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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Legal Advice - Links to all /r/legaladvice pages on COVID-19

    Legal Advice - Links to all /r/legaladvice pages on COVID-19

    Links to all /r/legaladvice pages on COVID-19

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Friend died under questionable circumstances.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    (throwaway account)

    About a week and a half ago, a friend's father posted on Facebook that his daughter (my friend) had died in her family home. She had been home for several weeks, since before the COVID lockdown started, and her phone/laptop had been offline the entire time; messages went unseen. Someone close to the family relayed that the official cause of death on the medical report was "starvation and dehydration".

    To a lot of her friends, me included, this seems odd, to say the least. When my friend was still alive, she had talked about abuse she experienced in her family that was covered up, and that she didn't have a good relationship with her parents. The parents are not answering questions about her death and want her to be remembered without knowing why she died.

    Is there anything we can do to find out more about what happened? Of course we want to respect the grieving parents and not burden them with questions (that they won't answer anyway). But if there is any responsibility for her death, we owe it to our friend to push for justice for her.

    The friend was 21+ years old. This is in Texas.

    submitted by /u/Hour-Coast
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    Boss wants to "hire" his wife and give himself a raise to meet PPP repayment requirements

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    I am a full charge bookkeeper at a small business of six in MA. Last week the company received the funds from our PPP loan. Today my boss texted me he will be laying off our highest paid employee. There's been no mention of lay-offs up until this point. The owner also decided he wants to give himself a raise (he's already over the cap of $100,000) and hire his wife so that payroll will still meet the necessary percentage so he does not have to repay the PPP loan.

    She will not do any work for us and will have no official role. He said he will lay her off after the 8 week period. I am unsure if this move is unethical or illegal. I would like to have no part of anything illegal. We have already butted heads over customers paying cash to him personally instead of our company to the tune of $30,000. He doesn't seem to think this is tax fraud. Is it possible any of this could come back to bite me in the ass? It is difficult to find a new position due to the pandemic. I don't believe quitting because he is sketchy allows me to collect unemployment.

    submitted by /u/FNShadyBossThrowaway
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    Am I on the hook to pay my deceased husband's child support?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    My husband and I live in Santa Clara County, CA and his son lives in Utah. He was behind on child support payments because he had been out of work over the fall of 2019 and hadn't yet been approved for disability or ssi benefits in the state of CA. He passed away in Feb 2020 leaving me a single mother to two children (and now thanks to the shelter-in-place I've been unemployed since mid-March!) and I just received a bill (addressed to him 'and spouse') for his past due child support stating it must be paid in full within 30 days. So I guess there's a couple parts to my question. Am I responsible for the past due amount and, if so, can the state of Utah seize my assets (Ha! what assets??) or my unemployment? And would I have to continue to pay the child support on behalf of my husband until the child turns 18? Any insight would be greatly appreciated before I contact the Utah Office of Recovery Services.

    submitted by /u/cnbFx
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    Mom said she doesnt want me anymore.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    She said she would call the cops if I didn't leave, but im only 15. What do i do?

    submitted by /u/cr1ngethr0waway
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    A woman has moved into my parents house and has been taking care of my terminally ill mother. Several people have told us that she is a known scam artist, and that she has acquired estate properties and assets through similar circumstances. (Texas)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I now live 7 hours away, and just came home for the first time in 2 months. I was afraid of bringing the virus into my parents home, but when I heard about this I had to be here. This woman is 60 years old and now has the trust of my mom. She has been providing round the clock care and even groceries for my parents without charging anything. She has been here for a month now. My dad is worried that when my mom passes (she has ALS) he will be sued for services rendered.

    He has tried to keep her out of our finances, but several times she has picked up paperwork and forms in the name of organizing them. There was an application for in home hospice that went missing recently.

    My dad has contacted the sherrifs department and made a statement regarding his suspicions, and the sherrifs deputy said that as long as he doesn't sign a contract she can't charge him.

    Has anyone heard of a scam like this?

    How can we protect ourselves?

