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    Saturday, April 4, 2020

    Legal Advice - Long Overdue Update: Neighbor is shit-bombing my front yard

    Legal Advice - Long Overdue Update: Neighbor is shit-bombing my front yard

    Long Overdue Update: Neighbor is shit-bombing my front yard

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Update to https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/9o3ge9/neighbor_is_shitbombing_my_front_yard/

    Hi everyone! Remember me? I sure forgot about you...but not intentionally! Please accept my sincerest apologies. My wife and I have been on all sorts of adventures - moving out of the state, living in an RV with too many cats, a meth-crazed former friend going on a rampage, and delirious dad dementia drama - it has been a wild ride. You can thank everyone's new best buddy, CoVID-19, for providing me with the time (AKA being in quarantine) to remember to get on this. A shout out goes to a couple of to -remain-unnamed Redditors for poking at me to finally update.

    The shit-bombing neighbor situation ended up having a different resolution than we could have ever imagined. As you may or may not remember, we were planning on talking to his kids. The next time someone rolled around we pounced, talking to his son. It turns out they suspected ol' turd tosser was suffering from early onset dementia. That led to a "Well...fuck" moment. Where some people get all loopy and nice or just shut down altogether, crap cannon turned into a Grade A Asshole. I could relate completely: my father also suffers from dementia and, just like feces flinger, he was gone enough to be a huge fucking nuisance for anyone unfortunate enough to be around him but not far enough for the kids to get guardianship. Just like us, they were waiting for the shit to hit the fan (pun intended) so the authorities would step in, an evaluation could be done, and they might get some legal leverage on their dookie dumping daddy's bad behavior.

    So we set up a camera on that part of our yard and waited until he did it again. He never dumped shit in the yard again - we're guessing the son talked to him - but he did take his dog over to drop a deuce in our yard. Evidence in hand, we called the police, kept it to "just the facts" (Thanks, Joe Friday), and hoped they'd do something. They talked to shit shoveler, he promised to knock it off, and you know what? He actually stopped. We moved shortly thereafter and heard a few months later from the new tenants (they're friends of ours) that his property is for sale. I'm guessing the kids finally got him the help he needs.

    Everyone hug now: happy ending!

    Mods, feel free to leave comments open at your discretion, I deserve some chiding for taking an entire year to update.

    submitted by /u/SoleInvictus
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    My partners neighbour stole her plants and is now publicly displaying them. Anything we can do?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    This is in Australia.

    I know it might not sound like much, but the plants (along with an entire mesh wall and a stone garden bench) were stolen on the very first night my partner received her new home.

    She put the plants in the back yard (behind a fence), came back the next morning with the rest of her stuff and they're all gone. The house had been vacant for months before this, so it appeared to be either a random theft with bad timing for us, or someone saw her move the plants there and stole the stuff that night. The stone bench would have been really heavy too, hard to imagine one person hoisting it over their shoulder and carrying it away to their car. Basically it was hard to imagine a random thief targeting her house for plants, a few square meters of mesh and a stone bench, and easier to imagine an opportunistic neighbour heaving the stuff to their place.

    Anyway, she decided not to file a report with the police, considering she couldn't prove who took the plants etc. (and maybe this seemed a bit trivial in the context of these hectic times we're living in). She got new plants which haven't been stolen. However, we had a closer look today in the front yard of her very loud, bogan neigbours who live almost directly across from her. The garden bench and a few of the plants are sitting in their front yard in plain view.

    We called the police but they said they have to say we complained when investigating the property. Obviously it seems very likely they'll deny they stole the stuff and then who knows how nasty they could be to her after that. They really do seem like not the nicest people from what we've seen of them, a big family too. The police also said that this would likely become a property dispute, and that the courts are clogged due to the Covid-19 situation.

    We're a bit stumped with what to do next. A police officer has given us her number and said if we want, she'll go over there and ask them about it tomorrow. We have photos of the plants before they were stolen which we think might be able to prove possession. We've also wondered about writing a less confrontational letter about getting the stuff back in the hopes of a more positive response.

    I know this might seem a bit OTT but the plants have a lot of sentimental value to my partner (she got them after a traumatic incident). And the arrogance of the neighbours to just publicly display her stuff like that in the plain sight of their front yard does not bode well with either of us.

