• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - Update to post about motorbike accident: thank you r/legaladvice for convincing me not to talk to the police without a lawyer!

    Legal Advice - Update to post about motorbike accident: thank you r/legaladvice for convincing me not to talk to the police without a lawyer!

    Update to post about motorbike accident: thank you r/legaladvice for convincing me not to talk to the police without a lawyer!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Quick update to my post from 3 months ago (link).

    Thank you very much for convincing me not to talk to the police without a lawyer. I was not doing well and not thinking clearly and would absolutely have incriminated myself and likely ended up in jail. My lawyer was able to negotiate a great outcome. The lady who was driving the truck that cut me off will not be charged with anything, which is what I wanted so it's great news. They recognized she couldn't have seen me. I've been able to write her a letter of apology. As for me, let's say I won't be driving anything for quite some time, but that was to be expected. It'll be a long time before I am physically able to do it anyway. I'm aware that the legal consequences could have been a lot worse so I'm not complaining. The insurance companies are still doing their thing. I'm doing better now, staying at a rehab facility and learning to walk again and everything.

    Thank you very much again, you people stopped me from making a life-changing mistake.

    Edit: thanks a lot for the gold. That's very generous. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I feel I don't really deserve it. Please if you feel like spending money on me you can make a donation to your local homeless shelter instead, they have it even harder than usual because of the pandemic.

    submitted by /u/Bikeandthemechanics
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    My 13 year old neighbor got kicked out of his house and he is now living in my couch.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Info: I'm in Seattle. I'm a 22 years old woman. I'm Nicaraguan and I'm not planning on staying in America. I came here on a student visa as a part of a student program for the development of third world countries and as a part of the deal after I get my degree I'm supposed to go back to Nicaragua and make a change there.

    When I moved to America about 3 years ago, I used to occasionally babysit my neighbors' kid. I was not their regular babysitter, just occasionally for extra cash.

    The kid is 13 now and too old for a babysitter, but since we are neighbors I see him fairly often.

    A couple of days ago he got kicked out of his house because his parents found out he was gay.

    He is now living in my couch because he showed up at my door saying he has nowhere else to go.

    I dont know what to do. I know nothing about USA laws. I dont know how legal is to have a minor not related to me living in my couch. He says he has nowhere else to go and I cant just kick him out, specially with the pandemic.

    Who am I supposed to contact? Child Protection Serviced? (I mean he got kicked out of his house at age 13 and in the middle of a pandemic, that sounds like a child that needs protection).

    Can I get in trouble for letting him live here for a couple of days?

    What are my options?

    Edit: I apologize about my English I'm not a native speaker.

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    Builders Want to Tear Down my Fence, will not Replace

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    Builders have bought the land on all sides of my house and the townhomes they build are around 6 feet from my back fence. They came by and informed me that they need to come around 5 feet into my property in order to put a giant drain underground. They also said the area would need to become a road way for utilities like gas and fire to be able to access all the homes via an alleyway. They acted like it was a favor to cut the trees and tear down my fence on their dime but that I would be financially responsible for putting up new fencing to replace what they tear down. Due to the new road, the new fence would end up being 6 feet inside where it is today.

    Do I have any leg to stand on to try and fight this? I'm afraid once I go down the rabbit hole of trying to fight it it might cost more than replacing 60 feet of chain link fence and seceding my land. It just feels so wrong that they decided to build so close to my fence and now they're saying due to city code for utilities I am expected to share the burden of making a 12 foot alleyway. I'm not sure if they are being 100% truthful and don't know how to fight this. They went from saying it was my fence on their property to my fence wasn't set back enough to it was a utility concern to they could have a letter sent demanding I pay for it and do the work myself by x date if I don't comply with their plan.

    I am located in Charlotte, North Carolina

    submitted by /u/TetUnOffensive
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    Employer wants employees to pay back money they would get through PPP program!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I am writing this for a friend who works as a 1099 contractor in a small business. They have not been working due to COVID-19. The employer reached out to the employees asking them to sign a contract for a salary advance/loan for April/May that they will have to pay back after they resume working.

