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    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    Legal Advice - Brief update on strangulation case

    Legal Advice - Brief update on strangulation case

    Brief update on strangulation case

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    I posted a few days ago about a DV case of strangulation while I was holding my baby.

    First, you all are amazing. I received a few hundred messages, ranging from personal stories to legal advice to some really encouraging words (a few not so encouraging, you know who you are). If I didn't respond to your message please know I read it and am so appreciative that you took time to offer support to a virtual stranger.

    Second, I cannot give specifics here as far as what's going on with my husband and the case. But I at least wanted to pop by and say my kids and I are safe. I have an emergency protective order. I got medical treatment for myself and my baby. I'm starting therapy again today. The locks have been changed and in have someone staying with me at all times. I have a victim advocate I started working with. I am meeting with a lawyer later this morning. I reached out to some people close to me and have an amazing support system.

    Finally, I am terrified of what's to come and the decisions I have to make to safeguard myself and my kids. I have a long road ahead but realized how much fight I have in me when it comes to my kids.

    Here is my legal question: if I go to the arraignment does that violate the EPO since he will be there and be closer than 300 yards to me? My advocate told me I can go, and I think I want to for my own peace of mind. I'm in California.

    submitted by /u/throwout656566
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    Help! My dad has been arrested for calling the police.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Help! My dad's been arrested for calling the police.

    My dad is the manager of a convenient store and gas station. A man that regularly visits the store has been causing him issues. This man is mentally unstable; he panhandles other costumers for money and urinates on the property of the convenient store. The man has a no trespassing warrant out on him. Today, the man returns, urinates on the property, and my dad calls the police. When the police arrived, the man was gone and my dad was arrested by our police force for "wasting their time" and "lying". What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Ca77t7
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    Credit card stolen from doorstep and charged over $2500. Wells Fargo won't reimburse me.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I couldn't find a previous post with all of the info I needed.

    I currently live in Los Angeles, CA. I have a credit account with Wells Fargo that came with my checking and savings account. On January 24th, 2020, I lost the card to that account when I misplaced my wallet. I cancelled the card and put in a request for a replacement. There were no fraudulent charges on this first card, it was simply lost and cancelled.

    The following day on the 25th, I received a FedEx confirmation for the replacement card. The confirmation says it was delivered at 11:34am. I didn't notice this email, nor did I look for the package. I simply forgot the package was on its way, as this is not a credit card that I use very often.

    On January 28th, 2020, I received text message and email from Wells Fargo about suspicious activity on my credit card. When I checked my online account, I noticed several charges from 1/25-1/28 totaling $2566.28. I immediately cancelled the card and filed a claim for credit card fraud.

    The charges were immediately removed from my credit card statement, but days later, they were put back on. When I called, they said they my card was activated using my personal phone number and the charges were valid. I appealed the case and filed police report. I had my roommate file a police report for a package what was stolen two days later as well. I then went into my local Wells Fargo branch and faxed the two police reports to the fraud claim department.

    Unfortunately, the guy working at Wells Fargo filed it for the wrong credit card. He referenced the original card that was lost with my wallet and replaced, and all of my evidence went towards a case for a card I never claimed was stolen.

    After several weeks of back and forth, I finally figured it out. I was told by a representative to resend everything in one fax referencing the correct card number. I sent a new fax with a letter explaining the situation and the following items:

    1. LAPD report for the stolen credit card
    2. Verizon Wireless bill highlighting phone activity during period in question
    3. LAPD report for second stolen package at same address
    4. Email to Lyft requesting information
    5. Screen shots of Lyft ride history during period in question
    6. Screen shots of Uber ride history during period in question

    *Note: the card was used for several Lyft and Uber charges. I included my ride history to show that they weren't done under my account.

    Yesterday, I received a letter from Wells Fargo stating that charges are still valid and I will have to pay them. I called them today and they said that my story has been inconsistent; that one point I claimed I received the card and now I'm claiming I never received it. That's simply not true. They just mixed up cards.

