• Breaking News

    Friday, April 17, 2020

    Legal Advice - My parents threw out all of my belongings while I was travelling - BC, Canada

    Legal Advice - My parents threw out all of my belongings while I was travelling - BC, Canada

    My parents threw out all of my belongings while I was travelling - BC, Canada

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    So, I just got home to Canada after being away for 7 months in Australia to find out my mother and stepdad donated all of my clothes and pretty much everything I own to the salvation army/threw in garbage. I really need advice so if someone could please read my story I would really appreciate it.

    I live in British Columbia, Canada.

    I needed to put my items in storage when I was planning on travelling Australia, so I asked my mom and stepdad to help me move out of my apartment and store my items and they offered to help me if I paid them something like $100 for the gas, I agreed (stepdad has a work truck). I had packed about half of everything and they came over and helped me pack the rest(along with my friends), I put all of my clothes into garbage bags (about 8-10 bags), we moved all my necessities (including mattress, duvet, duvet cover, desk, bed frame, everything I owned) into the work truck and I told them to just put all my stuff under their house in the basement.

    I was originally going to donate some bags of clothes but I didn't have enough time to sort through them so we donated some furniture (my couches) to the salvation army, they wouldn't accept one of them so my stepdad said he would go to the dump and throw it out. I told them I'd deal with everything else when I get back in a year or so (they have a lot of storage space).

    Fast forward: I had to come home early due to covid, so after about 30 hours of travel I arrive back in Canada to my parents house. I went under the house because I wanted to wear a big comfy sweater that I missed (I only brought a suitcase of summer clothes to Australia because I knew it would be much warmer there). I go under the house and can't find any bags of clothing... I ask my mom where she put them and she said "I'm not sure, whatever isn't there was donated". WHAT?? They never said they were going to donate anything, as I asked them to keep all the boxes and bags. I asked further and she said that my roommate told them they could be donated, I immediately messaged him and he said that he heard them joking about just donating the items when I left, and he said he chimed in and said that he himself got rid of all of his stuff and joked around with them. I told her that excuse was bullshit and they could have had any ANY type of communication with me and I would told them to NOT get rid of the items...

    My mom then said that some of the boxes were ripped and the bags had holes in them so she got rid of them. I continued to search and couldn't find much of anything. They got rid of my duvet, mattress, both of my memory foams pillows, drawing books with all my drawing supplies, VR headset, Samsung galaxy s8+ (including photos and memories that I did NOT upload), 500$ headphones, Google nexus, iPod, Nintendo 3ds, stereo system, they were ALL GONE along with all my clothes.

    They would not have sold my items (they aren't intelligent enough to figure out prices and sell them). So they just threw out or donated them because they didn't want to deal with them. What they DID keep was reorganized into boxes and they labelled themselves. They kept DVDs, CDs, my Xbox 360, my computer and monitor and a bag with some jackets and shoes and then pots and pans.

    I am beyond heartbroken. I had so many sentimental items from travelling and clothing items and if I knew they were going to do this I would have called literally ANYONE else to store my things.

    I am talking to them tomorrow since my stepdad comes home (he works in a different city) and I literally don't know what to do. I am in 14 day isolation so I haven't been talking with my mother. I know my stepdad will try and shove it back in my face by saying "oh you left us with too much shit!" But they didn't say ONE word to me that they didn't want to deal with it.

    I am a grown 25 year old man and they treat me and my belongings like I'm a child. Do I tell them to repay me for all of the items or talk to a lawyer about this? I am so nervous about the talk tomorrow - My step dad is quite manipulative and gets rid of things that clog up space for him, and my mom is a push over and gets stressed at the smallest things and is very emotionally immature so tomorrow is going to be very difficult.

    I don't have any intention of talking to my parents ever again after this. I trusted them and they completely betrayed that trust. All it would have taken is a phone call and I could have gotten someone to pick up my stuff or hired a moving company to put it in a storage locker. I feel empty and like I have nothing now. I was super into fashion and had so many expensive designer items, professional workwear and winter clothes that were donated and things collected over the years from travelling/concerts/festivals.

    Can anyone please give me advice on how to deal with this? I'm overwhelmed at the moment and am quite exhausted from crying so much.

    submitted by /u/phukhugh
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    My job laid off 120 workers, claimed it was "coronavirus" related, but I'm a stay at home worker! The real reason seems to clear out older employees. Anything I can do?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I live in Vancouver, Washington.

