• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - Buyers back out of a home sale due to possible undiscovered mine under our neighborhood.

    Legal Advice - Buyers back out of a home sale due to possible undiscovered mine under our neighborhood.

    Buyers back out of a home sale due to possible undiscovered mine under our neighborhood.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    You can't make this shit up. This happened in Meade County, SD near Rapid City. We moved mid-April across the country for my job, and like anyone would do, we sold our house. Our neighborhood is nicely developed, and prices have jumped way up since we bought 5 years ago. We bought for $185K and sold (within 24 hours) for $249K. As you could imagine we were elated.

    Fast forward to last week. My wife sees on the news that there was a sink hole down the road from our house. I didn't think much of it and thought that it may be inconvenient for the home owners affected, but thought the city would repair it and be on their way. That's when everything started to go to shit (like is the theme for this year).

    We saw this https://www.newscenter1.tv/two-sinkholes-in-black-hawk-led-to-discovery-of-a-potential-gypsum-mine-thursday/ article. Apparently, there may have been an abandon gypsum mine underneath our neighborhood from the 1920s, 12 homes have been evacuated, our buyers have backed out of the purchase agreement 12 days before close, and we don't know if our home is now worthless.

    They don't know a lot of details about the mine's origin, if the company that owned it still exists, if the developer or the county even knew about it, or how many homes are really affected.

    My questions are what are our options? If we can't sell it, who is at fault and how can we get compensated for what was seemingly a done deal? I know the buyers were legally allowed to back out and I'm not interested in pursuing that, but would the developer or county be legally required to compensate us for this? I'm obviously going to lawyer up, but i just wanted a baseline before starting 2 -way with a lawyer and starting to rack up fees.

    Thanks in advance.

    TLDR: 2020 sucks ass!

    Edit: Added location

    Edit 2: Thanks for all the tips and advice. The neighborhood is meeting tonight to discuss possible legal action and a way forward.

    submitted by /u/Koorah3769
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    Mentally Ill Mother keeps calling the police to do wellness checks on me

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:04 PM PDT


    Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. My mentally ill mother (53) lives in Illinois and has decided she is going to call the local police department on me for wellness checks numerous times a day. I am 30 years old and live in New Orleans. The police have shown up at my house on five separate occasions in the span of four days.I have begged and pleaded with her to stop and she won't let up. I asked the police if there is anything I can do and they said they have to respond to the call every single time. Any advice is greatly appreciated, she is making my life a living hell.

    submitted by /u/katig0428
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    My parents are dead. What do I need to do? (NY)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    My parents were in a car accident a few days ago, and neither made it. For covid reasons, funeral-type stuff is on hold, but what legally do I need to do? I'm 24 and my siblings are both 18, so there are no minors here, but I don't have any older relatives who would help with anything.

    My parents are fairly well off, so they have presumably all the normal stuff you'd expect? Probably retirement accounts, investment accounts, college accounts for my siblings, etc. I have no idea where that info would be, though. I don't know of any will or who would have it. Do I need to do something with that? Presumably somehow my siblings and I need to deal with it eventually? I have no idea even how we would find their accounts other than maybe paperwork in their safe, which we don't have the combination to. Is there something else that needs to happen? Do I need to tell the government or has that been dealt with?

    Location: they live in Westchester, NY, although they were in PA when this happened.

    submitted by /u/fuck_2020
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    My Mom legally kidnapped my son 2 years ago.. im still fighting.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    Somebody suggested this post would do well over here and possibly get some relevant much needed advice.. this is a bender. But here we go.

    My mother stole my baby.. its 2 years later and im still fighting.

    Ok, so this is a bit long.. and I'm going to change the names around for the sake of anonymity. Please be kind, this has been my life for the past 2 years and theres no end in sight. Im at a loss. I guess i just want some reassurance or something to make me feel a little better.