    At this point, I've accrued about $60 worth of interest and I'm pretty much at my wits end with this. I feel like I've exhausted all of my options and I'm ready to throw in the towel. But $2600 is a lot of money. I feel like I've exhausted my options with this internal appeals process. Is there anything else I can do? Do I have any legal standing there? No one at Wells Fargo is helpful. I talk to a different person every time and can never get in contact with the people who actually make the decisions.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    *Edited to include location

    submitted by /u/fresh_beets
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    UPS driver forged my signature for a 2.4K$ laptop delivery that required an "Adult Signature", what do I do?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    So I ordered a dell laptop from best buy, checking the tracking number I found that it said it was delivered and signed by "Con [MyLastName]". I asked the neighbors around and even asked the UPS driver few days later when I saw him but he said he doesn't know anything and non of the neighbors saw it. UPS claims it was signed by "Con [MyLastName]" while my first name is not Con and there is not any person with this name to begin with.

    I filed a claim with UPS and they are still investigating but the whole thing has been eating away at me as this is so much money I can't afford to lose.

    If after the investigation, UPS refuses to admit the signature forgery what do I do? Some things I have considered so far are.

    1- Filing a police report for signature forgery.
    2- Filing a claim in small claims court.

    Some people mentioned I will have to prove the signature is not mine, how do I do this?

    Also, the individual name is totally made up, does Con here refer to something other than the first name of the person who they claim to have signed it?

    Sorry for the long question and thank you!

    submitted by /u/EternallySoberMan
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    Help! I’m being blackmailed!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    I really need to know my options legally. I don't know who is blackmailing me but I have a feeling they are over seas. They're dming my nudes to people through instagram. I've blocked them on everything I could and they continue to try to harass me. I have a gmail account and I could get their cash app but I don't know what I could do with so little information. Any sort of advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I'm in America and I am only 17.

    submitted by /u/R6z3
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    IT Sex offender uses webcam to spy in work-from-home modern world

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Hello All,

    Im posting under a new Reddit account for fear of being found out. I've recently discovered that a coworker is accessing the webcams of fellow employees. I have proof of this as the devices he uses are completely owned by him and are recorded in the logs. He and I are the only IT people in a small company on the southern shores of Texas. I was brought on to help with IT duties (among others) as he is the "manager" of IT. I put forward some software to help us maintain a growing inventory of hardware for our people, helping to take some of the load off and assist easier when there is trouble. Little did I know he would immediately turn to using the webcam and screen-cap features to spy on everyone he could. This "man" was charged and convicted of possession of child pornography some years ago. So far, he's used the webcam feature on most of the young women in the company and has even used it on the owner. I've gathered my proof and am prepared to start a shit-storm if need be. But I need to know everything i can, before i continue... I hope this isn't as complicated as I am fearing it to be.

    submitted by /u/Wrathlaan
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    [SC] Former boss called me into the restaurant without telling me why, and then offered me a job threatening to get my unemployment cancelled if I didn't accept.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    In South Carolina, the job search requirement has been waived, so I have not been searching for a job. My prior employer called me and asked me to come into the restaurant without specifying what it would be about, and then dropped an offer of work on my lap telling me that I would be making what I made this time last year, and that if I don't turn in the form by next Monday, April 27th, he would make me ineligible for unemployment.

    This time last year I was a host making $7.25/hr, but I started this February as a server pulling in an average of $15/hr, so I know this offer is not eligible based on the pay requirement alone, but the offer of work he gave me had no information on how many hours I would receive or what I would earn, only the nebulous, you will make what you made this time last year. In fact, the offer is entirely empty besides the fact that he is offering me a job.

    I was planning to return home this week in order to save money, as my rent for university is expensive, I know that he is also not planning on reopening the restaurant for at least 3 weeks, and instead will have us come in and clean the restaurant which is not a job I have done in the past. Which according the South Carolina Department of Employment and Work is not suitable work: " Suitable work includes any trade, occupation, or business in which you are qualified based on your training or experience, "

    Do I have any avenue to decline this offer? The four things I'm curious about is the fact that the need to search for work has been waived; my boss did not tell me how much I would actually be making; that he won't have me doing a job suitable for my past work history; and the fact that I was planning on moving 2 hours away before I received the job offer, and would have told him this if he had let me know what his plans were, instead of trying to surprise us, presumably so he could get a good deal on cleaning the restaurant.