    My company was bought out about four years ago by another company. Old company had stock options, 401k, ect, and really seemed to value their employees. Now the new owners are bragging about shutting down sites and outsourcing constantly in the town halls.

    I'm the oldest team member and have trained everyone on my team at one point. They hired a "floater" to be able to handle when we go on vacations, ect. During the start of the virus, I asked directly in a team meeting if we need to be worried about our jobs, and was told no... many times.

    Then on March 30th, I was pulled into a call with HR and told I was part of a mass layoff. They claim it was due to the coronavirus, but they refused to say they would hire me back when the pandemic was over like most other companies would tell you.

    Instead, I got this 3-week severance package and all over it talks about the separation of older workers act, and now that I'm 41, an attached document gave a list of all the employees let go, and they all were in their late 30's to high 50's with a sprinkling of a 22 or 23-year-old call centre worker.

    I'm sure there's nothing I can do about it. It feels like the CEO jumped on the Coronavirus to clean house of all the employees who were grandfathered into their pay scales and benefits. Right now, it seems like the company who hired me is completely dead now. Not a single person from the old group is left.

    It was like someone came in and gutted everything, and is wearing my old company like a skin suit, keeping the brand we worked so hard to maintain while shitting all the people who put in the hard work and effort to make that company what it was out the back, like a zombie parasite.

    My main question : Is there anything I can actually do? Should I sue them?

    It feels shady as hell. the severance they gave me was only 3 weeks worth of pay and they even "taxed" it almost $1400! I asked the HR what they took out, and she is going to "Bring in payroll to explain" Like I'm a damn idiot.

    submitted by /u/Kaiju_Kami
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    Is there anyway to legally force my father to put his mother in a nursing home ?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Now I know many people are against nursing homes , but I've reached my limit. I'm a college student who is currently home due to covid-19. My grandma who suffers from dementia has been living with me since my senior year of high school . She has gotten progressively worse throughout the years. At this point I don't think it's healthy for her to live here , and it's tearing my family apart. She shits and pees on the floor, often. She has diapers but she doesn't use them. She's severely underweight and doesn't always eat. My father curses and screams at her for not using her diapers. She's also done things such as leave the stove on, eat raw meat, dog food, and dish soap. A couple months ago she was Moaning in pain for eating things like this and was severely constipated and didn't leave her room for days. She rarely gets bathed and never has her teeth brushed. She's also wondered out of the house and got lost several times. I know I'm 20 and can have my own place , but right now that's not a possibility and I'm tired of this house smelling like shit. I feel that if she was in a good nursing home her quality of life would improve. My father is constantly yelling at her or getting an attitude with her for things she cannot help . I live in Maryland btw

    submitted by /u/throwaway8883328301
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    Girl rear-ended me and I rear ended someone as result. She gave me expired insurance; didn't catch until later but I got the proper insurance from police report

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I am in Texas.

    Yesterday I had a very minor accident (superficial scratches on all 3 cars): So there was construction which caused a lane closure. Someone way ahead cut in front and caused a chain reaction. The lady in front of me (A) slammed her brakes, so I slammed mine. I then got rear-ended by (B) which pushed me into A

    B was super nice and compliant and even said she was sorry to both me and A. She goes to give me her insurance and ID, I take a picture and then take a pic of license plate and then wait for the police, since A called them right away.

    We wait for police and he gets our info and asks what happened. We eventually go on our merry ways and when I get home, I call their insurance, at which point I realized it was 3 years expired. I fucked up for sure by not checking it, but then I check the picture of the police report later, and I found out that she gave them the proper insurance!

    Today i get a call from my insurance saying A has filed a claim against me, despite her knowing that I only collided with her because of B. I'm not sure what's going on, but I told them my side and they said that changes things. I call B's insurance and they went through a process to finally get to an agent, but in that process I found that they already had my information and I have never dealt with them before so now I'm thinking B might've filed a claim against me. I called the agent and he didn't pick up, so now I have to wait until Monday to call.

    What can I do if everything goes south and B just continues to lie about things and A continues after me? I don't know what the police report says because I didn't see it, I just got A and B's info from them. But I explained things extremely straightforward and no bias to the officer. I already feel bad about this situation because she gave me expired insurance...