    I want to kick her out of the house but we have to find some way to pay for a nurse to come because my dad can't care for her himself anymore.

    I can't believe this is happening to us.

    Update: some of my mom's jewelry is missing.

    Update 2: She's gone. We've checked everyone's credit reports and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Thank you everyone I will still be contacting a family lawyer Monday for more advice.

    submitted by /u/toastmatters
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    Landlord upgraded irrigation and water bill increased by several hundred dollars per month. She denied that the irrigation was responsible and refused to send anyone to check it after 3 requests.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    I live in Southern California. I plan to take my landlord to small claims court for several things including 1500 dollars of deposit she used to do upgrades after we were forced to move out. Our rent was month to month so she always had the option of raising rent after 60 notice and would hang that over our heads. I lived in the house for four years and she charged us for many superficial things that definitely fall under normal wear and tear after four years, and many things that had outlived there useful expected life.

    I managed the 6 bedroom house I lived in. Everyone else was responsible for rent at a fixed rate, and I covered all bills and utilities and all were in my name. The landlord many times over the years referred to me as the property manager, though it wasn't anything official.

    The details

    Several billing cycles ago, the landlord did a complete overhaul of the landscape at my house. The water bill I received after the installation was $670. I emailed her the bill and told her that I couldn't afford to pay for the irrigation and to see if she could send someone to check it to make sure that everything was OK with it. At this time, coincidentally, we also had a toilet start leaking and I asked if she would fix that as well. I asked if she would consider helping with the excessive water bill by reducing rent 100 per month for two months to help offset the costs. She said she was planning on raising rent anyway, and that the irrigation had nothing to do with the high water bill. The toilet had not been leaking very long, but she insisted that was the cause. I said I didn't think that it was likely, but that I would accept that if she would send someone to check the irrigation to insure it didn't happen again. She said to wait until the next water bill.

    The next cycle I received a water bill for $750 and told her that she needed to send someone to check the irrigation and she again blamed the toilet even though it had been fixed at the beginning of the cycle. I asked if she would please send someone to check anyway and she again said to wait until the next bill. After the second huge water bill, I started monitoring the irrigation and the water meter daily and collected two and a half months worth of data that demonstrates that the irrigation is responsible, and took several measurements at times it was irrigating and can prove that the irrigation was using hundreds of gallons per hour and was running 5 days a week. I had started shutting off the water because we were getting a lot of rain, and the usage went way down. Where I live I could get fined for the water running 48 hours before or after it rains, and I would be responsible because my name is on the bill. I told her about it and she locked me out of the irrigation and turned it back on. At that time I again asked her to send someone to check the irrigation and she said again to wait until the next bill came and she would install a sub meter to see if the irrigation was responsible. During this time I spent a lot of time checking the irrigation, monitoring the meter, and processing the data. I easily have spent 10 hours a week on it since January 23 when I received the second high bill, and that is a very conservative estimate.

    Around the time the second bill came she had also started doing a lot of upgrades to the house, such as painting the outside, and replacing windows, etc. We had talked about how strange it was and started feeling uneasy that she was going to kick us out. She had mentioned several times to me over the past few months that she could get several thousand dollars more per month for the house if she wanted, and I was getting the suspicion that she had no intention of doing anything about the water, and was waiting me out so she could sell the house or rent it to someone else.

    She sent us an email saying she was going to have insurance inspector come check out the house. When they arrived it was obvious that is was a young couple and their father that were looking to either rent or buy the house. They were clearly not insurance inspectors. When I later confronted her about it she confirmed that it was true. At this point the whole house hold gave our 30 day notice to move out, as I couldn't afford to keep paying the high cost of water and we didn't feel stable.

    At this time I spent a great deal of time processing the data and used the mean of all of the past bills from the year to calculate what the excessive cost would be. I came up with over $800 she owed as a VERY conservative estimate. In reality it would have been closer to 1000 but I also tried to account for a leaking toilet, running at 200 gallons per day. I sent a request for payment along with our 30 days notice and she said she would consider helping some, but that she wasn't going to pay that much.

