• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    Legal Advice - An (update) I hoped I'd never have to post--my daughters mother has passed.

    Legal Advice - An (update) I hoped I'd never have to post--my daughters mother has passed.

    An (update) I hoped I'd never have to post--my daughters mother has passed.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/ek0lyl/update_nearly_3_months_later_about_the_kid_i/ (which links to my OP)

    I got a call this morning telling me that my daughter's mother had passed away; no other details at this time, most likely an overdose.

    I've recognized it as an inevitability, but I also hoped for a miracle for our girl's sake if not her own. You always cheer for people you loved at one point and especially so in this case.

    It's mixed relief and deep sadness. Legally there are going to be some things down the line here that will fall to me to deal with on behalf of our kid and I'm sure it'll come with questions I'll rely on you for.

    Our girl doesn't know yet; I let her sleep in this morning and she's still asleep. I don't know how I'm going to tell her and that's the part that gets me. She's going through some stuff of her own right now and this was the last thing I wanted for her.

    submitted by /u/apparentthrowaway79
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    My father has a tenant whose lease ended on the 31st but they won't leave. Now there is an emergency maintenance issue and they want him to pay for their accommodations.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    State of Iowa

    My father owns a rental property. It was previously his home, but after an injury two years ago he moved into a retirement complex and rented it out. He has recovered from his injury and has had major improvements in his overall health (it turns out a health concern was previously misdiagnosed, and now that it is correctly diagnosed and properly treated, his quality of life is hugely improved, which is super cool). He misses his home, doesn't like the retirement complex, decided to move back into it.

    He gave the current tenant notice in November 2019 that he would not be able to renew their lease because he is moving back into the home. He wanted to give them adequate notice that they would need to find a new place. They understood and used him as a reference on some applications which he received calls about.

    They did not pay March rent, but with everything going on with COVID he tried to be lenient. Since he had gotten calls for references for other rental applications he was confident they were moving and he didn't want to put up a huge fight over a month's rent with everything going on.

    On the 31st he arrived for their move out inspection and to get their keys and found that first of all they have not moved out. They say they cannot afford to move because of COVID. He proceeded with an inspection.

    Apparently there has been a leak in the basement for some time. The tenant has not reported any problems to my father, but when he asked they said they noticed it a few weeks ago, but they don't go into the basement and their lease was ending anyway, so they didn't worry about it. She says she hadn't been at the house for several weeks because she has been spending all her time with her boyfriend, but she came back to the house to meet my father to tell him she couldn't move out. So she didn't notice the chaos going on.

    Meanwhile, the basement does have two sump pumps but they are both unplugged. The tenant admitted to unplugging them a while back and never plugged them back in. The battery backups only last so long, they are meant for a power outage, so they have not been running.

    There has been major water damage. My dad brought in an emergency cleanup crew to remove standing water. Gas, water and power were temporarily turned off to the property. They now have a multi-stage process ahead involving removing everything that is wet or damaged, ensuring everything is safe to turn utilities back on, and then replacing things like the furnace and water heater etc.

    At this time the house is effectively condemned pending these repairs and cannot be lived in by the tenant. Now in normal circumstances for a tenant who has a current lease, my father would be paying for a hotel or whatever for her - but in this case, her lease was over several days ago and she was supposed to have moved out. She has not paid rent since February. My father is not opposed to paying for a hotel for her for SOME amount of time but the problem is - when does it end? Normally he would have to evict her, but evictions are on hold because of COVID, and how do you evict someone from a hotel arrangement when their lease is already over?

    The tenant is demanding that he prepay for at least a full month at a hotel "to start" as well as prepay for 3 months at a storage facility for her belongings.

    He has called several lawyers, no one can talk to him until next week, and we don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/helpmebethehelper
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    Can I deny entry to my apartment for non-essential reasons during the shelter in place?(CA)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    My landlord is asking for access to our apartment for a home appraisal during a very strict shelter in place. I really don't want to introduce anyone new into my apartment. I don't think home appraisals are essential during a shelter in place. I'm not sure if I want to make a ruckus about it, but would I be right to ask him to reschedule until after the shelter-in-place is lifted? Alameda Co, CA

    submitted by /u/StrangeMonk
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    [KS] Employer mandating that staff remain "locked down" at facility indefinitely. Will only pay for 16 hours out of every 24.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    I work at a small skilled nursing facility in Kansas. We recently received notice that they are planning to mandate a "lock down" as soon as we have a confirmed Covid-19 case within the resident population. At that point, they are requiring employees to "live" at the facility until the administration determines it is no longer necessary. The memo stated that employees who do not comply are not guaranteed further employment.

