• Breaking News

    Monday, April 27, 2020

    Legal Advice - I recieved the $1200 stimulus check. I'm not a US resident nor in the US

    Legal Advice - I recieved the $1200 stimulus check. I'm not a US resident nor in the US

    I recieved the $1200 stimulus check. I'm not a US resident nor in the US

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I was in the US from december to march working in Maryland as part of an international exchange program( J-1 visa, for international students and seasonal workers) . I have SSN and payed taxes for that period of time, but I went back to my country just before the coronavirus pandemic got bad.

    I know some of the people I worked with, who were in the same program ( none of us US residents) got the stumulus check and used the money. What happens if i get it deposited on my account? How do I return that money? Will I get in trouble with the IRS?

    EDIT: I understand this is not my money, I won't cash it. Thanks for the advice and stay safe :)

    submitted by /u/Fa-2400
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    Someone fraudulently published my original composition and is now STEALING my ad revenue.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    [First post here, please let me know if I've flaired wrong or something]

    So in 2018, I published my best composition as of yet on YouTube (but no other music distributors), and it was reasonably successful. In the last week, someone has downloaded the audio I used and published it under a pseudonym through a music distributor. They have then copyright claimed my original video from 2 years ago, and are taking 100% of the ad revenue. Their stolen audio is also available on all major music streaming platforms. I believe that since they went through a publisher and I didn't, YouTube's Content ID gives them the benefit of the doubt, and not me (their uploads didn't show up as copies of my video).

    I am unsure what I can do, as any disputes to their copyright claim require them to voluntarily retract their claim; they can just say no, and then copyright strike me. My composition is not registered through a copyright agency, although it is copyrighted by default (in Australia, any work of art is automatically copyrighted upon publication).

    I have copies of the project file from various points throughout the composition's development, and my video was published almost 2 years before they published their album containing it.

    Is there a way that I can:

    • Get their content taken down

    • Force their copyright claim to be retracted, without risk to my original video or my YouTube channel,

    • Regain any revenue that I may lose in the process, including revenue from their published copies

    without resorting to legal action (I'm a broke teenager and I don't have the time to deal with a court case)?

    Thanks in advance to anyone with any ideas! I need them.

    submitted by /u/HDSQ
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    I'm becoming increasingly unsure that I'm in a legitimate adult foster care home right now.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    A little while ago I made a post here asking how to find out ways of looking up the health investigation services for foster care in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. I've been living in an adult foster care situation since September and I've had a lot of concerns that the staff aren't really trying to address, and I can't find any information for their higher ups at all. The one site I can find for the business name links to a guy that comes by the house that I'm pretty sure isn't the main boss, and there's no contact on the site other than him.

    No one's ever come by to make sure this place is up to any kind of health or safety code, and it's definitely not. Most of the people here don't know how to handle my meds unless I tell them, and I've had multiple instances of being fed foods I'm actively allergic to. I can also only pay for room and board through money orders; my SSI covers my stay, but the money is sent directly to me, and when I wrote them a check they told me it had to be given via money order instead, no way to do a transaction through my bank according to them.

    I don't know if this is how adult foster care usually operates (if so, this is a shitty system), but this whole place comes across as really shady and I was wondering if there was a way for me to do something about it if I felt they were maybe not a legitimate place of business.

    submitted by /u/carrionjazz
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    I’m renting a Condo through a third-party company and the HOA put up a camera to watch my door and it’s streaming directly to the president of the HOA’s phone.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Like the title says, I'm renting a condo in WA state and the owner lives out of the US. The 3rd party rental company is the only contact I have, the owner doesn't contact us directly and we don't contact them. There is a property manager on site, and he handles things with the 3rd party rental company as well, the property manager works with the HOA and is their representative.

    Early last Sunday morning a camera was put up facing my door and the neighbor across the hall's door. We did not receive any notice that a camera would be installed, nor did they ask for our consent. It is possible that the HOA notified all the owners and that the owners did not notify me that a camera was being installed.

    I asked the property manager today what he knew about the camera, he said that it was "a new security measure" and that "it will probably be down in a couple weeks". I asked him where the camera feed was going and who was watching my door, he said it went directly to the president of the HOA's cell phone. I asked if the video of me falling down the stairs was going to end up on YouTube, he laughed and said "maybe!"

