• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Legal Advice - Just got hired at a new company today, then disclosed that I’m a nursing mother. Minnesota, USA

    Legal Advice - Just got hired at a new company today, then disclosed that I’m a nursing mother. Minnesota, USA

    Just got hired at a new company today, then disclosed that I’m a nursing mother. Minnesota, USA

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Title, and they're response was:

    OK so they aren't able to work with your request right now for pumping. They've never had to deal with it before and don't have room to accommodate you. Also they said you'd have to do it on their alloted break times. So for now they want to hold off on taking you because they can't accommodate your needs.

    Isn't this discrimination? What can I do? I really need this job but I won't stop pumping for my baby.

    submitted by /u/okthef
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    [Arkansas] was charged with 3rd degree battery today. What will happen and how can I defend myself?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I'm a 27yo male. Have never been charged with anything, never been to court.

    • was jogging down new highway and a large weenie dog approached me aggressively

    • I push it out of the way with a stern sweeping kick, to ensure it didn't get hurt while keeping my legs safe

    • dog owner freaks out, screams at me and demands my name. I tell him "my name is go fuck yourself"

    • guy freaks out even more, gets on the highway and aggressively comes at me. I did not approach, I stood my ground. At arms length he does a punch/grab motion and misses. I give him a warning punch right in the nose. He continues to advance and grabs me, and I give him a hard haymaker and he goes down.

    • i try to help him up and he gets up on his own, demands my name again and I tell him. He then tells me he's calling the cops and I agreed and told him I would wait on the other side of the road, which I did.

    • about 10-15 minutes of waiting, he comes out of his house and shoots a pistol, I presume upwards in the air but idk. That's when my feelings told me to get the fuck out of there, which I did.

    • when I got back home, I called the cops and they came over and I told them everything. They took a picture of my hand and told me I was being charged with 3rd degree battery.

    • here I am on r/legaladvice. Howdy.

    Edit: did go to court for a speeding ticket once, forgot about that

    submitted by /u/murioh
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    [WA] I am a landlord to two houses, each of them I rent out by the room. If one person in either home gets infected by coronavirus, how should I handle it? What are my legal obligations?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I'm just not sure what my legal obligations are.

    I own two houses and rent out each house by the bedroom. I have 5 tenants in each house. They are all long-term tenants with lease contracts. No AirBnB.

    - The amount of sanitizer that's on the market is nothing. I can't really buy more.

    - I already provide basic cleaning supplies to both houses including things like Lysol, wet wipes, dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry supplies, hand towels, etc. All tenants already know that if any of these run out to contact me and I'll buy more. It's in their lease contract.

    I'm worried that if one person from a house gets infected, what are my obligations as a landlord to provide a habitable place for the other tenants in the house? If someone gets infected, am I obligated to provide each tenant with a hotel room, in which all the hotels are closed anyway? I don't want to let them suffer.

    Is there anything I could do to decrease liability here or provide reassurance to my tenants?

    submitted by /u/mechpaul
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    Mom picked up my (18F) prescriptions without telling me and took half of them, then claimed that since I live with her & she pays for them she’s allowed to control them.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    Sort of as the title suggests:

    I'm 18 years old & I live with my mom in Idaho (in the event that Idaho law makes a difference). She went & picked up my prescriptions (2 forms of Adderall, which are both controlled substances) without telling me. I tried to go and pick the prescription up on my own but the pharmacy wouldn't let me, claiming that they had already been filled, as they are strict with controlled substances. I asked her about it and she said she had picked them up for me.

    Initially I didn't think anything of it until I finally got the bottles back from her & noticed they were not full. There were supposed to be 30 pills in each bottle but there were only 17 in each, so she had taken almost half of my prescriptions.

    She's claiming that since she paid for them & I live under her roof that she's allowed to control & monitor my prescriptions, is this true? I am an adult.

    Side note- I'm not an idiot & I'm not entirely sure what she's doing with these pills. The fact that she didn't tell me & was being secretive/defensive when I called her out on it leaves me to believe that her "monitoring" my pills might not have been her intent. & she's being forced to work from home now, my mom & I both have attention issues, I know it's hard for her to focus while working at home but that doesn't mean it's a free-for-all trial on prescriptions.

