• Breaking News

    Monday, April 13, 2020

    Legal Advice - Getting evicted because of snoring problem.

    Legal Advice - Getting evicted because of snoring problem.

    Getting evicted because of snoring problem.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    I originally posted this somewhere else and some suggested I post it here. Based in NYC

    My boyfriend and I have lived in a co-op for about 1 1/2 years now, no prior issues whatsoever. About 5 months ago 2 older women moved into the apartment below us. One of them is large, with a heart issue - and snores like NOTHING we have ever heard before. My boyfriend is a heavy sleeper and nothing wakes that man up. But her snoring? Is insane.

    After 2 weeks of waiting it out to see if she would stop, we spoke to our superintendent. He said he knew exactly who it was as multiple tenants had complained about her snoring disturbing their sleep - but because she is "old" with medical issues, he said there's nothing we can do and suggested we sleep in our living room.

    We have tried ear plugs and sleeping with the radio on. The ear plugs didn't stop the vibrations and sleeping with loud music on only gave me a headache in the morning. So we decided to go downstairs and try to be as friendly as possible - we spoke to her sister who explained that she has a heart problem. We showed her items from Rite Aid that could help, offered to buy them, and suggested a sleep study.

    The next day we receive a call from the board saying we need to stop harassing the neighbors and that if we continued, we'd risk being evicted. We tried to explain the situation and they said they received a call from 2 older women scared for their "safety".

    So we've been sleeping with the radio on to try and drown the noise. Well today we received a call from the super saying the board is going to send an official letter out, but we have 30 days to move. Apparently the radio is a disturbance and so is our "loud talking" at night.

    My question is, is this legal..? Is there anything we can do..? We are genuinely confused. There is no way we're going to find another apartment in 30 days.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_acc_0154
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    Ex-wife set up mail forwarding for our child to get his birthday money. Now she is going through my mailbox. IA.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I am divorced and our time is 50/50 but my ex-wife has primary custody. My son had a birthday a couple of weeks ago. A few weeks prior to his birthday I received a notice in the mail about mail forwarding having been set up - to be forwarded from my address to an address I had never heard of (but knew was not my ex-wife's address). I assumed it was some kind of scam and contacted USPS and they canceled it.

    Come birthday time we received nothing for him in the mail, which is atypical. I am fortunate to have friends and family who love my child and spoil him to death, so normally we receive several cards, but this year received nothing. However my parents and other family members did confirm that they had sent cards, including cash and checks, which we did not receive.

    My parents sent a replacement birthday card and we did not get that either, so I contacted USPS thinking it was being forwarded after all. They confirmed it wasn't being forwarded, but said that they have record of letters that should have arrived on specific dates, that we haven't seen. I ended up getting a camera and found that every day shortly after the mail arrives, my ex-wife was driving up, sorting through it. I talked to my parents who confirmed the checks they sent were cashed, and after some sleuthing have figured out that the address used for mail forwarding, while not my ex-wife's, is actually her boyfriend's place.

    The person I spoke with at the post office said this is murky territory because the mail IS being received by a legal guardian of the person it's intended for, but he understands it's ridiculous. He doesn't think I can do anything but is going to check with the postmaster anyway and they are going to call me back. In the mean time he recommended a locking mailbox which I will be installing today. He said I could report it to the police and that might help.

    I filed a report of mail theft with the police but they were generally disinterested.

    I am wondering if I have any other legal recourse. This may seem small but it seems ridiculous to me that she has gotten away with gifts from my family to my son by stealing from my mailbox. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/theincrediblestapler
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    Being sued personally by a customer of the store where I work. Says she slipped on the floor I was cleaning and she's injured.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    I'm a cleaner at a supermarket. On january 16 I was working, I was cleaning a closed-off section of the store. I was cleaning the floor so it was wet. Suddenly someone started shouting and a lady was saying that she slipped on the floor and fell and that she was in pain. I helped her get back on her feet she walked alright. She was in the *closed-off* section so not supposed to be there and there were signs. Then my manager came to talk to her. She was protesting but he said that the section was closed-off then they talked some more but I don't know what was said because I went back to work. Last thursday in the mail there was a letter, it's from a lawyer saying the lady was seriously injured and had to go to the hospital and she's asking for $24000 or she will take me to court personally for her injuries, hospital costs and now she's disabled. At first I didn't even know who she was then I remembered. It didn't look like she was badly injured when she was talking to my manager. I'm just a cleaner I don't have that kind of money. I was just doing my job as told by my manager and following all the rules and the lady was not supposed to be where she was. Don't know how she got my name and address. We have name tags but with just our first name. I don't know why she's coming after me personally and not the store? What can I do? There's no way I can pay that kind of money.

