• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    Legal Advice - Coworker tested positive for Covid-19. Employer (Chipotle) has not informed employees or taken any action whatsoever.

    Legal Advice - Coworker tested positive for Covid-19. Employer (Chipotle) has not informed employees or taken any action whatsoever.

    Coworker tested positive for Covid-19. Employer (Chipotle) has not informed employees or taken any action whatsoever.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    New York- Not only has nothing been done but my GM is actively attempting to suppress the spread of this information. According to my GM, she was told by corporate to not make any employees aware as to protect the individual's privacy. Myself and other employees have mutual acquaintances with the individual who tested positive and found out through them. I (as well as others) worked closely with this individual for extended periods of time in the weeks/days leading up to his diagnosis, during which he was contagious. Any information/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Sentientdoing
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    NYS employer is refusing to supply 1099 for unemployment filing because "he won't be able to hire me back" after the economy reopens.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    The company is in the food & beverage industry and I made about $40k as an independent contractor with them last year. Our entire industry has been shut down since March 15th and NYS has opened up unemployment for independent contractors so I applied and was approved but they are asking me to send them a copy of my 1099s. I emailed this company asking for a copy since I never received one and the owner is refusing to send me one because he says he won't be able to hire me back until after the economy reopens if I file for unemployment. Seeing as how we have no idea when the economy will reopen and I need to eat, I don't see how I can afford to wait.

    He also owes me for work done between March 1st-15th but says he can't pay me until he is allowed to reopen his office because it isn't safe for people to pick up checks during the pandemic. He doesn't offer direct deposit or mailing of checks.

    Is any of this legal? Do I have any recourse to get my payments for the first two weeks of March that are owed me and do I have any recourse to get my 1099 from last year?

    This is in NYC.

    submitted by /u/wwants
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    [Texas] What rights do I have to keep my kid away from the registered sex offender her mom is marrying?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    My husband and I have permanent managing conservatorship of a teenage girl. Her mom gets her the 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends of every month per the court order at the conclusion of the CPS case. We found out (through the child, not the mom) that her mom is engaged to a registered sex offender. He went away for indecency with a 10 year old girl (TEXAS PENAL CODE 21.11 (a)(1)). Note that our child believes he went to jail even though "that girl was lying." I'm sure this is the story mom is telling the girls...

    We plan on talking to mom about this situation, and I hope that they don't actually get married. But we know this man is spending time at the house, and there's another young teenage girl living in the home. Do we have a right to deny visitation while this guy is around? Can we do that unilaterally, or would we need to get the court or CPS involved? What duty do we have to the other girl living with the mom?

    submitted by /u/locura79
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    Walmart pissed me off.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Sorry, this might be a wall of text. On cellphone. I went to Walmart last night to grab some necessities. I'm at checkout and get cashback because I've got laundry to do, and my washer and dryer aren't working right. I get $100 because unfortunately I have too much laundry to do. I put the $100 bill in my wallet then put my wallet in my front pocket of my pants due to back problems. I go directly to customer service to break the $100 bill because the cashier was supposedly out $20's

    Customer service checks it, it's counterfeit. A manager checks the video and says afterwards that their cash system is secure and hasn't had a problem for years..I think he said.... Police are called because I called bs on it. On video "it appears I could have put the -real- $100 bill into my jacket." Smh.

    Before a cop even checks the video, I almost beg for them to search me. The manager and cops are talking about how serious a crime it is..duh! And the manager wants me trespassed. I carry alot crap in my pockets....hense the cops and I aren't thrilled. They did a thorough enough search that it was almost a strip search. Guess what...no other $100 bill. Since they can't find another $100 bill on me, they can't prove fraud. Cops tell me that I can either keep the counterfeit bill, give it to the cops or give it to the manager. So the manager can run the serial number when they do a system audit.

    So for a variety of reasons I AM PISSED OFF.

