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    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    Legal Advice - Found a camera in my apartment bedroom

    Legal Advice - Found a camera in my apartment bedroom

    Found a camera in my apartment bedroom

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I'm a 20 y/o male living in an apartment with another 20 y/o male. We have separate rooms, I usually have my girlfriend over and my roommate will occasionally have a friend or two over when I'm not home.

    Last night I found a baby monitor camera hidden in a sock and plugged in on top of a shelf in my room. It's been sending 24/7 footage of me and my girlfriend to someone for the past five days before I've noticed it.

    I talked to my roommate about it, and he knew exactly who it was that put it there. He had a friend who had been starting to get weirdly creepy and sexual about everything and started to display too much interest in me and my girlfriend (just from everything my roommate had told him about us).

    My roommate found a smaller camera in his room as well. We believe the cameras have been here five days as that's when my roommate last had this friend over and this guy must have set these up while my roommate was napping and left before he woke up. That's when my roommate decided this dude was too weird and blocked him on his phone. But five days later, here we are.

    After taking the camera out of the sock and seeing what brand it was to look it up, I put it in a ziploc bag. It's covered in duct tape that seems to have a hair underneath it all in case that could be DNA evidence or anything. There also looks to be a backup micro SD in the SD card slot.

    At this point, my roommate and I don't feel safe in that apartment. And I still have no idea who this guy is that has just been watching every personal part of my life the past five days. It's sickening to think of the shit he still could have on footage. I've been extremely uncomfortable since finding it.

    I don't know what to do. Is this cause for legal action or an investigation? The police are hard to work with at the moment due to Corona but I think I could figure something out. And is there any way for me to be compensated from a fine on this guy? Or could I just sue him? Or is this ultimately just a pointless domestic issue I shouldn't take to the next level? I also just want to make sure this dude is put on a list so he doesn't do shit like this to anyone else later down the road.


    To answer people's questions:

    My main priority is not getting money from this, lol. I just asked the questions I'm curious about as this whole situation is just shitty and unfair and I'm not sure how the guy would be charged.

    My main priority is making sure this guy can't do this in the future, and the removal of any footage he may have of me.

    This happened in Arizona, and my girfriend is 19. She's just as much involved as me and aware of the situation.

    My roommate has been one of my best friends for five years, and there have been other details on his relationship to this other guy that I haven't gotten into, but apparently my roommate had also found a mic in his room back in March as well. So while I am listening to my roommate on this, I'm aware and still prepared in case of a twisting turn of events. Could be him, that would suck, but I'll let the police figure that out if he doesn't come clean.

    And luckily my other friend's dad is a police officer and I recently got the whole situation laid out with him. We have a plan to call the non-emergency line and someone will help us check out the situation. I won't go too much into the detail of the plan for safety reasons. Thanks for everyone's advice.

    submitted by /u/DoctorDirector
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    Neighbor bolts large "invoice" billboard to his garage declaring that we owe him money that we do not owe him

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I moved into a lovely subdivision in the gorgeous NC mountains last year. The neighborhood has 13 homes built in the mid 1970s, on a private road, with no H.O.A.

    My next door neighbors are a Very Tidy and fastidious couple of retired folks who moved here many years ago. They are always outside putzing around, tidying not only their property but also ALL the common areas. It is a daily job to them and they take it very seriously. These common areas are fine as they are, but the Very Tidy Couple prefers a very manicured look to all things. That's mostly harmless, so the rest of the residents just shrug it off as their harmless neurotic behavior. Extra daffodils on the road are nice, but I'm not asking for them. We have privately chuckled over their excess of free time and their desire to be seen as the Mayors of The Neighborhood. Until...

    A couple of months after we lived here Mr. Tidy decided he'd had enough of the pothole in the shared road and unilaterally signed a contract with a paving company for over $20k. He paid them. He was taken advantage of by these pavers. They overcharged and underperformed. But, the neighbor was the only one involved and as we saw the work being done we figured this was just one of The Mayor's wild plans and even if the work was shoddy it wasn't worse than it started. He did not discuss or ask for consent from any of us prior to his contracting with the paving company.

    Later that week he delivered invoices to all the other residents for "their share". My husband gave him what we could and what seemed appropriate, which was $300 of the $1700 he asked for from every neighbor. (I would have declined to offer anything, because I do not wish to set a precedent with an over-stepper) This was less than he wanted and he has been escalating his attempts to collect on this false debt that only exists in his mind.

