• Breaking News

    Friday, April 10, 2020

    Legal Advice - US history teacher admitted she liked to look at r/legal advice so if you see this waddup Mrs Miller I did my work.

    Legal Advice - US history teacher admitted she liked to look at r/legal advice so if you see this waddup Mrs Miller I did my work.

    US history teacher admitted she liked to look at r/legal advice so if you see this waddup Mrs Miller I did my work.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Edit: thank you all for the upvotes, but please don't give out the schools or location of your teachers, if you would please just refer to their names I would appreciate it. R/legaladvice does not seem like the type of place that people who come to to seek out locations of teachers but privacy should be given.

    submitted by /u/This-Map
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    [UPDATE] I think my landlord may be dead or hospitalized and I don't know what to do

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/fxb7s8/i_think_my_landlord_may_be_dead_or_hospitalized/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    Lots of folks wanted an update post so here we go.

    First off I want to thank all the people who offered advice and help for this problem.

    I was able to find and get a hold of my landlord! It's was not the most exciting or interesting outcome-and I'm glad for that. Turns out the dude's cellphone got stolen. That's why his voice mail box stayed full. We got back in touch yesterday and are working out a pandemic payment plan for the rent during the shutdown.

    Sorry it wasn't a cooler story, but I'm glad it was a small first world problem and not something more sad. Thanks again, Reddit!

    submitted by /u/SeaOfBullshit
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    [AR] My mom is trying to force me [15F] to have a baby, so she can raise it. Can I leave home?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Update: I'll try getting in touch with a teacher or calling CPS (though I'm kinda scared about that). Thanks to all of you for taking the time to reply to this! Again, sorry to anyone I might have bothered with this. —————————————————————————- Sorry for using a throwaway.

    I know this sounds absolutely mental, and I'm sorry for that. Thanks to everyone who's willing to listen.

    My parents are very religious (also don't believe in birth control and stuff), as are most families in our community. Most of them also have like 5-6-7 or more kids, compared to ours where it's just me and my brother [16]. Apparently with both of us the pregnancy and birth were really hard and after me she wasn't able to have more kids.

    She really wants more though. She says that she feels like God wants her to have more kids and kept mentioning it also while we were growing up. She doesn't care for adoption etc because she wants a biological connection to our family.

    Like a year ago she started saying to me that God gave her me, a daughter, as her own last pregnancy to give her more kids. I didn't really get it at first. Like I thought she meant I would have kids after I'm married etc which I do want, but she's been making it very clear that she wants it now.

    She wants me to get purposefully pregnant so she can raise that child as our sibling. I absolutely don't want this, but she's making my life miserable for it. She would never hurt me or something but she keeps saying things like 'Why I won't do this for her', that she'll make the pregnancy as easy as possible for me, it's what God wants, our family would be more complete. I also get punishments.

    Is there anything legal I can do? Can I leave the house or get emancipated because of this? I know she's not abusing me but I can't deal with it anymore.

    I know she can't like FORCE me to get pregnant, but she's making my life so hard right now.

    Thanks you to anyone willing to give advice and so sorry for bothering you.

    submitted by /u/EliAdore
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    Update to last post: Mom calling the cops on my dad who did nothing wrong: my mom and her bf were arrested last night.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    So the police came back yesterday to talk to my dad. I was terrified there would be a problem but he kept his calm and told them that I was the one who doesn't want to go to my mom's. He told them that my mom has been harassing me for weeks and destroying my stuff just like I told them. But he also told them what her creepy bf did and why I don't want to go to my mom's house. I'm not sure I wanted them to know but that's how it is. They said I was right to avoid him then they left. I didn't know but after that they went to my mom to talk to her and her bf it seems. Idk what they told her but she started yelling and then her stupid boyfriend pushed a cop and they arrested him. And then my mom tried to get the cop off her bf so they arrested her too it seems. I know because it was in front of the house and the neighbors son that I know well called me to tell me. Idk if they're in jail but she stopped texting me so maybe. My dad says this is not my problem anymore there's nothing we can do and to just let go but I feel really bad I just can't stop thinking about it. My mom is not the best mom but I never imagined she'd be arrested one day. Thanks for helping yesterday I never thought it would come to this but that's how it is now.