    The business has no W2 employees. This entire situation seems bizarre as 1) Employees are going to need to pay back the funds they receive through PPP, (while the employer potentially has their loan forgiven). 2) All the employees are 1099, and from all the reading I've done these individuals should not be included in business' payroll calculations for PPP loans.

    The owner is being pushy and demanding employees sign the contract for a cash advance saying they are putting the business at risk if they don't take the money. My friend is refusing as this situation seems like odd. What options does my friend have here?

    submitted by /u/yumyumfrosh
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    Salaried doubled by boss to get COVID payroll protection loan forgiven

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Ohio/USA My boss called me yesterday to tell me my normal rate of pay will be doubled for the next 8 weeks and then reduced to 0 for the 8 weeks after that. I believe this is to get forgiveness on the payroll protection loan from the government. Sure enough today I got my paycheck for almost 37 dollars an hour, along with a change saying I am now exempt. Can he do this, and then pay me nothing for 8 weeks? My job responsibilities have not changed at all.

    A note: this is a smallish law firm with about 10 attorneys and 15 paralegals of which I am the latter.

    submitted by /u/BackgroundShop4
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    My wife found out she was pregnant right before starting new job. They just denied her temporary disability application 2 weeks before her due date for preexisting conditions.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:59 PM PDT


    My wife works as a contractor for a major federal governmental agency. Before that, she worked as a contractor for a different department in the same agency. Her contractor company changed with her job.

    We found out she was pregnant during a doctor's visit about a week before her old job ended, and her new job started. Her new employer told her that she would be able to file for temporary disability right before the baby is born, which we did. They recently called back to tell us that the request has been denied because the pregnancy was a preexisting condition. They say any doctor visit related to pregnancy within three months before starting this job denies her claim to temporary disability.

    They offered us the ability to appeal, but said that unless we can prove she was not receiving treatment for her pregnancy during that time period, it is unlikely that the decision will be overturned. We did see a doctor, and were told of the pregnancy, but no "treatment" was received. The lady on the phone disagreed with us on that point.

    My question is: Can we fight the decision of the new employer? We have requested all policy documents and will be going over them with a fine-toothed comb, but it seems like they're pretty sure we can't fight it. If that is the case, can we pass the disability claim to her previous contracting company since she was employed by them when the conception occurred?

    We are located in Maryland, USA.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/PreexistingPregnancy
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    Next door Neighbor cut a tree down and it landed on my truck.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Back on December 30th i noticed that my next door neighbor cut tree down while also cutting halfway into another tree. I tried to discuss with him that this tree was going to eventually fall as he cut half way into the trunk of the tree but he ignored me. Then 2 months later, that tree fell on my truck causing $2000 in damage to my roof.

    I knew this tree was going to fall so I took multiple photos with time stamp in case any problems did occur back on December 30th. This tree is between our 2 driveways and I believe it's technically on my property.

    I have filed a police report already, insurance won't help, and I want to take this to the next step.

    What does it mean legally, if he walked onto my property, cut down one of my trees and half way into another tree, which inevitably caused thousands in damage to my truck??

    Considering all the Covid 19, the courts are shut down and police aren't making contact with anyone aside from serious crimes.

    I'm in Ohio. What are my options moving forward??


    submitted by /u/dunwithlyfe
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    I Need Legal Advice (I'm 14) And Got Subpoenaed Please Help Me

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    I need someone to please help. I don't know much about law but I'm an emotional mess, and I'm fourteen. So basically my mom has a boyfriend. He's like a father to me I've known him since I was four. He's got a nephew who's four years older than me. So when I was a kid, he molested me and his little sister. I was six when it started and nine or ten when it stopped. So basically he was kid 10-14, going through hormonal changes, and he made a very big mistake. He could be facing ninety years for all of this since there are nine charges. Giving the age ranges the three major 20 year ones will most likely be dropped.

