• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Legal Advice - My husband was arrested for strangling me while I was holding our newborn. What's next?

    Legal Advice - My husband was arrested for strangling me while I was holding our newborn. What's next?

    My husband was arrested for strangling me while I was holding our newborn. What's next?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Last night my husband of exactly five years (it was our anniversary) attacked me. I screamed at alexia to call 911 and ran outside. He proceeded to choke me until the neighbors came running. I was holding my 3wk old during the attack. He was arrested and issued a 10 day restraining order against me and our three kids.

    He's currently in a medium security jail and no bond allowed. I don't know if or what he bc will be charged with. My question is, what should I expect? Do I need to hire a lawyer? Go to court? If I don't press charges is everything dropped? If I do press charges do we go to trial with a jury?

    This is the first time he's been arrested for a domestic dispute, and the first time the cops were called. It's the second time he's abused me. I have it all on video because of our ring cam. Can someone tell me what to do now?!

    submitted by /u/throwout656566
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    Nursing school threatening to kick my cousin out due to military duty

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    My friend is just about to complete a semester of nursing school, but got called for military duty due to covid. The school has told her if she's not present these last weeks she will have to reapply (a monster itself) and start over. Is there a law that protects her, as it is completely out of her control to do her military service?

    submitted by /u/mbeezy1394
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    Dad helped me pay for grad school but wasn’t clear on whether it was a gift or a loan. I pissed him off recently so now he’s insisting that I have to pay it back and threatening legal action. (NY)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    About a year ago my dad helped me pay for my final year of grad school but wasn't clear on whether it was a gift or a loan. (For the record, my mom, uncle, and grandfather also pitched in and all insisted I didn't have to pay them back). After I graduated he didn't say anything about paying it back so I figured we were all good.

    The other day we got in an argument and now he's saying I have to pay him back for grad school in $1000 monthly installments. He said if I don't he will send his lawyer after me. Even though I have a job that is not something I can afford right now.

    My question is can he really send a lawyer after me? Should I get a lawyer? He never explicitly said "this is a gift" or "this is a loan" so I'm not sure how much legal standing he has.

    update: Apparently when my dad was about to contribute the money to my grad school he sent someone else in my family an email that basically said "yeah I can afford to give this as a gift but let's not let iiipalindromeiii know that" ie basically deceived me into thinking that he would neeed the money back when really he didn't.

    submitted by /u/iiipalindromeiii
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    Neighbor threatening to report me for working out

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    California: So with this whole shelter in place with the gyms closed, I decided to buy a squat rack, a barbell, some bumper plates, and a really thick horse stall mat to do my exercises on. The problem is that I live in a condo with a shared open garage that can fit two cars (one for me and one for my neighbor). I decided to use my half of the garage to do my workouts in with my barbell, etc. and set up all my equipment there.

    My neighbor noticed my set up and kept coming out every 15-30 mins to smoke to probably check on me.. and then she finally comes out with her cellphone and starts to take photos of my set up and says, "this is just in case something happens to my car." I then immediately tried to get out of her photo saying that I didn't want to be in it. She replied, "I don't care, I don't want to see you too. I mean I totally understand her concern for her car so I let it go. Keep in mind that she was really rude.

    The second time I was working out, she did the same thing where she would come out every 15-30 mins to check on me. On about the fourth time, she outright told me that the garage area is strictly for cars only. "I don't understand why you just can't take all this into your place and go there." She continued on and said "I already mailed the management and everything and now I'm just waiting on a response." "I don't know if you're leasing this place or whatever, but you really can't be doing this here."

    So my question is, is this a form of harassment that's reportable? Am I wrong to be lifting in our side of property? I try to be really quiet when I lift too so I don't disturb my neighbors. If she was also so concerned about her car, she can literally just back it up onto the driveway before the garage, but she refuses to.. it's like she really wants me to damage her car. Please help. Lifting is a meaningful hobby to me and my shared garage is the only place where I can do it. How can I follow up with this problem??

    submitted by /u/pinku_strawberii
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    Roommate moved all my stuff into the hallway, and refused to let me into the apartment. Because i work at a grocery store. All my valuable stuff has been taken, and the police are not being helpful. Help.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    I rent a room from my landlord in an apartment and share it with a roommate kim.

    Kim has been very pissed off at me and has been threatening me non stop because, i might bring COVID back to our apartment because i work as a cashier in a grocery store part time.

