• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    Legal Advice - I'm stranded on a cruise ship as a crew member.

    Legal Advice - I'm stranded on a cruise ship as a crew member.

    I'm stranded on a cruise ship as a crew member.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I work for a cruise line, NCL, and I'm stuck inside a ship for almost a month, I am not a US citizen but my country's borders are still open, yet threatening to close, I cannot buy flight thanks to CDC and my ship has no one symptomatic, I have friends unable to go home with their borders closed and I fear the same fate.

    The company is only getting charter flights for majority nationalities (Philippines and Indonesia) but my nationality has less than 40 people on board and the company shows no interest in booking a charter for that amount. While they are contractually obliged to get us home, they appear to focus on doing so at their own pace and spending as little money as possible (they have terminated our contracts to save money).

    Our head of HR promised retaliation to another person (of a different nationality) if they contacted their Embassy/Consulate and we are in US territory, Florida.

    I am feeling mentally exhausted as they cut off all forms of entertainment, what should I do?

    submitted by /u/Gorilla-Samurai
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    Roommate passed away, I'm not on the lease for our apartment, not sure how long I have.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    This is in Illinois. I've been staying here about 2 months and was never added to the lease. She was a friend and was graciously allowing me to stay rent-free, I've been contributing any way I can but am not employed at the moment. She recently passed away due to covid and I've been sick as well (presumably also covid). I'm not able to contact our apartment managers until Tuesday I believe, and I'm not sure what to expect in the meantime. Am I just going to be kicked out? I'm not sure if they even need to give me notice considering I'm not on the lease.

    Rent hasn't been paid for this month and I'm not able to pay it myself. I received a notice on Friday stating that it was late and detailing the amount owed, but no other information. I didn't see it until after-hours (was left on the door) for our building managers and I haven't been able to contact anyone. Not sure how to proceed or what to expect, honestly. Hopefully this is enough information, please let me know if I need to include anything else.

    Edit: trying my best to process all of this and respond to everyone, albeit slowly due to being on mobile and being fairly clueless about legal issues (hence why I'm here). But I'm reading everything and I appreciate you all.

    Another edit: I may possibly have an article of mail somewhere with my name/address on it, looking for it right now. I definitely have text messages between us with details about living here. As for going to a shelter while sick, I was only considering this option for the future when I'm no longer contagious.

    Edit x3: Good lord I'm not keeping up with this post very well, I'm sorry I've failed you Reddit. There've been a lot of good answers to go through here and I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply to everyone. I believe I was incorrect in thinking I wouldn't be able to talk to the landlord until Tuesday, tomorrow is seeming pretty likely. For now what I'm considering is to use a couple resources for legal advice some here have kindly provided me with, and depending on how that goes I'll probably notify the landlord once I have a more reasonable idea of how to go about it. Thank you all for the mostly overwhelmingly positive responses and great ideas that I hadn't considered, and some really sweet PMs I've received from a few people. Love you all.

    submitted by /u/NarcolepicSmurf
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    [ID] Can my mother force a paternity test?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    My parents set up a 529 and a UTMA for my son and my daughter. My father has since passed away, leaving my mother in charge. I know that the 529 plan is at my mother's discretion, so I doubt I can fight that, but I thought the UTMA was my son's, she's just the custodian until he reaches the age of majority?

    There is a chance my son isn't my biological offspring. We didn't tell him until recently - he is 16 - because it involved sexual violence. The subject of paternity testing did come up, but I was very clear that it's his decision. We've talked a lot about it and he was leaning towards "no".

    I guess he confided in one of his cousins what happened because my brothers found out and told my mother. To be clear - we never told anyone until we told him. My family is livid that I "lied" to them. I told them it wasn't any of their business. My son now definitely doesn't want a paternity test.

    Now I got a letter from a lawyer's office representing my mother and she wants to force a paternity test because she claims my son might get money earmarked for "blood relatives" under false pretenses. She also wants one for my daughter who is 100% my biological offspring.

    I was trying to find a lawyer but with this whole COVID thing it's been difficult to get a hold of anyone.