    I want to start by saying i am a young mom. I gave birth to my son in October of 2017. My son will be turning 3 this October. I was 22 when i gave birth, and it was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me. I wanted that little boy and i wanted to be a mother like nothing else..my ex and i love that child and were ready to be parents even if we were young. I was an incredibly difficult kid growing up, i had a bunch of abandonment issues, early teens were filled with psyche hospitals and drug abuse. I ended up with a nasty diagnosis of bipolar. You name it, I probably put my parents through it. I never got arrested or in trouble with the law, but i sure did give my mom and step dad a helluva time. Mom took me from my real dad and never let me see him. I attribute a lot of my past issues to that traumatic separation. She took me from him when i was 7 and we werent allowed to see each other again until i was 19. He lived in a different country so it wasnt as simple as sneak out to go see each other. Visas and passports were needed. Fast forward a few years, i attended therapy for years, no longer need medications, am thriving, supporting myself, stable and maintaining a full time career. I am genuinely doing well and happy. I should point out that my last doctor told me that my diagnosis did not apply and was wrongfully placed. Ive reached a point in my life where i am PROUD and HAPPY of who i became.. My son was born and i was ready to be who he needed me to be. My mom disagreed. My child's father and i were on good terms but decided we were better off friends, then lovers. We weren't married but maintained a healthy friendship and were co parenting our son. The second we split my mother filled for custody. She was able to remove my son from my home as soon as i was served on the order of an "emergency temporary custody" order. She achieved this by saying i was an alcoholic who was neglecting my son, mentally unstable and using heroin. The lies were absurd, but severe enough that my son was able to be removed from my care without question. Cps investigations were conducted and all of the allegations were unfounded. Pediatricians medical reports also showed nothing but a loved baby boy. The neglect portion of the case was put away and instead is now being tried as a full blown custody hearing based on my bipolar diagnosis and past hospitalizations. My child's father and i have been fighting to regain custody. I have a legal aid, and my child father signed a settlement so he didn't have to keep coming to court because it was interfering with his job. He gave up. I am still fighting, i have done hair follicle tests and urinalysis drug tests and all come up clean except for my medicinal marijuana. Which again i have a script for and the court is fully aware of. The court house referee even ruled that this situation was absurd and said that my mom couldn't do this. So mom and her attorney took this to an actual judge at family court. So much bs has happened since this all began that i feel like it will never end.. my son has now been living most of his life with my mother, and based on that fact alone im worried i will lose custody permanently.. this past easter for my scheduled visit i went to see my son, and my mother called the police claiming that me and my current boyfriend assaulted her.. the courts granted her a restraining order. My visitation has been reduced from 5x a week to 1x a week supervised. I feel like im fighting a losing battle..i have taken parenting courses, kept a steady job and steady income, have a beautiful apartment that is baby proofed and has a room set up for my son with everything he could ever need. I dont know what to do anymore, my mom is fighting against me claiming that i am mentally unstable and unable to care for my son... mental health stigma at its finest, considering my diagnosis had been dropped. Courts wont preform any kind of psyche evaluation on me even though i have requested it many times. Someone please tell me ways i can help the situation.. up until last month my two year old boy was calling grandma "Mom" and she was ALLOWING it. I dont want to dwell into the years of mental and physical abuse that woman put me through on here but even in court, it seems none of those things matter.

    I did take the day and did reach out to some private attorneys.. I have been estimated at upwards of 35k because the amount of time that has already passed in this trial and how much effort it would tale for an attorney to review and amend the situation. This is not money i have, i feel as if my legal aid failed me, and my lack of knowledge on the court system really screwed me. I have a steady job, but do not have the best credit for a loan nor do i have that kind of money laying around..I feel defeated.. Someone PLEASE HELP

    submitted by /u/SafeLemon9
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    Painter demanding payment for not choosing him

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    My question - do I respond to the painters texted demand for money or just ignore it?

    The details: We decide to paint the siding and trim of our house and get several quotes. We select one around April 15th but they can't start until April 30th - communicating via text. My spouse then engages a decorator to pick colors and ultimately decide to also paint the brick to give the house an upgraded look.

    We ask the selected painter for a quote to paint the brick and he discourages us from doing so saying it's a bad idea. We tell him we are going to (we are well aware of the higher maintenance costs and potential issues with painted brick). He then sends us a revised quote. We asked for examples of homes where he had painted the brick and he sends us a literal close up picture of him painting the brick on a house.

