• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Legal Advice - [California] Got a professional survey done and my neighbor has encroached 2.5 feet into my property. What are my next steps going forward and how can I protect myself from adverse property possession?

    Legal Advice - [California] Got a professional survey done and my neighbor has encroached 2.5 feet into my property. What are my next steps going forward and how can I protect myself from adverse property possession?

    [California] Got a professional survey done and my neighbor has encroached 2.5 feet into my property. What are my next steps going forward and how can I protect myself from adverse property possession?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    An approximate drawing of our property and the professional surveyor's property lines (dashed line):


    Background: There used to be a fence behind my garage that was 100% my property. Sometime within the last few years (I want to say 5~10? I want to prepare for the worst-case that this is indeed over California's adverse property possession threshold of 5 years), my neighbor destroyed that fence and set-up his own wooden fence in the exact same spot without my permission. This has since devolved into a long property line dispute. I have not touched his fence since he put it up in case I am not allowed to touch his property even though it's within my lines. Because of this fence, I have since lost access to my left garage wall. Furthermore, sometime within the last 5 years, my neighbor has raised the brick wall at the blue star higher so that I couldn't see what he was doing to my garage wall. I only recently found out he has damaged my garage wall (plaster, wall, etc. chipping off). If I knew he was destroying my garage wall like this, I would have acted faster. For reference, I was unemployed at this time so I could not afford a survey or a legal battle.

    I recently started working and with my new income, I got a property survey line done, and it has confirmed that my neighbor's wooden fence has encroached onto my property by about 2.5 feet. In addition, my surveyor found that my neighbor's side lawn has encroached onto my property by a similar amount. With that known, I want to build a wall separating my driveway from his sidelawn to make the boundaries more distinct. However, my neighbor has put sprinklers (red stars) on his side lawn for a long time now that would get in the way. However, he hasn't used them as his side lawn is actually mostly dead and has no vegetation.

    With this background now, I wanted to know what I should expect moving forward:

    1. How likely would my neighbor be able to retain that ~2.5 feet of encroachment next to my garage with a property line adverse possession claim? I've heard it's really hard to get those passed in California. I'm not sure if these points will help argue against it, but: 1. It may have passed 5 years since he's encroached, but that's because I couldn't afford to have a survey done at the time. 2. If he retains the encroached area next to my garage, I lose access to a wall of my garage, so I can't do things like fumigation, repainting, etc. 3. He purposely obstructed my view of that area by raising his fence higher at the blue star. 4. That left garage wall I don't have access to anymore has been damaged in the recent years although I guess I have no way of proving he did it

    2. His side lawn and sprinklers have also encroached onto my property for a while. However, that area has been kind of a "no-man's land" where neither of us wanted to do anything there in fear of overstepping the property line. For that reason, even though he has had sprinklers there for a while, he hasn't actually grown grass there or used his sprinklers at all. Is it likely he would get a property line adverse possession claim here?

    3. If he wants to push the property line towards where he gets that 2.5 feet, we lose access to a chunk of our driveway that is bordered by the brick walls. We put our trashcans and recycling bins there. Could that be used to help argue against any potential adverse possession claims by my neighbor? It would also be a complete headache if the property line gets pushed (with a successful adverse property possession claim from my neighbor) and that brick wall (that's been there longer than both of us) has to get demolished and replaced

    4. How do I go about removing his encroached property (the wooden fence and the sprinklers) to make room for the new fences I want to build closer to the property lines?

    Any feedback or guidance would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/howisthispossible11
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    Landlord thought we moved out. Now I'm missing $2000 worth of belongings as well as passport and social security card.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    This is in CA. So we signed a 30 day notice with a move out date of May 1, and we paid rent through that date. My roommate moves out his belongings, and since we live in different places now, he gives his key to the leasing office to make things easier so he wouldn't have to drive to the apartment or meet me to give me his key. I arrive a little over a day later, and the whole apartment is turned upside down, and I'm missing $2000 of belongings along with my passport and social security card.

    I called the police and they found no signs of forced entry. The apartment was locked when I arrived and before my roommate left. No one else has a key to the apartment besides me and management. I find out the next day that maintenance was sent to conduct a move-out inspection after my roommate turned in his key. Management spoke to maintenance and is still telling me that maintenance didn't take anything. What are my options here?

    submitted by /u/AppleFreakMB
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    My (29F) Husband (32M) served me with divorce papers last night and has been cheating on me our whole 10 year relationship.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    Hi everyone.. using a throwaway account because I know some of my friends follow here and know my username.

