• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    Legal Advice - My parents claimed me a dependent on their 2019 tax returns, but I haven’t lived with them in almost 2 years now. Is there anything I can do to get my stimulus package?

    Legal Advice - My parents claimed me a dependent on their 2019 tax returns, but I haven’t lived with them in almost 2 years now. Is there anything I can do to get my stimulus package?

    My parents claimed me a dependent on their 2019 tax returns, but I haven’t lived with them in almost 2 years now. Is there anything I can do to get my stimulus package?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    As the title states, I haven't lived with them in almost 2 years now. I am 23 and was in college for most of the year, but graduated in August of 2019. I've been living with my partner since then and even stayed with him during breaks while I was in school. I earned around $20,000 in gross income during the year and I have been paying my own bills with the majority of student loans in my name. However, they still claimed me as a dependent which disqualifies me from receiving a stimulus package. At this point, is there anything I can do to get that money? Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Wow, this post has blown up more than I ever expected. Thank you to everyone for your advice regarding my current predicament. I've tried responding to everyone, but it's too much at this point so I will fill you all in with the information I have told others that has been buried in the comments.

    To answer several of your questions, yes I am on my parents' health insurance. That's the only financial help they've given me. I understand that's a lot in and of itself. But I have paid for my own rent, utilities, car, phone, gas, food, education, and any other expenses in my name, (i.e. copayments or other medical bills the insurance doesn't cover).

    Despite all this, I won't be amending my or my parents' tax returns. They have done more than enough for me in the past, therefore the least I can do for them is give them a pass on this and prevent any repercussions they might face from the IRS. Instead, I will file as an independent in my 2020 tax returns either by doing it myself or by having a different CPA my parents don't use to help me do it. All I can do from there is hope I get the stimulus check by then. $1,200 just isn't worth it to me to fight so much to get, and to potentially burn bridges with my parents. It might be worth it to others in this situation, just not me. I greatly appreciate everyone's feedback and I hope you all were able to help others reading this post that are stuck in a similar situation. Stay safe out there, everyone.

    submitted by /u/tetris77
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    Was with friends at Walmart and I bought a Switch. Friends were caught stealing and they brought all of us back and confiscated all of our things, including the Switch Lite.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Exactly what the title says. I live in Tennessee and I am seventeen. Basically, I went out with some friends (wearing masks and maintaining social distancing) and we split up. As my friends are over eighteen and said that they were doing grocery shopping and I tagged along because I finally had saved up some money to get the Switch Lite to help with my boredom. It was also the last one they had.

    I bought the Switch Lite and I texted my friends that I'll be waiting for them at the exit. They came back with a few bags and as we went out, we were stopped by a greeter and they checked my friend's stuff. Something apparently didn't add up and they took all three of us back to the office. My friends were caught shoplifting and the manager apparently was one of my friend's aunt. She said that she would be taking all of our stuff, but letting us go as the police wouldn't respond to a petty theft like this and she didn't want us to get in trouble for something stupid. Well, she also took my Switch Lite even though I tried my best to show her the receipt and Switch Lite. I told her to check the cameras and ask the clerk at the games section and he would vouch for me. She said that they still had to take it and she took it.

    I went home practically crying as that was all of my money and my mom was really mad. She said that I'm not allowed to be with those friends again. She is planning on calling Corporate as I had scanned the receipt into my app right after I bought it since my mom had told me to do that. I also had the physical receipt as I stuffed it into my pocket.

    I live in Tennessee and what should I do next? Can I get my money back? Is it even worth it to pursue it?

    EDIT: For a bit of info, I went to the store with my friends because they needed to go grocery shopping and they came to pick me up so we could spend a bit of time together. They said that they only needed a few things and I had no clue that they would shoplift. Apparently the did not have the money to get all of their stuff. We left together and that's when all of that stuff happened.

    submitted by /u/cheese-and-memes
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    My job is trying to cut my pay because another employee opened my paycheck and saw how much I make.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Here's the story: I'm in NYC I was hired at an animal hospital 2 months ago at 18 dollars an hour. I was told I'd have a review at 6 months. They asked me not to share my pay rate with anyone else, and of course I wasn't going to. Well a couple of days ago, another employee opened my paycheck and saw that I make more than the other employees. She shared it with everyone and they all complained to management.