    submitted by /u/confusedjanitor
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    [UT] My [35m] stalker [32f] won't stop texting me, whether I block her or not.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    I broke up with an on-again off-again Tinder relationship in September and she won't stop texting me. Every single night, always with pictures of her in her underwear. I've never asked for or encouraged these texts. I have no problem blocking her, but she started coming to my apartment and dropping off gifts or knocking on the door at midnight in a coat with lingerie underneath. She will not take no for an answer. I haven't responded to her text messages since September but it doesn't matter. She won't stop.

    I was very firm with her last time she came to my apartment in February. I told her I wasn't interested in seeing or hearing from her ever again. I did call the police and had her charged with trespassing and she hasn't been back since, but I'm afraid if I just block her again she'll either start coming by and I won't know it's her or her delusion will continue. Or the stay at home directive is lifted.

    She texts like we're having an ongoing conversation, or I've asked her to call me "daddy" (I haven't) or I've given her some reason to believe I want to see her again. She thrives on any attention from me, even negative attention, once saying that me asking her to leave alone aroused her. I know these text messages seem like funny memes but it's scary when I don't know what's wrong with this woman.

    submitted by /u/writerrrr
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    Just found out that I'm an illegal tenant and the landlord has given me 24 hours to leave. What rights do I have [VA]

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I'm a college student and these past few weeks was having some issues with my roommates. It was both a mixture of cabin fever from the virus, and some personal drama, but overall it just devolved into a toxic environment. The landlords of the property gave me a call and said that my roommate had complained about me, and they said that they'd let me out of my lease early so long as I left my house within 72 hours. Personally, I had wanted out of my lease for a while, so I accepted their offer, but that left me very little time to find a new place to live. I ended up finding a place to stay on Facebook for within my price range, so I contacted the girl renting it out and I moved in. Early today I got a call from my new landlord, and apparently the girl whose place I took never filled out the paperwork to transfer tenancy to me, and they are telling me to vacate the property within 24 hours. I asked them if I could fill out the paperwork now, and they told me no and I have to be gone within 24 hours.

    What should I do? I just finished unpacking and this is a real pain in the ass for me. I'm a full time student and 24 hours is hardly any time at all to get all my stuff in order. Do I have any rights or special protections seeing as we are in the middle of a pandemic?

    Edit: I only lived in the house for about 48 hours before the landlord contacted me, so I don't have any mail addressed to me, but I do have texts from the girl saying I could have her room

    submitted by /u/VATenantThrowaway12
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    UPDATE: Still need help

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Original post below, because I don't know how to link. Location: Ohio

    I'm legally allowed to shoot at my property, confirmed by the township police. I have a neighbor who doesn't like it and has been doing everything in their power to stop us. This includes: slandering us to other people on the street, calling their lawyers and state representative, yelling at us from our driveway, and blaring their car horn as they drive by our home. Lately, this involves calling the police on us. So far, we've had the police called on us three times in 72 hours. We've had a Sargent and lieutenant at our home. They've stated we have broken no laws but have to investigate every call. All for shooting a 22lr twice (no more than 20 minutes) in two days. Police say we cannot file a report for harassment. We feel like they are using the police to harass us. We're at our wits end dealing with their shenanigans when we are not breaking any laws. We're sorry they don't like it but we are not in a residential neighborhood and I'm shooting away from their property in a steep hillside. Any advice or help, you can give would be much appreciated. Thank you.


    submitted by /u/unicornlover84
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    Inherited an original Tommy Gun 1927. The previous owner (my uncle) falsely believed it to be a replica.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    My uncle died recently and left me a Tommy Gun. He had kept it in a case for years and believed it to be a replica "carbine" because it had "carbine" written on it.

