• Breaking News

    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Legal Advice - My rapist has turned 18, and I am still 17. If he continues harassing me, is it illegal because I am a minor?

    Legal Advice - My rapist has turned 18, and I am still 17. If he continues harassing me, is it illegal because I am a minor?

    My rapist has turned 18, and I am still 17. If he continues harassing me, is it illegal because I am a minor?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    Over the course of last year, I was in an abusive relationship. I was repeatedly sexually assaulted, and manipulated into staying in the relationship with threats of suicide and more. I managed to get free of him around this time last year, and I've never been happier. I moved schools and cities, and have only kept in contact with my 3 closest and most trustworthy friends from my old school. I have not contacted my abuser since last May. However, my friends have told me that he always talks about coming to find me, making me love him, etc. I also recently opened up an old email address for the first time in years and found a ton of long and worrisome messages from him after I told him not to contact me, ranging in time from last May to a few weeks ago. I do not have a restraining order, and charges were never pressed as he convinced the police that everything was consensual. If he continues to send me messages or try to find me at my new address, could he be charged with harassing a minor? If not, do I have any sort of legal protection here, or do I just have to deal with it?

    Edit: I am in Ohio.

    submitted by /u/elegy89
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    My landlord comes in my home without notice.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Hi, so here's the background I'm 21, this is my first rental I've been in this condo for about 8 months, and I'm in Seattle Washington. Basically my landlord was nervous to rent to someone as young as me and I get that but I do think I have proven myself. I have always paid my rent on time or early, I'm clean, I don't have pets, and I have never damaged anything in fact I travel a ton for work and I'm not even home much. She's made a lot of unkind comments regarding my tattoos, "hippie aesthetic" and even partner. The other tenants in the building have experienced this as well. What really gets me is about once or twice a month she comes by unannounced and snoops in everybody's space for a good hour. I came out of the shower yesterday and she was in my hallway. I feel like this is very inappropriate. I have nothing to hide but would like some notice. What rights do I have?

    submitted by /u/bananna-joey
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    My mortgage company owes me more than $81,000 and writes me a check that bounced.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Edit: I'm in the great state of Texas.

    TL;DR My mortgage company owes me my insurance claim money, agree they owe it, send the check, but the check bounces. No explanation for over a week.

    I'll try to be brief but the nature of this situation is complicated.

    My home flooded. We were insured. The insurance company sends me the claim check that has to be endorsed by my mortgage company. The mortgage company deposits the check and begins a monitored draw due to the amount of damage. This is normal and we had gone through this before during a previous flood with no issues.

    The mortgage company disburses approximately 10%-15% of the claim throughout the process. When we reach 100% completion, they are supposed to release the remaining funds. We reach completion and request the funds. After several weeks of arguing and jumping through additional hoops, they agree to send me the remains funds.

    This is where things go from frustrating to insane...and possibly criminal.

    They overnight me the check of the correct amount. I deposit the check in my bank account and have immediate access to the funds. Four calendar days later, the funds are removed from my bank account. I call my bank. They inform me that the mortgage company issued a stop payment on the check. Essentially, they wrote me a hot check.

    I called and was told they reversed their decision but could not give me the reason for the reversal. It's been over a week since that hot check.

    What are my rights? What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Fearless_Joe
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    Google has been harassing my small business with unrelenting phone calls for years, and now has labelled my business as ‘permanently closed’ upon searching the name of my company online, even though it is still a functioning company which has never ‘closed’.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Apologies if formatting isn't great, I'm on mobile.

    Some background: I am small business owner in Alberta, Canada. My business is family operated and has been in operation since 1979. I get my business through my reputation, as my companies work fills a somewhat specific niche, as well as the client base I've built up over the past 40 or so years.