    Tonight i came home to find boxes of my shit sitting in the apartment hallway, clothing, electronics everything just dumped there.

    Kim refuses to let me in and has dead bolted our apartment door, it is midnight and she is screaming that she will call the police, if i don't go away.

    I try to call my landlord over and over again but he doesn't answer. I call the police non emergency number. Explain the situation to the police officer who basically rips into Kim, Kim finally lets me into my apartment.

    At this point i realize that pretty much everything valuable i had has been taken and stolen. Laptop, TV, Switch, clothing, and even my mattress is missing. I asked the cop and he told me it was a civil issue before leaving.

    Kim refuses to explain anything then grabs her stuff and leaves because she is "going to get COVID".

    What am i supposed to do?

    Sorry i am in Ontario, Canada.

    submitted by /u/ThrowLA1092121
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    Taking college course which requires using Azure platform, was told to enter debit card info "but service is totally free." Today several of my classmates and I were charged $75 dollars and had our home address revealed. (Georgia, US)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    This is my first post here and I am not sure if this is the appropriate sub, so please direct me to a better place if this doesn't belong here, Thanks!

    I am taking a web development course at my local university, and the proffesor required us to upload our work to the Azure web app platform. After the 3rd week or so the service prompted me (and everyone else, the instructor had to make an announcement that this was free but required us to enter payment information) to enter card info. I used the only card I have, my debit card, which I am now seeing was a mistake.

    Today I was charged $75 dollars for using the service, after investigating I found invoices on the platforms billing page, for myself and several other classmates, as well as the professor. The interesting part of that is the invoices have our home addresses on them, even the professor's. The charges have placed my bank account at a negative balance, and im sure an ensuing overdraft fee, and my internet bill will now be paid late, causing a probable fee there as well, could cost me around $60 dollars further.

    I am mad, but equally confused, I am worried I may have done something wrong during set up because we never really went over how this platform works, just how to get started and enter the payment details. I'm wondering if I can take any steps to recover my money, and how to address this with the professor or school.

    The charges occurred at midnight, the professor has posted a new assignment in the class today, but not mentioned the charges at all yet.

    Thanks in advance for any help! Sorry again if this is in the wrong place, poorly formatted or otherwise incorrect!

    submitted by /u/down4counting
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    Sent money and diamonds to an out-of-state jewelry company to design a custom ring. Jeweler temporarily shut down due to COVID and I'm worried they're going to go bankrupt and take my money and rocks with them.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Before the COVID shutdowns I was in the process of getting a custom engagement ring designed for me by a small out of state jewelry company.

    In addition to paying them $850, I also mailed them several stones for the ring as well. The stones were taken from my girlfriend's mom's old ring as she'd wanted then incorporated into the new ring.

    The day after the diamonds arrived, the designer told me they were shutting down for the next month and would be unable to complete my order until then.

    A month has passed and I emailed the designer again and was told they were going to be shutdown until the stay at home order was lifted. (Allegedly in 2 weeks but we all know that's not going to happen)

    I'm worried that if this goes on for much longer (which it almost certainly will) that this jewelry store will shut down permanently, taking both my $850 and diamonds with it.

    What's the best recourse for getting both my money and rocks back before that happens? No contract was signed but all communication was over email and I have an invoice from them that's marked as paid.

    I already contacted them and they told me my money was nonrefundable since they'd already designed the ring, and that I'd have to pay to get my rocks shipped back to me.

    I'm in Maryland, they're in Arizona.

    submitted by /u/flapflip3
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    Husband took joint account debit card and all cheque’s after telling him about separation

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I live in Ontario and after telling my husband that I want to separate he immediately took my joint account debit card and all the cheque's for that account. What are my options now? Should I call the bank and report the card stolen?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/AG097
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    Somebody found my wallet and turned it into the police and it had my fake id (under 21) and now the cops want to talk to me about it what should I do/say to get in the least amount of trouble?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Am I legally obligated to get a break working fast food?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I'm sorry if this is the wrong sub for this.

    I work fast food and corporate has just decided that employee breaks are now paid. While this sounds amazing, the only reason why we were sent on breaks was because it benefitted the business by lowering labor (the % of income currently being used to pay employees).