    My main questions are: My mother has full discretion on the 529 plan, correct? There's nothing I can do? However, the UTMA should be protected? Is there anything I should document or prepare for?

    edit: The LocationBot seems to have missed it but we live in Idaho (ID).

    submitted by /u/Mivaxo
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    Colorado - What do I do with my house? Just leave the keys on the counter?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Like many American's I lost my job in 2008 and couldn't afford my mortgage. I had a friend in a similar situation and he just stopped trying and said he'd move out when he got evicted. I didn't feel I had much of a choice, so I did the same thing. I was out of work for 15 months and never made a single payment during that time. During this time I got several notices of late payment, notices of pending eviction, and then... nothing. It never happened. 12 years later I'm still here and I haven't made a single mortgage payment. As you can imaging during this time I also fell behind on my property taxes. Eventually I was able to pay off the delinquent taxes, and I've continue to pay them on time every year since.

    To be honest, I'm not even sure who owns my house anymore - no one has even mailed me anything about it. I looked it up on the county records and I'm still listed as the owner.

    Now to my question - frankly the house is too big for me now and I'd like to downsize. My kids have moved out and my wife passed in 2016 - I just don't need this house. The county thinks I own it, how do I tell them I don't and I've just been living here rent free? Ironically, I'm worried if I just leave no one will pay the property taxes and then I'll have a new problem to deal with.


    submitted by /u/housethief2322
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    [CA] Landlord provided wrong paint for touching up and now charging $1500 for mismatched paint.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    We recently moved out of our apartment in California. A small section of the room had missing paint on the wall that we tried to touch up with the paint that was left by the landlord. There were multiple cans and we used the can labeled master, which was the room needing the touch up. After putting it on we noticed it was a bit off color and waited for it to dry because sometimes it just looks different wet, but nope completely off. I reached out to my landlord immediately to see how to remedy the situation which he said to leave as is. To me I assume he has the correct paint and will just retouch this one spot after moving out. We finally got notice on our deposit and he is deducting $1500 for having to repaint the entire room, which is absurd. I would've painted the whole room if I knew this would happen. Shouldn't the landlord have records of the paint color to avoid having to repaint a whole room? Regardless there are cheaper alternatives of paint matching as well. He never told me this is what he was doing, just a simple, "I will look." Do I have any recourse or am I screwed out of the $1500?

    He is also charging us for replacing a door to the roof. The exterior of the door deteriorated due to living next to the ocean. High winds ultimately caused the trim on the door to peel off. He is making us pay for half the door and labor but feel like this would fall under "vis major" or "Act of God."

    Any and all input is helpful!

    Edit: we also moved into our new place about 10 days before our lease ended and could've done the repainting while still technically on lease to us.

    submitted by /u/ShhhWNBAIsOn
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    “Voluntary Resigned” during Parental leave

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    Can a company say that you voluntarily resigned while you are on California parental leave? My wife received an email saying that because she did not answer a phone call and return the call, she voluntarily resigned. She had been in communication with hr and both parties were aware of the parental leave lasting until may 10th.

    submitted by /u/yuhavetocallmedragon
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    I Created Artwork Which Is Now Being Sold Across The Internet En Masse

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:18 AM PDT


    A couple years ago, I created an unofficial album artwork for a very popular US artist. At the time, I made a few posters and sold them and there were a couple of people ripping off my design and selling it all on the internet. I sent them messages and they took them down.

    I randomly did some searching today (2 years later) and my artwork is being sold all across the internet in posters, stickers, mugs, fucking shower curtains...across multiple websites.

    I estimate tens of thousands of dollars in revenue (minimum) based off the # of units sold. Do I have any legal ground here? FWIW the artwork is 90% organic but features a silhouette of the artist which I found from a photograph.

    submitted by /u/needhelpwithmywifi
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    Someone Shot Our Dog (Ohio)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Yesterday, someone shot our dog. we live in a suburban neighborhood, houses on lots of around .5 acres in Ohio. Lots of cul-de-sacs and single family homes, very little access to major roads. We had two dogs, both black with white and brown coloring on their chest and faces. One long hair and one short. My wife was heading outside to do check the weather to prep for some gardening around 11AM on Saturday 4/11, and neglected to fully latch the door. The dogs pushed the door open and bolted. Both are very fast, she ran inside to get her coat and shouted for me. The dogs ran about a block and turned left, where we couldn't see. When she got back outside, maybe a minute later, she found one dog coming home, more slowly, when he froze and collapsed about one house away. I managed to catch the other one with the help of a neighbor about a block further away.