    So basically, like the title says: my husband has been cheating on me for our whole relationship of 10+years and served me with divorce papers..during quarantine. He wants me out of the apartment by next Friday but I am too embarrassed to tell my family. In my culture, no one gets a divorce and I don't know where to start.

    I know I need to get a lawyer but I'm completely confused and blindsided right now and would like advice before contacting a lawyer so I don't look as clueless as I am. He's being completely irrational and doesn't want me to have anything. Not the furniture in the house, the food in the fridge, or our dog. I'm hoping someone can help me out with the most important things below:

    First, We don't have a prenup. I met him when i was 19 and he had opened up his first restaurant in the city, I really thought we'd grow old together. I know, stupid of me not to cover my ass but i was with him for so long that i got really comfortable and couldn't imagine him doing this. We bought a condo in New York and most of it was paid for by me and my family but it is in his name. I'm scared of losing the house since my parents and I put so much into it. But, I also can't afford to keep the house on my own for more than a few months unless I ask my parents for help which I'm also embarrassed to ask for. Can his infidelity help me out here?

    Second, he bought me a car for my birthday just last year and is telling me i have to leave the car with him- so i have no way of moving any of my stuff out and would put myself at great risk of getting covid-19. Is he allowed to do this?

    Third, I am a co-signer on two of the small loans that he has on his restaurants. I'm also invested in them and they're a great second source of income, even in these times. How will the judge (or whoever ultimately makes the decision) determine whether or not I can maybe keep one of the restaurants or still collect revenue from them? Again, no prenup and my husband was unfaithful.

    I'd love to hear your advice. Any bit helps right now.

    submitted by /u/D_Throwaway1991
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    Apartment "lost" our $400 security deposit that we are owed.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    This occurred in the Charlotte-area of NC. We paid $400 for a security deposit when moving into an apartment complex back in January of 2018. We finally moved out January 31st, 2020 and were told that we would recieve our $400 security deposit after 30-40 days. On day 40, after not receiving said refund, we called the office multiple times and left multiple voicemails with no answer and no returned phone calls. After finally getting in touch with them, they told us that we were owed the deposit and it would be mailed shortly. After 20 or so more days, we still had not recieved a check. We got in touch with the office just for them to tell us that they would "get back to us soon". A few days later, we drove back to the old apartment complex which is about 40 minutes from us. We spoke with the property manager and that's when we were told that they are aware that we had paid the $400 security deposit (they had a copy of the original lease that showed that we paid the deposit), but at this point they do not know what happened to the money. They straight up told us that they "lost it". So at present, they are withholding our security deposit because they cannot "find it", and we have yet to hear anything back weeks later. Do I have any leg to stand on when discussing legal action against them?

    submitted by /u/krdearman
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    Wife Just Got Fired for Getting Tested for COVID

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    location: Tennessee

    My wife works at a nursing home. They now have a confirmed case and my wife was exposed. The admin at the nursing home did not inform employees that there was a positive case, wide found out thru coworkers who overheard the info be delivered. It was later confirmed this morning.

    After finding out she had been exposed, wife asked admin what she needed to do. She was told to do nothing, business as usual. After work, she decided to get tested at one of the local drive thru testing areas where she told that she should quarantine until she got the results in 2 days. Wife informed admin of what she was told and 30 mins later received a call from admin and corporate saying she needed to report for work because she would be exhibiting symptoms by now if she had it and that getting tested was extremely unprofessional. Wife said she would be at work - we have a young child so we don't have the luxury of saying no.

    This morning, wife is called into office and told she is being fired because of the unprofessional and fear inciting action of getting tested and informing the admin that she was told to quarantine until test results were back. That it would irreparably damage the reputation of the company if anyone found out she got tested after being exposed. We have audio recordings of both interactions that lay out exactly what happened and why she was fired, the events that led to such being she was told to do nothing after being exposed and she got tested anyway. Wife has never been in trouble at this place before. Never been written up, late, etc.