    In the meantime the decorator recommends two painters whom we get quotes from that are lower and have many references for brick painted houses. We talk to one of the homeowners and they highly recommended the painter. We committed to this new painter and he could start immediately. On the same day - April 26 - we tell the original painter we have chosen someone else.

    He responded with a tirade of nasty and threatening texts and in the final one said since he had already bought the paint and scheduled the painters we now owed him $600 for the paint. He gave his address to send him the money. I will note we never gave him any color selections.

    We so far have ignored his texts. But should I respond saying we never had an agreement and don't owe him anything or continue to ignore this?

    Edit - location is Georgia.

    submitted by /u/gallicshrug
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    I found explicit videos and pictures in my child's phone

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    My ex and I share custody of our daughter (age 6). When I picked her up today, she brought her phone that usually stays at her dad's house. She was showing me pictures she took, and as I was scrolling I found dozens of nude pictures and videos of men mastubating in her cloud. These pictures have been uploaded for the last 6 months at least, and she has had access to them.

    If what I think is the case is true, then it seems like her grandfather has a dirty little secret, and because her phone is logged into the same account as his is their pictures sync to the same cloud. If this is true he probably has no clue that he has basically been giving her access to this stuff. However, like I said she has had access to these things for the last 6 months at least which is unacceptable and extremely worrisome.

    What should I do? Is there any legal action I should take? She was extremely upset when I found them and tried to hide them. She also lied about not recognizing one of the men in the pictures. It is actually someone she knows very well. I am planning on trying to find a therapist maybe to talk to her about what all she may have seen, but I'm really at a loss right now. It's 2 am, and I don't know what to do. Also in Louisiana if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/2bundlesofsticks
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    IL-My minor daughter was served with a Stalking No Contact Order filed by her best friend's (abusive) mom. Obviously we'll go to court but is there anything else we can do?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    My daughter has had the same best friend for 6 years. They are both 16, and the friend will be 17 next month. Friend's mother has a history of abuse, documented with DCFS. The abuse has not been physical lately, just threats of physical and extreme mental. Part of the abuse is control; she basically keeps her kid held prisoner at home anymore. The shelter in place order isn't helping.

    Anyway, last week things escalated and the friend left her house. This is not the first time she has left. She puts up with the screaming and threats for as long as she can...then leaves. This is probably the 4th or 5th time in the last year she's left. Typically she'll ride her bike around and be back home before midnight. By Friday of last week, things had escalated and the friend left again on her bike. My daughter met her a little while later, put her bike in our car, and came back home. Police were called. They are well aware of the mom, as she calls the police on a weekly basis for various reasons. I explained what I knew; they said the friend would have to go home, and allowed me to drive her there, while they followed.

    I ended up filing a DCFS report on Monday, the main things being: locking her kid out in February until 2am, and screaming at her when she tries to eat any food. She also actively tries to take away the cell phone the dad (not in this town) pays for. This concerns me as then it would mean the friend has no way to contact the outside world for help (she ended up calling 911 at my request last Sunday at 3am. Her mom torments her, won't let her sleep, she was getting ready to leave the house again, and I told her to call 911).

    And now today a sheriff showed up with a Stalking No Contact Order in my daughter's name, filed by the friend's mom. The court date is May 18, and I'll accompany my daughter there.

    Is there anything else I should do? What should I expect? I highly doubt the friend will be allowed to be there, so it'll be the mom's version of whatever story she'll tell against us. Our daughters are best friends. Hers relies on mine to keep her sanity. Is this even enforcable? I've told my daughter not to contact her friend until May 18, but they talk daily so I'm sort of at a loss here. The friend has reached out to ME for help over the past year as well. My name isn't on the order, but I'm assuming I shouldn't reach out to her either? And what is my daugher supposed to do when her friend contacts her?

    submitted by /u/2boredtocare
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    (TX) Soon to be step daughter left without food at her dad's, locked outside for not eating dinner

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    My soon-to-be wife and I have a standard court-ordered custody arrangement with her ex husband and their daughter. This is part of an ongoing custody litigation for which we have a lawyer. We get 1st, 3rd, 5th weekends starting Thurs-Monday, and every Thursday night. With school being out due to Covid-19, we often keep her until Monday at 5 pm (at her father's request.)