    Now, his name is Nick (changed to keep confidentiality). So Nick is eighteen now. His sister told. It has been four years since it stopped happening, and I have never wanted him in jail. I forgave him, no matter how stupid that sounds. A while ago my aunt talked to me and said she would be pissed if I didn't try to get him in jail for it. At that time I had a forensic interview coming up. So I did it, and I told them everything he did. The video also has parts about my dad in it (he did something similar to Nick) so they can't disclose it. However they said they would use it so I didn't have to testify. (This was in december or january) now it's April, I really don't want him in jail, and I just got subpoenaed. I don't know much about law. Nick is four years older than me so it doesn't fall into the romeo and juliet laws for my state. It does for his sister, (she's actually his half sister) but incest.

    I need someone to help me because I have no clue what I'm doing. I don't want to lie under oath, and I don't want to go to jail but I also don't want them to talk. His mom (My 'aunt' on my step-dad's side) is going to be there. She will have to listen to me and her daughter testify against her son. (His sister got subpoenaed too.) I feel so damn helpless. I'm the victim and the fact that I don't want him in jail carries no hold. The state is the pressing charges not either of the families. His lawyer will either make us look like filthy manipulative liars, and we let him, or we tell the truth, completely, and talk, and Nick goes to jail before his life has even started. I can't plead the fifth as the victim, because I didn't make the allegations, and they aren't false. I don't know what to do in my situation and I'm begging you can someone please help me?! I'm from P.A.

    submitted by /u/Katherine_Aclaire
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    Illegally evicted, trees cut, and domestic violence. What are my options?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Edit: Hillsborough County, FLORIDA

    I've been living with my sister and her husband (Bob) for about a year. They're recently married. Bob has a history of alcoholism and anger. He was raised in a very wealthy family. He always got his way. Money is very important to him.

    My dad, who we will call John, lives in the opposite side of the country, bought a property across the street where Bob could rent it out and they'd split the profit 50/50. Bob began working on the vacant house before closing on it, and doing things that John told him specifically not to. I am there to protect John as he lives many states away and will be honest for him for any information Bob lacks to to him. Bob gets very angry at me when I am honest to John. There would be no news to tell John that upsets him if Bob was honest and didn't do anything against Johns wishes.

    This is far from his first episode. Bob is never physically abusive to my knowledge. I am away from him when I hear very loud yelling and shouting, possibly throwing things or hitting things. He is very spiteful and vengeful. He blames everyone else but himself for issues. He has called my mother late at night when drunk and saying mean words to her.

    Monday comes around and Bob cuts down a tree that John said for him to hire arborist to trim it nicely. Bob hires a company and cuts it down because he said it would significantly affect the value of his own house. I inform John. John is pissed.

    Fast forward to Tuesday at 3:45am. I am woken up by a shouting match over the phone between Bob and John over the tree being cut down- a large oak tree. I lock my door every night because I know he yells and gets very upset. I lock my door for my safety. He banged and kicked on my door shouting every bad name out there. This is not the first time he did that. Long story short, he kicked me out at 7am when I am required to work from home because of COVID.

    My boss is nothing but supportive of me however, feel worried about my job because of lack of internet stability.

    I'm staying in a hotel. He evicted me and most of my belongings are still there. I had kept recordings of belligerent behavior, yelling, etc on my phone and he forced me to delete them.

    Bob is demanding I pay a $1000 cleaning fee, refusing me to get my minimal amount of belongings, does not permit me to move into my dad's property. Bob broke the lock off John's property (reminder, my dad) and put his own on so I can't be there.

    Bob is forcing me to pay for a moving company to be able to move my belongings. I cannot move into my dad's property when John said I could. Even if I was able to, Bob would make my life an absolute hell. He would make sure I was scared every moment there. My anxiety level goes through the roof when I saw him as he was stalking me as I was waiting for my sister to bring some of my stuff to my car. Bob always gets his way. He either gets his way, or shouts, gets very angry and upset, then he will get his way because the other party gives in.

    My sister has been so nice to bring me many of my belongings. He is severely affecting my ability to have stable internet for work.