    Further, they are planning to pay is for 16 hours out of every 24 that the mandate is in effect. During this period we will not be able to leave the facility for any length of time unless we begin showing "serious" symptoms of the virus.

    So, what exactly is the legality of this situation? I understand that current events are requiring some dire solutions and I would not absolutely reject the idea of quarantining the facility, but I would have assumed that they would be paying us for the entirety of our time.

    submitted by /u/iron_parsnip
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    [PA] Was told by my employer that we would be reassigned to hospitals heavily impacted by covid-19 or that we would be fired.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I work for a large health care provider in Pennsylvania with multiple clinics in PA and a few in NJ. I was informed by my supervisor today that in the coming weeks we willed be reassigned to any area of the company's choosing and that if we refuse we will be fired. My main question was if we are reassigned far from home (i.e. one scenario presented to us would have me 4 hours from home) would housing be provided. I was told I wouldn't really know until I got to where I needed to go. Can the company really force me to commute 4 hours a day or send me somewhere with nowhere to stay? I don't particularly want to loose my job as I'm the only one in the house working at the moment, is there anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/throwawaynurse9
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    Paws stole my mom's dog (Aberdeen, WA)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    My mom took her dog to Paws for a behavioral training class since he's getting rowdy. They took the dog on a walk and apparently it supposedly bit the guy walking it and ran off. This dog has never bitten anyone, he's just big and rowdy and was getting rough with the smaller dogs. He's a 9 month old pup. So the dog was lost, my mom has been sick over it, and after a few days they 'found' the dog today. They are telling my mom they refuse to give him back and have tried to convince her they have the right to keep him. She's heart broken. I feel like there's no way this is legal though. Paws is a rescue, but not any sort of law enforcement. We need to know what we can do. My mom is older, retired, and they don't have a ton of money to dump on lawyers or anything.

    submitted by /u/Srianen
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    Stimulus Check and 2020 Taxes

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    Stimulus Check and 2020 Taxes

    I have been hearing many different stories about these checks, and am hesitant about spending this money.. I have heard that this is either 1. A tax rebate/refund that was already going to be out in place for when we file for our 2020 so it would be as if I was filing normally just without this extra rebate or 2. We would be basically be in the hole $1,200 to start with and we would have to hope our rebates/refunds would end up covering the cost of the stimulus check... So we wouldn't owe at the end of this... Can anyone clarify what this all ends up meaning for our taxes???

    submitted by /u/08Mariner
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    I’m 17 and Debt Collectors are after me

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    My PayPal account was compromised for $700, they have sent me to ACI Debt Collectors, I don't know what to do and I am extremely afraid what can happen (I lost my debit card during December in a family party and they accessed my PayPal account, some of my family members do know my debit pin and Passwords to emails, which is my fault for having so much trust. They had 3 anonymous sources send money to my PayPal for all together $700, which were all charged back and now ACI is after me)

    submitted by /u/Gold_Mango
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    [NYC] Harassment via smart TV cast requests?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I live in a small building (<10 units). In unit "X", there is an elderly couple.

    I live in a different unit, and have a smart TV. I keep getting requests to cast to my smart TV, and the device requesting to cast has the name "Apt X die already you old bitch."

    I believe I know which apartment is doing this. Obviously, they are mistaken if they think my TV belongs to the elderly couple in apartment X.

    If the culprit is who I think it is, then they've been causing other issues with the landlord as well. However, I know there's a stay on evictions in NYC until June so I'm not sure what he could do about it.

    Is there anything I can or should do about this, given that the harassment is not actually directed at me?

    submitted by /u/youdontknowme8888
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    Clarification: Do we pay back the US stimulus check and/or extra unemployment benefits?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    I have recently been furloughed by my company due to COVID-19. I applied for unemployment and should begin receiving benefits soon. I'm pregnant with my first child and am trying to make the best financial and physical decisions for our growing family.