    We got the dog home, and he was immobile, and struggling to breathe. He's an older dog, around 11, and the other is around 3. We thought at first that he was struggling to keep up with the younger dog or he was hit by a car, and the adrenaline got him halfway home, until we noticed a little bit of blood on his paw. We took him to an emergency vet, they treated him for shock and x-rayed him, and found what appeared to be a pellet lodged in his abdomen, they also found the entrance wound. He expired about two hours later.

    We called the county dog warden, and posted to NextDoor (a local social networking app) asking for information. The Deputy took our statement and the veterinarian information, and began questioning witnesses. Someone reached out on NextDoor the next day to report seeing it happen. They saw two dogs in a neighbors front yard, heard a loud noise, one of the dogs yelped, and saw two men walk out of the garage facing that front yard a few moments later. We gave their information to the Deputy, and he took a statement. The Deputy tells us that because nobody saw a weapon or the specific act, and the folks who "were implicated would not come forward" he can't move ahead with charges. The location that the witness claims to have seen the dogs matches the timeline, and location of the dog when he collapsed.

    My Questions:
    1) Given the existing evidence, is it even worth pursuing a civil case in small claims for veterinary bills and replacement costs for the dog? (Roughly 1100 in medical bills plus some nominal amount for replacement)
    2) If yes, what are the steps involved in collecting the statement from the neighbor?

    For Example:
    a) Should we get a signed statement?
    b) Would it be admissible in small claims court without the witness being present?
    c) Should we have it notarized?
    3) Should we hold off on a civil case, and continue to escalate the criminal case with the proper authorities?

    Thank you for your advice.

    submitted by /u/SomeAssholeShotMyDog
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    My 85 yr old grandma is in a rehabilitation center, being incredibly abused by staff. It’s taking forever to get her transferred to an assisted living place. Medicare says if I take her out of there myself, they won’t cover the 1.5 weeks she’s been there.. but I need to get her out.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    We're in Ohio. She was transferred from the hospital to this rehabilitation center 11 days ago. The entire reason she was sent there is to gain back the physical strength she lost while sick with pneumonia. In the entire time she's been there they haven't gotten her up once.. which is literally the point in her being there. They haven't bathed her, or changed her clothes. She's still wearing the same unwashed underwear and bra from 2 weeks ago. Instead of getting her up to go to the toilet, they're making her crap her pants and sit in it for HOURS. They're mean to her. They were even mean to us.

    They gave her a double dose of sleeping meds and benzodiazepines to make her easier to neglect. When she'd call us, she would just moan. She couldn't speak. That's how drugged up they had her. When we ordered them to stop, she went back to normal. They turned the ringer/outgoing calls on her room phone off for almost a week so we couldn't reach her. When we called the front desk, they said she's fine, just can't talk. But she wanted to talk to us very badly, but couldn't. There's not even a working tv, she's been staring at the wall this whole time. She's weeping at me on the phone begging me to get her out.

    And Medicare has the audacity to say they won't cover the tens of thousands of dollars this abuse will cost my grandma if they don't. Can they really do this? Can they really refuse to cover the medical costs if we save her from abuse?

    Her life is in danger. When we visited, she pressed her call light and it took them 90 minutes to answer it. She has a condition that can close her throat and make her unable to breathe at any time. What if that happens while she's here?? She'll die...

    I am contacting her lawyer ASAP. But considering it's Easter I have no idea how long it'll take and I need to get her out immediately. Like now, or worst case scenario in the morning. Can her insurance company really stick my grandma with the bill for abuse if I get her out? This place shouldn't be paid at all.

