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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - Breeder is demanding dog be returned

    Legal Advice - Breeder is demanding dog be returned

    Breeder is demanding dog be returned

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Hello, any advice is greatly appreciated.

    I recently adopted a 2 year old corgi out of a really bad home (I have a post explaining the details if your curious but they don't really change this situation) and have had for about 2 weeks now. The dog is not currently neutered and we made with clear to the previous owners that we intended to get him neutered as we don't want to breed him. They were okay with this. Yesterday we got a voicemail from a woman claiming to be his original breeder and although she agreed to let him be sold to us she only just found out that we intended to neuter him and she wanted us to return the dog to her immediately as he sales contract stated that she could repossess the dog for any reason. (For reference, I live in Michigan, the dog was adopted in Indiana and the breeder is in Pennsylvania)

    I'm at a loss, I payed for this dog, have bonded with this dog, me and my family love this dog, and we took him out of a very abusive home. I have no intention of returning him if I can do anything about it.

    I've spent a little bit of time online looking into this and their are very conflicting reports on the legality of this request, on one hand I don't have a contract with this person, I never signed anything with them, and my purchase was made legally with her permission and I have a receipt signed by his previous owners, his pet ID chip was transferred to me, as well as his AKC registration, and he has vet records with me for a cough. But I'm not sure how this plays in with the contract she had with the previous owners. I also have pause because he doesn't have any previous vet records (his owners were Amish) and I haven't been able to get him his rabbies vaccine due to the lockdown and So I can't get him registered yet.

    I don't want to surrender this dog, I want to do anything I can to keep him, does this person have any legal ground to stand on with this request? If they do how do I fight it?

    I'm sorry if this is rambling at all, or if I left anything out, if you have any questions I'm happy to answer them. I haven't called them back yet either. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Edit/update: With the advice I've been given here and the urging of my fiance I've reached out to a lawyer I've used before even though this isn't his area of expertise, he as happy to go back on retainer with me and gave me this advice 1. Contact her via the email she provided in the voicemail, let her know that I won't be returning the dog, her grievance is with the family we purchased him from, not me. 2. Offer proof a good home environment and pet care, as well as proof (photos and video) of the abuse he was suffering under his old home. 3. Instruct her that any further communication should go through him (the lawyer) and not to contact me directly again.

    He advised me that she could file a claim but it likely won't go anywhere and although he's never handled a case like this before he has colleagues who have and I shouldn't stress to much. But it is imperative as soon as the lockdown is lifted I need to get him vaccinated and registered to me in Michigan.

    Thank you everyone who commented with advice, your help is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/SlayinDaWabbits
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    Planet Fitness lied...

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Question for you guys.

    So I moved out of state but before I left I went into Planet Fitness to cancel my gym membership, signed the paper and everything. I noticed like 3 months later that they had still been debiting my bank account, so I called my bank who said they had my account/routing number and they would block future debits and refund it.

    A month later I noticed that they had billed me AGAIN for the 3 months plus a fee. So I called my bank again who said this time they used my debit card and would refund the money and open a fraud dispute, since I cancelled it and did not permit these debits.

    Just today I got a notice of legal action from my bank with documents from Planet Fitness saying that I had never cancelled my membership, and said I went to the gym on March 6, 2020 at 12:30pm and sent a picture of me walking in dated on March 6, 2020. Mind you I have been out of state since November and the picture showed me with very short hair and I have had extensions since September 2019, they sent an old pic and are lying about me checking in. I have proof I was at work in a different state that day they claim the picture was taken.

    I am pretty positive it'll get figured out with the bank, but my question is how could I let people know publicly about this fraudulent company without getting sued for slander or something. Also, could I sue them for blatantly lying??

    TYIA! Edit: It's a California location btw!

    submitted by /u/girlnamedb
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    Dealership cannot/will not present title to car I bought in full. Do not know how to proceed in getting my money back.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    I purchased a car in full from a dealership in the state of UT, it was my first time so I was a little oblivious on how it works so I went along with the process thinking everything was normal. After everything was said and done, I was about to leave with what they claimed was all the paperwork I needed for the car. My friend who joined me for the transaction asked the dealership multiple times if there was anything else I needed for the car to get plates and take care of the car at the DMV.