    I doubt there is any legal recourse here, especially considering most courts are closed anyway. But I'm also in the health care field and this seems just ridiculously unfair and like the establishment is trying there best to cover up the fact they have a case of COVID. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/burnerlegalhelp
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    Local UHaul rental place instructed us where to park and then had our car towed. The owner of the UHaul company also owns the towing company.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    The title says most of it. Yesterday my roommates and I were renting a uhaul to move from our house, when my roommate went to pick it up the man at the counter walked out with him to show him where to park his car (My other roommate was with him but couldn't drive it back) and the man said it would be fine right there. So my roommate parked in that exact location, and even double checked afterwards that it was the right spot. Well alright fair enough, the place seemed legit, the man at the counter seemed nice, and it wasn't in a sketchy area or anything. He and my other roommate drove the UHaul to our house, moved, and went to drop it off again.

    When they went back the car was gone. It had been towed away from the UHaul store. They then go into the UHaul store and the owner immediately gets irate saying that nobody told them to park there and that they're lying. The impound lot was about 100ft away from the UHaul place, and charged a $150 fee. They would not let my roommate have it back last night and said they'd have to wait until this morning. I had already left town at this point and was 3 hours away so there was not much I could do. My two roommates then had to Uber back to our house and sleep on the floor as it was completely empty and they didn't feel sure about getting a hotel.

    This morning they go to the impound lot which is strangely located literally right next to the UHaul store. The man who pops out is, who would have guessed, the same man that OWNS THE UHAUL STORE next door. He identifies himself as the owner of the impound lot as well. My friends once more calmly try to explain that his employee DID tell him to park there and that they double checked. The man quickly starts cursing at them and calling them liars. My roommates surrendered and paid the $150 fee and took the car seeing that there was no point in arguing, and they were exhausted. I honestly do not believe my roommates instigated the attitude from the man, I've known them for a very long time and they are very passive, the type that won't even send their food back at a restaurant if they were to get the completely wrong order.

    My question is, what recourse can and should be done about this? It's one thing that an employee told them to park there and then they had their car towed, but another thing completely that the guy who owns the UHaul store is the one that towed the car to his impound lot, instantly became hostile for no reason, cursed them out, and then charged them the full fee. If this isn't an outright and obvious scam then I don't know what is. My friend has called the UHaul corporate office but they basically said there's nothing they could do.

    Any suggestions?

    LOCATION: Kentucky

    submitted by /u/werd5
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    Forced to pay bail for the man who molested my daughter

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    I put my Grandfather in jail after I found out he was molesting my daughter from the ages of 3-6 years old. His bail was set for $2.5m. He posted bail which cost $250,000. $120,000 is still owed for which he put the house up for collateral. (The house where we lived with him for multiple years to watch over him after he had a stroke) I sued him for the house and we came to a settlement agreement which included him taking out a loan to pay for the Lien. He passed away before the agreement could be completed. In order to keep the house we have to pay the bail and my daughters attorney fees of $250,000. Is there any way to have the bail forgiven?

    submitted by /u/OriginalMiss85
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    I (41M) and being asked to work 20 hours a day, is that legal?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:57 PM PDT


    For legal purposes, I live/work in Pittsburgh, PA.

    I am a salaried employee, full-time employee.

    I have been working at a company for 6 months. As of right now, one of the projects I am on requires 12 hours a day to work on (I like that one and am all for the hours). I am being ask to take on another project that is actually 4 teams in one. If I am lucky, that would be 8 hours a day. I cannot emphasize how lucky I would need to be for that project to be 8 hours a day.

    Both projects requires weekend work, the 12 hour/week project is about 6 hours on the weekend and the new project no one knows for sure. I bet my left leg, it will be 12 hours a weekend.

    I approached my boss 2 weeks ago and he agreed I should only be on one. Today he told me that I have to do both because the Product Owner of the second project is leaving. This means that I am also taking on that new role and responsibilities.

    It is physically impossible to work 20 hours a day past a certain point. It is also impossible to succeed at both projects equally. Basically, one is going to fail. I asked him which one I should work on and he just stuttered.

    Do I have any legal protections from being asked to work 20 hours a day? Can I say no to working that much? I am lost here, please help.