    At this time weird things started happening with the irrigation. Leaks started happening all over the yard. She took a picture of a "geyser" from the road when she just happened to be driving by, at a time that her landscaper was there doing yard work. All you can see is a fountain of water spraying up over the fence in a location where there isn't even irrigation. Keep in mind I had been monitoring it regularly so I know that this hadn't been going on long if at all. She tried to say that she can't be responsible for it if she didn't know it was happening and that it was our responsibility to let her know about those things. This was after I had asked her three times to send someone to check it. At this point she claimed her landscaper refused to fix the irrigation because he said we were messing it up. She then shut off the irrigation, installed a sub-meter and left the irrigation off for the last few weeks we were living there. At exactly that time our water usage went back down to normal levels. The last bill was only 600 dollars, because the irrigation had been off for a couple of weeks at that time. Continued meter monitoring showed that our water usage dropped dramatically after that.

    My Claim

    In my claim I want to ask for all of the excess from the water bill by calculating the mean of the previous water bills and subtracting the mean from the excessive bills. This amounts to about $1200 owed. I would also like to be compensated for the time that I put into checking the irrigation, monitoring the meter etc. Can I do that, and if so what is a reasonable hourly amount to ask for? I believe I have put at least 10 hours per week into this and have 5 roommates who can verify that. They have all agreed to be witnesses. I have also spent a good deal of time preparing my case. I settled on requesting for 60 hours of pay, though that is considerably less than I have spent total, is that reasonable? I was considering $25 to $50 an hour.

    I want to sue for about $1000 of $1500 of deposit withheld, and am considering asking for twice the amount back. I have read that I can sue for twice the amount if the deposit was held in bad faith which I believe it was. Some examples are using our deposit to upgrade curtains, and light fixtures, and buying new light bulbs because she didn't like the ones we bought and having them professionally installed for $300 dollars.

    With all of it together I am thinking in the neighborhood of $5000. Is this realistic? I have never taken anyone to small claims court so any advice or council would be great. I have looked for tenant resources but haven't been able to find much particularly in light of covid-19.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AugustRivers
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    [WA] soon to be ex finances don't add up

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Thanks everyone for reading.

    My wife and I are seperated and heading quickly to divorce. I moved off our our small farmstead about a year ago and am currently pro se (although I'm looking into a lawyer soon). Temp orders give her the farmstead and I have another property.

    She formed an LLC shortly thereafter and began renting out the house, with the rent going to the LLC. She is then using the LLC to pay for her (our) mortgage. She is now saying that she has Zero Income and is getting TANF, food stamps, etc. She is also recently changed her financial declaration to say she has zero income. Before that she stated that the rent was her income. According to the online property tax records, my soon to be ex and myself are still listed as owners.

    Is this fraud? embezzlement? Am I on the hook for this?

    submitted by /u/fuckthekingsguard1
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    Title Company discovered lien against me during research for the sale of granny’s house and I am part of the estate - Atlantic Credit & Financing

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Kentucky. Received a letter from my Granny's estate attorney that a lien from Atlantic Credit & Finance was filed against me in my hometown (where Granny lived) and that I must settle this before the estate closes or Atlantic will receive $1407 plus 12% yearly interest— this was filed in hometown court in March 2009. I had been living states away for 4 years having moved away early 2005.

    Back in KY now and I have had nothing on my credit report about this ever - I bought a house five years ago and a car loan three years ago so deep dives were performed. My first name is misspelled and "address unknown", no DOB and absolutely no details about who Atlantic bought the junk debt from or even if it's me.

    Estate attorney advised in the letter that I should contact Atlantic's attorney who filed the lien to either prove it's not me, or dispute the lien, or do nothing and Atlantic gets the money from the estate settlement.

