• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 28, 2020

    Legal Advice - [UPDATE] Groom is dying, time is of the essence. Getting married via Skype "in" another state?

    Legal Advice - [UPDATE] Groom is dying, time is of the essence. Getting married via Skype "in" another state?

    [UPDATE] Groom is dying, time is of the essence. Getting married via Skype "in" another state?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Original post (TL;DR, a person with only weeks to live wants to marry their fiance, but their city's government is shuttered due to the coronavirus, and they had no way to get a license): https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/fnulta/ny_groom_is_dying_time_is_of_the_essence_getting/

    I have an update.

    They have their license. :)

    They managed to get hold of the township clerk, who worked some magic for them. They'll be married in the next few days. It may be very down to the wire, as he's not expected to live more than a few days into April, but they'll have their wish and their marriage.

    Thank you everyone, for the input and advice, and those who extended it, their support.

    If you want to marry your person but keep putting it off, move forward, people. Don't wait.

    submitted by /u/Catlore
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    NYC- I just found out when I applied for unemployment today that my previous claim was deemed an 'overpayment' and I now owe the DOL $5K. My former employer lied to get my benefits terminated. This is from 2016 am I totally fucked?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    WA - Job fired me for failed drug test. When I emailed them asking for a copy of the report, it was only positive for a prescription I have. Now they won't email back.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Hey guys. So this all began a week or two before COVID 19 really blew up. I took a drug test for a new job, was hired and worked 3 days, came down with respiratory symptoms and was asked to stay home (we deliver to assisted living/hospice facilities), then 9 days after was told I came up positive on my drug test, for what I thought they said was Marijuana. I, completely confused about this, didn't know how to react. Maybe it's because I lived with someone who smoked? Maybe I was exposed in some way and came up positive?

    I emailed them the following week and asked for a copy of the report. I failed for amphetamines. I have an adderall prescription to treat ADHD. I'm not certain why I didn't immediately ask for the report, I think I was confused to begin with, but I can't exactly prove they said Marijuana as it was over the phone. Regardless, I confirmed my prescription with the lab and had them send back a report to my employer. It's now been 3 days and they haven't responded.

    I know they're still running, they are an essential business delivering oxygen and all. But I'm worried they think they can just ignore me and I'll go away because they don't need the employees right now after having to cut back on hours. I don't even know how to proceed, seeing as how I was employed for all of a week and a half.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/clongane94
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    I am a medical student being forced into unpaid labor on the frontlines of COVID19

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Despite the American Association of Medical Colleges call to prevent medical students from patient care areas (so that we can graduate and become helpful, healthy residents) my medical school has ignored this directive and forced all Arizona students to enter COVID19 patient care areas with only surgical masks (not N95 respirators), without pay or other safeguards. Other schools are graduating their students, which is the appropriate response. Our school dean is threatening us with postponement of our graduation if we do not comply (despite having residencies lined up for the summer). What can I do? Who can I call?

    Full thread about what's going on in our situation for reference:

    submitted by /u/MWUThrowaway2
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    Forced 20% pay cut for exempt, but now I am under Min wage

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Okay so a little back story, I am a salaried exempt employee in the state of California. My work has just furloughed all hourly employees, and is requiring managers take a 20% pay cut. The managers will now be working 4 days a week instead of 5 and will be doing projects to keep the building running and clean.

    So here is the question, with my 20% pay cut I will be under the legal California Min wage for exempt employees (more then 25 employees). Is that against the law? should they change me over from exempt to non-exempt because they are no longer providing that I work 40 hours? my understanding was no matter how many hours I work I still have to be paid the salaried minimum wage?

    I am not trying to cause to many issues, but they are doing this to 18 hotels across the us to 200+ management team members.

    Any help on this is appreciated.