    submitted by /u/Tylershotwheels
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    We think our grandmother on my father's side is either abused or even dead and his siblings are hiding it from us.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    We haven't seen her in years, whenever we visit they find some reason why she can't come to the door. It's been 3 years since she stopped having photos on Facebook and when we tried to visit today, my uncle in law said that we will never see her and tried to call the police on us. The reason why we think she might've died is because our grandmother was rather well-to-do, but we saw that my uncle and aunt have recently both have gotten new expensive cars and went on a very expensive vacation despite having low paying jobs. Now our grandmother specifically said she wouldn't give anything to them because she didn't trust them, but she also came down with alzhemiers in her later years which is why she was in their care to begin with.

    What are my options?

    submitted by /u/Joelblaze
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    Someone has been dumping trash on my property for weeks. Today's trash had their name and address. What can I do? [OR]

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Short version because I'm on mobile. Someone has been dumping trash on my property for a few weeks. I live in the country with acreage, so it's a field away from the house. It's usually junk like a broken tent, damaged chairs, parts to a table, etc.

    Today I came home and there were three trash bags. I put on gloves and opened one. It's usual kitchen trash but it had mail. It had this person's name and address several times. I googled them and the address. It's a 25 year old guy that lives in the city part of my town, roughly 15 minutes away. Zillow shows he just bought the house three weeks ago.

    What do I do? I want him to stop dumping his garbage in my field. My SO says that police won't even listen to our call if we called them. He wants to just bring the trash to this guy's house. I don't want to start a war.

    submitted by /u/SwimmingCod8
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    $2,100 SNAP overpayment Update

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Salt Lake City Utah

    I have no clue how to connect my old post with this one. Basically in October 2019 I recieved a letter form the Department of Workforce Services informing me that they made a mistake on how they calculated the benefits my daughter and I were entitled to and as a result I owed them $2,100.

    Since that original post I tried to request an appeal using their 'request a fair hearing' form, twice. Once in right after the post, then again at the 1st of January. Somehow both written requests got lost. I went into the office several times but no one was ever there that could speak with me or could help me fix this.

    It wasn't until I got a letter in March telling they planned to take me to court that I was assigned a worker that would actually speak with me.

    With her help she reevaluated everything, realized the the error wasn't as great as the letter said and in fact I had only been overpaid $1,200 not $2,100.

    They are now taking the SNAP benefits I'm currently entitled to, to pay off the balance so I will not have to pay any cash out of hand to resolve the debt.

    submitted by /u/vellybelle
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    Employees paid via direct deposit had funds reversed out of their accounts and weren't paid for 2 weeks

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    I work in a restaurant in California. It's a small chain. The current COVID pandemic forced us to close our doors to the public on 3/17, staying open only for takeout and delivery. My last day of work was 3/16/2020, as all servers/bartenders were taken off of the schedule due to the shelter-in-place order.*

    On 3/25, were supposed to paid for the first two weeks of March. Our direct deposits hit our accounts and passed the pending stage. People started grocery shopping, paying bills, etc. Paystubs were issued.

    Early in the morning on 3/27, our money was pulled back by our payroll and couldn't be stopped unless you caught it during the pending stage. Immensely poor timing, given the way things are these days.

    This happened to almost everyone, our general manager included. Some people were exempt and their money remained untouched, we don't know why. This occurred company wide and at multiple locations.

    We were told it was a mistake, that'd be corrected and any overdraft/late fees would be compensated, and we'd have our money in 24 hours. Then it was 48 hours. Then it was Monday... And before we knew it two weeks had gone by and many people remained unpaid and on edge, with no answers from direct management, social media, payroll, or direct to inquiries to the LLC that owns our chain.