    A quick Google search of Atlantic yields a ton of complaints. Should I go ahead and get a personal credit and financial lawyer and have them contact Atlantic's attorneys or should I contact them first just to even find out if it's me or tell the title search and estate attorney I need more info- my name is common and even still it's misspelled in the filing.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/little_german
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    My wife that I am now seperated from repeatedly lied to me about being on our apartment's lease so I'd pay our rent, is this illegal?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    I'm currently in Pennsylvania, since August 2018 I was sharing an apartment with my wife. We recently seperated and she has been telling me that I'm on the lease for the apartment in order to get money from me for rent since I signed the original lease, which I believe ended around July 2019. She filled out the new lease while I was away from the area so I was not 100% sure, but the landlord confirmed I am not on the current lease. I was reading about the theft by deception law which states "A person is guilty of theft if he/she intentionally obtains or withholds property of another by deception." and I was wondering if this violates that law or if she possibly broke any other laws doing this? Can i possibly get any of that money back that I spent thinking I was legally obligated to pay? Or is this situation different since we are married? If this is illegal, how do I go about pursuing this?

    submitted by /u/idkwhat2nameit
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    My husband walked out of our lives 5 years ago. I have no idea where he is and want to divorce finally.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Five years ago my husband left me a "dear john" letter and walked out on me and my kids. He's seen his kids once and paid the landlord rent for almost 2 years then stopped when he got arrested for the second time. Never recieved a dime after that. That was the last I heard from him. I don't have money for a lawyer and I'm not even sure where he lives now. I have no idea where to begin. I live in Georgia. I appreciate any help!

    submitted by /u/red_irie
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    Can my Landlord evict me if I qualify for a delay of eviction?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    So let me lay out all the information on this situation.

    First of all this is happening in Phoenix, Arizona. My mom and I are being evicted for not being able to pay March rent because of not being able to work. She's on SSI so doesnt make much to begin with and only works occasionally teaching English to Chinese students. On March 9th I was medically ordered to quarantine by my doctor since I have TB and ashma and he didnt want me taking any chances.

    Well i wasnt able to work and couldn't pay rent and went through a judgement and then a date was given for a writ of restitution to be delivered. The only reason I'm being evicted is because I'm not able to pay Marchs renr, so it's not for something crazy like assaulting someone or anything like that. Arizona gave an executive order for a delay of eviction on the 23rd I believe. In the executive order it mentioned you show your landlord the documents you have if they fall under the qualifications listed and to show a constable if one comes to your house.

    My landlord offered a payment plan and I told him I might not be able to be able to pay on the dates he worked out. I have no reliable source of income while being quarantined other then the stimulus check which I stil haven't recieved. I agreed to some dates for a payment plan believing I could use the stimulus check to pay when the time came. Agreeing to the plan delayed the constable from coming on the original date they were suppose to evict us. But i let them know I dont exactly have a source of income. The date I agreed on fell a couple days after the stimulus checks were suppose to arrive. My mom and I still haven't recieved the stimulus so we werent able to pay on the date they wanted.

    Agreeing to a payment plan had delayed the date for when the constable was suppose to arrive and evict us. Before I recieved a judgment and before the original date of when the constable was going to show I had my medically ordered quarantine from my doctor. That happened on March 9th. We typically pay later in the month that's not unusual for us so the rent it usually made from the money we make that same month it's due for.

    They decided to finally go through with the writ of restitution and we know the constable will be here for sure on Monday (tomorrow.) The landlord decided if we were able to pay Marchs rent of 1510 by tomorrow then we could stay here and work out a different payment plan for April that would last until july 31st. What I'm wondering is since I'm totally screwed when it comes to producing money for marchs rent (I cant possibly pay that unless I get the stimulus.) If I show the constable my documents showing my medically ordered quarantine and that my mom and I both have diseases that put us at high risk, along with proof of my loss of income. Will that give us the chance to delay our eviction?

    I sent 2 documents originally to the landlord. All they proved was that my mom and I both have asthma and me alone TB. The documents just showed that we currently have those ailments. I thought that would've been enough information but the landlord told me that they would continue to follow through with the writ of restitution because it's for March and not April. Apparently in their mind if it was just April a delay would be fine.