    But yeah, basically I need to know if she's legally allowed to take my meds from me or not? Again, Idaho law. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/swimmingintothesun
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    Evicted even after paying rent

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I am a nurse who recently moved to WA state, rented out a room April 1st, which ended up being infested with ants, upon cleaning. Upon telling the landlord she threw a fit and kicked me out. I paid rent on time, and I only stayed there for 4 days. It is COVID-19. I am living out of boxes and staying in a motel as I still have to work. Can someone please tell me what I can do legally to report her. I have no family in WA and she has left me stranded.

    submitted by /u/jblainewa
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    Is it illegal to break into my house if I’m a minor?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    My mom locked me out of the house after I left to cool down after we got into an argument and now she won't let me back in. I've called the cops twice and they aren't doing anything besides knocking on the door and calling her cell if I could get a response ASAP that would be nice

    I live in Wisconsin if that helps anything

    EDIT: Thanks for the help. I'm in an awkward place right now with this whole situation but I got everything figured out

    submitted by /u/weirdflex14
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    [OHIO] Landlord Physically Cut Internet Cables

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I can't believe this is real but...

    I'm living at an apartment complex in Ohio. Current landlord has purchased the apartment building from the previous landlord and has been owning and making demands of the tenants for a few months now.

    One of the demands was that we contact the internet service provider to have them relocate the cables they've ran into the apartment because they are an eyesore. I told him I was not given an option for where or how the cabling entered the building (the cabling was there when I moved in) and he should contact the ISP to discuss moving the cables, as multiple tenants connections run into the building at the same spot. I thought this would be the better option as he could oversee the new cable installation to bring up any concerns and would keep the ISP from having to make multiple trips to relocate cabling.

    Well, today, he stopped by the apartments and physically cut the ISP cables on the outside of the building where they entered. Thus killing internet access to the building. This has also affected my work as I am supposed to be working remote, but that is impossible with no internet. I've contacted them and they will be out this afternoon to reconnect it.

    I'm looking for advice on what I need to do to make sure I don't have to pay the ISP for the reconnection or to be reimbursed if I am charged. Also, is it legal for the landlord to cut the internet connection to my apartment?

    UPDATE: The ISP came out and said they could relocate and reinstall the cables but they require the building owners permission to do so. We contacted the landlord to ask him to contact Spectrum in order to give them permission and he refused. He said he will not be contacting any ISPs.

    At this point, it seems like he's just trying to push all of the current tenants out of the building so he can raise the rent as he's done on the vacant apartments.

    submitted by /u/OrneryConversation4
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    should I let my landload know about cause of my father's death in apartment?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I start lease this place with my father last year, and before the lease end, my father went back to another country, and my lease becomes month to month. Sadly.. my father was visiting me for cancer treatment for last couple of months, and he commits suicide at the apartment last month. I moved out of the apartment and now the landlord asking when it happens and what causes...Do I have to tell him what caused his death?

    location is california

    submitted by /u/vinnykool
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    My name is not on daughter's birth certificate, and my company won't give her health insurance without it.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    So, when I was 18 I had a happy accident with a former coworker of mine. She refused to put my name on the birth certificate (partially because she wasn't sure I was the father, partially because she thought she might get more welfare). She was abusive to my daughter for many years, unbeknownst to me.... even though I had her all summer, all holidays, and many weekends a month. 13 years later, I finally convinced her to give me full custody and my daughter has been happily living with me since. It has never been an issue in high schools, other jobs, taxes, etc. that I had no legal documentation.

    Now, my new employer is demanding some form of documentation for them to give her coverage. I have a notarized DNA test which proves I am her biological father, but this is not enough. Because we never went to court, I never got child support, and my name is not on the BC, they won't accept it.

    My father doctored a digital copy of her birth certificate quite well and told me I should use that. I don't feel comfortable, because I don't know if they verify that.

    Should I just tell my daughter she needs to apply for medicaid (she is 22 and unemployed thanks to covid-19), or risk the shopped Birth certificate?