    They did not gives me tags for the car as I was leaving, and they also did not give me a title. Once I found out I didn't have the title to register my car/get plates I tried contacting the dealership multiple times, to the point where it seemed like they were dodging my calls. I drove there myself to find out what was going on, and they outright told me they did not have the title with them; at the time when they verified that they didn't have the title, it had already been three days later.

    I had to do my own research along with help from the DMV to find out that the title was with a lien agency. They failed to inform me of this before and after the news of a lack of title in my possession.

    The DMV told me to report the incident to the MVED, and I have. However they told me it will take up to 14 business days for someone to even begin investigating. Really I just want my money back, is this a crazy request? From the research I've tried to do, as far as I can tell, if they don't give you tags they have 48 hours to present a title and from there if they don't you can get your refund in full? I'm afraid they won't work with me unless I get some sort of law enforcement to encourage it.

    The dealership has been terrible in the whole transaction, they still will not contact me with the multiple emails I've sent them. Isn't this fraud? What should I try doing to encourage my refund? I put about 300 dollars into the car before I found out about the title, small claims court sounds like a pain to deal with. So just getting my money back for the purchase is ideal.

    I have the paperwork for the proof of purchase, however they put the wrong amount on the odometer by about 20k, I'm not sure if that would be an issue but I also reported that to the MVED. This whole issue started about 2 weeks ago and I havnt been able to progress in any action since the 21st of April.

    submitted by /u/anon1900490
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    Being prosecuted/sued for not reporting a crime I was a victim of?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I (34 M) ran away from home when I was 16, to escape serious abuse from my parents, mostly my father. My father isn't a good person. He was very abusive to me and my mom. He is also a crook, the kind that cheats, steals from vulnerable people, doesn't pay his taxes and so on. I haven't had any contact with my father from the day I left home. I never reported the abuse to the police, I only told a few people at the time and I'm not sure they believed my anyway. My mother died shortly after I left, and my father married twice more, he has kids with both his second and third wives. I don't know the wives or their kids at all, not even their names.

    I heard through a relative that my father was arrested two or so weeks ago, I didn't know the charges against him. This was to be expected one day or another so I didn't give it any further thought. Three days ago though I was called by a very aggressive woman who claims to be his current wife. She was (understandably) upset that he was arrested. She accuses him of abusing their kids. The woman also told me that he stole from her, talked some relatives into investing in shady schemes of his then kept the money and a variety of other accusations. I don't know which of these crimes he's been arrested for. The woman who called was very angry. She says that I enabled my father by not reporting the abuse I went through. I have no idea who told her my father abused me. She said I knew how he was and didn't tell anyone and because of that he was free to marry her, abuse her and their kids and steal from her family. She said that she reported me to the police for knowingly enabling a criminal. She also said that she would take me to court for the money she lost, her and her kids suffering, everything. She said all I had to do was denounce him and not doing so is a serious crime and I'm going to pay for it because I knew. I didn't think she was serious but yesterday I had a missed call from the police department of the city where my father lives. They say I need to call them back and it's about him. It seems she made good on her threat and told the police about me so now I'm very worried. I didn't know one could get in trouble for not reporting abuse. Should I call them back or is there a risk for me? And what can this woman sue me for exactly? Is there anything I should do about it?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway_120798
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    Police told my dad he can't use a public road after a woman called in and said he was stalking her.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    The police just showed up at our door about 30 minutes ago. I tried calling a lawyer to get advice but none are open at the moment because of the time and the COVID-19.

    My father who is 55 years old recently got a girlfriend about 5-6 months ago. He goes to visit her every day and helps her clean her house or just talk with her. I've been with him twice and every day he tells me he is going to go visit her beforehand. I also spoken with her on the phone the other day. I have no doubt that is exactly what he is doing and nothing else.

    The police showed up at my door and told my dad that this woman who lives on the road he drives on to get to his girlfriends house is making the following claims which we have no idea who it is of course (nor do we want to):

    1. That he keeps driving by her house. They told us the road, and the road is a public road and also a shortcut to beat 5 red lights that save time and money on gas. They mentioned they have him on camera driving past her house. Tons of people use this road that live in town. This is the same road we used both times to go visit his girlfriend.