    Meanwhile, they still have people working at the restaurant pulling in reportedly 20k in sales a day. The amount of money may be incorrect, but this place was still pulling in money, not paying what was owed, and casting a shadow over those still working wondering if they'd be paid.

    Honestly had there been some transparency, even an apology from our corporate overlords, we'd be less frustrated. Maybe there was an issue with liquidity. Maybe a miscommunication. Who knows, they certainly didn't tell us anything, managing to sow a lot mistrust in the company.

    They paid us this past Wednesday 4/8/2020, and while it's a relief for many, some of us are still frustrated and wondering what kind of action we could take, if any. A few filed wage theft claims with labor board but haven't heard anything back, nor do we know the best way to navigate the process. Is there legal action I can take against my employer for withholding my wages in this way?*

    Edited to clarify job status. *Edited to comply with posting rules.

    submitted by /u/ThisIsAThrowawayLAd
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    Need advice: Property owner had someone come, cut off the lock and remove my items from my storage locker without my knowledge or consent

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    I am renting an apartment (California), my lease isn't up until November 2020. I have paid my rent in full and on time every month. I have not done anything to violate any terms of my rental agreement. Yesterday I received a call from someone who told me that the property owner asked them to have my things removed from the storage locker and asked them to discard my belongings. I had luggage with my name on it, so this person googled me. I don't know when it happened. There was no prior notification to me about this. My property is now in a car and of course the person who took it claims no responsibility for the safety of my belongings. She agreed to give me my belongings back but so far hasn't made any attempt to do so. I called the rental management company as soon as I learned of the removal. They think there was a miscommunication regarding a different storage unit, but they aren't sure what happened and don't really seem to care. They aren't sure if I can use the storage unit again either. I don't know where to turn or what to do.

    UPDATE: Thanks so much for your replies and guidance. I wasn't able to reach the person by phone who took my things nor the property manager. So I left voicemail messages for both of them telling them that if my belongings aren't restored to me by 6pm tonight, I would file a police report for theft. Also let them know that any damages or loss of property would be met by legal action from me. Just as I was drafting an email, I received a call back from the property manager. Apparently a new renter in the apartment building had directed them to my storage unit by mistake. I still call bollocks on that. But I will get my property back, not tonight but tomorrow. Initially he said that there are several open storage lockers that they could put my things in but I said that my unit is Number 7 and I will use that storage unit. I also told him to let my neighbor know which unit is theirs. I am still keeping the email as a record. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/catsby1970
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    Covid19: Owner won’t fire me, he just won’t pay me if I work from home instead of coming to the office

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I am the Sales & Marketing Director for a privately owned assisted living community in Connecticut. It was hard enough to convince people to join our community after the virus hit when we weren't allowing any more in person tours, family visits, and were COVID-19 free...

    But then one of our residents tested positive for the virus after visiting another facility for outpatient services. Several of my community's workers - CNAs, private duty aides, and food service workers all interacted with the patient in the time after she returned but before she was confirmed to have Covid19. Most, but not all, were wearing facemasks, gloves, and eye protection during their interactions, but no one was wearing protective gowns or protective footwear. A couple hours ago one of the exposed food service workers was sent home with a 102 degree fever...

    I have a wife and several children, all younger than 10 years old. I came into the office today for what I thought was the last time and told my boss that I no longer could come to the community and would instead work from home. I also let him know that if this was not okay, then it would be best to let me go so I could file for unemployment and look for a new job.

    About an hour later I hear from the owner of the community who tells me that if I don't come in and work out of the office, he will no longer pay me and I can quit if I don't like it. He said he won't fire me, he just won't pay me - preventing me from applying for unemployment benefits. When I told him that this was against the law, his reply was, "Sue me, then."