    Do I need a lawyer for a hundred dollars just to get a copy of the video or such? What do I else can I do about this?

    submitted by /u/newherebeniceok
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    My car was hit and run from a shooting outside my house, driver was “running for her life” is she at fault for my damages?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    A few nights ago, a car was being chased by another car down my street. They turned our corner and one slammed right into my car, shoving it against the curb and into my boyfriends truck. We were parked on the street on the side of our house. We heard the crash and heard gunshots. When we looked outside, we saw two people by our cars, another car in our front yard that must have tried to pop the curb as a shortcut but hit the stop sign, and two people in the street in front our house shooting at the other people. We ducked down and hid until we realized our house was surrounded by police and everyone fled the scene.

    Fast forward a few days after some back and forth with my car insurance trying to get ahold of the driver that hit my car, I was given a direct line to her representative on the claim. He told me that they still have to get all of the facts but may take not accountability because their driver was running for her life. I asked him to confirm that that meant they will not be paying for the damages of my car and after a few deflections, he said yes. They claim that the shooter is responsible for this whole incident, not the driver. I disagreed, and he says he can't move forward without the police report and that it could take "3-4 weeks" for him to get it. I asked him if hypothetically the police report came back to show that she was involved in a felony (I.e drugs involved) that caused for the chase and crash, if that would then show her to be at fault and he deflected again and said that different policies are different and he couldn't tell me about hers. I talked to the detective on the case and he said that was a cop-out insurance companies like to use to drag on the process and he should have no problem getting what he needs. The detective told me I should go down and get a copy myself, so I went to the police station but they would not release it since the case is still under investigation. The detective was not there and hasn't returned my call yet.

    Is running for her life actually a pass for her to not be held liable? If they do pass off all blame to the shooters, will they then be charged and I can have my car fixed ASAP? What if they don't identify the shooters?

    Edit: This is in Pinellas County, FL

    Edit 2: I asked this question for a better understanding of how insurance works in this situation because that is the only thing that effects me. I'm not interested in discussing the morals or ethics behind this for that is not the purpose of this sub.

    submitted by /u/hvh17
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    Can a CNA be forced to install tracking software to make sure they don't have 2 jobs

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Is a company allowed to tell you that you can only have one job and must choose this one or that one (CNA not allowed to work a McDonald's) and that to make sure your not working 2 jobs you must install tracking software on your personal phone? Location:TN

    submitted by /u/whocares12312
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    Sorority House kicked us out and is forcing us to pay for rent anyways

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    This school year I was living in my sorority house, although with coronavirus circumstances the executive offices made the decision to close down the house. All of us living there were forced to move back with their parents or find a new place to rent over spring break, with less than a week's notice. Now, they are trying to make us pay for almost the entirety of our spring rent, minus fees for food and social events which they broke down to be around a couple hundred dollars. They still want us to pay the remaining rent costs for spring term which is over $2000!

    This seems so illegal since they are making us pay without allowing us to live there! Plus, many of us are no longer making money from our campus jobs, which we relied on to pay rent. They also refuse to give us a full breakdown of the costs, which is kind of sketch. Furthermore, our housing contract states that "In the event the House is rendered uninhabitable by fire, explosion, catastrophe or other circumstances beyond the control of the House Corporation, this Agreement shall be null and void". If the contract is null and void then I shouldn't owe them anything.

    Anyone familiar with Oregon tenant law? This seems beyond illegal. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/hannah_elise
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    Neighbor added dirt to raise up his property, causing flood to impact mine more heavily.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I own a house on a river in Georgia (USA) so floods are common. Typically the water does not come far past the bank, but recently we had a record flood that came in and ravaged the area. Because of both of my neighbors' high property level relative to mine my yard was hit with an incredibly strong and fast flow from the river.

    A few months prior I heard my neighbor bragging to a friend I had over that either he or the previous property owner, I don't recall, had brought in several tons of dirt a few years ago to raise up his property level. Now when the river floods it rushes right through my yard, destroying my driveway and making my property even lower...

    Do I have any right to object to this or is he just allowed to do whatever he wants with his land regardless of the impact on my own? I bought the house after he had done this, not realizing it was the case or what the implications would be. Is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/HeywardH
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    [OH] I was told a rape is being reported to the police on my (“victim”) behalf. What can I expect and what kind of lawyer should I consult?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    skip to bolded paragraph if you don't want all of the background info

    I dated a physician (he was once my physician) and he participated in a lot of unethical/illegal behavior during our 8 month relationship. I briefly lived with him (my lease ended and he seemed normal and offered), but moved out after 3 months when I realized he was not at all who I thought he was. I will call him James.