    This is so overwhelming. There is so much wrong with this and I don't even know where to start. Is there safe housing for stuff like this in Florida? What can I do to keep my sister safe? He has firearms and has verbally threatened me many times. The tree was the final straw as he took the consequences of his own actions out on me.

    submitted by /u/TestingTheBacon
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    (NC) Apartment has black air coming out of vents and is trying to charge us for repairs.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I moved into this apartment on 12/09/2019. Around late January I started noticing black residue around the apartment, it was pretty light around this time. About mid February the black residue severely increased, it was all in the carpets, in the doorways, walls, on our bedding, in the laundry room, bathroom, closet, it was everywhere.

    I emailed the apartment complex manager and provided photos. They sent out their resident manager who said it must be the filter. They sent out carpet cleaners and that was it. The black residue kept coming out of the vents and now it looks like no one ever came out and cleaned anything. The new filter is now solid black and soggy. It is extremely hard to breathe and it's making my asthma symptoms much worse. At the same time our air conditioner kept going out and randomly hiking up to 85 degrees.

    I have emailed the complex manager over ten times about these issues. I spoke to her about the black residue and now she's saying if they can prove that we "did anything to the units" that they are going to charge us for the repairs as this is a new unit and they have not received any other similar complaints. They actually suggested that I put charcoal in the air vents. I am getting extremely frustrated and I was wondering if this is even legal? This is negatively impacting my health and appears to be an unhealthy living environment. When me and my roommate blow our nose it's black and bloody now. Any advice is welcomed.

    submitted by /u/southernswordfish98
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    Someone Flew a Drone Over my Property and I punched the owner.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    For context, I live in CA and I am a minor (17 years old).

    For the past three weeks, this drone operator has been flying his drone over my house and the residential area around me. The drone is a quadcopter that has a camera attached to the bottom. Today, the operator landed his drone in my backyard, and seeing this invasion of privacy, I flipped out and went to search for this drone operator. I ran up to him and punched him in the face.

    We settled this dispute civilly without him ever pressing charges, but I am still wondering what can still possibly happen to me legally. Can he still charge me for the assault? Is there anything he did wrong in terms of flying the drone?

    Again, this is in California and I am 17 years old.

    Edit: I know I was being a dumbass and I, in no way, think I am in the right in this situation. I f*cked up considerably hard here and I was wondering if there were any repercussions to this event.

    submitted by /u/StevenChao1
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    Employer reopening despite sate orders and giving no choice - PA

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Husband and I work for a private rod and gun club where they lodge. We were employed six years ago to clean, maintain and watch the lodge/grounds. Because the salary wasn't too great they had us open our own food service and sell meals to members and their guest because it would be more money for us that way. It even states it in our contract with our employer. We own the food service, the club has no ownership but we operate in their commercial kitchen. Club decided to open against the governors orders. They told us we're allow up to 24 members and their guests lodging here and they expected food service to resume as well. I told them they don't get to make the call about our food service, how food services still have to do take out or delivery. They expect table service to resume still and said the governors orders don't count for the club and us. Now they are trying to guilt/threaten us that if we don't resume meals we could possibly be fired. Saying we're going to cause both the club and us bankruptcy, how selfish we're being for refusing to compromise, trying to tell us we have no say about this. We live on site, living arrangements were included in the maintenance and housekeeping job. So if we get fired we also become homeless during this time. Can my employer threaten our job and home all because We refuse to do anything besides take out?

    submitted by /u/Fancy-Trash0
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    [MA] Broke lease and still paying rent as it hasn't been re-rented, but landlord removed our things, won't allow us to find our own replacement tenants, and steeply increased desired rent.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    My roommates and I are all named tenants on our lease from 9/1/2019 - 8/31/2020. In February, we notified the management company we communicate with on behalf of the landlord that we would be moving out 3/31 and the apartment was available to rent 4/1. Management explained that we are responsible for rent through the end of our lease until a new tenant is found. (The lease is this standard lease which also explains as such in section 25).