    Last week he spray painted the private road we live on with "U O 1313" and this morning he erected a large, painted billboard that says "YOU OWE $1313 FOR ROAD REPAIR" on his home, facing my home. He bolted this massive sign into his siding, damaging his own home in order to make that statement.

    This sign is in clear view of anyone on the street and clearly implies that we owe this man money that we do not owe him.

    What recourse and protection does the law provide? I feel bullied and I do not cave into bullies' demands because they just keep coming back if you do. This is distressing and embarrassing though. It's the first thing my children see when they wake up and it's definitely interfering with our lives and our ability to enjoy our own home. I had to explain why it was there to the guys we hired to take care of a tree that fell in last weeks storms. I don't want to have to explain this story to anyone else. I would very much like for this couple to just leave me and my family alone.

    submitted by /u/SnozberryWallpaper
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    An employee’s father has tested positive for COVID19 and I have been told to keep it quiet.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I work for Pizza Hut in Texas.

    Title describe it but this Sunday one of our night cooks received results saying their father had contracted COVID19. Our manager was told by the employee on Sunday. Today (Wednesday) I found out through the workers instagram where we posted on his story revealing the news. Our GM admitted to knowing but there was no plan to tell the rest of the store and she has threatened me with HIPAA law saying I can not tell other employees. The father was in the store this past week ordering carry out and picking up his son..

    I am going to go get tested but I want to let others now. What can I do legally.

    submitted by /u/pizzathrowawayhut
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    Duty Dispute with Int'l DHL and Customs: I do not owe $5,500 in duty for a $460 purchase!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    I purchased a weaving in Nairobi for about 50,000.00 Kenyan shillings - this is equivalent to about 460 US dollars. Unfortunately when the shop in Kenya shipped it to me, and as noted in the shipping paperwork to Customs, the shop listed the sales price at 50,000 US DOLLARS, not KENYAN SHILLINGS. It was a simple mistake - they just indicated the wrong currency.

    But as the value was noted as USD and not KSH, Customs charged DHL (and in turn me), a duty of $5,500 DOLLARS.

    I've already argued with DHL about this once, as the package was being held in customs. I supplied my credit card statement showing the USD value, pictures of my hard copy receipt in KSH; a picture of the actual sales tag in KSH; documents from the Nairobi vendor. This was a simple mistake and frankly I can't believe DHL or Customs haven't seen it before. Most of the emails from DHL were pretty rude, but whatever - I was trying to be professional and helpful.

    I thought it was sorted when the package finally arrived out of customs - but to my surprise when I received the final duty bill last week from DHL, it was for... the same $5,500 USD amount.

    I don't want to call DHL back to start this argument again until I get some advice?

    Lord I am pissed. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/WildlifePolicyChick
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    Someone came to my relative's house asking for me.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    The other day a man showed up to my Great Grandmother's house looking for me. She told him that she had heard of me and asked what it was about. All he would say is that he was trying to serve court papers and he needed to find me. The showed up in an unmarked car, which is unusual because normally they go in a constable car for that kinda thing where I live. My current address should be on file, so I don't understand why they would go to her. Also, I don't have a record nor have I done anything to require court action that I can think of. How can I find out more, and what actions should I take going forward?

    submitted by /u/JarouMichael
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    My wife and I were not paid for 6 months by our previous employer. NEED ADVICE.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    My wife and I (we are NOT from EU) worked around 2 years for an IT startup in EU (Ireland) and we both left it last year in October and November, respectively. We were both reporting to the CEO.

    We both were not paid for 6 months, and after leaving the company we filed a complaint in the Government Workplace Relations and won that case in February 2020. But our CEO didn't pay us a single penny till now.

    He already has a few other small companies and we fear that if we hire a lawyer at this stage (which is not cheap) then he will shut down his company and go to other businesses.