    What the hell can I do? Can I quit and still collect unemployment?

    submitted by /u/Kichijouten14
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    My neighbor accused me of grabbing a child even though I have video proof I did not

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    So I'll try to keep this as short and to the point as possible. I'm in Michigan by the way.

    I 23F have had an ongoing issue with my neighbor 48F for about 2-3 months now. (Were in a trailer park, so we unfortunately live 3 feet away from each other) Long story short, she's a drunk, broke my trust as a friend, when I confronted her about it (at her house, I wasn't being threatening) she punched me in the face, then called the police and told them I assaulted her. I was already shocked by that, and nothing came of the situation because the cops said it sounded "consensual" (she's been in jail a few times before, for assault, and the police know her quite well already) I also have a clean record and have never been in a fight once.

    Everything settled down for about a month, until about two weeks ago I was on my porch with my Fiancé and my neighbor opens her window which is facing our front porch and starts harassing us and saying "go in the house nobody wants to fucking hear you" along with some name calling. I went inside for a minute, came back out, and she was going at it with my fiancé in the back of our house where our yards meet. Her and I got into a heated verbal argument, and while she was standing on her side she SPITS on me.

    Immediately I told her I'm calling the police. When the police got here, we told them we had the entire thing on video because we have security cameras at all angles, and they pretty much took my statement, told us to email him the video and left. After the police had left she invited some people over who live a few houses down who have 3 or 4 kids. I guess I should've already mentioned, but she's not my next door neighbor, she lives directly behind me. So her, her girlfriend (she's a lesbian), and the family who I'm almost positive are crackheads, are playing in the yard next to her house, in direct view of our house, and she continued to yell obscenities at me and taunt me. I went inside because I was done dealing with it and if she does anything, she'll be on camera. That night my fiancé tied a rope to separate our yards to try and prevent further issues.

    3 days later, I come outside for my daily smoke. I see them and the family and kids playing in that yard, again, purposely. There was also another guy over there who regularly hangs out with my neighbor and is half her age. I roll my eyes, and make a mental note that I'm not even going to say anything. It's whatever. I realize I forgot my lighter and go inside for not even 2 minutes, I come out and the crackhead lady is pushing her daughter on my sons swing. Behind the rope. On purpose.

    So of course I say something, and tell her In not the nicest way, to stay off of my things and that's the exact reason why the rope is there. She began yelling at me incoherently and saying "SHES FOUR YEARS OLD!" and then the whole gang starts yelling at me, and again, the screaming match between me and this lady ensued. The last thing they said to me before I gave up and went inside was, and I quote "we're supposed to be fucking quarantining!" .... as if they're not standing there with 7 other people while I'm 20 feet away on my porch. So I went inside, and I'm talking with my fiancé and we're looking at the security cameras, and all of the sudden I see the crackheads giant husband, and that guy my neighbor hangs out with, RUN around my house, banging on it, trying to look in our windows, and yelling threats. I locked the doors, and called the police.

    Once the police got here, I heard them talking outside to the husband and I heard him say "she grabbed my daughter off of the swing and told her, get out of my yard you fucking cunt" I said hold on, did you just say I GRABBED your child? I have cameras right here! Every single one of them told the police I grabbed that four year old girl. The police saw every second of footage of me standing on my porch the entire time, not ONCE stepping foot off of it.

    They went back there to talk to them, and came back and asked to see the footage again and he said "she does have marks on her"

    SOMEONE PUT MARKS ON THIS FOUR YEAR OLD AND BLAMED ME! If I didn't have my cameras I 100% would be in jail with those accusations. Again, the police told us to email the videos to him, and were obviously on our side now. We were told we needed to lock our doors, and our windows, try not to go outside because of the way the crackheads husband was talking and that they'd let dispatch know something might happen that night, and that they'd have extra patrol at night, too. And the police told me when they tried to find out who saw me do that, they "couldn't get a straight answer from anyone" and that when told they saw the entire video they didn't believe him and didn't want to hear what he had to say. They also said they're getting a lawyer lol AND after the police left this time, my neighbor, crackhead and family, were having a karaoke night, being as loud as they possibly could, sang the song that says "die mother fucker die mother fucker die!" As loud as they could, over and over and over. Along with the "u-g-l-y U ain't got no alibi U ugly!" And sang some while standing across the street facing our windows. I can't make this shit up. I also have those on video too!