    Edit to add we are NOT in a covid-19 outbreak area. There are barely any confirmed cases in the whole county- there are zero cases in this facility. This is not the reason for the neglect.

    submitted by /u/lateralusaurusanus
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    Been under the wrong SSN at work and now cannot collect unemployment. Where do I go from here?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    I haven't had a problem getting a corrected W-2 for 2 years, but now I am unable to collect unemployment. I'm not sure what to do as unemployment hasn't been helpful, and my work doesnt seem concerned.

    submitted by /u/gigafant67
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    Can I remove a property-line marker my neighbor put in my yard? (Meddlesome neighbor story)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I own a house in New York state, USA. My yard is separated from my neighbor's yard by a long hedge. On my side of the hedge is grass, on the other side is my neighbor's driveway. Last year, my neighbor (who is an unpleasant man) complained that the hedge was overgrowing into his driveway and threatened to bill us for repairs if it scratched his car. He also said he might hire someone to trim it and send me the bill for that. That all sounded like bullshit to me, so I researched and determined that we had no responsibility to keep it trimmed on his driveway side, though he was welcome to take of care of it himself. We communicated that to him: you are welcome to trim your side of the hedge. We also asked him to please stay out of our yard, as we would handle the rest of the hedge ourselves.

    Days later, I was at work and my wife was home. She saw a guy in our yard, trimming OUR side of the hedge. Due to our neighbor's past threats, we were worried he would try to force us to pay for the work. Even if that seemed on dubious legal ground, we wanted to avoid as much hassle as possible. I called the police to "get it on record" that we had not hired anyone to trim our hedges. I was told to call 911 and they'd send someone over, because they didn't do neighbor disputes over the phone. Although I had not planned to call the cops on this guy, I decided it would be best to get this taken care of. Two cops came over, and I came home from work. They talked to us first, and even though they tried to convince us that it was actually a good thing for us if we were getting our hedges trimmed for free, they said they'd talk to him and tell him not to do that. (For us, the issue was having autonomy over our own yard, without having our creepy neighbor all up in our business). They talked to him, and I listened out the window. He said that maybe he'd hire a surveyor to figure out the exact property lines, because he thought there was a chance he owned the hedges, in which case he could do whatever he wanted with them.

    Sure enough, a surveyor showed up not long after and placed a bunch of stakes denoting the exact property line. The results were... odd. The line basically cuts diagonally through the hedges. However, the trunks of the hedges are 100% on our side, which to me indicates that we own the hedges. Out front, on the street side, the endpoint stake is completely in his yard. In the backyard, the opposite stake is 100% in our yard. In a raised flower bed. Basically, if I am interpreting these markers correctly, they show that we own the hedge, but our neighbor owns a minuscule wedge of our backyard that includes a fraction of a raised flower bed and a little bit of grass.

    I have no idea what he intends to do with this info. But now that it's Spring I'm gearing up for some yard work, and I'd like to remove the ugly neon pink flag/stake in the middle of the flower bed. It's been there all Fall and Winter. Is the flag his "property," since he paid the surveyor? Is part of my yard actually his yard? If I remove it, am I destroying valuable information about my property? Help!

    submitted by /u/porpoise_mitten
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    Safe haven law vs child support (CA)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    I'm pregnant and plan to surrender my baby immediately after birth to ER staff under the safe haven law. I have a diagnosed severe mental illness and it wouldn't be in the best interest of the child for me to retain any sort of parental rights. The father of the baby plans to have a paternity test done and then claim the baby once he establishes paternity, according to the safe haven law he has 14 days to do this. We have both discussed it and came to an agreement with this arrangement. My question is can he somehow obtain a court order for child support from me, even if I never had custody of the baby to begin with and do not sign my name to the birth certificate or any other kind of document, and how would the court go about doing something like this?

    submitted by /u/PerfectUnit8
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    (CA)LegalZoom keeps trying to take $400 from my account but I'm not a customer.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Two years ago I set up an LLC with some friends and we used LegalZoom to create and file the paperwork. I made sure it was a one shot deal because we didn't have a company bank account yet, and I was using mine.

    A year later I left the LLC. I sent the appropriate paperwork to their CPA, and I swapped all my LegalZoom info out with the person who took change of the company.