    Now correct me if I am wrong. But according to the ATF, the Thompson's "machine gun receiver" makes it (in the eyes of the law) a machine gun (as this allows it to become fully automatic). I have researched it myself and sent photos to various experts who have deemed it to be an original 1927 model. Thus this is 1) A lot more valuable than he thought and 2) A lot more regulated than he thought.

    Now, what do I need to do to make this legal? Part of me would like to sell the gun to someone who is better handled to deal with the potential legal headache that it could turn into.

    I am in the USA.

    submitted by /u/RapidRapidlyRapids
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    Stop neighbor from driving down private road [Oklahoma]

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Country neighborhood with private road. We currently don't have an HOA but the road doesn't get maintenance unless we pay for it. Recently, myself and my closest neighbors (we are all at the end of the road) spent $15k to fix up our section nice. Only problem is we have an asshole neighbor that lives right at the entrance. He hates my closest neighbor because they are Mexican. I know racism isn't illegal but it is relevant to my dear. There is a Mexican couple near him on the other road that connects to ours. They fixed up their section and as soon as we got a good rain, he took his big four wheel drive truck and fucked it to hell. My question is can we establish am HOA or something for our section and have him trespassed if he acts a fool? Can I put trail cams or something by the road and Sue him for repairs if he decides to tear our section up? I tried to talk to him but apparently I love illegals and not worth his time. Please help!

    submitted by /u/locofarmer
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    Employers preventing employees from filing for employment - Coronavirus

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Due to the shelter in place restrictions placed in San Francisco, I'm not able to go to work as work from home isn't an option. Since I will be out of work, my coworkers and I all wanted to file for unemployment. However for the past month, my employer has done something rather shady. On my bi weekly paycheck, the pay code is "hourly sick" because they forced me to take my sick paid leave when I didn't request it. And 24 hours of paid salary. (3/16/20-3/31/20). On my current paycheck, they used the pay code for "holiday paid vacation" and forced me to use up all my vacation days when I never requested them. Then asked me to come back into work for 4 days. Is this legal for employers to subject employees to take paid sick leave and paid vacation leave and asking employees to come back to work a couple of hours so we can't file for unemployment since we are still being "paid". Can anyone point me to specific regulations and laws that might suggest this is illegal or wrong? I want to be able to talk to my employer about it. I'm located in San Francisco with a small local company.

    submitted by /u/prismile
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    Want Girlfriend to Leave and go back to her apartment- want to cover basis

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    My girlfriend has her own apartment in Wisconsin. I live in Illinois. she has been living in my house for 28 days because she doesn't want to be alone during the pandemic and she physically has the ability to work at home since the virus things has occurred. Since she has moved in, the relationship has gotten very tenuous and I have realized I don't want her here any longer. I have asked her to leave already and she has refused. Is she considered a tenant that I have to evict or can I have her removed by another method i.e. calling the police? What happens after 30 days?

    submitted by /u/MarkALeeser
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    Gas powered Leaf Blowers 2 a.m. every Monday

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I live in a nice, quiet neighborhood with my back fence against a strip mall in Phoenix, AZ. At 2 a.m. every Monday morning the gas powered leaf blowers start blowing for an hour, making me not able to sleep. This wakes me up and keeps me awake for 2 or more hours and I'm at my wit's end.

    I have already tried to contact the property management company with no success (all phone lines are disconnected and there is no email). Usually, I call the police to report a disturbance/ noise complaint and report the situation, but yesterday the dispatcher said it's perfectly fine for them to use gas powered leaf blowers at night.