    The problem: For around the past 2-3 years I have been unendingly harassed by computer generated or outsourced calls from google. These calls are always asking me to set up a page for my business on google. I have been very clear in saying that I do not need or want my business listed on google in response to every call I've received. I've asked countless times for them to remove my number from their call list, as at this point it feels like blatant harassment. I've received hundreds and hundreds of calls, at times receiving upwards of 4 or 5 calls a day. I do a great deal of my business over the phone, so this already has been problematic. I cannot simply block the number, as each call comes from a different country or computer, and is listed under a different phone number. I've tried fruitlessly to find who I need to contact at google in order to put this to an end, but it seems like solving this issue isn't simple at all. It's seemingly impossible to get a hold of anyone at Google who can actually end this, I just get unending 'representatives' who say they will remove me from their call lists, but cannot remove my number and business from the other thousands of call lists google has distributed. This issue has met a climax recently as I've been informed that now, when someone looks up my business name on google, instead of just the blank slate of a company page they had before (due to my refusal to give them more information) google has now labelled my business as 'permanently closed'. I am beyond infuriated as as a small business owner, because it feels like the source of my livelihood is being attacked by this massive corporation, to which I am powerless. I've been stressing over this harassment for years trying to put an end to it, and now google has taken it so far as to label me permanently out of business. This could easily hurt my ability to make the money I live off of, as where my clients before only would have seen the name of my business pop up upon entering it into a search engine, now in big red letters my company is labelled as nonfunctional. Of course now I'm looking into if there's any legal proceedings I can take. If anyone has an idea where I can begin to tackle this issue I would absolutely love to hear it, as I've got no idea what else I can do at this point.

    Edit: I want to clarify that my problem is the loads of phone calls, along with the fact that my business has been publicly listed as being 'permanently closed' when it is not. I do not use phone books, I have a computer and use the internet to conduct my business, I just simply do not have a business that is necessary to 'find' online beyond basic job inquiry information.

    Edit: I am a fool. Thank u reddit

    submitted by /u/jameshughlaurie
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    I found out my ex-husband is a bigamist and our marriage may not have been legal (TX)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    My ex and I married in Vegas several years ago, and divorced in 2016. We had been friends in high school and reconnected after the death of my late husband, with whom he had been buddies during those years. At the time, he told me that he had been married twice before. During the marriage, he was frequently unemployed and caused significant financial damage to my savings. Thousands of dollars in multiple car and motorcycle wrecks, among numerous other expenses. Other forms of abuse occurred as well, leading me to file for divorce and incurring all legal fees for that as he disappeared for many months.

    Recently, I connected with his new wife after he left her pregnant and in mountains of debt. She let me know that she learned he has actually been married six times, and that I am wife #4 and she Is wife #6. We have verified though court record searches and speaking with wife #3 that this third marriage was never terminated. He went on to marry me and two other women since that time. He married each of us in a different state, and I am not sure who to report this too. On each marriage license application he listed it as his third marriage. I would like to seek any compensation I may be eligible for, but mostly want to see him be held accountable for his predatory behavior. I am in Texas and he is currently in another state, living once again with wife #5. Is it best to contact local police, police where he lives, police where we were married, or is this something that can realistically even be pursued?

    submitted by /u/antisocialworker11
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    I’m 17 and just found out that I’m listed as the homeowner, what does this mean?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Hopefully this post belongs here, but as the title says I found out that I'm listed as the homeowner of the house that my two parents and three sisters currently live in and I'm 17.

    I was doing a bit of research to see if I could operate a business (I'm in the process of starting one) from my residence and wanted to check with the HOAs. I went to the county's assessor property search to help find out who the HOAs actually were. While there I saw that for my address it had a section that said "Owner" and my name was listed.

    My parents have never mentioned anything related to this directly, but I have heard my name come up in conversations related to the house. I also know my grandfather helped in the process of buying the house.

    Since I'm 17 does this actually mean anything?

    Edit: Looked a little more into it and found that it was part of the will when my grandfather passed away. Thanks for the info and advice!

    submitted by /u/darkshadowtrail
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    Employer yo-yo'ing employment to avoid unemployment claims

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    My employer is considered "essential" (it's a daycare). We have about 25 or 30 teachers and normally around 100 kids. Due to Covid-19 our enrollment is less than 10 kids daily. So naturally about a month ago the employer laid off almost all the teachers.

    We then all collected unemployment. Now, the employer is calling all of us individually and asking us to come back full time (even though clearly we would have no kids and no work to actually do). Some refused (we're still under a stay at home order), some said yes. Those that refused were told this would be reported to unemployment.

    Those that returned were then told their hours would be cut again or just not scheduled full time. Queue up the unemployment again. Employer then calls them to come back full time. Rinse and repeat.

    Clearly the employer is trying to skirt unemployment and the yo-yoing is causing massive headaches in getting the UIA to classify and update our records accordingly.

    There's no way this can be legal right? What recourse do we have?