    Thank you reddit!

    submitted by /u/pittsburghuseandtoss
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    My bank called cops to my house

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    I went into the bank to show proof of employment as they were saying my checks from my employer were suspicious. Nevertheless I come with my business card, pay stubs and health care cards all with company info clearly showing 0 inconsistencies. The teller asked why I need my money so desperately and I responded I need to buy groceries, pay my bills and buy my medication. He oversteps his boundaries and asks what medication I replied anti-depressants. No problems they can lift the hold that day, no problem; I leave! Fast forward an hour and I am eating lunch with my brother and cops come to do a welfare check on me because the teller claimed I was going to self harm. Can I sue capital one for this?

    submitted by /u/Rla914
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    Employer prevented me from accepting better position by threatening hiring company - North Carolina

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I was approached by a recruiter about a new position and after a few months of interviewing and getting to know the new company (company B) I accepted an offer. The offer increased my salary by over 25% and the position would be a promotion from what I am doing now. After letting my supervisor at current company (company A) know I had accepted another offer the news eventually made it to the CEO of company A. Company A is currently working on a project for Company B who is the owner of said project. Company A CEO called up company B and demanded they do not hire me or company A would walk away from the project leaving company B stranded with tight timelines to finish the project. Company B has since let me know that they will not be moving forward with hiring me due to the financial impact they could endure if Company A walks away from the project.

    I have not been directly involved with this project, I am not a manager level employee, and do not have any industry secrets that would hurt Company A if I left. I did not sign a non-compete when I started at company A (and I could argue that the companies are not competitors anyhow). I am an at-will employee at company A.

    Do I have a legal case against Company A over lost wages and future potential income due to the position being a promotion?

    submitted by /u/Lemonmoisttowelette
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    Landlord kicked me out and has all my family's belongings locked in the apartment.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    I live in Ohio. Like the title says, he has all of our belongings locked up in the apartment and says my "Times Up". Hes never given me an eviction notice just he has told me I "have got to go" via phone call a week or two ago and I've been moving out since then but due to COVID-19, work, and house hunting I haven't had time to grab the last bit of stuff for my family.

    I dont know what legally I can do about this situation and I'm afraid all of my family portraits and photos will be lost

    submitted by /u/theMightyKiwiCat
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    I’m pretty sure there are cameras in my bedroom’s smoke alarm. I’m a teenager.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a bit panicked. Also not exactly sure what to flair this.

    I'm pretty sure there are cameras hidden in the smoke detectors in my house. I've done my research, Ive done all of the tests on wikihow, and I don't know where to go from here.

    To start, I'm a 15 year old girl. I live with my parents and a sibling. My dad has always joked about it, things like "oh yeah, there are cameras in the fire alarms, so don't eat all the ice cream." I thought it was just a scare tactic, I thought there was no way they'd do that. But, I'm getting worried now, as I'm getting older and they're getting shadier and last time the fire alarms went off (they're all connected), the one in my bedroom didn't. I use my bedroom for normal things, sleeping, changing, and, ahem, teenager things.

    What are the legalities of this? Is it illegal? I don't know much about law but I'm worried it might be true. I'm in Massachusetts.

    TLDR: 15 years old, in Massachusetts, afraid my parents are recording me through the smoke alarms, what do I do

    edit: Ive already taken it down. I want to know if I can take legal action against them and if there's something I can do about the footage.

    submitted by /u/im-just-another-anon
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    Parent passed away and left the house to his 3 children (KS)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    My grandfather passed away and left his house to his 3 sons. It was appraised for $90k. My father is gifting me his third and so is one of his brothers. I offered the third brother $30k initially to be able to purchase the property. He turned it down so I offered him $40k. Now he is claiming that since his two brothers are just "giving it away" he should get the full $90k for the property. This bickering back and forth has gone on for over a year now and I have been paying the property taxes on this place during all of it. At this point I'm tired of it. I was wondering if my dad and his brother could legally sign the house over to me without the third brother. I tried to be reasonable, but enough is enough.

    submitted by /u/bubbz41
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    With the covid slowdown, everyone in our department is being asked to sign vrh paperwork with a 10% reduction in hours to prevent any of our staff from having to be furloughed. I'm not a fan of the wording in this document.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    What is this line actually saying?

    "Because you have requested a voluntary reduction in the number of hours you are working, you are notified that for Wisconsin Unemployment Insurance purposes, your reduction in hours may be considered a quit. Any wages that you earn while you are working the reduced hours may not be used to satisfy the quit requalification provision."

    Thank you in advance for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Thumpr550
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    Found out that there is a hospital bill that got sent to collections about 6 years ago. They have never reached out and apparently the hospital put down the wrong address. I was 18 going into 19 and assumed my parents handled it. The amount is 8,000 dollars. What do I do?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    So I applied for a credit card and got denied. I checked with the credit bureau and saw a collection bill from 6 years ago. First they said it was for 8,000 dollars then when I called for more information they said 10,000 dollars. I called the hospital and said they can't help since it was so long ago. What do I do? Does my age, the wrong address, and not reaching out to me give me enough of a case to get a lawyer?