    Edit: just to add on to this they are now stating that we cannot use sick time at all during this time. Which I do know is illegal in California.

    submitted by /u/Hidden187
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    CANADA - Can my mom legally force me to go back to her house?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    My (15M) mom and dad are divorced and have 50/50 custody of me and my sister (17F). A collection of my mom's activities have made me stop wanting to stay with her. She took my PS4 and gave it to her friend's 11yo as a birthday gift and she always roots through my bag and I'm not allowed to lock anything because "we trust each other".

    I don't want to stay with her. I want to stay with my dad. How can I go about this? I've been with my dad for two weeks now and she's calling me and telling me she's going to force me to come home. I want to legally change the custody so she has no legal standing and no right whatsoever to make me come home because I don't want to see her anymore.

    submitted by /u/1231aa1999
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    If I discuss my case with an attorney and do not retain him, can he then represent the other party in CA divorce court?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    My dear friend met with a divorce attorney and discussed her situation at length. The attorney asked her to go to Texas for the weekend. She declined the invitation and the representation. That attorney then met with and represented her husband in divorce court. The second lawyer she met with she also declined to hire due to a high retainer. The husband did not pay the first lawyer (who resigned) and then the husband retained the second lawyer who went on to successfully represent him. As I understand it, both lawyers should have not met with, or represented, the husband as they already met with the wife -- constituting a conflict of interest. Is that true and is there any recourse?

    submitted by /u/BuddsReport
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    AZ My boss (charter school holder) just told me (teacher) I just "have" to sign a document because their attorney said so

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Background: I work for a small, public charter school. We have no contracts. The school is nonprofit, Title 1, but has a for profit after school care and infant-prek daycare. The school is K-8

    Our last day with students was March 12th, we had grading day and staff meetings the 13th. I developed a cough and fever and made up sub plans on the 15th. Was told it would be better to go in if I "wasn't really sick". Ten minutes later the governor closed schools.

    The 17th - 27th the principal opened up daycare for infants - 7th grade. She had told teachers we have to come into the school to be paid, I pushed back. She changed it to "at least half time on site" because "what could you actually spend 8 hours a day doing at home?". She told me to not tell other staff I am sick waiting on a COVID19 test. A coworker teaches 5th and is the director of the camp. They have lupus and were told they had to be on site to get paid. They just messaged to say the camp and daycare ARE closing for two weeks.

    I've been following the emergency legislation closely and think something is strange. I asked a forum for our state's RedforEd this on March 24th:

    "Does anyone else work for a charter or district that doesn't do teacher contracts? Is that legal?

    My principal said we can't only work remote and "all of" her associates are making staff be on site at least half time to get paid and recording hours.

    I was told that she can't possibly see how I could actually teach and prove it for 8 hours while at home. We have to record hours to get paid.

    I'm worried there is something dirty going on with the school's money pots and this crisis is going to expose that. She brought up that principals aren't allowed to use "gift funds" to just pay teachers regardless through the closure. I told her I've read the actual bills passed and watched the resolutions as they were discussed live in the state legislature.

    Am I being paranoid or naive?"

    Since we do not have contracts it seems like the money given to the school for salaries was spent another way and if the for profit daycare shuts down they will have no way to actually pay us. I have no proof of this (and no idea on how I could get proof).

    AZ Leg HB2910

    This afternoon we were sent this letter and told to sign. I don't mind working my scheduled hours (7:30 - 4:00) but have a problem being told I "have to" sign a document with typos and misinformation because some attorney said she has to make us sign it.

    Here is the letter:

    March 27, 2020 Dear Staff, During this extraordinary time, we hope that you and your family are well and practicing preventive health measures, including social distancing. As you likely know, the statewide school closure has been extended until at least April 10, 2020. Fortunately, the Arizona legislature has passed HB2910, which addresses a number of important issues relating to the closure of Arizona's public schools. We anticipate that the Governor will sign the bill into law soon. A key provision of HB2910 requires public schools to continue to pay their employees, including hourly employees, for the duration of the statewide closure. HB2910 also provides, however, that continued payment of wages to a public school employee is subject to the condition that the employee must commit to being available to work during his or her normal work hours.