    I've read a couple of things about this new stimulus package from the federal government and want to clarify a couple of things relevant to my situation:

    1) Do we have to pay back the $1,200 ($2,400 for married couples like my husband and me, who are well under the $150,000 income threshold) in our 2020 taxes? For example, if we owe 0 after calculating our 2020 taxes, will we actually owe a total of $2,400 because the stimulus check was an "advance" on any refund? If we calculate a refund of $3,000, would we only get back $600?

    2) Regarding the extra $600/week for unemployment benefits, I have the same question. Will this be paid back at some point later on? Regular unemployment benefits are taxed locally and federally, and I have the choice to have these withheld in each weekly benefits payment. I have no information on the extra money unemployment is supposed to be providing and whether I will have to pay it back.

    My plan is to just put as much as possible into savings besides necessities at this point because we don't want to end up in a bind down the road when baby is here. Thanks in advance for the help!

    Stay safe out there.

    submitted by /u/cooked_khaleesi
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    My state has issued rules about maintaining 6 foot distance from coworkers while working. My job is forcing hundreds of people to work in close proximity.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    I work at a chicken processing plant in maintenance. With the current covid 19 epidemic, my state of delaware has issued rules for all essential businesses still operating that 6 feet of space must be kept between employees. The company I work for is completely ignoring this and making employees work shoulder to shoulder on all the lines in the plant. Literally hundreds of employees crammed close together. Last week a supervisor tested positive for the virus and I fear it's a matter of time before I get it. I have an elderly father that lives with me that's recovering from stage 4 cancer and I fear if he gets the virus, it could be life threatening. I've only been with the company for about a month so I'm not sure how to proceed without losing my job.

    submitted by /u/Leerrroooyyy_Jenkins
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    Roommate threatened my life as well as others', do I have any legal way to get out of my lease? (CA)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    TLDR: Roommate has gone absolutely bat-shit insane over the corona virus, entered a manic psychosis, stockpiled weapons, and is seeing threats everywhere. I fled the premises and have absolutely no intention of returning, what do I do to get out of the lease? (Location: Southern California.)

    I (28M) moved into an apartment with an old friend (35M) in August of 2019. We have both been sober for many years, which is relevant to the next paragraph.

    Things had been going just fine up until about a month ago, when I started smelling pot around the apartment. I didn't bring it up right away, as it didn't bother me terribly, and I figured he'd probably bring it up when he was ready to talk about it. A couple of weeks go by, and as I'm getting home from work, he tells me he needs to talk to me. He admits to me that he's been smoking for a few weeks, and begins crying, saying he feels terrible that he jeopardized my sobriety by doing it in our place, and that he's going to stop immediately. This was my first clue something might be off; I've never seen him show a single shred of emotion other than happiness, he's normally a very easy-going guy, so this emotional outburst was a bit of a surprise. But no big deal, sometimes we all get a little sad, no red flags set off yet.

    About 2 weeks ago, he starts acting a little strange. He tells me that he "keeps seeing kids skateboarding around the neighborhood, kids that he's never seen before", and asks if I "find that suspicious at all." He tells me that a "different mailman" delivered our mail the other day than the usual one, and he thinks "some government entity might be trying to look through our mail." These are just a few instances, but clearly he's beginning to develop some pretty serious paranoia.

    6 days ago, things really began to escalate. He comes into my bedroom Saturday evening and goes on a tirade. He says, "Look, I don't see you stockpiling food, I don't see you stockpiling water, I never hear you wash your hands, you're going to get the Corona virus from one those little fuckers at your job," (I work in the drug and alcohol treatment industry, so we get clients in from all over the country, some of whom have been living on the streets), "and you're going to get ME infected, and KILL ME. We are literally in the end of days here, so if you're not going to start taking this thing seriously, I think I might have to find a new fucking roommate!" There was more said, but that was the general vibe of the next twenty minutes of conversation. I tried to speak as calmly and patiently as I could, explaining that I wasn't alright with being addressed in such a hostile manner, but to no avail. Now, I'm not a small guy, 6'1'', 170 pounds, but he's got a hundred pounds on me, and things were starting to get a bit scary. It got so bad that I took my keys, went outside, and just sat in my car and cried, I felt so unsafe and unsettled.