    Does anyone have any thoughts as to how best we should approach this situation? Would this likely become a property dispute with a drawn out court process if we pushed this any further?

    Any help would be hugely appreciated.

    submitted by /u/tupolski15
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    Fired for no call no show last night Florida

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    last 2 weeks the buffet style restaurant i work at has been on reduced hours due to covid19, all of those two weeks i was called night before and had my shift canceled, so 0 hours for the last two weeks even though i was scheduled for 36.

    last night the schedule for entire crew was changed to a midnight to 9am shift without notice even though we do not open to the public until 10 am and close at 11 pm.

    every employee was fired for no call no show, and after speaking the management they said they will deny unemployment if we apply for it.

    this is a national chain of restaurants, i have not been able to reach corporate at any number, my website login no longer works, HR number goes to a dead line, no answer.

    i know Florida is an at will employment state but can they change the schedule for every employee without any notice? i'm pretty sure they have to give us at least some heads up beforehand.

    submitted by /u/lathrowaway5656876
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    My employer is "unlaying" me off, what can I do?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I live in Texas. Two weeks ago, my employer laid off the staff due to the covid situation. I filed for unemployment and got approved. Today I received a call from work saying that they are undoing the layoff and that I am supposed to come in to work, however I am only allowed to be working 2 days a week (with pay equal to only 2 days). If I refuse, they will contest my unemployment claim because I am now "quitting" my job. I am in the at-risk demographic for covid. I suspect he is doing this to avoid some sort of financial or business repercussions for laying people off, but I am not well versed in that area. Is there anything I can do? I do not want to return to work for obvious safety reasons, and my place of work is far from "essential", but I cannot go without unemployment benefits.

    EDIT: Hello everyone, thank you for your advice and words. After further investigation, it seems I did not get "laid off" but they simply reduced my hours to zero indefinitely (at the time) but kept me on payroll. After I (and other coworkers) filed for unemployment, they have magically found 10 or so hours for everyone and have called them back into work this week. I do qualify for partial unemployment (25%) but that plus my 10 hr a week paycheck is not comparable to what I had before, in addition to the risks of having to come to work (I am an at-risk demographic, so this is particularly concerning).

    I have confirmed with the unemployment office. I have no idea why, but my place of employment was not ordered to shut down and so if I were to turn this down, it would count as "voluntarily quitting" and I would not receive any unemployment. Seriously, this company is not essential business. I don't know if they were explicitly allowed to stay open, or just not told to close. If there was some way to anonymously report to the local government to review whether this place should close, I would. Obviously the current situation is not conducive to find another job, so those are my only two choices.

    submitted by /u/garland_throwaway
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    [TX] Employer not paying referral bonus due to economic down turn

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    My company had offered a referral bonus for recommending a potential candidate for my workplace. The condition was that the employee had to make it past a certain time frame of work.

    I had recommended an acquaintance, who was hired. Due to how my workplace's payroll works, the bonus was to be on my most current paycheck (a month past the timeframe the new hire needed to be with the company) but was not.

    I brought this up to my supervisor who said he'd look into it. He got back to me saying that they unfortunately are no longer continuing the referral program and that I would not be receiving a bonus due to the current economic climate.

    The referral bonus is roughly equal to a months pay, which is fairly substantial for me - especially since my company is talking about possibly needing to cut jobs if things don't turn around by the end of April.

    Am I out of luck here? I didn't sign any sort of contract. I haven't checked any of my hiring paperwork for this, but I don't recall it stating anything about this program.

    submitted by /u/MrFette
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    (Louisiana) I have a 16M teen who keeps running away.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    I have a 16M teen who keeps leaving to be around with friends, despite coronavirus and stay at home orders. I've tried talking to him; he doesn't want to talk. He refuses to acknowledge how dangerous his behavior can be. Is there a legal solution to this where the police can require him to stay home and punish him if he doesn't or something similar? It is getting out of hand now.

    submitted by /u/throw-away93993993
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    Custody/CPS Advice for a friend

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:34 AM PDT


    This is my first time posting here but I will try to make it short:

    Last night a friend called me and I could tell he was distressed. He and his wife are divorced and share joint custody of their son who is just below 2 years old. The son was at the mother's home and it was her turn to keep him. My friend told me that he was on his way to the children's hospital because the mom's father had gotten drunk, fell, and landed on the child. The kid was unresponsive until late last night and the doctors have said that the child has a head injury and a possible neck injury. The mother does not work and was home when this happened.