    My neighbor did almost the EXACT same thing to the guy who used to live next door, accused him of trying to snatch a kid, and he didn't have cameras and had to pay thousands of dollars, and go to court and prove he wasn't a child predator. This woman has made up ABSURD lies, and I've never had to deal with anyone like this in my life. I also have footage of the husband just the other day, coming in our yard because they were tossing the football back and forth, and "accidentally" tossing it in our yard. My windows were open and I heard him clear as day say "I don't care, she won't come out here and say anything with a knife in her fucking throat" Also unfortunately the camera it was caught on doesn't record audio, but it does show him coming in our yard MULTIPLE times. And the police said if they come here, they'll be trespassing.

    The police and land lord still haven't done anything. I can't get ahold of anyone, and haven't heard anything further on this. Isn't it a crime that she accused me of touching a child? And for spitting on me? Shouldn't those parents be looked into for the marks on the child?? Is there anyway these people are going to get charged? I'm trying to treat this as if I didn't have those cameras to back me up, and as if I went to jail. To say I'm pissed is an understatement and I want this to be taken seriously. I also have a two year old son I can't even take outside without being harassed. And being accused of touching a child is the last straw.

    submitted by /u/StrayTrailerParkCats
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    hiding a positive COVID 19 exposure from 63 other in patients at a Hopsital

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    East Chicago (Indiana)

    We had a patient test positive for Covid 19, tested by the Health department. The rehabilitation hospital isn't telling the other 63 patients (and some staff) that lived with this lady for weeks.

    Isn't there some legal obligation for the Hopsital to disclose the positive results to the employees and the fellow patients that were also exposed?

    I feel like they are keeping it hidden so they don't scare future patients away. They are not recommended staff or patients wear masks or quarantine at all after this confirmed and prolonged exposure.

    What I am looking for is CDC guidelines or requirements to disclose exposures to staff and patients, but I can't seem to find it.

    submitted by /u/streetMD
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    A friend agreed to pay for college and then stopped making the payments and is ignoring calls/emails.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    So my brother in law met a friend who lived at an apartment complex he worked for. He is a a very wealthy man, and He took a mentor role bc he said he saw him as a younger version of himself, and eventually told my BIL that he wanted to help him through college. He typed up a contract, they spoke many times and met up and made plans. My BIL started in the fall at National University online. The man paid a few payments, then out of the blue he stopped paying, and when my BIL tried calling him to remind him of the payments, he ignores all calls and emails. They're stuck with a $2000 bill and they have a newborn and are both out of work because of Covid-19 so they can't afford it right now. Basically we are just wondering what we can do from here? There is a contract the guy made up and signed saying he will pay for his complete schooling. Is my BIL on the hook for the payments anyway? We live in California. We did find out from another worker at the apartment complex that the man promised the same thing to her son and just ignored him before making any payments. So this seems like a thing he does... What can we do?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/camsanityy
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    Neighbors breaking into backyard to steal water to run entire irrigation system

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    (Texas) This is very long and I wrote this shaking because I'm so scared and don't know what to do. I think there are people who live in back of my neighbors house that have been breaking into my mom's backyard and stealing our water all year.

    About 6 months ago I saw someone with a flashlight in our backyard from the upstairs window, so my brother grabbed his knife and went outside. We see the guy run to the river that we live on and go behind our shed near the fence but when we check there's no one there. We then see the flashlight in the neighbors yard, right next to the fence that divides our houses on the water. FOR SOME REASON, my mom and brother didn't want to call the cops since we "probably scared them away." BIG MISTAKE.

