This would mean that I would be facing a week of unemployment, as my current employer was unwilling to postpone my two weeks on such short notice.

    On April 30th, after I have filled out all mailing information and accepted meeting invites for my work equipment and first day onboarding, my recruiter asks me if I can jump on a zoom call. She then informs me that due to issues with the background check and paperwork, they have to rescind the offer.

    Now I am left without a job to go back to, due to my former employer being on a hiring freeze, I am left without a new job, and I am left without any job prospects, as I was made to cancel/drop any other pursuits. I'm really lost in this situation and I was wondering if there's legally any path I can take to gain some sort of damages for the two months I just lost.

    submitted by /u/Raych48
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    Forced to charge hours to an unrelated client

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Hello. I work in an industry where our hours are usually billed to projects, if not, to overhead. I'm facing a problem where my manager has asked me to work on a task worth around 16 hours of work that should definitely be billed to overhead. Instead, in a written message, he told me I should just charge those hours to a huge project of mine, a high-profile client with an enormous budget. I would be working on this in the next couple of weeks.

    What should I do? I don't want to charge hours to a client that has no relation to the task, but I also am in fear of getting retaliated by the company for disobeying his request. Location is Virginia.

    submitted by /u/snow_squash7
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    Landlord wants me to sign walk-in checklist before I can do a walk through

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get into an apartment, and the current tenant doesn't move out until June 1st. The landlord says I need to sign everything on the least to secure my spot, but I feel uncomfortable signing the walk in checklist without seeing the interior of the apartment first. Is this normal for a landlord to make me do this so early? I'm new to renting so I'm not sure if this should be a red flag or if it's fairly routine. She said something about it being a 3 part lease and that I'd have a chance to do a walk through, but I'm not really sure what that means. If anyone has advice I'd really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/mkrevofev
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    My father, in the middle of his mental breakdown, got arrested last night for assaulting a police officer. NY

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    My father is clearly in the midst of some sort of psychotic break, but has been refusing all help. He is totally delusional. Insisting that he has all of the money in the world (he's unemployed) thinks people are surveilling him, refusing to take any of his heart medication keeping him alive, and so much more. Last week it escalated and he kicked my disabled mother out of the house. We flew her across the country to stay with us, so she's safe now. We successfully got him taken for a psych evaluation at the same time she left, but they let him out in less than 24 hours because of the virus. He has been calling and ranting at us, insisting that he is going to drive across the country to us, even though we've been obviously begging him not to. Last night my mother receives a one minute phone call from him using someone else's phone saying that he's already halfway across the state on his way here and got his truck towed. We're unable to get ahold of him at all after this so today we call the cops for a wellness check for him. We then find out that he's been arrested for burglary and assaulting an officer. Apparently after he ran out of gas (twice?) he walked down the street and broke into someone's rv . We think it was to sleep because he's been up for days at this point, but who knows. He's not in his right mind. The owner of the rv called the cops and he apparently tried assaulting them with a screwdriver. So now he's in custody. We haven't spoken to him and are thousands of miles away. Clearly he needs a lawyer but we can't afford it so he will have a public defender. He hasn't been arraigned yet so is currently sitting on county jail. Is there anything we can do to be sure he gets taken in for a mental health evaluation? This is all incredibly sad and extremely out of character for him, he's never been arrested before and is in his late fifties. Anything we can do at all? Advice for getting someone help who desperately needs it but refuses? Also, the truck is in my mothers name and getting charged daily storage fees . Advice to get it recovered from out of state? Ugh.

    submitted by /u/thowawaywtfdad
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