    So my legal question is:

    My friend knows the circumstances of how the child was harmed and I know he doesn't want to cause the mother to lose custody of the child, but is he at risk of getting into serious trouble if he doesn't report her? This definitely seems like something that CPS will be looking into. Could she lose her custody?

    Edit: This happened in Alabama


    Update: Thank you for all of the advice. To clarify, my friend never mentioned not reporting the truth to CPS, he was far too concerned with the status of his son's health; however, I asked the question due to previous conversation he and I have had about him wanting the mother to be a part of the child's life (he has another child with a different woman and has had minor issues with her treatment of the child). I just wanted the information on legal repercussions to help reinforce why he SHOULD report it. He told the full truth to the hospital staff and CPS was notified and is taking action. Nothing serious, like having the child removed from the home, but they will be carrying out follow-up visits with the mother.

    Once again, thank you all for the advice. It is nice to see a community that will advocate so strongly for a child even if they do not know them.

    submitted by /u/The-Sandman-1
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    Moved in to an apartment in which the heaters do not work, landlord says the best thing I can do is move out

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    And we all know thats some heavy BS. My gf and I moved into this apartment on March 1st. We have been without heat since day one and the landlord has refused to do anything about it. I have never rented before and wasn't aware of every little detail I had to check, like how if there is a pipe leading to a heater, its probably oil or gas. Well, the LL has no interest in helping us other than by offering an electric heater.

    I'll start from the beginning. When we first contacted the LL in Feb. about a different apartment, he told us it wasnt in our price range (I never mentioned what I could afford) and claimed this other one was better. He said it was unlocked for viewing, so we went and took a look at it. First thing we noticed was how cold it was. Absolutely freezing, as I currently am now. But I shrugged it off because there were three heaters; one for the kitchen, one for the bedroom, and one open-range heater in the living room. We didnt have many other options, so we decided to just go with it and ask to meet him. So we took another 1.5 hour trip back out. We waited in the apartment for 30 minutes, so we checked to see if any utilities were on. No electricity, no running water, no propane. The LL finally shows up, but a woman and a child with a massive dog are there as well. He never mentioned anything about bringing his family, which was wildly uncomfortable and distracting for us. The LL proceeds to show us a few details around the house, like unpainted spots, a crack in the kitchen window, and the living room view. I asked if any of the heaters were electric and he said the kitchen and bedroom were, while the living room is propane. He said the deposit was $100. My dumbass believed him. Even without utilities on (which I wasnt aware is required in NY when viewing an apartment) we signed the "lease", which is really just a month to month agreement, and he asks for $650 in security and $325 to hold it for the month of february, so a total of $975. I later come to find out you cant charge more than a months rent in security in NY, and he basically charged us half a months rent for a month he claimed we couldnt live there. At a later date I noticed he marked down that the stove and heaters as working, when the propane wasnt even on to test them. I felt stupid letting for letting that slip. Fast forward to the middle of March when we try to get propane and we're told the deposit is $465. Whhhhhat the f***! Fortunately my gf's mother was able to put it on credit so we could at least get an inspector in there. The inspector walks up the stairs into the apartment saying "Wow, Im surprised you guys want propane. Everyone who lived here used electric heaters." I was baffled to hear that, and even more baffled when he tried getting the stove and heaters to start. It took this man over 15 minutes with a propane torch to get the heater on, which it fizzled out shortly after. He tried the oven, which the ignitor didnt work and again he had to use the torch. Bedroom heater didnt start up at all. He pointed to the openrange and said it's technically illegal to use those as the main source of heat because there is no external exhaust, so we'd have to keep a window open to use it. I flat out told him to turn the meter off and to write us a statement, because at this point I was infuriated that I had gotten conned into this. The inspector had been here 3 other times in the past, and said the LL refuses to deal with them or fix anything. I texted the LL and told him everything that I was annoyed with, in which he replies "Im sorry for your unhappiness, we I'll bring a heater over." I told him I didn'twant it because it would be harder on my electricity bill. He came over to have a face to face conversation. I made him go outside so if anything happened the whole neighborhood would see. I told him about the heaters and he takes me around back to show me an exhaust that isnt even hooked up to the livingroom heater. I him not to treat me like an idiot and to handle this responsibly instead of fucking around. He started getting loud with me and getting irritated, which then my gf interjected and mentioned the utilities were off so how could he prove anything. He said he "assumed" they worked and that he's sorry we couldnt afford a place with nothing included. I told him I wouldnt have moved in had he been honest about everything.I out right told him he needs to fix this or he's not getting rent. He had no interest in hearing and word for word said "Take me to court or move out." So thats why Im here. Im aware of my rights under the Fair Tenant Housing Act and educated myself to the best of my ability, Im just not sure what steps to take from here. I plan on documenting all conversations Ive had with him while highlighting the key details. I also plan to contact my countie's code officer. Thank you for any advice!

