• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    Legal Advice - (MA) after giving me written permission to make a permanent decision, my ex changed her mind and has now decided to sue me for emotional damages. Advice needed--thinking of settling.

    Legal Advice - (MA) after giving me written permission to make a permanent decision, my ex changed her mind and has now decided to sue me for emotional damages. Advice needed--thinking of settling.

    (MA) after giving me written permission to make a permanent decision, my ex changed her mind and has now decided to sue me for emotional damages. Advice needed--thinking of settling.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I will probably consult with a lawyer in the near future. I understand that the title is vague but I was trying to keep triggering topics out of the title. I'm using mobile so there may be some formatting issues.

    I have a daughter (13) with an ex who was not in her life. We were young, in our early 20s, when she was born. My ex wasn't ready to give up her life and be a mom yet so I assumed full custody. She had another child when our daughter was 9 and never spoke to our daughter again or really acknowledged her. I remarried as well and my wife has been an amazing stepmom to my daughter.

    My daughter was diagnosed with cancer in 2016. I made sure to let my ex know of course and sent periodic updates. She didn't visit or call and basically things went on as normal.

    In December 2019 it became apparent that her fight was drawing to a close and there was nothing anyone could do. I sent the following email (copy pasted text because I'm technologically illiterate, with private info removed):

    "Jess, I want to let you know that we got the results of E's scan today. The cancer has spread significantly with several new growths and no change to the old sites.

    At this time doctors are advising that treatment is unlikely to be successful and we would be better off providing her with comfort care instead. She will be a lot more comfortable and be allowed to go home which she really wants.

    L, the doctors, and I have all talked to her as well as child life. She has agreed that it's time to come home. She is being discharged tomorrow to hospice at home.

    As always, she would love to see/hear from you."

    she replied to that email a short time later with "thank you for the update". She didn't call or reach out to our daughter at all.

    After coming home from the hospital, my daughter asked me to mail a letter and to send an email she'd written to her mother. I don't know what the letter or email said but I know that neither one was replied to.

    In January, our daughter passed away. I sent the following emails:

    "Jess, I wish I didn't have to write this email. Our sweet E passed away in her sleep. It was very peaceful. I will send another email with funeral details.

    Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

    and then the one about the funeral. I had to redact most of that one because it was full of personal information but this is the important part:

    "Jess, In addition, we have decided on cremation. Please let me know if you would like any of her ashes. I can even get them made into jewelry or put in an urn for you and have it shipped if that's easier for you."

    She replied to that one thanking me and telling me she would rather not have the ashes and that I could do what I liked with them.

    We did. We gave some to my mother, had some turned into jewelry for my wife and three younger girls, I kept some and we buried some in a few of her favorite places. At this point the only ashes that physically exist are mine, my mother's, and my wife/daughters'.

    Fast forward to the end of February and I get an email from her stating that she'd had a change of heart and asking if she could have some of our daughter's ashes.

    I told her that unfortunately we didn't have any "left", but that my wife offered to send her the necklace she had made. She declined and did seem a little offended that we'd offered but it was all we had to give.

    A few days ago I received notice that she was suing me for emotional damages for "failing to offer her our shared child's cremains" and "offering a used necklace" and some other nonsense.

    I'm going to be honest: I feel like the only person who is being emotionally damaged here is me. I'm dealing with a huge devastating loss of my first child, my best buddy, my constant companion while also dealing with the stress of the pandemic/lockdown, two young kids who don't understand, AND a brand new baby (born end of March). I feel like I've been nothing but nice and communicative to her and this is what I get for it?

    I'm angry, I'm tired, and I'm frustrated. Realistically, I don't even have the emotional energy to fight it and I'm seriously considering throwing some money at it and hoping it goes away. Is that the best solution?

    submitted by /u/pleasehelp45283
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    Bank removed $2,000 from my account and has not returned it — it's been a week

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    I bank with TD. On Wednesday evening, I checked my bank balance on my app, and I saw that I had a negative balance. I'm not well-off by any means, but I have NEVER overdrawn my account or even incurred a maintenance fee for having less than the required balance. I saw that there had been a withdrawal for $2,000, and then a transfer of over $1,000 from my savings account to my checking account. I feared that I'd been hacked, so I immediately changed my passwords and called the bank.