    What legal options do I have?

    submitted by /u/leafblowernoise
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    I am still being charged arrears and monthly child support for a child I’ve had full custody of the past 2 years. What do I do?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    I live in New York City. My sons mother abandoned my son. I got a phone call from ACS one day and the ACS worker informed me that my sons mother wanted to give my son up because she couldn't handle him anymore. (my son has autism) The ACS worker asked me if I was interested in taking custody of my son. I said yes and we arranged for everything to happen that weekend. I signed papers and was told I had custody of my son. I didn't know any better so while I was still receiving letters claiming that I owed child support I thought nothing of it and thought the paper work was slow to catch up. I thought the same with his SSI checks when the ACS worker told me she told his mother that she had to go report that she was no longer the payer for my child. (No ssi checks for 3 months until I personally went over to see what was going on and found out she was still receiving the checks for him and still cashing them). His mother disappears off the face of the earth for literally 2 years. When she does pop back up she says she wants visitations. We go to court and that's when I find out I didn't really have "full custody" in their eyes because the paper work was from an ACS worker. But His mother didn't dispute it. She said I could have full custody, she just as wants to see him once in awhile. We get through that, I'm told nothing about the ssi money she practically stole and gave him none of although I asked about it and even said it in court. I also told my lawyer(public defendant)about the child support issue.I'm being charged arrears and monthly fees for two years now. He said it would be in the final judgement yet the court papers I received do not state this and the public defendant no longer answers my calls.(side note: I lost my job and a lot of other things once I became a full time father. Autism isn't easy, my son had a difficult time living with his mother his first 8 years. He wasn't provided any help from city services or even special education because his mother didn't find the time to get him the help he needed. No therapy, no nothing. Thankfully I was able to find the time to get him all the help and resources he needs but lost my job in the process. I've received a lot of help from my blessed mother but she can only do so much.)

    my question(s)

    (apologies for the deep backstory)

    How do I stop child support from sending me letters stating I owe them money for a child I am in full possession of? Do I still have to pay the arrears I'm being charged despite him being in my full possession during that time? Has his mother still been receiving child support payments all this time (2 yrs) and if so what can I do about this? The IRS garnished my taxes last year despite him being in my custody? Did she receive a payment from that? Do I get this money back? What can I do about the money she stole from my son's SSI account? I have a letter from the IRS stating that she was the one who received the payments but was given no direction in what to do with it? Is this a criminal court matter? What can I do about this?

    I feel like she practically bailed on my son and got to steal from him with no type punishment whatsoever. Financially I've been put in a whole due to me taking a loan from a family member(written loan agreement) so that I could provide my son with the things he needed while I waited for the ssi checks to arrive that never did because she was stealing them. Needless to say I still owe this person money and I've tried to work to pay it off but my son doesn't do to well in school so I'm constantly being called to pick him up. The 1 job I had after becoming a full time dad didn't like that so I was fired after 2 months(surprised I lasted that long). Meanwhile his mother shows up to see him when she wants and does absolutely nothing to provide for him…. Thank you for reading this if you can this far. I began to ramble, sorry. This has been very frustrating and depressing….

    submitted by /u/GiftedGamer1410
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    Neighbor keeps calling police on us; false accusations.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    This has happened 3 times. We (my wife and I) live in a duplex and the neighbor our house is attached to has called the cops on us at like 3 or 4 in the morning while we are sleeping. The police show up, wake us up and tell us they got a complaint about us smoking marijuana. We tell them no it's not us. We tell them the ongoing feud we have been having with this neighbor, they apologize for waking us up and leave. Would we be able to take legal action against my neighbor for making these false accusations against us and what we feel is harassment.

    There is more history to this feud with this neighbor. I'll try to briefly sum it up. About a year ago his kid put a basketball hoop in front of a house that was for sale. Someone (not us) called the cops about it. We assumed it was the realtor who was selling the house. Neighbor thought it was us. Threatened my wife when she got home from work, telling her she was gonna have problems so she better watch her back and that he wasn't afraid to go back to jail. We called the cops immediately when this happened. The officer didn't really do anything about the threat, he basically just told us and told him that we all need to just avoid each other. And then he started calling the police on us about the marijuana. So now it feels like he's using the police to harass us.