    Edit: For clarification, I have been using 3 heaters. Ive tried every outlet and the two heaters we have, that are capable of warming the whole house, keep flipping the breakers. The lowest temperature Ive recorded in here at night is 37°.

    submitted by /u/Rahk1031
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    City is forcing residents to gives reasons why they need assistance then gatekeeping approvals and forcing to sign undisclosed interest rates

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Location: Michigan

    My city has currently been forcing sidewalk repairs using a contractor. The entire ordeal has been a huge mess, but recently I received a huge bill from them. They did provide an estimate almost 3 full years ago now but it was well expired and stated it was by no means a final or accurate bill. The final bill has a due date of 60 days from when dated (April 1st dated, asking for payment by May 29th), and is asking for more than my mortgage payment (including insurance and PMI) which is part of my issue.

    The letter offers a payment assistance program. To get into this program, you have to submit a written application and declare why you deserve it. If your reason is deemed worthy, they will grant you 3 years to pay it off. The kicker being that they say "plus an annual interest rate to be determined by Council" yet they require you to sign the agreement agreeing to this.

    Is the practice of forcing residents to disclose reasons and gatekeeping payment plans legal? Similarly is it legal for them to use these question mark variable rates? One of the previous documents mentioned something around 15% APR which is insane and im afraid it could be higher but I cant afford the single payment with everything going on .

    Thanks in advance!

    Sidewalk application: http://imgur.com/a/B0oiE1d

    submitted by /u/nickkycubba
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    Husband's [33M] grandmother [75F] has stolen our camper and refuses to tell us where it is.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Thanks for looking into my chaotic little world when the whole world is such a crazy place.

    So, my husband and I lived with his grandmother a few months at the end of last year to save money for our own property. My husband built her a beautiful deck in her side yard (free of charge) and we paid a modest rent to her bimonthly. Everything was fine until it wasn't.

    Come Christmastime, she had an emotional meltdown as she said her late husband loved Christmas. No other previous issues at all. This wild mood swing and the extremely unkind things she said to us (on Christmas!) prompted us to initiate the process of using the money we saved for a rental deposit instead.

    We stored our camper on her property during the time we lived there and she agreed we could store it there until we could get someone to help us move and store it.

    Last month, we were informed by my husband's brother who lives very close to their grandmother that he saw a man towing our camper away. She said nothing to us about doing so.

    We have tried to reach out to her, his aunts, and cousins. No one will tell us who she gave our camper to or where it is now. We are pretty sure one of them has it and just wants to keep it for themselves.

    Reluctantly, we called the police, stating we have the bill of sale and title, and that we wanted to report our camper stolen. They informed us this is a civil matter and since the camper was on her property, it is not stolen no matter who has it.

    Obviously since COVID19 measures, no one is going to civil court at this time. Are there any other legal measures we can attempt? Inside the camper are very valuable tools, irreplaceable sentimental items, jewelry, all my summer clothes and a nice road bike given to me by my extremely kind grandmother that is no longer with us.

    We DO NOT want to take this old lady to court or possibly press charges against his family. We just want our stuff back. We are so upset by the way they are treating their own family so unkindly in a time that it seems the rest of the world is being so concerned and caring towards one another.

    What can we do? This is in Georgia.

    TLDR; my husband's grandmother had someone tow our camper from her property and won't tell us where it is. Police say I can't report it stolen.

    submitted by /u/unhappycamper8790
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    University not mailing us our belongings after no warning of dorm shutdowns, anything we can do? I have nothing with me and wasn't aware we were going to be kicked out due to COVID19 before it was too late.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Hi /r/legaladvice,

    First I appreciate anyone's help with this situation and I hope everyone's remaining safe during this epidemic.