    The next day, I got home from work, immediately packed a suitcase without saying a word to my roommate, and left to go stay at my girlfriend's for a few days, hoping things might cool off. Over the next few days, I got calls and text from him constantly, asking if I was ready to take things seriously, demanding I purchase cases of water and cleaning supplies, etc. I responded to a few of them, letting him know, for example, that I'd looked for cleaning supplies at several stores after getting off work, and there simply weren't any. His response to that was, "You've got to do more than just look!" As if I could somehow make bleach from scratch or something. He also continued with his accusations that I was going to "be guilty of manslaughter" when I ended up infecting him with the Corona virus.

    Flash forward to tonight, Thursday evening. I decided to go back to my apartment after work to see how things were, and if we could have a peaceful conversation, perhaps discussing breaking our lease if he honestly felt I was endangering him. As soon as I pulled up, I knew something was up. Our downstairs neighbor, who I've spoken about two words to ever, came up and asked if my roommate was doing ok. He explained that my roommate had come into their front door while he was not home, and scared that bajesus out of his wife and their young daughter, telling them they weren't safe here. I apologized profusely, then went inside. The place is a mess. There's half built shelves all over the place, cleaning supplies and PVC pipe scattered about the floor, and the windows have had boards nailed across them on the inside! Before I could even begin a conversation, my roommate says, "I'm leaving. Possibly tonight, maybe first thing tomorrow, but I'm getting the fuck out of here, and you should too. It's not safe here." I ask him about our rent, to which he says he paid it. I explain that we still have a few months on our lease, and what about the rest of the rent? He tells me very aggressively to "chill out." I'm speaking as calmly and passively as possible. He steps outside and I overhear him flag down a couple walking with their baby in a stroller, telling them that it's not safe here, and they really should leave, because things are about to get dangerous. He then makes a few phone calls, trying to recruit friends to come with him "over the mountains, where it's safe." He won't stop talking about how, "literally, the purge is going down in this town TONIGHT. There's gonna be blood in the streets." **He tells one of these friends that he's "armed to the teeth, and won't hesitate to blast any motherfucker away." ** Up until now, I had no idea he owned any firearms, but upon hearing this, I now realize, things have gotten serious; I've got to get the hell out of here.

    I immediately begin packing away as much of my clothes and valuables as possible, ready to carry whatever I can to the car and never look back. He sees me carrying a box and says he'll come with me, to protect me, and follows me to my car while carrying a baseball bat. He follows me back inside and shuts the door, and says that I really should wait until the movers get here for his stuff, that I shouldn't go outside again. I explain that I'll be going to my girlfriend's, to keep her safe, to which he says that's a great idea. (At this point I'm saying whatever I have to in order to placate him.) He gives me a hug and then says that I better make sure I've got everything I need, because the next time someone opens the front door, he's "blowing them away." He then grabs a box of my things, I grab another, and we go to my car. Another car drives by as we're crossing the street, and suddenly he flips. He forces his baseball bat into my hand and says to leave the stuff we just brought out and go immediately, because, "That guy that just drove by had 2 AR assault rifles in his car and he was eyeballing us!" He throws my stuff into the car and yells, "Just go! Get the fuck out of here! Stay safe!" I pull away, heading for my girlfriend's, and immediately call 911. I explain the situation, that my roommate has been in a week-long manic episode, he's seeing things and is delusional, the whole "purge" thing, that he is armed, and I've fled the premises in fear of my own safety, and that the police should come, lest he hurt himself, or God forbid any of our neighbors. The operator tells me that without someone there that has a key, all they can do is a welfare check. I say, fine, do whatever you can please, but I'm not going back there. And that's that.

    So, I've now moved in with my girlfriend, left my mattress and TV and a few other things behind, ready to never set foot in that place again.