    A few of the the things he did during our relationship:

    -prescribed medication to me for himself... I was not ok with this, but he would guilt me that he needed ambien or benzos to sleep because he was an ED physician with a difficult schedule and I couldn't possibly understand what it's like to work as hard as him

    -sometimes he would call it into the pharmacy and pick it up himself, I'd only know because the pharmacy would text that my prescription was ready

    -recorded videos during sex without my knowledge or consent (this comes into play later)

    -prescribed medication to other friends and family to fuel his addiction. He would go through a 30 day supply of ambien in about 10 days, so he had a group of people he knew when their prescriptions were up for refill (30 day requirement) and he would call in more and have them pick it up and give it to him

    -purchasing and using cocaine. At first this was rare (at least hidden to me), but towards the end of our relationship he was purchasing around $300 worth (don't know the amount of cocaine that is) A WEEK and using it. Also, I never saw him use cocaine before working, he would only do it when he was off work for a couple of days; however, he did prescribe adderall to a friend and they spilt the script monthly.

    OK, So.... he was a very threatening/manipulative person and I'm so glad to have just gotten away. He would beg me not to report him and would say "how could you throw away 14 years of my life like that??!" ..referring to college, med school, residency, and fellowship. The year we dated was his first year as an attending physician. After I broke up with him, he harassed me and this dragged on far too long (which I am also at fault for playing into that at times, hoping he'd get help and get better). He would call my family and ramble on to them about how they don't really know me, just an all around crazy person. After a couple of months separated, while still being harassed, I went to the police and reported him to the medical board online. The police contacted James, told him not to contact me, he got a lawyer and seemed to be listening to his/her advice.

    Fast forward 3 months. A girl that James was dating/hooking up with (while still begging to get back together with me) asked if she could call me., I will call her Emily. They worked together at a hospital (which is also my previous place of employment, but I now work for a different hospital system, because of him). Emily informed me that while James was high (on ambien, cocaine, or whatever) he texted another coworker of theirs, trying to get her to hook up with him. Emily had a tumultuous relationship with James as well. I actually told her a lot of these things before, but she didn't listen. Emily also informed me that she now knew everything I told her before was true and she was no longer dating him or interested at all. It also turns out that in addition to asking the other coworker to hook up, James had sent her nude photos of Emily and a screenshot of a video of me.

    This made me so angry because I felt like I was finally moving on with my life without him. Together, Emily and I told his boss at work and we also contacted a lawyer. The lawyer seemed to have more of a specialty in sexual harassment/employment law. We talked at length during a conference and we both revealed times he had drugged us and had sex with us. I didn't report this to the police when it happened, because I was afraid of him and he would tell me he would ruin my life because he has money and I don't. There are several instances that Emily and I can both say we were probably raped, but it's honestly so awful to think about and recall that the thought of having to bring it up to police and possibly in court is nauseating.

    SO after we reported the photos (with proof) to his boss, he lost his job. The lawyer we met with essentially told us there's nothing they can do (civil side) and we should report to the police, but we didn't, for the reasons stated above.

    Fast forward to now. About a week ago (a month after he lost his job), someone from the medical board reached out for their investigation. I told the investigator about the prescribing, the cocaine, and sending the photos leading to James losing his job. The investigator asked a lot of questions and I answered as much as I could. I provided dates and my prescription records and other names of people I knew he did this to. I gave her Emily's name and number, with her permission. I also told the investigator about an event where James told me he was giving me migraine medication (later found out it wasn't) and then he had sex with me and his friend participated. I was not ok with this, but James took a video and told me if I got him in trouble he'd show the video and show that I didn't seem to say no. I have a very blurry memory from that night, but I do remember the cellphone flashlight on, while he was recording. I did not claim he raped me, as he's never been found guilty or even charged with a crime. She thanked me for the information.