    My university kicked everyone out of dorms (which is what I reside in) and other than essentials such as medication, documents, cash, and textbooks, is having a company come in and move things for us, which will then be put into storage for us. I left for a conference before we were informed that dorms would be shut down and had no opportunity to move out any of my things - I have been living for a month with materials meant for 5 days, and do not have clothes or most of my things. I'm especially concerned about things that I own that are especially delicate or have expiratory dates which I wouldn't be able to recover, as well as sentimental items that I have in my room. Plus, getting a wardrobe for this summer is pretty spendy, but I'll still need one for summer work. I've emailed our housing explaining my situation and they've refused to budge on this issue - is there anything I can do about it? Or if not, does anyone have any helpful advice? It's something that I'm really stressed about in addition to all the hecticness from this and I'd really appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/DebateC
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    Father’s employer in writing is saying that he quit when he absolutely DID NOT! Perhaps an attempt to not pay unemployment?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    My Father is 67 years old and has worked at company that makes custom seasonings in Massachusetts for about 10 years. He does maintenance work there and is a salaried employee.

    The man who runs the company is a friend, or so we thought. Given that they are technically in the food service industry, they are considered essential and have not shut down amid the stay-at-home orders.

    Long story short, my father NEVER takes PTO or sick time. Hasn't missed a day in a very long time. He has maxed out his PTO. Since he is high-risk for Coronavirus complications we have been asking him to use some of his PTO. So he requested to take Monday and Tuesday off this week to do work around his house and that request was granted.

    On Wednesday he called in the morning and informed them that he was going to take the rest of the week off because his family was worried about contracting the virus.

    Fast forward to today, UPS delivers a letter in the mail from his employer that says something to the effect, "...you advised us on Wednesday that you no longer want to work for the company and are therefore no longer employed here." There was no phone call or communication at all between him calling out Wednesday and when the letter arrived today.

    He NEVER said he wanted to quit. He just said he wanted to take the rest of the week PTO. My guess is that his employer is trying to say he quit rather than them laying him off so they don't have to pay unemployment? Does he have any recourse here? Would it be the companies word against his? This seems like an incredible scummy move and I'm surprised they are doing this to an employee that has been so dedicated over the last decade.

    Any advice/insight is greatly appreciated.

    TL;dr: Employer in writing saying my Father quit job when he most definitely did not it what seems like an attempt to not pay unemployment.

    submitted by /u/Martymcfly15
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    [Iowa, USA] My landlord lost my rent check?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    I live in an apartment building with an on-site building manager that is managed by a property management company. On March 4th, I wrote a check to them and put it in the rent check box (a small locked box with a slit on it in the first floor hallway of the building). We have until the 5th to pay our rent. On the 6th, it was withdrawn from my account. Yesterday, the building manager knocked on my door and told me they never received my rent check for March. I showed him that it was taken out of my account, and told him the check number, and he left to look into it. Today he came back and said they had no record of me paying. I showed him the check carbon copy from my checkbook, and said I'd go get a copy of the voided check from the bank. I know they probably hear this all the time, but I definitely did put the check in the box, and it came out of my account in the same time frame (6th-9th of the month) that it usually does. Our building needs a key to get in, and the check is made out to a fairly uniquely named business (think Brown Bear Investments, LLC) so I don't think someone else could have deposited it, but I don't really know how that all works.

    I have two questions:

    1. When I go to the bank, will the copy of the check show who deposited it? The image I get online is just a copy of the check I wrote. Even if I can't see it, there has to be a record of whose account it went in, right? Should I tell the bank that there is potential fraud on that check? If I just bring back a copy of the check to the property management office, I'm worried that they will just say "nice check, pay me".

    2. What are my legal responsibilities here? I clearly wrote a check to my landlord and someone cashed it. If it wasn't the landlord, it's probably some fraudulent/illegal activity, right? But could they start eviction proceedings? Would I still owe them rent for March? I can't pay rent twice in a month.

    3. I'll use google, but if anyone knows any laws or regulations that pertain to this, or know any good and/or cheaper tenant legal resources in the Des Moines, Iowa metro area (probably a long shot) I'd be all ears. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but they were very difficult to work with when I signed the lease (not returning my calls, telling me two different addresses to drop off the security deposit, I wasn't making it difficult for them).