    When I called the bank, they explained what happened, and I have to say that I've never heard anything like it. My father is joint on my account because I had lived abroad, and he had given me money for a visa. I wanted him to be able to access that money, so I put him on my account and just never took him off. I will say (because the bank tried blaming it on him) that my father would NEVER touch my money. He would be mortified if he thought this was at all his fault.

    Apparently, my father cashed a check at TD for $2,000. The teller was new, and instead of removing the money from the person who wrote the check (it was a TD check), she cashed the check against MY account. After calling the bank, they assured me that this was a normal thing to do if the check wasn't a TD check (which it was), because how would they know if the check written was "good" or not? Until the check cleared with the other institution, it is completely normal for any bank to cash against the account of the person the check is written to, not from. And, as my father doesn't have his own account at TD, it came out of mine, because he is joint on the account.

    Apparently, the teller saw that I didn't have $2,000 in my checking account (because who does?), and instead of overdrawing my account, transferred exactly enough money from my savings to cover the check. Now, my father is not on my savings account. He should not have access to that money. Even if cashing against my account was the right move (which, I don't see how that's legal in any situation), she should never have touched my savings account.

    Obviously, I can't go into a branch right now due to COVID-19. I have called so many times, I swear they know my voice. It's been 6 days, and the money hasn't been returned to my account. I was told it would be in there within 3 business days (which is also unacceptable), and, three days later, it's still not back. I keep calling and I've already told them I'm taking my business elsewhere because it's absolutely ridiculous that this has happened, and they're being wholly unhelpful. I don't feel like they're treating this with the urgency that they should — they seem to think that, because I have some money left in my savings, it's "not that bad" and I'm "lucky it isn't going to take 10 days." Both things were said to me. Is there anything that I can even threaten them with, legally? This doesn't seem right.

    TL;DR — Due to bank error, I have $2,000 missing from my account. It has been 6 days, and it still hasn't been returned, despite the time frame they quoted me coming and going. Do I have any course of action?

    submitted by /u/cookiescoop
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    [WI] Neighbors autistic son killed my dog. I need these people removed immediately.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    So these people moved into the house next door last fall. Their child with autism has been a major issue since day one. We met these people 5 hours after they started moving in and their son threw a rock through our window. They said they were sorry and that their son has autism, they offered to pay for the window. (never did)

    The rest of the fall was a constant barrage of this child screaming at us and our dog anytime we were outside. He started throwing toys and food at our dog over the fence. We asked the parents several times to make him stop. It stopped when winter came.

    Fast forward to Sunday, I'm racing to the vet with my dog vomiting and seizing on my lap from an obvious chocolate poisoning. She's of an advanced age and passed before we got there. The fence line next to their yard is filled with foil wrappers, the kind the chocolate bunnies and such are wrapped in.

    I have video evidence of the child screaming and throwing toys at the dog over the fence as well as pictures of the foil wrappers.

    What can I do to punish these people to the fullest extent of the law?

    submitted by /u/Kyodie
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    Neighbors are threatening legal action for a mysterious smell. Help!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    First, I rent in a multiunit home. My neighbors own the home adjacent to our building. I have lived here for 6 years and gotten along well with them for the most part. They have complained several times over the last few months about a smell that is so offensive it burns their eyes and aggravates their asthma. The thing is, no one in our building smells it. They have accused me specifically as being the cause of it but I have no idea what it could be. I used to burn incense, candles, and occasionally smoke weed (its decriminalized where I live and available medically but I don't smoke often enough to want to get a card) but haven't done so since the complaints started. Additionally, my landlord has removed the exhaust fan in my bathroom thinking that could be the culprit and has installed a new one in my kitchen but still the complaints come. I've even received calls about it when not home. They have gotten desperate and angry enough to begin threatening legal recourse and possibly have me evicted. No one in my building has complained, or even seems to smell it, and we have attempted to work with them but to no avail. Should I be worried? What can I do?