    Today I decided I wanted to tan on the roof but right when I get on my roof I hear a man and a women talking which sounded like it was in my backyard. I walk towards the sound and saw that it was coming from the neighbors yard from these 2 trailers set up right on the opposite side of where the fence divides our houses on the water. (Exactly where we saw the man run to with the flashlight) I heard the man talking about some scheme or job offer and then the women says "shhh someone's going to hear you" and the man says "there's no one outside." Nothing had clicked at the time so I started playing music and they stopped talking.

    Later in the day, I was looking at my moms water bill and realized that we are using almost 10 times more water this year than from the same time last year. I moved out a few months ago but I saw that last month my mom and brother used 17,000 gallons in water consumption and 13,000 gallons in wastewater. Our average neighborhood water consumption is only 13,000 gallons and average for the city is 6,000. The graph shows a steady rise from last July till now, jumping from using 6 times less than the average in our neighborhood to now we are using about 3 times more. WITH ONE LESS PERSON AT THE HOUSE! Also, my mom said that last month they barely even did laundry and didn't water the grass.

    Flash forward to tonight at 2:45 a.m. when I'm in bed thinking about the water bill. I go to the roof just to check if I could hear any water running and sure enough, I HEAR WATER GOING FULL BLAST. I crawl across the roof and look over the ledge and see that the neighbors have created an entire irrigation system with pvc pipes that water these 4 trees planted inside of a make shift garden in the middle of the yard. I decide to go downstairs to check it out but my shoes kept crunching under the leaves so by the time I got to the fence the water was off. I smelled smoke in the air that wasn't weed or cigarettes and can only assume that is what meth smoke smells like.

    It's strange because the only people who live at that house are an elderly man and his wife who are both in their 90s. We recently saw an ambulance pick someone up at that house unfortunately. Also last year the son set up security cameras facing our house specifically. This family is known to trap the neighborhood cats and call animal control to pick them up, even tho our neighborhood purposely released them there.

    I checked all the hoses and they were all off but when I went to check on the river where the fence divides us I noticed the same pvc pipes from the irrigation system spread around next to this white thick pipe in the ground. Perhaps a sewage pipe? There's also this Weird dog house shaped thing that might be covering some water system that's behind our shed. It was there when we moved in 10 years ago and we haven't really checked what it is since we don't go back there and the shed is blocking the view. I'm checking it out closer in the morning. Lastly there is also a long silver stick spout in the middle of our backyard that has a wheel to turn like all the other hoses.

    My heart is beating so fast because I'm not sure what we could do now since we didn't call the police from the first time we saw them in our yard. How can I find out if they've been breaking into our backyard to steal water? Is there anything we can do to check if they're legally allowed to be there? Should we contact the police? I'm scared they might be unstable since I smelled the meth earlier tonight. Thank you so much for reading this and for any advice you might have!

    tl;dr: People are living in my elderly neighbors backyard in a trailer right next to the fence dividing our houses. They are breaking into our yard and most likely using our water to run an entire irrigation system growing trees and who knows what else.

    submitted by /u/creeplittlemermaid
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    I am the sole beneficiary and trustee fro my Grampa who is in critical condition, but he lives Florida and I live in California. What am I supposed to do if he passes do while we are quarantined?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    For some context, I am the only child as was my mom (who passed) and thus I am the only direct family left that my grandpa has. We have always had a close relationship aside from living on opposite sides of the US. Grandpa is a permanent resident of Florida.

    He is now in critical condition (something not related to the virus) and may have less than a month. But I am now freaking out, not just because i know it will be difficult to see him in person, but because I don't know how to handle any of the possible arrangements that will be needed when he passes.