    On Thursday this week, when we got our daughter back, we were shocked to find out that her father (who has a history of bipolar disorder) had locked her out of their apartment on Wednesday night from 6pm to 1am for refusing to eat her dinner. She is 10 years old. She was made to eat the seven hour old, unrefrigerated/cold food before she went to sleep. No signs of food poisoning thus far... we have this on record with a text from her ex, where he fully admitted that he had done this to her.

    We have contacted our lawyer and CPS. The lawyer had asked for us to send a synopsis of these events in an email to him so that he can draft an affidavit for emergency custody, which he will present to the courts after we have it notarized on Monday morning.

    During another conversation today, our poor sweet daughter informed us that she is frequently sent to bed early without dinner because she won't eat jt, several times in a week. Her father also tends to sleep in and she, being a child, does not have the wherewithal to make her own breakfast, as she has admitted to us many times and is a part of the body of evidence we are presenting when we finally get a hearing.

    This is really devastating stuff to hear about, and we really don't want her to go back to her father's house on Monday, emergency custody or no.

    My blood is boiling at the thought of her having to endure this anymore.

    Can anybody with experience please speak to what repercussions we likely face in this scenario if we refuse to return her as per our custody agreement? Thank you

    submitted by /u/FoodAndCustody
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    Company treated my gravel road but we never asked for the service

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Came home to find that the gravel road we live on had been treated. Usually the neighbors get the portion of the road in front of their houses (catty corner from us, not adjacent to our property) treated but we have never signed up or received the service. I assume if they try to bill me I can just ignore it?

    Located in Iowa

    submitted by /u/AllEternals
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    Building forcing residents to evacuate during Coronavirus pandemic. What to do?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Hi, so this is my first time posting. Please let me know if this doesn't belong here. I'm fully aware this situation may be within legal limits, but I thought I'd ask here to see if anything could be done. So, in February, I moved into a crowded apartment building in Denver, CO. There's been minor issues with the administration and how they handle issues (like ac) but otherwise this location has been great! However, this building, over the past few months, has begun a major pipeline replacement project. Normal things these older building need to get done, sure, I get that. The details of this replacement involve specific units at a time (ranging 6-8 weeks) needing to evacuate their living space from 8:30am-5pm every weekday. Again, this is about a 2 month period. Well, we just received an email two days ago stating our apartment will be the next on the list to work on. Regardless of the Coronavirus. So, as a graduate student, I am forced to leave during my normal school hours and have no where to go to work. (I don't have family here, I don't want to go to my friends' since they all work as essential workers, and all public spaces are closed). They give 1/2 off rent but this seems absolutely unsafe to me and I was wondering what steps I could take? I'd also like to add we, just now, got an email saying one of the construction workers has tested positive for Coronavirus. Please let me know if you have any advice!

    submitted by /u/rustedfairywings
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    My boss in a meeting just said that discussing wages with any other employee leads to immediate termination.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    I work at a fast food chain location in Minnesota and during a meeting my store manager as well as the regional manager said that any discussion of wages would immediately lead to an individual being fired.

    First question is, can they do this? I am pretty sure glancing at the laws there is no way that this is enforceable.

    Second question, would I be within my right to inform other employees that the laws says they are allowed to talk, or could I get in trouble for telling people the law?

    I currently have no intentions of telling anyone my wages, but I want to know my rights.

    submitted by /u/SMGB_Bowser_Jr
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    Is my brother technically committing assault by holding a knife every time he argues with me?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    I suppose I'll give very light background on this. (Cincinnati, OH) My brother (26) is a judgemental, bigot asshole who has lived with my mom his whole life and has some sort of disability (aspergers, ODD, extreme superiority complex, he has negative amounts of common sense and logic and rational, autism maybe) and he has extreme OCD. He is brilliant with politics and economics and took more AP classes in higschool than allowed but had a mental break during his junior year and has never been the same.