    2. That he has been to her work place multiple times. My dad has only been to Walmart, the dollar store and the cigarette store. These are the only stores that are open during this time except a few fast food places. We don't eat fast food, and the only time my dad goes to these stores is for groceries or his cigarettes. I know it's the only time he goes to these stores because he is sick and only goes when he wants to get something, which he tells me before hand so I can give him money or I'm going and he goes with me. I take care of him so that is pretty much why I know everywhere he goes honestly, and that he has an obsessive need to tell me everything he is doing.

    To be clear I know 100% my dad isn't stalking anyone or harassing anyone. My dad was outside when they showed up and I only ended up catching part of the conversation to get the jist of the whole thing.

    They told my dad the following: That regardless if he was or not doing this, any more complaints he would be arrested. I heard them say this. Which I think is ridiculous and why I want to get a hold of a lawyer. I think this is just intimidation to my father who is a sick old man over this persons delusions (I'm sorry this person feels this way but it's just delusions). They also told my dad he can't drive down that road anymore, and it's a public road. It's a shortcut to multiple places, and in this case a short cut to his girlfriends house and to the dollar store. My dad just said yeah to that and didn't say anything else and they left. Prior he mentioned that he just goes visits his girlfriend.

    Are the police allowed to tell my father he can't use a public road? What happens if this woman makes another complaint and they actually arrest him, is there anything I should do or just have a lawyer deal with this? Since apparently she has made a complaint and he only goes to three stores, I'm guessing she works at one of these three stores and these are the only stores in town for groceries. How do we handle that since they are literally big grocery stores? We are a small town, like rural so a person working at a place and then living in a house we drive by is probably common. We have three neighbors that work at stores we go to for example.

    Thanks for any advice here, I'm just frustrated over the whole situation.

    Edit: We live in Eastern Kentucky

    submitted by /u/MonPetitCoeur
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    Police walk into my house without my family’s permission for “Training Purposes”

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    So my father had cancer for over two years and my family was prepared for his day to pass. We were in contact with the hospital and had a plan for what we would do when that time came, which was to call a branch of the hospital and they would take care of the rest. The day came and we did the correct steps, and a nurse came to do paperwork and make sure everything is official before the body was transported.As she is at our house doing paperwork sorting things out with the funeral home, my sister hears something outside and before she can even touch the door handle, a police officer, a fireman, and another man with a computer, opens the door and just walks in without asking permission. I see them walk in and assume the nurse called them for help with something, so I don't think anything of it as does the rest of my family. None of the 3 men are wearing any sort of face mask and demands to see the body. My mother takes them to him and they talk for a bit and he says they were there for training and it is standard protocol, then the men leave. After they left, the nurse told us that she has never had the police come when she has been working before. Also the people at the hospital specifically told us not to call the police when we were planning for his passing. Just thought it was odd how they walked in without permission, someone who deals with situations for a living had never seen public servants come. I feel my family's rights were ignored. Also with the COVID-19 going around they came into my house without any sort of precious face mask or gloves. Can anyone tell me if what they did was lawful or not? I live in Van Alstyne, TX, 75495 a city 2 counties north of Dallas

    submitted by /u/marcuscooper21
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    Crazy HOA President refuses to let me fix my AC

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Throwaway for privacy. I'm in California.

    TLDR: Crazy HOA president refuses to give us a key to allow a repairman to access the roof to fix our broken AC, citing Corona as the reason even though HVAC work is an essential service in our city and the repair would take place on the roof, which is virtually unvisted by residents. She has been unresponsive for about a week to further texts/emails about giving us the key so we can get the AC fixed. What can we do to get the key?

    I live in CA, USA in a condo complex with around 14 units. I own my own unit and belong to a HOA. As the days have been getting warmer, I tried to use my AC and realized to my dismay that it was broken.

    Access to the AC is on the roof of the building complex, accessible through a ladder to the roof, which is covered by a locked cage. The issue is that our HOA president (who is effectively the entire board as she does whatever she wants) has the only copy of the key to the locked cage that gives access to the roof. She has refused to give us this key, claiming that HVAC repair is not an essential service (this is incorrect - HVAC work is considered essential in our city), that we are putting her life in danger due to Covid, and that we are acting selfishly in trying to let an AC man access the roof.