    I'll update Monday after my conversation with B's insurance agent, but I wanted to be prepared.

    submitted by /u/RandomMaterialsGuy
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    Girl has been cyberbullying/harassing me for over a month. IG won't review profile. Now she's posting my work information. (USA)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Alright y'all, this one is a doozy, so I appreciate you all in advance for reading this!

    It's better that I start from the beginning - about 2 years ago, a random girl sent me a friend request on FB. We had some mutual friends, she lived in my city, and she seemed normal and nice enough, so I accepted it and thought nothing of it and continued to live my life.

    Naturally, when you add someone on FB, you can follow them IG as well, so she started following my personal IG account, as well as a health/fitness account I had. She was super nice and supportive to me on both my IG accounts. She would comment on my photos and reply to my stories talking about how inspirational and amazing I was, calling me "sweet, beautiful, and love". It was nice enough in the beginning, but it did get to a point where she would reply to every.single.thing. I'll admit, it did feel a bit obsessive.

    Now let me reiterate - I have never met this girl in person in my life and still didn't really know her. Of course, I would be courteous and tell her "Thank you!" when she would compliment me, but never a full on conversation.

    One random morning, a little over a year ago, I woke up with messages from a few of my followers on the health/fitness account. They were informing me that they had received messages from a random person on IG, that was saying that I was talking sh*t about them, and that I was "drinking alcohol again and got my stomach stapled". (I stopped drinking and lost a lot of weight over the course of 2.5 years). They sent me screenshots of the messages and lo and behold, it was the girl!

    I was in shock. She was always so nice to me and this completely came out of left-field. From there, it was a whirlwind of fake accounts harassing me on both of my IG accounts. Leaving comments about my appearance and just being downright ridiculous and mean. I would block one and report one, and another one would show up. I eventually made my personal page private, but at the time, I had a few partnerships on my health/fitness page, so I could not make that page private. About a week later, the harassment stopped and I never heard another peep from her for over a year....

    ...until 2 weeks ago. I woke up to check my phone and saw that I was tagged in a post on IG. I opened up the post and there was an ENTIRE IG ACCOUNT dedicated to her disdain for me with over 60 posts.

    Everything from calling me a pig, saying that I'm a lesbian and that she will never date me (???), that I'm creating all these porn bot IG accounts to harass her, that she has a restraining order on me and that I'm stalking her, that I'm mentally insane, among so much other stuff that doesn't even make any sense and isn't true in the slightest. At that point, she had been posting on it for a week before I found out about it.

    It was a fake account, but I instantly knew it was her (typing and word style, emoji usage, similarities between her real account and the fake account, and she admitted in one of the posts that she did the same thing over a year ago).

    It became clear to me that this girl is not stable and I wanted to protect my safety, so I filed a police report for harassment. The police are currently investigating, although the investigator said, "we probably can't do much because it's on social media and hard to prove it's her", but I have so many screenshots that link her to the profile, but I'm afraid I won't get very far with the local police with this.

    She does not live in my same city anymore, but she's just a few hours away. This account is seriously causing me some major emotional distress. I have reported it over and over to IG and have had trusted friends report it as well, but because of COVID-19, IG is saying they don't have enough people on staff to review the profile.

    But then, I woke up this morning to the girl now posting my work information on the fake profile. My work email, my work phone number, and saying "for a good time to call me" and I can't get IG to do anything about this. I have a really good job and I do not want her compromising it. She is still currently posting as I type. She has over 100 posts about me now, most including my personal information and slanderous comments.

    What can I do? Is there any way to get ahold of IG, and could they be liable for emotional distress? I'm sure I have a case against her as well, but I do know she doesn't have very much money - might not be worth it or could it?

    submitted by /u/legaladvice12456780
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    My only source of income was cancelled by the government during the pandemic

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm 16 and living in Birmingham, Alabama, US. My father is my only parent and he is disabled. His disabled checks were cancelled today because of a doctor that said he was able to work even though he hasn't seen that doctor in, I believe, at least 3 years. We have no other income except for my sisters job at Starbucks which right now is suspended with crisis pay. We are trying to appeal but no promises.