    The next day, Emily called me crying and told me she told the investigator everything and it was horrible to have to talk about. I agreed and about 30 minutes later the investigator called me back and informed me that she would have to report the incident to the police. I'm freaking out, because I don't feel like talking to the police about this. I NEVER want to see that video and I worry I might have to if this gets investigated. I want a lawyer because I don't completely trust the police and if I do end up having to talk to them, I want to be protected and know my options. Since the police told him to not contact me, he has almost stopped entirely. I haven't heard from him in over a month and I don't think I can go through reliving that time in my life. It has already caused horrible anxiety. My first attempt at contacting a lawyer wasn't very helpful, is this not a legal issue at this point? Or is there another type of lawyer I should be reaching out to?

    edit to add: I do think he should get in trouble for this if the police believe there is enough to charge him. I fear going in and talking to them, because of horrible experiences I've heard of from similar situations. I want to be protected in case he tries to turn the tables, which is VERY characteristic of him and he's threatened to "ruin me" before.

    submitted by /u/bbpuddingsnatcher
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    My belongings were in a friends car that got repossessed.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    A couple of days ago in Northern California a friend of mine who was visiting my place had her car repossessed from my apartment complex's parking lot. The actual repossession was done legally as far as I can tell (no locks broken, no disturbance created, etc...). The issue I have and why I am posting here is the fact that I had a large amount of tools ($1000+) in the trunk of her car; I was fixing her car while she was visiting and I was too lazy to walk them back into my apartment when I finished working that night, that is why the tools were in her vehicle.

    At first we thought her car was stolen, but after contacting the police we found out what had truly happened; my friend was quite embarrassed and very apologetic about my tools, personally I was in disbelief that a company would repossess a car during the current situation (COVID-19) but I digress. So it was 1 AM when we discovered the missing vehicle I attempted calling the Repossession company immediately but there was no answer. So the next day as soon as the Repossession Agent's place of business opened I got in contact with them and explained the situation; this is where I have a problem. They said that I could get my belongings if I paid $60 dollars, got the keys from my friend, and had my friend sign a note saying she authorizes me to pick up my stuff.

    Now I understand that in California the Repossession Agent can charge a fee for my friend's belongings which would have been the $60 dollars ($50 processing fee + $10 per day). But I am a third party I had no involvement in her not paying nor did I have any contract with her lending company. So from my perspective the Repossession Agent took my things without permission and then charged me to get them back; one could say stole my goods and then ransomed the goods back to me.

    I was worried about getting my tools back and I needed them to work so I was pressed into making a hasty decision; I tried contacting a few attorneys before I left but none of them were helpful; either they didn't know or did not want to express their opinion on the legality nor could they really offer advice about thy type of lawyer I should be contacting.

    So I went with the "it is not that much money to get my stuff back plan" and drove 2 hours to the place they were storing the car and paid the $60. The entire situation was very sketchy not only did they make me wait 20 minutes in a not so nice area of town but when they did arrive they did nothing to alleviate my uneasiness due to the way they were acting; I was very uncertain what I was walking into. I did mention that I didn't think I should have to pay the $60 and they said either pay or they wouldn't take me to the car to get my tools. I did manage to make a hand written receipt that I got one of them to sign and I sneaked one picture of the individuals while leaving; but I didn't record anything because I was worried about the two party consent laws in CA that I was researching on my way to meet the Repossession Agent.

    So the question(s) I have are as follows:

    1) As an innocent 3rd party should I have been required to pay to get my belongings (tools) back? (not to mention being required to bring my friends keys as well)

    2) What area of specialty should I be looking for in a lawyer if I were to pursue this? Assuming the answer is "no" to the first question.

    3) Could this be just cause for my friend to say that the Repossession Agent did not follow the rules and therefore it was a wrongful repossession? (It would be nice to be able to help her out)

    I am very uncertain about the legality of this situation and my googling has done nothing to help with that. So I would be very grateful to anyone that might be able to offer some insight into this situation; with that in mind I want to say thank you in advance for any advice that anyone may provide.

    submitted by /u/_HazzMatt_
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    Girlfriend works as a independent contractor for a party princess company. Owner told her she cannot work with another specific company or she won't be allowed to work with hers anymore. (Utah)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    She splits her time about 50/50 between the two companies, but choosing either one would really hurt her income. Can the first owner legally tell her she can't work with the other company? She's and independent contractor and NOT an employee; and she never signed any kind of non-competes or anything like that, and as I understand it most non-competes create a employee/employer relationship rather than a independent contractor relationship anyway so cause issues.

