• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 26, 2020

    Legal Advice - Quick Information on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)

    Legal Advice - Quick Information on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)

    Quick Information on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    We expect this bill to be signed into law around March 28.

    Many thanks to /u/eeech, /u/ops-name-checks-out, and /u/expiresafteruse for writing this up.


    People who are unemployed will receive an extra $600 per week for up to four months, on top of state unemployment benefits to make up for 100 percent of lost wages. The $600 extra per week is paid by the federal government and will, on average, make up 100 percent of lost wages. Note that this is an average of 100% for unemployment for each individual for four months, your specific situation could result in less than or greater than 100% payment for unemployment.

    Stimulus Checks

    The bill passed by the Senate and expected to be passed by the House will send checks to all permanent residents and citizens.

    The checks will be based on your 2019 income tax return, unless you have not yet filed a return for 2019, in which case it will be based on your 2018 return. Individuals who are not required to file a return may still get a check by proof of income from the VA or SS Admin.

    • Individuals making $75,000 or less (Adjusted Gross Income) will get a check for $1,200
    • Individuals filing as Head of Household making $112,500 or less will get a check for $1,200
    • Married couples filing jointly making $150,000 or less will get a check for $2,400
    • There is an additional $500 credit for each child under 17 claimed on your return.

    The bill is not clear about what happens if you were claimed on another individual's return in 2019 or 2018 but will not be claimed in 2020. What is nearly certain is that under that circumstance you will not be getting a stimulus payment at this time. However, as this is a 2020 credit it is possible that when you file your 2020 taxes next year you will be entitled to the credit and will receive an additional refund at that time.

    Your AGI is line 8b on your 1040 on the 2019 version or line 7 of the 2018 1040.

    For those who make more than the $75,000 or $150,000 limits the refund will be reduced by 5% of the taxpayers AGI that is in excess of the limits. So a single taxpayer with no dependents who has an AGI of $85,000 would receive $700: $1,200 - ($85,000 - $75,000) * 0.05 = $700.

    The IRS is instructed to process these refunds as quickly as possible. This will likely take several weeks. For individuals who have bank accounts on record with the IRS (from recent tax returns) will get the money directly deposited into those accounts. For individuals without a bank account on record, the IRS will seek alternative methods to provide the refund. The IRS is also required to send notice of the payment to your last known address.

    Student Loans

    Payments on student loans held by the Department of Education may be suspended through September 30, 2020. No interest will accrue on loans during this period. Suspension of payments is not automatic, you must request it from your loan servicer. For purposes of credit reporting the suspended payments will be reported to credit agencies as if the payments were made on time. For those individuals in loan forgiveness programs based on having made a certain number of payments the suspended payments will be treated as if the payment had been made on time. Note: This does not apply to private student loans.

    Garnishment and other involuntary collection on loans currently in default will also be suspended through September 30, 2020.

    Relief From Mortgage Payments

    The bill allows homeowners with federally-backed mortgages to request forbearance for 180 days as an initial period, with an option to request an additional 180 days at the end of that timeframe. Those with federally-backed multifamily mortgages may request up to 90 days of forbearance with an initial 30-day forbearance with up to two extenstions, but the borrower must be current at the time of request. It is also required under either of these programs that the homeowner prove COVID-related hardship that makes it necessary to delay mortgage payments; if you are still earning your regular wage and have not incurred additional expenses from closures or economic impact, you will not qualify for this program at this time.

    Please note that it is necessary for homeowners to contact their lender in order to utilize this option; lenders will not automatically enter homeowners into this, nor can due payments not made prior to requesting forbearance be considered delayed under this plan. Lenders are obligated to notify homeowners of this option, but you must reach out to your mortgage servicer and request forbearance. We cannot know if you, specifically, will qualify.

    Foreclosures on occupied properties with federally-backed mortgages have been halted from proceeding for 60 days, starting on March 18th.

    Those who have utilized these options must either be given repayment options or the loan term extended; lenders bound to these provisions may not require a lump sum repayment at the end of the forbearance period.

    Relief for Tenants

    The federal stimulus bill prohibits many, but not all, landlords from starting eviction proceedings or from charging "fees, penalties, or other charges" associated with nonpayment of rent during this period. This protection apples to tenants who live in properties with federally-backed loans, as well as "covered properties" which include Section 8 project- and voucher- based housing, low-income housing tax-credit properties, rural housing voucher programs, as well as any other federal renter assistance. Many states and municipalities have also stopped eviction proceedings by closing or limiting the scope of housing courts. You will need to look at your own county court in order to determine if they are holding proceedings or not at this time.

    Privately financed (or non-financed) properties in areas that are still executing unlawful detainer actions (evictions) are unimpacted; tenants who live in these properties must pay rent in full when due. Renters of properties owned by holders of multifamily mortgages are entitled to 30 day stay of eviction proceedings or given 30 days in which to vacate (this is dependent on where in an unlawful detainer action the tenant is on the effective date of the bill.)

    submitted by /u/UsuallySunny
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    Someone keeps using my SSN and I think I've found them!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    This has been ongoing for almost a year. Unfortunately, I opened a new account with Capitol One last Spring, just before they had a data breach in July. Shortly after the breach, I caught a couple of fraud charges on other accounts (Old Navy & Lowe's). Here's a timeline of everything that has happened:

    Aug 2019 - $500 in Old Navy charges. I hadn't used my account in quite some time and immediately caught this when a statement popped up. Went through Old Navy's fraud process and got it taken care of. I was a little spooked but I ran my credit and didn't find any new lines of credit or inquiries so I thought maybe it was just a simple mistake.

    Oct 2019 - I get a verification call from Lowe's saying someone was trying to purchase $2k worth of stuff on my account. I ask where the store is located and it just so happens to be in the same town as the Old Navy from above. At this point, I realize someone has my SSN so I locked down my credit. Lowe's sends out a new card and assures me all is well.

    Jan2020 - collection notice pops up in the mail from an agency representing Verizon Wireless for $5k. Still nothing on my credit report...not even an inquiry from VZW. I call the agency thinking it was most likely spam but sure enough, it was legit. I fill out a fraud claim with the collector and they kick the account back to VZW.

    ^ Quick rant regarding Verizon. I could not get ANYONE from VZW to help me. They just kept asking "what is the PIN on the account?". I have 11 documented calls and over 5 hours of time trying to figure that mess out.