    We tried to give her no-contact options for receiving and returning the key, including sterlizing it before return. We should note that a variety of other workers (gardeners, delivery men dropping off packages, cleaners who clean and sweep the floors, etc) have continued to service and access the communal areas of the property throughout the entire lockdown. These areas include ones that are frequented by residents on a daily basis when compared to the literally inaccessible roof, such as the garage, mail room, trash areas, and shared outdoor porch-deck area.

    We argued back and forth a bit via text, and she finally said that we would need to provide proof of insurance by the repair company and also get HOA board approval (a problem for us as she essentially IS the board). However, she left the strong impression that she would continue to resist giving us the key in our final text communication.

    We provided proof of insurance and submitted a request for approval to "the Board" about a week ago via email and have not heard anything back.

    My question is, what are our next steps to get the key if she continues to deny us access or continues to just ignore our request? Once again, AC/HVAC repair is considered an essential service in our city, and we have informed her of this and texted her screenshots of the government website listing it as such.

    We are willing to pay an attorney to see this through assuming a solution is the result. Would we be able to recoup attorney fees from the HOA or HOA president as an individual? Are there any other options that we could explore before going to an attorney/going to court, which I assume will be a longish process, as time is a factor and we would like to fix the AC ASAP before it get even hotter?

    submitted by /u/hvacthrowaway123333
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    Estranged Husband Overdosed After Our last Court Date, Being Sued for Wrongful Death IL

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    This is as convoluted and embarrassing as the title suggests. I'll try to be concise:

    5/14/19 - left husband after six years of documented physical abuse (time/date stamped screenshots, photos and police reports, copies of which I still posses)

    5/21/19 - Was granted No Contact Order pending disposition of felony domestic battery complaint

    9/13/20 - Petitioned for divorce. This case was continued pending disposition of criminal matter

    2/19/20 - Criminal matter was set for trial in April. Later that day, husband takes fatal dose of fentanyl in what is ruled an accidental overdose

    3/8/20 - Divorce case is dismissed Certificate of Death is attached to my petition (as opposed to his counter-suit. Not sure if this is germane)

    This Morning: Was served a summons to appear in the wrongful death suit his sister has filed against me. She is seeking $175k in damages, which is coincidentally the amount of debt for which I would have been liable had he won the divorce. She alleges that I fabricated the abuse for the sole purpose of inflicting emotional harm and with the express intent of causing his relapse and suicide.

    Obviously this is all BS. Obviously I will respond. I have a stack of documentation almost two inches thick in my file cabinet, as well as digital copies. MRIs and CAT scans of a fractured orbital socket. Discharge paperwork and photographs of 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Emails and text messages in which he threatens to hurt or kill me. Photos of ligature marks across my neck.

    My question to you guys: how on earth do I go about finding an attorney to represent me and how expensive is this going to be (vague ballpark, not actuals or anything close). I guess I am trying to figure out how tightly I need to gird my loins for the shit storm ahead. I literally just pulled myself out of the giant hole that I had to dig to get away from him safely and to get the mental health support I needed. I'm panicking that I will not be able to scrape together enough for a retainer and I'm going to have to fight this pro se.

    EDIT: This is in Cook Co, IL

    submitted by /u/Resident-Gain
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    The police have arrested someone for illegally living in my apartment for (what seems like) the last month. Am I entitled to any restitution?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    So I am quarantining with family many thousands miles away from my apartment in San Francisco. I got a call from the police that they were arresting someone who had been living in my apartment after my suspicious neighbor called them. This person had found my apartment lease and was claiming to be me. I haven't returned home yet but from the pictures the police sent me I can tell that 1) my apartment is trashed (my stuff dumped all over the floor, trash everywhere, hair all over the bathroom, food in the toilet, etc.) and 2) the stranger had been using my things (makeup, straightener, clothes, etc.) and had been opening my mail and going through my personal documents (W-2's, marriage certificate, etc.).