    I (male 31) have stayed at my mom's house for several months in 2016 and currently. Each time my brother and I have gotten in several arguments. He holds an extremely sharp pairing knife during each one. If my mom witnesses it she asks him why he has a knife and he says its to protect himself if anything happens. She calls him crazy and says she hopes he goes to jail one day and walks away. This has happened several times and he's 'joked' on multiple occassions that he will "stab me in the head, but it's ok because I won't go deep enough to hit your brain." He does this while laughing like the devil and then when we tell him he is insane he can't believe we thought he was serious and plays it off like we are the bad guys for ganging up on him for his "joke." At this point, the cumulative events make me scared of him. I've been scared of him for 6-7 years and I am significantly bigger than him. My mom has said on multiple occasions: "I hate to say it, but my own son creeps me out. I'm scared he will come into my room one night and kill me." This was a probably four years ago and then about one year ago.

    Sorry for all the details, but there is just so much backstory that this is the TL:DR to an extreme. I ask this question because my parents are too cowardly to approach him and force him to get help. I'm wondering if there is anything I can do if he grabs a knife again.

    submitted by /u/natethegreatt1
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    My dead husband got a stimulus check

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    So pretty much what the title says. I live in Texas. My husband died in 2018 so I filed jointly in 2019. I had not filed 2019 taxes until last week.

    I remarried in 2019 as well. He got his payment.

    I know IRS really isn't open so what are my options? The check does have (DSCD) by my late husbands name so the IRS clearly knows he's dead. I just want the normal amount without him included.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/WineCall
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    Apartment Complex sent final bill to collections without ever sending notice of due balance

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    This post is in Dallas, Texas.

    In December of last year, my fiance and I switched apartments in our complex, to a smaller unit. We had a two week overlap, moved stuff back and forth, and cleaned the place thoroughly. Was told there weren't any issues with how we left the place. There was no deposit to he returned, because due to a special deal his employer has with the complex, we don't have to pay a deposit. Nothing else happens, life goes on in our new place. We've never paid rent late, actually usually pay it early. We're pretty easy tenants to deal with.

    Woke up this morning with a collections notice and charge on both of our credit reports, listed from our apartment complex. Dinged both of our credit scores pretty badly.

    Called the office for explanation, even just to know what the charge was for, told the person who handles billing is out touring a unit. Said she'll call us once she's back. Okay.

    Call an hour later, they say she's at lunch, but will call us back once she's back in the office.

    Called two hours later, she answer the phone, tells me she's way to busy to even pull up the old account and look, she'll try to get back to me next week. Was super curt, pretty much shoved me off the phone in under 30 seconds.

    At this point we're getting frustrated, because we at least want to know WHAT its for, even if it'll take time to correct it. So I call the property management office, and left a vm seeing if they could look into what the charge was, since the office wasn't going to check it anytime soon. Mentioned we'd just like to know what it was for, or if it was just an error, that way if its something we need to fix, we can.

    15 minutes later, I get an angry call from the office, demanding to know why I called property management when they told me they were going to get me an answer today. (Huh?) They then said they already found the problem, and would let me know. Refused to tell me over the phone. Fiance gets an email from them showing a statement of final balance for Janury of this year, showing damages we were never told about, and including stuff thats normal wear and tear, like carpet cleaning.

    So, we never received any notice, usually they email me for everything, and this was never received, nor mentioned. I don't think they ever even sent it. So we never had a chance to dispute it, look at it, or even pay it before they put it on our credit. We're going to go talk to the office Monday. (They made sure not to send the email until right before they closed) What would be the best point of action here?

    From what I understand in Texas, landlords have to give you an itemized bill within 30 days of any extra costs or deductions to your deposit. We're now four months later from the date showing it was created (01/2020) on the statement. So I'm wondering if I can just ask them to reverse the negative remarks on our credit, but are they even able to try and collect after not sending it to us until now? It was never sent, and I know they usually send emails for bills, because that's how I receive them. And they can't seem to show me the original email it would have been sent with. They also don't seem to have a certified mail receipt, so I'm thinking it was generated and forgotten about, and now they're panicking because they messed up. So any advice would be helpful for when I go in on Monday to handle this!

    submitted by /u/Nerril
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    TX - i know my ex-boyfriend is in possession of child pornography, but i also sent him nudes as a minor