    We are in a dilemma that if we should file another complaint in the local court or should we wait. We are clueless and not sure what could be our options.

    submitted by /u/GracefulForehead
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    Do we have any rights to see our brothers body?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Our brother was found dead in a lake very close to us. He was missing for 10 days. We have lots of information that lead us to believe he was murdered. The police claim he jumped into the lake and killed himself. We want to see the body before they preform an autopsy. They said we can't until after. Do we have any rights to see it now? We're in Illinois.

    submitted by /u/legalquestions100
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    Mother is threatening to call the IRS on me (18)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    My mother was unemployed for the whole year of 2019, she didn't work besides minimum of a month for a disabled guy that paid her in cash. She never received a W2, she was paying our bills with money from my uncles. I paid for all of my clothes, food, essentials, etc. Any food she got was from the food shelf. I lived with her until December, which I then moved in with my brother. I asked her and my uncle many times before doing my taxes if I should claim myself as independent or not. They said I should cause it wouldn't make a difference. So I did just that and now they're saying they never said that and are saying I need to file an amendment cause she is trying to claim me as a dependent, and is now threatening to call the IRS on me (I inserted the screenshot of what she said). IRS What can I do? Let me know if you need more information.

    submitted by /u/Arosepal
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    Did I really mess up? (CT)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    I don't really need a lecture, I know I made some bad decisions with parenting, and I wish I could have done things differently.

    Basically, I have a daughter just under the age of 10. Over Christmas, I got her an IPod to start allowing her to learn about owning a phone, while not actually using a phone. I had some parental controls in place, but they weren't enough apparently and she got past them. She ended up downloading an app she shouldn't have, and had a very short conversation with a man. In the course of the 5 messages or so, he sent her explicit images, and for whatever reason, she also sent back images.

    Reacting mostly out of disgust, after taking the phone and the long conversation with her, I called to report it to the police. They came, filled out a report, and asked if they could take the IPOD to take everything off of it and see what they can do. I consented without thinking about it, and turned over the phone.

    Now, I don't know everything they're going to find (she deleted some stuff I'm sure), but I know for a fact there's images on there she took of herself. I know what I need to do in regards to getting her therapy and addressing the root cause of the decision, but what about from a legal standpoint? Am I at risk of losing her or being deemed unfit to parent due to this? I'm really stressing out about this.

    submitted by /u/Taw554433
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    I worked at a dog daycare. A dog mauled another dog, and in the process of trying to get the dog to let go I was bit several times by other dogs in the room. My boss did not file an injury report or report the dog bites.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Location: California This happened in December 2018. My boss left left me alone with almost 90 dogs spread out in different rooms. This is a daycare that claims to never leave the dogs alone... When I was in a room with the "big dogs" a massive pit bull went after a border collie. It latched onto its neck and shook it around, completely ripping the skin off around it's neck. I do not know how that poor dog survived. I weigh just over 100 lbs and there was no way I could get the pit bull to let go. My boss supplied blow horns and pepper spray to everyone to use in case of a fight. My pepper spray did not work. I had to leave the room and scramble around the property to find one that did. I finally found one that worked, and after unloading the entire can the pit bull finally released. I put the pit in a crate and carried the border collie to my car and drove him to an emergency vet. I had to leave the 80+ dogs all alone. Also, while I was trying to make the pit bull release, the other dogs in the room started to pack around us and bit my legs several times. I do not know how many dogs bit me, but this whole thing was captured on the Nest camera in that room so my boss could have looked at the footage and found out. I was so terrified that even though I could see the dogs biting me I did not feel it. My boss met me at the vet and then I drove back to the daycare. On the way home my legs started to hurt and I looked down and they were covered in blood. Most of the cuts were minor and scabbed in a couple hours, but there was one huge puncture. I foolishly did not go to the doctor. I have a close up picture of the puncture but I do not have a picture of the bruises and cuts all over the rest of my legs. At the time I had no idea that he should have reported my injury, reported the dog bites, and quarentined all of the dogs that bit me. He did not offer me anything and it was one of my first jobs so I had no idea how all of that worked. I just asked him to never leave me alone again because it's unsafe and it's against our policy. Customers are told their dogs are never left alone. I have always been a dog person but ever since then I have been afraid of bigger dogs. That was by far the scariest moment of my entire life. I still get nightmares over a year later. I left the job earlier this year (well I did leave, he sexually harassed me then fired me when I confronted him but I'm not going to get into that here unless you guys think it's relevant in any way). Can I sue him even though this happened over a year ago? Is there any action I can take to hold him accountable? Should he have reported the pit bull attack?