    About a month ago I noticed that LegalZoom had a $399 failed debit on my account. I just got a new card in January so I didn't think much of it. Then I kept getting the notice so I contacted my bank. At first they suggested I get a new card, but then they told me that Visa updated LegalZoom with my new card info. So sending a new card wouldn't do anything. I asked them to block the merchant, but they said that it wasn't possible due to Visa.

    I contacted visa and they basically sent me an automated shrug emoji.

    I contacted LegalZoom but they refused to help me because I'm not longer on the account. I gave them all my info and they said i don't have an account and without one there is nothing I could do.

    Yes, I called LegalZoom and said this was an unauthorized action on my card, and they still said they can't do anything.

    Finally, I did call my friend and he contacted them and paid what was due. He also asked them to remove my card, and there was another debit attempt this morning.

    What are my options now? I'm guessing lawyer, but I have issues keeping $100 in my bank account, especially right now. Is there some legal verbiage that I can use to get them to stop?

    submitted by /u/Notyermomsdirector
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    Website drained account after falsely charging me.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    First of all, apologies for the temporary account.

    Yesterday, I clicked through an ad for discounted backpacks on Instagram. The ad took me through to a typical, generic sale site - lots of products, lots of discounts.

    I added the backpack to my shopping cart and proceeded to checkout. I received free shipping and agreed to their T&Cs.

    £5.75, free shipping.

    After checking out, a message appeared along the lines of 'Order will be processed and payment taken within 3 days' - fair play, other sites I've used in the past don't take payment instantly. I'd been sure to check the site's credentials and 'green padlock' alongside the URL. I'd also checked the small print on the check out screen before paying as I'd been scammed previously on a fake ESTA website before travelling to Canada. Their wording was cryptic but binding - I'd been had. That's a different story, though.

    I woke up this morning and my bank had alerted me that £109.05 had been deducted by an online vendor. I knew this was the website despite the statement showing a different name. I queried it with my bank and explain this to them, and they sought out a refund pretty immediately - zero complaints there, Monzo have always looked after me when I've queried anything.

    I reported the ad on Instagram, five times to be exact but haven't heard anything back as of yet.

    After this, I went back to the fraudulent site and followed the process again, checking for any small print I may have missed. Finding an item, adding it to the cart, going to check out, READING THE T&C's, all but paying for the product. There was nothing at all to suggest there were any hidden fees or charges.

    I checked on the 'my orders' page and saw the strangest thing. The order I'd made was not comprised of 1 item at £5.72, but 87 items totalling £5.72. The individual prices of the items DID add up to £109.05, however.

    The strangest part of this is that the amount they took from my bank account was all I had but £1.

    So, my many questions:

    a) Was this website able to calculate the amount they could take from my account?

    b) Is Instagram accountable for the ads it runs?

    c) Is there anything I can do further to ensure this website is held accountable for this scam?

    d) How do such ads make their way onto popular social media sites without being thoroughly checked?

    I'm reluctant to post the name of the website/further details as I'm unsure of some of r/legaladvice's rules, however I can share them if somebody gives me the green light. I'll also supply the statement reference if that is of any use.

    Thank you all in advance for your help - first time posting here but I've seen the wonderful work you do.

    submitted by /u/pissed_off_scammed
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    Neighbor Trying to record me through the window legal advice

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    https://m.imgur.com/a/4TB4gur ^ Album of images click link

    The TLDR version; my neighbor is trying to record my Apartment and The apartment above me "Andrew's" apartment. Have a written note put on my door from neighbor admitting he is trying to record the neighbor above me. I put up barriers he keeps moving the camera it's been five times and he has cut a tarp that I put up. What are my next legal steps?

    More information can be provided upon request. Also I'm in Texas.

    I called the police and the response was that it was a civil matter. And they had no jurisdiction over if they could record or not. I think the cops are being lazy. Also my apartment manager is the one to suggest hanging the tarp.

    submitted by /u/Twistedmoongifts
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    [CA] Landlord said he may raise my rent because I'm working from home. (Month-to-Month)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Evening r/legaladvice.