    I want to know what I can do legally and what even is legal. I though it was illegal to take away aid in a state of emergency, especially when millions of people are already out of work. Also, getting a job would take away my half-tuition at the local college because he used to work there and is technically retired. Please help me understand what I can do, and thank you.

    submitted by /u/texttospeechass
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    NYC - Girlfriend's boss wants entire staff to file for unemployment while secretly working full time. Threatens to put them on indefinite unpaid vacation otherwise. What to do?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    UPDATE- The company owner just sent out a mass email saying: "Unpaid vacation will begin today 4/17 and remain in effect until 5/15. End date is subject to change via state order. Further notice may be given." It would appear he has decided to actually move forward with this.

    TLDR: Girlfriends boss told entire staff to file for and collect unemployment while secretly working full time. He made it clear that he will be putting them on indefinite unpaid vacation if they refuse as a means of preventing them from receiving unemployment pay. They also recorded the conversation in which he made these points and threats.

    Full story: First i should mention this would be applied to new york law as this takes place in New york city.

    So basically my girlfriends bosses are a married couple and an exceptionally sleazy and toxic one at that. They have done plenty of highly questionable things in the past but this one takes the cake.

    They are claiming they haven't been making enough money to pay the staff which isn't true as they have been bringing in plenty of money. They have also claimed they didn't qualify for one of the covid business loans but this is also probably untrue. However this isn't the main point, the real issue is what they are demanding of the staff and the situation it puts them in.

    So as for the issue at hand, they are essentially being demanded to defraud the government. Basically the bosses have told them it's time to file for unemployment pay but they will need to secretly work full time. This way the government can take on the burden of payroll while the company continues to function as normal.

    Naturally I told her this is insane and she can't implicate herself in an illegal act like this. When she and her colleagues explained they are not comfortable illegally working while collecting unemployment, the owner blew a gasket and told them it's nonnegotiable. The owner childishly demands out of spite that everyone must do what he dictates or he will be putting them on indefinite unpaid vacation as a means of prevent them from collecting unemployment assistance.

    Obviously he wouldn't get away with this but I'm curious what can and should be done in a situation like this? Perhaps make a deal with an attorney to receive a percentage of the earnings? Or simply apply for unemployment and let the problem solve itself organically?

    I should also mention that they recorded the conversation in which he told them all of this. Everything I have mentioned is clearly recorded.

    What should be done? Worth speaking to a lawyer?

    Thank you for your time and consideration, all feedback is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/murfman713
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    Employer says I will lose the remainder of PTO I would have accrued for the remainder of the year [California]

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I accrue a certain amount of hours per pay period with a PTO cap of X amount of hours. I reached my cap sometime last month. I had planned to go on vacation this month, but with the whole pandemic going on, that didn't happen.

    Last month, the company decided to front-load the remainder of the year's PTO hours company-wide so that people had them in the event they or a family member became sick. Some colleague's PTO balance went from 40 hours to 211, 30 hours to 165, etc.

    Since my PTO was at it's cap at the time they distributed the front-load, I was given 0 hours. I was told by HR that I would not be accruing anymore hours for the remainder of the year, and I would not be paid for the cap overage. They mentioned that if this happened again in the 2021 calendar year, the overage would be paid out, but not this year.

    I have been with the company for a few years and front-loading is not in the policy, nor has it happened before. I assume they did this in response to the pandemic. Obviously, if I knew they were going to do this, I would have used up the hours I needed to.

    I calculated that I just lost out on about 100 hours of PTO. When I asked if this is the case, HR confirmed that I was not given my hours because I had hit the limit and I did indeed lose out on PTO for the remainder of the year.

    I know CA is particular about PTO hours and I know this situation doesn't fall under "use-it-or-lose-it", which is prohibited in CA, because that only applies to hours that I've already earned.

    Do I have any recourse here?

    submitted by /u/throwayfrpto
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    (MI) Landlord accuses me of flushing fruits, vegetables, and unflushable wipes in the toilet and threaten to charge me for it

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    According to the letter they sent me this was caught this has caused plumbing damage to the vacant apartment below. I don't understand, all I know I didn't do anything I have been accused of. I throw unflushable wipes, fruits and vegetables in the garbage can.

    What can I do next?

    submitted by /u/fruitveggieswipes
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    Cancelled wedding due to COVID. Venue is keeping the deposit, which we understand, but expects us to pay the remaining balance for the venue..