    I'm hoping that he was joking. I'm unsettled, and I'm unhappy a camera was pointed at my door without my knowledge or consent. Is there anything I could/should do? Thanks, I'm not sure what's going on here exactly.

    submitted by /u/litt1e_spoon
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    Fiancée (Canadian citizen) is staying with me (US citizen, Texas) for quarantine and we would like to go ahead and get "court-married" since we've put wedding plans on hold due to Covid. Would this be okay considering she entered US as a tourist?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    We've been together for 3 years, long distance (she lives and works in Alberta, I'm in Texas) and we were planning on getting married in December. However we've decided to postpone with the current situation but we'd like to get married now if possible. I know there's the K1 visa path but we would like to know if it would be improper for her to get married while here as a tourist. She came down in March just before the lockdowns and has been with me since (believe she's allowed to be here 6 months?)

    If it helps, she has a law degree from a Texas University, a Texas Bar license and is readily employable.

    Edit: Fiancée will not being staying indefinitely if we get married. She will return when her offices open (presumably in the next five months). In a nutshell, her long-term plan is to have her employer transfer her to their office in my city and sponsor her.

    submitted by /u/RishFromTexas
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    Employer spying via webcam (Wisconsin)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Wisconsin. Not sure whether to flair this as computers or employment. Throwaway.

    My whole company has been working from home for several weeks, using company-provided laptops. Today I found out from my manager that they have software installed on everyone's computers that allows them to turn on and watch through the webcam at any time. There is no indication on the screen or hardware that the webcam is turned on.

    They have supposedly been using this to make sure employees are at their computer when they say they are. This would be fine if they informed us, but they deliberately didn't tell anyone they had this capability because they were hoping to "catch cheaters." I haven't always been fully dressed when I'm working, since I thought no one could see me, and I'm terrified of what my boss might have seen. I don't even know who or how many people might have had access.

    Does this break any privacy laws or anything? What can I do if it does?

    Edit: Not looking for ways to cover the webcam, just advice as to whether this was legal. If I cover the webcam, they'll assume I'm hiding something. Now that I know it's happening, I can make sure I'm clothed anyway.

    submitted by /u/HauntingMeasurement3
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    [LA] My boss is rewarding people who intentionally give themselves carotenosis for political reasons

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Throwaway, I work in Louisiana.

    I work for a small business (non-essential, but almost everyone works from home under normal circumstances so we have barely been affected). There are over thirty employees.

    My boss is very politically motivated, and it is impossible to get the job without pretending to agree with his political opinions. I know I can't prove this legally and I don't expect to.

    This week my boss sent out a company email with multiple pictures of himself in a bathing suit. His face, forearms, and hands were discolored. The email went on to explain that he has intentionally given himself carotenosis, which happens when a person consumes too much carotenoids (they're in carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, etc). As far as I can find, this is only aesthetic and not dangerous.

    As part of an attempted media stunt, my boss wants to have as many people in the company purposefully give themselves carotenosis and then have a photoshoot with overt political themes in support of a sitting politician. We aren't allowed "cheat" with spray tans or paint. He is offering $1000 to each man and $1500 to each woman who will do this. He also stated that it will help to get you on his "good side", language he has used in the past when discussing promotions and bonuses. He hinted in a subtle way that I don't think is provable that there may be retaliation for people who don't do it or try.

    Is this legal? He's selectively rewarding employees who promote his political ideology.

    submitted by /u/noxomatic
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    Landlord threatening to raise rent unless we pay him 6 months in advance (NY)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    This is in NY State, but not NYC. Tenants currently pay the landlord $2000/mo. Today the landlord called and asked tenants to pay for 5 or 6 months in advance (so give him $10000-12000 instead of $2000), instead of just May-June rent, when he comes to collect rent this weekend. Tenants refused, as they don't have $10,000 right now, and he said outright that the tenants we do not pay 5-6mo in advance he will permanently raise their rent by $200/mo, but if they do he will not.