    Relevant sections of the law Regulation 47-23, Offers of Work.

    submitted by /u/ScrewedByMyBoss
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    Husband is having an affair, I’m afraid of financial retaliation (Texas)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    Husband and I have been in a relationship for almost a decade but only married for about a year. We have been having trouble for several months now and I've suspected he was at minimum having an emotional affair for at least a couple months now. We agreed to separate and I moved out of our house into a separate living situation. I went to the house this morning to pick up some of my things and discovered another woman there, practically naked.

    He claims they have only been talking for a week but some very brief searching revealed they have been communicating extensively going back several months. The timing of the problems in our marriage line up with when they began communicating.

    He doesn't know that I know the full extent of their relationship and I'm trying not to tip him off until I speak with a lawyer. I'm afraid when he discovers he has been caught, he will retaliate financially.

    He makes significantly more than I do and originally the agreement was we would separate but remain legally married for financial reasons and for insurance. We have a verbal agreement he will assist me with my bills and rent. His name is on my lease. We have joint checking and savings and we are authorized users on all of each other's credit cards. We have a substantial amount of credit card debt and I'm afraid he is using our cards to buy things for his girlfriend because he changed the login to his credit card account. She is from out of state and I suspect he bought her plane ticket to come down here. I have some evidence of other purchases he has made for her but nothing concrete.

    I want to protect myself and start securing things without alerting him that I'm aware of the full situation. I verbally agreed to meet with a divorce mediator but I want a lawyer. Have I made a mistake by agreeing to mediation? What rights do I have financially? I've relied on him heavily for finances for years because he works in a significantly better paying field than me and I have no safety net of my own. I have no family to seek help from and no backup if he stops paying my rent and I'm evicted.

    We do not have children or own property together, both of the places we live are rentals, both names are on both leases.

    Also, I believe she is a nurse or works in a hospital from a state that has a very high rate of covid. Is there any legal action I can take for possible endangerment? I have multiple chronic illnesses and am immunodeficient and terrified I may have been exposed to the virus.

    submitted by /u/disappointedindallas
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    I believe I am being stalked, but I'm not sure if I have enough of a legal ground to do anything about it.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Location: NY

    I'm sorry for the long post, I just want to give out as much info as possible to get the most accurate opinions.

    Back in high school this girl was obsessive towards me. It has now been two years since I've graduated. I work part time at a grocery store, and she saw me there. She gave me her number and asked to catch up which I said "sure" to because I thought it was just casual conversation. But I threw it out because, quite frankly, I dont want to talk to her, nor do I owe her anything.

    It has been around two months since that exchange. However, yesterday, I had a missed call, a missed video chat, and a text all from her. Apparently, someone I used to talk to gave her my number (let's call him Alex). Like I said, I don't want to get involved with her, so I ignored it and forgot about it.

    Then today around the same time, I got two more calls from her, this time off of two different numbers. Both calls were from her. I had a friend call back and explain that she had the wrong number, and proceeded to block both numbers (I didnt call myself because I dont want her to know my number.)

    I then begin questioning Alex, the guy who originally gave her my number. Alex told me this:

    The girl reached out to a boy (Tom) to get Alex's info, so that Alex can give her my info.

    Additionally, Alex said the girl wanted to follow me on Instagram. I checked the account and it was not her, the person trying to follow me was someone I had never seen before in my life.

    The girl also had Alex screenshot a picture of my private Instagram profile to send to her...

    Now, I have all of this information documented and compiled. The fact that she's going through so many people, including people I don't know, just to reach me is extremely unsettling to me. She also wanted a screenshot of my PRIVATE instagram and is attempting to get access to it through some unknown individual...

    Is there anything I can do with this information?