    Yesterday the manager asked if I had shared my pay with anyone and I said no. She said the owner and her wanted to give me a review which I thought was odd but okay. They went through my review trying to pick apart anything I had done over the last few months, including the number of cancellations they had recently which they somehow tried to blame me for even though there's a pandemic going on.

    At the end; they said they are going to cut my pay to 15 per hour, to match the other employees. When I was hired; I signed a paper with my pay rate on it which was $18. I said that they can't do that to me and it's not fair but it seems that they are going to.

    Do I have any legal action I can take? What can I do? Any advice is appreciated

    submitted by /u/hippocamproust
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    My neighbor gave us a letter to give to her friend, texting us “don’t let my kids see it”. Three days later she is found dead in bed by her housekeeper. I called that friend and he asked me to read him the letter over the phone then send it to him. It was a hand will and suicide note.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    CA- Am I ok legally, when her kids showed up we said nothing. The friend is the trustee of multiple trusts involved.

    submitted by /u/theFoot58
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    Father bought stocks for himself using my name; any way to change the name attached to the stocks? Negatively affecting my tax returns

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    My father helped me file my tax returns this year. It's the first year I insisted that he show me how to do it (I'm 24, I know I have no excuse for waiting so long to learn to do my own taxes), since every year before this, he would just do it without telling me, and I've never seen my return checks before. But since this was the first year my parents couldn't claim me as a dependent, I insisted on learning.

    He got pretty shifty halfway through, and he finally admitted to me that he bought stocks for himself using my name when I was a minor so that he wouldn't have to pay taxes on them, and made himself the sole trustee. He has no intention of ever giving the money to me. This knocked a good amount of money off of my tax return, so he paid me the difference out of his pocket. I'm furious, but not as surprised as I should be, considering he's been financially abusive in the past.

    I told him I'm not comfortable having any account I have no control over in my name, or our "arrangement" where he pays me the difference on my tax return, and asked if there was any way to change the name attatched to the stocks. He claims there is not, and that in order to remove my name, he would have to sell the stocks, which he refuses to do. He claims that what he did was perfectly legal.

    Was it really legal? Could I get in some kind of trouble for this? Is there any way for me to remove my name from the stocks, or the stocks from my name? I'm afraid that he could use this against me in the future, but I also don't want to get him in legal trouble.

    Location: USA

    submitted by /u/Abject_Ordinary
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    Landlord wanting to show house regardless of state(CO) saying no showings until after 4/26

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    My lease is up May 16th, 2020. Our landlords recently posted a rental advertisement on Trulia and Zillow. They are asking us to vacate the house for 2 hours on Friday, and 2 hours on Saturday every week for showings until they find a tenant. Our state is in full lockdown and this would require my children and I to drive around for 4 hours a week while they bring strangers in to tour the house.

    All of our possessions are still inside, and we have already paid the final month of rent. They're strong arming us and I wonder what my rights are.

    Colorado has issued strict rules against any real estate showings or walk throughs until after 4/26/2020.

    Do I have any options here? Is it worth paying an attorney? Can I ask them to pro rate the remainder of my lease so I can leave and not feel like my family's health and well being are compromised by having strangers tour our house several times a week?

    TIA for any advice

    submitted by /u/303doja
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    Employer added $5000 in employment income to my 2018 return and is ignoring my written requests for paystubs to match this new information.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    So as the title goes, I do not have a complete record of my 2018 paystubs and my employer (and his accountant) refuse to print me copies of my 2018 and 2019 paystubs. The employer flat out ignores everything I send them, and the accountant initially was going to charge me to print the requested information but when I went into receive it they just told me to go away. In a disgusting change of plans, they've told me to get it from my employer, who will then request it from them, and then they will "happily provide that to my employer". So in the stupidest way, I'm being blocked from my own information by their ring-around-the-rosie game and I am super frustrated because I've had to pay over $1000 in additional income tax when it was amended.