    There is no official lease. Tenants have been paying rent month to month (but sometimes longer periods of time, like 6 mo, when the landlord requested and the tenants had enough money) for over 10 years for the same property. There is proof of payment every month, but I don't know whether the dates are all accurate.

    Is what he is doing legal? What if any measures can/should the tenants take? All advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/AfterTwo2
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    Independently released a song that went on to be a hit 2 years later. Record company offering me a contract to sign the song tomorrow. What do I do?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    2 years ago I independently released my debut song that went on to chart top 10 globally. I don't have a manager, I don't have a music lawyer, i don't have anyone. It is literally just me. Tomorrow a record company I've been in talks with is offering me a written contract to sign just this song, not myself and future work (unlike traditional record companies).

    The deal is structured somewhere along the lines of 50/50 split on stream royalties for the 1 song for 5 years. I still retain 100% ownership of the master of my song. Their end of the deal offers marketing, advertising, releasing new versions of the song (remixes/features), etc.

    Where do I start? What type of lawyer do I contact? How do I go about finding the lawyer? What do I look out for? About how much will a lawyer cost?

    submitted by /u/iBuyExclusiveRights
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    Cops damaged my car

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Located in Virginia, USA

    A neighbor tried to have my car towed for parking in "her spot" by calling the police and saying it was abandoned. (My road has street parking only, nobody is entitled to a specific parking spot, so they were just being petty. I have lived here for a year, so they should have recognized my car too.)

    I was in an accident a couple months ago, so apparently the cosmetic damage to the front along with a neighbor claiming it was abandoned ( although I had been parked there for less than a day) made the police suspect I could have stumbled into the woods like an injured dog? At least that's what they claimed.

    The officer broke into my car, found some mail with my address on it (literally only a few houses up the street) and came to tell me.

    They damaged the locks on my car and I'm pissed. I was parked legally and literally did nothing wrong and now my property is damaged and my car won't lock properly, hurting resale value and probably making it way easier to break into.

    Can I make them compensate me for the locks? How would I go about doing this?

    Tl/Dr: cops damaged one of my car locks when I did nothing wrong based on a false claims from a neighbor.

    submitted by /u/dice_tea_books
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    Credit union combined my accounts against my wishes showing a private account to my abusive husband

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Several years ago I joined a credit union. And then a few years later I got married and turned the account into a joint account with my husband.

    Unfortunately my husband was abusive so not too long after getting married I went into a branch to open a private/secret account to help facilitate my escape.

    I didn't go into detail with the man that opened the account but I asked several different ways if my husband could have access to the account and was told no. There was no way since he was not on the account.

    There was online banking as well as an app. The joint account had one login and password and the private account had another login and password.

    About a year after opening the account the credit union revamped the online/app banking and when they did that they combined the two accounts on the same app/online banking.

    My login for my private account no longer worked. Instead the login for the joint account would show our joint account and underneath that would show my private account. You could then click my private account and get into that account. You could then see how much I had in the account, my transactions, and you could transfer money from my private account to the joint.

    Needless to say this caused major problems with my husband and my escape.

    In 2018 I finally left my husband and then a few months later he died. I closed the two accounts in 2018 and opened up a bank account somewhere else.

    It's taken me until now to wake up from the fog. I've been on autopilot due to the mess with him and other things so I had not said anything to the credit union about what happened.

    I contacted the credit union today to explain what happened so that they could look into what happened and prevent it from happening in the future but I was brushed off. They never asked my name, I offered to give them my name and any other info they needed to get into the accounts and I was told they didn't need to and would tell "the appropriate department". I asked what department and was told "the appropriate department" I asked for a follow up and it wasn't until I asked for a follow up phone call for the 3rd time that the man asked me for my phone number.

    I need them to take this seriously. This could have been a very different outcome. I was lucky, he didn't kill me but the next abused spouse may not be as lucky.

    So who do I contact to get them to take this seriously? Is there a regulatory body I need to contact? I know credit unions are a bit different than banks but I don't know who to contact beyond the credit union so that I can make sure this is taken seriously.

    submitted by /u/anon3659176
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    Neighbor Intimidation? Oregon USA

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    The short of it is that a neighbor, who the police have asked to not contact us, and has bullied/intimidated my wife, now stands in his yard at the edge of our property and tries to interact with my toddler whenever my wife is playing with him in the yard.