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    The contract we signed said that final payment was due in full 60 days prior to the event. We gave notice of cancellation more than 60 days prior. The contract also says that any outstanding balance is due upon cancellation, but until now we understood this to mean that would exclude the final payment if we cancelled before the due date. Isn't this what the deposit is for?

    submitted by /u/Doughymidget
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    (Indiana, USA) I have a deadbeat father who is lawyered up and suing my mother for custody

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I'm 16 years old and last year in June my father abandoned my family and he has done this before, and this has been the longest time so far. He has also abused me and my mother several times. It should be noted my mother and father are not legally divorced. Now, he has lawyered up with a well-known and disliked, expensive attorney. (Bills about 300 an hour) He does not give money to my mother and we cannot afford a good enough lawyer to fight in custody court. He plans on asking for custody and/or visitation to me and my little sister who is 9. I would appreciate any advice on how to handle this when and if this is taken to court. One quick thing to mention is my mother has proof he is hiding marital assets, and she also has proof of several threats he has made to her, whatever that is worth.

    submitted by /u/BigSteinDollaSign
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    An old Ex-girlfriend just put $4500 in beauty/cosmetics on my pets CareCredit card. Please, help.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    We had a dog and I used the card to get him neutered and some meds at the vet 3 years ago. It was around $300 total. She was an authorized user (until today, I had her removed.) We haven't been in contact for a long time.

    I completely forgot about this card, it was paid off and in the past. Forgot she even had access to the account. Today I get a statement in the mail saying that I have a balance of $4500.

    I called CareCredit and found out that she went to some Beauty/Cosmetics/Laser places last month and put it on my CareCredit account... I didn't even know you could use it outside the Veterinarian.

    I feel sick to my stomach over this, and it couldn't come at a worse time for me. I'm completely broke and currently unemployed.

    I've opened up a fraud claim with the credit provider (Synchrony), but I'm not too optimistic as she was an authorized user when she used it. Also wondering if removing her as a user today was a mistake....

    Any advice would be appreciated. Please, and thank you in advance. (big sigh)

    WHAT SHOULD I DO??? I feel like I'm completely screwed and have to pay for her makeover or whatever the hell she got done. Smdh..... 😞

    submitted by /u/LA_Litness
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    Fake sugar momma-> Date with the police

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Hi, to preface this I already know I'm stupid. During this troubling time, I looked for a way to make some money. So I turned to looking for a sugar mama. Basically the deal with her was that I would just talk to her everyday and then she would eventually deposit checks into my account. She did.. 3 checks for about $400 each and now it's been a few weeks and the other day a police officer called me and asked me to come in talking about some checks in my account. Am I in trouble? Am I going to jail? I think the checks were fake and I haven't spent any of the money, but my account is temporarily disabled and now tomorrow I have a date with the police.

    submitted by /u/ka__kaw
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    Can my employer deduct the value of my stimulus check from my pay? [GA]

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I know I'm in a pretty comfortable situation-- I work a trade, and I'm receiving pay for my normal 40 hour week while "working from home" which consists of me coming in maybe twice a week for like 5 hours on a case-by-case, and I understand that this alone might mean i can't do anything.

    However, I do anticipate potentially having to work a full 40 hours at some point, and other employees, such as the sales and advertising departments, are still putting in full 40 hour weeks, and we've all been told multiple times that the value of our stimulus checks will be deducted from our pay.

    Despite courts being closed, we are in a position to organize if we know we have a legal leg to stand on, but I don't know if we do.

    submitted by /u/rattlesby
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    Bit by neighbors dog

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I reside in Columbus Ohio, While I was walking through my alley with my dog, my neighbor's pit bull stuck its head under his chain link fence and grabbed my dog's face trying to drag him under the fence. While I was trying to seperate them his other dog bit my arm resulting in a major wound that required an emergency room visit, and several stitches. He refuses to produce vaccination records as well as take any responsibility for this. He is a neglectgent dog owner and now is trying to threaten and intimidate me into dropping this. I am trying to obey all laws as to not ruin any chances of reimbursement for my hospital bill. I would like to know the best legal actions I should take to get him to cover the damages his dog has caused, and what steps I should take to rectify this situation.

    submitted by /u/Dissastronaut
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    Ordered Kitchen Cabinets, Half Arrived Broken, One was wrong, Company said they were shipping new ones March 17, then went out of business March 13. We have a loan that is outstanding and they expect payment.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    We Live in California the Out Of Business Cabinet Company is from Minnesota.