    submitted by /u/kparadiso
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    My dad (46) and ex-stepsister (18) are having sex, and in front of my 7 year old sister. Even involving her.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    My father (46) and the daughter of his ex-wife (18) have been having sex for a while now. Even when she was under age. Normally i wouldn't be so paranoid about it because it is now legal, but, they're doing it in front of my 7 year old sister. They don't do intercourse out in the open (often...) But they do finger. It hasn't happened for a month or so (as far as I know) and whenever they would they'd use sleeping meds (a healthy dose, but she can sleep fine) to knock her out so they can f**k. My little sister has come up to my room a couple times and talked about how "sissy would walk around naked and drunk" And "daddy would put his hands on sissy's vagina and when she'd get up to pee, it would feel like she peed on it". Just a couple of examples. One day, the 18 year old had her feel her up down there, saying it was normal, and she was teaching her about the vagina. She was clearly horny, and they did have sex that night. My little sister slept in my room with me.. This has been going on for over a year. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/CH3M1C4LD3ATH
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    Gf was kicked out of her house, denied access to her personal possessions, and bank account drained by family.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    So about 2 weeks ago now my girlfriend (19) was kicked out of her house at 2am with nothing but the clothes on her back for having porn in her search history (they searched her phone while she slept). She's moved in to my house and some of her stuff was put in garbage bags on the curb so we got some of her stuff back, just clothing and a few small items like teddy bears and stuff. But all of her valuables such as jewelry, shoes, and anything that she was given as a gift for Christmas or birthdays was kept. This includes all her money. The family used the same bank so her grandparents she lived with had access. They had gifted her $3,500 as a graduation present but withdrew the money claiming it was a gift from them so they can tale it back. Is there anything we can do to try and get her valuables and or money back? We are kinda broke so we can't afford to fight it in court.

    Also she is locked out of 90% of her accounts because they kept her phone and those phone verification codes go to that number. They haven't canceled the phone because they are using it to call people and pretend they are her to ruin her reputation with family and friends. It's a F'ed situation and we're just looking for any advice or guidance. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/TotallyNotMyTossAway
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    Local hospital has their HR phone number forwarded to my wife’s phone

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    A very large hospital in my area has colossally messed up and has updated their phone system so that the number for the HR rep is forwarded to my wife's phone. We have tried for the last day and a half to get them to change it, but no one seems to care. My wife is receiving dozens of calls a day, and people are leaving her voicemails with very sensitive information. We have called the hospital, and the only info we have is that the HR rep everyone is looking for no longer works there. We have also changed her voicemail message to explicitly state she does not work for the hospital.

    How can we get the hospital to care, and is there anything we should be worried about with the voicemails (can people sue us)?

    Edit: I have emailed the IT department and wife has contacted to ombudsman. Thank you everyone for the input, hopefully that ends the calls.

    submitted by /u/sumochump
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    Kicked out because of hospitalization during pandemic

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I live in Florida in an apartment with a roommate. It's my roommates apartment & she's subletting to me. I've had health problems for many years & recently went to the hospital because of them. At the hospital they had examined me & determined that I don't have COVID 19 but did not test me for it. Now that I'm home from the hospital my roommate is kicking me out because I don't have written proof that I don't have COVID 19. Even after contacting the hospital she still says that I have to leave. I'd like to include that her landlord does not allow tenants to sublet which I did not know when I moved in, so I'm not sure if I have any rights to stay here given that she's not supposed to be subletting.

    submitted by /u/LeastAsk
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    [UPDATE] Regarding my stolen mountain bike from my apartment complex

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Link to previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/fn4ppl/someone_stole_my_2000_mountain_bike_from_my/