    UPDATE: Corporate benefits accepted the notarized DNA testing as acceptable documentation

    I just wanted to thank you all for the wise words. I knew it was a bad idea, and needed to get perspective on that. Even though the issue has been resolved, I think I will be working towards adopting my own daughter in the next few months! :D

    submitted by /u/BenefitsThrow_away
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    A company used my house to film a 7-11 commercial. They never paid me. What next?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I was approached about having my house used in a 7-11 online app commercial. I signed all the contracts and was to be paid $550. I know it is not a lot of money, but they keep giving me the run around and "we're working on it" - though this was supposed to be paid coming on 3 months now. What advice would you give me to getting this money? I took a whole day off of work to let them use my house and I'm pretty ticked off.

    submitted by /u/BoiledEggs
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    Friend got a second stimulus check.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    So basically my friend found 2 stimulus checks deposited in her account. After a bit of thinking about it she came to the conclusion that her ex used to share that account as a joint account with her. He still owes her 2000 dollars from a year ago on a trailer they bought together and we are pretty sure he has no intention of paying her back. She holds the title still to the trailer, but it is not in her name (she just has the physical documentation.) What should she do? Her ex has been hounding her for his check but she feels like she should keep it because of the large sum of money he owes her. Does she have any legal right to try and take back possession of their trailer since she holds the deed? And can she get in trouble for holding onto his stimulus check. We live in Colorado springs Colorado.

    submitted by /u/SGTRe92
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    My mother-in-law is probably being used as a patsy by money launderers

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Background: I've been living with my wife and her mother-in-law since getting married in late 2019, prior to which my wife was living with her for the entirety of the whole saga. About three years ago, MIL's husband died, shortly after which she started corresponding with an individual who claims to be a member of the US Army. She transferred several sums of money to him at his request, and later had her bank account suspended and is unable to open a new one after receiving and depositing several fraudulent cheques with instructions to transfer the money after the deposit was made. Standard romance scam stuff, early on her daughters expressed concern to her about the individual, to which she asked the police for advice and was told that "he seems a great guy" or words to that effect. Since then she refuses to listen to any criticism.

    I've just discovered in the last few days that for some time she's been receiving regular letters from the individual's "handler" containing cheques with instructions to have them converted into bitcoin, apparently my wife and her sisters have been aware for a while but didn't feel the need to make me aware. Today she informed us that a parcel is going to be delivered to our house for another individual, which she's to hold onto until she receives further instructions.

    My understanding is that we should report the situation to the federal authorities, but I'm also concerned whether there are any legal repercussions for my wife, her sisters, and I, regarding being accessories to the crime or what have you due to having been aware of it for some time and not having reported it sooner. Should we be looking to consult with a lawyer as to the best way to proceed?

    Edit: I'm in Pennsylvania

    submitted by /u/Witty_Structure
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    Leafblowers at apartment complex M-F almost non-stop from as early as 7am-4pm

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    State: Nevada

    My apartment complex seems to have people on their staff whose sole job it is to walk around the property with leaf blowers during the work week. I hardly ever see them actually picking up the leaves that they're blowing around (seriously, I've seen them do this maybe twice in the entire two years I've lived here) and so the leaves just blow back the next day but never fear because they're out there again to battle the leaves the following day!

    I work freelance so I work irregular hours, hence why I'm frequently at home listening to this. I get that they're doing this during the "normal" workday while most people are out, but five days a week seems a bit excessive. Every other complex I've lived at, in this state and elsewhere, always limited their landscaping to one day a week.

    I can't seem to find anything in the noise ordinance for my city, and since it's happening during normal workday hours, I've been hesitant to bring it up with my office management because they can technically do what they want with their property during these hours.

    Is there anything legally I can do? At least my lease is up in a few months and I'll be moving out. I'm currently pregnant and the thought of living here with a newborn sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

    submitted by /u/BacktoJakku
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    [CALIFORNIA] Boyfriend has health condition that is considered at risk with covid virus and is an essential worker. Workplace is hardly putting in safety measures.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Hey r/legaladvice. I'm at a loss here for what to do. So, here's the rundown. My boyfriend works at a large factory making food products.
    As was stated in the title he has a health condition that really has me on edge during this time.
    Someone at the factory has already tested positive for the virus and is no longer working. I'm trying to be sensible and hoping that the measures taken will be enough but the factory is dragging it's feet and being rather reactive than proactive.