    Now since there is no benefit to the business to send us on breaks, we are not getting them. We are on our feet for 8 or more hours at a time doing very stressful and tiring work imo. If I ask for a break I'm told that no one else has gotten one either and that I shouldn't be an exception.

    Is there anything I can do about this besides just finding another job?

    submitted by /u/Glowing_Ashes
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    Ex husband wants half of our kids stimulus.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    In 2019 our divorce was finalized in Florida. We have 2 kids that lived with me 80% of the time at the time and him 20% of the time. He refused to help with child support even for groceries. All while living with my mom and not paying rent. We decided on 50/50 custody and because he refused to help me and admitted it to the court he agreed to let me claim the kids for the next 5 years and he would pay the child's health insurance forever. He text me this week saying he is owed $500 of the stimulus and that he would do "what he sees fit for them." I told him no but he says legally I owe him the money. I can't find anything online about this.

    submitted by /u/RBanner
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    My parents owned 3 acres of land. When I was 11, they died. Now I'm 25.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    I have 2 whole siblings and 3 half siblings. I'm in louisiana. I haven't been to the land since the night they died. Who does this land belong to now? All of us together? None of us? Better question, who do I need to talk to in order to get this sorted out?

    submitted by /u/Fagatronxx
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    Dad holding stuff hostage

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I am an 18 year old who just left home due to an abusive home situation. I left with only the clothes I had on. My father is now holding all of my belongings including my car that he , my mom and my grandfather all put in money to buy me. The car is in both his and my name ( title says or) How do I go about getting my stuff back? I tried asking nicely .

    submitted by /u/WithqWord
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    My wife and I recieved more than we should have in stimulus payments. Not because we made too much to qualify in 2019 or 2020.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    We filed jointly for the first time for 2019 returns a few weeks ago. My wife recieved her own stimulus check on 4/15 for $1,200. My stimulus check began pending in my bank account on 4/18 for $2,400. It seems clear to me they used 2018 returns for my wife's stimulus check and then used 2019 returns for my stimulus check where I filed jointly and didn't deduct the stimulus they already paid my wife. I plan on not touching the extra $1,200 in my account and waiting for the IRS to catch their mistake. Is this the correct course? Are there other actions I should take?

    submitted by /u/Buinea_Pird
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    Cousin is scamming people

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    What do I do if an adult family member has been posting online lying and saying she's taking care of 8 kids (she has 2, my other aunt has custody of all her underage siblings) in order to get people to donate money to her and when she was called out claimed that her account had been hacked and that she never asked or received any donations (lie) and then deleted the account that had all of the scams she was doing for over a month. Wouldn't venmo have the bank account that the money was going to and wouldn't that be proof she was doing it? Sorry if this is confusing but I've had enough.

    submitted by /u/abstractava
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    Neighbor keeps flying his drone over my pool, Tampa, FL

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    One of my neighbors (two houses over) keeps flying his drone over my house. I have not been able to catch him on video doing it. But I've caught him in the cul-de-sac with the remote control and then it landing next to him. He knows I am trying to catch him because now he pilots it from his back yard. I did find the "Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act" that might apply but I would love advice on how to stop him. Unnecessary information, I enjoy swimming in the nude and I obviously can't while I know he is flying around watching everybody. About 3 times he has caught my wife and I swimming in our private pool. I want my privacy.

    submitted by /u/Projectevaunit01
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    Bank says coworker is liable for charges on a stolen credit card. What are her options?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Her credit card was stolen from a gym locker, and in half an hour purchases worth several thousand dollars were made. She called the gym, filed a police report, called the bank and cancelled the cards.Bank said they will investigate, and now says they have concluded the investigation and she is liable for the charges. What are her options? It appears the bank's customer support is not working (at least for credit card fraud) because of Covid 19. What are her options?

    submitted by /u/smokoholic
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    My SO can't get his tax returns and his stimulus check because somebody claimed his as a dependent. TurboTax advised him that it might have been Identity Theft?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    My 23-year old Significant Other from New York has lived and worked in America since 2018.

    His father is an American citizen who lives in a different country and receives pension from the NYPD, but he does not financially support my SO. His mom is a non-US citizen.

    My SO paid TurboTax 130 dollars to file his taxes for him, and today he received a notification saying that the IRS rejected his returns because his SSN has already been entered as a dependent on another return.