    Not much came of it. I filed a police report online over the weekend and then immediately after posting, a commenter suggested I file a claim with renters insurance so i did that. I waited until Tuesday and didn't hear anything back from the police department so i called and spoke to the station officer who told me that an officer was sent out to check the footage from the store next door but didn't find anything useful. He told me that the officer tried to contact the apartment manager but couldn't get a hold of anyone. I relayed this to the apartment manager who had checked the security footage from the apartment and told me that he "potentially found something". He also said that he had been in contact with the police and would update me. I haven't heard from him since and have decided to stop pursuing it further. My insurance company called me on Wednesday, i spoke to them for maybe 10 minutes and without issue they sent me a check out for the value of the bike minus a $500 deductible. I used that money and bought a much better mountain bike and two kryptonite locks and have been storing it in the storage room. Hopefully this one stays there. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Re3ck6le0ss
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    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    I've already missed my rent and all my bills my credit score is hurting and I've been hounding doordash about the reason as to why my pay has not posted three weeks in a row now. I have kept working because I like this job and I figure I will get paid a lump sum when it is all resolved but I'm running out of Money to even put gas in my car and go to work! My wife is the only one really holding me and my daughter down. I don't know what to do because doordash has yet to address the emails I've sent for the past two weeks and I only received automated responces. Any advice as to how to proceed with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Omikins91
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    Fire department called and they are not happy

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Throwaway for obvious reasons.

    This happened in the US recently, PA.

    Neighbors have cut down a row of trees and piled the limbs up in their front yard. The pile was at least 15x10 and 5 foot high and no more than 100 feet from two residences.

    They lit the pile and after 30 minutes the falling ash was too much covering the house and vehicles with a thick layer.

    The FD was called and they put out the fire. They took a report for the fire Marshall to review and said to call back if they did it again.

    The next day the neighbor had posted on Facebook using my name, saying I was mentally ill, falsified the facts that occurred, and in the comments it said that they would assault my family member and I needed a bullet In me.

    Now I'm afraid to go outside in my own yard due to them. Where do I go from here? Do I acquire a lawyer in case they escalate their actions? I am a public service worker for my community and I'm sure that my name has been slandered and I am worried what comes next will be worse.

    submitted by /u/Throwawayfirecaller
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    Mother is using legal guardianship to keep me imprisoned - Kentucky

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I don't know where to begin with this. Or where to start. I am desperate. The system in place with regards to my life and the legal guardianship feels so looming and vast and imposing that it feels like there is nothing I can do to challenge it.

    I am a 26-year-old male (biologically, at least) living in Kentucky. I have some mental health diagnoses, the most notable of which is Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    My mother obtained legal guardianship over me in either 2012 or 2013. I can't remember which one. We were in a courthouse. She had it legally declared.

    It was a long time before I recognized my mother as the abuser she was, most notably because my father was such a violent and worse abuser - a sadistic monster - that it allowed my mother to fly under the radar. She is a narcissist alcoholic who deliberately exaggerates the depths and severity of my mental illness. To her friends and family and web of supporters, she is a long-suffering saint who puts up with autistic adult children (my brother and I; my brother, who is the golden child to my scapegoat, is not under legal guardianship but he has completely internalized her narrative and does not and cannot imagine a future not living with her).

    I am also on disability. This was arranged by mother. The guardianship is financial and complete in other ways. Pretty much every way. I am not allowed to know how much money I have, and any attempts for me to learn financial literacy or get closer to any independence is stifled or disallowed to the point where efforts to become indepedent are met with active sabotage.

    Just as she exaggerates my symptoms, anyone who supports me is told "the truth." My mother has a legion of flying monkeys who believe her claims that I'm a non-functional, socially inept, walking disaster that will never be able to handle a job, the real world, or any life without her. It's nowhere near true, but with her sabotage, manipulation, abuse, and outright lies about me, I feel trapped and hopeless. It is clear she will never let me leave her grip; she does not want me to. The purpose of the guardianship is to keep me in the house where she can abuse me and milk me for sympathy from those in her narcissistic network.