    The procedures that we will be using to are as follows:

     Continuing through the duration of the closure, if an employee is able to perform their usual job tasks remotely, that employee will be assigned to work from home until the closure is lifted. Employees who are able to mostly work from home may be required to report intermittently to work at the school to provide required services to students, parents and staff.

     Continuing through the duration of the closure, if an employee's usual job duties are such that they cannot be performed remotely, the employee will be assigned other tasks. This means that an employee may be assigned to perform their regular job duties or other tasks at the school. Hourly employees are required to clock in and out at the school.

     After the statewide closure is lifted, employees will resume their normal work duties unless otherwise authorized by the school. If an employee is unable or unwilling to commit to being available to work during the employee's normal work hours, the employee has the option to either use accrued sick and/or vacation leave in order to continue to be paid or choose to be placed on unpaid leave status.

    We are committed to the safety and well-being of all staff members. We know that during this pandemic, each of you will continue to put forth your best efforts in support of our school and students, while also maintaining safe and healthy practices.

    Please review and return the attached Statement of Commitment to Work. You must complete and return this document before March 30 in order to continue to be paid.

    Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the school. [Name Redacted]


    Please check the appropriate response to indicate whether you are committed to being available to work during your normal work hours.

    ____Yes, I am committed to being available to work during my normal work hours. I understand I can request sick or personal time as necessary during the statewide closure.

    ____No, I am not willing/able to commit to being available to work during my normal work hours. To the extent that I have accrued paid leave, please use this leave to continue my pay during the statewide closure.

    ____No, I am not willing/able to commit to being available to work during my normal work hours. Please do not use my accrued leave time to pay me during the statewide closure. I understand that this will result in me being placed on unpaid leave status.

    Employee's Name

    Employee's Signature


    I fully understand my employment can be terminated if I refuse to sign this, but I have been working through the entire closure. I'm not so much worried about me, but about protecting my coworkers.

    submitted by /u/MagistraCimorene
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    My job wants me to sign a new contract reducing my pay to minimum wage. What happens if I don't sign? Florida

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    I am an optometrist in Florida. I signed a contract with my job when I started 5 years ago. I get paid 100k a year. With the whole Covid-19 stuff my job has let go a lot of office staff and techs. They have 6 offices and 8 optometrists. We also have very reduced hours and significantly less patients. We are only still open because we deal with emergencies.

    Starting April 1st they want us to sign a new contract agreeing to make minimum wage $8.46 an hour. $8,46 is a laughable low amount. I could get a temp job stocking shelves right now and make around double that.

    My old contract states

    "Employee or the Corporation may voluntarily terminate employee's employment with corporations at any time, by delivering to the other party written notice of such intentions not less than 90 days prior to the effective date of termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if notice of termination is given by Employee to the Corporation, then the corporation shall have the option of advancing the effective date of such termination to a date not less than 15 days from the receipt of such notice from the Employee."

    Does this mean if I refuse to sign the new contract than they have to at least pay me for 90 more days? I tried negotiating more than minimum wage for the new pay and they said no.

    submitted by /u/MinimumWageSucks928
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    My landlord just sent out an email telling tenants they are required to inform management if they are sick and what the diagnosis is.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    I get why they would want to know, and personally I would inform them if I had coronovirus. But it just seemed off for a landlord to tell their tenants that they are required to inform management if they are sick.

    I'm in St. Louis. As far as I know there are no new local ordinances that would support this.

    Are they allowed to tell tenants this?

    Edit: just to update things. After I replied to their email asking if there were any clauses in the lease or new local ordinances requiring tenants to disclose medical info, they responded by saying they would not allow maintenance to access my apartment. This morning maintenance deconstructed my ceiling fan to fix it. They left to buy parts and by the time they would've come back this had all already happened. So I now have no light in my bedroom and exposed wires handing from the ceiling.

    I asked them to come address that and reminded them that I'm not sick with anything. But they seem to be trying to punish me for even asking the question.