    Plans to halve the workforce and run lines in evens and odds to reduce contact are being floated by everyone's ears but never implemented. They've had multiple meetings just to say they aren't shutting down by cramming as many people in a tiny room to inform them.

    They're taking temperatures at the door but are about as useful as a lump of clay including testing someone and sending them home but not their spouse, only to ask the next day if the spouse was around anyone sick (with anything) and then letting the spouse go home.

    Never mind that they have been running the factory with as many people as possible because their new product required more people to run the line than usual.

    He's been officially hired on for a little under a year but has been working at that factory for over three because part of it was through a temp agency.
    I know there is a thing mentioning some people are entitled to time off under certain circumstances but he has two months to go until he has been working there "for a year." https://legalaidatwork.org/factsheet/coronavirus-faq/

    They're giving them dollar bonuses (which aren't even on the paychecks but that's another issue I don't give a rats ass about) and I could not care less about money. I want my boyfriend safe.

    He doesn't have a general care practitioner here yet because he moved here from out of state.
    He didn't really have one is his prior state either but he was treated for his health condition there.

    Is there anything he can do to request time off without much fear of losing his job?
    I'd be fine if he quit at this point but I don't think he would be so that's where we are at now.

    Is there something we can do to keep him safe?

    submitted by /u/Ailouros_Venom
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    A Bank issued and sent a bunch of Financial products to me without my consent

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    BC Canada,

    I walked into a Canadian bank a while back and asked about a line of credit,on that day I was told their computer system was down so i should come back. The conversation was brief and I sat in the office and scrolled through reddit using the bank's wifi while the representative sat at his computer quietly most of the time whereby he eventually told me he was trying to access the line of credit application using his computer but failed since their system was down.

    When I came back some days later to ask about the line of credit application again, I was handed a bunch of paperwork by the same representative and I told this representative I did not have time to go through all this right now so i took the paperwork home to review and did not sign a thing. Myself and this representative only spoke about a line of credit before I left with the paperwork.

    Since that day, the Bank has issued a bunch of financial products in my name/to me without my consent.

    These financial products the bank issued include a high limit credit card with a high monthly fee, some insurance products, increasing my overdraft limit, opening a savings account, and other such products. (All without my permission or consent) (They do not have my consent for any of it and the bank have acknowledged that to me in several recorded phone calls they have)

    The bank actually sent the credit card to my home address, I then started receiving a whole bunch of paperwork related to the products they had signed me up for without my consent and I found the Credit Card in my unlocked mailbox with its pin number plus other papers.

    (I have kept all documents sent to me including the credit card which I was told is now deactivated)

    I have since complained and the bank cancelled things when I did so, but they acted as if they were in the right and could legally force me to be liable for any related financial liability they had signed me up for and presented me with a whole bunch of predatory legal language to that affect. I stated none of it applies to me since I did not consent to any of the products they had signed me up for. I felt extremely threatened the entire time and this conversation happened in the branch manager's office. All this has caused me severe emotional distress given i am dealing with other issues in my life atm. The manager made comments to me that implied that me complaining has damaged my reputation at the branch.

    After a bunch of back and forth, the bank have reluctantly acknowledged their mistake. But their actions exposed me to at least $57,358.48 in financial liability (as calculated with the help of their representative).

    But what troubles me the most is that one of their representatives (he is redacted but I believe he is the original employee I spoke with about the line of credit) lied when he was questioned by one of his higher ups, as to why I was signed up for the products without my consent. (I have the redacted transcript that I requested of his interview with his higher up after my complaint).

    The bank has not provided me with any recorded phone call audio or transcripts despite me specifically requesting all of them using the bank's freedom for information procedure. I filled out their form to have any and all of this information sent to me and all they have sent was the redacted interview.

    My main concern is that anyone could have used that credit card since I had no clue about it and I would not have known for a long time. I would not go looking for the credit card as I purposefully keep my credit cards with another bank. Glad I found it by accident. I dont even know what else I dont know about the situation, it is very stressful.