    Not really sure what to do here, which I guess is pretty standard for posts in this sub.

    I moved into a new house 2 years ago, and immediately one of the neighbors started giving me grief. He is a retired left-wing new age intellectual type guy and lives with his wife and they have adult children that have moved out.

    The neighbors wife is a teacher, and seems really nice, she says hi to my whenever she sees me outside.

    The incidents started small with him calling the city about permitting etc when I was following permitting and the city come out and left saying I should talk to my neighbor. I did and he just yelled at me about how he had to 'do his due diligence'. Ok fine.

    The next incident was when I came home and he was stacking 'free box'/curbside-giveaway stuff in several cardboard boxes into my front yard where its adjacent to the street. I asked him not to do that, and he said he had always put his stuff there because his house is on a flag lot and the old lady that lived in my house didn't mind when he did "for the last 10 years". I told him she didn't live there anymore and to please not put stuff in my yard. He got pretty belligerent screaming in my face and I backed down and said how about a compromise if it's still here the day after tomorrow please remove it. He then started yelling at me all kinds of names and an electrician I had working on my house at the time came out to the street and told the neighbor to calm down, at which point he walked away calling his wife on his cellphone and yelling about me. After this I went to the police station and filed a complaint but declined to have the police talk to him. when I got home from the police station he came over and said his wife "said I was going to be a good teacher for him", and I offered him a beer and he declined and went home.

    The third incident happened maybe a year so maybe summer of 2019, and it regards my car parked on the street directly in front of my house. I don't have offstreet parking so my wife and I park our two cars on the street directly in front of my house, not that it matters but both cars fit directly in front of my property parallel parked against the curb, neither is in front of anyone else's property. This is in a residential area just off of a busy downtown and lots of the houses don't have off street parking and instead the people park on the streets in front of there houses. I had been parking my car directly in front of my house the whole time since I'd moved in. But in the summer-ish of 2019 I found a note on my windshield saying "parking on the street was for residents and their guests only" and that my car would be reported and towed if it wasn't moved by the nest day, I assumed it was from him but it wasn't signed. So I went to the police station and spoke to the parking enforcement guys and left them my registration and address and the officer said they wouldn't tow it if it was reported. Another neighbor told me that the angry neighbor had had a party the night before and that he was upset his guests couldn't park in front of my house as they did when the old lady who had no car lived there.

    This is where it gets bad. A few days after the expiration of the date on the note. My wife came home from visiting her folks in California and pulled up to park in front of our house on the right hand side (drivers door towards the street), and the neighbor and his wife happened to be walking up the sidewalk at that time. So the neighbor that this post is about, walked around my wifes car to the drivers door on the street when she was opening it, and stood outside the door with it half open not letting her open it all the way blocking it with his body and started yelling at her about my car being parked there. She says she told him to talk to me and that she was tired from a long drive and wanted to go inside. She says he kept screaming "tell him its on" over and over again and wouldn't move from blocking her door. My wife says the neighbors wife just stood on the sidewalk and watched and didn't say anything. My wife says she closed the car door and he screamed "tell him its on" a few more times at her through the window and then went away. When I got home from work an hour or so later and my wife told me this story, I went to the police station and made another complaint, the officer told me he "was going to go talk to him in person and tell him to find something better to do and not to talk to us anymore". I saw the police officer talking to him in front of his house maybe half an hour after I got home from the police station.

    So here we are now. The weather is warm and I've cleaned up my back yard so my kid can play in it. Today I went outside with the wife and the toddler and we were playing in the yard. After a bit I noticed my kid (1.5 years old) pointing towards his yard, and I looked and the neighbor was standing at the edge of his yard in a weird spot where he could overlook our yard and crouched down for line of sight under a tree and was making faces and waving at my child getting his attention. I ignored this and offered my kid a rock from the ground to distract him and a minute or so later my kid is pointing again and I look and the neighbor is still there waving. I look at him and shook my head and he just gives me this huge grin and keeps waving at my kid. So I got up and led my kid back into my house. I told my wife about this, and she says he does it often when she goes outside and its why she doesn't like going in the yard anymore, which made me really sad.