    We placed $8k order for cabinets that arrived early March. However, 5 cabinets came completely broken (some seriously broken beyond repair), another cabinet was completely wrong. Only 6 cabinets came in fine. We where still in contact with the company when disputing the damaged product and they agreed to sent new cabinets on March 17'th. However, by the time 17'th came the company was suddenly closed March 13'th. We attempted to contact the company, however, we could not get through any of the contacts that where available. We began contacting the loan company and they opened a case which they stated would take 15 days to come to decision. the 15 days are up and we received unusual email from supposed cabinet company that was willing to give us "1000$ discount" which we declined since this would not cover the damages. They then sent another offer of "1500$ discount" which we declined as well again stating this is not sufficient to cover the cost of repair replacement for the kitchen and then repainting everything to one consistent color. We contacted the loan company again and they stated that "we should take the offer" which sounded fishy. We paid around 1900$ upfront with 1600$ dollars which where made with two 800$ dollar installments that was placed on loan provided by cabinet company. Thus total out of pocket 3800$ while The total kitchen price is around $8000 dollars which means we have around 4200$ outstanding on the loan.

    the plan is to dispute the 1800$ and the two 800$ installments with the bank. However, i am not sure what to do with the loan company where we are expected to pay the remaining amount while we do not have the product. My initial thoughts where since this is below 10,000 dollars it will not qualify for lawsuit and instead qualify for small claims court, however, is this a valid case for this? we would need to file lawsuit against the business to compensate us for money to pay for the loan? really dont know what the options are at the point. The loan company has contact and initiated some negotiations but its all in favor for them and we are getting screwed.

    (take three, i sanitized this from any specific company name per rules)

    submitted by /u/Misha557
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    Recorded during sex without my consent

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    About a year ago I had a threesome with a FWB and one of his friends. I completely consented to the sex. However, I made friends with a third person that knew the guys that i had been with.

    This guy showed me multiple recordings of me during sex with these two guys a couple of day ago. I was unaware these videos even existed. One if them shows my whole body and face. The other one shows me from behind.

    I feel pretty bad about all of this and am not quite sure what to do or if there's anything that I can do. I know there are at least 3 videos and that they were distributed to at least one other person. Since than I have let one of the guys that I have been seeing for a while reord me with my consent. Would that affect the videos I didn't approve of?

    I'm 20 (19 at the time of this happening) and live in Florida. Should I pursue legal action? Is there anything I can do since I don't think these were posted online? I still feel gross about the whole thing.

    TL;DR I was recorded without my consent during sex and don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/chris-is_a-fag
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    Landlord is serving me a 3 day eviction notice for accidentally hitting a fire sign

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    US: California Last night at 9:59 pm I accidentally hit a fire exit sign with a box I was carrying, and it didn't break but it dropped slightly from the ceiling. This was accidental and no force was used. I woke up this morning to my management company sending me an email saying I have 3 days to leave the property or they will file for eviction. They did not give me any opportunity to report or fix the damage, as there is no one in the office after 7 pm and before 10 am. They sent me this notice through email around 10:30 am. They also left a separate notice with the same information on my front door, that I found an hour or two later taped to my front door. They refuse to believe that it was an accident, but they have video footage of the incident and could easily see that it was. (I know they have video footage because that's how they knew it happened.) There is currently a pandemic happening and we aren't supposed to leave our houses, let alone be able to find new housing in 3 entire days. Our state has no evictions for non-payment of rent, but this it not this situation. We called our cities sheriff's office and they say that they are not processing any evictions because the court systems here are closed down. I am just seeking any sort of advice anyone has available!

    submitted by /u/graveyardlover69
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    Landlord kept 93% of my deposit.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    This is in Kansas.