    Finally, after filing a police report, VZW clears the account from my name and gives me a little more info. I ask VZ where the account originated..."sorry, the account was setup online". Well...where did you ship $5k worth of stuff? The rep eventually tells me she can't give me that info for liability reasons...darn. If you're wondering how in the hell this person bought $5k worth of stuff on credit when my file was locked...beats me! Technically, I was a VZW customer 10+ years ago under my mother's account...maybe VZW doesn't run a check on prior customer's in good standing?

    Mar2020 - I get a notification from Experian that an address has been added to my account...of course, it's in the same town as the prior fraud charges. My heart sinks and I open my Lowe's account (it's literally the only account that remains open and I use it often)...sure enough, $5k+ in pending charges. I'm filing a new police report in the actual town where the charges have taken place first thing tomorrow morning.

    Here's some positive news...I google the 'new' address added to my credit file and guess what...it's within .25 miles of the exact Lowe's where all of these charges have taken place. It's a small business and just so happens to have one employee in the office. I find the employee online (thanks, LinkedIn...finally good for something) and let's just say I'm 99.9% sure this person is the perp.

    So, what now? Call the local department and give them as much info as possible? Hire an attorney? <-- I don't expect to gain anything here other than enjoyment.

    I called the Lowe's store manager today to see if they could give me any info at all...no luck. I'm considering calling back tomorrow and seeing if I can get someone at the appliance desk to help...maybe I'd get lucky and they actually remember the person trying to make the charges (I'm assuming they bought appliances...what else would you buy to make a quick buck?). I mean, it can't be everyday somebody buys $5k worth of stuff using just a SSN to look up an account, right?

    Speaking of which...how dumb is it that Lowe's and Old Navy allows people to make purchases with just a SSN?

    TL;DR - some jackass has been using my SSN to make $10k+ in purchases on active accounts in my name. Narrowed it down to a likely suspect but not sure what to do next?


    submitted by /u/Ponda11
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    BF is trying to leave a band he joined 1.5 years ago but they want him to pay them out, yet he was never paid himself?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    Quick question for anyone that would know the answer to this... My boyfriend joined a band about 1.5 years ago and wrote some music with them and went on a north american tour. The tour was 6 weeks and he was never given any money at all from the band. All merch/music sales went into the band funds and they paid for everything using the band funds.

    My boyfriend really wants to focus on school/leave the band and told them that, but he would honor any scheduled jamming, music writing, or shows he said he could make before he chose to leave. This includes shows going into the summer (unsure if that is happening now due to covid-19). They were okay with him leaving but want $1500 out of him because the band is $12,000 debt. They claim this is from the year and a half that they worked with him but he's unsure. They told him they wanted $2500 ($12,000 split four ways??) but are trying to be nice because he's a broke student so only asked for $1500. I feel like they're trying to take advantage of him because he's a lot younger than the rest of the band but I'm not sure.

    Does he legally owe them that sum of money? Sorry if this is a stupid question... This is the first time we've encountered anything like this. We're all from Canada by the way.

    Thank you

    Edit: location

    Edit 2: the band has been around for ~10 years but he only recently joined because their last drummer quit.

    Edit again: The debt has accumulated over the time he's been with the band but it wasn't too purchase assets. It's to cover the cost of losing money on the tour he went on with them, and the tour bus breaking down and the loss from future shows with this virus going around. Not sure if that sums to $12000 but that's just what I'm being told.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Nabiscuits
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    Landlord Wants to Increase My Rent Because I Work from Home Now

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    I've attached a copy of my lease below. Item #1 lists the parties and address.

    So, now that I'm working from home, my landlord says I need to pay increased rent. We have a 1 year lease, and I paid the entire year in advance. The lease is from Oct 2019 to Oct 2020. My primary issues are with the 3 bullet points below (I also made bold the sections of the contract related).

    • He says because of line item #5, he can charge me more rent, although there's no defined basis for it. For all I know, he could say I left expired milk in the fridge and raise my rent. It's super open-ended, as the way it's worded
      • Another problem I see with this, is I paid up front, so I don't have a next month due until Nov 2020, and the line was left blank on the day of the month it is due, also
    • He says because of line item #43 the last one, it says I cannot conduct any form of business on the property, and if I work from home I violate my lease! Despite the examples provided which clearly denote other meanings, not sitting on a computer at home which I do in my free time anyway
    • Also, he has never paid the internet. He said he would Venmo me, because the Internet is setup in my name, but said he doesn't have to pay because I use more electricity than he expected.

    I'd sure appreciate any help or advice on this. And as a side question, if my lease is terminated, doesn't he owe me the months I already paid in advance? Can he make me leave without paying me the thousands of dollars he would owe me?

    EDIT: Landlord said fine since there's a "stay at home" order where I live, I can work from home but the day that's up, I have to pay increased rent if I work from home, even if my employer says not to come in to maintain social distancing since I can work remotely.


    1. Agreement to Lease. Landlord agrees to lease to Tenant and Tenant agrees to lease from Landlord,

    according to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Premises.

    1. Term. This Agreement will be for a term beginning on October 01, 2019 and ending on October 01,

    2020 (the "Term").

    1. Rent. Tenant will pay Landlord a monthly rent of $550.00 for the Term. Rent will be payable in advance

    and due on the __________ day of each month during the Term. The first rent payment is payable to

    Landlord when Tenant signs this Agreement. Rent will be paid to Landlord at Landlord's address provided

    herein (or to such other places as directed by Landlord) by mail or in person by one of the following

    methods: Cash, Personal check, Cashier's check, and will be payable in U.S. Dollars. Tenant further

    agrees to pay $25.00 for each dishonored bank check.

    5. Additional Rent. There may be instances under this Agreement where Tenant may be required to pay

    additional charges to Landlord. All such charges are considered additional rent under this Agreement and

    will be paid with the next regularly scheduled rent payment. Landlord has the same rights and Tenant has

    the same obligations with respect to additional rent as they do with rent.

    6. Utilities. Tenant is responsible for payment of all utility and other services for the Premises, with the

    exception of electric, gas, trash, water, sewage, internet, hot water, which will be paid for by Landlord.