    The management company doesn't seem all that well run, so hopefully it's just a matter of bringing in a copy of the voided check and them looking at their records, but I'd like to know what I'm walking in to. I've lived here almost two years and never had so much as a late payment, much less a missed month, so this is all new to me. Thanks in advance for your help!

    TL;DR I wrote a rent check for March, it came out of my account, property management company said they don't have a record of it a month later, what the hell??

    submitted by /u/rent_due
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    How to approach landlord-boyfriend refuses to pay rent during COVID-19 layoff.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Throwaway account for obvious reasons. My boyfriend and I have been renting a home together for the past 2 years. We split the rent 50/50 and are co-tenants on our lease. Three weeks ago, his workplace closed due to COVID-19. He has filed for unemployment but has not yet received a check. My job is considered essential, so I have been working overtime and making decent money. I am already considering breaking up with him once this is all over, for reasons unrelated to his financial situation, but now is obviously not the time to do it. Today he told me that he doesn't think he should pay rent anymore since he has no stream of income. He is currently waiting on his unemployment check, his tax return, and his $1200 stimulus check. I offered to pay the full rent amount until his checks come through, at which point he could just pay me back. He told me that he would not be responsible for any rent I paid on his behalf. Our state has currently put a freeze on all evictions while we are on a stay-at-home order. He seems to think this means that they can't evict us if we fail to pay the rent during this time. The way I understand it, once the state of emergency is called off, they can evict us for any non-payment during this time, they just have to wait until the order is lifted. Is there a way for me to pay my half, and then have only him evicted if he can't pay? Should I pay the full rent amount and then sue him for the back rent once he gets paid and finds another place to live? What legal recourse do I have to avoid getting stuck with the full rent payment indefinitely or having us both evicted?

    submitted by /u/thereasonsareobvious
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    I had to file a complaint with the EEOC against my employer today. Looking for advice. I have not scheduled an appointment with them yet as they’re completely booked for the month.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    Location of employer: Kansas. Location of my residence: Missouri. General Location: Kansas City Metro.

    I contracted HIV back in November when I was forcibly raped two blocks from my home. Needless to say, it's taken a toll on both my mental and physical health.

    I was hospitalized for four days through Thanksgiving and upon returning work in December (I work at a major hospital in my area) was given a write up for poor attendance. Prior to this hospitalization, I had only missed one day of work. I was unable to qualify for FMLA because I hadn't worked for the hospital for at least one year. I had informed my boss that the hospital stay should be covered by the ADA and I shouldn't be punished for it - he told me I had no paperwork stating I have a "disability". Naturally I went to HR and asked how to submit the proper paperwork.

    Fast forward to the second week in March when my paperwork and accommodations get approved. My accommodations stated that I could miss any amount of work due to doctors appointments, hospitalizations, and adverse side effects of medication (which were noted in my medical records). I have been cancelled from all but one shift per week since the paperwork was approved through HR.

    Upon talking to coworkers through text, I found out earlier today that I am the ONLY person being cancelled this frequently for shifts. On top of all of that, they are cancelling me for my shifts less than four hours in advance which is against hospital policy.

    WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? I am broke and cannot afford to pay a lawyer for a lawsuit.