    I am also concerned that the bank are trying to cover up fraud on their part. Which is scary as they are a big bank.

    What can I do about this? I'm not sure how to proceed, it is way over my head.

    The bank has called me since I have escalated my complaint and a representative told me they acknowledge their mistake and have offered me $1000 as a "good will gesture" but id be required to sign a bunch of paperwork he had to draft up. I thought this sounded very sketchy and declined as it felt like a bribe attempt. I instead have requested further escalation.

    Given what has happened I have submitted a complaint to FCAC and have inquired about an ombudsman but the ombudsman service requires that any information they unearth cannot be used in legal proceedings.

    How do I protect myself. I realize that taking this to supreme court could cost me 100K, but I also realize that the bank has likely broken Negative Options Billing Regulations.

    I just have no clue what else to do.

    If you're a Canadian banking lawyer please help.

    submitted by /u/catman245
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    Ex Spouse withholding my $1200 stimulus check

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    So my ex received a payment because we filed jointly in 2018 and now we are divorced. They received the $2400 and is now refusing to give me my $1200. Am I entitled to that money or are they allowed to keep it and what legal options do I have?

    submitted by /u/ww3memelord
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    She Moved My Stuff Out

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    So I paid my rent for my apartment on March 1st as usual for the entire month of March. Around March 20th I started getting respiratory symptoms and so I decided to move to a vacation home my family has in the area to quarantine myself. My apartment has shared ventilation between units and lots of people over 60 living there so I wanted to be responsible. I guess my landlord saw me putting a suitcase into my car and assumed I was moving out or something? I'm not really sure.

    Anyway, about 5 days later I needed something from the apartment so I show up (this is around March 27th) and come to find all my belongings in trash bags in the hallway. They had a note on them dated March 25th telling other tenants of the building not to touch them because it was "up to the court." My landlord sees me confused about why my stuff was in the hallway and absolutely blows up at me. She says I told her I was moving out (untrue) and just yelling at me about I'm not really sure what. I gathered my things and left.

    I went back a few days later (maybe March 29 or so) and she had left a nasty letter on my door saying that she assumed I was scared by the virus and moving back home. She then said that she went in and immediately hired a cleaning lady because she had listed the unit for sale and could not have my things in it. Again, this is March 29th and on the 1st of March I paid her full rent for that space through the end of the month. She never gave me notice that she wanted to sell it or that she would be entering my unit and moving my things.

    Among other things she sent my old boss a nasty email about me (but never contacted me directly? I feel like if she was talking to my ex-boss she could have asked for my contact info and tried to sort it out with me?) and in her letter she wrote something about me being a liar who would live a useless life and never achieve anything of merit.

    She kept my $500 deposit and said she can itemize why. I never broke anything in the apartment, never received any warnings about eviction or anything of the sort.

    This woman is in her 80's and known around town for being hard to deal with. I am mostly just feeling now like I would like my $500 deposit back and maybe for her to prorate my rent and pay me back for the 6 days that I paid her for the space and she had moved my stuff out?

    This is taking place in Montana btw. Thank you for reading all of this and providing any insight!

    Edit: Can she really write me a letter stating that she's taking my security deposit on the 29th of March when my lease wasn't even up? How would she be able to say that I hadn't left things in good condition when I hadn't even moved out?

    submitted by /u/DudeSupermarket
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    Neighbor Took down part of our shared fence!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I live in Corpus Christi TX and recently the neighbor decided to build a shed in his yard. The shed is too wide, so he decided to take some of the fences boards down to fit it. The main frame of the fence is still intact and I was wondering how legal this was or what options do I have?

    submitted by /u/DFnuked
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    Stimulus theft?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Really appreciate any advice the group can provide.

    The IRS deposited my stimulus money into an old account despite me providing updated account info on the website they created. My ex somehow realized it happened and was at the bank when it opened today, drained the entire account. I tried to close the account years ago but couldn't because ex never signed required paperwork. Ex isn't even eligible for stimulus money, hasn't worked or paid taxes for years. I raise and financially support our children by myself, ex pays no child support.