    It took a week for them to list the apartment, with no photos and for 20% more than our rent. That is on the high end of the market average here, however the apartment is in need of so much more work than comparably priced places. We also listed the apartment and shared information among our networks to get the word out. Despite the steep increase, the Boston-area market is super hot. I found tenants interested to rent it for 4/1 and introduced them to management. Management informed me they don't handle tenant applications and they would need to go through their broker who listed it. I provided the interested tenants the broker's information, and they would not move forward as they didn't feel they should pay a broker's fee when the broker didn't show the apartment. Management then instructed me to remove all advertisements for the apartment, as they are handled by the broker. I then noticed that the broker stole our own photos for their advertisements rather than taking professional photos. The broker has since reduced the listed rent to a 12% increase. I showed the apartment to another interested tenant, who declined because of heat issues. I was present while the broker showed to an interested tenant, and I don't know for certain why they declined but they and even the broker asked several concerned questions about the noticeably poor condition heat while there.

    • Are we allowed to advertise the apartment for rent?
    • If we advertise, show, and find interested, qualified applicants, are they allowed to refuse them? Are interested, qualified applicants we find on our own required to rent through the broker and pay the broker's fee?
    • Are they allowed to list the apartment for rent at an above-market rate, more than what we pay?
    • Are we allowed to provide qualified tenants interested in renting at our current rate?

    We all paid for March rent. Mid-March, management reached out on behalf of the realty company, asking us to create a video tour of the apartment so that in-person showings could be cancelled for health reasons. This was frustrating, but we complied, despite it not being a mandated order until 4/8. We also heard from management that all non-emergency work in apartments was suspended until further notice. Toward the end of March, we reached out to confirm that it had not yet been rented for 4/1, and asked when we would need to deliver the apartment empty. Management replied, "When the apartment does rent, you will be expected to be fully moved out of the apartment by noon on the last day of the month. March 31st, April 30th, etc." This reply gave us the understanding that the apartment was ours to use until it is rented by someone else or 8/31, whichever comes sooner.

    • Do we still have full rights and access to the apartment while paying for it?

    We all paid April rent. None of us have been staying there, however Roommate2 returned on 4/28 to find the apartment emptied and being worked on. The man there working said he removed the items and began work two weeks prior. We had no reason to believe this would happen, as they indicated that we would need to move out by noon the day before it's rented, and that all non-emergency work was suspended. We had never turned in keys nor indicated that we had moved out. The work being done is fixing the long-term heat issues, plus removing fixtures, taped up walls and windows, etc to fix walls and paint. Not currently a habitable state. Roommate2 and I found out that management emailed *only* Roommate1 on 4/1 asking if they can remove the items, despite the precedent that management had always copied all three tenants on communications, for example, needing all of our consent about breaking the lease or signing a new lease for a replacement tenant. Unfortunately Roommate1 gave them permission without asking or informing us as she didn't realize Roommate2 hadn't fully moved out.

    • Is management required to receive consent from all listed tenants for an action like this?
    • Do we have any recourse to recover the value of items thrown away?

    Lastly, it is extraordinary that a Boston-area apartment has gone unrented for two months. We all feel taken advantage of at this point, paying rent on an apartment while they make improvements they wouldn't do while we lived there, being unable to use it if we wanted (it is located very close to a dense medical area in Boston and because of the work being done wouldn't be able to offer it as an isolated place for medical workers to stay), have it listed by a realtor seemingly not putting effort into getting it rented even considering the current situation, and that two of three interested tenants I met were dissuaded by poor condition heat that is not our fault or responsibility to fix.

    • Are there specific requirements on what counts as a landlord's "due diligence" to find tenants?

    Thank you.

    Edit: I don't want to be misleading about the heat issues - the heat worked, however the steam radiators need severe repair as they leak steam and water causing significant rust and safety issues (if it's not obvious, steam is extremely hot to the touch). It was often well above MA standards for heating temperatures, and the system had so much hammering you couldn't talk over it. Using a phone app I recorded 85dB while lying in bed at night. I (poorly) slept with earplugs still waking every night all winter. These issues were evident since we were showing it in February, when the heat was on, and the steam and water leaking as well as the noise were obvious.

    submitted by /u/MAaptlegaladvice
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    Verizon May Cost us Our First Home

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    In September 2019 my husband and I started an account with Verizon Wireless. Somehow, during the process of creating our accounts, a duplicate account was created under my name without our knowledge. We were not made aware of this duplicate account until we received a bill for the account in the mail.