    EDIT: Just to add, Alex told me that this girl heard that I've been doing drugs. I know nobody close to this girl, and the most I've done is marijuana, so this is also concerning to me.

    submitted by /u/am-i-being-stalked
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    UPDATE: Grandpa Being Kicked out of Nursing Home During Pandemic

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Long ass update for anyone who cares! I really just wanted to type this all out. Original post can be found here. I'll also put it under the update. TLDR at the bottom.


    After I made all of the phone calls suggested in the comments of the last post (appreciate all of the help), they still weren't able to do anything. The front desk called on Saturday and told my family that we either pay the $300 a day or find transport for him to go somewhere else. As we can't afford that, we arranged for medical transport to pick him up and bring us back to our house (we wanted him to be comfortable on the drive over and our cars are small). The driver then called and told us that the nurses would not release him to us as he needed hospice care and 24/7 nurses. I then called and said "Ok then, we will keep him there but we need to fix the payments so that they're coming out of my account" (I was going to just put it on a CC and worry about it later).

    After hearing that they seemed to quickly change their minds and tell us that he no longer needed hospice care or nurses and could be transferred to our house. Weird. He showed up 20 minutes later looking frail and totally out of it. I will give them the benefit of the doubt here he is 89 years old and I haven't seen him face to face in a while since COVID-19 started and I understand how quickly health can decline. Just to outline though, he had been there for about 3 months. When he got there he was eating solid foods, walking on his own, and using the bathroom on his own. Now we had to feed him through his G-tube, wheel him in a chair and change his diapers (didn't have them before). I can still understand this I'm not a medical professional and maybe this was best.

    After being with us for one day he suffered from what we think was a seizure he passed out and then was vomiting everywhere in our house (he's had a few strokes so this is kind of common). We called the paramedics and now he's back at a hospital. The hospital he is at now reported his weight at 150 and the nursing home release papers report it at 198.

    I can't help but think this seizure and other fallout we're waiting to hear about could have been avoided if they would have left him under their care like we initially asked. I was even about to pay them but it seemed like they just wanted him out of their hair. Not sure what to do now as the priority is still finding him a better home for after this hospital trip. His Medi-Cal should be getting approved this week which will hopefully make this easier but man what an absolute nightmare this has been.

    TLDR: Grandpa got released from nursing home and almost immediately suffered a seizure and other issues at home, seems a bit like negligence to me but could just be a series of shitty time and events

    ORIGINAL POST: We are located in Los Angeles. The home that my grandfather is in has given us a week's notice and says that he needs to leave their home before next week because his insurance isn't covering the home anymore. Normally I would totally understand but we are in the middle of a pandemic and it's impossible to find a home because they are all (rightfully so) on lockdown to avoid the spread of the disease. He is a veteran and someone who needs care from nurses 24/7, he can't feed himself he is on a feeding tube. The option of him coming with my family is being presented but he is considered very high risk and I was sick just last week. They also presented the option of charging us $300 per day (this is the price without insurance) which is simply not feasible.

    Is it legal for them to "kick him out" during all of this? I'm thinking it probably is because it's not their fault we can't afford it, but would like to know what someone else would say.

    submitted by /u/boardthemessexpress
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    [USA - NY] Someone opened a CashApp account in my name and withdrew from my debit account. CashApp is impossible to reach.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    I have already retrieved the money and closed my account with my regular bank.

    There is a CashApp account opened in my name. While all they have is my old debit card, research shows this is a common first step and they will use this account as verification for further identity theft. I even received a credit card from cashapp with a forged signature on it.

    I have been calling on CashApp to delete the account but they and their parent company Square are near-impossible to contact by all accounts. I was a victim of identity theft before and take this extremely seriously. Do I have any chance to take legal action to force their hand in closing the fraudulent account?

    submitted by /u/GNU_Yorker
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    Crowdfunding Campaign Gone Wrong

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Five years ago, my partner and I decided to launch a kickstarter campaign that was successful. I was handling the messages and posts and he was managing the funds. We both handled production. Unfortunately for me, I agreed to use my picture and name to represent the project and I wonder now if that was intentional on his end. We already owned a very small online Etsy business. I would also like to add that I tried to put a cap on the number of backers we accepted, but he would not allow me to make many decisions. I say this not to sound blameless, but to put the situation into perspective. I had very little say in what happened.