    Edit: I am way more interested in getting the buisness in trouble than getting financial compinsation. It's been over a year since this happened. If it's too late or not an option to simply report him or something, I was wondering if I could at least sue him. I just want to do something. I apologize for my ignorance. I have no idea how this all works, that's why I'm here.

    submitted by /u/realdowntomarsgrl
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    Wedding Venue is Price Gouging Us to Rebook in a Year because of Coronavirus. Do we have any options?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Ok, here we go. My wife and I are originally from Oklahoma, but we currently live in the northwest. We got legally married at the end of 2019, but we had a wedding ceremony scheduled for the end of March at a small wedding venue back home. All of the contracts were signed, money was all paid, the wedding was ready to go and then, of course, Covid-19.

    We made the decision to reschedule the wedding for one year away, the end of March 2021 because we really feel like planning anything for the rest of 2020 would be foolish and all of our vendors uniformly agreed to the new date. They get to keep their money and we get to have our wedding on the date we wanted. The only problem is the wedding venue.

    We've paid the wedding venue about $4000 altogether for the deposit, the rental fee and various add ons and now they want to charge us another $1000 to move the date to next year. These are all of the options they are giving us.

    1) Book a new date before March 2021. Except anything through July is highly off the table because of the pandemic and September and October are already fully booked. The problem with this is Jan/Feb/Aug/Dec are all in the Tier 1 category and would have been $500 cheaper to book in the first place because they are less desirable, but we wouldn't be refunded. Also, it's a barn, very millennial of us I know, and outdoor weddings in winter aren't great.

    2) Cancel the wedding and they will take 20% of what we have already paid. This would end up being $800 or more and then we have to plan our entire wedding again.

    The contract we signed doesn't make any mention of acts of god or force majeure. The only section relevant to rescheduling says "if a client decides to change the date of their event or wedding" then we will be responsible for the $1000 fee, but my wife has e-mails between her and the owner of the venue where the owner admits that this wasn't our choice and was out of everyone's control.

    Do we have any legal options here? With all of the financial uncertainty in these times we aren't thrilled about forking over that much money for no reason. Small businesses are getting bailout money but they are asking us to give them almost an entire stimulus check. I really thought every one would be cool and understanding during this, but I should know better.

    submitted by /u/mficus
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    ISP hasn't fixed my internet in almost 2 weeks - I am loosing income because I cannot WFH - I can't go on unemployment b/c I have a job. How is this legal?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Title says most of it. I am out almost 2 full weeks of work and Optimum (NYC) has not repaired my internet. Two different technicians came.. the second one said he would put a report in and someone would come by with 2-3 business days to fix my cable box on the outside of the building I live in. No one has done that, there is no way of knowing if he even put in a report, customer service is horrendous and assures me someone who knows will call me back "very soon" - no one has called in over a week of attempts..

    I am out over $2,000 in income and am at the whim of my ISP (which I have NO OPTIONS for in my neighborhood) .. Is there ANY recourse for the lost wages?! How are customers in this much jeopardy due to a utility company...

    Sorry I am just outraged.. I'm sure there is nothing to be done but keep calling and hoping.. It just seems like an injustice that we are all at the whim of these ISPs. I'm sure within our contract is a non-litigation clause or something to boot.


    EDIT - Hotspotting is not sufficient to do the work I do. Thanks anyways.

    submitted by /u/wholenewday
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    My bf was in a motorcycle accident and the driver who hit him was an excluded driver on the car owner’s insurance policy.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    My bf was hit by a car who ran a red light and was in the hospital for almost a month with severe injuries that have left him unable to work for the time being. He currently has over $800k in hospital bills. The guy who hit him was an excluded driver so their insurance is refusing to pay anything. My bf's lawyer is saying we can go directly after the guy and basically "ruin his credit so he can never buy a house". However, my bf is basically SOL when it comes to his debt and will probably have to file bankruptcy.

    It's illegal to drive without insurance (we are in Texas) yet this guy seems to be getting off without any consequence. My bf had health insurance but it cut off after the first week in the hospital so only a very small portion was covered. Do we need to get a different lawyer? Is there anything we can do?

    submitted by /u/slopapotamus
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    BF under-reporting his income for child support to ex wife

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I am on mobile so bear with me.

    A little bit of background: My (soon to be ex) BF is a felon. Within the last decade, he has served time in prison for fraud and tax evasion. When he was released, he has been working in a cash-only business.