    This is in Michigan.

    submitted by /u/JazzlikeVariety
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    [Update] Property Managers still asking for all my information.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    [LONG BEACH, CA] I posted here a few weeks about My property manager wanting an absurd amount of information to verify that I am off of work due to covid 19.

    They wanted a letter from my manager saying my store is closed so I sent one. They wanted a text confirmation from my manager as well so I provided one. They wanted my letter of unemployment so I gave them that and my letter of employment change (I am being furloughed without pay) so I gave it to them. They wanted a letter from the CEO (I work for ulta) which I gave them. They wanted paystubs to show when I was last paid so I gave it to them.

    Now they're saying that that isn't enough information and they want all my bank statements from January until now including all my paystubs from January until now. I feel like that is too much information to give out to anyone. I was advised to tell them that I have given adequate information and if they need more that I need to contact my attorney.

    Are there any other steps I can take??

    submitted by /u/pettycrocker1
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    Purchased something online four months ago, never received the order, and the company I purchased from is refusing to give me a refund. What should I do?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    I ordered something online four months ago for nearly $100 dollars. My order never came. When I IM'd the store at the two-month mark, they told me that they were lagging behind on orders and assured me that I would receive mine soon. Another two months go by, no word, and I just had a second conservation with a CSR.

    I told the rep. the situation, and they asked me to send them my order number; "Give us a moment to look into it." After a few minutes, the CSR came back and said they couldn't find my order number, the item I purchased is no longer manufactured, and they're out of stock. I asked if they could refund my order, but they offered me a special discount instead: the next time I purchase something from their store, I can add an additional item of equal or lesser value to my cart at no extra cost. I told the person that I would prefer a refund, as there was nothing else I had wanted to purchase from their store. Apparently they "don't offer refunds" – all purchases are final, no exceptions. The rep. continued to try to sell me on the "buy one, get one free" offer: "Our original offer to you was a pretty generous one. We sell high quality merchandise at competitive rates, so getting an additional item free of charge is an excellent deal." I reiterated what I said before, that I just wanted my money back. They repeated themselves: "I'm sorry. We do not offer refunds." I asked to speak to their manager, but they said "That is not possible, sorry." Then they tried to persuade me to purchase something else a third time: "You never know when you might need a ______ or a _______. With our special offer, you can have both for the price of one!"

    I was really angry at this point. I told them that I'd taken screenshots of this conversation and am intending to file a report with the Better Business Bureau (at the time, it was the only authoritative figure that I could name). They replied with "We do not take kindly to threats. We ask that you please remain civil. Thank you." This left me seething with rage, but I took a deep breath and typed back: "Listen, I purchased that specific item. I found your store searching for it to begin with. I paid nearly $100 months ago, and I never received what I ordered. I would like a refund. Surely this is a situation in which an exception could be made?" They stuck to their guns: "I'm sorry, sir. We do not offer refunds." I then said, "Have a nice day."

    I've never heard of a company refusing to refund patrons when a product is not shipped due to a clerical error, and insisting on making an additional transaction with a special offer. Does this happen often? What should I do about it?

    I'm in my mid-20s. I live I Canada.

    submitted by /u/UnwantedAndUnloved
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    Self-proclaimed honest and trustworthy mechanic shop put a Lien on my car during this pandemic after having it for 3 months

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Left my car at reputable Mechanic shop January 23, 2020. Mechanic initially quoted me $149. Then they said it needs more repairs worth $1600. I declined but then agreed to the repairs after they lowered the price to $1000 up front. I waited months for the repair then was shocked to suddenly receive a demand for payment/Lien via certified mail. They want over $4,500 by May 7 or vehicle will be auctioned. Manager is never there. Employees are never able to talk about the car with me. I lost my job during this pandemic and I need the car back so I can sell it for food.

    Las Vegas, Nevada. Purchased a salvaged 2011 Honda CR-Z to save gas. It had a blown Driver side airbag after an accident. I replaced the airbag myself but needed a shop to reset the airbag computer to remove the airbag light on the dashboard. I took my car to a reputable automotive shop on January 23, 2020. All I needed was for them to reset the airbag light and perform an inspection. The quote was for only $149.99. The next day they called me and said I need a passenger airbag, seat belt tensioners, and programming as well. They quoted me $1600. I said no. They heavily pressured me into applying for their financing. I said no again. My car is worth less than $2000. They agreed to lower the price to $1000 but only if I paid up front. This was my biggest mistake. Instead of listening to my gut, I trusted them and I paid the $1000.