    In January 2020, we called Verizon customer service to have the duplicate account removed and we were assured by Verizon's Customer Service that they had removed the account and that we would no longer receive bills in the mail for the duplicate account.

    In April 2020, in the midst of buying our first home, we were made aware by our mortgage lender that the duplicate account had not only NOT been removed, but that my husband and I were still being billed and my credit score had dropped 90 points because Verizon Wireless reported our "late" payments.

    We called Verizon Wireless again to have the duplicate account removed and provide evidence via an official document stating that the duplicate account was created in error by Verizon Wireless and that they have removed the account out of collections.

    Our first phone call with them lasted from 9:18am to 6:22pm and was constantly interrupted by "disconnections". The customer service reps refused multiple times to allow us to speak to a manager and when we finally were connected with a manager in the final hour of the phone call, the information provided to us was not sufficient enough to resolve the issue with our lender.

    We were told the next day that we would receive an email from their collections team before 5pm, but no one called. So, that evening we had to call them back only to be informed that the manager was no longer in the office as it was past business hours.

    On the third day, in the morning, we received a letter (with the information we required but not in the form of an official Verizon document (i.e. Verizon Letterhead, PDF). The day before this, we had received an inconvenience credit in the sum of $50 to go towards our next cell phone bill, but as of today the issue is still unresolved.

    We have been told that the customer service reps, along with their supervisors are not authorized to send us an official pdf, only emails, but they can't seem to figure out who to connect us to to get us the document we need.

    If we don't get this resolved by tomorrow, we risk not meeting the qualifications for our contract which means we can't get our house and we are out $3,500 (deposit).

    What can we do??

    Tl:dr we have been going back and forth with Verizon Wireless for 3 days, need official document to show credit bureau

    We are in Virginia

    submitted by /u/Opal_L
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    [Georgia] A 'friend' moved away without telling us while my husband's motorcycle was on his property for repairs. Now his old landlord has it in his storage and wants to charge us $300 in 'storage fees' to get it back. Is there anything we can do?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    It took us months to get the information to contact this dude because the 'friend' simply refused to communicate clearly with us. He lied to us about who had it, and sent us on a wild goose chase to figure out who he actually handed it over to, then blocked us everywhere. Now 3 or 4 months later, we finally got the number for his old landlord who apparently had it the whole time(we think it was just left at the property, come what may style), and is trying to charge us to have a bike we have the title to! We have no idea if it's even at a legitimate storage facility, or just in a shed somewhere.

    We thought about reporting it stolen, but during my husbands conversation with him today he told him that he contacted the sherriff here already and informed them he had it in order to avoid that, so that's not an option, I guess...?

    Is there any way we can resolve this without court, and without having to essentially repurchase the bike? We're so frustrated and just want our property back!

    submitted by /u/Graceless_Lady
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    Breeder is keeping animals in terrible conditions and abusing them. What can I do?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    A breeder is abusing and neglecting his animals. What can I do about it?

    Basically, today I went with some family to pick up a Lizard from someone who claimed to be a breeder. His home was a way's out and when we got there, there was a barn with a very skinny looking pony laying in front of it. There were also roosters and chickens, with some of them completely missing their neck feathers. The house was also very dirty and there were broken hamster cages and terrariums all over the place. I also live in Tennessee.

    When she got to his second "barn", well it was more like a shed with animals such as hamsters, rabbits, and Bearded Dragons in there. It was also freezing in there too. When we looked at the baby Bearded Dragons, they were malnourished and cold to the touch. There were just crickets walking all over the cage. One of them was very tiny and skinny compared to the others. Another one had it's nail completely broken off, and the third one looked okay at first glance other than not responding to much of anything. According to my aunt, all of them had black marks on them that indicated a high level of stress and they all had diarrhea. Not to mention that the cage literally only had one UV light and crickets and that was all. Not even a top to the cage. The "barn" also was colder than outside and smelled like death.