    Edit: we live is the state of Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/Zerostar39
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    Apartment above us let animals ruin furniture

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    First time posting, looking for help here. Apartment office has ignored our complaints. Elderly Neighbors above us have small dogs they allow to pee and poop on their back balcony above us. They state they've modified their porch to avoid "drainage" but our furniture and two bikes smell of pure dog piss. What action should I take for the ruined property?

    Legally speaking what can I do against another tenant damaging my property?

    Edit* clarifying info and legal question

    submitted by /u/Batmanspoolboy
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    Received Traffic Ticket and Have 10 Days to Respond. Courthouse is Closed Until May 4. Help!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Hello r/legaladvice,

    Michigan, United States

    I received a ticket on 4/11 for going 65mph in a 55mph zone. The citation requires me to pay the ticket or contact the court within 10 days. I would like to schedule a hearing in hopes of getting the citation reduced to a non-moving violation since my driving record is perfectly clean, and there are some additional circumstances to the case. The court will not be open until at least 23 days after the citation was written, so what do I do?

    Failure to respond to the citation within 10 days will lead to a default judgement and suspended license according to the back of the ticket. I don't want to pay the ticket and have my insurance increased because the court is closed and does not have an answering machine to leave a message. I sent an email using their website, but it will not send me a confirmation email, so that is not much help.

    How should I go about managing this? I reached out to two lawyers, but they charge $300+ to take the case.

    submitted by /u/TerryTurnip2
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    Bought Trailer Home, Sellers signed without notary, Deals done, Bank says it's my responsibility to fix it.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    This is in Tennessee.

    Bought trailer with 1 and half acres of land. 3 months into living there, my bank contacts me and says the title needed resigned by the seller AND his spouse in front of a notary (I think the wife signed without notary after husband signed with a notary) so the bank could dissolve the title and affixate the trailer to the land.

    I only know the sellers' names, other than handing the keys to me after deal was done, I had no contact with them. I communicated the offer and set up the sale through my realtors and had my bank finalize everything.

    I even bought title insurance through my bank during the deal.

    Bank insisted it was my responsibility, and that the title insurance didn't cover this. So bank has sent me the title, and I have no contact information for them. I even contacted my realtor for info, and he never returned my call.

    So 3 years have went by now and bank has never asked or contacted me about it again, and I'm still making my monthly payments. And I still have the title.

    Looking to pay off everything in a few years and scrap the trailer and build a house on the land, and just want to make sure I'm not going to run into any trouble in the process, or fall liable for something.

    Or if there's anything I should do to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Hiccupiccup
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    Office Lied About Insurance, Made Me Pay In Full

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    I've been seeing a therapist for a year now, and when I first began, the office informed me she does not take my insurance (BCBS). I also see another provider there who does take BCBS. I decided since I'd be seeing this one infrequently (once every three weeks), I'll just find the money to pay her full fee ($150/session) each time. Fast forward to today, she informed me that she does take BCBS and always has. I don't have the physical proof that I was told she doesn't, but my insurance has been on file with them from the start. I cannot understand how they saw I had BCBS and still charged me her full session price each time. Even as they're regularly billing my insurance for the other provider, who I've only ever paid my co-pay for. I don't know what I can legally do here. I can't ask them to just bill my insurance now, since I know they can't bill retroactively. I'm in Texas.

    tl;dr: Office told me my therapist doesn't take my insurance, which they've always had on file as BCBS. I paid for many sessions out of pocket in full, and just found out she's always accepted my insurance.

    submitted by /u/silverpolkadots
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    Parent is withholding my social security card and birth certificate and refuses to give it until I contact them

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    I had a falling out with an abusive parent and I recently moved out. I've been attempting to get another job but I need my social security card and birth certificate to prove I'm a legal citizen. I've asked another family member who lives with the abusive parent but they have locked away my stuff until I contact them which I cannot do as they have been served a restraining order. What are my options as to getting back my documents?

    submitted by /u/Subpar_diabetic
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    Employee that resigned in 2018 claiming unemployment

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Throwaway so I can share answers.