    submitted by /u/Kac985
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    I (28F) am in the process of gathering the info I need to leave my boyfriend (39M) and father of our 2 children (both under 5) out of state.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    This is in Ohio. I know the title is rough and might sound horribly bitchy but I am at an impasse here. My boyfriend is a flat earther/anti-vaxxer. I'm sure I don't have to explain the crazy situation this has put me in. He refuses to let me vaccinate our babies. He truly believes he is doing the right thing and being vigilant in the face of danger for the sake of our kids. I happen to know otherwise. He has become irrational and gets easily angered when I try to talk to him about it. He gets emotionally abusive. Hell just last night I went and stayed at my brother's place because I told him when a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available my children and I WILL be receiving them. Yeah well he told me if that's what I want then I can get the fuck out and leave his kids because they are better off without me. I tried getting them vaxed without him knowing and it worked for about 6 months but when he switched their health insurance to his employer's I wasn't able to do so. So as of right now my kids are only partially vaccinated and I am absolutely terrified for them. I guess I was stupid and thought I could bide my time until I worked out a game plan but the current global pandemic kicked my ass into gear. I decided it would be best to end the relationship and go live with my mother in Vegas. After looking into it I realized before I can leave the state with my children I have to file for custody here in Ohio and deal with the proceedings here. In the current climate it isn't exactly feasible for me to just up and leave with the kids because I don't really have anywhere to go with the kids. I mean yes I could go to my brother's but he lives in a small (800 sq ft) 2 bedroom apartment with 2 other roommates. They smoke constantly inside and I honestly just don't want to be trading one health risk for another, you know? So I guess my question is, given my situation, is there anything I can do to safely get myself and children away from him so I can get them the proper medical attention? There are more faucets to this shitty story so if I can give anymore details that will help give an informed decision please let me know. Also I should probably note I DO NOT want to take the kids away from him entirely. I absolutely want him to have an active role in their lives and upbringing. Besides his medical beliefs he is a kind and generous father. I just don't want him to be able to make medical decisions for our kids as I feel it has been and will continue to be dangerous. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Titan_tits
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    Not working, but employer refuses to fire people and is paying people well below unemployment pay. Says people can’t file because he’s technically still paying his staff.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Worked at a restaurant that was shut down due to Covid, and the owner of said restaurant told the whole staff that he will pay people $15/hr at 40 hours a week until things blow over. Naturally, this sounded solid, as it would be more than unemployment, and I even applauded how much our boss stepped up as a leader.

    That changed last week to "well, we will just pay you what unemployment would if you had filed...."

    Fast forward to two days ago and I'm looking at a $400 check for three weeks of not working and a rent payment I'm not going to make. My sister was laid off on the same day and has already gotten her unemployment check, and it is definitely more than what I got. She also filed when the wait time was only a couple weeks-before there was an explosion of filings, and for us, it looks like we might be looking at a much longer wait time if we filed today, BUT

    Boss is now claiming that since he paid us, however little, we can't file for unemployment or be able to be covered retroactively. I have not cashed the check and don't intend to until I get some answers. It sounds like he might have started with good intentions, but realized how costly it's going to be and is trying to back-peddle out of the situation. I'm not sure what my rights are here.

    What can I do? Is my boss legally liable for grossly underpaying people after insisting on not laying us off and insisting we don't file for unemployment? Should I hang on to this check or use it for some necessities I'm desperate for? I just feel dragged around and have zero financial security right now, and I just want to know that I'll be able to feed myself this month.

    submitted by /u/NikkiFury
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    My employer clocked employees out without letting us know.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    I work at a manufacturing facility in Texas. During the workday a manager told all employees that we had to clock out at a specific time and no later. I suspect their reasoning behind this action was because some employees the previous day clocked out 15 -20 minutes late. One piece of information the manager neglected to tell us was the fact that we were going to be clocked out at the specific time they requested we clock out, even if we weren't finished cleaning up yet. Some employees that didn't quite finish in time were trying to finish up and clock out as fast as they could, unaware that they weren't being paid past this time. This feels very illegal and I'm trying to find the exact laws on the subject but I'm having trouble finding anything about it. I plan on sending an anonymous email to this manager explaining the laws on the matter but I don't want to do so without some cited sources.

    I would appreciate any help I can get :)

    submitted by /u/IanMcFuckinPeein
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    Ensuring That Long-Term Guest Does Not Become a Tenant

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Central Illinois (not Chicago)

    No post history, but a long-time reader.

    My Child, 18+, lives in an informal apartment in the lower level of my house. This is the only apartment in the house. Child and I have a written agreement about her use of the apartment. It includes the provision that overnight guests must be approved by me. [EDIT: Child does not pay rent.]

    Her Girlfriend, 18+, lives in the US Northeast. She's visited a number of times, each visit stretching over multiple days. I have approved all of these visits. I like Girlfriend; she's never been anything but kind and respectful.

    At the beginning of March, Child requested that Girlfriend be allowed to visit. I said no, given *gestures to everything*. At that point we had no idea how bad things would get or how long they'd last. I said everyone was better off at home. Child ostensibly agreed.

    Ten days ago and unbeknownst to be, Child allowed Girlfriend into her apartment, where they have been since. Child confessed this to me yesterday. I am LIVID. At any other time I would have ended their visit immediately. However, given *gestures to everything*, I cannot in good conscience ask that Girlfriend drive across multiple states, at least one of which has imposed a 14-day quarantine for those entering. She could end up staying in my house for weeks or months, until this crisis reaches some kind of stability.