    At first, things were fine, but after a few months he informed me that he had run out of the money due to "shipping cost miscalculations" and so we struggled for a while to get the products shipped. We did not have the money to refund at this point, and we were very low-income. He did not want me to get a job, but wanted me to continue working the KS and our online business which made next to nothing at this point. I was severely depressed due to the recent loss of my father, had no funds of my own, and my partner continued to make terrible business decisions despite my protests. He became progressively aggressive, and I was too tired and hurt to take charge. This lasted for almost an entire year, if not a bit longer.

    By the time I left him, we were still receiving messages and trying to ship items, but he took the tools and I moved. I no longer had a way to make the product and he promised to continue finishing the Kickstarter. Months later, I discovered that he launched another Kickstarter project under a different name that was also successful and was never finished. Since, there have been at least 4 different Kickstarters that he has published. I don't know how many were successful, but I know that at least one of them made nearly 20k. The backers from our previous kickstarter found one of his new ones, and assumed that I was the person launching them since he had used my face and name to launch the first one. Rather than taking responsibility for his debts and his projects, he ran away to a different country. I found out from a friend that the IRS wants him and I'm terrified of what that might mean for me.

    I've had people from the project contacting me and harassing me for years to the point where I'm still terrified of having an online presence. Just this morning I woke up to a message asking where their refund is. I hardly make enough to take care of myself right now, and my heart hurts for all of the people who think that they were deceived as that was never my intention. However, I must protect myself.

    I want to make a statement for all of our backers telling them the truth of the situation, but I don't know if that would put me at any legal risk.

    What should I do? Would changing my name help?

    submitted by /u/sparecarpet1
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    Underage and put into a viral video against will

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    I would like to start by apologizing if this isn't the right subreddit for this, but I genuinely am at a loss. Recently a picture of me was displayed in a viral video against my will or acknowledgement. I did not consent to it. The video was dedicated to harassing me and several other women, but in the form of a sexist and frankly disgusting song. I have contacted Youtube several times and nothing has been done on the matter. The video bordered on sexual harassment as well. In the picture I was 15 with proof, but now I am 17. Is there anything that can legally be done to get this video taken down? Please help.

    Edit: I live in Oklahoma, specifically Moore. The (adult) man obtained the photo from my Instagram account, and from further looking into it he also included pictures of girls as young as 13 in his music video. The music video contains lyrics like "She's a whore", "I'd still fck her", "only pedophiles want her", and more. Essentially the entire video is dedicated to stereotyping minors and regarding them sexually, while also derogatory comments.

    submitted by /u/kynthelera
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    Apartment management trying to force an elderly woman to violate stay-at-home order to clear out her deceased daughter's apartment

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    A resident of the apartment where I live in Chicago, IL passed away several weeks ago. Management of the apartment is trying to get her mother, an elderly woman who lives in Michigan, to cross state lines and come clear out her late daughter's apartment. Management is saying that if the mother does not do this, they will make her pay her deceased daughter's rent. Is this legal under the stay-at-home orders of Chicago and Michigan? Would it be against the law for the mother to travel in order to do this non-essential task, and is it legal for management to make her do so? Can management legally make her pay rent or throw out her daughter's stuff if the mother does not clear out the apartment?

    Any help you can offer would be appreciated. Just trying to help this woman come up with a good defense against the apartment management.

    submitted by /u/boojoint
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    [CO] Postal contractor threatened with retaliation for reporting assault

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    My friend is a mailman: he contracts with the USPS to deliver mail for a rural post office.

    While he was delivering mail to a mailbox, a nearby postal customer, fearful of COVID-19, sprayed him in the face with an unknown chemical, apparently to "disinfect" him. There were witnesses.

    At the end of his route, my friend reported the assault to the postmaster. The postmaster said he should hold off from filing a police report until it happens a second time, and additionally threatened that reporting the assault could impact his chances of renewing his contract.