    **My question now is, what do I do in regards to getting my name off that lease?

    I've got screenshots of his erratic texts, video footage of the absurd state of the place before my departure, neighbors testimonies, and the record of a 911 call on my phone. Is this enough to get me out of the lease without having to see or speak to the roommate ever again? I'm just so relieved that I'm safe... but what do I do now? I left for fear for my life, but now I don't know what to do about leaving our apartment abandoned while my name is still tied to the lease. Do I have any recourse whatsoever?

    submitted by /u/SighBafanada
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    Due to COVID-19, My Business had its locks changed

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    This is in New Jersey. Prior to him changing the locks, we asked the landlord for reduced rent due to the business closing as it was non-essential. Rent was due today and I could not pay the full amount. When I went to get supplies, the landlord had already switched the locks. Is there any recourse?

    submitted by /u/Willjeong
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    MA- 3D printing mask for nurse neighbor

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Hi all, my neighbor is a nurse at a reputed hospital chain near my home. She shared with me earlier today that they have acute shortage of masks in their hospital and she has been using the same mask for about 2 weeks now ( they should be changing them with every patient).

    After hearing about that I learned about some open source design of 3d printable masks that are online. One of them is from a doctor in montana (https://www.billingsclinic.com/foundation/3d-printed-surgical-mask/)

    The mask came out great and has been tested by a doctor who designed it. The license is open for use as well. I asked the nurse whether the mask is ok to use at her hospital for her since it's not coming through procurement etc and she said that she's happy to use it as she and her colleagues have been cowboying them since the pandemic.

    Would I be in any legal trouble by giving her the mask?

    submitted by /u/probingoduke
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    Slightly scratched my friends car now I have to pay $5000 in repairs

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Hello everyone I'll try my best to be detailed as possible but please help me I'm in a pinch.

    In Cali btw

    So I had this SO who drove a Tesla Model 3 and every now and then she would let me drive it. One day on a roadtrip I accidentally scraped the curb and so there was a small scratch (about the size of half a pen). Since I caused the damage I verbally agreed to pay for it and I'm not sure if it counts but I did say I would pay for it again in text. The trouble is now that we've broken up she decided that instead of repainting the small scratch she wants to replace the entire bumper that would very likely cost around $5000. I was just wondering if there was any legal way to minimize the costs. I'm a college student I don't have the money for this. Though I am still saving up. I know it was my fault and I feel terrible but I don't have that kind of money.

    Anything advice can help me greatly. Thanks! And stay safe AND WASH YOUR HANDS PLEASE.

    submitted by /u/AccomplishedParking4
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    Hit and run by a drunk driver, should I give his insurance the dash cam video?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    Using a throwaway account due to the legal implications of this case. Hoping to get some advice from this amazing community. Short version of what happened: I was driving on the highway, the cars ahead of me started slowing down and I did the same. I was rear ended from behind pretty hard because the driver didn't stop in time. The other driver then changed lanes and took the next exit, fleeing the scene.

    I called 911, the highway patrol responded and took my statement. I agreed to email over the dash cam footage to the officer. I went to the ER and by sheer luck, the police officer located the vehicle that hit me. Apparently the other driver had driven ~10 miles from the scene and his car broke down - forcing him to call a tow truck. The officer confirmed the plate using my video and pulled over the tow truck. This was less an hour after the accident and the owner of the other vehicle was drunk, and IN the tow truck. The officer arrested him for drunk driving and took his statement (in which he admits to being in the accident involving my car but claims I fled the scene). Using the police report, I was able to get the other drivers insurance information and start a claim with them.

    Now for the tricky part: The other driver is dodging the calls from his insurance company. His insurance company is saying they won't cover my bodily injury claim because "they can't confirm the driver in the accident." I provided the police report to my insurance AND his insurance - and in the police report he ADMITS to being in the accident. They are also pressuring me into providing them the dash cam footage without any real justification as to why. I even asked if providing it would provide what they need to cover my claim and they said no, they just want to have it on file.

    Things I'm trying to figure out:

    1. Do they have any actual grounds for denying my claim? How it is possible that their insured driver hits me, flees the scene, and I'm stuck with $15,000+ of bills from the car repair and my medical bills??
    2. Do I need to hire a lawyer?
    3. Should I give them the dash cam video? Is there any incentive to do so? I don't have anything to hide but I'm worried they'll somehow try to use it to claim that my injuries aren't justified or something.