    My mother (California, USA) is a small business owner with one other employee. Today, she received an unemployment claim from a former employee whose last day was December 31, 2018. My mother still has her resignation letter, stating that she left the company due to "financial decline" and intended to leave July of that year but Mom had requested she stay longer for her help.

    It was a big shock for the office. While they did indeed lose a major client that year, there was no intention of laying off anybody. The employee decided entirely on her own accord so she could retire and leave for another state.

    Mom received the letter today, April 13th, stating that any complaints or reviews must be postmarked by April 10th. So, three days before she received it. Of course, she's really concerned about it due to the times and the fact that the employee voluntarily quit. Called the EDD office number and received no answer, only a notice that they have a full mailbox.

    Is she liable to pay for the unemployment at this time? When she is able to get in contact, will the EDD claim that it has come in too late? If so, would she be able to fight that?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/unethrowawayleg
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    Is my lawyer a fraud?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    I hired an employment lawyer to sue my ex-employer in court. We signed a retainer and agreed on his fees etc. Few months after issuing the statement of claim, he told me that due to some technical issues he needs to amend the statement of claim and re-file it in court otherwise the opposing counsel has declined to accept it in its current state.

    I provided my consent, reviewed the ammended statement of claim and told him to proceed with filing it in the court. After waiting for a few months he shared the ammended statement of defense received from the opposing counsel.

    It has been over an year since ammended statement of claim was written up, however it has now come to my knowledge that the ammended statement of claim and ammended statement of defence wwre never filed in the court. In other words, both lawyers exchanged the ammended documents amongst themselves, outside the court system.

    All thru out the period, my lawyer never told me that the ammended statement of claim was not filed in the court.

    My lawyer is now telling me that the deadline to enter discovery had passed and that I should accept the offer opposing counsel has made to settle the case. I am not happy with the amount OC is offering or how my case has been handled. Something stinks. I have made attempts to confront my lawyer to get some information straight, but he has either thrown legal jargon at me or threatened to abandon my case and close the file.

    So far I have paid him his fees in full, as per the retainer agreement we have in place.

    This is in Toronto and SoC is filed at Superior Court of Justice, Ontario.

    Is this normal practice to exchange ammended SoC and SoD without filing it with the registrar at the court?

    If my lawyer is correct and he missed the deadline to file ammended SoC, am I screwed? Can I still enter discovery? Is there a statute of limitation by when ammended SoC needs to be submitted?

    Clearly my lawyer lied to me and did not follow my instructions to file ammended SoC but charged me a fee for doing the work. Is that fraud?

    I was terminated from my employment in April 2018. Are there any immediate deadlines I should be aware of in order to prevent future heartache and pain?

    Appreciate your inputs please.

    Thanks, babli.

    submitted by /u/bbllkk2003
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    [PA] I started a job with UPS just before all the shutdowns started. I was required to call in every day to see if I would be working that day. I usually worked 3 days a week. Im still being told to call in, but I havent worked in over 3 weeks. Do I qualify for Unemployment?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask so please let me know.

    I know under most circumstances, going from working 3 days per week to being given no hours at all would indeed qualify you for UC, but since I didnt have a set schedule and had to call in every day, I dont know if that changes things. The thing is Im STILL calling in every day. Sometimes they tell me no right away, on rare occasions they say to check back in like 45 minutes and theyll have an answer, and then just say no at that point. They havent said yes and had me come in to work in a full 3 weeks. (Today marks the start of week 4)

    Not sure if this matters, but Im still in my "qualification period" where Im required to get 30 days of on-road driving experience before I can join the union and become a "normal" employee. I know Im not an independent contractor or anything like that, but I dont know what kind of category Id be in due to the lack of a set schedule.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Small-Avocado
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    Aunt's husband hit her, smashed her car into a wall, and is threatening to shoot her dogs; kids were present; local cops aren't picking him up, police were called when incident happened

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Basically what the title says, this absolutely needs to be escalated, but I'm not sure who can get the most done, and quickly. Local police aren't helping, restraining order is in the process of being filed.

    Edit: Louisiana

    submitted by /u/SkeletorTheSpook
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