    I have a rough history with this landlord, which included having a pet without explicit approval, which I removed at their request in December. This included an eviction notice a day after I removed the dog, saying I needed to remove the dog, as well as yelling and screaming on the street by the landlord at me. This was followed up with lies about a history of bad behavior and requirements in the lease (I got a notice saying my lease makes me responsible for the fire extinguishers, and that it needed replacement. The lease definitely didn't include that). Needless to say, neither of us wanted to continue the lease after it ended in march. My girlfriend came into town for most of a day, and we spent the whole time at the house cleaning. I took two pictures, one of the living room, and one of the kitchen floor. This wasn't to demonstrate cleaning, but just to share with friends and family that I was done. That house was definitely cleaner than when I moved in.

    I had a walk through at the end, about two weeks ago, and it went generally fine. A few things needed "light cleaning" and there were "some scratches on a door that aren't listed". Fine. Little stuff, not a big deal. Carpet needed a professional shampoo. Okay. "Otherwise everything looks good". I have this all on audio recording for the exact reason that I don't trust this person, and as I recall from a previous legal issue, this is a one party consent state, so I could do this surreptitiously.

    I got my remaining security deposit back yesterday, which included a long list of things that needed cleaning, including multiple incidents remarked towards the dog, including hair and damage. Now I vacuumed probably 10 times after the dog left, and then 3 times while moving out/cleaning. I used a rubber brush to clean spots hard for the vacuum to get into. There wasn't dog hair on that carpet. They claimed there was dog hair in an upstairs bedroom, but I have always been adamant about not letting the dog into my bedroom, so it stayed downstairs, and was always in a kennel when I wasn't at home. There was also claim of "dog damage" in the other bedroom, but this is the same as the other room. The dog was not allowed upstairs. The list includes wiping down every wall and baseboard in the house, every cabinet, and every appliance. I personally washed the walls because I needed to clean up some of the marks left behind furniture and such, and my girlfriend cleaned out and wiped down the cabinets. I will admit I didn't wipe the walls in the downstairs bathroom, and they noted what were probably water drips from hand drying on the walls in that bathroom during walkout.

    How does a general sense of "light cleaning" needed for a two bedroom home turn into over $800? Is there anything I can do, realistically? I don't really have great pictures from before I moved in as far as I can tell, and I certainly don't have a room by room itemization of the house after I cleaned up. Do they have to have proof that something required cleaning? Can I get quotes for a whole house cleaning and use that to make my case? I don't believe for a second that it costs that much to clean a house, especially after everything that we did.

    submitted by /u/angrytenant2020
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    FedEx threw a package over my fence, damaged my car and is mishandling my complaint. They are ignoring it. What should I do?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    As the title says, FedEx threw a 10lbs. Box over my 6ft fence and damaged my brand new car.

    I called 4 times to get hung up on. Each time I waited an hour on hold.

    I finally got through and the employee took down my name, email and phone number and said I would be contacted in within 48hrs by my local branch.

    72 hours passed so I called back the 1-800 number again. Two hours on hold and the person on the other end asked me for my case number. I was never given a case number, only that I would be called...

    Turns out the first person did not file my complaint for damaging my car and I had to start all over with my complaint. They again, took down my info.

    I Asked for a timeframe for when I would receive a follow up and they said they would be in touch, gave me a case number and hung up.

    I've spent 7 hours on the phone with FedEx. I can't keep calling back. Damages amount to $800-$1000. This is in California, USA.

    Should I call the police and file report? What should I do? Please help.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/kickflipintoyourDM
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    Am I allowed to ask for up-to-date paperwork?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    So, I'm a student in a sorority. I manage our house and despite the shutdown there are still a few girls living in house. One had contacted me recently to ask if her boyfriend, Steve, could come to stay at the house (our house is completely closed to everyone except people living there; uni policy). She claimed Steve was a "caregiver" for her mental health; this was the first time I heard of that.

    She provided "paperwork" as proof. The paperwork was from a local Dial Help, that was from 2018, and listed Steve as the person who was going to stay with her for 3 days. It was not signed by any medical professional. I consulted with 3 different university officials and our president, and was given the okay to ask for updated paperwork.

    She got upset and berated me and the president via text, and filed a Panhellenic judicial hearing AND a discrimination complaint with the university because we asked for the new paperwork.

    I guess I have a few questions, 1. Is it illegal to ask for new paperwork, despite being given the okay? 2. Would I be allowed to file a harassment complaint against her for how rude she's been towards me and filing two (potential) irrelevant complaints? I also have a lot of evidence that supports the harassment claims.

    We also live in MI in case the laws are different.