    Upon contacting TurboTax, they informed him that there doesn't appear to be any errors on the information that he provided, and it may possibly be a case of Identity Theft. He tried contacting IRS but their lines are busy.

    I think it's also helpful to note that my SO has multiple siblings in America (one of whom is 22 years old) who have filed their own taxes, and successfully received their returns recently. This eliminates the possibility that they were wrongfully claimed as a dependent under their father's pension.

    According to TurboTax, my SO is now disqualified from filing his returns electronically. He needs to send his paperwork to the IRS via mail, and apparently it will take 180 days to complete the process?

    What will happen to his stimulus check? What is the best way to proceed?

    Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/elizaofhousestark
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    Moving and upset roommate (Atlanta, Dekalb County)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    Backstory: I've been trying to get a hold of my leasing company for over 3 months regarding the renewal of our lease. A new leasing company took over our apartments, and hasn't replied to any of my emails either. Nothing, radio silence. I've called the office, the management company corporate, and got no reply.

    My upstairs neighbors were playing music super loud and I asked them to turn it down a week ago, to which I received a 'GET A HOUSE, B*TCH' response. I decided since the lease is up on the 24th of April (which I've notified my roommate over numerous times, and kept her informed on them not replying about the lease) I would put in my notice to move and get a new apartment. I put in my 30 day notice on the 17th, and said I'd vacate by the 1st. I was happy to pay for the last 30 days of my stay (AKA next month's part, too) even if I wasn't here.

    I did, to which my roommate has gotten VERY reactive about. She's claiming I'm breaking the law, screwing her over intentionally, that I'm racist (because our neighbors who I asked to turn music down to are black), that she will be calling lawyers, and not to touch her stuff (which I'm not).

    I've got a paper trail proving I'd tried contacting the office multiple times without response.

    I told her I would help with May rent if she couldn't find a roommate, which she understood and repeated back to me that she was appreciative of. I told her I'd help her find a new roommate as well. She now says she won't be paying anything and is threatening legal recourse. She also says because I am 'screwing' her over, she is going to 'force' me to pay all of May rent and the utilities. She screamed at me over the phone for about 5 minutes, calling me various insults and acting like the victim here.

    What is my best course of action here?

    Side note: I've signed a new lease and move in by the 1st (as we paid all of this month's rent). I will be transferring utilities to my new unit on the 24th when my new lease goes into affect.

    submitted by /u/dotcssandra
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    How to handle being offered a pay cut to keep my job (or be laid off with severance)?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    I work in a Canadian office for a large US-based company that has several offices throughout the US and Canada.

    Senior management in the US has already been forced to take cuts, and Canadian managers are being encouraged to (but can't be forced to) accept a pay cut. This week, our employer is asking everyone else (R&D, finance, HR), to take a 20% pay cut. It's heavily implied that if we don't take this cut, we'll be dismissed, served our severance packages, and then we're out of a job with just a few months of severance to hold us over until we're reliant on un-employment insurance. My opinion is that it's better to stay employed as long as possible, so long as this doesn't impact my severance package (8 months of salary at my "current rate").

    Question: when I'm served this request (a few colleagues have already received it, with a request for a temporary 20% pay cut), what questions should I ask or what amendments/terms should I demand prior to accepting the pay cut? Based on advice so far, I should:

    • Ask if my severance package of 8 months of salary is paid out at my normal rate, or the reduced rate? If it's a 20% pay cut, my 8 months of severance becomes 6.4 months.
    • Ask if the pay cuts will appear as deductions on my bi-weekly pay checks, or if my actual base salary itself will change (apparently this has tax implications?).
    • Ask if, in the case the company continues to do poorly, will the cut pay be paid back to me (i.e. if I work for 2 months at 80% of my normal salary, and am laid off anyway, will the 20% of two months' pay be repaid to me)?
    • Will any outstanding stock bonuses or RSUs be paid out to me if I'm laid off? After all, I wasn't given a chance to work long enough to cash them out (I think in some states/countries it has to be paid out in full).
    • I have several hundred dollars of personal possessions at the office, but it's closed unless there's a critical need. Can I demand my possessions be couriered to my apartment at no cost to myself, in return for me mailing back my company laptop and iPad?

    What else should I consider before signing such an agreement?