    Since they said they'd continue to follow through with the writ I started to gather together more documents. This time around I sent documents showing I've been medically ordered to quarantine since March 9th. That it has affected my income drastically. I believed and still do that those documents should be proof enough that I was affected during March and my ability to pay March's rent was affected.

    Well the landlord decided to just ignore my replies from then on. I dont know if they looked at the new documents I sent or not but i definitely sent them. So because they haven't replied and the writ of restitution is still going to be delivered tomorrow is there any way for me to get this eviction delayed? I printed copies to show the constable when they come to my door tomorrow. Its just so incredibly stressful that neither my mom nor I have been able to get much sleep if any for days. We have no money right now so getting evicted just can't be an option if theres anything I can do about it. Is this documentation enough to get our eviction for March delayed? Can I show the constable when they come tomorrow and will that be adequate enough for us to keep our home? In the short time before then I'll be asking friends and family for help paying but as of now this is my only option so please let me know what I can do in this situation.

    Edit: sorry for the disjointed and erratic writing.

    submitted by /u/MajaTheSkyWitch1
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    [PA] Ex Took My Car - Titled & to both of us, Insured by ME - He drinks and drives all the time

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    My ex wrecked his car when he was drinking, so he took mine, which is titled to both of us, but is insured by me and supposed to be garaged here. He said he just needed time to save up for another car, but now we're about to go through a custody battle and he won't give it back because he hates me.

    I don't have an extra set of keys. I have a photocopy of the title, but he has the actual title. At this point I want to just sign it over so I can turn off the insurance. I am afraid once quarantine is over and the bars are open again he's going to go out drinking and driving (he did it all the time) and I don't want to risk my insurance going up. We are NOT on good terms (as in he hates me so much he wants to kill me), so I cannot even ask him to bring the title to let me sign it. Do I have any options?

    From what I've read... I can't just turn the insurance off without risking getting in trouble myself, even if he's the one driving it.

    Can I get a copy of the title, and sign it and take it to the DMV and tell them to just take my name off? I think he'd have to be present for that... but I don't know.

    Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/truthlovemercy
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    Roommate banned friend from living in apartment due to friend’s new job

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    So not me but a friend (F25) just got a job at Target and her roommate (F28ish?), who is also the landlord's daughter, has banned her from living in the apartment for fear of her contracting covid-19 on the job. I personally think she should withhold rent until she's allowed back, but I'm wondering if anyone knows any more about this and can cite any laws that could help her case.

    I cannot fathom that a landlord is allowed to require rent from a tenant they will not allow to stay in the property for this reason.

    We are in Colorado.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/nat_45
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    I was fired on Thursday from my job that provides my housing. Today I was told by a roommate that they changed the locks, I haven't been there for the last month because I've been quarantined out of state. Is this legal?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Title covers most of it. This is in Connecticut and I am posting under a friends account.

    The lay off was unexpected and supposedly on good terms, their reasoning for letting me go was that they eliminated the position due to budget cuts related to the virus. I was the only lay off.

    The housing is provided by work, it is a shared house. I was out of state helping family move when the lock down orders went in effect in CT. I contacted work before I attempted to return a few weeks ago, they told be I wasn't allowed back in the house unless I self quarantined in one of their available dorm rooms for 14 days. I felt better staying with family did not attempt to return although I did object to this policy, it didn't seem right.

    Since the lock down I have been working remotely until this Thursday when I was let go, they locked me out of my email within the hour.

    A roommate in the house (the only one there) texted me this (4/26) afternoon telling me they were changing the locks. He asked facilities about the change, they said I had been alerted about it. That is false, there was no contact since Thursday. The person who changed the physical locks is also the person who deleted my work email account (weird right?) so they are aware that account is no longer active.

    I can not access my belongings because of the lock change and was not able to get them in the last 72 hours because I adhered to their quarantine rules. They claimed they would set up a time for me to gather my things but have not yet done so. I don't want to risk my roommates standing with the organization by having them let me in when needed to get my stuff.