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Title pretty much says it all. When I was 15/16 I dated a 19/20 year old who would film us during sex. I also would send him nudes because I was a teenager and thought it was cool and "mature" at the time (I now realize it's very not cool.) I know my ex cheated on me with other minors, and I heard a while back he was dating a 14 year old when he was 21 but can not confirm. He is an extremely sexual person and I know that any minors he's in contact with he has probably either sent sexually explicit messages to or coerced nudes out of them. I want to report him because I believe he's a sexual predator, but I'm scared since I also technically distributed child pornography even though I was the one taking the photos. I'm a social worker in training and don't want to ruin my whole career and life, but as a social worker in training having knowledge of a pedophile that I'm not reporting is really weighing on my conscious.

    submitted by /u/bluedotbirb
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    My work place has announced that they are switching us all from W2 to 1099.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    During Michigan's Stay at Home order, my workplace has announced that upon return to work they will be having all of us switch to 1099 independent contractors. For many reasons myself and my coworkers believe this to be illegal.

    I'm wondering who I should contact about this and if we're correct in thinking it's illegal?

    I'll give a short description of the job (as we have been told none of these things will change under 1099).
    We get about 13 people into a Chevy Express van (provided by employer), and drive out to car dealers across the state to pick up cars, fill out paperwork and submit paperwork via our personal cell phones about the cars, and bring them to auction. Repeat this 2-5 times a day. Thursdays we drives cars through the auction, and this day is "required" and met with heavy penalties if missed.
    We are required to show up at 8am when we are clocked in M-F, and we do not leave until our last delivery for the day. Could be noon could be 9pm.
    We are paid by the hour at $10.50, and paid bi-weekly. Currently there will be no pay raise for switching to 1099 to cover taxes, lost benefits etc.

    Another question some of us had involving this, considering this reclassification upon returning to work, could we still qualify for unemployment if we choose not to switch to 1099?

    So this company has classified it's workers as Employees for years, and in fact the other locations in the Country are staying as Employees.

    Who do I reach out to about this, and what should I bring up? I love my job and hate to see this happen, but switching us to 1099 like this feels wrong. I'm happy to answer any questions yall might have. Thank you in advance for the help.

    submitted by /u/OurFreeBird
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    Cw: rape

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    I was raped a year or so ago by ex husband. Have proof over text. Can I still come forward to the police without a rape kit? I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/TrashKetchm
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    US Veteran Rejected for Unemployment - Says I'm an Illegal Immigrant, but I'm actually a Native American War Vet!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    [The following post is made on behalf of my very irate dad, who is struggling to pay bills due to this unemployment fiasco]

    Hi Legal Reddit! We could really use your help. My dad has been calling dozens of times a day to fix this problem, but he can't get a hold of anyone when he calls the unemployment office. His concern is that there are too many cases, and by the time his would get heard, the unemployment period would be over, and he wouldn't see a cent of the money he needs.

    It's hard for him to see a way out of this, and any help you guys have would be greatly appreciated.

    He lives in Washington state, if that helps ( Near Seattle WA, USA )

    submitted by /u/ZynBells
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    My salary has been reduced by 20% and they’re giving us one day off the work week. Am I allowed to apply for UI benefits for reduced wage and would this affect my relationship with the company?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    So my company reduced our pay by 20%. They've also given us free Friday for the past few weeks and for the next few weeks. So basically salary has been reduced and the work hours cut.

    Am I still allowed to claim unemployment insurance for the lost wages? I've heard that if your hours are reduced that you can apply for it. However, if I do, would that affect my work in any way? Would the HR try to fight the UI benefit and would that have a detrimental effect on my standing with my work since it would increase their UI taxes or something?

    This is in California. Any advice is appreciated

    submitted by /u/astropydevs
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    My roommate took in a subletter for his apartment and the subletter is now squatting and the lease ends today.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    We are four guys who met in grad school. We have been living in this four bedroom apartment for 3 years now. One of my roommates got a job in a different state and be sublet his room. He didn't ask us about it. He basically just told us to let the person in. We were pretty mad at him but he said he was desperate and it was ultimately something we just dealt with.

    Then the subletter started acting like a crazy person. For context the subletter is a 60+ woman, the rest of us are mid-20s. She started accusing us of eating her food(she puts raisins in rice....no one ate her foods), would come home drunk, would constantly talk while we were trying to watch tv, told causally racist stories and would jus that into shouting matches with us. We just tried to deal with it because it was only a month and a half.