    Thank you, and stay safe!

    submitted by /u/ChristyChung22
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    Will my Deceased Dad's Mortgage be Called to Due

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    It's been 4.5 years since my Dad passed, and I still haven't dealt with mortgage. His will isn't recognized by the state of Arizona due to a notary error where there needs to be 3 witnesses during the signing of a will, and there was only 2, himself and the notary. Luckily, the estate is small enough where it falls under the small estate requirements of Arizona, and I've been able to take care of almost all other accounts/debts/inheritance through affidavits, and the help of an estate lawyer. I was able to get paperwork processed to add me as a trusted contact on the mortgage so I can get general information. I've been able to make the payments as of late, but I've been behind several times, and this past December I received a foreclosure notice IF I didn't pay February's mortgage as well. I paid the full amount and haven't been late since then thanks to a job change.

    Recently, I received a notice in the mail regarding an account number change because the bank is updating it's systems. I'm terrified to call. After receiving the notice in the mail, I'm afraid they'll call the entire mortgage due or ask me to apply for an assumption which at the time I wouldn't be approved for on my own based on my DTI and credit score/history. The person I'd ask to file jointly in the assumption application lost their job because of COVID-19. I don't want to give the bank more information because I'm afraid they'll use it as a reason to take the house I'm living in, and the biggest opportunity my Dad has given me.

    I've read under the federal Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982, I'm protected from a due-on-sale clause in a mortgage when it comes to a transfer from inheritance, but it's been almost 5 years, and the estate is intestate. Is there any law protections Does the Garn-St. Germain Act have a time limit, and does it only apply to valid wills or intestate inheritance as well? What are my protections when doing a loan assumption/modification from an inherited property in Arizona?

    submitted by /u/MEWR00
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    Landlord insisting to use plumbing vendor to connect bidet toilet seat, am I legally obligated to use their vendor?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I'm in CA in the Bay Area. I've purchased a bidet to mitigate my TP usage and to alleviate issues associated with my medically documented colon problems. I informed my landlord that I wish to request reasonable modifications and that my stepdad is a certified electrical who can install the necessary electrical outlet and ensure its compliance with relevant codes and regulations.

    My property manager insisted that if I proceed I would have to use their authorized electrical and plumbing vendors, and pay for everything on my own. I'm willing to be flexible with the electrical vendor as I understand their concern there.

    Additionally, my property manager informed me that I would be required to use their plumbing vendor for the installation of the bidet toilet seat. It is plugged into the wall using the same water inlet as the toilet.

    I've reviewed the leasing agreement and the form for the reasonable accommodations & modification policies and there is no language mandating the use of authorized vendors. My questions are as follows:

    1) Am I legally able to get a quote for the necessary electrical work from my family friend who is a certified electrician?

    2) Do I NEED to use their plumbing services for something so trivial? Can I insist they use their standard maintenance facilities to provide this service free of charge?

    Basically I'm just concerned the vendors will substantially overcharge for their services and I don't want to pay that much for something that I could have professionally done myself for near to free. Appreciate your assistance, thanks!

    submitted by /u/throwawaysalvadoran
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    Mass chargebacks from one customer - $600 fees - any recourse?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    I run a small online game which sells in-game items using Stripe to collect card payments. Recently I had 40 payments all from the same user get disputed. In addition to returning the $800 those payments totaled to, I got hit with 600 dollars in fees so I'm at a huge net loss. The customer never at any point requested a refund from me and just hit me with that all at once.

    From what I have gathered, this was a child using his parent's credit cards without permission to get things in the game. I would have had no problem refunding that, but since the parents were too lazy to call the phone number on their statement and ask, I lose $600 in fees.

    Is there any recourse here? It's absolutely absurd to me how the $15 fee gets applied to every single transaction that got disputed, even though all the disputes got made and resolved at the same time.

    Location: I'm in USA, "customer" and their bank are in canada

    submitted by /u/redditnerdloser
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    Bought a house in January, got a termite bond ten days before purchase, and i just found a termite nest in the ceiling.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    I live in the junk state of AL, and I bought my first house in January. Ten days before signing papers our realtor had a contractor perform a termite bond on the home, as it was a contingent part of our contract. The company recorded previous damage underneath the house but that termites were not active, and they said they treated for termites. Three months down the road I find a termite nest in the ceiling/wall and when I knocked it down I found there were holes in the wall and ceiling. Is there anything I can hold the bonding company for or am I liable?

    submitted by /u/slipperytree07
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