    1. Security Deposit. Upon signing this Agreement, Tenant will pay a security deposit in the amount of

    $500.00 to Landlord. The security deposit will be retained by Landlord as security for Tenant's

    performance of its obligations under this Agreement. The security deposit may not be used or deducted

    by Tenant as the last month's rent of the Term. Tenant will be entitled to a full refund of the security

    deposit if Tenant returns possession of the Premises to Landlord in the same condition as accepted,

    ordinary wear and tear excepted. Within seven (7) days after the termination of this Agreement, Landlord

    will return the security deposit to Tenant (minus any amount applied by Landlord in accordance with this

    section). Any reason for retaining a portion of the security deposit will be explained in writing. The security

    deposit will not bear interest while held by Landlord in accordance with applicable state laws and/or local


    Lease Agreement (Rev. 13413A4) 2 / 6

    1. Landlord's Failure to Give Possession. In the event Landlord is unable to give possession of the

    Premises to Tenant on the start date of the Term, Landlord will not be subject to any liability for such

    failure, the validity of this Agreement will not be affected, and the Term will not be extended. Tenant will

    not be liable for rent until Landlord gives possession of the Premises to Tenant.

    1. Holdover Tenancy. If Landlord accepts a rent payment from Tenant, other than past due rent or

    additional rent, after the Term expires, both Parties understand that a month-to-month holdover tenancy

    will be created at the agreed upon monthly rent, unless proper notice has been served as required by

    applicable laws. If either Tenant or Landlord wishes to end the month-to-month tenancy, such Party must

    provide at least thirty (30) days' written notice before the desired termination date.

    1. Use of Premises. The Premises will be occupied only by Tenant and Tenant's immediate family and

    used only for residential purposes. Tenant may not have overnight guests over 3 nights without

    Landlord's consent. Tenant will not engage in any objectionable conduct, including behavior which will

    make the Premises less fit to live in, will cause dangerous, hazardous or unsanitary conditions or will

    interfere with the rights of others to enjoy their property. Tenant will be liable for any damage occurring to

    the Premises and any damage to or loss of the contents thereof which is done by Tenant or Tenant's

    guests or invitees.

    1. Condition of the Premises. Tenant has examined the Premises, including the appliances and

    fixtures, and acknowledges that they are in good condition and repair, normal wear excepted, and tear

    and accepts them in its current condition.

    1. Maintenance and Repairs. Tenant will maintain the Premises, including the grounds and all

    appliances and fixtures, in clean, sanitary and good condition and repair. Tenant will not remove

    Landlord's appliances and fixtures from the Premises for any purpose. If repairs other than general

    maintenance are required, Tenant will notify Landlord for such repairs. In the event of default by Tenant,

    Tenant will reimburse Landlord for the cost of any repairs or replacement.

    1. Reasonable Accommodations. Landlord agrees to comply with all applicable laws providing equal

    housing opportunities, including making reasonable accommodations for known physical or mental

    limitations of qualified individuals with a disability, unless undue hardship would result. Tenant is

    responsible for making Landlord aware of any such required accommodations that are reasonable and

    will not impose an undue hardship. If Tenant discloses a disability and requests an accommodation,

    Landlord has the right to have a qualified healthcare provider verify the disability if the disability is not

    readily apparent, and Landlord has the right to use the qualified healthcare provider verifying the disability

    as a resource for providing the reasonable accommodation.

    1. Sex Offender Registry. Pursuant to law, information about specified registered sex offenders is

    made available to the public. Tenant understands and agrees that Tenant is solely responsible for

    obtaining any and all information contained in the state or national sex offender registry for the area

    surrounding the Premises, which can be obtained online or from the local sheriff's department or other

    appropriate law enforcement officials. Depending on an offender's criminal history, this information will

    include either the address at which the offender resides or the community of residence and zip code in

    which he or she resides.

    Lease Agreement (Rev. 13413A4) 3 / 6

    1. Compliance. Tenant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, requirements and

    regulations of any federal, state, county, municipal or other authority.

    1. Mechanics' Lien. Tenant understands and agrees that Tenant and anyone acting on Tenant's behalf

    do not have the right to file for mechanic's liens or any other kind of liens on the Premises. Tenant agrees

    to give actual advance notice to any contractors, subcontractors or suppliers of goods, labor or services

    that such liens are invalid. Tenant further agrees to take the additional steps necessary to keep the

    Premises free of any and all liens that may result from construction completed by or for Tenant.

    1. Subordination. With respect to the Premises, this Agreement is subordinate to any mortgage that

    now exists, or may be given later by Landlord.

    1. Alterations. Tenant will not make any alteration, addition or improvement to the Premises without first

    obtaining Landlord's written consent. Any and all alterations, additions or improvements to the Premises

    are without payment to Tenant and will become Landlord's property immediately on completion and

    remain on the Premises, unless Landlord requests or permits removal, in which case Tenant will return

    that part of the Premises to the same condition as existed prior to the alteration, addition or improvement.

    Tenant will not change any existing locks or install any additional locks on the Premises without first

    obtaining Landlord's written consent and without providing Landlord a copy of all keys.

    1. Smoking. Smoking of any kind is strictly prohibited on any part of the Premises. This prohibition

    applies to Tenant and any visitors, guests or other occupants on the Premises.

    1. Pets. Tenant is not allowed to have or keep any pets, even temporarily, on any part of the Premises.

    The unauthorized presence of any pet will subject Tenant to penalties, damages, deductions and/or

    termination of this Agreement. Properly trained service animals that provide assistance to individuals with

    disabilities may be permitted on the Premises with the prior written consent of Landlord, which shall not

    be unreasonably withheld. Tenant will be responsible for the costs of de-fleaing, deodorizing and/or

    shampooing all or any portion of the Premises if a pet has been on the Premises at any time during the

    Term (whether with or without written consent of Landlord).

    1. Fire and Casualty. If the Premises are damaged by fire or other serious disaster or accident and the

    Premises becomes uninhabitable as a result, Tenant may immediately vacate the Premises and

    terminate this Agreement upon notice to Landlord. Tenant will be responsible for any unpaid rent or will

    receive any prepaid rent up to the day of such fire, disaster or accident. If the Premises are only partially

    damaged and inhabitable, Landlord may make full repairs and will do so within a prompt and reasonable

    amount of time. At the discretion of Landlord, the rent may be reduced while the repairs are being made.

    1. Liability. Landlord is not responsible or liable for any loss, claim, damage or expense as a result of

    any accident, injury or damage to any person or property occurring anywhere on the Premises, unless

    resulting from the negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord.