    I've observed his legal battle with his ex wife for custody of their teenage child together. She has full custody and he has to pay support. The problem is that he has been asking for reduction after reduction, and I come to find out he has several times over misrepresented his income to the court, SEVERELY. He is able to get away with this due to lack of paper trail since he lives a near cash only lifestyle.

    I began recording conversations and savings texts/emails where he has openly admitted to his deception of income. And now alarmingly, he has told me he wants to falsify a defamation case against his ex wife as well.

    Reddit, is there anything I can do with my evidence to make him stop all of this? I no longer want anything to do with him since it's nothing but trouble, but I feel the need to at least step up and do SOMETHING. What are my options? Can he be charged with anything? (I reside in the state of California).

    submitted by /u/miramaxe
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    Medical Marijuana card legality for Doctors/Clinicians

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    I am a licensed healthcare provider practicing in Massachusetts. I have been seriously considering becoming a medical marijuana patient myself but am wondering if doing so would jeopardize my ability to practice medicine? It is surprisingly difficult to find out specific info on this and I have asked several colleagues as well as my own providers for guidance and none of them knew the answer, either. There are far too many specific medicolegal nuances to consider and I don't want to put my career in jeopardy by failing to recognize one.

    For example, I possess a federal DEA license to prescribe scheduled II-V substances as part of standard credentialing. While patient-provider confidentiality is legally binding and while marijuana is completely legal in MA, would I be breaking the terms of my federal DEA license (which required specific attestation that I am not taking illegal drugs) by getting prescribed a substance that is still outlawed federally? Would they even find out, given HIPAA laws? Do any of these laws or related laws override one another? In what ways (if any) does the MA DPH communicate with the DEA on these matters?

    I would be much obliged if anyone familiar with the medicolegal process could lend a helping hand. If you know someone who might know the answer, please point me in the right direction.

    EDIT: The DEA scenario above is just one example of the hundreds of potential medicolegal interactions that ran through my head. I am asking more broadly if there is *any* way that getting a medical marijuana card could potentially destroy my ability to practice medicine in MA (and more broadly, in the US).

    submitted by /u/throwaway420sadboi
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    Do I have to notify my baby's father when he is born? Can the father use it against me if I don't?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Sorry for formatting and typos, posted from my phone.

    I am pregnant and due May 21st. The father and I broke up before I found out I was pregnant. I found out early October. I did tell him I was pregnant about 3 weeks later and had come to terms with the idea and decided to keep the baby. I said to him at the time that I would not stop him from seeing the baby if he wanted to be involved and I would not come after him for support if he didnt want to be involved. I told him that I had time to think and make my decision and he deserved the same so he could think about it and let me know what he wanted to do.

    About 2 months later he asked me if I wanted to try the relationship again and I said no and he got mad and I haven't heard from him since. He didnt ask anything about the baby or indicate in any way that he wanted to be involved in the raising of the baby.

    I very much feel that father's have rights too and would never try to keep the child from him. However I am hoping he will just quietly go away and since he has shown no intentions of wanting to be involved I wasn't planning on notifying him when I give birth. I did tell him originally what my due date was so theoretically he should know it's coming up, but I have no proof because it was a phone conversation. Down the line if he decides to be involved can he hold it against me in court that I didnt notify him? I dont want to shoot myself in the foot.

    I know I am forfeiting child support and I can manage without it. He's not a terrible person but based on how he is with his kids from his ex wife I really think my child will be better off without him in his life and I know kids deserve to know both their parents and it breaks my heart that my son might never know his dad, but I can't change that. I had a terrible father and I always felt it would be better to never have known him than have him constantly disappoint me and then want nothing to do with me anyway.

    Edit: I live in Washington state.

    Tl;dr: Would it reflect poorly on me down the road in a potential custody case if I dont tell the father of my child that the child has been born even though the father knows the due date and has shown no interest in the child?

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayRAforadvice
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    Employer terminated 10% of company - does this constitute a lay off? [PA]

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    On this past Friday my employer terminated 10% of the staff across the world, including myself being fired from my sales job. This Monday I received the severance paperwork from HR.

    The paperwork stated I was terminated for violating company policy, "under-performance", rather than laid off due to economic circumstances.

    The paper work also stipulates that I agree "you agree that you've been paid all earned commission". I have outstanding commission that I have not received yet.

    I have not signed the documents yet.