    Edit to include my location: Bay Area, CA.

    Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/carthrowaway22334
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    Landlord forged signatures on a different lease

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Posting for my gf.

    As the title implies, her landlord forged signatures and put them on a new, notably different lease, to what was signed. There are other concerning things that he's done and been doing but this far that is the most blatantly illegal. What are some next steps I can help her and her housemates with? Location: Ontario, Canada

    submitted by /u/2disc
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    Can I change which parent has custody of myself?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    I'm turning 17 in two months. I'm currently split 50/50 custody between my mom and dad. I want my mom to have full custody of me. I wouldn't say my dad is abusive he just always talks down to me, says how terrible I am, and compares me to everyone else on how much better I can do. I talked to my dad about this and he was outraged and wouldn't talk to me for a month. I'm not sure what to do. All I know is that i don't want to live with him. I'm female if that matters at all. What can I do?

    Edit: I'm in Florida

    submitted by /u/Throwawayyyyyyyyeah
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    Can NYC Landlord increase rent for the indefinite stay of an Occupant?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    Landlord is threatening to increase rent if an additional occupant stays in the dwelling, and cites a clause in our lease restricting occupancy to tenants and spouses. Is this legal?

    I live with family X in a multi-family home in NYC, 3 tenants total in our unit. When COVID-19 was ramping up, prior to stay-in-place recommendations, one of my roommates invited her boyfriend to stay at our apartment for emotional support, as we expected that travel would soon be restricted. The other decided to stay with her respective boyfriend in another city. Currently, there are 3 people (2 tenants, 1 occupant) that are staying in our apartment. Occupant has no intent of staying in the apartment long-term after the stay-in-place recommendations are lifted.

    Lease is a common template found online; lease states that it's prepared by an L.L.B. We are aware of RPL 235-f but unsure of its application in our scenario.

    Things that may affect the scenario:

    · Rent is exchanged by tenants and not the occupant

    · Occupant has an active lease elsewhere

    · Occupant has received a package at our house

    · Occupant does not have keys but has used them to run errands

    · Occupant has likely not stayed more than 14 days consecutively at a time, but may have exceeded that number of days over the span of a month

    · We have mentioned the occupant's name in text and identified them as the occupant within 30 days of their arrival

    submitted by /u/iamyaokingoftherock
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    Real estate transaction cancellation, earnest money & COVID

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    My wife and I were shopping for a home in California. We made an offer 3/7 and it was accepted 3/10 with a 10 day inspection contingency and a 14 day loan contingency, and no current home sale contingency. Close date to be 4/3.

    Meanwhile we began the process to list our current home.

    A couple days later the COVID situation exploded, and the next week California imposed quarantine.

    We proceeded with inspections and obtaining loan approval. We lifted the inspection contingency but did NOT lift the loan contingency although we did get loan approval.

    10 days after our offer was accepted and 1 day after quarantine was imposed we listed our home for sale. The listing was a flop, presumably due to COVID / quarantine/ economic anxieties.

    Both my wife and I are still employed but I have reason to believe my employer and my wife's employer are struggling and neither of us believes our income secure. We have also experienced significant but not back breaking losses in wealth tied to stocks.

    So we'd like to cancel the transaction based on our sudden increase in risk of non-performance on the loan, caused by income uncertainty and a decrease in the value of existing assets. Assets inclusive of current home, but not exclusively so.

    Our seller wants to keep the deposit, saying we secured a loan so that contingency isn't valid and we're not acting in good faith.

    Obviously we'd like to get our deposit back. Can we?

    Other wrinkles that may or may not be relevant: 1. Seller has relisted without signing cancellation 2. Seller conditioned our offer acceptance on us using their preferred lender. That lender then told seller that we were only backing out because our listing was a flop.

    submitted by /u/BadAssNatTurner
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    Ex-girlfriend is cyberstalking me and exploiting personal information about me online. What can I do?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    To start if we are both 23, we met on a dating app and she was in an open relationship. I wanted to be friends only, by the second day of us chatting she opened up to me about her spouse being physically abusive towards her. So I tried to help her get out of that environment/situation. She wanted to move in with me in the beginning just after 2 months of knowing eachother and I said no since I live with family which made her upset. She was then able to get a job, a place and a car in my city away from her abusive spouse. We then ended falling for eachother and got into a relationship though I felt she wasn't over. At this point she was going in the process of separation to divorce. To note she's from holland, Canada is not her home country. She moved for her spouse.