    Lease Agreement (Rev. 13413A4) 4 / 6

    1. Assignment and Subletting. Tenant will not assign this Agreement as to any portion or all of the

    Premises or make or permit any total or partial sublease or other transfer of any portion or all of the


    1. Insurance Requirements. Tenant will not do or permit to be done any act or thing that will increase

    the insurance risk under any policy of insurance covering the Premises. If the premium for such policy of

    insurance increases due to a breach of Tenant's obligations under this Agreement, Tenant will pay the

    additional amount of premium as additional rent under this Agreement.

    1. Right of Entry. Landlord or its agents may enter the Premises at reasonable times to inspect the

    Premises, to make any alternations, improvements or repairs or to show the Premises to a prospective

    tenant, buyer or lender. In the event of an emergency, Landlord may enter the Premises at any time.

    1. Surrender. Tenant will deliver and surrender to Landlord possession of the Premises immediately

    upon the expiration of the Term or the termination of this Agreement, clean and in as good condition and

    repair as the Premises was at the commencement of the Term, reasonable wear and tear excepted.

    1. Default. In the event of any default under this Agreement, Landlord may provide Tenant a notice of

    default and an opportunity to correct such default. If Tenant fails to correct the default, other than a failure

    to pay rent or additional rent, Landlord may terminate this Agreement by giving a thirty (30) day written

    notice. If the default is Tenant's failure to timely pay rent or additional rent as specified in this Agreement,

    Landlord may terminate this Agreement by giving a thirty (30) day written notice to Tenant. After

    termination of this Agreement, Tenant remains liable for any rent, additional late, costs, including costs to

    remedy any defaults, and damages under this Agreement.

    1. Remedies If this Agreement is terminated due to Tenant's default, Landlord may, in addition to any

    rights and remedies available under this Agreement and applicable law, use any dispossession, eviction

    or other similar legal proceeding available in law or equity.

    1. Subordination. This Agreement and Tenant's right under it shall be subject and subordinate to the

    lien, operation and effect of each existing or future mortgage, deed of trust, ground lease and/or any other

    similar instrument of encumbrance covering any or all of the Premises, if any, and each renewal,

    modification, consolidation, replacement or extension thereof.

    1. Condemnation. If all or substantially all of the Premises are covered by a condemnation including the

    exercise of any power of eminent domain by a governmental authority, this Agreement shall terminate on

    the date possession of the Premises is taken by the condemning authority, and all rent under this

    Agreement shall be prorated and paid to such date. Landlord is entitled to collect from the condemning

    authority the entire amount of any award made in any proceeding. Tenant waives any right, title or

    interest which Tenant may have to any such award and agrees to not make any claim for the Term of this


    1. Hazardous Materials. Tenant shall not keep on the Premises any item of a dangerous, flammable, or

    explosive character that might unreasonably increase the danger of fire or explosion on the Premises or

    that might be considered hazardous or extra hazardous by any responsible insurance company.

    Lease Agreement (Rev. 13413A4) 5 / 6

    1. Notices. All notices given under this Agreement must be in writing. A notice is effective upon receipt

    and shall be delivered in person, sent via certified or registered mail to the following addresses (or to

    another address that either Party may designate upon reasonable notice to the other Party):


    1. Quiet Enjoyment. If Tenant pays the rent and performs all other obligations under this Agreement,

    Tenant may peaceably and quietly hold and enjoy the Premises during the Term.

    1. No Waiver. No Party shall be deemed to have waived any provision of this Agreement or the exercise

    of any rights held under this Agreement unless such waiver is made expressly and in writing.

    1. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole

    or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and

    enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included in this Agreement.

    1. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the

    Parties and their permitted successors and assigns.

    1. Governing Law. The terms of this Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties hereto

    shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to

    its conflicts of laws provisions.

    38. Disputes. Any dispute arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration

    conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

    1. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written agreement signed by

    the Parties.

    1. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be

    deemed to be an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same document.

    1. Headings. The section headings herein are for reference purposes only and shall not otherwise

    affect the meaning, construction or interpretation of any provision in this Agreement.

    1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and

    supersedes and cancels all prior agreements of the Parties, whether written or oral, with respect to the

    subject matter.

    Lease Agreement (Rev. 13413A4) 6 / 6

    43. Miscellaneous. 1. Paragraph 4. Rent is Not Applicable as Tenant will Prepay the term (One year) of

    this agreement in full for rent and utilities totaling $6,600. 2. Tenant will obtain front door keys/alarm fob

    and occupy 1 bedroom and 1 full bathroom once total payment of $7,100 (rent plus refundable security

    deposit) has been received by Landlord. This will be considered free rent until this agreement takes effect

    on 10/1/2019. 3. Tenant may furnish and utilize the common areas of the first floor (downstairs), provided

    furniture/exercise equipment may be utilized by Landlord and future tenants (if applicable) 4. Tenant

    agrees to not conduct any form of business on premises (i.e. businesses which require physical customer

    interaction, repair, or mining of any cryptocurrency)

    submitted by /u/Xatos1337
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    I accidentally assaulted someone at the park today with my Hydroflask.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    I was at my local park today. It was starting to get dark and so I started making my way back to my car. I had my AirPods in with music playing while carrying my phone and keys in my left hand and my Hydroflask in my right. For those who do not know, a Hydroflask is a brand that makes reusable metal water bottles. Anyways, I was almost to my car when I heard someone yell something that I couldn't make out since my music was playing and felt someone wrap their hand around my wrist.

    I panicked and in my panic I swung my Hydroflask and hit a young man in who looked to be about in his mid twenties (not his real name of course). My bottle water was almost completely filled and had a good amount of weight to it. The blow hit him just above the eyebrow and the wound began gushing blood.

    He screamed and starting cursing at me calling me several expletives and said he "just wanted to ask for my number". I ran to my car and he told me to stop as he was going to call the police. The police came and took both our statements as to what happened. I was not arrested but now the guy is telling me he is going to sue me for his medical bills.

    I feel this was self defense as I am 5'3, 120 pounds and this guy is was easily about 5'9 and 150 pounds. However, I understand that what I "feel" is not going to help me in court. So does this guy have a case? I don't know if I should hire a lawyer or what the next step is. I would greatly appreciate any advice as to what to do now.

    submitted by /u/wouldibethecasserole
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    Girlfriend leaked my nudes on her finsta. I don’t know what to do.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    (21M-Lives in Michigan) Hi everyone. So the other day i broke up with my abusive toxic girlfriend, i feel amazing! But a couple days go by and she posts a story like "follow my finsta if you wanna see something wild" and low and behold it's my dick and balls. She even told me she's going to post them, i just haven't see. which ones. (She only had 2-3 of me, but i have 100's of her) I'm 21, so don't jump down my throat for sending nudes of myself to my girlfriend. I realize it's stupid, and this will only be a learning lesson for me. But the nudes she posted are just my straight up dong, me standing there holding my dong, me in the shower (she screenshotted in facetime). I don't know the account name, or whether or not she even did it (she's basically a sociopath).