    I do not want any advice on the health, social, or parenting aspects of this situation, only the legal aspect. While I have absolutely no reason to believe that Girlfriend will cause any problems while she's here, I want to have a full understanding of any risks I'm assuming.

    My questions: How do I ensure that this long-term guest does not turn into my tenant? Are there other liability risks I assume under these circumstances?

    TL;DR: I have acquired a long-term guest. I don't want a tenant. How do I avoid this?

    submitted by /u/RandiGiles33
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    How to kick my 24 year old brother out (Ontario)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    My mom has tried to kick my brother out for years. He won't leave. He doesn't have a written contract or lease & doesn't pay rent. He pays her a little bit of money each month to help with a single bill, but that's it. How can she kick him out?

    submitted by /u/SingingBird43
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    Can I pay the remainder of my lease and walk away?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    My fiance and I have an apartment in California that I have rented since June of last year. Due to it's size we'd like to move out, but our lease doesn't end until mid June. We recently were approved to move into a fantastic new apartment, but they want us to move in a lot sooner than we were hoping. I was thinking about calling the property manager of my current apartment and asking if I could pay all of the remaining rent for the lease and walk away.

    Is this something that Property Managers do? Are there any cons to my credit or Security Deposit for making this choice?

    submitted by /u/ChaosReaper
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    [TX] Non-compete clause hell after COVID layoff

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    My girlfriend worked as a medical privileging specialist for a Locum Tenens Provider in Texas. At the start of the COVID outbreak they laid her and 1/4 of their company off. Yesterday, they sent her a certified letter that was a "reminder of non-compete agreement obligations". My girlfriend doesn't totally remember signing a non-compete but says it might be possible that she did. She asked the company HR to send a copy of the non-compete agreement, and they refused and just sent another copy of the same letter. She says that her hiring paperwork was in her desk, and when the company packed up her desk they didn't include that folder. The quoted paragraph of her work agreement in the letter says:

    "For a period of eighteen months after the termination of this Agreement (Her work agreement) by either party, for whatever reason, the Employee will not engage in the Same or a Similar business as (Company) anywhere in the Market Area, including working as an agent, consultant, pertner, employee, officer, shareholder, or independent contractor, for any company engaged in the Same or a Similar Business as (Company) anywhere in the market area."

    So my questions are:

    1.) Does her previous company have to provide a copy of the non-compete if we ask.

    2.) Are there any significant legal restrictions on non-competes in Texas.

    3.) What is their "Market Area". If her company was doing Locum Tenens only, does the agreement only touch other Locum Tenens Companies. Or does it touch the whole Medical Staffing field. What if she works for a large company that has a Locum Tenens branch but she's not working for that branch.

    She's just gotten an offer from another company that does Medical Staffing and has a Locum Tenens branch but she would not be working for that branch. Can she legally accept it. And that company wants her to sign an equally restrictive no-compete. Is it a big risk accepting that offer?

    submitted by /u/nalyd8991
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    [OR] Housemate agreed to move out April 1st for non-COVID reasons, but is now exploiting the eviction moratorium to squat.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Housemate, who's been there for about six months, saw that her lifestyle (refusing to stop leaving dirty dishes and greasy pans on the stove for a week, refusing to stop listening to loud tv at 3 am in the morning, refusing to stop leaving food in the microwave for hours) wasn't compatible with everyone else living in the house and despite some compromises, gave notice to our landlord a few weeks ago that she'd be moving out on April 1st.

    Come April 1st, doesn't vacate the premises, doesn't even pack. April 2nd, does some packing for a couple hours, but then goes into a psychotic meltdown and is verbally abusive to everyone else in the house. Since evening of April 2nd, has barely left her room (except to call people an asshole, bitch, or cunt) and done nothing further to prepare to move out.

    Like the rest of us, the landlord wants her out as she's no longer paying rent or utilities, but continues to use them and occupy the space, and shows no sign of leaving, despite multiple emails from him telling her to leave and changing the wifi password so she can no longer use our internet.

    He has an eviction notice ready to go, but with the current moratorium and the courts closed, it's not going to do much in the short-term. What are his legal options?

    submitted by /u/Cramtastic
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