    My friend, being a smart person, ignored the postmaster and reported the assault to the sheriff.

    I'm encouraging my friend to additionally report the postmaster's threat, but I don't know whom he should report it to - his contract agent? the postal inspectors? Department of Labor?

    Aside from retaining the facts of the assault (documented in police report, etc), writing down the facts of the postmaster's action, and reporting the postmaster's action to (USPS? DoL?), are there other actions my friend should take to protect himself against repercussions?

    All kinds of crazy (I suspect illegal) threats have come from this postmaster in the past. I've encouraged my friend to write them down as they happen, but he never did since he couldn't imagine ever actually reporting them (fear of the usual small town repercussions for speaking up about such a fine upstanding pillar of the community). But this seems to finally have pushed him over the edge.

    submitted by /u/goingpostalthrow
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    I started the divorce process and my spouse blocked me and I can’t find out where she lives, she is evading getting served the divorce papers, what are my options ? I have a lawyer and is not really doing anything until she get served

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I signed the Limited Personal Guarantee on my former employer’s commercial lease. After leaving the company on bad terms, the owner is threatening to stop paying the lease so that I am held responsible for the lease payments. What should I do?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    My former employer has more than enough money to pay the lease. To put it simply, I do not have the resources necessary to make payments on the lease if they fail to do so. The sole purpose of this move would be to financially cripple me out of spite.

    My former employer, the commercial property, and the landlord's company are all based in Michigan, USA.

    My former employer is an LLC and so is the landlord's company.

    EDIT: In case it is pertinent, the owner was willing to sign the guarantee but was out of the country at the time so I signed the lease/guarantee out of convenience for all involved parties.

    submitted by /u/PinkFreud97
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    I need help I am 23 live on my own and i have mental illness disability I put myself in a really stupid situation in the beginning of April

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    I don't have the money to hire an attorney. I am wondering if some one can dm me a hero lawyer, up and coming law student or someone who is knowledgeable about law . I am on informal probation and I got arrested this month for charges of resisting arrest and a first felony which is threats to a police officer I was having a panic attack and I don't remember much of anything that happened I got tasered and put in a straight jacket restraint this whole situation is devastating and heart breaking and I can't afford any one to help me but I believe I can get my case down to just a violation of my probation to a misdemeanor for resisting arrest and no felony. For the past 5 years I have been off my medications and before that for 4 years I grew up in a probation detention center where I lived and went to school when I got out I had all these plans of joining the military and continued to waste time and not take school seriously then I got my first dui back last year and now this the second dish of trouble I have gotten into since I have been out of high school. I hope others can I understand the seriousness and severity of what mental illness can do to people. I take full ownership of what happened and I am a dumbass for what I did I just want to better my life and what I can make up for all the bullshit I have put myself into. I am not a bad guy I love people and making new friends. I plan to start trade school after this is all over and really put my mind to bettering my life and find a job where I can make a difference and help people. Thanks for taking the time To read this if you can help you are my hero!!

    submitted by /u/typicaldumbass1
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    My ex has totaled my current bfs old car and may damage the new one. My bf is undocumented. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    This is an interesting one to say the least. I'm from MA. I have a crazy ex bf who was verbally abusive towards me, would tell me he'd have his friend kill people I talked to so I stopped talking to them, etc. I ended up leaving him for obvious reasons and one of his friends and I really hit it off shortly after. This friend helped me get out of the relationship and really motivated me to bite the bullet and escape. For a while the ex would show up outside my house, contact me on new accounts, and trash me to the whoever would listen.

    He then turned to my current bf, who's undocumented here in the US and waiting for immigration laws to chill a little bit. My bf has a big love for cars, and since my ex can't hurt me without getting in legal trouble, he went after the next best thing: my bf's car. ~7 months ago my bf found the car egged, which ruined the paint. Then, 3 months ago the entire front of the car was bashed in as if someone had taken a hammer to it and went to town.