    And then the COVID-thing started. One of my roommates and I decided to quit our jobs (we were servers and the restaurants ended up closing less than a week later) and after talking to my gf and roommate we decided to leave NYC to be home with our families. Among many reasons, we didn't want to be stuck with this lady. So we left in mid March.

    Then my roommate decided to let her stay another month. Through April. Whatever we weren't there anymore. Well now she's not leaving. The lease is supposed to be over but she's squatting and the leasing company says we have to pay month to month now until she is removed.

    Technically only two roommates are on the lease. The one who sublet and another one. The other roommate is freaking out. And just wants to pay them. The roommate who left and I, were taking part of the rent strike for the month of April. Since it was our last month anyway, we assumed they would take our full deposit and either be done with it or deal with it when they came. The company hadn't asked for their money or given us any trouble until the roommate reached out and told them that he sublet his room and that she won't leave, a day before the lease ends. Then my other roommate contacted the company and asked if it was okay to use the security deposit for rent and of course they said no.

    So what now? I think my roommates keep fucking up by going to the company and taking and implicating themselves. Advice? Anything really. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Burlapdancer
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    Father just died and we believe his girlfriend will get both houses (1 in NY, and 1 in FL) due to survivorship. Is there any way to fight?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    So about 7 months ago my father was kicked out of his home he joint owned with this girlfriend and he was forced to live in hotels for the time being. Of course there was never agreement made (being he gets the house in FL). Which is perfect for her because seemingly she will automatically inherit both houses. As one of the 3 children of my fathers this is very infuriating to me, seeing as my father made much more money than her and had spent the vast majority of time working on them.

    It seems like she was purposefully prolonging the agreement so that he would eventually die, so that she didn't have to give up the house in FL. Do we have any recourse? or are we just screwed

    submitted by /u/sickshottaker69
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    Prenup seems unfair... am I wrong?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    We are in TN.

    I am 24F and fiancé is 25M. Wedding was originally planned for next May, but now we are getting married next month.

    My fiancé's family owns a business that he is set to run in a few years. They also have some buildings/houses that they rent out and several properties for hay baling and such. He also has an inheritance that he is a beneficiary on, but will not have control over until he is 40. His dad talked to us about a prenuptial agreement a few months ago- fiancé knew and did not tell me anything about it. So it is safe to say I was blindsided.

    Their lawyer came by our place yesterday and gave us two copies of the prenup. My fiancé has no idea what is in this prenup. He still hasn't even read it.

    I have read it and most of it I do not understand, but from what I do understand it does not seem fair.

    Separate Property: reads as it stays separate even if it increases in value. "Said estate shall include all interest, rents and profits which may in time accrue or result in any amount from any increase in value or be collected for the use and benefit of the same in any way, and shall include any inheritance now inchoate, to be received by either party's relative's, either by Will or under the statutes of descent and distribution."

    Release by "my name": "'my name' hereby releases any and all rights in 'fiancé's name' property or estate which she might have by reason of this marriage to 'fiance', whether by way of dower, statutory allowance, homestead, year's support, intestate share, election to take in his will, elective share of surviving spouse, marital property portion, wrongful death statutes, or otherwise. 'My name' further agrees and covenants that she will not assert any claim, interest, estate or title under the laws of this or any other state by virtue of her surviving 'fiancé' in or to the property, real, personal or mixed, or life insurance of which 'fiance' may die sized or possessed can except as to joint property under 'paragraph that I typed above this one'.

    It goes on to say that future wages from any source whatsoever stay separate unless we commingle the wages in a joint account.

    It also says retirement benefits stay separate, we be fully released from paying alimony, support, maintenance and attorney's fees.

    It does have a termination after 10 years of marriage. Except for the first two paragraphs above.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I am reading this as I get nothing at all? We are in the process of building a house (still picking out fixtures to get final cost from our contractor). The build will be paid for by money from his inheritance- would that not be considered benefiting the marriage? We also just got a joint bank account and the day before he had money from his stock account transferred into the savings that we both now share.