    Should mention I'm in California. Hospital was real visit. I got an IV while there that was it. I'm not sure if my insurance picked any of it up.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/DisMyRedditAccoubt
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    My brother is married but split up from his wife. He bought a house a few months ago and wants to make sure she is released as an 'owner' of the house.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Location: Minnesota

    The divorce has been delayed for reasons I won't go into but hopefully it will start soon. He thinks he has to have her sign a quitclaim deed but after reading a little bit about what that document is for I'm not so sure.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/megatron51
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    My boss wants me to pay back the PPP check

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    So basically I work in food service for a very small business and haven't been working for the past couple weeks due to Covid19. My boss told me he was applying for the PPP when he closed the store. He called me the other day to explain that the money had come in and that he would start to pay me for the time I have been out. He then proceeded to say that I when we open back up and I am working again he will take the PPP money he gave me from my check, until it's been "paid off". On Friday, my usual payday when I'm working, he gave me a 25 hour check. Not even a full 40 hour check which is what I was working before. Like a lot of people during this pandemic, I am very tight on money and already behind on bills. This doesn't sound right to me. Do I really need to pay back all this money when things open back up again??

    submitted by /u/c0nstance99
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    [Update] [USA] I believe I was wrongly denied the ability to purchase a firearm.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/fkbkqi/usa_i_believe_i_was_wrongly_denied_the_ability_to/

    So this probation officer got into the replies and said the first thing I needed to do was verify my entire criminal history. I got a PACER account and found it. The only crime I had been convicted of has a punishment of NOT MORE THAN one year so I thought I should be good. I was very nervous though because if I was wrong it would mean that I potentially committed a felony by marking that I was legally allowed to own a firearm on the purchase form.

    I went to my local police and got my fingerprints taken and assembled all of the information needed to challenge a denial. I sent it in and I just got this back instructing the FFL I went to that I am good to go!

    I am really thankful to the guy who told me to pursue this even though it was a pain.


    submitted by /u/gunthrowaway987654
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    2 Noise complaint for toddler in apartment

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Need urgent help!! Received 2 official written noise complaints from apartment management for normal kid(toddler) activities during day time. I am living with my wife and 20 months old kid in 2 bedroom apartment. Everyone's name is on official lease, current lease expires on 25th Jan 2021.

    In second notice, we are told that during third notice, we will be given 10-day notice.

    First Email Notice - https://imgur.com/eCI4Vgf

    First Email notice answer by myself - https://imgur.com/UQkGLGu

    Second physical notice - https://imgur.com/zFenlR3

    In second notice, we are accused of breaching quite hours while our toddler sleeps from 8 pm to 10 am CT most days so we know that complain is further from truth and is about day time noise. Such notices at the virus time is causing lots of stress to me and my family with the fear of 10-day eviction notice.

    Does anyone have experience with such noise complaint letter from apartment management?

    I know one neighbor who looks like hating my kid and complaining as she bangs her door and walls once my toddler wakes up at 10-11 am CT as she might cry for 2-3 minutes when she wakes up as she is hungry and it is her way to communicate until she starts speaking every words.

    I have below specific questions:

    1.) Is it allowed to give 10-day notice for normal toddler activities in apartment?

    2.) What are my options? I have already replied to first notice email but no one is responding from management. I am planning to call management today but would like to understand such situation before hand if anyone has experience in handling noise complaint from management. I had provided options to put extra push rugs if apartment noise isolation is not effective but I have not received any reply to my email.

    3.) My neighbor keeps showing very aggressive behavior from her apartment for normal toddler activities and she never contacted us directly so I am refraining from approaching her since I do not want to use that as a legal way for her to accuse me or my family of any harassment.

    4.) I am on non-immigrant visa (H1B) and left with 1 year maxout with green card possibility (but it might not materialize on time if delay) hence I was trying to avoid legal ways like attorney to answer such notices as it can cost money and time but I would love to take that option if I am treated unfairly and left with 10 day notice during such virus time which can endanger my family's safety. I am in Chicago, cook county, Illinois, do we you know any government resource which can help to fight this? My office provides legal option through metlife for light legal work which I have chosen and although I am not sure if this scenario is covered in that coverage or not.