    From what I can tell, they hadn't taken anything out of my apartment when the police arrived, so I am not sure if they will be charged with burglary. But am I entitled to any kind of restitution? If nothing has been stolen but my apartment is trashed, and my mail opened by them, are they obligated to pay me anything? They are obviously not in a financial position to do so, but does the government step in to pay in these situations?

    I feel extremely violated by everything that has happened and will honestly be throwing away my bedding, towels, clothes etc. and hiring a cleaning service to take care of the nastiest bits of cleaning. Also the fact that they pretended to be me and opened my mail makes me wonder if there is any kind of victim compensation for stuff like that?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but any and all advice would be appreciated right now!

    submitted by /u/Tannisroot123
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    Mother part of ballot harvesting scheme

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I live in Madison, Wisconsin.

    My mother (73) lives in a nursing home and did not plan to vote in the 2020 primary there recently. She was unable to get an absentee ballot and could not show up physically to the polling place due to medical issues.

    Two days ago, I got mail addressed to her from the Board of Elections saying that a ballot in her name was identified for fraud. I called her to understand what was going on and was told that someone from the nursing home gave her a ballot (already filled up) and told her to sign it along with some other documents. She did so. The mail gave instructions for appealing it, so I did so and am waiting for a response. I found an email in my mailbox saying that she applied for an absentee ballot, but I must've not saw it.

    Additionally, after checking security footage I had of my mailbox, a month and a half ago 2 men came up to my mailbox around 1 AM and dumped its contents into a large bag and continued doing this around the block.

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/legalthrowaway12123
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    The tenant will not leave after the end of lease

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    I own a house in Portland, OR. I have a 4-bedroom house and have been renting out 3/4 rooms to help me pay for my mortgage. I have had some really good tenants over the past 3 years. Currently, I have a girl who I really like renting out two of my rooms since she uses one room for private business (dog training). I have another girl who has been living in my master bedroom since about June of last year. I stupidly didn't have either sign a lease when they moved in. All communication has been through facebook messenger. I advertised the rooms as month-to-month. About 2 months ago, the girl renting my master bedroom got custody of her 2 year old. He started living here full-time without any communication from her. Then last month, the father of her child showed up and started living on my couch. He would be sleeping there when I left for work at 730am and would still be there sleeping when I would return around 630pm. I include utilities in the agreement so as you can imagine, having two additional people here costs me a significant amount of money, e.g., water has always averaged $350 but was almost $600 when I got the bill last week. Anyways, my tenants get into verbal fights often which results in screaming and f-words. The one renting the master also fights regularly with her 'baby-daddy' often. About 45 days ago they got in such a loud fight, I told her I didn't want him on my property again and I informed her I would be ending her month to month lease at the end of April. This took place 2-days before the Portland memorandum stating no evictions based on non-payment. Now, I don't care about payment. On May 1st she was supposed to be out and I had another tenant lined up to move in. The new tenant signed an official lease with me. Well, on the last day of April, this girl said she would not be moving. She had 45 days to communicate with me. She said she doesn't have money and would be homeless with a 2-year old. She used to work at a hotel in town but quit her job about 4 months ago to pursue a career as a 'sugar baby'. She shared that she would receive $400 weekly from a wealthy man in Seattle as long as she visited him every other week (on his dollar). She has made a statement that she doesn't want to work and wants someone else to provide for her. They apparently got in disagreement while they were on a road trip to Idaho, and he left her there. She made her way back to Portland and hasn't been working since.

    So - since my new tenant moved in, I had to move my bed and all my stuff to my living room to set up a makeshift bedroom. I have a 2-year old and I'm concerned for our safety not having walls or a door to protect us. I'm concerned that the father of her baby is going to come at any time. And she wont give a timeline on when she will be leaving.