    UPDATE! I've found the account, but any attempt at infiltration to the finsta is quickly snuffed out. I've lost countless men to the reject follow button. And still, there are 3 more photos posted to her finsta. I may have to email instagram to get them to check it out, this is what i call "pullin out the big guns"

    So what i'm asking here is, what can i do? Can i call the cops for something like this? I don't even have the account name so i would have no clue what they can do. Any help would be greatly appreciated, shes black mailing me at this point.

    submitted by /u/YungestBongs
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    My boss just informed me that I am going to be laid off at the end of the month. He also told me that I cannot use any PTO that I have left.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Hi, I work for a debt collection agency in Florida. Today, my boss informed me that I am being laid off at the end of the month. I have 12 unused days of PTO, but was told that if I try to use those days, then I will not be paid for them. Can he do this?

    submitted by /u/PM_Me_PSN_CodeZ
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    Employer Not Honoring Written Agreement Due To COVID19

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    I live in Virginia. I am a nanny for a living, but the folks I work for are now home all of the time because of the coronavirus.

    My employers didn't want me to come over this week because I took the Friday before off work. I showed no symptoms of the virus, but I didn't feel like working with small children. I just had a headache and was at the end of my rope. I understand why they are feeling extremely cautious regardless, and it's their prerogative to ask me not to come over because I took a "sick day." But, they are making me use my sick and vacation pay or go unpaid for this whole week. Something feels wrong about this, probably because I'm not sick or on vacation. My concern started with that, but then other topics started to come up.

    My employers suggested that I file for unemployment, and then they could rehire me when they felt comfortable. But when I reminded them about the severance in our contract, they back-peddled and said they would have me come back next week for reduced hours. So in the past few days, my employers and the agency who connected us have disregarded our contract because of "unprecedented times". The contract guarantees many things, but here are a few of the relevant points:

    • guaranteed pay for regularly scheduled hours, even if they happen to have me work less hours
    • any changes to the schedule would have to be agreed upon by everyone involved
    • 30 days of severance pay plus sick/vacation time paid out if fired without cause (unless employer gives 30 days notice, then it's just sick/vacation pay out)

    The nanny agency told me that our contact was a "work agreement" and not legally binding. However, a quick google search told me that work agreements and contracts are the same thing (legally binding). I'm looking for some advice on how to move forward. Is my contract legitimate or not? And if it's legitimate, what do I do if it's dishonored because of "unprecedented times"? I mean isn't that what a contract is for? To remain valid and protect the employee in the event of something unforeseen?

    I agreed to apply for unemployment reduced wage benefits (which is not easy right now by the way, with a jammed, low-functioning website and the impossibility of getting someone on the phone) and accept less hours because something is better than nothing, but I feel like I've been treated unfairly since we have a signed contract that protects my income! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/the_lokel_yokel
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    E-mailed company about harassment, they told the employee

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    I'll keep it brief, this happened in WA. I order food for pickup from a local chain and when you put in your order you have to give your name, number, and address even for pickup. One of their employees took advantage of that and took my number from the system and started texting me a few months ago. I blocked him back then and I reported it just yesterday. The company decided to notify the employee (I don't know what else happened) and now he's texting me from different Google Voice numbers, and of course, he has my address. Any advice besides contacting the police is helpful.

    Edit: Already contacted the police. When I e-mailed the company I gave them my new number to contact me and they gave it to him.

    submitted by /u/gloverdark
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    Landlord passed away with no will, who should I pay rent to? - New York, USA

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    My Landlord recently passed away with no will and I'm assuming it's going to be quite some time before the estate is settled, especially with COVID-19 shutting down virtually everything here. I've read that my rent should go into an escrow account, but I have no idea what that entails/how to set one up/if I need a lawyer. I'd really like to avoid unnecessary fees if I can. Was just curious if anyone had any advice.

    submitted by /u/gomcity
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    Nursing home admitted to doctors they dropped my grandmother; lied to us. Let my grandmother starve herself for 5 days without alerting anybody.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    US, Ohio.

    Apologies for the long post. I will include a TL;DR at the end. Just want to be as thorough as possible.

    My grandmother is 70 years old, and has stage 4 lung cancer. Doctors have her on a very strong targeted chemotherapy. But in order to keep her on the chemo, we had to keep her strength up via exercise and eating.

    We decided to send her to one of the "highest rated" nursing homes in the area for the sole purpose of physical rehabilitation. All we needed to do... was keep her walking.

    The very first night my grandmother (100lb) was in the facility, her husband received a call from her, demanding that he take her home because the nurses "dropped" her. And she was in alot of pain. My grandfather, not knowing what else to do, picked her up from the nursing home that night.

    Not a single employee told him to stop. Not a single employee advised him against it for her health. So he left with her.

    The next day, we called the facility demanding to know what happened. We were sent up the chain by 4 people.

    Employee 1: "Nothing happened. There has been absolutely no report made about anybody being dropped. It looks like no nurses were in her room that night."

    Employee 2: "It looks like there was an employee checking up on her, but your grandmother was not lifted. So she couldn't have been dropped."

    Employee 3: "There is a report here saying that two people lifted and "lowered" your grandmother. But nothing here about her being dropped."

    Employee 4: "Our nurses say that they LOWERED your grandmother. She was never dropped. And her husband left against doctors orders (Untrue. Nobody said a word about him picking her up in the middle of the night). End of story. If you choose to bring her back, we will pay extra attention to her, and put a lift in her room to ease your minds".

    After awhile of discussing what to do among ourselves, our grandmother agreed to just go back and give it another chance. She's desperate to live. And desperate to keep walking. So... we took her back.

    Fast forward 5 days.

    We picked our grandmother up to take her to her second chemotherapy treatment. The nurse brought her out in a wheelchair... The wheelchair had no foot pads on it. Her feet were dragging along the ground. What the fuck??? My cousin ran over to lift her feet, freaking out, while the nurse insisted "It's fine, it's fine."