    A week or 2 went by. No updates so I called them. They said they can't fix the car because they are having trouble with the airbag computer. They can't make the airbag light go away. They will keep trying to fix it. Another week or 2 went by and they are now saying that I need a new airbag module but they can't find one because they are hard to find. They told me not to worry about any additional charges. They said the airbag module is only about $100 and they will cover it as a good will gesture "no big deal". I believed them. So there I was waiting for them to contact me and let me know when it is fixed. Weeks and weeks go by and they don't even bother to call or update me. Forward to March and I call them to demand an explanation. Again, they told me they just cant find that airbag module. Luckily I have my wife's car to move around so I told them I can keep waiting. Due to Covid-19 issues around mid-march, I figured my repairs would take even longer still.

    I called end of march for an update, the employee told me that the manager is the one handling my car and I will have to speak with him directly about any updates. Unfortunately he wasn't there. I called early April. Manager still not there. No one else was allowed to give me any updates. Finally I called on Friday April 17th. Manager not there again. They told me to try again the next day. I did and they did not pick up the phone after calling multiple times. Pretty obvious he was avoiding me by now. At this point I wanted to cut my losses and just pick up the car as-is. I had paid them $1000 back in January and my car was still not fixed mid-April. But I did not care. I needed my car back. On April 20th, I received a demand for payment and Lien against my vehicle. I was completely shocked. The letter said that the agreed service contract amount I owed was over $1842. Completely false. They promised they can fix my car for $1000 if I paid up front. They are charging me for storage also. The total amount they are demanding from me was $4,577. I have until May 7 to pay this or the car will go into auction.

    I called an attorney but they are very expensive. He was kind enough to offer some help such as mentioning NRS487.6877 "Notice of additional charges over estimate required in certain cases" Since the Lein notice says I owe them $1842 for the service (even though my vehicle still not fixed), which is $842 more than the original $1000 I paid them. They never contacted me to inform me of any additional charges. I was just patiently waiting for them to fix my car for months. I promise this is all true. I am not omitting any info. I am going to call them tomorrow to ask if I can just have my car back but I am sure they won't. I want to be prepared on what my next move would be. Should I take them to small claims court? I am so nervous at even the thought of this. I wonder how long it will take if i start the small claims process would I have any chance to resolve this before my car is auctioned? Will they have to postpone the auction if I start the small claims process?

    I can't believe this is happening. Here I am giving them all the time they need and they do this? Especially during these times? I lost my job and need to sell this car to buy food and instead it turns out I owe them more than double what the car is worth on top of the $1000 I paid them to not fix my car. Worst part is that I just sold my other car yesterday hoping this one will be fixed soon.

    Only thing I ever signed was the initial estimate of $149.99. I went in there today and took a photo of it. Only thing I ever verbally agreed to was the $1000 up-front payment to repair the vehicle via phone. To this day the vehicle is still not fixed (to my knowledge) I deeply appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/fatbird187
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    Spyware installed on my personal machine

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    The other day, I found spyware designed to track software usage and internet browsing data installed on my personal machine. The software is used fairly commonly on corporate machines, and is considered to be a reputable company. The company I work for does not use this software, nor have they had access to this machine.

    Upon finding the software I disconnected it from the network immediately, and found the initial install date was in February. I am working on trying to remove the software, but at this point, there is something in the background keeping it installed. Since that time, this machine has had access to my son's, wife's, and my social security numbers, credit card information, and passwords.

    Once discovered I reached out to the company to find any information I can about how to uninstall the software and how to delete my personal information from their servers. These logs would also exist with some third party company I do not know the identity of, and I doubt the software company would release. Would there be any legal steps to remove the information from the third party company? Should I file a police report? Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Location: Missouri, USA

    submitted by /u/TA123581321
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    Ex-Wife threatening to take kids on a multi-state RV trip during stay-at-home order (Minneapolis, MN)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    My ex-wife (divorced 10 years) is planning to take my kids (17F, 15M) on an RV trip with her fiancee and his daughter next weekend. The itinerary allegedly has them crossing at least 3 other states. We are in a stay-at-home order in Minnesota, as are folks in at least a couple of the other states.

    We have a 50/50 custody arrangement with each of us having 2 weekdays and every other weekend (including Fridays). Theoretically, she could take them for 5 days (Friday through Tuesday) and not require permission from me for a parenting schedule change.