    What can I do? I told her she needs to vacate the master bedroom so I can move into it. She refuses. I'm assuming I can't lock the main door while she's out. The police said it's a civil matter that needs to be addressed in civil court, but that's closed for the foreseeable future due to the pandemic. Her staying compromises the lease my new tenant signed which states who is currently living in the house. The new tenant and the one I really like (who rents two rooms) are both on the verge of just moving out because it's an unsafe and uncomfortable situation. This would cost me $1675 in rent per month PLUS the one who wont leave wont pay which is another $675. I don't know what to do. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/shimmey18
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    67 years old in Virginia. World turned upside down. Spouse has been traveling to Vietnam and seeing prostitutes and won't stop. I want a divorce. He has an inheritance from his parents in an IRA that is the majority of our net worth. Would I have any claim to it?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    His parents died 10 years ago. I mostly worked minimum wage and raised our kids. He was a salesman and made the majority of our income. I know our house, retirement, etc. would be split in half. But my husband tells me he already spoke to a lawyer and says the inheritance is his and can't be touched. Unsure if he's telling the truth. He's been sending multiple women thousands of dollars for months now, so I'd like to protect as much as I can for my kids.

    I'm going to speak to a lawyer regardless, but I figure if he's lying about this I need to mentally prepare for an ugly divorce over a clean one.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/markjones1261
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    Denied Landlord access. They changed locks on gate. I’m effectively locked out of my house if someone doesn’t let me in the gate.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I live in Los Angeles. So yesterday my landlord tried with a 24 hour notice to retrieve personal property she abandoned in my unit and install smoke detectors at the same time. I denied them access because I didn't feel comfortable with her going thru and taking things out of storage areas inside my unit because I've been harassed and intimidated by them and am about to start a civil case against them

    In the process her or her property manager spray painted the peephole in my door so I couldn't see out of it. I called the police and when they came they said they couldn't do anything but talk to my landlord and she refused to open the door to them. Later on in the evening I noticed they broke a key in my lock so now I can't properly operate the door.

    Just now, I went for a walk and when I came back they had changed the lock on the gate. This is the only access I have onto the property. Thankfully I was let in the gate by my mother who lives with me. Conveniently my landlord is nowhere to be found.

    I'm going to wait until they are on property again and call the police on her for performing an illegal lock out.

    Thoughts? Advice? I'm going to the courthouse on Monday to begin pursuing a civil case. My mother and I are applying for apartments currently and hopefully will be out within the next two weeks.

    submitted by /u/dm_me_your_art
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    Is it legal to record your employee's audio when you tell them that you're not.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    For starters, I'm aware that your employer has the right to listen and watch their employees via cameras and microphones when they're at work.

    Where I work, we were told that we were being watched on the cameras, which fine, that's pretty standard. The thing is though, they told us that the cameras did not pick up audio. I found out today, that they do indeed pick up audio.

    Basically, my employer lied and said that audio can't be heard when it can, and I'm pretty angry about it. Some employees here have gotten to know eachother and have told eachother things in confidence believing that they weren't being heard. The company is run by one big family that loves to gossip as well. To me it feels like blatantly lying to your employees about the extent of surveillance has crossed a line in some way. I live in Iowa, for reference.


    submitted by /u/Deatthstar
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    Purchased car from dealer, I paid for the car, title, registration. He never sent me this, and he shut down his LLC after I paid him.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:08 PM PDT


    Posting this here because I really have no idea where else to post this.

    Back in September, I purchased a car from a auto body shop that was around for around 10 years prior to me purchasing the car. I purchase car for around ~5k. When I was signing all the paper work and making the payment, he told me that I do NOT need to pay for the title and license plate at the dmv.

    Instead he told me he will handle the title, registration, etc. He told me it would be shipped to my house within 6 weeks, as I paid him for this.

    About 4 weeks after buying the car, I drive by the autobody shop. To my surprise there is multiple uhauls out front. I ask the driver whats going on, he tells me the owner is moving.

    I called the owner, he told me the business is shutting down and to talk to the DMV for my title.

    Okay cool, I call the dmv, dol, they launch an investigation. Turns out he did this to 113 people. Sold them cars he did NOT have the title to, but promised he did.

    If you google this mans name there is 10-20+ articles about him being a scammer.

    The DOL now has sent paperwork to the original owner of the car to see if they will release it to me.

    Guess what, pandemic happened. The person never replied. Now my option from the DOL is officially wait 3 years, then apply for a new title.

    I'm obviously not wanting to wait 3 years to get ownership of something I paid for in full 6 months ago.

    He scammed over 113 people stated in multiple articles. What do I do with this? Does this warrant the start of a class action? Can I take him to small claims court? Can I sue him? What do I do?