    Trying to get her into the car, we noticed that she could NO LONGER WALK. We had to lift her into the car. We were super freaked out, but... with the chemo and the drugs, sometimes she has days where she is weaker than others.

    We take her to the treatment... She was TOO WEAK to receive it. Why was she too weak???

    On the drive back, my grandmother asked for food. Stopped. Got her a sandwich. She ate it within 2 breaths, as if she was starving...

    When we took her back to the home to explain what the doctor said, the employee stated, "Oh, your grandmother hasn't eaten in 5 days". THEY NEVER TOLD US. They had 5 days to inform us that our grandmother was not eating, and they not once mentioned it.

    At this point, we start looking into transferring her to a new facility.

    The very next day, she was admitted to the hospital for heavy internal bleeding.

    The doctors found bruises all over her feet and legs... They called the nursing home, and the employees OPENLY ADMITTED that they DROPPED her... TWICE. They also stated that they had her on an absolute "no lift" policy. So... within the span of 6 days she was there, they never once worked with her to keep her moving.

    We are LIVID.

    TL;DR... Nursing home was supposed to help my grandmother keep walking through chemo. They dropped her (a 100lb woman) TWICE, but lied to us, saying it never happened. Put her in wheelchairs with no foot pads, allowing her feet to drag over the ground. Allowed her to go 5 days without eating, not alerting anybody.

    And finally, when questioned by doctors, they confessed to the dropping.

    This all happened over a span of 6 days.

    They reversed all progress we were making with our grandmother. When she went into the facility, she could still walk. By day 6, she can't even stand.

    Our family has never dealt with anything like this, legally... As of right now, we are finalizing a transfer to a facility that a relative works in, who can ensure better care.

    What the hell can we do? I don't want to let them get away with this.

    submitted by /u/Haen33
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    Trying to help a nephew: Failure to Launch?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    My wife and I relocated to be closer to her family within the past 8 months. It's been wonderful to have her parents less than 10 minutes away and two siblings and their families as well.

    One of my nephews recently graduated high school and is almost 19. Before we moved, we came up for his graduation and we'd already been hearing complaints from his mom and stepdad (my brother in law) that he is lazy/unmotivated to find a job or generally figure out what he wants to do with his life.

    It sounded like typical teenager/young adult stuff that I can certainly relate to so we just let it go.

    Now that we are here, I have a lot more information and things aren't as they appeared. A little background:

    1. Our nephew was born on a military base in another country.
    2. When he was 16-17 years old, his mother took him to get a learners permit to start driving and realized that they don't have a copy of his birth certificate (birth abroad form). He is not able to get any form of picture ID in our state without a birth record.
    3. Without a picture ID and without documentation of his right to work in this country, he is unable to get a legitimate job.

    The reality is that his parents (mom, dad and stepdad) have all known about this problem for at least three years and whenever it comes to getting it resolved, they put the blame on him for not taking care of it. The primary thing that needs to happen is getting a replacement copy of his birth record. (This paragraph was edited for clarity and accuracy).

    We have tried to intervene on his behalf and have learned the following disturbing things in the process:

    1. His mother has either lost/misplaced/destroyed/is secretly withholding the following things which would simplify requesting a new birth record: his Social Security card; his childhood passport; his original birth record.

    2. His mother retains 100% control over his only bank account. It was set up when he was a minor. He has no online access and has no proof of identity in order to establish such access with the bank. Further, he has no means to set up a separate account that she can not access.

    3. At key points when he obtains reasonable sums of money (such as high school graduation, gift from his birth dad), his mother finds justification for kicking him out of the house and (per his claim) she takes his money.

    4. He is currently living with friends as he was recently kicked out of the house again.

    5. He has never known his own social security number. That information was never shared with him.

    6. His school did not provide student identification cards (with or without picture) so he has no known form of identification.

    From my perspective and the combined experience of my wife and I working in corporate America, we cannot think of a way for him to fix the major problem without intervention (thus negating their argument that it's "his fault" that this isn't resolved). Are we wrong?

    Originally, we found a roundabout way (long but creative story) of getting his mother to submit a request for a replacement of his birth record. When we followed up with her about it, she claimed that they needed additional information but was vague about resolving it. We have reason to believe that she either never sent it in or that she has received the replacement and is now withholding it.

    Here's the advice part:

    1. Is there a way for an independent adult to obtain a copy of their own birth record with no supporting evidence or proof of identity?

    2. It appears that my wife, myself, and/or my wife's parents (who are all willing to help him) may be able to help him, but only with access to certain documents, such as his social security number, health insurance card... things that his mother lost/destroyed/is withholding. What are his legal rights to his information and what's the best way for us to proceed with obtaining this information from an unwilling party?

    3. I mentioned above that my brother in law is his stepdad which means that technically none of us who are willing to help are his blood relatives. Do you foresee any issues related to that which might create obstacles for us down the road?

    4. This young man just wants to move on with his life and to start earning a living. He wants to be independent. Is there me any way that we can help him do this?

    Thank you all for reading and for your insight!

    submitted by /u/extraEGO
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    Terminating parental rights

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    We are in California My wife and I have been providing 24hour care for my niece since 2018 (niece was 21mo old at the time), food, clothes, child care, housing, the full kit and caboodle. My sister in law placed her with us after my niece's father violently attacked her and forcibly took my niece from her and used my niece as a shield while the cops tried to arrest him. There is a history of violence from him prior to that as well.

    Bio dad was awarded supervised visits after petitioning the court to exclude my niece from the criminal restraining order. He completed the 12 mo of visits and was ordered to continue with the supervised visits for another 12 mo but at a location closer to where we and my niece live (we were driving her 110 mi round trip for his 2 hour visits) . He has refused every supervisor we have in our area including some that were willing to travel to our area and meet at a neutral location, either due to "not liking" them or being to expensive (he was ordered to pay for the visits in full).

    We made a point to meet with him when our niece was placed with us so that he was in the loop, and once he was removed from the restraining order so that he could contact her at his leisure(he didn't) . I made a point to share photos and give updates whenever possible despite him being rude and demanding "I respect him as her father.' Because 'she is his and not ours". He's taken every opportunity when not in person to be hostile and verbally abusive to me and my wife (she tends to be the communicator for us since he just acts hostile towards me 100% of the time).