    Tonight, we went to McDonald's together (drive-thru for obvious social distancing reasons) and my ex was there in his car. While we were in the drive thru he moved his car to the other side of the lot in a position where he could see through the drive thru window when I picked up the food. He then proceeded to roll the window down as I drove out of the lot to make sure I knew he was there, and stopped next to us at a light to (I assume) confirm my bf was with me. My bf is now concerned that this will trigger my ex to do something to the car he just bought.

    If that is the case, is there anything I, or he, can do legally?

    submitted by /u/churrocrunch
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    How do you deal with someone who threatens to sue you or call the cops on you for what seems like ridiculous things. (NYS)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    New York State

    I am currently in the process of moving out and I'm living at my mom's house but my stuff is at my apartment. I still pay rent and and on the lease. My roommate is lashing out because I told her she can't restrict my access to the apartment. She has threatened to sue me and call the cops on me 5 or 6 times in the past month, if I step foot in my apartment without her there. She has said, "If I find out you came here and did shit without my knowledge there will be issues" She has also threatened to get a restraining order against me even though I have never physically harmed her or threatened to harm her. "You saw me get restraining order against [prior roommates girlfriend]. We aren't friends anymore don't make me do things I don't want to." I get extremely bad anxiety around her and I want to limit our contact as much as possible because she has a compromised immune system but she insists on sitting in the living room instead of going to her room and is using that against me by saying that I'm risking her health. I also receive mail there and there's only one set of keys which she'll either hide or take with her when she leaves the apartment.

    How do I deal with her?

    submitted by /u/reinefall8674
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    Wife wants to take my name off the apartment lease before I have a permanent address

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Throwaway for reasons. I'm in New Hampshire.

    During a recent voluntary hospitalization for depression and anxiety my wife told me we were getting a divorce and that I was not welcome back upon my release. I've honored those terms and am living with my mother while I complete the next hospital recommended steps in my recovery from this depressive episode. Because of my illness I've had trouble holding down a job and became the primary care giver for our young son.

    Along with other things, she wants me to sign a document to take me off of the apartment lease. Lacking the bandwith to research New Hampshire housing law I don't want to sign anything unknowingly. I understand I will legally surrender the right to enter the apartment without her consent. That's fine with me because I respect that boundary and trust she will not destroy the belongings I left behind. Am I surrendering any other rights, by giving up a permanent address?

    The rest of it can be dealt with in other posts if I need to. I just need to know if I'm worried about nothing with this issue or if I should refuse to sign.

    submitted by /u/FunnyAardvark1
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    Three weeks after depositing a check (3k USD), my credit union "adjusted" that amount out of my account. I called and spoke to a manager, who cannot explain it, and promised to call me back in 7-10 business days. I have no information, and no money. This can't be real?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    CO, USA

    I don't know who else to ask, is there a regulatory agency that I can contact about this?

    I'm absolutely stunned. The banker and manager that I spoke with both stated that they have never seen this, the only comment on the adjustment is "Descriptive Withdrawal [REDACTED ACCT INFO] Restrictive Endorse", and nobody on the phone knows what that means.

    submitted by /u/ASingleEventUpset
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    Parenting Plan when DV is involved

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Is there anywhere to find a sample appropriate time sharing schedule for a 4 year old when, the father lives out of state, there has been no contact with the father for 2 years, the father has a history of DV against the mother, in the presence of the child, and he has convictions for the same? Also there is an active injunction that has been in place for 2 years, that has no expiration date, which the child is included on.

    Are there any attorneys who have dealt with a similar case? This is my unfortunate current situation with my ex boyfriend. He has 2 DV Battery convictions against me, 2 violation of injunction convictions against me (all within 3 years), and I have a TON of texts msgs from him threatening to kill me & our son (these were sent before the injunction went in place). We are required to do Mediation & if it were up to me he would not have any contact with our son, but I don't know what the chances are that a judge would agree....so I'm here trying to see if anyone has dealt with this before and was able to come up with a parenting plan that can protect the child while allowing visits? Or if I should just take my chances with a Judge?

    Me and our son are in Florida. The father just recently moved to Virginia.

    submitted by /u/AnonGirl1507
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