    As my state law requires I gave them notice that if they can't fix the issue in 14 days I'll have a contractor come fix it and deduct it from my rent. They responded by saying I need to provide them with documentation of a "clean bill of health."

    I told them that's impossible as there is no documentation that tells someone a person is not sick, only if they are. And I reaffirmed that if the exposed wires aren't fixed in 14 days I'll hire a contractor to fix it.

    It's annoying because I could easily fix the issue but don't feel comfortable at this point as they have threatened fees if anyone but their own maintenance fixes it, and now I'm the only tenant that has to provide a clean bill of health in order to have a code violation fixed.

    submitted by /u/Griffin880
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    [NC] pharmacist refused to fill my prescription and flagged my file for drug seeking behavior

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    I have OCD that is treated with a rather high dose of Zoloft. I ran out of my prescription on Tuesday and due to the shutdowns in public transit I wasn't able to get to the pharmacy until today. I've been off my meds for 3 days now and because of that, some of my OCD tics have come back, including finger tapping and hand rubbing. I guess I was acting too twitchy for the pharmacist and he refused to fill my medication because he said that he would be aiding in my drug habit. To be clear, I have NEVER used anything stronger than cold medicine and I barely even drink. The only drugs I take are Zoloft and birth control. He said he was marking my file for drug seeking behavior because I started crying and begging him to fill my prescription when he said he wouldn't. I called my psychiatrist immediately but I'm freaking out that I won't be able to get a refill now. Is there anything I can do? Can I go to another pharmacy? Am I now legally barred from getting this prescription filled because of my behavior? Is a pharmacy legally required to fill a prescription or can they all deny me? please help.

    submitted by /u/Prior-Amoeba
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    Closing Doctors Office Gave my Medical Records to a stranger

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    In August 2019, our family doctor announced they were closing. If patients wanted to pick up their records, they just had to call and the front desk would get them ready. Pickup however was 12-3 and I work at a school so I authorized my mother to be a recipient. She goes to pick them up and they cannot find them. I'm a 25 year old relatively healthy male who had gone to the same doctor since I was like 7, so I only wanted them just to have them.

    So my mom goes to pick them up and they cannot locate them. They told my mom they had them ready but couldn't find them. They printed her out some vague chart that had some info on it but wasn't my complete record. At that point we were like "whatever, guess they were lost"

    Fast forward to Wednesday, March 25th 2020. I get a call from a random dude saying that he was cleaning out his car and had discovered his records that he'd picked up months ago on the floor. After bringing them inside, he noticed something about allergy shots. Having never gotten allergy shots, he realized something was up. Luckily my phone number and address were on it so he could contact me. Nice dude, thankful he reached out to me. Though nothing compromising or embarrassing was in the records, I feel like this was a major fuck up from a doctors office and was wondering if I had any recourse

    submitted by /u/uncleboob
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    [MI] I paid rent via the "pay bills" function of the bank over three weeks ago. The money still has not arrived and the bank refuses to do anything. What can I do?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    On March 3rd, I initiated a "Pay Bill" transaction with my bank to pay my $500 rent. Their service assured me rent would be delivered in 5 business days, aka March 13th.

    This service debits the amount from your account into an escrow account controlled by the bank, and then sends a paper check to the payee by mail. This particular bank apparently considers your bill "paid" when the amount is debited from your account, even though this happens days before your payee actually receives the money.

    It has been two weeks since the expected delivery date and my landlord still has not received the check.

    On March 18th, when my landlord notified me of the lack of payment, I called their customer service to inquire about its status. I was told my bill was considered "paid." When I asked if they could give me proof the check had been cashed, they repeated this line. Clearly, the fact the money was debited from my account does not mean the payee had received it, so I asked again. I was transferred to someone else who accused me of lying, and then told me my landlord must be lying. I was transferred yet again to someone who showed me how to download a "proof of payment" which just showed the check they had mailed and an expected delivery date (March 13th). I asked them to show me how to get proof the check was cashed, or to mail another check in its place. They refused.