    He was ordered to pay 950 an month in child support to my sister in law beginning in October. She transfers it all to us minus the legal fees she had to pay to file. Bio dad is behind and his wages are currently being garnished, but due to him doing seasonal work and covid 19 partial payments really haven't been coming in.

    Bio dad filed for 50/50 custody so that he doesn't have to do the supervised visits and to reduce his monthly child support payment (he really tried to claim he couldn't pay child support because he was having another child). When we were told by my sister in law we filed for guardianship and were awarded it via and ex parte order. The hearing for permanent guardianship is in late April, and their custody hearing is in July.

    My question is, since he is sort of seeing her and sort of paying child support what kind of leagal rollercoaster are we in for when trying to get his rights terminated? We are not wealthy and cant really afford a lawyer, and I have 3 other children as well. Does this have the potential to get dragged out in court for a long period?

    I'm not sure I'm even asking the right questions. I love this little girl like crazy, she calls me dad and my wife mom, refers to my boys as her brothers. She'll be 4 in June and has spent most of her life with us and we want it to be that way forever so she can be safe from being used as a tool to get to my sister in law. Any advise you can offer would be great.

    submitted by /u/justjeremy209
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    My mother-in-law is insane

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    So, I'm from California and moved to Texas a little over a year ago to build a tiny house on my in-laws land. We share and entrance and driveway, and then must walk an acre or two to get to the house, through a total of 5 gates that separate her animals.

    We've intermittently had issues with his mother who has some kind of mental disorder that causes her to act out and be unreasonable. We've had to call the cops on her twice since living here and they've witnessed her behavior. Her sickness amplifies her feelings and put her in a paranoid hysteria, one delusion being a suspicion me and her husband are sneaking around. He was even kicked out for it a few months ago, only just arriving back today. For context, in the year I've known him I've only spoken to him once and it was the initial greeting of introducing myself.

    Yesterday, going stir crazy in the house from this quarantine, I joined my husband with my sketchbook to be near him while he worked on his car. Her husband was mowing the property. She comes out of the house screaming at me calling me a whore and how I'm sabotaging her family and calling my outfit slurry and attention-getting (baggy overalls). Anyways she goes on and on, also bringing up her suspicion I work for a prostitution ring (a craft beer restaurant), and I start laughing because it had been a few months (the duration the husband was banished) since I'd seen this kind of behavior from her and its low key entertaining sometimes. Anyways I say "I see you're back on your bullshit, so I'll go ahead and head back to the house." She calls my husband later in the night to continue her berating of me and insists I go home to California. She said something about me needing "daddy time" so I'd stop trying to fuck her husband. Insanity. I say "fuck off" and the phone is on speakerphone so she hears and starts going off again.

    The next morning she hands us these papers.

    We hang up, and I get these texts, 1& 2.


    TL;DR Crazy mother in law hates me and is trying to evict me

    Edit: switched links for main photo to be used in thumbnail

    submitted by /u/mermaid69lol
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    I got cheated on by my partner that I recently purchased a home with and it seems like I have no options.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Hi, I just want to say that I know I am incredibly stupid and I regret this decision every day.

    I was with K for two years, and we lived together for 6 months before he decided he wanted us to buy a house. Our relationship was good at the time, albeit some control issues that were major red flags that I unfortunately overlooked. We purchased a home jointly in October 2019. After we moved in he became incredibly controlling and abusive. I decided to come up with a plan to leave.

    2 weeks ago I found out that he was back with his ex previous to me. I confronted him about it and he said he had been looking into buying me out and wanted to keep the house after we broke up.

    I spoke with my real estate agent to find out my options. Refinancing looked like the best option, but because we have an FHA loan we can't for another 5 months, and the house would have to appraise for $350k, our loan is for $328k.

    He is not willing to sell, and we really can't right now with the Coronavirus. I'm currently living with my family, and while I have enough savings to cover the entire mortgage for a few months I would prefer not to.

    He does not want me to move back in, and I don't really want to, I will pay the mortgage for as long as I need to.

    I've spoken to quite a few people about my situation and several have told me to seek out legal advice. I haven't gotten any clear direction from any of these people, but I figured I would just put out feelers to see if I have any sort of option to protect myself or get off the mortgage. I'm sure I don't and I apologize if this is a stupid question, I am still reeling from realizing I was in an abusive relationship and the infidelity. I've come to realize that his goal was to use my credit to get the house, then buy me out at a later date or have me leave and continue to pay the mortgage. I fully acknowledge that I am the stupid one here that let myself get used and I am absolutely on the hook for the mortgage because I willingly signed up for this. I just feel like I'm trapped and at his mercy and if there are any weird loopholes or anything at all, it would help significantly. Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: sorry, I forgot to mention that I am in Utah, USA.

    submitted by /u/inconsideratexme
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    Rented out a piece of gear to a guy. Guy isn't giving it back. Taking him to small claims. What amount should I sue for? [CA]

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Hey folks. I think this one might be a bit simpler than I thought but I wanted to ask here.

    I own a small recording studio and one day a client asked if he could rent one of my amplifiers. I took down his information and charged him a small fee to rent it out. Good kid, about early 20's.

    I was planning on selling the amplifier online that has a market value of $700 used. Brand new these things go for over $1,500. I took it down from the listing because one of my employees wanted to buy it off me. I let her know that yes, she can buy it off me once I get it back from the guy.

    The guy I rented it to is refusing to give it back. From the tone of his voice from the last conversation we had I think he broke it. I'm not sure but either way I'm down an amplifier and he's been avoiding me ever since.

    I still have his information and I'm considering taking him to small claims. If I end up needing to do so, should I write in $700 or $1500 on the value of the Amplifier?

    submitted by /u/Hetookmymic
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    My mother in law fed my 1 year old son candy and redbull, husband taking her side and now wants to fight for custody

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    My MIL recently babysat my son (1) for a few hours. I have always told her to just feed him what I pack him in his lunch box. I found out while he was there she and others had given him coke, chocolate and ice cream. I have told the family I do not want him eating or drinking junk . He also got given a frozen coke and he drank it. I don't agree with this because he is only 1 and someone also let him taste some red bull. My husband is fighting with me about this because he said it isn't a big deal and I said it is and I specifically told them i don't want him eating crap. I told my husband he won't be going there anymore. My MIL is upset and Is mad at me and told me to grow up. ALSO JUST GOT INFORMED HE PICKED UP AN OLD BURNT OUT CIGARETTE AND STARTED TO CHEW BUT SHE GOT IT OFF HIM "JUST IN TIME"