    So, I don't really know what to do., I found myself looking at HELOC loans for a fence but I realize a fence (limited to 6 ft here) wouldn't do much, as his property overlooks ours, so now I'm on reddit writing this post. I already feel like moving, but its pretty tough financially and emotionally to look at moving after only moving in here 2 years ago.

    Is what he is doing constitute harassment?

    submitted by /u/DisastrousGap0
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    I believe my tenant is trying to extort money from me...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    During these times (Covid-19 of course) I imagine there are a lot of landlords that are dealing with difficult situations with their tenants, I am of course no different.

    A bit of background.... I have been renting my house to a couple for 2 years and everything has been relatively smooth up until last month when he told me he is only going to pay half a month's rent (1650 is a full month's rent) and we agreed that I would take half of his security deposit to cover the rest (he pays rent from the 15 to the 15 as per a contract that is now month to month.

    2 days ago he told me that he is moving out and I said that I will of course return his remaining money once he was moved out and this would be his 30 days notice to me (IE he is moving out the 25th) and I informed him ultimately he would be receiving a few hundred dollars if there are no damages etc and that I can work with him as I know times are tough and if he wants to move out ASAP I can try to find another renter and pay him back if someone moves in before then (pro rated per day of course).

    He responded via text that he is moving out on May 2nd and he wants all money back that he is not paying to live beyond the 2nd. I am living in Poland working abroad for a year and my home is in San Diego and I of course am not in a position to negotiate too much from a far and after this threat I told him the best I can do is give him half back now and the other half after he moves. He responded saying that I need to give him 100% of that amount back and I quote (in text), "otherwise you can keep the money, I will stay here and not pay s*%t until the end of the year".

    I am curious what my options are without dragging this out... I am considering (per his suggestion) that we sign a contract that states he will move out on the 2nd once I pay him his money) as I am told by a friend that a 2nd breach of contract would be much more favorable in court.

    I am unsure what to do if anyone has any suggestions and I also wonder if him demanding his money back otherwise he will live rent free is extortion and if I can pursue that when I return to the U.S. in a few months. Ultimately I want him out of the house ASAP, but I am of course concerned I will give him the money he's demanding and won't move.

    Thank you in advance for any suggestions as I am a bit stressed about the situation as I have been nothing but nice to the guy and I feel he is being ridiculously unreasonable.

    submitted by /u/BFrymakFDP
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    New landlord wants to raise rent in a tenant-protected city

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:05 PM PDT


    This is in Sacramento, CA. I made a post earlier about the benefits of a year lease and month to month, and now I'm in a bit of a pickle.

    I asked my landlord for a year lease, and they said they would be happy to do so as long as they can raise my rent. The thing is, my rent was just raised in September of last year.

    Here's where I need your help! According to many websites under the Sacramento Tenant Protection and Relief Act a landlord can only raise your rent once per year, even on a month to month lease. Am I reading this right? If so, is it legal for a new landlord to raise my rent if the previous landlord raised my rent less than a year ago?

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/sacthrowawaygetaway
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    Fired today after recently returning to work from Disability. (Injured at work by a customer's dog)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Kitsap County, Washington State.