    He has shared his trust and will with me and I am the Trustee and sole beneficiary. He's not rich, but the trust holds a house (with mortgage), some stocks, and a bank account. I know as the Trustee it implies that I will be technically in control of these asserts when he passes, but I don't have a clue what that means in real world terms. What am I supposed to do from 3000 miles away?

    I also assume its my responsibility to handle cremation and stuff, but how can I possibly do this from afar? I really don't know what I should do to prepare for all this.

    I humbly appreciate any and all advice.

    submitted by /u/fullonwack
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    Roommate broke into my room, took some things, and drive my car while I was back home

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Last night I returned to my university in California to find my car missing and the door to my room forcefully opened (the frame to the door broken). I live in a house off campus. Most of my roommates have left due to Covid except for one who has a shady past to put it simply. I called him once I got back and he returned with my car a little after stating he had used it the day before due to an injury on his hand. I knew this character was shady so I had taken a picture of my mileage before I left and left my keys with another roommate (who moved out after I left). Turns out he had driven my car for over 100 miles.

    He admitted to driving my car for about a week and tried to give me to $20 and left. I continued to check my car and found an empty bottle of tequila and a women's bracelet in the backseat. I then noticed some leaves in my car and that matched some leaves on the floor of my room. I sent him pictures of both and he admitted to being in my room, but has not admitted breaking the door. He claims that it's been "open for weeks" however I talked to a third roommate who moved out 6 days ago who says my door was fine when he was there. I previously asked him to check on my room when he moved out.

    Of the things missing in my room where some Advil and an expensive bottle of alc (not the same that was found in the car). He has not admitted to taking the alcohol yet although I have not confronted him about it. He did admit to taking the Advil.

    I want to move out but am worried about him taking my security deposit, as I am not on the lease. I also want to protect what I have in the house until I can move everything out. Finally I want to be reimbursed for my expensive bottle that was taken.

    What are my best courses of action?

    submitted by /u/Mk151617
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    Found squatters in rented home

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Hey r/legaladvice

    So me and some friends rented and share a house that we used to commute to school. Due to COVID-19, all of us had moved back home, leaving the house empty. I went recently to grab some of my things back when I found 3 squatters living in the home. I called the cops and they evicted the squatters. It gets rather complicated here. The squatters found some spare keys in the house and then claimed they purchased the house and got scammed. Furthermore, my landlord was out of state so the police concluded that we weren't able to press any charges or arrest them. (not really sure why they couldn't). They rearranged all of our stuff in a manner that it would be extremely difficult to tell what things are missing without all my housemates being there to sort through things. I was only able to get information on one of them. All I have are license plates, 1 name and DOB, address, and a bullshit phone number they gave to the cops. Our neighbors also realized that they were squatting but didn't have our contact information so they weren't able to tell us, unfortunately. Overall most of our things are still there but they threw out a lot of our things and stole some as well. They broke our garage lock, and unscrewed all of our light bulbs. They also broke the lock to the mailbox and took all our mail, including bank statements. They've even went so far as to replace our ring doorbell(which was out of battery) with their own.

    They've lived in the house for 1-2weeks

    Is there anything I can do to press charges?

    I have some pictures of the damages if they would help.

    submitted by /u/stopsquattingmyhouse
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    [QC] Making this post for my dad. My dad has power of attorney over an elderly gentleman who’s disappeared from an old folks home.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    My dad is extremely involved in my church, and as a result has become a anchor to many. One particular elderly gentleman who has bipolar disorder and was basically forced into an old folks home depends on my dad for financial, spiritual and moral support. This man's name is Bill. Bill gave my dad power of attorney and it is recorded on his file at the old folks home. Bill disappeared from the home last week. The home originally told my dad that he was sent to hospital A. However when my dad called A, they reported no patient by that name. The home is now avoiding contact with my dad, claiming they cannot give info unless it is to the person with power of attorney. My dad is extremely worried about this man, both because of his serious mental issues, and risk of Bill getting corona. I have told my dad to contact a lawyer. What else can he/we do?