    Should I pursue legal action? Is there anything I should know before contacting legal advice when office hours resume tomorrow?

    submitted by /u/GoxBoxSocks
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    Employer not giving stock options buyback money

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I joined my last employer in late 2018. The employer gave me stock options worth X/year. The company is based out of India. I could not exercise the options until 1 year. I received no information regarding stock options even though I followed up with the CEO. Eventually, 1.4 years into the company, I was leaving the company to pursue higher studies and discussed the buyback option with the CEO. The CEO agreed to help me out by paying Y (Y was almost half of the new value of X stock options, but I agreed for I needed quick cash). Even though I pressed him, he didn't put down anything on paper. The only proof that I have stock options is the offer letter I received when I joined the company. The CEO keeps telling me that he'll update me once he has heard from the legal team. I'm just tired of following up about the money (been doing it for 2 months) and need to pay tuition fees.

    What should I do?


    submitted by /u/solitary_sandman
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    Wife received two stimulus checks

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    My wife and I were married last year. We filed our taxes together for the first time this year. On April 15th she received a stimulus direct deposit for $1200 to her personal bank account. I did not receive one to mine. We checked our joint account today and noticed that we'd received $2400 as part of the stimulus relief measure. My question is how do we go about this? Is there an easy gov contact to report this to? I'd imagine she can't keep the accidental 1200 extra so we're trying to be proactive to avoid problems down the road. My guess is since she filed single last year the direct deposit went to her bank account on record and then after we updated our taxes together we received a joint amount to our new bank account when my name showed up. Any help is appreciated or if someone else had this problem please link the post. Thanks in advance!

    TLDR; Newly married couple in 2019, wife received two checks one to her personal and half of a joint check in our joint account. Wondering what to do with money.

    submitted by /u/OrbitalOtter58
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    [CAL] Discovered inheritance, not sure if allowed to keep it

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Around 2005, I tried to get my dad more interested in investing and we opened a joint brokerage account together. We only had a small amount in it, he didn't seem that interested in it, so after a few months I liquidated our positions and forgot about the account.

    10 years later, my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. His assets were less than $2,000 so Medi-Cal (California's Medicaid program) covered his skilled nursing home stay. He died a couple years later from a heart attack.

    Last month I got a notice from the California Controller saying the brokerage account was about to be escheated. I got the statements and apparently, shortly after I forgot about the account in 2005, my dad had bought 10 shares of Amazon when it was about $35 a share. The account is worth about $24,000 now.

    I did some research, it seems normally that since the brokerage account was held in joint tenancy, the stock passes to me and is not subject to probate, and not subject to creditors' claims (per new law effective 2017).

    However, when my dad got on Medi-Cal, he was supposed to have less than $2,000 in assets. The Amazon stock was worth over $2,000 at the time.

    Am I still allowed to keep this stock, or does Medi-Cal have a claim against it?

    submitted by /u/Maximum_Shine
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    My roommates moved a bunch of people/pets into our house without notifying management. How can I get out of the lease without damaging my rental history?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    My husband and I were friends with another couple. We've known each other for years and lived nextdoor to each other. We decided that we would rent a house together when our leases ended. We had picked a nice big house in a great neighborhood, signed the lease and settled in. Things were fine at first. Then the couple that we were friends with let a cousin of theirs crash for a while, he never left. A month later, that cousin got a new girlfriend. That girlfriend started showing up everyday. I had voiced my concerns to the couple about the girlfriend coming over everyday. They said she was a guest and pretty much blew me off. The girl and cousin never left! Just last month, the couple slowly let his niece AND another cousin with 2 cats and a dog move in stating that they had no place to go and we had to make the best of this whole situation. We had gotten into an argument about it all. I showed the couple the lease stating that only 4 adults are on this lease, we shouldn't have 4 extra unauthorized people living here AND they have pets?!? The managers would kill us!! This is grounds for eviction. They told us that we won't get caught and to get over it. I haven't told management for fear of us all getting kicked out with an eviction on our rental history. I've been documenting things and taking pictures of the extra people, the animals and mail that these squatters get. We want out of the lease, we have a year left on this lease. None of the people in the house are qualified to replace me and my husband. They either have poor credit or no job. How do we get out of this lease without leaving a mark on our rental history?