    Support workers are actively attempted by my mother to be turned against me. I had a voc rehab worker that my mother hated. I told her that my mother was a horrific abuser who is not to be trusted. Later, I found out that my mother had, despite hatred of this support worker, been chatting with her on Facebook. Here's the thing: it caused the support worker to decide that I was the problem. My mother also attempted to make a "private session" with MY therapist. My mother never told me she was doing this, but the therapist informed me in private. This is not unusual. Every psychiatric appointement or therapy appointment has my mother in there, with them, as joint sessions. She does all of the talking and will not allow me to have individual sessions. "Why? Are you afraid of me saying things you won't like?" When one therapist disallowed this, my mother signed up for her as a client. We both stopped seeing her almost immediately for reasons my mother would not explain. At this point, I was around 22 or 23.

    I was living day by day, but after I made a difficult but morally correct decision that cost me a lot of friends, I decided I can't live like this anymore. This is not a life. This is an imprisonment.

    I want the guardianship terminated. It is true that because of how influential and manipulative my mother is with the people around her, those in her web, I will lose my family. This is no concern to me.

    My mother also, I believe, exploits her guardianship to take money from me. She "charges me rent" for an unspecified amount and will not allow me to know how much money I have. In February and in March, she kicked me out of the house and I had to stay at a hotel for the night (I pretended with a friend's consent I was staying with him).

    I cannot pay a lawyer. It's just...not an option. Being on disability and with my finances exploited?

    I am miserable. My heart is heavy and not a day goes by I do not actively suppress a desire to die. Those who beleive me she actively attempts to turn against me. My father does not live with us, but he himself is a monster.

    What can I do, legally, to get out?

    submitted by /u/trapped_in_kentucky
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    NYC - Quarantine cleaning in my grandparents old Brownstone - Found 1911 Handgun

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    Inherited a Brownstone several years ago. I live in it. Have slowly gone through their old stuff. My grandmother recently passed, and said some of this stuff hadn't been opened up since the 50s. Specifically the things in the room I just started going through.

    My grandfather was WW2 vet. In a wooden box, found a 1911 Pistol. It's nice. I have firearms, but they are in Colorado, at my other residence I go to for skiing, etc. In the box is a note from grandfather, detailing it was his handgun during the war. Has a few extra magazines, and ammo.

    I spend half the year in NYC, and the other half in Colorado, so my state ID is Colorado, because I maintain a concealed carry permit there.

    I know how strict the gun laws are here, and I don't want to go to prison, but I also want this gun.

    I've been reading up on transport laws, but I would be flying back to Colorado, not driving.

    submitted by /u/HumptyDumpLovePump
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    My fourplex wants to charge us for other people’s property

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I live in Colorado if that makes a difference. I live in a fourplex that has a side yard for all of us. A year ago they redid our front deck which is connected to the unit next to us. The unit next to us is an older man who kind of hoards things. He had several bikes, an old couch, and some other random stuff on the deck. When they redid his side, the landlords moved all of this stuff from the deck to the side yard and never moved it back. So we have a bunch of junk in the yard now and some neighbor called in about it and asked for it to be removed. Our property manager just sent out a text that said "all items need to be removed from the side yard by tomorrow at 3pm or the entire building will be charged for the removal"

    Is this legal? Is there anything my husband and I can do about this? It's especially frustrating because we're both out of work now due to the virus. The older man hasn't moved these items for the entire year but we're going to get charged for it now?

    submitted by /u/breeb3095
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    Parent's spyware "monitoring"

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    I am 14 (US) my mom is using an app called "bark" where she can link my accounts to track "suspicious activity. Whenever a trigger word comes up through one of my accounts, it will send a portion of whatever message string in an email to her.

    However, i am part of a group chat (8 people) of some of my friends, we cuss a lot so stuff gets sent to her all the time. It will not only send my messages, but everyone elses in the group chat.

    I know it is (immoral) but legal for her to track my messages (cause i am a minor and she bought my phone), but is it legal for her to spy on my friends messages too? If so, what should i do?

    (She also found out i was bisexual and outed me to my dad through this god awful app, i haven't been able to vent or have an honest conversation in months because she thinks i should have "nothing to hide" and "i don't have a right to privacy)

    submitted by /u/SlenderSmackdown
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    How can I get off a joint bank account shared with my adopted daughter? (Illinois, USA)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    We adopted our daughter from the Illinois foster system when she was 16. She was not a US citizen (but did have a green card). In order to help her attain citizenship we opened a joint savings account with a regional bank right after the adoption.