    Is there anything that she can or should do here? If the lady bans her from her company, what can she do?

    submitted by /u/SteezyCougar
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    Landlord and 2 Sons try to move housemates car without him present. (Texas)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Let me start this off by laying out the situation. My landlord stores 3 vehicles and 2 motorcycles at the leased house in which I live. 2 cars and 2 motorcycles are stored in the garage. The last car (ranch truck) is stored outside in the backyard. Today my landlord and his 2 of his sons showed up unannounced, and proceeded to try and come collect the ranch truck they have. But one of my housemates who is currently back in his home town had his truck parked, blocking this ranch truck. I told them that the owner of said truck was not here, and that there was no way to move the car as the owner had the keys. One of the sons then proceeded to go under the car and manually push the gear box into neutral. At this point I became very uncomfortable and called my housemate who owns the truck. My housemate told me "I am absolutely not okay and very uncomfortable with them touching my truck." I hung up the phone and told the son this. They didn't seem to care though and kept throwing out ideas of how to move it stating "we could just tow it, would that break it?"..."why don't we see if we can get a rope". Then they proceeded to try and squeeze the ranch truck by and decided there was no way, and that the space was too tight. I apologized and told them sorry. They left after this, and I thought it was the end.

    No, they then proceeded to go and buy or find a rope and come back. I only discovered they had come back when I went outside and hear them trying to move the truck again. I have no idea if they successfully moved it but it appeared as if they had somewhat moved it back a little, and had a jack on the ground next to the truck. I went up to them and said "Hey, I thought we had an agreement" to which the landlord said "what agreement?". I then told him again about how the owner was not comfortable with them touching his truck. To which he replied "well do you know what I'm not comfortable with? Wasting 6 hours of my time." To this I told him "you never sent us word or gave a heads up that you were coming, and that if they would just text me ahead of time it would help avoid situations like this." When the landlord heard this he angrily threw all his stuff in his truck (the one they drove there in) and got inside. One of the sons lightly apologized to me and they left. I'm really worried about them trying this while I'm gone, I'm currently the only one at the house. What should I do? Is this legal for them to try and move my housemates car without him present?

    I also have a video of them trying to squeeze the car by and I know the house next to us has a camera that might have picked up the incident. I can also provide pictures of the back yard and trucks in question if needed. Thanks, sorry for any formatting errors I'm on mobile.

    submitted by /u/Samlear
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    my identity was stolen. im 21 and overwhelmed with no help from family. where do i start?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    my identity was stolen and because of it my entire tax refund (1,100$) was seized by the irs and a letter i recieved is stating i still owe 8 cents.. i got a letter from an ace cash express saying i took out a loan for $700 and a second letter stating i paid back 570$ of the loan (which is starting to lead me to believe my identity was stolen by a family memeber)... I had zero credit before all of this. i live alone, my parents wont help me, im so overwhelmed, i dont know what do first... i don't know how any of this works. i would appreciate any advice. Edit: kc mo

    submitted by /u/Dancing_Bugs
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    [Indiana, USA] Lost job, got UI, got new job, new job set me up for failure

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Hi guys. I lost my bar job due to COVID-19. I got unemployment (3 checks so far) from the state. The amount was so little I had to rush to find a new job (this was before they announced the $600)

    So I got a new work from home job as a chat support agent with a temp agency. The training was only two days long and basically set most of us up for failure. The whole training session was done through remoted PCs with awful specs in a zoom call where someone was showing us how to do our jobs (and they were cutting out and freezing 90% of the time). There were so many technical issues that many of us were complaining but they did nothing to change it.

    I straight up had to stop taking chats in the first two minutes because I was so overwhelmed with the lack of preparation because they had to hire hundreds of new agents (grocery delivery company was the contract)

    I reached out to my company and asked if there was ANY way I could get real, personal training to better understand the job. But they just redirected me to another training stream of hundreds of people.