    We ended up leaving without a lizard and I can't get those poor babies out of my mind. I wanna call, but I heard that animal services won't do anything about it. I just want these babies to be okay and not be sick or in pain. Is there anything that I can do as I'm only fifteen?

    submitted by /u/save_the_beardies
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    Is what my husband doing legal?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    My husband works for the owner of a few restaurants that are part of a bigger chain (like olive garden, but not olive garden).

    Like every one, we have been hit hard by the corona virus. My husband's boss (boss) had to lay off all of his staff and go to take out and delivery only. But boss + his wife + their son can't do the cooking, cleaning, and delivering, so they proposed to my husband that he work as a delivery driver and whatever else needs to be done, but they still claim he is laid off for unemployment insurance. He gets to keep tips and they give him a percentage of sales every day, plus they are very good about sending home food with him for our family.

    Our unemployment alone is higher than what my husband makes working, so with this extra money we could finally pay off some debt and start to get a head a little bit.

    However, something just doesn't seem right to me. I'm scared that unemployment will make us pay them back if they find out, or that if the court finds out they could raise child support (I have two step kids that live with their mom). My husband says this isn't cheating because he's technically not employed And everyone cheats anyway.

    Can someone please tell me if this is illegal, and give me arguments to use on my husband?

    submitted by /u/cawicthrow
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    [New York State] Bought a house 2 months ago. Now that snow has melted and leaves are raked- found sharp broken glass all over backyard. Was not disclosed. Hundreds of pieces of all sizes and types. Photos included. What can we do?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    Recently bought a house in Steuben County, NY. It was built in 1890 and has seen many owners.

    It took us a bit to notice this issue as we had to wait for the snow the melt and to rake the 2 years of leaves that had collected in the yard. Then, we noticed a problem- Glass. Everywhere.

    Here is a quick diagram of our backyard. The slanted lines denote a bank/slope. Red is high amounts of glass, orange is glass is present, yellow is glass is rare.

    We started picking up the big chunks, thinking it was just a few broken bottles the neighbors tossed over or something. But then it continued. There's so much glass you can get a handful by just standing in a spot and looking around. All different colors, sizes, thicknesses. Some has patterns like a decoration, some is blue, green, brown, but mostly white. Sometimes it's a whole bottleneck or bottom of a bottle, but mostly it's just very small sharp pieces.

    There's also other crap like plastic bits, rusty metal, etc. But so far the most obvious is the abundance of glass.

    Here's a photo of glass found in a just 2-foot area. The little balls are seeds- ignore.

    We're in a location that freezes a lot, so this stuff just keeps heaving up. We can't just cover it with more dirt. We've already picked up over a hundred shards, big pieces of bottles, and it hasn't even made a difference.

    We think, based on the concentration, there was a very unclean fill done to make the slopes in our yard.

    This was undisclosed to us. Since it was winter when we purchased, we/our inspector had no way of seeing this Spring.

    Is there any legal recourse we have here?

    We are going to have to take off several feet of dirt from the yard and bring in new soil if we want it to be safe. We also have no idea if this fill contained hazardous materials (besides the glass), or if it's safe grow edible plants in it.


    submitted by /u/OutrageousPizza6
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    Boss hasn't paid us and literally ghosted me.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    Looking for some help specifically with labor law. In Chicago, IL. Have contacted IDOL, but they haven't seemed to be helpful.

    Here's the brief story:

    Boss sought me out and hired me in 10/19 for a full-time position for $60,000 a year, no benefits, no healthcare (I'm covered by partner, so not necessary). I was presented a contract, and accepted. I was also mislead about the state of the company. There were officially 3 employees, including myself. The website says there are 9 employees, and the office is a shared space I learned, so the other people I saw in the office upon interviewing work for another company.

    I learned after my first payment was late that his pattern is to pay late and that he has a history of missing payments. He Venmoed me my first paycheck. No paystub. So I forced him to get ADP for automatic payments. For 2 paychecks, he paid on time through ADP.