    Today, since the check had not been delivered, I called the bank again. This time, I was told the check had actually been cashed on March 17th. When I asked to see proof of this fact, I was once again shown how to download the "proof" of payment that does not actually prove anything. I was then told there was nothing else they could do.

    As it stands, I have lost $500 and my rent remains unpaid.

    What can I do about this? I am about to file a complaint with the CFPB, but I am open tp stronger options.

    submitted by /u/zaszthecroc
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    Landlady Changed the Locks and Hired Someone to Throw Out All My Stuff

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    I have a six month lease on a room in California. I informed my landlady that I MAY have to put in my 30 days notice, depending on what my internship decided to do with us, due to this whole COVID thing. I specified that I was still waiting on a verdict from my boss, and that nothing was set in stone yet. I also informed her that I would be at my family home for around two weeks and, (obviously) would not be at the house.

    I just received a text from her stating that she had changed the locks on the house and hired someone to throw out all my things. Understandably, I was rather surprised and upset and I texted her right away asking what was going on.

    I informed her that I still intended to return and continue to pay rent, and she became very aggressive in response asking me 'what I expected' after telling her that 'I would not be returning' (I never said that) and 'not paying the rent' (I had already paid for March through April). She stated that she didn't know if I was coming back or not, and 'needed to pay her mortgage', so she got rid of my stuff in preparation of finding a new tenant. Her tone and texts make it fairly clear that she has no intention of taking responsibility for the loss of my possessions.

    Money is tight right now, and I am back at home once again. I have three months left on the least, but I probably have no intention of returning as a tenant after this whole issue is dealt with. Has she violated any laws? If so, will i still need to pay for the last three months if I decide to terminate early? Money is rather tight right now, what feasible options do I have regarding the loss of my items? There was well over 1000 dollars worth of stuff in my room, including my laptop and my engineering books. Is there any way I can force her to reimburse me without having to deal with legal fees?

    edit: the majority of our correspondence is via text message, so I do have a log of our conversations if that ends up being important in my future actions.

    submitted by /u/chouginga_hentai
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    Asked to work while laid off - Ontario, Canada

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:39 PM PDT


    My GF is currently being sent inquiries and tasks via text though she has been temporarily laid off. The company has officially closed during COVID19 and is considered a non-essential service, so it would be forced to close during the state of emergency in Ontario anyways.

    My GF is currently not being paid by her company, and is collecting EI, and so to me, it makes no sense that my GF would be obliged to do any tasks as she is not being compensated for them.

    My GF tried calling the Ministry of Labour customer service and they stated they did not want to give advice and stated that if my GF reported the company for making her do work during a layoff, that the company could retaliate and report my GF for neglecting to do work during her layoff? Which doesn't sound right??

    How should my GF proceed? Ignore the texts? Forward them to HR (would HR try to protect my GF's manager?) Forward it to another body that regulates labour?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thank you,