    After she turned 18 she drained her account and left without notice. We assume that she is seeking out her birth family, but she isn't talking to us and we don't know what's going on in her life.

    What we do know is that she's draining her savings account of any money put into it, and the bank keeps applying penalties because she is below the $200 minimum. We put in a little money to cover the penalties, but then she'll find out and withdraw it. If the balance goes below $0 the penalties are much higher, and we don't want to be on the hook for them.

    We want off the account. The bank has stated that we cannot be removed unless she approves it, so we feel like we're being held hostage financially. She is the primary and we are secondaries.

    Is there any way for us to be removed from the account? What happens if the balance goes below $0? Can they take the money from our other accounts? Can we be reported to a credit agency if we move our other accounts and the joint account has a negative balance for too long?

    EDIT: They also stated that we cannot close the account; she has to.

    tl;dr: 18 year-old daughter left, but keeps creating a negative balance in joint account that's in her name. We want to be taken off her account so we're not responsible for fees and penalties, but the bank says we can't without her permission.

    submitted by /u/7fb2adfb45bafcc01c80
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    Landlord is in the process of suing the property management company and has told us not to pay next months rent.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    [VA] - Our landlord called and said that the PM company has not paid them since January, so they have started legal action. They have requested that we not pay the PM company next months rent. Could this come back to bite me in the ass? I've signed a contract with the PM company which is still valid. What consequences could I face for withholding rent? Are there steps I need to take to protect myself?

    submitted by /u/lambokid
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    Can't collect "friendly" loan

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    I loaned my "friend" $6500 a few months ago now he keeps ignoring me completely. I dont know how to proceed, I have no record of me giving him money, it was verbal we shook hands etc

    I know a lot of things about him that can get him in trouble. For example he opened shell LLC company, and used it to get credit from vendors(net-30), wireless contracts with iphones, selling them and never paying any bills. I have screenshots of him bragging how he's using his fake company to get credit etc

    If i cant get my money back, can i report him for fraud somehow and punish him or is this just a waste of my time.

    submitted by /u/EffectiveMycologist0
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    My work cut my pay by more than 15% when I returned from maternity leave (WA state)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    This is taking place in Washington state.

    I am trying to suss out the legality of what my employer is doing. I am a full time teacher on a 180 day contract over 12 months, and I had a baby in November. I took 12 weeks of maternity leave.

    In 2020, Washington state began a state-enforced FMLA program. State FMLA went into effect in the middle of my maternity leave, so the first 5 weeks of my leave, I used sick leave to cover my pay and a long-term sub. On the first of the year, I had to apply for the remainder of my FMLA benefits through the state, and my district no longer provided me a paycheck until I returned to work in the middle of February. I worked the entire month of March (until schools were shut down due to the pandemic). Because we are union, our pay is protected, and we will be paid through the end of the year.

    I just looked at my paystub for the month of March (I get paid once a month), and my base pay contract is now called something else, and I am getting paid 16% less per paycheck than I was prior to maternity leave.

    When I contacted payroll about this, they said that, because I took unpaid leave (even though I was paid by the state through FMLA and by the district before that), they discontinued the basic pay contract I signed at the beginning of my academic year, and they drafted a new contract when I returned to work that will be in effect until the end of this academic year. They explained that, because I didn't work a full 180 days, and my contract is only effective for the remaining 121 days, my pay has been adjusted for that duration. So, essentially, I took legal, paid maternity leave through my employer and I came back to a new contract with significantly lower pay that what I agreed to at the beginning of the year.

    Is this legal?

    Edit: I left a sentence unfinished for some reason.

    submitted by /u/throwawaymom1121
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    Sister is 17 until the end of the month of I pay for her to get a train ticket away from our abusive mother is it kidnapping?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    Basically the title.I live in California. I have a younger sister who is being raised by "mother". She is legally my mother but only my sister's legal guardian as she wasn't fully adopted.