    I had a six-month lease for my current landlord. I live in his house with another roommate and my lease ended two months ago. Afterwards, we went into this sort of verbal 'month-to-month' continuation agreement. I don't pay utilities as part of the rent right now.

    Today he discussed with me potentially raising my rent a "nominal amount" because he said my rent rate was originally negotiated on the assumption that I would be working out of the house, and now that I am working at home exclusively I am using more of the utilities, and therefore necessitates a slightly higher rent. He says this will happen if the electricity gets to an 'unmanagable' level. We never had any such emphasis on that kind of negotiation, as far as I remembered.

    I was stunned when he asked me this, and I immediately thought it was bullshit. Running a computer does not jack up the electricity bill that much, and he uses the power more often than I (he runs a workshop in his garage). But I was willing to pay a little extra if it meant I could stay in my location, so I kind of shrugged verbally and asked if we could talk about that when/if the time came. My rent is relatively cheap (700 dollars, utilities paid, for my own room and parking space, in a quiet neighborhood house, in Southbay Los Angeles). Even so, I don't know if I should take this laying down, or if I should argue this at all. This new fee has not been added yet, and I am not sure if it will happen. He says it might be around 15-20 dollars.

    I understand it was naive and irresponsible to not request for a renewed lease, but I had, up until this point, lived month-to-month because of my financial situation. I thought it was freeing but, now, not so much.

    Do you have any advice for me on how I would speak to my landlord about this, what I should get in writing and how I should structure my next lease (as I will ask him for it soon), even if it is month-to-month? Is what he is doing illegal? I apologize if it is a long read, but I've never encountered this situation before.

    Thank you,


    submitted by /u/Gileotine
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    California: Asking for a friend: Friend's roommate put her dog down without her consent or knowledge

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Hi, my friend has had ongoing issues with her roommate and it has escalated to this. My initial advice to my friend was, "save all your texts, and talk to a lawyer ASAP" but I wanted to ask a few clarifying questions.

    Here is the situation:

    2 girls living together my friend(we'll call her Sarah) and her roommate (we'll call her Kate). Sarah has a Great Pyreness from before she moved in. The relationship between Sarah and Kate sours for whatever reason blah blah blah they're not on great terms.

    One day after a morning argument Sarah begins receiving texts from Kate saying that her dog bit her. As Kate texts she explains that she for some reason had hit the dog with a shoe and chased the dog to a 2nd room. The dog jumped up on the bed and when Kate continued to try to force the dog off the dog bit her hand. I saw the picture and there was no broken skin. I may be biased but I play rough with my toy poodle and he leaves bigger welts on my hand than this girl got. The roommate concludes the text argument declaring that the dog unfortunately needs to be out down.

    This screams ridiculous to me but my friend Sarah is terrified that her dog is going to be put down. Animal control is called and upon conversation animal control doesn't even take the dog and admit it would be unethical to put the dog down. They also go to the vet and after hearing the situation the vet advises training and says it would be ridiculous to put the dog down.

    Sarah comes home from work a few days later and the dog is gone. She panics and asks Kate where the dog is and Kate explains that she rehomed the dog with a family that owns land. While distraught at the loss of her animal Sarah eventually accepts that it's much better than being put down.

    Now we find ourselves a few weeks later and another argument flares up about something fairly stupid. Kate takes it upon herself to reveal that she actually DID take the dog and have it out down while Sarah was at work as some kind of weird hate filled spear she was saving for whenever they got into a fight.

    Sarah is currently at a loss of what to do.

    My questions are:

    can Kate legally put down someone else's animal?

    Can someone euthanize an animal without the owners will?

    It seems so odd to me that Kate could walk into a place and have an animal she has no legal ownership of out down.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you!

    submitted by /u/Fatalie_Porkman
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    I Think the funeral home is ripping off (scamming) my family

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Thank you in advance. I am located in New York.

    I'm going to keep it short and sweet. Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling, this is urgent and I'm really angry about this.