    These are the numbers that they changed:

    • Employment Income: 20,000 -> 25,400

    • CPP Contributions: 819 -> 1,084

    • EI Premiums: 332 -> 421

    • Income Tax Deducted: 1,018 -> 1,018

    • Pensionable/EI-able Earnings 20,000 -> 25,400

    • Other taxable allowances and benefits: 0 -> 10,720

    So as far as I am concerned, the original $20,000 income was the correct number that would have matched my paystubs. However now, they've claimed that I had $15,000 in wage income, and $10,700 in "allowances and benefits", according to this amended T4.

    I am looking for just a list of 2018 paystubs that correspond to the weird new wages they've setup, as the paychecks I received are not going to total $25,000. My employer is a brick wall when asking for stuff and constantly refers me to his accountant. The accountant constantly refers me back to the employer.

    I have done a number of things, but one thing I can't do is file a Notice of Objection regarding the T4 because I don't have 2018 paystub records to prove the numbers are wrong. Employer is not providing these documents and my 90 day window to file is shrinking. What can I do, pls help this is very frustrating. (British Columbia)

    submitted by /u/TorbisnotThrowing
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    stimulus payment

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I need a little help. I am 75 and on social security. Because my income is so low I don't pay taxes. Does this mean that because I get SS that I will have the stimulus check deposited to my checking account as does my SS monthly payment? I am sorry but I am just so confused I don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/lynette15j4
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    Car towed out of my own driveway

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    I live in San Jose, California. This morning I went out to my driveway to find that my car had gotten towed out of the driveway. I just moved into a townhouse that is part of a HOA. When I moved in I read over the the HOA's bylaws regarding parking. My house is a different situation because it has a driveway. All the other homes go straight from the driveway to the street. All of the curbs (except for flat spot in front of garages) are painted red for fire lanes. The HOA bylaws have two rules: "no parking on red curbs for more than 20 minutes" and "no parking on curbs in front of garage. My home is the only one in about 25 or so homes that has a driveway between the garage and the curb. When I moved in, the leasing company said I could park in my own driveway. About two days after moving in, I got a violation sticker on my car when It was parked in the driveway. I furiously decided to read the parking bylaws and it mentioned nothing about parking in my driveway. My car is small and does not extend into the street at all.

    I printed the parking rules and left it on my dash for the last two weeks with a handwritten comment saying "rules do not mention violation when parked in driveway". It worked for about two weeks and today my car is gone.

    Is there a way to get a lawyer so I can sue or threaten to sue the HOA? I feel like what was done to me is illegal. I currently am in contact with towing agencies nearby to see if they have my car. When I find it I'm not sure if I should pay and get my car back first or talk to the HOA and leave my car there. I have no experience with this. Even as I'm calling the PD to see where the car is, they are telling me that it sounds off that my car was towed out of my driveway and that it isn't legal in a lot of places.

    EDIT: Called landlord and they referred me to call city police non emergency number where towed cars are supposed to be reported. They have had no record of it all day. Called the community management team and asked if they enforced parking and they said yes. At first the lady on the phone was very cold and stand off-ish. She said I had to have my landlord call (hiding something?). When I asked her why her company's phone number is on the entrance to my neighborhood she hung up. I got my landlord to call and the community management team said that they didn't tow any cars matching the description, address, or plates. The designated tow company for my neighborhood also directly told me twice they have no record of it being towed.

    My landlord recommended I file a police report so I did

    At this point I think either the car got stolen somehow (it's a push to start and was locked, plus we live in an above-income neighborhood with low crime) or maybe it did get towed and is at some random tow yard and someone documented it incorrectly. Car is missing... will update soon when more info found.

    submitted by /u/_jmgt
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    I was raped and now I want to go to court

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    I was raped by my ex boyfriend a year ago. It's been tearing me up inside for a year and recently I've come out about it to my friends. As things usually do, word got around and my rapist has gotten understandably pissed. He's been sending people to harass me through Instagram DMs threatening to hurt me. It's been so long and there is no evidence but at this point I don't know what to do. I've never been to court before and I'm really scared to even go that far. Thank god it's quarantine and everyone's inside, other than that I'd be scared for my life. (Northern California)

    submitted by /u/the_siddo_kiddo
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    Can I sue in this situation? Wife killed in car accident.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Ill make a really long story short. My wife was killed a few days ago on Easter after getting into a truck with a drunk driver ( i think. Very little info). Anyway, the truck went over an embankment where she died and the other 3 in the car survived and fled the scene.