    I was kicked out at 18 while still in high school for quote "not doing the dishes". It's looking like the same thing will happen with my sister. I want to help her get out as soon as possible. As her birthday is getting closer our mother is making it harder and harder to contact her (disabled her phone, turns off the wifi, disconnected the house phone). So me and our other older sister cannot talk to her about getting her accomodations to get her out of there.

    Our other sister lives out of state and I live 500 miles and cannot drive due to medical issues she also doesn't have a license . I thought maybe buy a train ticket to get her to my place until the quarentine is over. Though I am afraid of any legal ramifications as our mother is known to get litigious. Any help is much appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/phoenicopteri_
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    Man signed birth certificate and isn't the father!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I have a friend who I have taken care of off and on since she was 14. She only stays with me until she feels she is on her feet and then she leaves. My home is always open to her regardless of her problems in life. Years ago she got herself into trouble and spent 5 years in prison. She was released to me upon parole. We had some issues and she left. I hadn't spoke to her since September. I found out the other day that she was arrested for parole violation a month ago and then gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Thursday. Here is the problem. The new boyfriend (of only 3 months) signed the birth certificate and took the baby because they didn't want him going into state custody. He is now talking about leaving the state since the doctors reported the baby having a bruise on his back yesterday. I didn't know about any of this until Sunday night, didn't even know she was pregnant. Now she is wanting me to take custody of the baby, but scared to tell the guy, seeing he is threatening to leave. I know the real father and he wants to establish paternity and give me the baby as well... how can we go about this, without this guy taking off with the baby?! This guy seems to be on drugs, has a consistent record with violence, drugs,theft across many states. He also has no job and is temporarily staying with a friend in a tiny filthy room. On another note, I am scared yet excited at the thought of having this baby in my care. I am completely capable financially, I own my home, vehicles, good job, very well off... but I've never taken care of a baby besides watching my niece here and there. If anyone has any advice or know a safe route to go about this, I would appreciate it greatly! I am located in Kentucky.

    submitted by /u/jkelley0025
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    I’m a writer. I’m home because of corona sent me home and when I was out grocery shopping my brother has been getting onto my computer and sending him the drafts and faking conversations for months and says he is now the co-creator.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    So I left for college a few months ago, little did I know my google and screenwriting account on WriterDuet was still logged into on my parents home computer.

    I guess one day he snooped on my writings and began to send copies of it to himself from my account to his email and he made fake conversations between us through email pretending I was sending him the update drafts for him to work on, he even made a copy of it on google and shared it with him and made him the owner and unshared the fake version before I saw it.

    He came to me today randomly and said he wants a co-writer and creator credit and says since he forged everything there is no way to prove that this idea and writings are solely mine.

    I already logged out of everything and changed all my passwords and wondering what should I do?

    submitted by /u/NewVideoGameDesigner
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    Sexually harassed by my moms boyfriend.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    (Didn't know which flair to tag this as, could possibly be a CPS flair)

    I (f17 USA, NM) hope I'm not just over reacting but the first occurrence happened a few months ago, it's a long story but basically he (m40's) offered to give me a massage (mind you we don't even hug in my family). Tonight I gave him a ride to get a drink as he was already too drunk to drive, as I was unlocking the door to the house he slapped my butt. I immediately told him that it was not okay and to never do it again. I told my mom (f40's) as well and she's talking to him right now. But it's so frustrating. I was wearing some joggers and a hoodie so it's not like I was "asking for it". Before it was taken down, people on another sub were telling me to call the police or CPS but I don't know if I should. I have all screenshots of his confession to slapping me.

    What are my rights? Is it illegal for a 40 year old to sexually harass a 17 year old girl?

    Random note: Once at a local restaurant, a waitress asked if I was his girlfriend, he denied but every time we pass by the restaurant he mentions that story. It's really freaking weird.

    tl;dr moms boyfriend keeps doing/saying weird things to me. First was offering a massage and now he slapped my butt

    submitted by /u/kylieb1313
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