    5.) In worst case, if this goes against me, what is this 10-day notice? Is it eviction record on my credit report since I was asked to submit SSN at the time of renting as I am working, will it ruin my chance to rent apartment in future? Will I break a lease as part of 10-day notice and have to take financial burden of paying 2 months of rent as penalty in addition to evicting?

    Thanks in advance for your efforts to read and if you respond to this. Please stay safe and stay healthy.

    submitted by /u/dhavalxxxx
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    My neighbor is trying to steal my dog

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    I'm in California. This is going to seem like a bizarre situation because it is. I got a puppy a few months ago, and my neighbor has been trying to get us to bring her over for a play date with her dog. We want nothing to do with these people, so we brushed her off. About a week ago, the neighbor egged her on to jump over the fence to come play with her dog. Didn't ask us. So we go over to get our dog when we see her over there. Now our dog thinks she can go over whenever she wants. Our neighbor is super ok with it though. Doesn't to tell us when she is over. We have been trying to reinforce the fence, but our puppy keeps finding ways to get through. We ordered some new metal fences, but there is still like 2 weeks till they arrive. It wasn't a huge issue till last night. Our puppy went over and they tried to let us leave her there over night. Then when she went over again this morning, she said if we don't want her she would gladly take her off our hands. This lady had absolutely no boundaries. Is there anything I can do legally about this? Or no because my dog is on their property? It's gotten to the point where we aren't letting our dog outside without supervision, and it's frustrating that we have to take that freedom from our dog because our neighbor wants to get her hands on her. We can't train her not to do it either because the neighbor encourages her jumping.

    submitted by /u/ssmike27
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    My friend needs a place to stay, and their mom is willing to let them run away. How do I make sure I don’t get in trouble for harboring a runaway?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:12 PM PDT


    My friend (13 years old) is in a bad family situation. Both their mother and father are abusive, their father having beat them when they were younger and is a raging alcoholic and drug addict. He has been to rehab, and is not getting better. Their mother on the other hand is, on occasion, verbally abusive, and has been physically abusive when they were younger. The father is the main issue. He got back from rehab and was fine for a while, and it was probably the happiest i had seen my friend, but within a week their dad was back on drugs. This has been going on for years.

    Ever since their father got back on drugs, their mother said they would be moving out in August. It was the final straw, as he had been given too many chances. We thought this was great because they'd finally be away from their father, but now their mother is once again going back on her word, saying that "if he gets better again, we'll stay", just like she had time and time again. The bottom line is, she is probably never leaving him. She is a woman trapped in an abusive relationship that she is unwilling to leave, despite the concern it brings to the safety of her children.

    Recently, my friend and their dad got in an argument. This argument consisted of him threatening to strangle them with a cord and choke them to death, all while I was FaceTiming them. That fight resulted in their phone being taken, and their mother informed me that they would not have their phone for the next two days. They messages me through discord and informed me that they had a conversation with their mother. My friend told their mom they would run away if she hadn't left their father by August when they were supposed to be moving out. Their mother in turn said "that's fine, as long as you have somewhere safe to stay" (which seems like it would go against a mother's morals, but maybe she is concerned about her kids safety after all).

    This leads me to my question. I live almost eight hours away from this friend, and I myself am also a minor. I know that if my mom were to pick this friend up from their state, we would be harboring a runaway and could get arrested for kidnapping. But we do have verbal consent from their mother, just no proof of this verbal consent. What sort of documentation would we have to use to make it legal to take my friend in? If we got a signature on a hand written slip of paper explaining, would that be enough? Are there any official legal documents we could print out and have their mother sign, would that be enough? Can we do this without a lawyer?

    How do we take them in without getting in trouble if their mother is willing to comply?

    Sorry for the long post, and for my bad explaining. I'm only a kid in my freshman year concerned about my friend. They're the most important thing in the world to me, and I can't stand to see them get hurt any longer.

    For those of you who will suggest police or cps, we have tried. It's a lost cause. The police in their area are terrible and don't help.

    The friend lives in South Carolina, and they'd be staying with me in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/iwannabek1ng
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    Website I used to write for continued to post articles under my name that I didn’t write

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. Thanks in advance for your help.

    Tl;dr: a company I used to write for has been posting articles with my name as the writer, even though I didn't write them, and I've been harassed because of this.

    I am very active on social media and post content and articles on my blog and social media channels. I've also turned it into a small business over the course of the last few years. In addition, I used to freelance for a prominent media company and wrote articles for their site. I stopped writing for them in 2016. However, on their website you can still access my author page where it links to my personal social media and all articles I've written for them.