    Then, in November (I'm guessing the ADP free trial ran out), he had a lot of "traveling" to do, and we were instructed to work from home most of the time. Was paid, although late, via Venmo. Then in December, same thing... lot's of "travel", and he ended up paying us late, via Venmo. In January, we were again instructed to work from home. Was paid late, via Venmo, but still paid. Then in February... assignments stopped coming in. There was no discussion, just a slowing of work and an eventual lack of communication, and we were still working from home. But, after reminding him when payday was, I still got paid (late). He never provided a w-2, although promised one over and over.

    This went on through March (no projects, still being paid late through Venmo), and my last paycheck was on April 1 (no projects, still got paid). On April 15, we expected to be paid and were not. He has ghosted us. We should also be getting paid on May 1, but obviously I don't think that will happen. What is my legal recourse? I've filed unpaid wages with IDOL, but is there something I should be doing because he hasn't terminated or furloughed us but refuses to pay or give us work? We've been texting him daily to no answer.

    I obviously do not want to work for this person moving forward, but would like the money that I am owed due to our contract, and the potential for unemployment if he terminates me. But he hasn't filed for taxes as far as I'm aware, and this is a whole fucking mess that I think I need to retain legal counsel for.

    Happy to answer any questions for clarification. Sorry if this is confusing, I'm pretty mad right now as I write this.

    submitted by /u/TemporaryOne4
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    Can a 17 year old do work behind the bar in a restaurant in Michigan?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Wouldnt be dealing with alcohol, am i allowed to be behind the bar?

    submitted by /u/EmergencyPound
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    Furloughed spouse who is collecting u/e benefits received notice that employer is forcing them on FMLA and denying their benefits going fwd

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    I read through the Covid thread and used the search function prior to, so if this has already been answered elsewhere I apologize. We recently located to NC and my wife who works in the eye care industry is collecting unemployment as she is currently furloughed due to Covid. She received notice from a coworker that they are contacting the employees and notifying them that they are being forced into FMLA and that their weekly unemployment claims will be denied. The coworker stated that their company has received a loan from the government and that they would be exempt from having to pay it back if all employees were active and not furloughed.

    I'm still in the process of researching into any type of recourse and not even sure if we can do anything about it. That being said I still wanted to reach out on here to see if anyone else experienced a similar situation and what options we may have available to us.

    submitted by /u/MikeyRocks757
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    [Texas] City charges me for recycling but refuses to pick up my recycling

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Over a year ago my city switched trash services. They took our old trash cans and gave us two new ones - green for regular trash, blue for recyclable trash. They charge us an additional $7 a month for this new recycling service.

    We don't really live in a "normal" area of the city, so a dump truck has never showed up. It actually took over a month of me constantly calling the CWD office for them to finally send a city worker in a pick up truck to take everything. Ever since a city worker in a pickup truck has been taking our trash. He used to take the recycling too and just threw it in the bed of the truck with the other trash. There would be no way for him to identify what's being recycled or not. I called the CWD office again (multiple times) asking how the recycling is being managed, how is this city worker distinguishing trash from recyclables, why am I being charged for a service not provided, etc. I've been calling them for months now complaining about this.

    About four months ago, the guy stopped picking up my recyclables completely. I called CWD after like 3 weeks of my recycling bin just sitting on the curb ignored. They assured me they had set up a plan for a separate truck to come pick up my recyclables once every two weeks. That truck has yet to show up. Every time I call now they say they will send someone "right away" to come pick up my recyclables. I actually let everything pile up around that bin for two months to try and send a message. Now I'm just taking all of these recyclables and dumping them in a dumpster I rent at my shop. I'm still being charged $7 a month for a service not being provided.

    I don't know what to do at this point. I asked if they would just stop charging me for recycling and take everything as trash but CWD says the the recycling charge is a requirement as part of the city's contract with them. Do I need to hire a lawyer or is there someone in city government I should contact about this? It's pretty clear that CWD doesn't give a shit about me.

    submitted by /u/Pure_Coffee
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