    My kids do not want to go. I have been preaching social distancing -- they understand how it works, why it works, and what their roles are in slowing the spread of the disease. I don't want them to go because it certainly violates the spirit of stay-at-home orders, puts them in harm's way, and I wouldn't support requiring them to do anything that makes them uncomfortable. Also, my current wife is immune-compromised, so we have been extra vigilant keeping her protected.

    I have a terrible relationship with my ex. Anything I suggest about any topic is immediately rejected and countered with personal attacks, so there is no reasoning with her.

    If cooler heads do not prevail, do I have any legal grounds to prevent my children from going? Can I keep them at my house when they are supposed to go to her house on the grounds that she is planning to place them in danger? I can imagine a scenario where I refuse to let the kids go and she calls the police to enforce our custody schedule. Nothing like that has ever happened in the past - we generally just despise each other, try to keep out of each others' way, and (one of us) keep the kids out of the middle.

    Per the advice on the Covid-19 thread on this sub, I have checked the county child and family services website, but came up empty trying to find relevant advice.

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/muskrat55391
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    Someone has my cat and won’t give him back

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Edit- I am in South Dakota

    Acouple months ago we gave our cat to some good friends of ours to watch until we got our own place. Where we currently are our landlord won't let pets inside and I didn't want him to be an outdoor cat. So fast forward to now we are currently waiting to hear back if we got this apartment we've been waiting for and they won't talk to us. Like they've dropped off the earth. They won't give us our cat back. He is in our name, I have all his records etc. how do I go about getting him back? I already contacted AC they said there's really nothing I can do but I'm still hoping there is. Please help

    submitted by /u/princesshelby
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    Parents transferred $1000 out of my savings

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    I am a minor that lives at home, however I work a full time job to pay for my own food and gas. My family can afford it, my parents just don't buy anything for me. I have been saving money for a laptop for school and had gotten to just over $1000 (not all of it was for the laptop, but that doesn't matter). My dad came to talk to me and said that I need to pay for my car insurance upfront for the next few months. I argued with him for a bit, as it's the only thing they pay for besides the roof over my head, but because he is a parent account on my bank account, he has the ability to take money out without my consent. He transferred $1000 out of my savings and honestly I doubt it's going towards the car anyways. This is the second time he has taken hundreds of dollars from me this month, luckily I got the tax return money he stole from me back. Is there any way I can contact my bank to revert the transfer and become an independent account (I have Chase), or is there any legal action I can take otherwise? Thank you all.

    Edit: I live in Georgia.

    submitted by /u/thorwaway78292
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    Landlord is refusing to return our deposit and charging the house thousands because of legally required repairs, is this legal?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I have been on a 1 year lease on a house near my college campus in the state of New York (Nassau County). I paid my deposit, and the house has had no serious damages or events worthy of losing the deposit over. It came to light that, since everyone in the house is a college student, there were a number of codes the house didn't meet. So now, not only is our landlord refusing to give us the deposit back on our final month, but he is charging us all for the legally required adjustments needed to be made to the place. He charged us for fire resistant sheet rock, new door handles, smoke and co2 detectors, inspection, and the cost of his own labor to install it. Do we have any defense here? Especially in light of everyone in the house currently being disenfranchised due to Covid-19. He is asking not only for our $800 a month rent, but for us to give up our deposit and pay $1175 out of pocket on top of that.

    submitted by /u/TacoSunKing
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    Child custody in Michigan

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    I have filed for emergency custody of my 3 kids(8,5 & 1) after my son made suicide comments that his mom didnt take seriously. My exparte motion was denied and my lawyer said I cant appeal even though her response was riddled with lies and inconsistencies. What can I do to be able to present my evidence (texts, his therapy notes, her texts) in an expedient manner? I'm afraid to send them back but dont want to dig myself a hole by violating the judges order.

    submitted by /u/ChesterCopperpotSr
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    My boss is mandating that I go back to work tomorrow. I work at a gym (non essential workplace) and right now we have a lock-down policy in place.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    I live in Georgia, US. I work at a gym. My boss thinks "essential worker" means people essential to their company. He "deems me essential to the company" and said he will "write me letterhead incase I get pulled over".

    He doesn't understand that it's illegal until the 24th for me to go back to work. I'm afraid he will write me up or try to fire me, as he is always very aggressive with me.