    submitted by /u/Joiseygirl04
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    Red Light Camera Ticket, but not me or my car

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:41 PM PDT


    This is in Southern California. I have a notice to appear due to traffic violation caught on camera. It has pictures of the driver and car. Car belongs to my aunt who I haven't spoken to in years. My mom got the letter from her and gave it to me. Somehow, they think I am the driver (has my name and ID on the citation, but my aunt's address), but I haven't driven since the lockdown and I was working from home at the time.

    My aunt won't tell me who the actual driver was. My plan was to send a certified letter to the court and traffic enforcement P.O. Box stating all these facts, but still worried it will be tied to me. How do I get this mix up cleared for good?


    submitted by /u/Cupacakezzz
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    Cops and Masks

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    I have recently been starting up a career as a masked skateboarder. Before the pandemic i was stopped by a cop and asked to take my mask off but of course being an angsty teen i ran. But i want to know if that i would have to take off my mask for a police officer if the situation arises later.

    submitted by /u/Butthoarder
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    How do I continue a child pornography case that began over 20 years ago?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    In '98 my mother found out my father had been viewing child pornography on our home computer. My mother worked within our local court system and was fearful that if she brought the computer to the police, the case would be moved onto her department and everyone she worked with would know. She brought it to the county prosecutor instead to try and navigate around that.

    They were dismissive towards her at first, and their search took a couple weeks/months. After investigating, they came to the conclusion that he had "sophisticated encryption" on his files, however they were able to see that he had searched for available pre-pubescent children in our town and the surrounding area. They were able to uncover explicit images, but they decided not to pursue anything stating that they did not have a way to prove their age.

    Now that cyber crimes are more easily investigated and taken seriously, what route does my family have to either continue that investigation or begin a new one? Has it been too long to do anything? This was located in New Jersey. We believe his actions have not changed. I have a lot more information but I know this is supposed to be short and sweet. Please help us.

    submitted by /u/elucidatemylife
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    Roommate refusing to pay rent until the pandemic is all over.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    I'm going to write this up as fast as possible to try to get more advice from people.

    Myself and two other people signed a lease in December time to rent a house for the upcoming school year, lease is from this June to next June. Our first month of rent is due before May 1st, including a maintenance fee, in total being $2700.

    Today myself and another roommate were told by our third roommate that "I will not be paying my portion of the rent, nor will I repay anything you two cover on my behalf."

    In our lease it states that "if a member can't cover his portion it will come down onto the other two roommates to cover it." There is also another clause that states "if you are to back out of the lease you will be required to cover the amount in rent it takes until we find someone else."

    So I have no idea what to do. Us two cannot pay for his portion on top of what we are already paying. We don't want to pay all of his portion if we know we won't get refunded. We are completely in a predicament and not sure what to do.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Chrismichel1
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    Do I have to sue my girlfriend for crashing my car?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    Context: My girlfriend and I fought earlier in the day where I explicitly told her "I dont know how youre getting to work because Im not taking you and youre not allowed to take my car"

    My girlfriend took my old car while I was sleeping, and on her way to work caused an accident. She was at fault. My old car did not have insurance. I found out in the police report that she did not have a valid license.

    Now the state of California says I (as the owner of the at fault vehicle) am responsible for the 10k bill in damages.

    1- Is there a way to make the responsibility of this burden hers by filing some sort of transfer of liability document? 2- OR must I sue her in court? (This makes our home life really uncomfortable and is to be avoided at all costs)

    submitted by /u/HAYNRS3
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    My employer is making me drive people who could have, and who have tested positive for covid19 to quarantine locations.. can i refuse if i don't feel comfortable working that close with a known person?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:02 PM PDT

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