    I can't do this job. I want to quit. But I don't want to lose my unemployment claim (and the $600 cares act money) but I'm losing my mind here. I can't lose my unemployment and then risk not finding another job. But I'm not even going to get unemployment anyway because I'm temporarily employed so I'm gonna report my income.

    Me and like three other people straight up asked for resignation in the first five minutes.

    Would the unemployment office count this as a legitimate reason to quit? I'm not being harassed or in any danger. But it's literally impossible to do the job I was hired to do.

    submitted by /u/DearPresence
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    Marrow Donor Disability Insurance

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    I donated bone marrow in 2012 through the Be The Match organization, aka National Bone Marrow Donor Program (NMDP). The surgery was in Berkeley, CA, USA.

    I had tried to go back to work and was sent home because I was visibly suffering. My job let me go shortly afterwards because I was limping, wincing and on painkillers.

    NMDP told me I was eligible for their disability insurance, then said there was a misunderstanding and that I was ineligible because I was "able to work through the pain."

    I worked odd jobs and part time, thinking I had no other options. The ongoing chronic pain in my lower back and hips had a serious impact on my life and my mental health. I had to quit drumming and give up on graduate school. I developed delusions and became suicidal.

    Last year, my psychiatrist helped me discharge my student loans, citing total permanent disability from chronic pain and bipolar depression. My primary physician helped me collect State Disability Insurance for a year, and I am in the process of applying for Social Security Disability.

    It doesn't feel right collecting government money when I know the NMDP has an insurance policy for disability. Is there anything I can do at this point to make them change their decision regarding my eligibility?

    submitted by /u/redreaperredreaper
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    My father works for an essential business, but they are not providing any protective equipment, his coworkers ignore distancing, and he routinely is expected to shuttle coworkers around the jobsite in a company vehicle. He is 64. In Missouri. What are his rights, or is his safety purely up to him?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    More information, he works for a rock quarry, which is essential business under infrastructure. He is concerned about his safety, but his company has a history of not caring about its employees, he is close to retirement and doesn't expect the supervisor or anyone above home to back him up, because they aren't worried about covid19.

    submitted by /u/theHoliestOfShit_s
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    [TX] Landlord deducted for their time and labor, not for damages. Are they entitled to having their time compensated?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    I moved out in January. Last July, a rose bush died and a tree (that was already dead) fell over. I asked them to remove their tree, and they removed the rose bushes while they were here. I didn't do anything special for the rosebush, so I probably killed it since they're high maintenance.

    After move out and lease is complete, they deducted $1000 (4 people at $250/day for 1 day) for them and two others to do the work in July. I saw them and two people I didn't recognize pull up in their car and do the work.

    The tree was definitely not my responsibility and was absolutely not damages, the rose bush almost certainly was. In the line item, they only specified "labor at $250/day x4" with no receipts because they just made that up, I guess. There were other receipts for work they did to the house.

    Should I pursue this in small claims as a bad faith deduction or is this weak enough where I'm probably going to lose?

    submitted by /u/NS15R
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    Old boss delayed paychecks, possibly retaliated against me, and is now trying to get her non-essential business running again

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Up until January 2019, my roommate and I were considered by my boss to be independent contractors for a non-essential home care business in Illinois. My boss found numerous ways to pay us as little as possible, for example by:

    (1) not paying us for initial consultations with clients that took hours of professional time and effort, since by boss's logic these visits weren't the "actual service;"

    (2) not responding to our emails when we would say a recurring service necessarily took longer than the original scheduled time, preventing us from getting paid for our whole time spent performing quality service (she arranges pay directly with clients and could have easily arranged with the client to extend the time of service to match how long we were actually working to complete the client's tasks while client was away from home);

    (3) "forgetting" to pay my roommate on time, violating the contract, though roommate didn't do anything about it and was just happy to get paycheck eventually;

    (4) various other questionable, unethical, and possibly illegal methods.

    I also suspected she was withholding taxes from our pay, which from my knowledge she shouldn't do since we were independent contractors.