    I was advised to sue but i don't know the first thing about law. I mean i'm not gonna do anything right away but just thought i would inquire on here to see if it's an option.

    I know this should be the last thing on my mind. But i have way too much downtime and I'm just trying to keep busy in some way.

    submitted by /u/throwaway2277553
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    Employer expecting me to work while furloughed

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    My employer put me on furlough last Tuesday even though I said I had plenty of work to get on with. I work for a construction company and we still have a couple of sites open, just have to enforce the government safety measures. Anyway, I set up an automatic response saying my emails were not currently being monitored, etc. and today I get a call from my boss asking me why I haven't done this and that. I said to him it was my understanding I cant work while on furlough but if he agrees there is work for me to do then I will come off furlough immediately. He then says no and that I can still work while on furlough providing "the work is not revenue generating". I asked him where he got this information from as everything I have searched online states no work or services to be provided for the employer while on furlough. He couldn't tell me and instead started listing the jobs he wants me to complete at home and send to him asap.

    Now I don't know where I stand as I know there is work to be done and I am happy to do it, at the end of the day I want a job to return to but I feel like I am being taken advantage of and even worse contributing to something that seems like fraud?

    Any advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/WittyRepresentative
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    Found dog in Nov, prior owner contacted me yesterday wanting him back without compensating back for medical bills.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I found a 5-year-old dog in mid-Nov walking around my neighborhood in Alabama. It was infested with fleas, covered in mats and malnutrition. The dog had to be sedated to be shaved down and went from 26lbs to 19lbs after being groomed under the care of a Veterinarian. He had no collar on when found, no microchip on examination and I posted an ad in Nov for having found him and never received any replies.

    Until yesterday, when a lady approached me on a walk claiming it was her dog. I told the owner that I expected to be compensated for the documented care I invested in the dog, which was done with the impression of keeping him. The prior owner said that was my decision and she would not cover the vet bills and it was also discovered at that appointment that he is heartworm positive (going to cost around 600$ additionally to treat.) She self-reported posting on a "lost pet's" Facebook group but I have not been able to find it. Based on their interaction I believe that the dog was her's previously but he was not trying to leave with her either and didn't seem to enjoy her son.

    The family lives around 5 houses away and I have been walking this dog down the same road around 4-5x/week since I rescued him. She started to threaten to call the cops and I just told her I have bills to show he is my dog. I didn't give the dog back and told her I would come by her house tomorrow to hopefully find resolve. I'm not trying to collect on everything, just the documented bills, where does this stand legally? I got photos of what he looked like before and after his treatments.

    TLDR: Found dog 5 months ago and a prior owner now request him back post-medical treatment.

    submitted by /u/Terrell_P
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    Grandpa Being Kicked out of Nursing Home During Pandemic

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Edit: We are in Los Angeles.

    The home that my grandfather is in has given us a week's notice and says that he needs to leave their home before next week because his insurance isn't covering the home anymore. Normally I would totally understand but we are in the middle of a pandemic and it's impossible to find a home because they are all (rightfully so) on lockdown to avoid the spread of the disease. He is a veteran and someone who needs care from nurses 24/7, he can't feed himself he is on a feeding tube. The option of him coming with my family is being presented but he is considered very high risk and I was sick just last week. They also presented the option of charging us $300 per day (this is the price without insurance) which is simply not feasible.