    Police can't assist because they feel it's a civil matter. I'm at an absolute loss.. I really needed that money for bills and groceries, and thought I'd taken the proper steps to have it routed to my current account.

    Thanks for reading. Stay safe out there.

    submitted by /u/ConcreteAngel667
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    They caught the guy who stole my car from my driveway...

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Backstory: Scottsdale, AZ. My car was taken from my driveway, two days later it was found abandoned in the desert with 9K+ in damage to the front end.

    The thief then stole another car in a similar fashion, and this time were able to get an ID of the thief through video cameras.

    The police informed me that the guy admitted to stealing my car, several other cars, guns, etc. I'm waiting for a phone call and another conversation with the PD, who will be charging him on the crimes.

    My question is, what do I do? Pressing charges worth it?

    The damage is probably just barely not enough to total the car. That would make my car worth less with the CarFax history, and I'm not happy about that.

    submitted by /u/wickedbeats
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    Legal document advice

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I am not sure if this is the correct subreddit to post. If not, please direct me to the appropriate subreddit.

    I went through a divorce a few years ago. Part of agreement was she would receive a small sum of money from the sale of the house. I retained 100% ownership of the house per the divorce decree. I am still in the house and do not plan to sell it any time soon. However, I was able to pay her the sum I owed her from my savings.

    I want to draw up a quick document stating that the money owed has been paid in full and that I am no longer obliged to provide her monies from the sale of the house. Essentially, I don't want her to come to me years down the road and tell me that I never paid based on a technicality.

    Would the appropriate thing to do is to draft a document stating that the terms set forth in the divorce decree have been satisfied? If so, do we need to have a notary to witness our signatures? Will this document hold up in court if she decides to say that I never paid her the money?

    Let me know if I need to provide any clarification. We live in Texas.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/throwaway_sadhusband
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    Furloughed with a commission only job. Can a manager delegate tasks while you are furloughed and not compensated in any way?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Employer paying out tips in gift cards

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Hi there, as the title says my employer is taking cash and credit tips from employees and then giving them equivalent value gift cards later.

    Some background - Massachussets, United States. The employer in question is a high end grocery store owned by one of the richest men in the world.

    The tipping is new with the launch of curbside pickup. The employees are all receiving at least minimum wage and don't normally receive tips as part of their duties.

    But when they are tipped. The employer is taking all tips and paying them back out in gift cards only useable at the employer's store. Is this legal?

    Edit: Thank you all for the responses. It seems like the overwhelming consensus is that the isn't legal, or if it is, barely. And that I should place an anonymous tip with the DOL, which is what I think I will do.

    Here is some additional information to help clear up some things I saw in the comments.

    Yes, generally speaking we do not accept tips. But they're also performing duties nowhere near what they were originally hired for, or expected to do.

    Where it's get dicey is that under normal circumstances the shopping and curbside pickup is done through Amazon employees and not whole foods employees(silly distinction, but important). Amazon employees do get tips, as such the tipping functionality is worked into the app and cash tipping is seen as okay. But in the current covid crisis, it was rolled out early and whole foods employees are doing this instead.

    I don't think this is one lone manager shadily upping sales. Since the credit tips are also paid out in gift cards. I think this may be a more prevalent issue among any whole foods that rolled out prime now early.

    They get whole foods gift cards, not Amazon ones.

    While we do get a discount, it is %20. Most things at whole foods can be marked up 30-60% in comparison to a normal grocery store. Even with the discount, whole foods is simply unaffordable to its workers, and $20 has nowhere near the buying power at whole foods that it would at stop&shop or trader Joe's.

    I think I got everything.

    submitted by /u/lefkoz
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    internet service disconnected internet from entire apartment building due to landlord not paying for it anymore (even though it was included and payed for by the landlord per the lease)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    We have not received emails from them since February about anything. Noticed internet service trucks at our building today for around 2 hours. Landlord company owns many properties in our college town. No warning at all. I called the internet provider and confirmed it was disconnected completely.

    I heard a rumor a few weeks back from another renter in our building that the Landlord was being sued for something about mistreating tenants. Not sure if that is true or not.

    Edit: Iowa, I am a student and require stable internet for college lectures on Zoom.

    submitted by /u/ohyesdaddi
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