    I am coming into this with nothing but what is in my checking account. I do not come from a family with money. I have no assets. I moved to his small town from a big city so there aren't many opportunities for work (his parents do not want me working at their store right now). We also have a 7 month old together and have been living together for over a year. I have been staying at home with the baby. I would leave this marriage with nothing but half of the value of our soon to be house from what I understand.

    When he takes over the business we do plan on me coming there and helping him run it. His sister gets profit from the store. I don't necessarily think that it is fair for me to get nothing if he were to pass while we are still running it. Ex. He starts running it at 30, 20 years in he passes and all of those years I helped him. I did the bookkeeping side of things. What happens to me? I think at that point the store should be left to me and his sister and I would continue to run it and I would then pass it on to our son (his sister has never worked at the store and told me herself that she has no interest in it). If he passes before his parents than it goes back to them (they are in their early 60s). Something like that.

    Am I being unreasonable? Please let me know. I really am just lost on what to think.

    I am meeting with a lawyer on Monday. What should I be including in this agreement?

    Edit: spelling Edit: I want to make it clear that I have absolutely no problem with signing a prenuptial agreement. I just want to make sure I can pay my bills and take care of my children if we were to ever divorce. Especially if we were to divorce years from now and I have not worked.

    submitted by /u/throwaway20201900
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    Someone ran a stop sign and hit me while driving. They fled the scene, but I found the car 2 blacks away days later. The cops won't do anything because it's uninsured and unregistered. My car is totaled and I know who did it and where he lives but I'm really just out of luck?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    No, I don't have full coverage. Insurance company is a dead end.

    Long story: A car ran a stop sign and plowed into me. I was super shocked when it happened, and didn't think the guy would leave, but did. Hit and run. Cops came, not much they can do, don't have full coverage, he kinda told me I was out of luck. He asked me if I wanted him to do a report, which would take months, or if I wanted to do one myself. Knowing how over worked PPD is, I decided to do it myself, but didn't end up going through the whole process because it seemed like a waste. 2 days later I see the car. I recognize the car, the damage and the driver. He sees me see him, has a look like he saw a ghost, then floors it. He only went 2 blocks then turned left. I followed him and he was parked in a driveway. He saw me, and started driving after me. Long story short, he chased me for about a mile. At one point he was driving 30mph in REVERSE trying to, I don't know, "get me"? It was super scary, and for sure him. I give the cops the address, they roll by, not there. Plate, not registered or insured. Cops say, sorry, out of luck. So I go around the neighborhood asking if anyone knows about a busted up VW from recent hit and run, and what do you know? The people that live across the street from where he pulled into know that car, and him. They knew when it happened because since they've been in quarantine, they have been on their front porch and noticed it got smashed up and he removed his license plate. They also say that the house seems like it's dealing drugs, sketchy people coming and going. I call the cops, they come to my house and ask what happened, tell them I found where the dude stays, and that neighbors know him, the car, and the accident. They say they will roll through, but the car still isn't there. 2 days later, I drive by the house only 5 blocks away from where I live, and the car is parked right outside. I call the cops and say I was involved in a hit and run, have located the vehicle, and know the guys stays at the house it's parked at. The cops asks if I filled a report, and apparently I did not. She basically laughs at me and says she's not gonna bust down a door to some random person because she thinks there may be a person inside that may have hit my car. She scolds me for not making a report, and i say that after talking to 5 cops before her, she is the first one to ask me if I filled a report, and not just my case number, that I have from talking with so many about this. She made me a report, and went to the house, knocked, no answer. She told me that if it even went to court, the DA would throw the case out because the report was made days after the indecent. Now it's basically a closed case according to them. I asked if I should just knock on the door myself and ask if there is anything they can do, and the cop told me they wouldn't advise it, considering the history with the house, but wouldn't tell me any details. Basically, if I knock on the door, I'm gonna get shot. I feel like this should have some sort of resolution besides, "sorry kid you're SOL". He totaled my car, the car is right there, the neighbors know who drives it and where he lives. Any advice? I just got this car less than a month ago...

    TLDR; Hit and run, found the car and the dude, cops say nothing I can do because it's not registered or insured, case closed.

    submitted by /u/Spencer_Sprocket
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