    Is it legal for them to "kick him out" during all of this? I'm thinking it probably is because it's not their fault we can't afford it, but would like to know what someone else would say.

    submitted by /u/boardthemessexpress
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    Covered by 2 health insurances, neither willing to be the primary. Stuck with 6 figure bill. AZ

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    My friend had a compound fracture on his leg and had to take a trip to the emergency room. He was double covered by his mother's insurance and his own work insurance. Months and multiple surgeries later he is told that neither company (blue cross and Aetna) will cover the cost. He was informed he has to pay the full balance. Is this possible? Is there any recourse he can take?

    submitted by /u/brandoloco
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    I just purchased a foreclosure property. I’ve come to find out that the old tenants are still living there and don’t look like they have any plans on moving out anytime soon. What can I do to get them out?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    I wasn't planning on having to evict anyone from their home especially during these hard times but then again I invested a lot of money in this place. When I decided to purchase I didn't know there were still people living there.

    This property is in Texas

    submitted by /u/I_dred_red
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    (MI) High Risk Employee Recalled while on unemployment after company got PPP loan - hourly salary cut over 55% for next 2 months - accept or be terminated

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Throwaway posting for my dad.

    He is high risk for COVID, left work and went on unemployment 2.5 weeks ago due to COVID19 due to doctors letter saying he was high risk and the business closed not long after.

    However he was recalled today because the company got a PPP loan and was told he would be paid ~45% his normal flat rate hourly work then he was hired at for the next 2 months starting on this past Monday. If he didn't like that pay plan he would be terminated. The company did say if he made over that flat rate at the end of 2 months they would settle up with him then.

    Now he is making considerably more on unemployment and does not want to return to work due to the medically high risk and certainly not for just over 10/hr when he was making almost 3x that before unemployment and they are still taking taxes and significant healthcare plan cost (over 200/pp). Is it legal what they are doing? He does not want to loose his job but certainly doesn't want to be paid 10/hr to be working in a risky environment.

    submitted by /u/throwawaylegaladv347
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    College forcing me to drop credits after I started quarter. They approved me to overload.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    A college granted me to take over 21 quarterly credits. They are now trying to make me drop three classes because they think that I cannot handle it. I have started all the classes. I am registered for 45 credits and the college believes I cannot handle the course load even though I have taken 51 credits before. Do I have any standing in this? I'm in Washington. In addition, they have made a rule after I started the quarter that placed a cap at 30 credits, forcing me to drop credits immediately. They said that each credit hour equates to about three hours of work every week, and don't believe I can handle the hours. They have also made a deadline for me to drop the classes. Can I do anything? Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/__chooseausername_
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    Someone has been selling my Star Wars fan art on giant tapestries, hundreds of them, for 2 years. It's a best seller on Amazon. Can I demand a cut of the profit or get it taken down?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I've made fanart of several properties just for fun. I never intended to sell any of them. A Star Wars pic I made has been popular and now I see it's being sold on Amazon. For 2 years. The amount of reviews tell me they've sold at least a couple of hundred of these tapestries. Can I demand a cut of all past and future profit? I'd prefer a deal like that rather than trying to get it taken down. I don't know how laws regard fan art, I used stock pictures of Star Wars IP to make my art. I don't know if I'm in the right to say I 100% own it and can sell it.

    Reading the reviews are surreal, they post pictures of it, telling how it's been used in Star Wars weddings, or put up in bedrooms and even class rooms.

    submitted by /u/rocklou
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    How can I give my wife half of my 401k due to divorce.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I am currently starting the process of divorce and my soon to be wife and I agreed that we need to keep lawyers away and do an uncontested divorce. We agree on pretty much everything and I am very lucky that everything is going smoothly. The only issue is that I have a 401k and she doesn't. I have about 30k in there and I want her to have at least some of it. One option is taking money out through the CARES act which is allowing up to 100k withdrawls with no penalties. Is there a better way to give her some of the 401k ?

    Thank You in advance!

    submitted by /u/adhdachiever
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    Received a Subpoena to appear in a state I have never been to in my life

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    I received a letter by mail asking for a "waiver of personal service" to be signed and returned or else I would be served in person following 10 days of no response.

    This is regarding a criminal trial in which I assume I am listed as a witness / victim in.

    The problem is... All of this occurred in the state I live in - the original incident, my statement to the police, etc. And meanwhile for whatever reason the subpoena is asking me to appear ~2,000 miles away across the country where apparently the accused is held and trial will take place. Nonetheless this is occurring during a pandemic in which I would be required to fly in a plane, stay in a hotel, simply breaking the social isolation policies I have been following.