    submitted by /u/poopstain1234
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    California- Does my girlfriends shitty step dad have the right to half of her life insurance even though he wasn’t a beneficiary?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    My girlfriends mom (67) was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer two years ago. Three months after her husband (73) started slowly moving out of the house taking more of his things day by day. He found out that he signed a paper giving up his part of the house. She did it because he had really bad debt and finances. He's had trouble with finances their whole marriage. He left when she needed him the most. Eventually he was living somewhere else. Shortly they agreed to a separation. A year passed and they were still going through the separation. Then all of a sudden he started to say he wanted to get back together. She was opened to it but still wanted legally separated because of his bad financial problems and didn't want any part of that. She wanted to separate and take it slow, build up the relationship again. My girlfriend and her brother was taking care of her while he was gone for that year and half. New Year's Day her condition gotten worse and ended up being in the hospital. She didn't want anybody to see her in the state she was in. My brother and girlfriend were the only ones to see her. She didn't have a will and also had no beneficiary in for her life insurance. They tried to do as much as they can with the time left she had. She made a hand written and the put her two kids as the beneficiary's. She specifically told them she didn't want to leave anything to her husband. They called the lawyer to see how the separation was going. The lawyer said that it's all on her husbands end and his lawyer hasn't heard from him in months. When confronting the husband about it he said there was no point and he wanted to talk to her. She eventually let him see her and things seemed ok. When the will was going to get notarized she passed. The husband was doing very shady things before and after her death. Dodging questions about the separation. Long story short from my POV he was waiting till she passed so he could take everything. Now everything in probate and there is a nasty fight for her assets. His name is not on anything like the house or the life insurance. My girlfriend and her brother have gotten the life insurance checks but now he's saying that he has the right to half of it because they were still married. Just wanted to ask if he is entitled even though he was not apart of the life insurance at all. We're getting mixed opinions from different lawyers and I'm trying to help anyway I can. I'm missing a lot of details but this post seems already to long....

    submitted by /u/jland92
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    Can my employer that I freelance for make me “brainstorm” for free during COVID-19?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    GA - I'm not sure what laws apply to this since I am a freelancer who gets paid per shift (not hourly). I freelance for the NBA and my job evaporated when the suspension happened.

    They are not providing shifts for us to work and get paid for, but are asking that we come up with detailed content pitches for things we can air during the suspension. I haven't said anything, because I'm not getting paid. This isn't legal, right?

    submitted by /u/splashguard66
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    How do I pursue emancipation as a minor in Arizona?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    I want to provide some context for this post. I am 16 have been living away from my mother (who is my sole legal guardian) for about a year now and have been pursuing work and saving up for my future. The only reason that I am living separately from her is that my homeless mother allowed me to live with her ex-boyfriend (a very good friend of mine) in Arizona so that I can save up money for when she eventually moves. I had been sending her half of every paycheck that I received for the last year so that she could move herself and my two younger sisters (13 and 10 years old) to Montana, where she felt instructed to move to by God. Moving to go live out in Arizona had also been a great change of pace for myself as I have family and friends out here not to mention a well-paying job at a grocery store, so I have been able to save up for my own future both financially and by gaining work experience. Very recently my mother has finally applied for jobs and told me that she expects me to quit my job immediately. I work hard and am happy with my current employment, however.

    Obviously I have no intention of quitting my job as the position that I am in is great to my standards as I have a permanent place of residence, a full-time job, and a network of friends and family in my immediate vicinity. and If I were to quit I have no guarantee that I can get hired anywhere else in this town due to the Coronavirus. The issue progresses as my mother told me that she is allowing me to quit on my own variation as a "courtesy" but if I have not quit by tomorrow she will call and demand that I am let go, which my managers will comply with as she is my legal guardian. This leads me to the conclusion that both to find a way out of this unsavory situation and to avoid other life-altering situations like this in the future I need to become emancipated as I have no intention of living with my mother again or being forced into and out of scenarios on her whims. My only issue is that I have no idea how to start the emancipation process nor can I find a solution to this short term issue.

    if anyone has any legal advice on how to not be forced to quit my job I would be greatly appreciative.

    **TL;DR** My mother has been homeless and living with various friends and family for the past 18 months. She has been demanding half of my paychecks (I'm 16), and now that she has finally acquired work she is telling me I have to quit my job. I currently have permanent residence, income, and I've applied to get my GED. How can I proceed?

    submitted by /u/throwawayquestion154
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    [WA] Landlord/roommate manufacturing schedule I drugs in house. Can I break my lease over this?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Pretty straightforward (I hope). Title is the situation, yet after researching for a couple hours online I can only find information for landlords who have tenants involved with drugs. On top of this, my room has been entered multiple times without any notice. I don't know how to respond to this since the roommate is also the owner of the home. Any input is appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/throwaway945960234
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    Can a landlord break my month to month lease, if they discover I'm looking at other properties? (CA)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    I have a month to month lease, and have considered moving recently. In order to apply to rental properties, I must provide my current residence. The new place will call the landlord to ensure I pay my rent on time, etc. I'm not even certain if I even want to move, I'm just exploring the option, and seeing if I would even get approved for some places I like. If the landlord catches wind that I'm looking for other places, can they choose to stop renewing my month to month lease?