    2 months later we ended up breaking up. I have underlying mental illnesses and was triggered often by her behaviour. After the breakup she sent me constant texts explaining how awful I am consecutively, when I wouldn't answer she would keep sending me texts that often didn't make sense. It came to a point where we lost contact after a few days, and she messaged me saying she's in the hospital psych ward. Telling me it was severe so I rush to the hospital, turns out she went to the hospital to make me realize that I'm missing out on her and that I would amend things. After she dropped me off,and was swearing at me until I got to my car.

    I then proceeded to block her on everything. First was my phone, so she started emailing and messaging me on whatsapp, after I blocked her on whatsapp, she started contacting my brother, friends, and calling my mother. With them giving her limited information she then got her mom and bestfriend to message me to go see her.

    The problem is I only have screenshots of the messages from whatsapp, text messages and emails. My friends do too and my family still have the messages as well. She called my friends constantly and my mom to ask how I am on multiple occasions.

    Recently she found my Reddit where I posted about my experience in this relationship. I had blocked her on Reddit but she was still able to find my post and commented it on it exploiting my mental illness diagnosis, personal information and talking very bad about me.

    At this point I can't keep this up. She called me from the hospitals line last night to tell me she's in the hospital since I had her blocked on my cellphone. I'm in distress and need help.

    submitted by /u/razinbox
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    Mice in apartment. Landlord non-responsive

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    [Pennsylvania] On Sunday evening the fiancé and I are on the couch watching TV when 2 mice come out from under the couch and run across the floor... disappear into the bathroom. Upon investigation we find a chewed hole in the corner of the bathroom. We also find where they're going between the fridge and pantry. We also find a hole in the floorboards, and a potential hole in our bedroom.

    Note. The apartment is in a 4 floor converted furniture warehouse

    We communicated all of this through the online portal provided for communicating with the landlord He responded surprisingly quickly being a Sunday night.

    I then posted pictures and updates. He responded saying the superintendent would drop off mouse traps outside our door Monday morning (another note. There were already 4 sticky traps in the apartment since we moved in 6 months ago. HVAC closet. Under bathroom sink. water heater closet. Under kitchen sink)

    Monday. No mouse traps by our door We find that there is a mouse trapped in sticky trap in hvac closet. (We blocked it in there Sunday night)

    Monday evening. I text the super directly. He tells me I can go down to laundry room and take mouse trap that they have down there. No other traps delivered or offered.

    Now (Thursday evening)... landlord has gone radio silent to all messages regarding mice. No mouse traps (we ended up buying our own from Home Depot) We requested an exterminator to come (who upon quick google search is still servicing homes even with covid-19) We requested all holes be filled and the apartment be looked at. Although the landlord has responded to other requests and questions that we posted through the same portal, no responses to this specific thread

    We ran into our neighbour waiting for the elevator two days ago. I asked if they'd had any issues with mice. He kinda rolled his eyes and said yes, we'd be better dealing with it on our own.

    Are we within our rights to ask other neighbours on our floor if they have mice as well?

    I noticed tonight in the garage alone there are a further 4 mouse traps...

    What options do we have here?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/filetsfancybitch
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    Ex wife can’t pay child support

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:58 AM PDT


    I've had full custody of my children for almost 2 years. My ex abused the children and put us through the ringer in court. She refused to settle in any way shape or form. After a long battle I was able to win custody but through draining every money I had and she also received a huge amount from my retirement.

    Recently I received a phone call from courts for remediation. They want to remediate because she lost her job and can't pay CS due to the virus. I agreed to the remediation session but want to know what are my options before I go to remediation. The money is not much at all as she pays minimum BUT it is very helpful when it comes to groceries and activities for the kids.

    Should I say I can only delay for few months? How do I explain how much I need this money for the children.

    I'm new to reddit so sorry about my bad etiquette in posting.

    Location: United States

    submitted by /u/ikeacup23
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