    I was fired today after a long nightmare of trying to return to work after being put out on disability (Forced even though i was eligible for modified duty the entire time). I work for a very large corporation and had been employed for 4 years and 10 months as an outstanding and very well praised employee. In June of 2019 I was attacked by a customer's dog while on a job site. I sustained puncture wounds as well as harsh lower back injury from the struggle of the encounter. My company made me stay on full disability, even though I was eligible to return to modified duty after one week from the incident. After roughly 7 months of physical rehabilitation, work conditioning and monthly doctor's visits, I was finally cleared by my doctor to be able to return to work on unmodified duty (During this time I had my company phone taken away and had no contacts available to me for further help). The same day that I was cleared by my doctor, I called the manager of my field office. I explained that I was cleared by the doctor for my claim to return to full regular scheduled work. My manager said he was not informed on anything regarding my leave of absence and that HR would contact me by phone or by letter giving me the OK and an official date to return to work. After a week of waiting and not receiving any updates I called again to ask again for any information pertaining to returning back to work. He exclaimed that he still hadn't heard anything and told me to call the number for my HR representative he gave me. I attempted to call my local HR contact (later Found out that the number he gave me was no longer valid after leaving a voicemail and not getting a return call) hoping to get some answers so that i could come back to work ASAP. Approximately two weeks later i received a phone call from my office HR rep. She told me that the company made the decision to terminate me for unexcused absences since the time i was cleared by my doctor. When she asked me why I hadn't come into work, I explained the situation and my previous conversation with my manager to her and she told me that I was in the wrong and was supposed to come back unannounced rather than to reach out. She called me again that day and said she spoke to my manager and that he denied telling me that i had to receive approval from the company and HR to return to work, yet he still had not told me to simply show up to the office for my regular weekly schedule. The next day my HR rep. had called me again telling me her best advice would be to just start showing up to work the following week. I did just that, but only worked two days as the second day they told me to go home early as I "was not in the system yet and there was no work available for me to do". Assuming I would return the next few days or possibly week, I waited at home (Without pay and I was a Full Time employee). After four days I called my supervisor and asked for any updates as to when I could come back but he had no answers for me and was left out of any information. This continued over the next three weeks and I would check in every couple of days for updates. On the fourth week of waiting, I was again called by my HR representative telling me I should have received documentation from the company with official my official termination notice. But then six days later was called again by the same HR rep and said the company had decided to let me come back to work full duty but would receive a final written warning for "unexcused absences". I tried to fight the final written warning explaining my circumstances but I was forced to sign it anyways. I did sign the document under duress and explained the entire story in detail in the employee notes section though they seemed to not care. Today was my sixth day back at work, I was called back to the office after being in the field and was told that I was terminated because of taking 12 extra minutes of unpaid lunch time to go home during my lunch because of a pet emergency.

    TLDR, Got fired today soon after returning from medical leave of absence. It feels like retaliation from the company for being out so long. Also feel like i was purposely not given any information of how to return to work and they were trying to find any way to get rid of me.

    Is there anyone that can help me through this? This is an extremely difficult time and i am absolutely shocked that they would fire me under bogus pretenses especially during the covid-19 worldwide pandemic.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/powerof42
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    I sell products online. Am I allowed to pay the sales tax myself so the customers don’t have to?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I've always been a believer that the price you see is what you should pay (taxes and fees included). That's why, as a seller, I like paying the sales tax myself. See an item on my site for $200? Take it to checkout and you won't be hit with any taxes or shipping fees. $200 and that's it

    Few questions though:

    1. Is it legal for me to do this? Or is it required that I make the customer pay it?

    2. Let's say I sell a $200 product in a state that has 8% sales tax. I'd owe the state $16 right?

    3. When do I send all the sales tax to the state? Is it monthly? Bi monthly? Annually?

    4. Since this is a self run business that is my only income, would this mean I'm essentially paying tax twice? Once as sales tax and then once as income tax?

    5. Thoughts? Comments?

    I'm still very new to setting up my business so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Located in Alabama

    submitted by /u/blue_grass69
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    Am I legally married?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    From and reside in the U.S. and got married in British Virgin Islands in 2016. Got a marriage license while there and signed it after ceremony but no further actions taken once we returned home. Now that I am splitting with my 'husband' he says we are technically not married since 'nothing was filed' (assuming he means here in the U.S.). Is he right?

    submitted by /u/ICancan0105
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    I got a stimulus check I don't deserve...How to tell the IRS without incriminating myself?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    I entered myself as Single and Not Claimable as Dependent with the IRS's non-filer tool to apply for the stimulus check. I recently received the full $1200!

    However, I recently learned that for the past 5-6 years my dad *actually could* have claimed me as a Qualifying Relative--a Dependent! Neither I nor my dad understood this until today.

    I want to encourage my dad to file an Amendment so that he can get some money back for supporting me as a Qualifying Relative for so long. But I'm scared that if he does this, the IRS will go after me or both of us because it will look like we were trying to trick them.

    We honestly did not understand the concept of Qualifying Relative and thought I was too old to be claimed as a Dependent...