    I'm quite scared of this happening, because if I decide to move, the process will likely take a couple of months from start to finish (of course, I would give them 30 days notice), and if they suddenly tell me to vacate, I am not even certain what I'd do.

    submitted by /u/question341324
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    Used car dealership claims I owe $1,160 in interest not included on my contract of sale

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Contacted the dealership to confirm remaining balance on my loan after I have paid $3,500 in the past year, (kept all receipts). They responded with a total of $1,352.64 (balance due of 3,692.54 minus 3,500 that I have paid plus 1,160 in interest). I have gone through all documents I have and do not see a separate one on any interest charges or percentages, which if I did my math right would be a 45% interest rate. When I asked if they had an additional document they just said it was the interest amount due and didn't provide any additional info.

    I set up a meeting with them tomorrow and wanted to avoid going in blind but am not having much luck finding similar situations online. If I didn't agree to this interest rate and this document is the only one I have (that are about pricing anyway have registration, odometer disclosure, other required documents) am I obligated to pay the amount?

    Scanned and uploaded contract of sale and obfuscated all identifying info:


    Additional info that might be helpful:

    Financing was through the dealership as a buy here pay here, this was the start to me building my credit and I had assumed that line 28 "Temporary PermiLoan Processing" was the interest charge.

    I am located in Utah County, Utah.

    All payments have been made on time for at least the monthly payment amount.

    If anything else is needed please let me know, thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/cambolicious23
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    [OR]7 employees fired for taking sick leave

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    First time posting, but thought this really warranted seeking some advice. So I work for a soda and beer distribution company in Oregon as a merchandiser. Merchandisers go to all the stores in the region and move product from backstock onto the shelves. As we are deemed essential we are still operating through the madness that is COVID-19. Just this morning 7 individuals of our merchandising team were brought in to our conference room and handed letters of termination. They had tried to take sick leave to prevent catching and bringing home the virus. About half live with their parents who are in the high risk age group and one has a kid with a heart condition(unsure of what type). The biggest part that I'm confused on is that we received a screenshot of an email from our direct boss and the relevant part read as follows:

     "As we've reminded employees over the last week, if you are concerned about working, YOU ARE ENTITLED TO USE YOUR SICK AND VACATION TIME OR REQUEST UNPAID TIME OFF. We want to help people feel safe and also recognize some people want to continue work. We are asking managers to accommodate employees requests when at all possible." 

    I am unsure if I'm allowed to post the images of the email as it identifies the company and I think that is against the rules(if I'm wrong please correct me)

    After about a week after the company sent out the email was when they tried to go ahead and take the time off as it seems the email says it is our right.

    Was what the company did in firing the employees legal? Does the email affect the legality of it? Was the email misunderstood and taking time off not allowed?

    If more info is needed or questions arise from what I've posted I'll do my best to give through answers. Sorry if I was rambling a bit :/

    submitted by /u/JustaTodemPoleBottom
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    My girlfriend took photos for a relatively prominent (now deceased) hip-hop artist in 2016. Her photos were used in a recent Netflix documentary about the artist and was featured as the main photo in a Rolling Stone article without credit or compensation for her. Can this be pursued and if so, how?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    USA- California

    Title explains the situation pretty concisely. Important to note, it was not a contracted shoot as the artist was fairly underground at the time and was seen more as a favor for a friend group.

    Can my SO be compensated for these pictures, if so how would she go about pursuing this? I don't think she would've had a problem with this if it weren't for the fact that her property was used by such major media outlets. Any and all advice is much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/syncopatedsouls
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