    TLDR ; I purchase car from auto body shop, I pay for the car, and title and registration, like anyone would do, you know? Then, 4 weeks later he shuts down his entire company and he didnt pay his LLC tax which led to his company being disolved? Then 6 weeks in, I never got my title and registration. I file a complaint with the DMV, they cant help me now because of the Pandemic going around (their mail rooms are closed). My future options apparently are waiting 3 years to obtain a new title and registration. I don't want to do that.

    I paid ~$1500 cash / $3100 on my chase credit card. I'm calling the bank tomorrow to dispute the 3k, I'm guessing the cash part is gone. Please help :/

    edit: this took place in washington state.

    submitted by /u/EntranaYT
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    Our Timeshare isn't getting back to us about cancelling our reservation for June, and we are nearing the deadline to cancel or we lose out on the money.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    My family has a timeshare in Mexico that we usually go to every year during the first two weeks of June. In a given year, we reserve 6 rooms for my SO and I, my parents, my sister and her SO, grandparents, and any friends who want to come.

    This year, when all the Coronavirus was starting to hit the US, I called in mid march to cancel since we didn't want to use the room this year. Normally, they would be fine with this and we could bank the points for next year to either book more rooms or to upgrade to better rooms. However, the lady on the phone told us that it was too early to cancel, and that we would need to call back past April 15th for our window. We have until the 3rd week of May (May 23rd) to cancel.

    However, whenever I try to call them, I get a message saying that they are unable to take calls right now, and to email them. I have emailed 11 times now and have not gotten an answer. When I go online to the website, it still says we are booked, and to cancel our reservation, we need to email them. I'm stuck in this loop of trying to get ahold of them, and don't know what to do. Is there anything I can do to force them to cancel?

    submitted by /u/Tlr321
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    My sons father is a white supremacist and serial abuser.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Im 22 f and my sons father is 23, our son is 3. Im on mobile and im frazzled so exuse my poor grammer and such, so we have 50/50 right now and every time my son goes with him he comes home with bruises or scratches, well his father escalated to covering him in tattoo stencils of guns, knives, and a few white supremacist symbols. We have called cps but they havnt come to any conclusions yet, well i looked on his facebook after prompting from a friend and he is constantly sharing those horid videos of people being shot, beheaded, and killed in other violent manners. He also hasnt paid his child support but he still asks the court for adjustments and for them to pausevit and such, so my question is do i have any kind of case? My son is afraid of him and visibly upset everytime he sees him. Him and his wife dont want him they just feel like they are entitled to have his son. He always gers mad about us letting him sit to pee or not "making him be a man" i need to protect my child but i dont know if this is enough to get him out. Im in Pennsylvania

    Edit: oh and about the serial abuser part, every partner he has ever had he cheats and verbally degrades them into staying.

    submitted by /u/KuraiBlackfire
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    HELP. Dealership screwed me over with registration process.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I bought my first car in September 2018 from a dealership in San Diego. The sales rep was clearly desperate to get it off the lot; they'd claimed that it was because the car was a 2015 used model but they failed to mention that there would be registration issues, which I'm sure is why people were hesitant to buy this convertible mustang in Southern California for a bargain. They told me I'd be getting my license plates, title and registration in the mail within two weeks. It's been 2 years. Every time I go in to check in with them they send me away with "temp paperwork" to show to the police instead of registration. It's worked fine so far but I recently lent a friend my car while I'm out of the country. He got stopped by the police and now my car's been impounded because, according to SDPD, the car hasn't been registered since 2016! They claim it may be because of smog issues (with a 2015 mustang??). I won't be back in San Diego (or the US) for an indeterminate amount of time. SDPD told my friend that we'd have to run the vin number on the dmv website, pay backed up fees, get my friend power of attorney to take the car for a day, make sure it passes smog tests, test it at the dmv, and only after that can I get the car back. We ran the vin and it turned out the car had passed all smog tests, and the only problem is that it hasn't been registered since 2016.