    I called up the phone number listed on the paper right away to try and clarify, but I wasn't given any information other than that if they don't get my signature within 10 days, "they will have a sheriff hand delivering it to my front door" said in a really dismissive and rude tone. I was also informed that if I just sign it they will cover travel expenses.

    To further detail the case, it is fairly high profile and I am assuming is being held out of state because the accused also committed offenses there. I am in contact with 2 other victims who also received the same paperwork however each of them was much more involved and has way more substantial testimony against him and has been in contact over the past year with lawyers and what not.

    Basically, I don't know what to do here:

    I have already contacted them so they know that I received the letter.

    If I don't do anything and wait to be served in person, is there any legal consequence to this? I still don't fully understand what I am signing over to them even though I tried to Google the topic. Furthermore, if I don't comply with them now I'm worried I won't be given the same financial assurance that everything would be payed for and I am already struggling financially.

    So Reddit: A.) Should I sign the thing and return it B.) Do nothing and wait for a sheriff to roll up to my house C.) Hire a lawyer to deal with this (big expense that I really can't bare right now)

    My ideal outcome would be just not having to deal with any of this.

    Failing that, I wouldn't mind giving a deposition over the phone / Skype

    Worst case scenario is being served in person right before trial and having to book travel plans last minute / take on a financial burden / health risk

    I feel bad because what this guy did was horrible and I don't want to get in the way of the case being prosecuted, but at the same time, we are currently facing a pandemic and flying just doesn't seem safe. I also feel like I don't have anything to really add to their case as what I experienced and saw was such a small part of everything that happened. I understand they just want the best chances for the case, but honestly just thinking about all of this stuff again is fucking with my nerves and I just want to move forward.

    Thank you for any responses I'm really at a loss of what to do

    submitted by /u/legaladvicthroway
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    I was just stabbed, and in need of surgery. Have a couple questions.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    A family member whom I live with had broken into my vehicle and stolen some things from my car. When I confronted him, he got really upset, pulled a knife, and stabbed me in the hand. I called the police, and he has been arrested. He is 17, almost 18.

    I now need surgery because he cut through a tendon. If I contact an attorney to file a lawsuit, would his parents be responsible for the restitution? Or is he just going to get a slap on the wrist for being a minor? I don't want to go through the process for no reason, basically.

    submitted by /u/SeekingAdvice109
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    A company on Amazon is offering me a gift card to remove my bad review

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    I don't plan on taking legal action, I'm genuinely curious if what they're doing is legal.

    I tried a beauty product that caused an allergic reaction on my eyes. I was really worried that my skin had been discolored permanently due to PIH (hyperpigmentation, can be caused by allergic reactions). But thankfully it went away.

    I left a one star reviewing urging potential customers to do a patch test first. I wish I had. I said that I was allergic. I also think it's the ingredients. The corners my eyes looked like they had chemical burn. When I had initially bought the product, I found it strange that there were virtually no bad reviews. Now I know why.

    The company reached out offering a $20 giftcard to remove my bad review saying that they are 'detrimental'. Is that legal?

    submitted by /u/shadowsaidgo
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    Power company says I owe a great deal from 8 years ago

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    I recently bought a mobile home and attempted to turn on electric service through AEP in southern WV. I had service with them from october 2018 to June 2019 at a place I rented. When I set up the service at my previous address, there was no issue at all and no such debt was ever mentioned or flagged, all bills were paid on time and I got my security deposit back without issue. This time, however, I get a notification stating I owe over $1700 and it must be paid in full in order for me to activate service. I called and spoke to someone who told me the debt was from 8 years ago at a place I lived at with my parents who had the bill in my name, I did not realise that they closed the account with money owed and I have never been contacted by the company or collection agency regarding the amount owed. I did not acknowledge the debt as my own, I simply asked for information and said I would have to look into it as id never set up service prior to my last residence. Why did this not come up the last time I got service turned on but is happening now, are they able to do anything legally considering how long ago it was and them never attempting to collect?

    submitted by /u/brento_numchuck
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