    My husband has been abusing me telling me to grow up but I now am considering leaving him. I've told him this and said there's no way I would get custody because I was in the mental ward for 12 DAYS when I was 18 for an EATING DISORDER. He has been sending abusive texts if anyone would like to know about (just ask me to put them in the comments) Can they get in trouble for neglect and would I have a better chance for sole custody? Thanks

    submitted by /u/aitianeiwo
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    I have a unique situation. Do I need a lawyer?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    My boss died of a heart attack the day before my city in NC closed all bars/restaurants for COVID. Now I and my staff aren't being allowed to collect unemployment. According to his family he is the sole owner even though he's labelled as an LLC. They have hired a probate lawyer to transfer ownership but with courts closed I have no idea how to proceed. Currently my city has online unemployment only and there's no way do ask online. We all need unemployment checks to get approved.

    submitted by /u/warhammerist
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    [Wisconsin] Major Paycut Due to COVID-19 But Same Hours

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    If the stimulus bill passes, the federal government will be supplimenting state unemployment benefits with am additional $600 per week. I am salaried employee and my employer recently cut my pay by 25% which means I would make the same or slightly more on unemployment. They claim they did this to provide employees with income but it looks like it would have been better for them to lay me off. I am still being expected to work full hours and even go into work when necessary while this paycut is in effect. My workplace even had a COVID-19 case on 3/25 and was closed the rest of the week for cleaning. I assume this is legal but is there anything I can do in this situation? I don't feel like we are being treated fairly. Would I be eligible for reduced unemployment?

    submitted by /u/packlueder
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    Taking call while unemployed? Legal

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have been placed on unpaid temporary leave of absence due to coronavirus. I work in the medical field (Minnesota) and part of my work responsibilities are to take call for patients during the week and after hours.

    My employee is having us continue to take call, unpaid, through this time. I am no longer receiving benefits through the company unless I pay for them myself or use my accumulated PTO. Anyone know the legality of having me continue to perform some duties of my job without receiving pay.

    I should note that I am not explicitly paid for being on call while I am normally employed, I work off production, but call is required as part of my job. Thanks for any input or experience you may have. During this time period we only have a few offices open, so even if a patient has a problem I wont get to treat them to make any money. I do have to spend time looking up patients charts, possibly calling in prescriptions, and feel I would still be legally responsible for any issues that may arise but am not being compensated at all.

    submitted by /u/joma975311
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    Mother claiming me as dependent when she doesn’t support me. I’m 24, and have a job and apartment I pay for.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    I don't live with my mother, and I make my own money. She wants to claim me because she pays my health insurance and would have to pay back 18,000 if she doesn't. Is this legal? I now won't get my tax return or government stimulus.

    submitted by /u/judedward
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    (ON) My company refuses to close down even though they are non-essential. Do I have to use my vacation time?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Hi. My company refuses to shut down because they are a transportation service, and transportation is on the essential services list for Ontario. However, it is a school bus company, and I train people to get their B license. The descriptions under transportation on the essential services list doesn't describe my job at all, so I am non-essential. I work closely with a lot of people, and I don't feel safe going into work now. So yesterday and today I used my vacation time to not have to go to work. I plan on reporting my company for this (not sure who I'm supposed to report it to though), but since the company was supposed to close down on Tuesday, will I get today and yesterday back as vacation time? Also, my company is making us all leave an hour early everyday, but we have to take that hour out of our vacation time. Is that legal?

    Thank you for the advice!

    submitted by /u/mybossisterrible
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    Do I have to move out? (California)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I am under quarantine in Colorado currently, where I was when the orders took effect, so not occupying my house.

    It is rent controlled.

    I had a verbal agreement with my roommate to sublet a room, which I've done for the last 5 months. I paid utilities and rent on Venmo and have letters addressed to me at that residence.

    She broke her lease in subletting to me, and it is up April 1st.

    The landlord asked us both to leave on the 15th. He only spoke to her. I haven't received anything in writing.

    If I am under her lease, and her lease is up on the 1st, does he have to go through eviction proceedings? Which are on hold for 6 months?

    I was just tested for CV19 as I have worrying symptoms.

    Tl;dr Can he throw my stuff out on the street? How long does he have to give me notice? I know it has to be in writing. Do I have to give him my new address? Can I just not pay rent since I don't have a standing agreement?

    submitted by /u/BetweenOceans
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    Is my land lord trying to scam me? (Tx)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Yesterday I received a phone call from the receptionist at my complex saying they messed up my deposit and accidentally applied my deposit to my rent and now I must resign a new lease saying that my deposit is now about 10 dollars less. They then sent me a new lease to sign.

    I asked over email for them to better explain the situation before I sign anything (written below).

    "During our recent audit we discovered that your security deposit of $200 was paid to us at move in, but applied to your rent ledger rather than your deposit escrow account. Due to this error, what you paid say as a credit on your account and eventually was used towards your rent after your move in by no mistake of your own. Now that this has been discovered, we need to correct it to match your lease. At this time, we are not asking for repayment and would simply like you to resign your lease documents showing $190 as your current security deposit on hand. If you would like us to show you when the this credit was used towards rent on your account, we can send you a copy of you account ledger with information." They then sent me my lease again.

    Now I might be young and a student but there are a few things that seem very off to me about this.

    I checked through my account on their site, my memos on my bank account, and the bill for rent they send to me through the mail. I've paid everything in full and I can't find any sign of a $200 dollar credit applied to my account. So I obviously asked for their proof. Also if it was applied to my account then it wouldn't it be optimal for me to simple pay the $200 instead of resigning the lease?

    submitted by /u/AlexaTesla
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    Probation "Extended" because of COVID-19

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have been on supervised probation in Tennessee for the last 12 months due to a simple possession charge for 3g of marijuana. My discharge date was set for March 25, 2020. My last Probation Officer check in meeting was scheduled for March 19, 2020. When I arrived their door was closed and there was a sign saying their offices are closed until April 6, 2020. They are telling me I have to check in with my PO on April 23, 2020. Almost a full month after my discharge date. They said they have issued warrants for everyone whose probation expired during the time their offices closed and are holding them until we show up to the next appointment, which is after our discharge date. All the terms of my probation have been completed per the court paperwork I signed.

    Are they allowed to extend my probation perpetually until their offices reopen? That's what I'm grasping is going on.

    submitted by /u/BowlOfKoolAid
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