    Today I started receiving multiple messages on my social media channels from someone asking me to contact them about an image I used as an author for this website without their permission, demanding that I take it down. I didn't see the comments right away and they started leaving comments on multiple posts of mine, harassing me and saying things like "you are the reason why people are afraid to use social media." I reached out to find out what article they were referring to, only to find that the article had my name on it but I did not write it.

    Upon further investigation, I noticed more and more articles on my author page claimed to be written by me but that I did not write. There are a couple of articles dated "a year ago" even though I stopped writing for this site in 2016. In some of these articles I did not write, there are also links that promote products that are competitors to companies that I personally am sponsored by.

    I've taken screenshots of the messages and articles that I did not write and have records of all articles I wrote and invoiced for with this media company. I want to know what I should do.

    I'm located in California. The media company is in New York. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

    submitted by /u/throwawaydugong
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    I am contracted to a company who is keeping our JobKeeper (COVID-19 Relief) payments and giving it to other employees

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    I am contracted to a company and work in IT services for said company.

    In Australia, to help people in need because of COVID-19, the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) have given people $1500 per fortnight to eligible employees. There are a few restrictions that will make you eligible ( https://treasury.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-04/Fact_sheet_JobKeeper_Info_for_Employers.pdf )

    At the start of the pandemic once sales went down, all employees received a 25% pay deduction to keep the company afloat and as of this morning we received an email saying we are all eligible for the Job Keeper payments but they will be keeping the $1500 and giving it to other employees that have been stood down, allowing them to be earning 75% of their pay.

    As someone who is still an essential worker can my employee take away my relief payment and if not how can I stop them.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Jaypap225
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    Dog poop and trespass

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:54 AM PDT


    So today, as I was staring out my window in isolation, and I observed a couple walking their dog through my yard. This happens quite regularly as it at the end of my driveway and leads to a large open private field. Cars used to access the area from my driveway, but we're destroying my yard, so I asked the property owner to install a barrier. They did, and I have been trying to let that area of access grow back into a wooded area, so a few months ago, I put up no trespassing signs and guests only signs. It has cut down on the foot traffic, and I don't mind some access to the field as long as people are respectful of the property.

    I kept watching the couple, and I observed what looked like the dog defecating in our yard and then they walked off. I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys to check, and they did leave their dogs shit in my yard, so I jumped in my car and confronted them.

    Long story short, I asked them to pick it up, which they did, and I told them twice not to trespass on my property again. Then they walked off. The whole interaction was not pleasant, but I remained calm. They did not apologize but instead wanted to debate me on where my property line is. I know where the property line is, and they were on it.

    What should I do if they come back? If I call the police, will they just likely take a formal report and advise them not to trespass again, or should I file a report now?

    Keep in mind these are neighbors down the street, but I don't know where they live or their names. I have a video of the incident, but it happened pretty far away from my house. We have rented this house for the past 11 years, and I maintain the property. We love living here, but every year we find more trash and poop in our yard. Any advice would be helpful.


    New York

    submitted by /u/fogdumpster
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    Landlord told us he would lease our college apartment to us over the summer then leased it to someone else and wants us out ASAP.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    Hi, so I am currently a college student in PA. me and my buddies rented out an apartment for a full school year term (2 semesters). When we signed the lease and our parents met with the landlord he told us the place was ours for the summer for 300 dollars and we told him that sounded great. fast forward to now he recently contacted us and told us we need to be out by Saturday May 2nd as he has leased it to someone else over the summer. We were expecting our new lease for the summer at the end of this week as that is what he said he would do when we signed our first lease. I reached out to my new landlord for the next college term since we are renting a new place and asked when we could move in and explained our situation. He told us we could move in May 8th. The problem is that our current landlord wants us out by Saturday May 2nd. I asked my current landlord if we could stay at least till May 8th so we can move in to our new place and move our stuff into there but he said absolutely not. He also said if we are still there on Saturday May 2nd that he would contact the police for trespassing and I quote "throw our shit out onto the curb". What are my options here? I have read online that after the lease is over he can file an eviction notice and we have 15 days to leave after that. That would be fine cause we would be able to move into our new place in that 15 day period. I just wanted to double check on here. Thank you guys very much!

    Note: I currently have an internship up at school so going to stay with my parents for the 6 days is not an option.

    submitted by /u/danielcl17
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