    What can I do about this? I am not breaking the law to go work at this gym because 1. It's hazardous and 2. It's illegal.

    submitted by /u/PuppyButtts
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    Car dealership signed papers and contract, didn’t leave with a car

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Hi, there.

    I just left an automotive dealership in Oklahoma. After a few attempts at striking a deal, I was called and told that a bank had agreed to finance. My husband and I immediately withdrew the deposit from the bank and ran up there.

    I, as well as the salesman, signed papers about the odometer, and general health and appearance of the car as well as an agreement that the dealership will fix a car ding in the door.

    We were then taken to the finance department where we went over the leasing contract, agreed, and signed, as well as the financial guy agreeing and signing. We were given copies of everything.

    After the contract was signed on both ends, our financial guy was pulled into his boss's office and came back and said that their lending bank is requiring more verification and that we would need to come back tomorrow.

    We left with our copies of the contract and our deposit.

    When going back tomorrow, if the bank/dealership demands more money down, or any other change in the contract signed, where is our legal standing to say no?

    Since the contract is signed, would that not legally already make the vehicle mine?


    submitted by /u/SRGSFX
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    Petco sold me a defective pet that needed a vet

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    Last week I purchased a chameleon from petco. Animal wasnt acting right, I thought it needed a vet, turns out she is full of eggs, one ruptured damaging her lungs, she couldnt lay the eggs due to them not giving her a nesting box and she has a severe calcium deficiency. Vet says she wont make it. Petco will give me a refund but not cover the vet bill for finding out what is wrong with her.

    Im in Maryland, do I have a case to take to small claims court?

    The little contract they gave me says that I wont be reimbursed for vet bills if they dont authorize it first.

    submitted by /u/obiwanshinobi900
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    Trustee Lien Foreclosure deed was sold to a group that is saying they now own the property and trying to evict us.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    This is in North Carolina and My wife is in the process of contacting a lawyer right now but I wanted to post here as well to see if I could get any preliminary information since my Google fu to get even the most basic information on the situation is failing me.

    So ever since we bought our house 6 years ago we have had issues with our HOA. Extremely high dues with zero amenities in our Neighborhood. Initially we had issues with them because we were told when buying our house the annual HOA dues were built into our mortgage and would be paid by the mortgage company. This was incorrect and only the first year was paid by them (not sure if we misunderstood or we were told wrong). This caused problems in our second and third year as we missed payments. Once informed we paid in full and made everything whole with the HOA. Then we started getting the violations from the HOA. We fixed them as they came in and tried to stay in contact with the company managing the HOA that sent out fines and what not. Then nothing for a year or two then this past year we receive a letter in the mail saying we owe them $32,000 in violations with itemized daily fines (that didn't add up to $32,000 but instead added up to $34,650). My wife tried to contact the managing company several times and left messages, sent emails, and one letter and never heard anything back from them or was able to speak to anyone. A week or two later we get another itemized fine for violations for $8,000 and then a couple days after that another for $3,000. All of these threaten within them to put a lien on our property unless paid in full with no deadline date mentioned. We try to contact them again (every time we talk to the members of the HOA they say we have to go through the managing company). We never hear anything back from them and we don't receive anything else in the mail about any of this until this past Friday (about a year after the threats to place a lien). The text of the letter is below (removing identifying info):

    "Our company has purchased the property located at (our address) from the (our HOA's) foreclosure sale. Enclosed you will find a copy of the deed which conveys the property to our company from the trustee for the homeowners association, filed in (the county register of deeds) on 1/30/2020.

    We usually give the previous owner 10 days to vacate the property. But consider the current pandemic situation we are not doing it and we want to work out an arrangement with you. So please contact us to let us know your plan and intention."

    The attached document in their letter is titled as a "Trustee Lien Foreclosure Deed". In case it matters our mortgage is in good standing and paid every month and it's paid up to date.

    So I have tons of questions. Do they have an actual claim to the property? The "Trustee Lien Foreclosure Deed" says it was purchased for ~$8,000. Our initial mortgage was worth ~$250,000. It seems crazy they could purchase our property out from under us for a fraction of the cost and tell us we have to leave. Did they legally have to inform us of any part of these proceedings so we could have a chance to defend ourself or pay off the ridiculous fines? We didn't receive any form of contact from them after the threats to place a lien until this most recent letter trying to evict us. We are contacting a lawyer now but is there anything else obvious we should be doing to protect ourself, this just seems so crazy I really can't understand what's going on? Any advice would be appreciated.