    Sorry for the long post, but I really appreciate any advice given!

    Edit: thank you everyone for the comments and advice! I was really worried that I made the wrong decision in this situation and having the validation really helps! Thank you all :)

    submitted by /u/rulow13
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    My work provides lunch, and they keep cross contaminating with an allergen. Can/Should I sue?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    I work at a care facility (Kentucky, USA) that provides meals to their workers when we help feed the individuals. Because of the current virus scares they are not allowing food to be ordered and delivered. I am seriously allergic to fish. On two separate occasions now, the facility has prepared fish in their kitchen, and then I had an allergic reaction from a completely seprerate meal. I've filed a report for the first one with the company and the second one just happened. They have a menu but like to deviate from it so I can't know when they're cooking fish. They won't let me order food when I find out they've cooked fish that day. They know it's an issue and they haven't fixed it. Can I sue them and what is my chances of winning?

    submitted by /u/Wulphram
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    Friends parents took out 16k loan while he was deployed

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Hello and im sorry if this is not very informative. I dont have all of the details yet and im on mobile. Ive been working on helping my friend get out of debt and he told me about a loan that is in his name.

    He wasnt the one who took it out though, his dad and step mother did it in his name and never told him about it. Now 2 years later he is being contacted by collection agencies obviously wanting their money. My first thought is to try and settle the debt, but it was suggested that ge can sue?

    How does this something like this work? He lives in florida if that makes a difference. Thank you so much for any help!

    submitted by /u/Baekseoulhui
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    My Father was a COVID19 patient and EMT did not take him to Hospital [NYC]

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 01:18 AM PDT

    My father was 58 yo and was tested positive for COVID19. He was doing fine with regular symptoms until one day I realized that he began wheezing. I counted how many breathes father took and it was over 40 breathes per minute (Normal person breathes is 12-20 per min). I decided it was time to call an ambulance to have the EMT check him to see if he must be taken to the hospital. We also informed them that my father was tested positive for COVID19. Right before the ambulance came I recorded my father and the way he was breathing and sent it to my girlfriend Becuase I knew it was not normal, but I'm also not a medical professional so that is why I called the ambulance.

    My father was laying down in his room on the second floor of my house. When the EMT arrive at my home, they told me that my father had to come down stairs for them to assess him. So I brought my father down stairs and the EMT began talking to him. Then the EMT then told my father that if he's having a hard time breathing laying down then he should sit up. They went on to ask my father "Do you feel if I do not take you to the hospital right now, you will die."

    Me and my father were in shock and didn't know how to answer the question. Father ended up saying "no, I don't feel like I will die" and they said ok and left. By them leaving I assumed that he was ok.

    However my girlfriend called me up and told me that she bought a pulse oximeter and she is going to my house so I could use it on my father. She said that once she seen my video she went to Walgreen to buy the pulse oximeter. When I finally got the pulse oximeter which was an hour after they left, I checked my father SPO2 level and it was at 55% ( EMTs must take you to hospital when your SPO2 falls below 85%) and his heart rate was slight elevated at 116 bpm while sitting I don't know if it was the virus that made his HR that level or if he was scared and or nervous. However at that moment I took my father to the Emergency room.

    A Few days later my father passed away. My father was a really good man. His passing actually left a hole in my family. He was loved by his family and his friends.

    Me and my family want to know if we can take legal action against the EMTs that went to "assess" my father. I talked to few of my friends who are also EMT and showed them a video of his breathing and that told me that the EMT should have checked his vital and took him to the hospital while on an O2 tank. These friends also told me that I should take legal action against the EMTs.

    Me and my family are not sure on how to handle this situation. We live in NYC so I'm not sure about laws and if we can use it to get my father justice. Since me and my family are currently still very distraught with the passing of my father, I'm here only asking for your opinions. Thank you so much for taking your time to read my family situation.

    Sorry for the really long post I tried to minimize it as best I can.

    submitted by /u/yaboy6_
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    Can a landlord increase the rent for sitting on your garage roof? [WA]

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Someone I know got a text from their landlord that their property management saw them sitting on the roof of their garage, and called their insurance who assessed that as an opportunity to increase insurance cost thereby increasing rent (going into effect this coming Monday). Is this legal? Is the insurance company just looking for a way to exploit the tenants?

    submitted by /u/balconysquid
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