    My grandfather passed away yesterday and we are using the funeral home most Jews in my area use (basically only Jewish funeral home). My grandfather wanted a cleansing ceremony which requires touching the body. The funeral home told my family that they are not touching any bodies but still charging us for the ceremony and not telling us if they are only doing part of it.

    Is it illegal for a funeral home to offer a service that they may not be performing?

    submitted by /u/Luvbroadway9
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    Damages for storing plaintext passwords then suffering a breach

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Around six months ago I received an email notice from a company whose software I purchased. The email said that the company had suffered a data breach and that the attackers obtained email addresses, passwords, and payment address information for many accounts, including mine (credit card information was supposedly not included). I'm in Colorado (CO), and the company is headquartered in California (CA).

    I've received a few similar emails in the past and, other than changing my password on the affected account, don't think too much of them, as I don't reuse identical passwords across sites.

    However, after reading the email and some news reports about the hack, I began to suspect that the company had stored my password as plain text instead of storing it as a hash. I contacted them via email, directly asking them if the passwords were stored as plain text. The first response I received did not answer the question and just directed me to the public release statement. I did not receive a response to my second email, nor to my written letter asking the same question.

    The issue of storing a hashed password vs a plain-text one is important because I salt all of the passwords I create for various less sensitive sites. When making these passwords, I use a base password, then mix in a salt that is unique for each site. As an example, if my base password was abcd1234 then my password for Reddit might be reddit-abcd1234, and my password for Netflix might be netflix-acbd1234. Since I assume that the password is going to be stored as a hash, this provides a unique password for each site that is still easy to remember. If my password for a single site gets compromised, the attacker just gets the hashed value, which doesn't do him or her much good for accessing any other accounts. (Hashing is a one-way process that turns data from one form into a different longer and unrecognizable form. Standard hashing algorithms cannot be reversed, meaning that if you hash A into B, someone who has B cannot realistically figure out what A is.)

    However, if the password is stored as plaintext, then the attacker now has my salt and can see the format that I use, making it trivial to guess the password to any other sites that use the same password or format.

    Since the company never answered my question, and never affirmatively stated that it stored the passwords in a hashed or protected format, I assume that the plaintext version was stolen. As such, I ended up having to change my password on a bunch of different sites, which took a significant amount of time. I also know that I didn't remember all of them, so I'm sure there are still sites out there that have the old password + salt.

    As far as I know, no one has yet logged in to any of these sites as me using the stolen data.

    A few additional points:

    • Companies that suffer data breaches usually go out of their way to tell customers and the public when the passwords are hashed. Take the giant Yahoo data breach for example. The fact that this company did not, and would not answer my question, indicates that they most likely did not use a hash
    • Saving passwords in hashed form has been around for a long, long time. I believe that it is standard for any company storing account information, and I suspect that most experts would agree.
    • There is very little cost, either in terms of additional complexity or storage or processing to store passwords as a hash.

    My questions are:

    • Assuming that a subpoena or other process reveals that the company did store passwords as plaintext, does this rise to the level of negligence?
    • What kind of damages could I recover if I were to sue them? To date, I haven't suffered any direct harm from a compromised account, but it did take me time to reset a bunch of passwords for various other accounts. Also, I know there are still accounts out there that I didn't reset because I don't remember them.
    • Would this type of case be worth an attorney pursuing on contingency?

    Not really relevant, but I have since begun using actual random passwords for each site I signup for in order to prevent this type of thing from happening again.

    submitted by /u/grimzecho
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    Employer is making the employees pay the salary of other employees.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I work in the automotive repair industry in Florida. I won't name the company but it's one of the big ones. The repair techs get paid commission. Basically we get paid a set amount of hours based off the repair. Car X is 12 hours. Car Y is 15 hours. The hours are broken down into specific line items. You only get paid for specifically what you do and only what you do. My employer does not set these values. Thet are predetermined by the manufacturers and insurance companies approval. When all this started they laid off everyone on salary but the receptionist. They laid off the auto detailer also who was hourly I believe. Now a few weeks later, they are trying to save the job off the shop Forman aswel his assistant. So they converted thier jobs to flate rate and they are reallocating 10% of everyone's hours to pay thier salary. This is to cover the quality control manager and auto detailing, it's what were being told. But there's is no line item on the estimate for these things. They are taking hours off of repair orders from work the repair techs are doing. They aren't helping us with our job. They are washing and inspecting cars. This is a shop expense. I don't get any base pay or anything. I only get paid for what is on the estimate. Does anyone have any insight on to whether this is legal or not? At end of the day they are having the repair technicians subsidize thier salaries so the company doesnt have to pay it. The shop foreman is an ok guy. He has a pacemaker and I don't want to see him lose his job, but this is pretty not ok.