    My questions are:

    1. Does the company have an obligation to label the terminations as a lay off rather than firings?
    2. Will being "fired" rather than "laid off" affect my unemployment benefits?
    3. Do I have any recourse to collect my earned commission payment?
    submitted by /u/throwaway298716798
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    USPS delivered our packages to our neighbors house. Our neighbors did not inform us and instead took it for themselves, even though they were marked for our address and our name. Do we have any options to get our property back or is it a lost cause?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    EDIT: Thank you all for the advice, will take it up with them. Will update later when I can. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Throwmeunderabus1234
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    Can I sign a nda?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Throwaway for privacy reasons. I live in Northern Ga in the us. I am 14. I saw a ad for a game that I will not be naming asking for closed alpha testers. I signed up because I was interested. I was picked to continue on to round 2 of selection. That's when I found out I would be forced to sign a NDA before playing the game. As a minor can I sign a NDA? I looked online and I couldn't get a conclusive answer. Do I have a legal obligation to tell my parents about this?

    Edit: I would have no intention of telling anybody about the game or that I was even trying it out. I just wanted to see if I would get in any legal trouble for signing it.

    submitted by /u/throwayntalegal
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    My last parent passed away and I'm not sure what to do

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hi there, I'm sorry if I don't make much sense, still very distraught. We live in Illinois. My mom passed away very recently and suddenly and we aren't really prepared. I'm not sure what to do or find the information as my mom didn't really keep things in one place and the house is a mess.

    We've found her life insurance policy, and were able to notify them, but they need a death certificate to move forward obviously. I'm the listed beneficiary.

    We have her at a funeral home right now, but they want the social security number I'm assuming to notify the social security offices. I don't know if we can get death certificates until this is resolved?

    We can't find her social security card, and aren't sure where we can find her information in an expedient manner. Is there someone we can call for this?

    We are pretty sure she didn't have a will, or at least she never told us. Not sure how we would check, so I'm not sure what should happen for estate things. We grew up poor, and my mom doesn't have much to her name.

    We're not sure who we should be reporting to or calling or how to get what bills she should be paying. Should I be trying to get access to her bank account to see what the transactions have been?

    My siblings and I still have to work through all of this mess which makes this all the more difficult so I would appreciate any advice. We're all in our 20s and honestly should have been more prepared...

    If you need more info, let me know.

    submitted by /u/throwawaydeceased
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    BestBuy Delivery/Install Lead to Major Home Damage - Help!!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Right before the Covid-19 situation escalated we had a fridge installed on the 2nd floor of our town home with purchase/delivery/install arranged through BestBuy. The delivery team not only scratched the new fridge on our doorway, but did not hook the water line up securely and a few hours after the install we realized a lot of water was coming through the 1st floor wall and ceiling causing major floor and ceiling damage! We unhooked the line and have been working (struggling really) with BestBuy's insurance company Sedgewick, their delivery/install contractor XPO, and I am guessing the subcontractor of XPO who did the actual delivery and install. We have been told to get quotes from contractors, but due to the Covid19 situation we are under a "Stay Home/Stay Safe" order contractors cannot come. Now the subcontractor who did the install and delivery mailed us a letter refuting our damage claim... this improper install caused us presumably thousands of dollars of damage! W have pictures and taken right after the major leak/damage was discovered. What should we do? I feel like we need something better in writing that this will be handled and need to know this will be fixed or will likely need this to be handled in small claims court. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Rachel21321
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    Is it legal for employers to ask about expunged legal proceedings?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    This is something that I came across in applying to work at a hospital. The questionnaire states: "Have you ever been arrested (even if the record has been expunged)?" I am ignorant about such things (and haven't been arrested) but am curious if someone could explain why they can demand to know information that seemingly the court decided should be erased? Thanks!

    Edit: Location is Missouri.

    submitted by /u/SacralPlexus
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    Alaska divorce on hold?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    My son, active duty Army, is going through a contentious divorce. They had their last court appearance (by phone) at the end of March and agreed to terms. However, because the courthouse is essentially closed, the paperwork is still not signed. So according to his attorney he is still married. His soon to be ex-wife wants to move, they need to set up child support, she's living in the military housing while he scrounges for couches among friends, the Army can't do anything about his orders/her move until they have paperwork. Is this really not fixable until after coronavirus restrictions are lifted, whenever that may be? Can the judge not sign a few papers? His attorney seems a little passive. Does he need a new attorney? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/CatpersonMax
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