    TLDR. We received notice That a Trustee Lien foreclosure deed on our current residence in North Carolina has been sold to a group and we will need to vacate. The lien was placed by the HOA for fines. We were never informed they were placing the lien on our property or that it was being foreclosed on or that it had been sold. Our mortgage with the bank is in good standing and all payments are up to date.

    submitted by /u/ProfNesbitt
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    My Wedding Videographer Passed Away and We Did Not Receive Video

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Los Angeles - We had been in limbo with our wedding videographer for some time before my last email to him bounced back. When I tried searching for his website online I found a news article stating that he had passed away a few months. We were completely shocked and had no idea he had any health issues and we are so sad for him and his family. What is the best way to go about trying to get our wedding video? At this point, we don't care about the final edited product which he had paid for and could be fine with just the raw unedited footage. It is the only video of our ceremony and reception. Our videographer has a widow and I tried reaching out to her on Facebook along with our deepest sympathies, but we have yet to hear back. I understand it is a super sensitive situation and she is still grieving and may not want to deal with his former clients, but my wife is beside herself at the thought that it might be lost forever? I don't want to keep pestering her (and even if she posts prolifically on Facebook who knows if she actually checks Facebook messenger). Would like to get a hold of her before they may possible dispose of items that contain our video file (or if she has seen our message, try and convince to work with us even if it is for additional compensation)... Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/primereddit9925
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    My tags on my car are expired, so they want to tow my car. Problem is, the department to get the tags is closed due to the pandemic. Also my car battery is dead, so I’ve been saving money by having it just sit there.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I'm in south FL. It doesn't say on the sign if it's a privet company or not. I live in a complex.

    submitted by /u/Dis_Bich
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    Church on my street was given to individual with no finances who's running homeless slum out of the basement? Anything I can do to insure they're legally responsible?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Northern Indiana. I was fine with him doing it for weather amnesty during the winter and even helped them with sources for getting the heat working (they were running electric space heaters). It was also only supposed to be meal time services and sleeping with them out by 9 am or something. We have superb homeless facilities right down the road but have restrictions on drug use which forces individuals to stay on the street in the freezing cold.

    Since then there's multiple homeless individuals telling me it's a free for all there, people smoking crack in the bathrooms, theft, open sex in the sleeping room, etc. The weather's nice and they put picnic tables out so 24/7 it's people just smoking cigarettes and groups huddled at the street arguing or someone hysterical. Dozens of broken liquor bottles and fast food wrappers, which I pick up myself.

    So I'll be honest, my issue is two fold. It's shit for my property value plus pissed me off when I walk my kids past the broken liquor bottles and there's a long history in town of "pastors" taking advantage of homeless people and trying to get money under the guise of helping them while pocketing the money. I will have a talk with the "pastor" running it but was wondering what legal remedy I might have to make sure they're doing things properly. With the Covid stuff I know the other shelters have cleanliness measures in place and the city has a hotel rented for those infected but I don't trust this place either.

    submitted by /u/NeonTetraEnthusiast
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    My employer laid me off due to COVID-19 over a month ago, then sent an email to staff on Saturday demanding that we agree to come back to work now or voluntarily refuse employment, thus disqualifying us from receiving UI benefits.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    I worked for a coffee shop that has managed to fit itself into the "essential" category.

    In mid March when things began to get serious with the COVID-19 crisis, my job laid off every employee aside from their four supervisors. We were not given anything in writing, this was done over a phone call.

    Myself and my coworkers received an email in late March stating that the company "might be moving towards being able to offer some very limited hours" and to only reply if we were interested and fit a certain list of criteria. I did not fit that criteria, so I did not reply.

    I did not hear from the company again until last Saturday (April 18th) when they bcc'd a copy/pasted email to some staff members basically telling us that we had until the end of day Sunday (April 19th) to reply with either:

    "YES i am ready to work and stay employed!"

    Or "NO i don't accept any hours and resign from my employment. (not replying to this email indicates that you don't accept any hours and resign from your employment with us)."

    Here is the link to screenshots of the email: https://imgur.com/a/tfAE1CG

    So I guess my question is, what are our rights here? If we are or live with high-risk individuals (I do) can we really be forced to come back to work during the height of a national pandemic emergency, or else lose UI benefits?

    If we refuse to/cannot come back to work, will we be further exempt from receiving any UI benefits at all?

    submitted by /u/jimhensonsdevils
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