    How can I/my dad explain this to the IRS without incriminating ourselves? What should we do?

    submitted by /u/upinthehoopla
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    Please help! I was just released from county jail because my ex lied and said I punched him in the face. He has my kids and refuses to give them back!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I am desperate for some advice! This would be a super long story if I tried to explain everything. If there's any questions about things from any of you I will answer the best I can.

    I have been married to this ass for a few years we have 3 absolutely amazing girls together. I left him almost two years ago. Since that time he has become increasingly angry, mean and jealous. He has threatened to take my kids and disappear into the mountains and I would never see my children again! He has recently purchased a bus and solar panels making him completely (almost) capable of doing exactly that!! It is my biggest fear and his only means of hurting me... through my children! I asked for emergency custody papers and was refused help while still in custody. I'm going first thing in the morning to the court house to try to get all of the papers I may need... a few of the questions I have as of now I will list in a moment. I realize that there is always two sides to every story and that the situation that occurred may or may not be of any help to you guys in helping me but I will answer all questions as honest and open minded as I possibly can. My ex has been arrested in the past for a domestic violence case a few years back and in the last two years I have tried multiple times to get a restraining order and was denied by the same judge that is on this new case. I have no criminal history or record but my ex has multiple felonies in Oklahoma and currently has a warrant here but because of this damn virus shut down he has not been arrested yet. He was just pulled over driving that bus of his and was informed of his warrant. On the protective order I received it doesn't not state I cannot have contact but I absolutely want to avoid 1/1 contact with him! I asked a sheriff to contact him this evening in an attempt to get my kids back. My ex refused but told the officer that I could contact him tomorrow and ask him myself. I do not want this.... I fear it's going to go horribly and in front of my girls. One of my charges is child abuse.... I absolutely DID NOT hurt my baby and would NEVER!!! She was simply there when I went to pick her up as verbally agreed and he refused to give her back to me. We have not gotten a divorce yet and there is no custody paper work. Please help me!!! 1. What paper work do I need to obtain to not only get my kids back in the morning but to also make sure if he does ha e my children that he can not leave with them 2. How do I stay with in my legal parental rights but not allow him to have our children back (last resort and out of fear) until there is proper custody paper work filed and schedules made.

    My mind is numb right now but I'm hoping your questions will help me ask the right question and guide me in this battle. Thank you all for at least reading my plea... I have a court appointment lawyer but I don't even remember his name at this point let alone know the proper things to say or ask him!

    submitted by /u/barefootfannie420
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    Private University Withholding Promised Student Workers Compensation

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    So for background, I'm a low-income student at a private university in North Carolina and was previously working in an on-campus job in a non work-study position. The university decided to close campus due to the COVID outbreak and in an effort to financially support its workers it made provisions to redeploy a large number of workers to the associated health system, yet for obvious reasons they didn't give student workers the same option. To make up for this, the university issued a statement saying that they would pay student workers essentially private workers compensation calculated based on the hours worked in the first half of the semester (I'll copy and paste the message from administration below).

    The payments were suppose to go out on Friday of last week for the first month of lost wages and they were to be continued through the April pay periods until the end of the semester. I was one of several students who had worked multiple jobs at the university and was told that since the position I had worked for this semester had not been marked as my primary position, I would not receive any compensation--this was after payments had been sent and after I had been told I would be receiving these payments in mid-March. However, I was the only student in my workplace not to receive a payment and my situation isn't unique as every other student who worked in my workplace was technically employed there as a "secondary position"--not primary.

    With the extremely inconsistent application of policy, an absence of explicit payroll qualifiers such as the job being listed as primary versus secondary, and the fact that I had not applied for unemployment due to this promise of payment for the hours I was anticipated to work, do I have any recourse to this money or lost unemployment wages? I've been buying groceries on credit and trying to help my family in anticipation of continued paychecks and the university has decided to entirely screw over a select few students for no apparent reason since others in the same situation have had no issues with payroll. I've gone through my managers who have escalated the situation to higher and higher levels in HR, yet I've heard nothing back as of yet so any advice would be appreciated.