    Does anybody have any advice on what I should do? Do I have grounds for a lawsuit against the dealership?

    submitted by /u/bronchitiswalnut
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    My landlord has neglected to fix a leak after 3 months of asking for it to be repaired. I just discovered artwork that took hundreds to thousands of hours and that I had been selling for around 15$ an hour has all been covered in black mold and soaked. Can I and what is the next step to sue | OH

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    So the only thing I don't have documented is proof that the specific leak I am referring to caused the damages. It might have been some other unknown leak because we noticed the leak on the 2nd floor and it was damaged and wet in the basement. The basement has had some unreported mold issues but nothing on this scale and this destructive. We did however report a leak months ago that was fixed and there is NO WAY the repair man didn't see the mold it left behind the waster. A roommate cleaned it up with bleach later and didn't report it. However we have been reporting mold in the room with a known leak.

    In addition is there anything I should check with my doctor about mold related issues that would hold legal water? The room that's known leaking is next to mine and its starting to smell disgusting.

    submitted by /u/PM_UR_COOL_DREAM
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    My abusive Mom is holding my stimulus check hostage, what can I do?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Located in the United States. Mom lives in Michigan, I live in New York.

    I moved away from my Mom and my old state around 6 months ago, but I hadn't found a permanent place so I didn't change my address with the IRS. The checks went out and I thought I'd get a direct deposit, but because my luck is just so great my bank had an issue and my payment was rejected, so it was sent to my old address where my Mom lives. I haven't spoken to her in months. She spams my phone sometimes whenever she gets bored and tries to get me to talk to her, but ever since I cut her out of my life I've felt so much better.

    Now she has $1,200 of my money sitting on her dining room table. She sent me a picture of the check with a very rude "If anything will get your attention, it's money. Contact me, now." and I don't know what I can do. If I reach out to her, she'll grill me and go back to mentally abusing me. She will need my new address, and if she gets it, she'll call in wellness checks on me weekly so the cops show up. I know she won't just give me what I want, I'll have to offer up something in return, and I absolutely refuse to give her my attention or time or energy. I simply do not have the strength to deal with her anymore.

    She opened my mail, which is a federal crime right? Could I call the non emergency line and have them get my check from her? Would they mail it to me? What can I do?

    submitted by /u/GodHasNoEars
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    Mother died in a house fire about 2 weeks ago, home was rented through a federally funded program (OHFA) and this was the 2nd fire at the residence in 5 years.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    (Oklahoma City) The home was actually a garage apartment. My dad jumped out of the 2nd story window. Was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of where I can find more information on egress building codes for garage apartments. They couldn't exit through the only set of stairs because of the smoke/fire. Have not received the report from the police/fire investigation. I do know that it was ruled as accidental. The fire marshal did make the comment that the electrical wiring was "atrocious", and the first fire they had about 3 years ago was due to electrical wiring. This whole thing is such a nightmare!

    submitted by /u/Iheartcheeseburgers
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    (USA) Can A Volunteer Be Forced to Stay With An Organization?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I am currently under contract as non-paid staff for an organization. In short, my responsibilities within the org were not what I expected and would like to leave. The contract is for 6 months and dictates that the contract may only be voided by the employer. Will this contract stand if I attempt to leave? Thanks!

    (Not sure if it helps, but I live in VA and the org is headquartered in FL)

    submitted by /u/Freezetyle
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    He penetrated me without a condom when I told him not to - Is a sexual assault case possible?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I live in the state of Texas. Two years ago a person I was on and off again with came over to my place and we agreed to have sex. However, I told him over and over again that I was not on birth control and to please use a condom. He agreed to this and even brought one. We made out and took our clothes off, I laid at the edge of the bed waiting for him to put the condom on. However, he kept being stubborn, asking why I was even off birth control in the first place, making excuses saying that he had ripped the condom while opening it. I told him that I had another one and that he needed to put it on, otherwise we wouldn't do it. He then left the condom on the table, grabbed my hips and forced himself raw inside of me, saying "just for a little bit". I froze for a moment but then told him to stop, and he did.... but the damage had already been done. I didn't think much of it at the time, I thought that he had just done something stupid. Two years later, I'm in heavy therapy due to this experience. It really messed me up, despite being so brief and with a person I thought I could trust. My therapist says that this was a form of sexual assault, but I'm also wondering if it counts as sexual assault in the eye of the law. Is there anything that I can do about this?

    submitted by /u/throwa-wai38194
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