    submitted by /u/MrChristmas
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    How did my school find out about my suicide attempt?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Note: I hadn't disclosed any of this prior to or post attempt with anyone in the school. They only ones made aware were the witnesses. (My parents and the hospital) I'm in a public high school. A few months ago I had a suicide attempt and went to the ER. My high school called my mom's phone 2 hours after I was admitted and still in the hospital. Somehow they found out about it (how is that possible?) and they began to ask my mom a series of questions, mostly about the details. They asked if it was an accident or a suicide attempt, my mother answered with "I don't know", then they asked for the details of what happened e.g. "What method did I use? Where did it happen? Did I leave a note? Why she thought I may have attempted? What happened that day?" And so on. When I returned to school a few weeks later, they forced me to have a paraprofessional follow me absolutely everywhere while I was at school for the rest of the year, which is infuriating. My questions are: how did they find out about it? Why did they pry for the details? Was it legal for them to do so? Was it ethical or unethical?

    submitted by /u/coelho-cinico
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    My dorm removed all my belongings from my room and had it stored away without telling me. They told me they don’t know when I’ll get my things back.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I go to school in NYC and I am an out of state student. This is my second year living in the dorms. Recently, there have been major changes in my dorm as some other large college dorms got shut down due to the pandemic. My dorm is being used as a residency for students who have no where to go. I'm one of these students.

    When this change occurred, I was visiting my boyfriends house for a couple of days. He had signs of coronavirus and since he works in the medical field, I decided to quarantine until he gets his test results. On March 27th, he tests positive. I start feeling sick with his symptoms the same day. I call my dorm that morning and tell them I won't be able to come back for a couple of weeks because I'm sick. I go back and forth with the worker a bit but in the end she says it's okay and to not come back for a couple of weeks. She says all of my belongings are still in my room.

    I get multiple emails about the news rules of the dorm, and one confirming that I am still a resident. I email the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs twice, once on March 25th and once on the 27th to explain my situation and ask what to do going forward. I get no response.

    Today, on April 10th, I get an email from a staff member at my dorm asking if I'm moving out. I tell her no, that I am returning this week. She tells me that my room is empty. I'm extremely confused—we go back and forth but ultimately she is ignoring pieces of my emails and is not being transparent about what happened. I am told that my things were moved out of my dorm because I never gave them written proof of my situation. I forward the emails where I contacted the AVP for student affairs, the staff member ignores it and offers me bed sheets and towels and a new room but says I cannot get my things.

    I'm at a loss right now. I had my social security card, birth certificate, permit, all of my clothes, new expensive cooking appliances, a mini fridge, all of my notebooks...basically everything but my wallet and the few outfits I brought to my boyfriend's house. I'm also sure that they disposed of all my food, which was mostly pantry items.

    I was told that I received an email saying to come get my things or that it would be packed up. I never got that email as I was instead getting emails about continuing as a resident.

    Is there any legal action I can take if I cannot access my belongings? I'm 19 and I don't really know my rights when it comes to this situation. They had strangers in my dorm going through all my things, I feel violated. I am still staying at my boyfriends but he lives with his family and I can't stay here much longer. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Mia_
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    Is allowing one resident to use an amenity while closed a Fair Housing Violation?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    (Maryland) We have a resident in our apartment community who is claiming we should let them use the Fitness Center, even though we have closed all non-essential amenities to the building.

    We closed them due to COVID-19 and government orders of closing non-essentials. The resident is claiming that we should just have a sign in sheet and give residents an allotted 1 hour in the facility, and then have the next go in to enforce social distancing. If we do this, we'd need to go in and sanitize everything after each individual.

    They are threatening to file a complaint with HUD because of it. I'm drafting a response to the resident and I have included the Governor's Order of Closure of All Non-Essential Businesses but I'm wondering if I should include anything specific from Fair Housing.

    Any tips on how to handle this are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Blancs19847
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