    Message from Administration:

    Students not using work study awards who were working prior to spring break, but are unable to continue working remotely, will receive a payment based on the calculations below:

    • Payment amount will be calculated as the average of the individual student's gross earnings over the five Spring term pay periods prior to spring break. Dollars for both primary and secondary positions were included in the calculations. Outliers were reviewed and, as needed, adjusted.
    • Eligibility Criteria:
      • No hours worked were submitted since the pay period (02/17/2020 – 03/01/2020) which paid on 03/13/2020. If students received a payment for time worked during the period of 03/16/2020 – 03/29/2020 for the pay date of April 10, the assumption is that the individual is working remotely with pay described above.
      • The undergraduate student did not receive federal or Duke work study awards.
      • Minimum average pay calculation is greater than or equal to $25.00.
    • Students in this category will receive a payment on April 24 which will include two pay periods, one for the April 10 pay date and a second for the April 24 pay date. The final payment will be issued on May 8, 2020.
    • A list of the payment amounts will be sent to the management centers who will disperse to the individual departments at the end of this week.
    submitted by /u/lQuicKiEl
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    Refusing antibody blood test = voluntarily quitting? NSFW arm bruising picture

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 06:28 PM PDT


    I'm a low-paid essential worker in Wyoming, USA at a long term care facility. We have recently been required to submit to weekly blood draws which test for COVID-19 antibodies. I was on board with this at first, but they are requiring the nurses we have at our facility to perform the blood draws and they are very out of practice. They drew my blood once 5 days ago and my arm has been hurting since. Now there's a weird tingling sensation in the arm too and I'm worried about it.

    We were told that if we refused the blood draws we will be voluntarily ending our employment, meaning we will not qualify for unemployment. Is there any way to get out of this? They gave us 24 hours to sign a document consenting to the blood draw which we all signed so as not to lose our jobs, but now many of us are regretting signing it.

    Pic of my arm as of today: https://i.imgur.com/QuLQGTP.jpg

    submitted by /u/elf-if-i-wanna
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    Ticket in the mail/Plead guilty or not guilty

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    I was in a car accident about two months ago where I lightly rear ended the car in front of me. It wasn't entirely my fault nor was the accident initiated by me, but that's besides the point. I get how it works. Nobody was hurt, however there was some damage on the car in front of me. We filed a police report, the cops came and I thought that was that.

    About 3-4 weeks later, I got a ticket in the mail about this very accident. The ticket is for careless driving. I'm from Long Island NY, and any ticket I've ever received in my life has been handed to me in person from an officer after pulling me over. This accident happened in Bergen County NJ.

    When I inquired about the ticket at Alpine NJ police HQ and their municipal court, they told me that the police dept. has up to 4 weeks to retroactively issue tickets. This didn't make any sense to me and any friends or acquaintances I asked had never received a ticket in the mail either.

    I don't get how I can get a ticket for careless driving when the police officers didn't even see the accident first hand... does anyone know about this?

    Anyway, the cost is $95 if I plead guilty which I don't have a problem paying for to just get this over with, however I don't want to get any points on my drivers license.... does anybody know if I would get any points on my license if I were to plead guilty?

    And if I were to plead not guilty to avoid getting points on my license, what does that entail going forward? Any help is appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/raffi_n1
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    Will vs trust? Corona took my grandpa and I need help!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Do I not have the right to read my passed granddad's testament? What about the trust he set up for when he and my grandma are passed? My aunt refuses to share, but I believe I am entitled to something.

    Backstory: I'm a half dane half american citizen, living in Denmark. My grandpa in NY passed away to COVID-19 a few weeks ago. My grandma is still alive, but cannot talk.

    They had two children, my mom, and my aunt. My mom passed away 10+ years ago. My aunt takes care of them, only my grandmother now after granddads passing. My aunt has power of attorney over my grandma.

    She is extremely offended with me and refuses to share any documents regarding the trust. I assume there is also a testament, because that's something different than a trust, right?

    Due to my mom being dead, I believe my sister and I may be the next in line with rights. How can I find out, what to do! My dad says that if there is no testament, according to NY law my sister and I must inherit now. But how can I find out if there is or is not?

    submitted by /u/HydrA-
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