    Fed up with this behavior, I quit. I was struggling with a re-emerging disability at the time and couldn't make the two-hour (unpaid, of course) trip on foot to boss's house to return all clients' keys. I was eager to return them, and offered to have boss make a 15-minute or so drive to my house or have roommate prove that the keys are now in roommate's and therefore another independent contractor's possession, but my boss refused these options and refused to pay me. I was then financially broke and couldn't even afford food, let alone public transit or anything, at that point.

    Finally, I unintentionally hinted that I already already moved out of state: I just said that I "didn't have the resources" to travel to return the keys myself, even though as always she was invited to get them or accept them as in my roommate's possession, and she assumed that I had already moved. (I was planning to move at the time, and thanks to outside support I am now living in another state.) She finally gave up and accepted the keys as in my roommate's possession, exchanging pictures of the keys over email to verify, talking to my roommate explicitly about how I was being a burden.

    But, as an act of final revenge it seems, she withheld my pay for days right up until the deadline. (I had already mentioned our contract and getting myself a lawyer at that point even though I knew I had no money, so she knew I was aware of the pay deadline listed on the contract.) I remember having nothing to eat and being behind on rent, my disability affecting me physically and psychologically.

    Once I got paid, I thought about what I could do, but didn't know what to do. I emotionally blocked it out of my mind and moved on. However, while doing my 2019 taxes the other week, I remembered. I looked up how her business was doing, and apparently my old boss is trying to convince the government to allow her business to be considered essential even though 99+% of its existence relies on when clients travel and work away from home, and of course the service itself isn't essential, but rather a luxury.

    I know it's been a year, but I feel horrible knowing that many of the independent contractors are young people who are more likely to be financially taken advantage of. Specifically, I still feel I should do something regarding how I was treated. The company is a national network of local owners, and I couldn't find any central office to which I could report my boss's=local owner's behavior.

    Is there any legal way in which I can file a complaint? I've had trouble finding information, since I wasn't technically an "employee."

    (Btw I have a great, legally essential job now and am doing well. I hate thinking about these times.)

    P.S. Her business is still running, just temporarily stopping all services for COVID-19, and she's still charging clients for services that aren't being performed- I'm not sure whether clients directly consented to that but she made a public post expressing gratitude for still getting that income.

    submitted by /u/indecontthro
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    Employer terminating me while on pregnancy leave

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    I'm not really sure where to start with this. I work as a physical therapist assistant in a retirement community in upstate NY. Previously I was contacted through a therapy company at this facility, but recently with changes in billing and Medicare the facility decided tip move their therapy team in-house.

    This transition began in December 2019, all therapist are offered a job through the facility, or we could bugger off and stay with the contact company.

    Now I had been working at this facility for 2.5 years. The contract company said they would "place us within the company" which really means they we going to ship us out to the boonies since they didn't have any positions open in my city.

    So I stayed at my facility, essentially accepting a new job. My "start" date being January 9th.

    My problem is that I'm pregnant and scheduled for a c- section June 1st. So I'll have to go on disability for 8 weeks. The HR rep is telling me that after 30 days my position will be changed to "casual", my job will then be posted. After 8 weeks I will no longer have health insurance coverage through them.

    They said I am welcome to reapply for my job though, so that's awesome.

    My questions are, is this above board and legal? If it isn't how should I approach the situation without antagonizing? What sort of lawyer even would address this sort of situation?

    submitted by /u/L-labee
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    Husband moved and stopped paying alimony

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    There is a support order, but in the state where the divorce was filed. He now lives in another state and has stopped paying. Does the ex-wife have to file in his state or can she file in the state where the order is filed? If she has to file in his new state, does that have to be done in person? Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/ScarlettJoy
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    Can you return to a country legally if you were deported when you were a child ?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Background story: I was born and lived in Canada for my entire life but about 10 years ago my uncles and his family (wife and 2 daughters) got deported. They lived in Canada for I wanna say 1-3 years until one night they got pulled over by the cops and got caught for not having any documents. They were ordered to leave back to their country within 1-2 weeks (don't fully remember as I was about 7-8 (now 20).

    I was wondering if there is anyway my cousin would be able to reapply for a travel visa if she got deported as a child over a decade ago? She was about 10 at the time.

    submitted by /u/ivybastos
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