    submitted by /u/KingGrognak
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    Company is accepting a resignation I submitted 6 weeks ago and then retracted

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    About 6 weeks ago, I submitted my resignation to our HR department. At the time, the department did not respond to my email but my immediate supervisor did (simply saying she was sorry to hear that I would be leaving, etc.). My last day was set to be 5/1, however, when things started becoming worse with COVID-19, I emailed HR stating that I had decided to retract my resignation and that I would continue to be available for work (I did not state any reasons why I was retracting my resignation). 2 days ago, I got an email from HR stating that they had received my resignation and gave me next steps that would need to be completed before my last day. I responded back, clarifying that I was NOT leaving per my previous email. My company has stated that they no longer have a position for me due to the current state of things with Coronavirus, however, that have not actually used the term "laid off/furloughed/fired". They continue to state that they will let me stay on until "my last day" (5/1). Can my company essentially force an acceptance of a resignation letter I submitted and then retracted?

    If it matters: I live in CA. I was a full time, salaried employee who would now be part time/hourly until 5/1.

    submitted by /u/ntimoti
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    [Illinois] $2M PI settlement, my insurance has paid for my treatment, do I owe them?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    [Illinois] Reached $2M Settlement under defendant home owner insurance policy - do I need to pay back my insurance company?

    25M plaintiff suffered extensive injuries resulting in approx $200k in medical bills.

    Sued defendant and reached settlement at $2M. After lawyer is paid I'll have $1.3M

    I've received several letters from healthcare insurance which state "your hospital stay appears to be part of an accident, please reply and provide more detail"

    I tossed them all and my lawyer has not received a lien he has not contacted my healthcare insurance nor have they contacted him. I have a new provided for 2020 coverage.

    He gave me the option to attempt to negotiate the the bills or leave it be, he made it clear I need to set aside that money for 10 years or so in case they return and ask for their share, he also mentioned that negotiation at that point wouldn't be fruitful and they may not be the friendliest, but he would help if he can.

    What should I do?

    submitted by /u/COVIDONE9
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    Lying on a court document

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    My daughter's biological father (we'll call him Dick) is taking his ex (we'll call her Jane) to court for joint custody of their 7 year old, in Nevada. Jane contacted me last month to let me know he had filed and informed me that Dick lied on a legal document, saying that he currently has joint custody of our daughter and has her every other week. Dick has not seen our daughter since she was seven days old - she is 3.5 now.

    I'm wondering what the legal repercussions are for someone lying like this on legal documents. (This is only ONE of the things he lied about in his document, there is A LOT of fabricated information, this is just the only thing that involves me/my daughter)

    submitted by /u/atriptohere
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    [KY] Hotel I am employed might become a patient facility, I do not fell comfortable with this - do I qualify of unemployment?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    The hotel I've been working at for the past 4+ years has given notice to the employees that there's a strong possibility that it will become a patient facility in light of the pandemic. I do not feel comfortable with this transition at all because I do not have (and can not afford) health insurance and do not qualify for assistance in that regard. I live with and care for my parents so I am incredibly worried about becoming a carrier. I have also become the main financial contributor since my father got furloughed and my mother is unable to work.

    On the FAQ it mentions "Under the law, the following persons are eligible if they available and able to work but are unemployed or partially unemployed as a result of COVID-19: ... A person who has to quit their job as a direct result of COVID-19."

    Is this a situation that is covered by this new rule? Do I qualify for unemployment if I have to quit?

    Edit: I apologize for the typos in the title, not thinking straight at the moment.

    submitted by /u/noiravantgarde
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